There are a number of factors that come together to determine how well you will be able to use your hips in the downswing. When you step up to the tee, your goal should be a nice, high draw. Id say 25-30 degrees is about right, but you can flare them even more if youve noticed a lot of tightness in your hips. Hope that helps. This simple tip is aimed at senior golfers and focuses around widening your stance. Make sense? All of the content below is based on a right handed golfer. "Basically, what you need to do is find neutral joint alignment. September 09, 2013. The high draw in golf with irons is often a desired shot. Not without risking golf injuries. The stance makes it feel like your body and feet are aimed well to the left for a right handed golfer. Once you have accomplished starting the ball consistently on one side of the alignment stick, focus on curving the ball back towards the target. If you are a golfer who wants to learn how to hit a draw, narrowing your stance can help. If your swing path was left or right of the club face. Here are some tips to improve your golf stance. If you happen to play left handed, please take a moment to reverse the directions as necessary. The main purpose of opening your stance is to open the clubface through impact. 7 Comments. A closed stance will get a player more hip rotation. How does distance with vertical line swing versus pro style compare. Southampton Golf Club is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 1. If so, this post is for you. This might seem like a rather small detail within the scope of your swing as a whole, but it can have a big impact on your game. Put your hips in motion right at the start of the transition and they will be able to help you create accurate and powerful shots all day long. Instead, you should be focused on taking a stance that will help your entire swing function correctly from start to finish. Mastering the senior golf swing comes down to accommodating for limited hip rotation and other flexibility issues. Narrow Vs Wide Stance For Golf Whats The Better Stance And For Who Benefits Of A Closed Golf Stance How It Compares To An Open And Square Strong Vs. Weak Golf Grip Whats Better And For Who? Learn the correct stance for a tall golfer for a wide arc and control. I can practice or play rounds of golf. Narrow Stance In Golf (Top 7 Advantages Explained) . It's just not practical for the masses. You hold back. When youre young, everybody tells you that body rotation is the key to generating power in your golf swing. Golf teachers steeped in biophysics recommend a stance no wider than 2 to 4 outside the hips. Senior golfers can make this transition by starting with their short irons and then trying it for hybrids and woods as well. This is the perfect setup for hitting a draw with your driver: Take your senior golf stance: wide stance, toes flared. As the club transitions from backswing to downswing, you should be engaging your hips in order to set the stage for a powerful move into the ball. But there are basic rules to the stance width. There are some great drills out there that will help you develop greater strength and flexibility in your golf swing. Most amateur golfers have poor fundamentals in both their setup and their swing, leading to disappointing shot outcomes more often than not. The stance width varies with a club because of the centrifugal force. A towel, a head cover, anything. Here is a quick explanation: Why? This sets your rear hip behind you and sets the positions for your back swing. The open golf stance consists of dropping your front back several inches and up to a foot and having your stance open up. The key to a great hip turn is timing. Without the narrow stance, players could end up having a hard time making clean and crisp contact with the ball. The extra stability and the width of the arc are going to help you get much more speed and a golf shaft that goes quite a bit further. The wider stance sets players up for a wider arc and, in turn, makes them able to create more clubhead speed. After a while you can be bombing it without seeming like you are putting that much effort into the drive. The segment where I noticed it is in one of the videos for older golfers and you are instructing to flare the toes out. Irons are the heart of your golf game. In other words, some players will need to widen their stance in order to get to a good spot, while others will need to narrow their feet considerably. The two decades-1940s and 50s-threw up myriad representations in contemporary media, literature and in visual and performative arts. After you arrive at the range and get set up with a bucket of balls for your practice session, take your driver from the bag and set aside a few balls for this drill. Flared toes (lead/left hip issue requires >45 left flare). Your stance is better prepared to support the power of your golf swing. Ill show you how to make adjustments so you can hit the golf ball farther. The ability to turn through the ball, release the club and finish facing the target is something that shouldnt be taken for granted. 15* R5 3 wood with Burner shaft. The hands contain a ton of speed that many golfers never fully realize. The key here is to understand the ball flight laws. 5. Are Mizuno Drivers Any Good? There are a lot of great golf drills for hitting powerful, controlled shots, but I want to share one of my favorites for senior golfers. If your feet are not in the right place, your grip is off, and your posture is not how it should be, you may as well forget about taking the club back. The narrow stance is something that all golfers should consider when it comes to shorter irons and short games. We have found our players who use the Vertical Line Swing notice a nice uptick in their distance. But in order to do that, you need to make some adjustments to the setup and golf swing youve been using. A wide stance helps to create a stable base, whilst a forward ball position creates an upward attack on . As you start to gain confidence in this type of swing on pitch shots, gradually work your way up into longer and longer swings. You have to start using your hands and arms more as you get older., Can You Rent Golf Clubs? Pretend that you are standing on the first tee of your favorite course, trying to get the round started successfully with a great drive. Instead, you should strive to rotate the hips in a 1-to-2 ratio in relation to the shoulders. b) As we age, one eye can become weaker than the other - experiment by closing each eye in turn to work out which eye works best for you. You've certainly heard all of these before from various golf instructors: Stand really wide so you can be really stable. (Thats how you get a draw.). Jim Hardy--one plane/two plane swing theory. Position the golf ball more forward in your stance. So much of the advice you read in golf magazines and hear from your buddies is based on what the Tour players are doing. Many players find that when hitting shorter shots around the green, the narrow stance is the only way to go. Sep 06, 2019 #2. A narrow stance limits how far many golfers can turn on the backswing and prevents swinging the club back too far inside the target line. The Stack and Tilt Instructors said it best when they described what they believed were the fundamentals of golf. Try to make the actual distance of the stance somehow so that you can see how it is impacted as you move your feet both in and out. Again, try not to do anything different with this swing than you would with any drive you would hit on the course. Lee Trevino had an open stance, while Sam Snead aimed well to the right especially with the driver.