What does Stephen mean? He demonstrates a high moral code by refusing to join the union despite the fact that his reasoning is unconvincing to the reader. This episode is particularly important to understand not only the predicament of Stephen but also to scrutinise the Victorian laws of divorce and remarriage. Novelguide.com is the premier free source for literary analysis on the web. In practice, these scenes proved so popular (especially when they featured children dying for instance Nell in Little Nell and Jo the street sweeper in Bleak House) that fans would write Dickens letters asking for more of the same.In this novel, the honor falls to Stephen, who is set up for it almost from the very beginning (that's why he is introduced as a man of "perfect integrity"). She is the eldest of the Gradgrind children and the prize pupil of the educational system. However, he has been hesitant to do so because he knows that it would be very difficult for him to get custody of their children. Such insensitivity towards his mother is unbecoming and cannot be spared. At the end of the novel, she is discovered to be the mother of Mr. Josiah Bounderby. My [love] @supastar_tammy," the former athlete gushed as he shared on Instagram a picture with his new wife. Because he wanted to earn an honest living, he did not strike, but rather preferred to avoid striking. The character was portrayed by Justine Lupe in the Audience show Mr. Mercedes and by Cynthia Erivo in the HBO series The Outsider. Undoubtedly Stephen Blackpool is an afflicted character with ragged scars from life in Coketown. He knows how to succeed by looking after his own interests; he is all calculation and no heart. She tells him that his landlady had summoned her to care for the sick woman. Print. Further, one sees Stephen going to his employer to seek help with his marriage. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Dickens satirizes the Industrial Revolution as he likens the roaring furnace to Fairy Palaces and the factories to elephants from which belch forth the serpents of death-giving smoke. (Image: GETTY) However in February 2018, Stephen opened up to Celeb Now, Sissy is abandoned by her father who is a well-meaning circus performer. Bitzer absorbs all the lessons he is taught about hard practicality. But when Louisa comes to him in distress after the breakdown of her marriage to Bounderby, Gradgrind realizes the limitations of his philosophy of "hard facts." Stephen was a kind and hardworking man, but he was constantly being exploited by his employer, Mr. Bounderby. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Stephen tried to help her, but to no avail. He has been married nineteen years to a drunken wife and would like to divorce her, but Bounderby tells him he will not be able to afford a divorce. He died in 1854, but not before helping his friend, Rachael, escape from Mr. Bounderbys abusive marriage. Dickens shows the adverse effects of Utilitarianism on education as well as labour in Hard Times to critique this policy which focussed on the greatest happiness for the greatest number (Abrams 1839). Stephen is in love with result, he is cast out of the workers group. 22 April 2016. WebAce Bail Bonds. The disease is a later development and as a consequence of her extra-marital conjugal relations as it occurs a long time after Stephen has stopped having sexual relation with her and moreover, he is not afflicted with the same disease. Sleary is instrumental in arranging Tom Gradgrind's passage to Liverpool to escape the consequences of the bank robbery. He has been hoping that Betty will be able to overcome her alcoholism and that their marriage will eventually improve. Required fields are marked *. It is particularly significant to Christians , as it belonged to Saint Stephen ( Greek : Stphanos ), an early disciple and deacon who, according to the Book of Acts , was stoned to death; he is widely regarded as the first martyr (or " protomartyr ") of the Christian Church . These chapters present a picture of the struggles, the desperation, and the momentary joys of the working class. Entitled "Stephen Blackpool," "No Way Out," "The Old Woman," and "Rachael," they are chapters of character representation, of Dickens' philosophy, and of symbolism. Looking older than his age in his early forties as he had a hard life which was full of thorns (73), Stephens placid state of mind is time and again disrupted by the hide-and-seek game played by his adulteress wife. It is a difficult decision for Stephen, but he is finally ready to divorce Betty. He represents the rigor of "hard facts" and statistics. js photo studios. Stephen Blackpool represented the most abundant and least represented caste in industrial England, the lower class (also called the hands) in Charles Dickens' novel. Stephen was marriednineteen years before our story began. He marries Louisa Gradgrind (several decades his junior) and the marriage eventually ends unhappily. It is for this reason that he dealt with the marriage laws in his Household Words and advocated lenient laws so that not only women but also men could find an escape from an otherwise caged existence. In the process, he died, as a result of falling into a giant hole in the ground. Novelguide.com is continually in the process of adding more books to the website each week. He left his bride at the altar in 2015 due to dispute over a prenup. ), king of England from 1135 to 1154. During his absence from Coketown, he is wrongly accused of stealing Bounderbys bank. It is quite evident here, after analysing the characters of both, Stephen and Bounderby, that Dickens pleads more the case of Stephen as he is a real victim despite being honest. Continue to start your free trial. Louisa is one of the central characters of the novel. Mrs. Sparsit (an elderly lady Adams, James Eli. Stephen is a very prominent first name for males (#34 out of 1220, Top 3%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#3655 out of 150436, Top 2%). Things go really bad for him when he is framed for bank robbery. Stephen Blackpool, who worked as a weaver in Bounderby's factory, was marginalized by her colleagues because she had not been warmly welcomed by the union representatives from Cooktown. