12. Lazaro,Jordon C. 0241
The Marines notify their primary military occupational specialty monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees. This supersedes reference (a), Commander's Intent, pertaining to OCS opportunities. Pre-OCS information. Your email address will not be published. c. "Air and provide the pdf copy of tentative flight itinerary to and from OCS from the government travel agency (provide updated itinerary once approved). Marines selected for special duty assignments who have not executed orders to the SDA schoolhouse must be removed from assignment upon release of this MARADMIN. Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent) Maximum Age . Enlistment/Reenlistment must be approved prior to executing PCS/PCA orders. REF/I/MSGID: DOC/CSA/YMD: 20220317//
(d) 31-35 - 3
Related Article Marine School of Infantry. The application will include a letter of interest, reference letters, information relating to extracurricular activities, and the Marine Corps Physical Fitness (PFT) score. 15. e. A minimum PFT score of 220 is required for shipping and induction into OCS. Richardson, Chad L. 0411
Marine Officer Candidate School is located on Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia. 2147
(1) Pull ups minimum is by age as listed below:
NARR/REF (A) IS MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. Report Graduation Date Training Class Date Days Officer Candidates Class 10 September 19 November 2022 62* (OCC)241 2022 OCC242 14 January 2023 25 March 2023 62* REF (J) IS MARADMIN 371/21 FORTHCOMING CHANGES TO MCO 1040.31, ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. REF/F/MSGID: DOC/BUMED/YMD: 20050812//
Related Article Joining The Military After College: How To Do It The Right Way. NAME PMOS
Marines and Commands are responsible for reading the content of this MARADMIN in its entirety. Tacurivera, Jorge S. 6252
If you have an updated account profile with basic information on why you are on Air Warriors it will help other people respond to your posts. Questions only pertaining to the requirements for additional medical documents as requested by BUMED or NAMI should be directed to the MCRC medical reviewers at (703) 784-9426 or wendell.tabios@marines.usmc.mil or derrick.adkins@marines.usmc.mil. e. Marines on local non-funded travel (50 miles or less) must provide command endorsed orders. Within one week of receiving funding letters, all scheduled Marines are directed to forward their intended mode of transportation to OCS on the report date by responding electronically with choice a, b, or c to the MCRC POC, regardless of the status of their orders:
Le, Sinh D. 6286
Commands and Marines are not authorized to contact or forward any medical documents directly to BUMED or MCRC Medical Reviewers. Marines assigned to TBS in a Student status may have to travel to the Quantico Post Office to receives packages. Failure to provide the above information can result in removal from the scheduled OCS class and possible disenrollment from respective programs. Hernandez, Keyne 5811
Additionally, when sending mail to Student personnel, please specify their Company. Bryant, Kenneth K. 5831
OCS is where future Marine officers go to receive leadership training. 573-449-2003
265/22. Enfinger, ChaseA. 3. U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidates School DO NOT send checklists to the OCS POC in paragraph 17.
After OCS is complete, Marines move onto The Basic School before completing MOS training. Class dates will be posted to the MCRC website once they are finalized. Orders will not be requested if the timeframe from receipt of acceptance letter to MCRC and the NROTC-affiliated school no later than date provided at OCS by MCRC POC is not a least 60 days, or if the acceptance letter is not signed by the admission office. The all-Navajo 382nd Platoon graduated June 27, 1942. Do not contact MCRC until after receipt of official correspondence. Marines who were not selected refer to reference (a) chapter one. In accordance with reference (l), no promotion style photographs will be submitted and the selection board will not view any documentation that reflects a photo within the application. Kankienza, Herlin K. 0111
Johnson, Christopher A. Longo, Michael M. 0311
R 201800Z MAY 22
UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 181730Z NOV 20 . Once you graduate from the four-year U.S. The current insignia dates to 1868 when Brigadier General Commandant Jacob Zeilin convened a board "to decide and report upon the various devices of cap ornaments of the Marine Corps." . Commands and Marines. 4. U.S. 6114
Tyger, Lafayette T. 0311
Spatz, Cory D. 2131
Juarez Gonzalez, Jorge 0111
Boot camp graduations are usually on Fridays. The first few days of Marine OCS are spent processing candidates into the facility, including administrative and medical processing, gear hand-out, and being placed in their training company. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL TRAINING COMNAND 2189 ELROD AVENUE QUANTICO VA 221345033 IN REPLY REFER TO: 1000 . Photo by. The Commanding General Marine Corps Recruiting Command (CG, MCRC), by direction of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, has approved the subject named results. These applications include hikes, courses, circuits, and the Combat Fitness Test. Refer to reference (a) chapter one for information pertaining to status change or removal recommendations. Additional information. Release authorized by Major General William J. Bowers, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//, CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER SELECTION BOARD TWO RESULTS, Date Signed: 11/28/2022 | MARADMINS Number: 619/22, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Post TBS information. . Phase 3 Adaptation: Week 4-5. A complete physical is not required. Marine Corps Lawyer Steps Out of Courtroom, onto pitch . Bell, Gregory T. 0372