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'golfjourney365_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'golfjourney365_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. A loss against United would see the pressure crank up further on the boss, while a win would dissipate much of the current frustration and angst around the club and give the players a boost. With a driver, it is best to stand with your feet a little wider. This is why I created the Vertical Line Golf Swing in the first place, develop greater strength and flexibility in your golf swing, Don't try to hit the ball particularly hard, but don't go easy on it, either. two planer= narrow stance. Prized only by you. However, when chipping, it is a great idea to use an open stance. Advantages Of Upright Golf Swings For Seniors What Is The Open Stance? Give it a shot, and let me know how it goes. This stance is set up perfectly to develop a stock shot draw. . The golf stance can affect a few parts of your game. With your stance taken and your target selected, go ahead and hit your first shot. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Im going to walk you through the most common mistakes senior golfers make. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It probably quieted your lower body. I can now play golf everyday of the year regardless of rain, snow, cold weather or time of day. Steve. The most obvious disadvantage of the narrow stance is the stability; when your feet are close together, it is hard to get as much stability and balance in your swing. Hit a few golf shots using your arms only. Although there are lots of different stance widths, they can be categorized into two main groups the narrow stance and the wide stance. (3 Tips). One debate among great golfers is whether or not a narrow or a wide stance is better for golf. And then Ill share a bonus drill to help you master the senior golf swing. also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, Rain or Shine Golf and other sites. They explained it somewhat similar to this: They explained that among the greatest golfers of all time there were different grips and different aim points. Start with a really narrow stance and then widen the stance slightly as you start to hit the golf ball further, always focusing on getting the path of the club swinging out to the right. The driver has the longest shaft and is swung with the most power. And when done properly (and routinely) golf warm-up, stretching and flexibility exercises for seniors are a great way to begin any golf game. We have done some extensive research, applied our personal opinions and theories, and come up with a definitive guide on the narrow vs. wide stance. The TV drill also teaches you how to release the club face and get it back to square at the right time. I point back to the quote by Arnold Palmer who told us to swing our swing. This drill is valuable for players of any age, but its especially helpful for senior golfers. From the top of the backswing all the way down through impact, your hip turn should be leading the way. The senior golfer should work on playing with a more narrow stance. This doesnt allow the body to fully turn and maximize the power of the golf swing. I call it the TV drill, and its a simple exercise that helps you find the golf swing motion for hitting a draw naturally. Swing speed and stance width are most certainly related. This helps create a downward blow on the ball that is also steep . . The shoulder width rule (your feet shoulder width apart) is an okay guideline, but flexibility will definitely impact your foot position. 2. Overview Of Open Vs Closed are Golf Stance. And your clubhead speed suffers because of it. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of both the narrow and the wide stance. The open stance allows you to have an inside out swing, even though it might appear that it would force an outside in. A narrow stance tends to shorten your turn by affecting your balance. Play around at the driving range with different stance widths and find one that seems to feel right for your game. As far as your hip turn is concerned, the timing of your transition is far more important than the width of your stance. But is the Stack and Tilt Swing friendly swing for a senior? Most amateurs would do better to get their hips more involved in the swing. Forward Sophia Smith was named the U.S. Soccer Female Player of the Year on Friday after leading the national team with 11 goals and starting . Are you a senior golfer looking for more consistent, more enjoyable golf this season? One of the key things here with an open stance is to ensure you are squaring the club face up to the path you are swinging on. The patience allowed and the zipping of the club through the zone can bring some additional swing speed. St. Andrews and many other of the top 100 courses in the world. The accuracy and control are essential. This is one of the simplest golf drills you can complete, yet it will tell you just about everything you need to know about your stance. Go ahead and hit 10 balls for each level and monitor which golf stance is the best for you! Which would you recommend I try? Perfect in its imperfection, Swing your swing. How To Become An Assistant Golf Pro (Everything To Know), How Much Does It Cost To Play In A Pro-Am Golf Tournament? From here, you are really relying on flexibility in your torso to get the rotation you need in your backswing. Or the opposite, if I am sliding too far forward in the downswing with my hips, dropping that back foot helps me maintain being more centered with my hips and keeps them from sliding. When the right knee is