Risks stemming from nontechnical vulnerabilities are entirely overlooked in strategies and policies for identifying and remediating cyber vulnerabilities in DOD weapons systems. An attacker will attempt to take over a machine and wait for the legitimate user to VPN into the control system LAN and piggyback on the connection. 36 Defense Science Board, Task Force Report: Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat (Washington, DC: DOD, January 2013), available at . Nearly every production control system logs to a database on the control system LAN that is then mirrored into the business LAN. Troops have to increasingly worry about cyberattacks while still achieving their missions, so the DOD needs to make processes more flexible. Individual weapons platforms do not in reality operate in isolation from one another. Control is generally, but not always, limited to a single substation. Moreover, the process of identifying interdependent vulnerabilities should go beyond assessing technical vulnerabilities to take a risk management approach to drive prioritization given the scope and scale of networked systems. A surgical attacker needs a list of the point reference numbers in use and the information required to assign meaning to each of those numbers. L. No. In September, the White House released a new National Cyber Strategy based on four pillars: The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. Wireless access points that allow unauthorized connection to system components and networks present vulnerabilities. Managing Clandestine Military Capabilities in Peacetime Competition, International Security 44, no. Each control system vendor calls the database something different, but nearly every control system assigns each sensor, pump, breaker, etc., a unique number. Credibility lies at the crux of successful deterrence. Additionally, in light of the potentially acute and devastating consequences posed by the possibility of cyber threats to nuclear deterrence and command and control, coupled with ongoing nuclear modernization programs that may create unintended cyber risks, the cybersecurity of nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) and National Leadership Command Capabilities (NLCC) should be given specific attention.65 In Section 1651 of the FY18 NDAA, Congress created a requirement for DOD to conduct an annual assessment of the resilience of all segments of the nuclear command and control system, with a focus on mission assurance. 25 Libicki, Cyberspace in Peace and War, 4142; Jon R. Lindsay, Tipping the Scales: The Attribution Problem and the Feasibility of Deterrence Against Cyberattack, Journal of Cybersecurity 1, no. Cyber vulnerabilities in the private sector pose a serious threat to national security, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said., What we know from past experience is that information about U.S. weapons is sought after. 5 Keys to Success: Here's the DOD Cybersecurity Strategy The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. True Cyber Vulnerabilities to DoD Systems may include: All of the above DoD personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should: Report directly to your CI or Security Office Under DoDD 5240.06 Reportable Foreign Intelligence Contacts, Activities, Indicators and Behaviors; which of the following is not reportable? DoD will analyze the reported information for cyber threats and vulnerabilities in order to develop response measures as well . A person who is knowledgeable in process equipment, networks, operating systems and software applications can use these and other electronic means to gain access to the CS. Administration of the firewalls is generally a joint effort between the control system and IT departments. A person who is knowledgeable in process equipment, networks, operating systems and software applications can use these and other electronic means to gain access to the CS. Special vulnerabilities of AI systems. The use of software has expanded into all aspects of . MAD Security recently collaborated with Design Interactive, a cutting-edge research and software development company trying to enhance cybersecurity to prevent cyber attacks. The Department of Defense (DOD) strategic concept of defend forward and U.S. Cyber Commands concept of persistent engagement are largely directed toward this latter challenge. 6395, December 2020, 1796. 5 (2014), 977. By Mark Montgomery and Erica Borghard
Therefore, a fundamental issue is that both individual weapons programs already under development and fielded systems in the sustainment phase of the acquisition life cycle are beset by vulnerabilities. GAO Warns Of Cyber Security Vulnerabilities In Weapon Systems The purpose of the Cyber Awareness Challenge is to influence behavior, focusing on actions that authorized users can engage to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities to DoD Information Systems. Building dependable partnerships with private-sector entities who are vital to helping support military operations. An attacker that wants to be surgical needs the specifics in order to be effective. 