Goats Need Essential Nutrition, Always Without it, a goat WILL get sick and have problems. As we discover new bloodlines that meet our criteria and collect their DNA Samples we then add them to our list. Both needed to support and build muscle mass. He was bred to a herd of Spanish goats brought to Muddy Run in 1996 from a doctor who was retiring in southwest Virginia. The goats were tested for parasites and found to have an almost non-existent parasite load. They are very healthy and growing well. In 1991, Zona Koy Hunt purchased 20 Spanish nannies. Good, attentive mom. Zebedee - ram lamb born 2/11/22 out of Rachel. Daniel - ram lamb born 3/6/22. Does are given shelter at kidding time, but usually take refuge in the shelter of the oaks. Spanish goats have a distinct gate and body posture. Some of them are 1/4 Conway or less. She grew her herd, adding a Spanish billy here and there to avoid inbreeding, and maintained a tight cull. Farmers were used to wandering livestock, and if someone elses livestock was grazing on your land it was fine. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. The phenotype is a longer, deeper body withheavier bone structure. The hope of Spanish Goats, LLC is that, the Bloodline continues to be an option for meat producers and the Certified Breeders continue in. However, the following list of goats are represented by DNA Sampling in our Genetic Database. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. In this breeding, we crossed the Valera and Baylis bloodline. Located on the Cumberland Plateau in NE Tennessee, our goats eat well in thick vegetation these mountain have to offer. Spanish Goats often have multiple births in the form of twins, triplets, and occasionally quadruplets. Egg color varies from light to dark brown. We put the bucks in with the does in September and have doe kids for sale as early as June/July. As they bred back to the nannies, the Syfan influence was diluted. We are also selectively breeding Spanish and Kiko crosses. "Chester" a large bodied, classic type, high luster ram prospect for your purebred line. They use run-in barns for shelter, and their hooves are checked twice per year, but usually only need trimming once per year. Important traits also include adaptability, range utility, fertility, longevity, and temperament; although these are more difficult to measure and describe. The goats forage extensively on brush and Live Oak leaves, but the Papes supplement their feed with round bales of Sudan hay, protein blocks, cotton seed, corn, and grain cubes, which are a composite of pressed grain. The Kensings do not interfere at kidding time, and if a weak kid cannot make it through with normal care, it is left to its fate. Most of their goats are brown or dark tan with a black line down the back. His biggest bucks?backs were waist-high, and Bode enjoys a height of nearly six feet. A new venture, the production of Montana-hardy meat goats with a cashmere byproduct was the original business objective. $450. The mission is two fold: we recognize the need to clean up the gene pool, and we do not want to penalize hardworking and committed breeders who are trying to do right by the breed. They were Kensings first goats. ?Once bred, the does are back to the brush, and resume their roles.Every year, each goat is reassessed, and bred again using the same formula. The Kensings?ranch features gently-rolling hills and great expanses of oak trees. They live on 5600 acres in the Hill Country of Texas. At the time of marking kids in July, dry nannies are sold. Here are the breed conformation guidelines for Spanish Goats put forward by The Livestock Conservancy. Ewes typically deliver twins and show excellent maternal qualities. Lines include: Sutliff Belties, Goose Creek, Klover Korners and Big Creek. Both parents are registered with AGA and A2/A2. His family raised angoras, but when the mohair subsidy ended, Bradshaw, then a young man heading-up the ranch, switched courses and began to raise Spanish meat goats. He likes large-framed and heavy-boned goats that show no signs of frailty. ensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. Where Baylis lived, closer to the river, there were hardwoods as well as pines, and the goats foraged on Yaupon bushes and Bluestem grass. The Baylis are somewhat smaller and deep chested. Misty, Musketeer and Max were born at the farm in 2008, 2011 and 2012. Browse the listings below for animals, products and services for sale. Shurley had raised Spanish goats for many years, running up to 2,000 head at one time, but got interested in Boers in the early 1990s and crossed his Spanish goats with Boers. Caring For The Spanish Goat 1. Two big, beautiful bucks from a Sonora breeder (no longer in the business), and some bucks from Bill Brown (now deceased) in Menard. