I have a doctor appointment with a neurologist coming up soon, maybe he will give me some answers. Google search also led me here. I haven't smelled it yet today and it's nearly 9.00 AM, woke at 6 am. Nothing gets the smell away. I'm in Perth Western Australia, cheers..! Drink way more water ! The first site I came to was a research. Reading these posts tells me this is kinda commen. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Urinary tract infection: Bacteria in the urinary tract can cause an infection along with smelly urine. So the zinc and magnesium is not the answer. By day 5 I'm suicidal. It is recommended on the packet to use it daily as part of your daily hygiene. its exactly how you described it. I get this woody ham like smell every now and then. Hope it works for you as well. Hello Karbear..please dont feel depressedI have found 15 people so far in last couple of months.. we are here on facebook. I cant eat, or do anything! However, symptoms may vary among individuals. Other people say they smell nothing. vomiting of blood. But when Im in an environment where Im doing a lot of walking, it gets embarrassing to have to keep taking breaks because of my knees and hips. Dont we have a bizarre condition?! I hate Fibro!! Symptoms may also include lack of energy (fatigue), sleep problems, depression, headaches, and other problems. They include: Although some triggers for fibromyalgia are beyond a persons control, managing modifiable risk factors can help to prevent flare ups. Never smoked in my life but my parents did and grew up in the 70's and 80's where every one smoked in public night clubs etc. Maintaining proper nutrition will help boost energy levels and help avoid other health problems. Hi, Im been having chemical smell since 2020. I'm waiting to have these. Keep an eye on it. My doctor and I call it NOT because after all the testing thru a bevy of doctors we know what it's not but not what it is. I dont eat ham but the smell in urine started after I had ham. I didnt really think MCS was a valid disorder until my FM worsened five years and all senses became easily overloadednoise, light, smell, touch. What were the meds they gave you to kill the mold. Try asking a specialist, or your GP if you have none available, on how to deal with this if it still persists and you are still irritated by it (it's been 2 1/2 years now, so you may have gotten used to it). It is super embarrassing, I have to wear pantyliners all the time. Treatment plans will often combine medication and lifestyle changes. Hi I too have read about one of the signs of a brain tumour is a burning smell. I knew I smelt something that made me wanna weep!). yellow eyes or skin. Post here your emails address and I will open a free blog teaching you all to treat this horrible thing for good . I'm so sorry you are experiencing such an unpleasant symptom. The smell is affected because your body is expelling chemicals into your urine. I have this same problem. High alkaline causes cloudy urine. While techniques such as meditation or deep breathing may help manage stress, it is important that people with fibromyalgia do not avoid physical activity altogether. =) Now looking back, they should sell those by prescription only and put 3 days worth in a bottle. .. People look at me funny because it sounds so [silly] sometimes. I had to buy several bottles (expensive!!!) Fibromuscular dysplasia appears most commonly in the arteries leading to the kidneys and brain. I told him it was hypersensery overload. This symptom causes you to feel as if you have to urinate constantly, and can result in you having to visit the washroom several times a day. Infection. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about which foods to limit or prioritize to manage fibromyalgia here. restless legs syndrome - a tingling, uncomfortable feeling in your legs, especially at night. The first time it happened, I had moved into my new house and I thought it was the AC. Im afraid to ask downstairs neighbors because if they arent always making coffee id have to face it is my imagination and that scares me. Smelling weird smell is driving me nuts. I hate this smell. I'm in my late 40's, i was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in my early 20's and just recently [last 6 years] it panned out that i have KleinFelters syndrome, and need to have regular [every 10 weeks] Reandron 1000 injections. I have not come up with any solutions. With me things don't taste like they should either. Fibromyalgia is a condition that can be managed, and people with the disorder can live a full life. Like, genuinely painful. . Nine possible causes of fibromyalgia to discuss with your doctor Lorna explains that she has three ongoing issues that she attributes to fibromyalgia, but can find no online information about any connection between them despite talking to other fibromyalgia patients who also have the same symptoms. But I hope it's not a brain tumor! We are having a heat wave, a new record of over 35 degrees Celcius and it's the 6th day in Western Australia for December..oh how i wish to see snow like you do on the Xmas cards for Xmas some time.!! In Columns, Tender Points - a Column by Christine Lynch. lotion, oil, candy, baked goods, everything is Rancid. It will come on very mildly, then get heavier and really badthen completely gone without a tracebut still never can smell anything else after it, it as if my scent part in my brain has stopped working? It happened inside the house, outside and in hot or cold weather. Too late. No patterns yet. I'll make it short and sweet. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. No! Also you have brain fog, joint and body pain. It is interesting that all of us describe the odor as a "burnt" type of smell. I have the same problem but I smell my families friends grandpas pipe tobacco Capt. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional. I'm not a smoker, quit some 12 years ago, can't stand the smell from others. If you are on facebook. I have very similar experiences. It lasted for a few days and then went away so I thought nothing of it. I have since had surgery in 2006 and have been free and clear of all symptoms! Triggers for fibromyalgia vary from person to person. Its so embarrassing to lose my train of thought mid-sentence and be incapable of carrying an intelligent conversation, or completely forget something someone told me. The most annoying is that things such as petrol, rotten odors, smell of sweat, some organic chemicals, boiled meat etc. Women are twice as likely to have fibromyalgia as men. People stare and it makes me incredibly self-conscious. I was making dinner for my Hubby and it had a few different spice's in it. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. About the trick of smelling inside your shirt, I have resourced to that too. Psychotherapy can also help someone with fibromyalgia help understand and deal with their thoughts and feelings. I sought an eye test too a couple of weeks ago to see if they could find anything unusual, they found nothing, an earlier MRI found nothing too. I have severe chronic migraines as well, and the light/sound is extremely sensitive, but the smells OMG, they can knock me over, especially strong perfumes. Children can have fibromyalgia, but it is more common in older adults. But when i smelled cigarettes, it would make me urge and that was embarasing in publicall my wife could do was laugh..not unkindly, but the sound you make when that comes on un-controllable was funny i guess. The smell came back about a month later and I went to my GP. Its shocking to them and almost impossible to explain. I hope you find the solution to your problem. Another fact is that each passing year, we are losing our ability to smell and to organize the characteristics of the odor such as sour, sweet, spicy, etc. It is probably not your sports device. All rights reserved. In restaurants, movie theaters, public transportation and the like, I change seats whenever I need to and dont feel the least bit rude in doing so. ago. Urinary urgency is described as the urgent need to urinate. Hi. You're taking a sulfa drug so that means your urine does become more concentrated. I thought it was just me, had no idea it was because of the fibro! This was 6 months ago. I have also been having problems with my shoulder with a trapped nerve. Its various symptoms are closely linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Systemic Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. And it is ongoing.The odd part of this was that I could only smell it in my bedroom and not in any other room in the house. on hospitals and ENT and no one helped. It doesn't work at all, what a waste of money.! Good luck! I have just had a MRI on my brain (i also get a headache) and sinuses. Preventing a flare from developing in the first place is less complicated than treating a flare. Fibromyalgia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. More information 7 Reasons Your Urine Smells Funny More like this Fibromyalgia Syndrome Fibromyalgia Pain Chronic Migraines I sure hope not! I try to warn the people I work with on a bad pain day, that if I burst out crying or seem irritated its not them, its the pain. Trish G. The most embarrassing symptom of mine is the sudden shooting pains causing me to automatically change expressions and stop whatever Im doing, whether Im at work or with family. However, changes in brain chemical levels and central nervous system function may play a role. I have also been suffering from this same issue for about 2 years now, I believe it to be due to me having a mouth infection I also have thrush in my mouth due to the mouth infection and have been recommended to have a root canal performed, I find that when I eat dairy products the smell gets worse, sometimes when I have a big meal the smell disappears I can't seem to find a cure for this, I've tried so much medication for my mouth thrush but it still persists and have been putting off having a root canal being done as ive read a new study recently about the dangers were not told about root canals and the life threatening illness after having it done. Advertisement Maintaining good posture habits, stretching, and relaxation exercises may also help. I think I know what you are suffering from. Sometimes a combination of those 3 symptoms. She said if she breathed through a bedsheet or her shirt it helped. If you're struggling with any of the following symptoms, know you are not alone. I know your post is a few years old but I seem to have all these symptoms. Wet dog + shampoo, yeuk .I just can`t immagine what it must be like for you and having everything taste bad must be awful. On public radio once I heard an episode of "Radiolab" which discussed a different issue, but the "treatment" may be somewhat related. Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body. Similarly, whenever nearby offices were being painted, I would arrange to take vacation time not telling anyone that the smell of paint fumes was the reason. sounds like multi chemical sensitivity.it's a reaction to cumulative enviornmental chemical toxins. The exhaustion. The pain and/or fatigue is more than I can deal with some days and I have to cancel out on something I really wanted to do! Jan S. P. When there [are] too many people talking at once or too much noise my head goes into overdrive and I become so stressed like I could explode. These cookies do not store any personal information. Risk factors associated with urine odor are not due to the smell but . Candida overgrowth symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, sinus infections, recurring yeast infections, mild depression, joint pain, and much more. Muscle and joint stiffness. Wow. People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia. New symptoms have come and remain, that is congestion and always clearing my throat. A fried recommended an air quality test. 7. Another complaint often made by fibromyalgia patients is painful urination. maybe he/she can help you in some way. I've been to the ENT Doctor and he found nothing wrong. That is all that I smell. It is depressing and can drive you insane so don't buy it from your doctors or from these random brain washing lies doctors website saying it is something you smell that is not there because it is a BS ! Many people are wondering if we need a sixth shot. You can find even more stories on our Home page. And this overwhelming smoke smell is really a pain! People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia. Please email me at pennelldedra@yahoo.com if you are still have symptoms and need or want any help! told me to use them for a bad cold that I had that hung around for 2 weeks. Sleep hygiene practices that may help include going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and limiting napping during the day. People with fibromyalgia who quit work or stop exercising do not do as well as those that stay active. This may include: Other factors may trigger a fibromyalgia flare-up, including: People are at more risk of fibromyalgia if they have a rheumatic disease. He said he couldn't smell anything like what I described. The smells are very disturbing no one else can smell what I am smelling and it's MADDENING. Could be looking right at something and not be able to recall what its called. It built up slowly so I didnt notice until all I could smell was burning wood. Pregnancy and Motherhood with Fibromyalgia. worth a whirl, you could use lavender, or lemon both cleansing oils/scents. Sometimes I feel like I could go crazy too! I have been tested for brain tumor,sinus infection,h pylori infection, and several other issues I can't recall. Awful distracting. The individual symptoms differ from one person to another. This is the longest this smell has stayed with me and I can't stand it. Tagged fragrance-free, MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity, odor, smell. Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects the muscles, soft tissues and joints. I thought some smokers were outside and the odor was being carried in via the ventilation system. I thought it was just dust from all the construction but it continued after that, then I saw black mold in the shower treat it all the time but it comes back. I found this thread months ago when I first had the burning plastic/burning wood/old mould/charcoaly petrol smell. The back and leg pain. I've had this problem since father's day 2015. I often wonder if people notice just how much effort it takes me to do these things. Terri S. A. Also, a treatment that works for one person may not work for another. Fibromyalgia can also cause: forgetfulness or poor concentration. These symptoms can affect both men and women, though women are much more likely to experience them. Someone with fibromyalgia may sometimes experience clumsiness, dizzy spells, feeling too hot or cold, painful periods, restless legs syndrome, and numbness or tingling in hands and feet. Now toldI need an MRI.. I used them for 10 days of it and tried to give them up. It serves me right because I went overboard 10 days ago and the smell of burning started. My defense is to avoid odors in every way possible. I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. Or it is the association that is getting in there overwhelming you. But I stopped using if for a week and the odor has only gotten stronger. People think youre lazy, but my legs literally want to give out! Meena N. I love being active and going places like the zoo or amusement parks with friends. Brain cancer supposedly does that to the senses. I smelled it yesterday briefly a few times, but haven't since. Terms. Devin Starlanyl, M.D. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. The problem is you don't always recognize the signals your body is giving you. I often felt anxious and quite woozy. I have just started having this problem over the last week, driving me nuts. I can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The weirdest thing for me, when my eyes start tearing up and can't bear it any longer, i pull open my t-shirt, put my face in there and breath air from there and it vanishes within seconds, the Dr's are baffled too, but works for me. Recording these activities might highlight patterns of what triggers a flare. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. I will continue to research my symptoms and hopefully try some treatments. I have created a private group on facebook to research this issue together. Thank you fibromyalgia for taking my life away from me. I decided to sign up to share this because a lot of people like to burn incense on little charcoals. Ever since I moved to my condo I have have had lung issues. I too have Fibromyalgia and Asthma. The weirdest thing about all of this is what i'm about to tell you now.during this sensation of smelling these weird smells, when it gets un-bearable and tears are pouring out of my eyes, if i open the top of my T-shirt, bow down and put my face in there, the smell vanishes as soon as i breath inside the T-shirt. Buddhist temples where incense etc is burned and listed the types of damage including natal etc. Please join us on facebook.. there are about 20 other people suffering from same issue. It never ends. And is it still working? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Perhaps this is causing too much bacteria in my mouth but I have used this device in the past and that never happened. Almost near constant twitches, some of which are. I took vitamin Zinc and magnesium, one of the two was the cure, i'm not sure witch one did the trick so i suggest you take both. Nausea and vomiting along with pain and temperature may indicate a more complicated UTI, in which a kidney is infected. Could you be harbouring "low grade" infections? Hello, You are describing my life. I will go with my gut feeling and ride it through and hope like last time it will go away. Treating fibromyalgia flares can be tricky. It is because of these overlapping symptoms that fibromyalgia came to be categorized as a syndrome rather than a disease. . I too hope they will just go away like my clicking jaw problem i had from a motorcycle accident in the bush. I suffered for close to 17 years before coming across information about surgery known as "ablation of the olfactory mucosa" I had the procedure done in 2006 at the Cleveland Clinic! . I don't excercise, i watch my sugar and saturated fats intake, i am overweight but not obese [under 100 kg at 5'8" tall]. 7 Reasons Your Urine Smells Funny Fibromyalgia Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Illness Chronic Pain Abdominal Discomfort Abdominal Pain Home Remedies For Uti Pee Smell Cognitive Problems More information . It's a mystery! To view profiles and participate in discussions please. I live in an apartment building second floor. I don't smell the fancy perfume my wife wears either? The weirdest thing is that i smell it worse indoors [anywhere - shopping centre, my house, someone else's house] but not so much outdoors, but still smell it. I also once lost my sense of smell and researched some info about it- it seems you can "train" your brain/nose to smell again through practice, imagination, memory, and visualization. Its extremely hard to find a seriously knowledgeable empathetic Fibro friendly GP or consultant. I shower everyday but having a shower or bath doesn't seem to help this problem to go away even if you was to spend all day in the shower/bath as ive realised after having a shower the smell is still lingering around. Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. My tongue is like a sponge and it soaks up fluid inc. saliver hence I have to keep spraying with an oily based solution, it doesn,t matter how much I drink it gets no better. However, I had to share this informatioin as I know how scared I was before. I dont pollute yours. I was too terrified to eat myself because of diarrhea. I have had an issue with a woodyburning smell for many months, I had a nose op 7 years ago and have used a prescription nasal spray for allergic rhinitis but no longer feel a real need for it after the operation. 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