behind the left (meaning the right knee is farther from the target than the left), you are using a stance that is too wide. For a golfer that slices the ball, the narrow stance is a great fix. However, since golf is never an easy or simple game, your stance width will likely change as you change the club that you have in your hand. Distance is built into the club. When you watch the professionals hitting shot around the green, you can see that their feet are very close together. I have an old ping eye 2 sand I could replace and I have 3 Jaws wedges by Callaway. If you take a still photo of any golfer at impact that hits the ball a long way, they often will be pretty open. Male, age 72+ with multiple has been jock injuries (dislocations, rotator cuff, 1-hip & bilateral-knee replacements, elbow/wrist fractures, cervical/spinal deterioration); 80+ rounds with 11.8 GHIN. Both a narrow and wide stance is going to have their benefits. Starting your hips turning toward the target before the backswing is completed will permit you to build an impressive amount of speed by the time you reach impact. By now, youre getting the idea. Just like with the open stance, monitoring your swing path is important. These basics provide a solid foundation, but you can definitely dig deeper if youd like. If so, you may have unwittingly restricted your hips. Most amateurs would do better to get their hips more involved in the swing. Wide Stance for Senior Golfers . Adjust your stance for the fade--a process called "opening" the stance--by aligning your feet about an inch or two left of your square stance position (instructions for the right-handed golfer). As you keep turning back, you will start to feel like you are losing balance, so you will change directions and head down toward impact. Narrow Stance for the Short Game. It is possible to play some nice shots from a narrow stance while hitting short irons, as they don't require a long swing, but you will always struggle to create quality shots with the longer clubs if your stance is too narrow. Most amateurs play with far too wide a stance because it gives them the illusion of "power". Assume a square stance. The fundamentals in golf are not grip, and alignment. As we get older, staying in balance gets a little tougher. Slightly open & wider stance. These are the simplest fixes, but they are also very often the root of the problem. Ray Cook Putter Reviews Are They Any Good? On the other hand, if your right knee has passed your left and is now closer to the target, you are using a stance that is too narrow. If you are slicing the ball, chances are your stance is too wide, and you are not properly transferring your weight and releasing the ball at impact. Many amateurs get the transition of the swing all wrong, and they pay for it at impact when the ball comes off the club without very much speed. Grateful for the men and women who project our nation. If you are willing to take the time to work on the basic fundamentals of your swing things like balance, tempo, grip, and more you will be well ahead of the competition each time you step on the course. Fortunately, theres an easy technique for that. Only when you can strike the happy medium between those two extremes will you be able to optimize your performance successfully. The standard golf stance is about shoulder width apart with your feet; narrow stance golfers will have their feet even closer than this. Kick in your right knee and arch out your left knee for stability. Players that switch to a wide stance are going to have a hard time transferring their weight from the back to the front foot. It is really difficult to say that one is better than the other. Narrow stance for putting. Ordeal For Many H.S. When you have a faster swing speed, you can stand with a slightly wider golf stance. The goal of your foot stance is to give you balance while you stand tall and swing so you keep control. 3 Way Hip Kick. You assume a square stance but take your rear foot 1-2 feet further behind you. And you probably have a few more years on your body. Lets face it, in order to get really good at golf, we must practice frequently. These factors are going to make or break your day on the golf course. Here is a link to sign up: The Senior Golf Swing Fix. You may be able to move your hips quickly in the downswing, but the shorter backswing will result in a less powerful swing overall. The best golfers start the ball left or right of the target line and then curve the ball back towards the target.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'golfjourney365_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-leader-2-0'); You can hit a draw or fade with an open stance or close stance. Did you know that your ball flight can tell you the following: Once you know these two items you can make the corrections by checking out our 2nd Tip on understanding what swing thoughts can help you get the proper matchups. For control and consistency, the narrow stance will win. The best stance to cover a longer distance is an open stance. A poor stance, on the other hand, will hinder your efforts to hit straight and powerful shots. Find out what works best for your game. 8. This is because with your feet being closer together, you will have an easier time wrapping the club around your body. Check out more below, if interested. Used primarily for drifting, the lower the surface area of the tire in contact with the road the less grip you have.. At least, that's what it used to be for. To get the best results, you are going to have to experiment with a few different widths and see how it impacts both the distance and direction of your shots. With a narrow stance, your swing is going to be more compact, and therefore the club will wrap around your body in a much quicker and easier way. I love trying out new gear and this blog is where you can find all the gear I have tested over the years! Now, dont get me wrong. See how many shots out of 10 you can start to the right of the alignment stick. Less sway, more turn, better contact. Maybe even more than a bit. A downward blow on the other hand, will hinder your efforts hit. Have to start using your arms only time transferring their weight from back! Aimed at senior golfers make a better understanding of both narrow stance for senior golfers narrow stance, toes flared drill. 4 outside the hips even closer than this, release the club through the zone bring. Right handed golfer will hinder your efforts to hit the golf ball forward... Longer distance is an okay guideline, narrow stance for senior golfers you can strike the happy between. 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