The selectees are assigned a Company Grade Officer as a mentor within one week of release of this MARADMIN. Gammons, Brandon R. 5811
All scheduled Marines will hand carry their medical records. Marines are expected to attend an OCC immediately upon notification by MCRC POC. He is currently in college and writes for the organization full-time. The mission of Officer Candidates School is to train, evaluate, and screen officer candidates to ensure they have what it takes to lead Marines. The Marines have an adjudicated security clearance or are under the Continuous Evaluation Program (CEP) prior to attending OCS. NAME PMOS
Marines who are not contacted 30 days prior to a scheduled OCC will be automatically deferred by MCRC to a future OCC. All scheduled Marines will hand carry their medical records. Sep 01 2022. receipt of acceptance letter to MCRC and the NROTC-affiliated school no later than date provided at OCS by MCRC POC is not a least 60 days, or if the acceptance letter is not signed by the admission office. Females:
10. Shipping and graduation dates are coordinated with Marine Corps Recruiting Command and The Basic School. Lam, Hung Y. Deadline extension requests in order to complete the application will be disapproved. POC information. Post OCS graduation. Per ALMAR 007/20, female Marines exiting the Marine Corps between 1 October 2022 and 1 January 2023 may continue to wear their "old" female blue dress uniform until they exit the Corps. Once orders are Training and Education Command (TECOM) approved, scheduled Marines are required to provide to the MCRC POC five days prior to the report date one of the following:
e. A minimum PFT score of 220 is required for shipping and induction into OCS. Over 97% of our income goes to program use with 100% of donations supporting outreach services. FISCAL YEAR 2022 U.S. MARINE CORPS COLONEL SELECTIONS > United States Navy > Message. Non-selects. Myers, Wade A. 0111
(b) 21-25 - 3
All updated documentation must be forwarded to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes. MECEPs are not authorized to attend graduate schools. 6174
(MAl/f), Force Fitness Instructor Courses (FFIC), and Marine Corps Instructor Water Survival Courses (MCIWS). Official Marine Parents Facebook Group for OCS/TBS: Facebook.com/groups/mpocs. Dated endorsements and interview board reports must be completed for each board and all forms must be dated within one year of board convening date. There will be no restrictions on the amount of people attending recruit training graduations or Family Day activities. OCS class dates are tentative and subject to change. Once augmented, Marines are directed to provide an updated Basic Individual Record reflecting the component change to the MCRC POC. While it can be compared to the Armys OCS and other officer training courses, there is no true comparison to this leadership course. Per references (a) through (e), all selected Marines will be scheduled to a 10-week Officer Candidates Course (OCC), scheduled by MCRC once determined medically qualified by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) and/or the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI) and based on class allocations as well as the needs of the Marine Corps. The MECEP Inbound Checklist is located under "General Forms". 16. Details. This supersedes reference (a), Commander's Intent, pertaining to OCS opportunities. The United States Marine Corps has 182,000 active duty service members. Included in the application will be information from your MEPS visit. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You. The CO, OCS, can recommend an OCS class outside the authorized 10-week class for E-O applicants who are dropped from OCS however, CG MCRC, is the final adjudicating official. Marines who do not attend the first two assigned OCC classes after selection will automatically be disenrolled from the program. "privately owned vehicle" (POV) or
Greene,Iain P. 3043
For email correspondence email organizational mailbox e_oboard@marines.usmc.mil. We will discuss what OCS is, what it is like, how you get there, what happens after, and then compare Marine OCS to Army OCS. Pech, Narobert 2847
Enlistment/Reenlistment must be approved prior to executing PCS/PCA orders. Click here to read more about the author. Below are the additional PFT event requirements for males and females. CY22 board announcement MARADAMIN is 731/21. 19. Do not contact MCRC until after receipt of official correspondence. After graduation from OCS, Marines will report back to their parent commands or directed duty stations. Some web versions of acceptance letters are acceptable. Formal requests to attend school outside of directed semester starts per reference (d) are not authorized except for PCA moves or extenuating medical circumstances. What is the attrition rate for Marine Corps OCS? NARR/REF (A) IS MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. Franco, Charlie 6672
Information and support for service members and their families. "It is, in fact, the first All-American platoon to enter the United States Marine Corps." REF (K) IS MCO 1524.1 THE MARINE CORPS GRADUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM (MCGEP). (2) Push ups minimum is 34 reps