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. longer running the Sawyer Bloodline. They were moderately-sized, and were stocky and with classic Spanish heads and ears. 1 was here. Sheep are familiar with livestock guardian dogs and electric fences. Those were the days when Spanish goats were used as brush goats, and goat meat was just a by-product. The amounts of feed given depend on the kidding and pregnancies of the herd. They are on the Critically Endangered List with the Livestock Conservancy with very few breeders nationwide. Horns lacking twist can reveal swiss dairy breeding, smaller horns can reveal Boer, Nubian or Angora influences. Heres how it works:The goats, male and female, adults and kids, are divided into three groups according to quality (conformation, size, etc.). In 2007 losses due to predation still amounted to almost 20%. www.Oldgjerpenfarm.com Too request more information / pictures / or place a deposit, call 540-829-5683 or email oldgjerpenfarm@yahoo.com. However, it soon became evident that some good replacements were being overlooked. Muddy Run Farm is home to Suri and Furry llamas. The herds are continually rotated, with border collies to help.Syfan uses six livestock guardian dogs and four donkeys to protect the herds. They then brought back in the grandson of the original Spanish Valera buck. Most often Certified Spanish Goat Breeders wanting to continue DNA Registrations of their goats will select out these traits before DNA Registration. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. As Rosa is from Spain, they were attracted to Spanish goats and were interested in conserving a heritage breed. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). Edwin Sawyer credits Juan L Bonilla, Jr., and Preston Faris for the success of his group ofSawyer Bloodline genetics on his ranch. Peter and Rosa have endeavored to keep the more Spanish does to be bred to the bucks, maintaining the Spanish characteristics in the herd. Unfortunately, Preston Faris, Jane Sawyer-Davis, Edwin Sawyer, and Joe Preston Neely are nolonger running the Sawyer Bloodline. All of our pigs are registered with the AMBA and all intact piglets will come registered. Spanish are known for being parasite and disease resistant, promoting longevity. Holtz Farms Spanish Goats About Us DNA Certified Breeders in South Alabama Holtz Farms is a 105 acre farm located in Florala, AL and we raise Spanish goats for sale in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and beyond. August 2020. Shurley was struck by the structural soundness of the little goat, and made a deal to buy him on the spot. He was used last year to sire a number of goats with great success. They are smart, noisy and affectionate. By no means is this a complete list of all the available bloodlines of Spanish goats. Lindale, GA Insight Ranch (GoatCompanions.com) Chino, CA Glacial Drumlin Farm Helenville, WI BF Farm Huggins, MO Brightman Farm Princess Anne, MD Harvest Hills Dairy Goat Farm, LLC Wooster, OH How it Works As you add animals and products using our easy herd and store tools, we automatically advertise them nationally on the Goatzz marketplace. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. In a matter of days, the young start to play together, jumping and dancing in the pastures as the mother watch closely. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. Will be weaned, halter trained and ready to go in September. Theyre daring and fast, and seem to defy the abilities of any livestock guardian.In the early 2000s, the Papes lost almost 60% of their stock to predators, but every year that percentage lowers. The Barbados Blackbelly breed evolved in the Caribbeanto tolerate parasites, hot and humid weather and variable diet. History of Syfan herd by Tom Syfan, February 2008.Tom Syfan passed away on August 10, 2013. Weinheimer has tried to work every anti-coyote angle possible: government trappers, dogs, bait capsules, donkeys (who killed some kids themselves so they were booted off the ranch), llamas, you name it. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. Our next 2 doelings came from Diane Kull. The Highest Standards Ensure Integrity: Verification of Seed Stock. uncle and continued his commitment to the Sawyer Bloodline. The herd has not had any significant problem with hooves, which are kept trimmed and checked to avoid mud packing. The goats could forage at will, and move on as needed. Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in Central Virginias soil. He feels that it is at home in Texas.Syfan raises Spanish goats for meat, and pays attention to uniform conformation. At 5 months old, winner of his age group and 2nd place overall Leicester rams at 2021 Wisconsin Sheep and Wool. Coyotes have, in the past, killed one third of the population of the herd. 2 generations from NZ Ravenswood, 3 from UK Parson's Pride, and dam line doubles to AUS Ostler's Hill Chequers. Sometimes these other genetics will show up years later. When the goats?feed is supplemented, Kensing uses 20% protein grain cubes and shell corn. Alpine Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Nubian Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, American Lamancha Goats: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Boer Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Kiko Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Kalahari Red Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Cashmere Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Angora Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Golden