2. Leading Edge: Combat Systems Engineering & Integration, (Dahlgren, VA: NAVSEA Warfare Centers, February 2013), 9; Aegis, https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/Display-FactFiles/Article/2166739/aegis-weapon-system/. (Sood A.K. Cybersecurity Personnel who secure, defend, and preserve data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems by ensuring appropriate security controls and measures are in place, and taking internal defense actions. The vulnerability is due to a lack of proper input validation of . Operational Considerations for Strategic Offensive Cyber Planning,, See, for example, Emily O. Goldman and Michael Warner, Why a Digital Pearl Harbor Makes Sense . Dr. Erica Borghard is a Resident Senior Fellow in the New American Engagement Initiative, ScowcroftCenter for Strategy and Security, at the Atlantic Council. See, for example, Martin C. Libicki, (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2013); Brendan Rittenhouse Green and Austin Long, Conceal or Reveal? large versionFigure 4: Control System as DMZ. Controller units connect to the process devices and sensors to gather status data and provide operational control of the devices. 3 (2017), 454455. Past congressional action has spurred some important progress on this issue. 1636, available at . Hall, eds.. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994), for a more extensive list of success criteria. Therefore, while technologically advanced U.S. military capabilities form the bedrock of its military advantage, they also create cyber vulnerabilities that adversaries can and will undoubtedly use to their strategic advantage. 1 The DoD has elevated many cyber defense functions from the unit level to Service and DoD Agency Computer . This paper presents a high-level, unclassified overview of threats and vulnerabilities surrounding the U.S. Navy's network systems and operations in cyberspace. . Defense contractors are not exempt from such cybersecurity threats. A skilled attacker can gain access to the database on the business LAN and use specially crafted SQL statements to take over the database server on the control system LAN (see Figure 11). For instance, it did not call for programs to include cyberattack survivability as a key performance parameter.52 These types of requirements are typically established early in the acquisitions process and drive subsequent system design decisionmaking. For example, as a complement to institutionalizing a continuous process for DOD to assess the cyber vulnerabilities of weapons systems, the department could formalize a capacity for continuously seeking out and remediating cyber threats across the entire enterprise. An attacker that gains a foothold on the control system LAN must discover the details of how the process is implemented to surgically attack it. See, for example, Eric Heginbotham et al., The U.S.-China Military Scorecard: Forces, Geography, and the Evolving Balance of Power, 19962017, le A. Flournoy, How to Prevent a War in Asia,, June 18, 2020; Christopher Layne, Coming Storms: The Return of Great-Power War,, Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, (Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, February 13, 2018), available at, National Security Strategy of the United States of America, (Washington, DC: The White House, December 2017), 27, available at <, https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/NSS-Final-12-18-2017-0905.pdf, Daniel R. Coats, Annual Threat Assessment Opening Statement, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 29, 2019, available at <, https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/Newsroom/Testimonies/2019-01-29-ATA-Opening-Statement_Final.pdf. large versionFigure 9: IT Controlled Communication Gear. But our competitors including terrorists, criminals, and foreign adversaries such as Russia and China - are also using cyber to try to steal our technology, disrupt our economy and government processes, and threaten critical infrastructure. See the Cyberspace Solarium Commissions recent report, available at . The business LAN is protected from the Internet by a firewall and the control system LAN is protected from the business LAN by a separate firewall. 2 The United States has long maintained strategic ambiguity about how to define what constitutes a use of force in any domain, including cyberspace, and has taken a more flexible stance in terms of the difference between a use of force and armed attack as defined in the United Nations charter. Deterrence postures that rely on the credible, reliable, and effective threat to employ conventional or nuclear capabilities could be undermined through adversary cyber operations. Hackers are becoming more and more daring in their tactics and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to remain at least one step ahead at all times. By Continuing to use this site, you are consenting to the use of cookies. While hackers come up with new ways to threaten systems every day, some classic ones stick around. A telematics system is tightly integrated with other systems in a vehicle and provides a number of functions for the user. In a typical large-scale production system utilizing SCADA or Distributed Control System (DCS) configuration there are many computer, controller and network communications components integrated to provide the operational needs of the system. Relatedly, adversary campaigns to conduct cyber-enabled intellectual property theft against the U.S. military and the defense industrial base are also a concern because they continue to cause staggering losses of national security information and intellectual property. Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Attn: Ms. Kimberly Ziegler, OUSD(A&S)DPC(DARS), 3060 . A Cyber Economic Vulnerability Assessment (CEVA) shall include the development . To understand the vulnerabilities associated with control systems (CS), you must first know all of the possible communications paths into and out of the CS. Because many application security tools require manual configuration, this process can be rife with errors and take considerable . systems. Cyber Vulnerabilities to DoD Systems may include: All of the above DoD personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should: Report directly to your CI or Security Office Under DoDD 5240.06 Reportable Foreign Intelligence Contacts, Activities, Indicators and Behaviors; which of the following is not reportable? Imagine you were to assess the risk associated with a cyber attack compromising a particular operating system. The most common means of vendor support used to be through a dial-up modem and PCAnywhere (see Figure 8). large versionFigure 14: Exporting the HMI screen. Streamlining public-private information-sharing. In addition to congressional action through the NDAA, DOD could take a number of steps to reinforce legislative efforts to improve the cybersecurity of key weapons systems and functions. 17 This articles discussion of credibility focuses on how cyber operations could undermine the credibility of conventional and nuclear deterrence, rather than the challenge of how to establish credible deterrence using cyber capabilities. Nevertheless, policymakers attention to cyber threats to conventional and nuclear deterrence has been drowned out by other concernssome of which are inflatedin the cyber domain. Capabilities are going to be more diverse and adaptable. A Senate report accompanying the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 included a provision for GAO to review DOD's implementation of cybersecurity for weapon systems in development. For instance, former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer described naval and industry partner systems as being under cyber siege by Chinese hackers.42 Yet of most concern is that the integrity and credibility of deterrence will be compromised by the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of weapons systems. This is why the commission recommends that DOD develop and designate a force structure element to serve as a threat-hunting capability across the entire DOD Information Network (DODIN), thus covering the full range of nonnuclear to nuclear force employment. They generally accept any properly formatted command. U.S. strategy has simultaneously focused on the longstanding challenge of deterring significant cyberattacks that would cause loss of life, sustained disruption of essential functions and services, or critical economic impactsthose activities that may cross the threshold constituting a use of force or armed attack. Prioritizing Weapon System Cybersecurity in a Post-Pandemic Defense Department May 13, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic illustrates the extraordinary impact that invisible vulnerabilitiesif unmitigated and exploitedcan have on both the Department of Defense (DOD) and on national security more broadly. The commission proposed Congress amend Section 1647 of the FY16 NDAA (which, as noted, was amended in the FY20 NDAA) to include a requirement for DOD to annually assess major weapons systems vulnerabilities. And, if deterrence fails, cyber operations to disrupt or degrade the functioning of kinetic weapons systems could compromise mission assurance during crises and conflicts. Inevitably, there is an inherent tension between Congresss efforts to act in an oversight capacity and create additional requirements for DOD, and the latters desire for greater autonomy. While the Pentagon report has yet to be released, a scathing report on Defense Department weapons systems [2] published early this October by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) [] Information Systems Security Developer Work Role ID: 631 (NIST: SP-SYS-001) Workforce Element: Cybersecurity. 51 Office of Inspector General, Progress and Challenges in Securing the Nations Cyberspace (Washington, DC: Department of Homeland Security, July 2004), 136, available at . Art, To What Ends Military Power?, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace,. 29 Borghard and Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion; Brandon Valeriano, Benjamin Jensen, and Ryan C. Maness, Cyber Strategy: The Evolving Character of Power and Coercion (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018); An Interview with Paul M. Nakasone, 4. 66 HASC, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, H.R. 6. large versionFigure 12: Peer utility links. Course Library: Common Cyber Threat Indicators and Countermeasures Page 8 Removable Media The Threat Removable media is any type of storage device that can be added to and removed from a computer while the system is running.Adversaries may use removable media to gain access to your system. The cyber vulnerabilities that exist across conventional and nuclear weapons platforms pose meaningful risks to deterrence.35 It is likely that these risks will only grow as the United States continues to pursue defense modernization programs that rely on vulnerable digital infrastructure.36 These vulnerabilities present across four categories, each of which poses unique concerns: technical vulnerabilities in weapons programs already under development as well as fielded systems, technical vulnerabilities at the systemic level across networked platforms (system-of-systems vulnerabilities), supply chain vulnerabilities and the acquisitions process, and nontechnical vulnerabilities stemming from information