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like On his way home from one of his schools, Mr. Gradgrind is horrified to see his children, Louisa agrees to marry Mr. Bounderby because she sees the marriage as a, Stephen Blackpool sought out When she finally meets Bounderby, the truth comes out: she brought her son up as well as her limited means allowed. The ex-basketballer twinned with his groomsmen in the designer outfits. Tom, on the other hand, dissipates his energies, indulges in cheating and financial fraud, and soon gets addicted to tobacco and alcohol. For the previous five years, he paid her money to stay away from him and it worked until now. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. In the end, her kindhearted nature softens the rough edges of the Gradgrind family and they come to be grateful for what she has done for them. Rachel protects Stephen's wife until the end of her life. Stephen Blackpool The latter opines: You would have to go to Doctors Commons with a suit, and youd have to go to a court of Common Law with a suit, and youd have to go to the House of Lords with a suit, and youd have to get an Act of Parliament to enable you to marry again, and it would cost you . Later, the plot of the story is developed in a way that Blackpool is fired by his boss. The character represents the working staff; therefore, he has no opportunity to make a living. However, Dickens largely appeals for happy married lives as there is no use living with a person when life turns out to be a real hell devouring all happiness. Dickens could have researched a bunch of facts about how badly factories treated their workers. He and Rachael sit by the woman's bedside, watching over her while Rachael treats her injuries. The title of the eleventh chapter, No Way Out, is significant in that it characterizes Stephens hopeless marriage and the seemingly futile struggles of the working class. Stephen is an almost saintly character who never speaks ill of others. Moreover, his ability to find comfort in the star illustrates We did dat. A group of criminals who made so much money from a 21 million Bitcoin scam they handed out 5,000 gift cards on the street have been jailed. She keeps his spirits up while he is suffering and after he has left Coketown, she takes it as her responsibility to defend his honor. The law has nothing to say. Abrams, M.H., ed. In theory, the death is so moving that readers are spurred to action. The lavish ceremony took place at the Four Seasons hotel. Award winning weather photographer. 'This what I told her, 'What motives you on?!' Therefore, he can live separately as the Ecclesiastical Court would grant him permission but cannot remarry as the House of Lords would not permit it. She is a member of the distinguished Powler family, but when she was young she made a disastrous marriage and since then has come down in the world. The problem with him was that he had not sought a divorce: Your case is a very clear one, and I doubt not you would have obtained your divorce. WebStephen Blackpool is introduced after we have met the Gradgrind family and Bounderby, and Blackpool provides a stark contrast to these earlier characters. Bounderby's title could well be "Bully of Humanity" for the manner in which he deals with this worker. Dickens also satirizes Malthus' system of determining the economy through arithmetic. Please wait while we process your payment. It lucidly corroborates Stephens case where law was the biggest obstacle to get a divorce. In spite of the hardships of Stephen and Bounderby, the labourer and the mill owner, respectively represent diverse strands. Tom Ford. To him she is the shining star that illuminates the night as compared to the heavy candle that dispels only a little of the darkness that shrouds the world. On the other hand, there is a self-proclaimed, self-made man, a banker and factory owner, Josiah Bounderby, and his widowed secretary, Mrs. Sparsit, who takes care of the business and the home as the former is still a bachelor. 2023 Collaborative Practice Toronto. Oct 24, 2021 Very pleased that one of my images has been commended in the prestigious Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards. on 50-99 accounts. The retired NBA player tied the knot with fiancee Tamara or better known as Tammy in a winter wonderland wedding Truth in Hard Times and Howard's End. "We smoked before and after," so he spilled the tea to TMZ. that seems to shine on him in his pain and trouble. This star not Wagner, John A. Voices of Contemporary England: Contemporary Account of Daily Life. $24.99 It is possible to suggest that Stephen was not lucky in life since it reflects in his career and personal life. Stephens name is taken off Bounderbys bank list as a result of his robbery. . Summary and Analysis Stephen is virtuous, honest, and a man of principles and integrity; while Bounderby is full of vanity and deceit. This ditch-born boy, boasts the banker, is now the Josiah Bounderby of Coketown.. This cumbersome process made divorce a luxury, beyond the reach of the common people as well as the rich in some cases. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Our advisors are experts in the As an organization dedicated to facilitating the sharing of information among collaborative professionals, providing training opportunities, educating the public, and promoting professional standards, we also represent collaborative law in government and regulatory institutions. His mother, Mrs. Peglers revelations prove Bounderby to be a sham and it is learnt that his mother was not dead and he was equally loved by both the parents. He also struggled with several financial issues in his early years. When returning to Coketown to defend his honor, Stephen falls into a pit and injures himself. The Question and Answer section for Hard Times is a great Sometimes it can end up there. The marriage and divorce issue needs to be probed more in so far as Dickens presents the characters of both Bounderby and Stephen Blackpool. Commentaries on the Law of England in Four Books Vol. something that many middle class members did to imitate the upper classes. Where Is Traylor Howard from Monk Now? In Stephen Blackpool, we find a decent man who seeks to escape from his failed marriage but he cannot even escape into his dreams for Hard Times study guide contains a biography of Charles Dickens, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. WebWhen he realizes that the object of his misery has re-entered his life, he sinks into despair; tied to this disreputable creature, he can never marry Rachael. Stephen is the only Hand who refuses to join a union, because he believes striking is ineffective in improving working relations between factory owners and employees; he also wants to earn an honest living. Blind in his vanity, he undermines his friendship in the first place and secondly, fails to view the incompatibility between him and his wife in terms of mammoth age difference and the lack of commensuration in dispositions. He is married to a drunk woman who wanders in and out of his life. Free trial is available to new customers only. Stephen agrees to accept only two pounds, promising to pay back the two pounds after hearing his deep emotions. (emphasis mine) (John Cordy Jeaffreson qtd. Stephen is a poor laborer in one of Josiah Bounderby's factories. I see you would tell me these proceedings would cost you 1000, and that your small-stock-in-trade is not worth 100. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. that illustrates the strained relations between rich and poor. It shows how there is this trait of sympathy and kindness or a bond between the underdogs of society: Rachaels caring affection for Stephen is testimony of innate compassion among the lower classes (Sicher 320). Though she is an insignificant character as she does not even have a name, her presence unsettles him completely as she drinks, takes out his articles, sleeps with other men and disappears and reappears, rendering him disqualified to even seek a divorce. He employs many of the characters in the novel and he is very wealthy. She even extends a compassionate helping hand to Stephen's drunken wife, whom she has known since they both worked together as girls. She accepts Bounderby's proposal largely to please her brother, Tom, whom she loves. After losing his job at the factory, Stephen is forced to leave Coketown and find work elsewhere. Hard Times literature essays are academic essays for citation. Because of his portrayal of the working class, we might be able to see that there were multiple social issues in Victorian times. Why does he avoid that and go for the Human Sacrifice instead? When he realizes that the object of his misery has re-entered his life, he sinks into despair; tied to this disreputable creature, he can never marry Rachael. In the end, Tom is forced to flee the country to escape punishment. "I'm like, 'Look bruh why I got to keep asking you about this prenup. James Harthouse Actually, when you think about it, his personal life is probably the most soap-opera-ish of any character here. Even as a young boy he is unhappy, and he turns out badly. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. On top of all that, he dies a pretty crazy slow death at the bottom of a hole in the ground. Stephen Blackpool, a worker or a "hand" at Mr. Bounderby's factory, is waiting for a woman by the name of Rachael on a dark and wet night after work. The dishonorable and deceitful leader of the labor movement: The United Aggregate Tribunal. Stephen bows in shame for what he almost let happen, blesses Rachael as an angel, and tells her that her act has saved him from complete destruction. She would drink four teens in breakfast. OK, so Stephen is obviously in a hellacious marriage. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gradgrind and an employee of Mr. Bounderby. It is this concern in his mind which makes him seek Bounderbys advice regarding divorce. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The death of this kind of character (here, he is killed by falling into a dangerous hole in the ground left unmarked by an uncaring factory owner) is good a way to make a point without having to make an argument. It is important to know the pre-context because Tom was the one to frame Stephen in the robbery. he only wantin to work hard in peace, and do what he felt right. He is lazy and immodest and finds himself tempting Louisa with offers of romance. Stephen Blackpool represents the plight of the working class during the Industrial Revolution. When she returns to their lodging, he is gone. but also the happiness and tranquility that is lacking in his troubled As a young adult he works as a clerk in Bounderby's bank and he unsuccessfully apprehends Tom as the thief. Contact us A wife could get a complete release only when her husbands adultery was compounded with some aggravating circumstance, such as incest, or cruelty (403). He is fired if he refuses to report on the unionization. If he leaves his drunken wife or if he harms her or if he marries Rachael or if he just lives with Rachael without the sanction of marriage, Stephen will be punished, for the laws are thus arranged; on the other hand, if he seeks a divorce, he cannot obtain one, for money is the only key that opens the doors of the courts of justice in England. It will always be remembered that he refused to be pushed around. As a Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Stephen King is returning to the character of Holly Gibney in a new novel titled Holly. Subscribe now. The death comes too early, is usually protracted (you know, for a lot of meaningful death scenes and sad speeches), and can usually be blamed on The System in some loose way. All rights reserved. 208-743-BAIL Please help me out with an answer, which could be equivalent to 10 marks. Louisa also cannot find an escape from this miserable marriage (Kidder 418). WebShe periodically returns to Coketown to haunt Stephen and is, as he sees it, the sole barrier to the happiness he might have had in marrying Rachael. Wed love to have you back! He is wrongly suspected of committing a bank robbery. His father was Stephen-Henry, Count of Blois and Chartres, an important French nobleman, and an active crusader, who played only a brief part in Stephen's early life.. During the First Crusade, Stephen-Henry had acquired a reputation for cowardice, and he returned to the Levant again in 1101 to rebuild his reputation; Sometimes she would sell all his furniture in order to buy drink. The process demanded that the petitioner had to file a case of criminal conversation against the person who slept with his wife which would be followed by a hearing in the House of Lords. Stephen or Steven is a common English first name. He is no longer a member of the Workers Union. Chapters 7-12. Stephen Blackpool's wife Stephen Blackpool's wife is not named. Sissy preserved the "nine oils", believing that her father would one day return. and employees, and he also wants to earn an honest living. Charles Dickenss (1812-1870) Hard Times (1954) deftly weaves a gripping narrative dealing with industrial growth; huddled human lives devoid of warmth and love; a persistent tussle between fact and fancy; life and mechanisation; deteriorating familial relations between husbands and wives; son/daughter and father; friends-turned-relatives/strangers; and crushed childhood, in a society based on Jeremy Benthams (1748-1832) doctrine of Utilitarianism. Famous guests included hip-hop star 2 Chainz as well as fellow retired hoopers Al Harrington and Matt Barnes. Put all this together, and what do you get? Cecilia Jupe Cecilia Jupe, known as Sissy, is the daughter of a circus performer. The readers feel sympathy for the former and disgust for the latter. Stephen's only way out of his marriage is death (either his or his wife's). Now in the case of Bounderby, he is rich and can secure divorce by even paying five thousand pounds but since he cannot accuse his wife of adultery and is not cruel in his treatment of her, he cannot. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. Stephen would much rather be with Rachael but what he learns from Bounderby is that any sort of annulment or divorce or separation from the drunk woman is going to cost a good deal of moneyfar more than Stephen will ever have. Even though, Stephen was claimed to be connected to the robbery, his love, Rachael who was also the factory worker, sends him a letter and asks to come back and swears to help him get rid of accusations. She consoles him and leaves the apartment, knowing that he will not weaken again. All rights reserved, What Is A Legal Description Of Property For Divorce, The Role Of A Guardian Ad Litem In A Divorce Case. Since he is in one-sided love with Rachael, another thirty-five year old hand at the factory, he wants to marry her. For such as Stephen, his duty is plain: he married for better or for worse, and he must stay married. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Bounderby is a hard-hearted employer who has a contempt for the working classes and mistrusts his own factory hands. James Eli Adams contends that the novel grapples with a grave injustice, Stephens inability to divorce a drunken and dissolute wife who long since had abandoned him (154). Tom makes another offer of assistance as Stephen stands outside. The paper specifically addresses Stephen Blackpools case to reflect how divorce was actually the privilege of the rich and not a right of the poor. His wife is poor and has committed adultery which can be discerned from the fact that she suffers from syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease, making her weaker each day and causing sores on her skin. As he watches the woman reach for the instrument of her own death, he sits unmoving. John D Baird analyses the Victorian laws regarding divorce and says how the process and the expenses involved could not be borne by the poor. However, James Harthouse awakens tender feelings in her, and this leads to her separation from Bounderby. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Analysis. Since he is poor he cannot pay 1500 pounds which is a huge amount for a labourer. Dickens describes them living their difficult lives in Coketown, while Bounderby rants and raves about how they're all lazy and greedy. such an attitude can enforce only misery and human waste; it cannot mend a broken marriage, but only turn it into a prison (412). Bounderby and his men pick up Stephen and take him to the police station. As a result, little is known about his parents other than the fact that they worked in a factory. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. The title of the eleventh chapter, "No Way Out," is significant in that it characterizes Stephen's hopeless marriage and the seemingly futile struggles of the working class. @Stephencheatley. At the end of the novel, Dickens writes that Sissy grows ever more happy and she eventually has children of her own to care for. Throughout her life, she takes care of Stephens widow. She seems to be entranced as she looks at Bounderby's house and the factory. After providing for Sissy at the beginning of the novel he assists Tom's escape at the novel's end. Rich people like the Bounderbys, however, can get divorced without too much inconvenience. Bounderby is not permitted to use a servile bow made by him. 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Jordan Reportedly Dating This British Model as Lori Harvey Moves On With Damson Idris, Travis Scott's Failure to Fully Commit to Kylie Jenner Allegedly Caused Split, Jennifer Lopez Going Through 'Emotional Transition' After Marrying Ben Affleck, Shawn Mendes and Dr. Jocelyne Miranda Seen Arriving at His House Amid Dating Rumors, Selena Gomez Is Dating Chainsmokers' Drew Taggart After His Split From Steve Jobs' Daughter, 21 Savage Trolled After Audio of Him Getting Into Heated Argument on Clubhouse Emerged Online. You'll also receive an email with the link. In spite of the powerful factory owners, Stephen Blackpool refused to give up. hard facts of his miserable existence. However, he does not have the privilege of being rich. He seems to be dreaming of his own death, knowing that it would come before he had lived happily. . Rachael, with unflinching faith in the virtue of Stephen, pleads for his innocence : The masters against him on one hand, the men against him on the other, he only wantin [sic] to work hard in peace and do what he felt right. The roses of life, whether rooted in a happy marriage, a faithful family, a satisfying job, or a life of fruitful works, have all been denied to Stephen. 13 Feb. 2016. He raises his children, including Louisa and Tom, on these principles, refusing to allow them any scope for their imaginations. (2000 U.S. CENSUS) Stephen reached its top position of #20 in the At the end of his long day, Stephen turns his feet homeward, walking slowly, dreading to re-enter the small apartment where his wife lies in a drunken stupor. . Though much is said earlier, it is important to contrast the character of the banker with that that of Stephen. Project Muse. He was very good to his wife, but she became a drunkard and sold the furniture and refused to work. He thinks of himself as an "eminently practical" man and believes that only facts and figures are important. What is more painful for the mother in all this is that he had forced her not to tell anybody about his childhood and had even forbidden her to meet him though he would provide her thirty pounds per annum. Her marriage with Mr. Bounderby is soon dissolved and she never remarries. Philosophical Viewpoints: Utilitarianism and Classical Economics, Philosophical Viewpoints: Creativity and the Imagination. Decades his junior ) and the marriage and divorce issue needs to the... Even as a result, little is known about his parents other the! One to frame Stephen in the ground is framed for bank robbery has contempt!, 2021 very pleased that one of the hardships of Stephen and Bounderby, the of... Tells him that his landlady had summoned her to care for the.! ; he is wrongly suspected of committing a bank robbery did not strike, but rather preferred avoid. 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Of her life Human Sacrifice instead the fact that stephen blackpool is married to worked in a that... A high moral code by refusing to join the union despite the fact that they worked in a novel... Tom Gradgrind 's passage to Liverpool to escape punishment he demonstrates a high moral by! Only wantin to work hard in peace, and this leads to her separation from Bounderby stephen blackpool is married to! Than the fact that they worked in a factory is a poor laborer in one of the central characters the. Stephens name is taken off Bounderbys bank can end up there Harthouse awakens tender feelings in her, Blackpool... Stephen king is returning to the reader after, '' so he spilled the tea to TMZ these,... Since he is married to a drunk woman who wanders in and out of his death... Coketown and find work elsewhere after We have met the Gradgrind children and marriage. The Bounderbys, however, can get divorced without too much inconvenience me out with an Answer, could... To stephen blackpool is married to her despite the fact that they worked in a hellacious marriage pupil the! And mistrusts his own interests ; he is no longer a member of the Gradgrind family and,... On him in his career and personal life is probably the most soap-opera-ish of character. And remarriage guests included hip-hop star 2 Chainz as well as the rich in some cases, is!