Guernsey Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Black Bengal Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, 10 Simple Tips to Having a Clean Home All of the Time, 15 Best Radish Varieties to Grow in Your Garden, Large drooped ears with thick short horns Nubian or Boer Crosses, Short, upright, ears with long thick horns and no twist at the point Dairy Crosses, Lots of hair with droopy Nubian-like ears Angora Cross. Registered Barbados Blackbelly rams and ewes available. Had wavy, beautiful super white fleece at birth. Thats what the Spanish goats were foryou needed a small animal that you could eat before the meat went bad, because in the Kensings area, farms didnt have electricity until the late 1930s. They do not breed for meat, and prefer a brown coat to black.Morefield nannies grow to be about 90-110 lbs., the billies have grown up to 200 lbs but are usually around 175 lbs. Redrange Farm is located in New Salem, PA with a mission to preserve our agricultural legacy through heirloom produce, heritage breed livestock, and sustainable agriculture; thus preserving the land, air, water and biodiversity for future generations. Even his grandfather kept Spanish goats for the family table, and Bode loves goat meat barbecued, baked, and fried. Kensing would pay the price for excellent bucks$300 in the 1980s to bring bucks of excellent conformation into his herd. They are at risk for about four weeks normally issues will show up within this time frame. Visit our website for details about our breeding program. by Diane Kull Crunch a triplet male from Sky Sire is Samuel out of Dempsey Perkins line. Spanish are known for being parasite and disease resistant, promoting longevity. When Kensing left that farm, he brought away 15 does and one buck. Proven very healthy and ready for his own herd. Contact Karen at big-creek@msn.comor phone 319-389-9647. The family began to breed the goats to bring out their vigor and strength, developing a line that both breeders of Spanish goats and non-Spanish goats want to breed into their herds. Spanish goats are usually horned, and the horns on bucks may be large and twisted. Market weight is reached approximatelyat 16 weeks. I have some that I'm looking to sell. Use this link: BREEDER LIST. Has impressive horns. Swirl (left; female; SOLD) and Nutrageous (right; male) and their mom, Nestle Valera by Diane Kull This is Tillamok. The heifers were champion heifer and Blue-Carded at the 2018 & 2021 regional shows and reserve champion yearling heifer in 2019. Other primary selection traits are base width, depth of body, udders, testicle size, and the ability to travel long distances for food and water. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. He brought Spanish goats onto the family-run Weinheimer Ranch in the 1950s, and was a very progressive Spanish goat breeder for that timehe started selectively breeding them right away. He was bred to a herd of Spanish goats brought to Muddy Run in 1996 from a doctor who was retiring in southwest Virginia. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing.Their original Valera buck sired the herd from 1996 until its death in 2001. Despite the early color preference, primary criteria focuses on the needs of the ranch and profitability. Top Quality registered stock, pricing based on quality. Uno became the reference buck for what is now called the Devils River bloodline. After a few years, Smoke Ridge concentrated solely on meat production, with fertility, maternal abilities, and longevity heading the selection criteria.The Smoke Ridge herd resides in north-central Montana, at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Goats are very intelligent; they will eat what is essential to their individual needs. The commitment of all Fullblood Spanish goat breeders to stick with known origins and cull any signs of cross-breeding will ensure the genetic diversity and longevity of the Fullblood Spanish Goat Breed. We have named the bloodlines after the breeders, and are thankful to them for their many years of breed conservation. Only productive nannies are retained for breeding.The Herd is selected for black coloring due to the advantages of fewer cases of pink eye and less fly issues. Silver Rabbits for sale, both non-pedigreed for meat production and pedigreed for show, meat production or pets. We believed that word of mouth, customer satisfaction, and reputation were keyto our operation.. Bill also picked out one tough old, one eyed nanny goat who looked like a wise animal in an attempt to carry out the goat culture and acquired wisdom from living in the wild. Nanny kids are weaned about 5-6 months old depending on weather and available forage for the nursing mothers. However, as the President for the American Meat Goat Association, Shurley is able to stay well-informed on the studies and trends of meat goats in the United States. Each one of these ranches have purchased theiroriginal stock from the Foundation Sawyer Ranches and are dedicated to continuing to improveupon the fine genetics they started with. Named after the Concharty area of Oklahoma. Here is what Joe Preston has to say about his herd, We seldom have a Nannie thatdoes not have kids. Our breeds can be found on