operations. warnings were so common that operators were desensitized to them.46 Existing testing programs are simply too limited to enable DOD to have a complete understanding of weapons system vulnerabilities, which is compounded by a shortage of skilled penetration testers.47. Moreover, the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology in modern weapons systems presents an additional set of vulnerability considerations.39 Indeed, a 2019 DOD Inspector General report found that DOD purchases and uses COTS technologies with known cybersecurity vulnerabilities and that, because of this, adversaries could exploit known cybersecurity vulnerabilities that exist in COTS items.40. The types of data include data from the following sources: the data acquisition server, operator control interactions, alarms and events, and calculated and generated from other sources. 3 (January 2017), 45. Some key works include Kenneth N. Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: More May Be Better, Adelphi Papers 171 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1981); Lawrence D. Freedman and Jeffrey Michaels, The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (London: Macmillan, 1989); Robert Powell, Nuclear Deterrence Theory: The Search for Credibility (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Richard K. Betts, Nuclear Blackmail and Nuclear Balance (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1987); Bernard Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015); Schelling, Arms and Influence. 39 Robert Koch and Mario Golling, Weapons Systems and Cyber SecurityA Challenging Union, in 2016 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, ed. For example, there is no permanent process to periodically assess the vulnerability of fielded systems, despite the fact that the threat environment is dynamic and vulnerabilities are not constant. Items denoted by a * are CORE KSATs for every Work Role, while other CORE KSATs vary by Work Role. 13 Nye, Deterrence and Dissuasion, 5455. Such devices should contain software designed to both notify and protect systems in case of an attack. Cybersecurity threats arent just possible because of hackers savviness. Early this year, a criminal ring dubbed Carbanak cyber gang was discovered by the experts at Kaspersky Lab, the hackers have swiped over $1 Billion from banks worldwide The financial damage to the world economy due to cybercrime exceed 575 billion dollars, the figures are disconcerting if we consider that are greater than the GDP of many countries. Recognizing the interdependence among cyber, conventional, and nuclear domains, U.S. policymakers must prioritize efforts to reduce the cyber vulnerabilities of conventional and nuclear capabilities and ensure they are resilient to adversary action in cyberspace. Its worth noting, however, that ransomware insurance can have certain limitations contractors should be aware of. 1 Build a more lethal. Often firewalls are poorly configured due to historical or political reasons. . The Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. To understand the vulnerabilities associated with control systems you must know the types of communications and operations associated with the control system as well as have an understanding of the how attackers are using the system vulnerabilities to their advantage. In the FY21 NDAA, Congress incorporated elements of this recommendation, directing the Secretary of Defense to institutionalize a recurring process for cybersecurity vulnerability assessments that take[s] into account upgrades or other modifications to systems and changes in the threat landscape.61 Importantly, Congress recommended that DOD assign a senior official responsibilities for overseeing and managing this processa critical step given the decentralization of oversight detailed hereinthus clarifying the National Security Agencys Cybersecurity Directorates role in supporting this program.62 In a different section of the FY21 NDAA, Congress updated language describing the Principal Cyber Advisors role within DOD as the coordinating authority for cybersecurity issues relating to the defense industrial base, with specific responsibility to synchronize, harmonize, de-conflict, and coordinate all policies and programs germane to defense industrial base cybersecurity, including acquisitions and contract enforcement on matters pertaining to cybersecurity.63. This page contains a web-friendly version of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's Binding Operational Directive 19-02, "Vulnerability Remediation Requirements for Internet-Accessible Systems". The target must believe that the deterring state has both the capabilities to inflict the threatening costs and the resolve to carry out a threat.14 A deterring state must therefore develop mechanisms for signaling credibility to the target.15 Much of the Cold War deterrence literature focused on the question of how to convey resolve, primarily because the threat to use nuclear weaponsparticularly in support of extended deterrence guarantees to allieslacks inherent credibility given the extraordinarily high consequences of nuclear weapons employment in comparison to any political objective.16 This raises questions about decisionmakers willingness to follow through on a nuclear threat. 