Thank you for your interest in the Better Nights, Better Days During COVID-19 online program!

Sleep is particularly important during stressful times. Our research is focused on seeing how helpful the Better Nights, Better Days online program is in improving children (and their parents) sleep during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The research study is for Canadian parents of children aged 1-10 years old who are experiencing trouble falling and staying asleep at night.

The Better Nights, Better Days online program consists of five sessions. Each session will take about one hour to review and then you will have 1-2 weeks to use the recommended strategies with your child. The online sessions can be viewed at a time that is convenient for you.

If you wish to participate in this research study, please leave your email below and you will receive an immediate email with a link to confirm your eligibility and provide informed consent to participate. We will only use the email address you provide below to send you this link.