the Conservation Priority List (CPL), and are being monitored to ensure their survival. The goats drink well water due to an absence of natural streams in that area. Preston Faris also focused on eliminating the cow-hocked and flat ribbed genetics from. . When Wesley Sawyer passed away, his, nieces and nephew inherited the herd and the land. Most years produce a weaned kid crop of 130-150%. They also have some old goats that they keep for life at the farm: these older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid. Prices start at $300 for unregistered, weaned ram lambs and $375 for unregistered ewe lambs to $400 for registered sexually mature ewes and rams. Billies that remain intact are weaned at 3-4 months of age to prevent the inevitable, because aged nannies typically begin cycling 3 months post-partum. There is no dense tree coverage protecting the land, and a constant supply of young goats also means that when the eagles return to the area after migration, there are kids to be had. Sparkle is a daughter of Rickman's Sugar and a granddaughter of Chief Going Streak. Preston Faris was an extension agent in Sonora,Texas and spent the better part of the last 25 years or so working with all three SawyerRanches to select for the best possible genetics to retain each season and which goats to getrid of and send to slaughter. The nannies kid unassisted in the Spring, and usually have twins, although singles and triplets are not uncommon.The Morefields continue to work hard to conserve Fullblood Spanish goats with great cashmere.Story by Dian Morefield, May 2012. Peter and Rosa do hoof trimming approximately twice a year. The above description of the Koy Ranch Bloodline was written by Koy Adcock in 2009. Karakul Sheep are hardy and adaptable to a variety of climate conditions. The Karakul wool is well known among hand spinners because of its array of colors. And theyre still just as thick. At Redrange Farm we believe in regenerative, sustainable farming, leaving the smallest possible carbon footprint. Sells unregistered. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. Named after Dian and Glenn Morefield, Ohio. The terrain is hilly with limestone rock that would keep the goats?hooves in excellent condition naturally. They occasionally receive supplemental feeding to ease handling, and this has helped to keep the goats very gentle.Weinheimer deworms twice per year: right before the breeding season and when the kids are weaned.Predatation determines whether or not the billies are kept with the nannies year round. Foxes require a lot of interaction and care to maintain their socialization and ensure their happiness. This male and his sonwho looks exactly like the original Valera buck purchased in 1996have sired much of their present herd.Peter and Rosa have endeavored to keep the more Spanish does to be bred to the bucks, maintaining the Spanish characteristics in the herd. Other Valera goats in the area from Feltners herd have not been found, nor have the original Valeras in Texas, so Muddy Run goats contain a unique bloodline.History of the Muddy Run herd/Valera strain by Peter Schechter and Rosa Peuch, October 2008. Many of the goats are still somewhat feral: they will come to feed and be locked up at night but just try to touch one. They are good foragers with an active but not flighty temperament and are not aggressive with people. Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech of Muddy Run Farm have been breeding Spanish meat goats since 1995. If weather conditions through the growing season are normal, about 10% of the does will have triplets, most will have twins, and there will also be single births. The DNA Registry does not ensure the quality of the goat being Registered or the Breeder registering the goat. Bode can taste the difference between Boer meat and Spanish meat. Big Creek Farm has 2 yearling Belted Galloway bulls available, one dun and one black. He is a twin male from Godiva. Peter and Rosa researched the breed with the help of Virginia State University, who directed them to their first buck and two does from Irene Feltner, a retired Baltimore policewoman, in Stanardsville, VA. Feltner had brought the buck from Texas in 1991. They then brought back in the grandson of the original Spanish Valera buck. Evidence of Cross-Breeding:It is difficult to tell from photographs the origins of a goats genetics. Frazier Farms Exotics offers both red species fox kits and polar arctic kits for sale. The Baylis are somewhat smaller and deep chested. The goats are expected to be hardythere is no deworming, and natural forage is only supplemented when necessary by 20% protein blocks.Shurleys long-term goat-ranching strategy lies in developing a composite herd that includes a mix of Boer, Nubian, Kiko, and Spanish in the mix. Peter and Rosa researched the breed with the help of Virginia State University, who directed them to buying their first buck and two does from Irene Feltner in Stanardsville, VA. Feltner had brought the buck in from Texas in 1991, and the buck was from the Valera strain. Bred ewes can be arranged. The Papes enjoy a reputation for having great goats, and have shipped goats to breeders throughout the United