If you don't see the option to convert the channel, reach out to an owner or admin for help. If you’d like a member of our support team to respond to you, please send a note to feedback@slack.com. Note: On the Plus and Enterprise Grid plans, owners and admins with permission can convert channels to private with channel management tools. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Channels can be organized by team, project, or whatever else is relevant to you. let separate organizations work together in a single channel, each from their own Slack workspace.
Click Change to Private to confirm. All channels in a workspace should follow established, Transparency matters, so most conversations should happen in public channels so that they’re searchable by all members.

From your desktop, open the channel you'd like to make private. If they like, workspace owners and org owners can. Whoops! Once you’ve converted a channel to private, you cannot make it public again. This type of channel is best for discussions that shouldn't be open to everyone. Be more productive.

Multi-workspace channels.

From channels to search, learn how Slack works from top to bottom. Only the admin can add members. If they'd like, Workspace Owners and Org Owners can. Also, a private channel is not visible to other members of the workspace, except those that are added to the channel. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.

Sorry about that! If they'd like, Workspace Owners and Org Owners can limit private channel creation and conversion to only owners.

This, Only Workspace Owners/Admins and Org Owners/Admins can convert a channel to private, and they may need to be a. will only be converted in the workspace that makes the change. This article didn’t answer my questions or solve my problem, I found this article confusing or difficult to read. Only those who are invited can view the channel or find its contents in search. Workspace Owners can change this permission and limit channel creation to certain roles. This, Only workspace owners/admins and org owners/admins can convert a channel to private, and they may need to be a. will only be converted in the workspace that makes the change. Organizations can choose if they’d like a shared channel to be public or private for their workspace. Please try again later! Note: On the Plus and Enterprise Grid subscriptions, owners and admins with permission can convert channels to private with channel management tools. If you’d like a member of our support team to respond to you, please send a note to feedback@slack.com. They're for discussions that shouldn’t be open to all members, so you must be invited to join one to view it in Slack.
© Copyright 2020 Slack Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. If you don't see the option to convert the channel, get in touch with an owner or admin for help. What did you find most unhelpful? Selecting a different region will change the language and content of slack.com. From your desktop, open the channel that you want to make private. Please try again later! Depending on your workspace settings, the accepted invitation may.

Once you’ve converted a channel to private, you cannot make it public again.

© Copyright 2020 Slack Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Once you’ve converted a channel to private, you cannot make it public again. Guidelines Once you’ve converted a channel to private, you cannot make it public again. We're having trouble. If a channel's conversation is better suited for a closed audience, it can be converted to private. Oops! Read on to learn all about how to create, join, and use channels to collaborate with your teammates.

What did you find most unhelpful? Sorry about that!