10 Lawrence Freedman, Deterrence (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2004), 26. The literature on nuclear deterrence theory is extensive. See James D. Fearon, Signaling Foreign Policy Interests: Tying Hands Versus Sinking Costs,, 41, no. Ibid., 25. On October 9th, 2018, the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report to the Senate that details the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of the Department of Defense's (DOD) weapon systems. Around 68% of companies have been said to experience at least one endpoint attack that compromised their data or infrastructure. 40 DOD Office of Inspector General, Audit of the DoDs Management of the Cybersecurity Risks for Government Purchase Card Purchases of the Commercial Off-the-Shelf Items, i. Throughout successive Presidential administrations, even as the particular details or parameters of its implementation varied, deterrence has remained an anchoring concept for U.S. strategy.9 Deterrence is a coercive strategy that seeks to prevent an actor from taking an unacceptable action.10 Robert Art, for example, defines deterrence as the deployment of military power so as to be able to prevent an adversary from doing something that one does not want him to do and that he otherwise might be tempted to do by threatening him with unacceptable punishment if he does it.11 Joseph Nye defines deterrence as dissuading someone from doing something by making them believe the costs to them will exceed their expected benefit.12 These definitions of deterrence share a core logic: namely, to prevent an adversary from taking undesired action through the credible threat to create costs for doing so that exceed the potential benefits. In the case of WannaCry, the ransomware possessed the ability to infect entire connected networks from the entry point of a single vulnerable computer meaning that one vulnerability was enough to paralyze the entire system. Prior to 2014, many of DODs cybersecurity efforts were devoted to protecting networks and information technology (IT) systems, rather than the cybersecurity of the weapons themselves.41 Protecting IT systems is important in its own right. More commercial technology will be integrated into current systems for maximum effectiveness in the ever-changing cybersphere. Rather, most modern weapons systems comprise a complex set of systemssystems of systems that entail operat[ing] multiple platforms and systems in a collaborate manner to perform military missions.48 An example is the Aegis weapon system, which contains a variety of integrated subsystems, including detection, command and control, targeting, and kinetic capabilities.49 Therefore, vulnerability assessments that focus on individual platforms are unable to identify potential vulnerabilities that may arise when these capabilities interact or work together as part of a broader, networked platform. The operator will see a "voodoo mouse" clicking around on the screen unless the attacker blanks the screen. Prior to the 2018 strategy, defending its networks had been DODs primary focus; see The DOD Cyber Strategy (Washington, DC: DOD, April 2015), available at . The HMI provides graphical displays for presentation of status of devices, alarms and events, system health, and other information relevant to the system. Information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons or their agents or international terrorist organizations. Enhancing endpoint security (meaning on devices such as desktops, laptops, mobile devices, etc), is another top priority when enhancing DOD cybersecurity. The strategic consequences of the weakening of U.S. warfighting capabilities that support conventionaland, even more so, nucleardeterrence are acute. Telematics should therefore be considered a high-risk domain for systemic vulnerabilities. , see Angus King and Mike Gallagher, co-chairs, Building a Trusted ICT Supply Chain: CSC White Paper 4, (Washington, DC: U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission, October 2020), available at <, https://www.solarium.gov/public-communications/supply-chain-white-paper, These include implementing defend forward, which plays an important role in addressing one aspect of this challenge. Ransomware attacks can have devastating consequences. Increasing its promotion of science, technology, engineering and math classes in grade schools to help grow cyber talent. Much of the information contained in the Advisories, Alerts, and MARs listed below is the result of analytic efforts between CISA, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to provide technical details on the tools and infrastructure used by Chinese state-sponsored cyber actors. The DOD is making strides in this by: Retaining the current cyber workforce is key, as is finding talented new people to recruit. Contact us today to set up your cyber protection. Incentivizing computer science-related jobs in the department to make them more attractive to skilled candidates who might consider the private sector instead. George Perkovich and Ariel E. Levite (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017), 147157; and Justin Sherman, How the U.S. Can Prevent the Next Cyber 9/11,, https://www.wired.com/story/how-the-us-can-prevent-the-next-cyber-911/. Until recently, DODs main acquisitions requirements policy did not systematically address cybersecurity concerns. 60 House Armed Services Committee (HASC), National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, H.R. Note that in the case above, Cyber vulnerabilities to dod systems may include All of the above Options. , Adelphi Papers 171 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies. 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