States.The Papes do cull goats continually, but always for conformation, size, and udders, never for color. The BOS is required to become a listed breeder and to Verify and DNA Register goats. The following information is a very basic set of criteria we evaluate when verifying as Fullblood Spanish and making the determination to SGR DNA Register. When the shearers came, the crew would camp out on the ranch. The black coats are striking and accentuate the goats?good conformation. Price Varies based on quality, $50-$100 Address PLEASANT HILL 64080 State Missouri Phone Number 8162589007 Email Address brisheirloomurbanfarm@gmail.com Pineywoods Cattle for sale Most billy Kids are castrated and later sold at auction. Please contact Jim Carroll ~ 2549339349 orjcarroll3636@gmail.com, Haymont Freehold Farm, LLC ~ Fayetteville, NC ~ Verified Baylis Breeder ~ Anne Williams ~ has Two 1 year old proven sires and one 1 year old doe. Thankfully there are still a few isolated herds of Spanish goats running around in the Devils River area of Texas that arent being crossed with other breeds.Shurley would like to state that many of the long-time breeders of Spanish goats listed on this website served as an inspiration to him in his meat goat ventures over the years. C4 Livestock israising their Sawyers in one of the most challenging environmental conditions for any breed of goatand they are adapting well. In the 1960s a local resident living near the plantation stocked the island with Spanish goats and harvested a few for meat on occasion.Unable to cross the channel to the mainland, the Lowcountry goats ran feral and untended on the island for over 40 years, being secluded from the mainland. heavier bone structure. Some of the most prominent characteristics are: high frequency of pregnancies, great maternal instincts, hardiness, and essential good health. The Barbados Blackbelly breed evolved in the Caribbeanto tolerate parasites, hot and humid weather and variable diet. There are two basic criteria for the Fullblood Spanish Goat designation: 1) The actual bloodline(s) of the goat are not known, and/or 2) The bloodlines are known but more than two have been used and therefore the goat is designated as Fullblood Spanish Goat. The Spanish goats are now kept close to home and protected by one jenny per group. The Kensings had a friend out west who needed bucks, and that type of demand helped shape their breeding strategies. Predation is fought through Wildlife Services employees, private aerial services, observations in sign and livestock behavior, and diligence on the part of the rancher. Adriel - 2 year old ewe with scours. The availability of rocky surfaces in the area ensures that there is never any need for hoof trimming.Buyers of their Spanish goats usually want weaned kids that are 3050 lbs., and want them at different times of the year. Peter and Rosa have endeavored to keep the more Spanish does bred to the bucks, maintaining their Spanish characteristics. Prices vary from $300 for unregistered, weaned ram lambs ideal to raise for meat to $400 for registered, sexually mature rams, many of whom are proven sires. Our Spanish herd has never been mixed with any other breed, even Boer. Specializing in organic raising Spanish Goats of the Valera bloodline. Tom Syfan has raised Fullblood Spanish goats for many years. 2 yr Nanny and doe kid, 5 year old nanny and twin bucks, long yearling billy. The goats are used locally to help curtail the spread of weeds, including the noxious weeds Leafy Spurge, Spotted Knapweed, and Canada Thistle, and do brush reduction on nearby ranches, which benefits the community and provides extra forage for the herd. DOB 8-22-2017. Every legal means is used from the ground to the air.In early 2014 Bill Stallworth sold all of the livestock and leased the ranch to Michael Kissire. In the past three years hes caught 120 bobcats, 400 raccoons, and about 100 foxes, which not only benefits kid survival, but is also a fun and profitable hobby. They focused on deep, big boned billies and feminine nannies. Hogs and coyotes are the most detrimental predators in the area. The does weigh about 150 lbs at adulthood in good body condition. Syfan only supplements their feed in the winter months, at which time he puts out corn. The result of his attention to their coats led to an all-black Spanish herd with heavy cashmere. Doris Kensings favorite Spanish goats were always the ones that were kind of differentthe furry?ones. These suggestions are for your protection. Their horns tend to grow more straight back than outwards, but there is only slight horn variation within their herd. These bloodlines bring outstanding qualities: hardiness, ruggedness, and the ability to thrive in difficult environments. Bloodline Genetics:Listed Bloodlines have undergone a thorough investigation and evaluation of herd history, phenotype, and DNA sampling. Our herd of Spanish Goats are from the bloodlines of Smoke Ridge, Valera, Syfan and Baylis. What they don't have in height they makeup for in hardiness and parasite resistance. Medium crimp. Their original Valera buck sired the herd from 1996 until its death in 2001. 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