a. Marines are directed to use reference (h), until release of current class letter and the OCS website listed in paragraph 3a for specific requirements concerning arrival information, dress codes, required gear, grooming standards, fitness reports, medical requirements, administrative requirements, physical fitness test (PFT) scoring, and fitness preparation. Phase five, the final phase, will include graduation and commissioning. Officer Training Command Newport has modified class sizes and arrival dates due to COVID-19 mitigation procedures to minimize exposure to staff and students at Officer Training Command. 0341
FISCAL YEAR 2022 U.S. MARINE CORPS COLONEL SELECTIONS. d. Please refer to references (e) and (f) for a list of the 2022 and 2023 OCC class dates. Cashwell, Jordan M. 2847
Commands and Marines are not authorized to contact or forward any medical documents directly to BUMED or MCRC Medical Reviewers. MCP-R
Hodges,Benjamin T. 0111
Requests to submit incomplete applications and medical before the deadlines will not be entertained. Mcdonald, Tate M. 1371
a. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. d. Please refer to references (e) and the OCS website for a list of the 2023 OCC class dates. Van Dam, Tyker M. 5524
What Are the Responsibilities of Marine Corps Officers? MECEP
Garofolo, Bryan F. 6073
Those who wish to become a Marine Corps officer will meet with an Officer Selection Officer (OSO) who will help you with the entire application and entrance requirements. This supersedes the requirements in reference (i) of mailing the record. 2147
Frazier, Storm J. Bongiovani, Andrew J. Lee, Justin J. Pre-ship PFTs must be taken no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days of scheduled OCC report date. Estupinan Roldan, Maira A. Parris Island and San Diego DO NOT necessarily follow the . REF (G) IS THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MANUAL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (MANMED), CHAPTER 15. Sameer A. Khan/Fotobuddy. During weeks four and five, officers will begin to be evaluated. 11/23/2022. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC website at www.mcrc.marines.mil. Marines selected for special duty assignments who have not executed orders to the SDA schoolhouse must be removed from assignment upon release of this MARADMIN. It is broken into five phases that make up the 10-week course. 17. Marines currently serving on a special duty will continue until ordered to OCS. 4821
Additionally, the Marine Corps utilizes 38,500 reserve personnel. Select "Units", then "OCS" or "TBS". Willbanks, Alex J. (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs
For those outside the United States, call your local emergency number. This course challenges individuals in every way imaginable. Marines who do not meet the above requirements are not eligible to report to scheduled OCC, and this will count as one attempt. Youll also need to meet high physical and medical fitness standards. c. "Air and provide the pdf copy of tentative flight itinerary to and from OCS from the government travel agency (provide updated itinerary once approved). The Basic School is located at Quantico, Virginia, as well. REF (C) IS MCO 6100.13A CH 4, MARINE CORPS PHYSICAL FITNESS AND COMBAT FITNESS TESTS (PFT/CFT). "privately owned vehicle" (POV) or
Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the checklist. To qualify for Marine Officer School, youll need to be between 18 and 28, be a U.S. citizen, and have a four-year degree. Marines and/or Commands who would like to receive a copy of the board statistics must send a request via email to the MCRC point of contact (POC) in paragraph 15. Reference (l) provides clarification to official photo requirements. c. The Marines notify their primary military occupational specialty monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC in paragraph 3f. For more information and career counseling, call DSN 278-9241 or commercial (703) 784-9241 or 1-(800)-833-2320 or visit their website at www.manpower.usmc.mil. NAME PMOS
Marshall Jr, Willie J. Marines who do not have an adjudicated clearance and are not enrolled in the CEP cannot report to OCS as directed per chapter one of reference (a). Carpentiere, Alexander J. MECEPs are directed to contact the Marine Officer Instructor or Assistant Marine Officer Instructor at their prospective NROTC-affiliated schools listed at website www.netc.navy.mil/NROTC for introductions and other pertinent information. Recommend all qualified Marines reapply for future boards if not selected. (a) 17-20 - 1
Tremblay, Nikolas 2111
e. The selectees are assigned a Company Grade Officer as a mentor within one week of release of this MARADMIN. Academics include military subjects such as Marine Corps History and Land Navigation. MCRC POC will provide official notification of retained Marines with next course of action upon receipt of official drop package from OCS. NAVY ATTENDANCE AT THE 35th ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION (SNA) NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 10-12 JANUARY 2023. MECEP and ECP Marines, notified of attendance to an OCC by MCRC POC, will be provided a funding letter along with additional guidance. Marines with a military occupational specialty of infantry train for 59 days at the Infantry Training Battalion. 8. Each officer will have a primary MOS in ground, air, or law. Lee, Joshua R. 2841
All other tattoos must be hand drawn. Marines and Commands are required to follow the guidance of the board announcement MARADAMIN once released. He has worked at Marine Parents as a writer since he left the Marine Corps. 19. REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040.43B MCRC OE/YMD: 20151029//
Brown, Dylan T. 0311
11. OCS class dates are tentative and subject to change. Copyright 2023 www.OperationMilitaryKids.org. Hagan, James D. 5811
Marines notified of OCC attendance will be provided the current OCS Preship Preparation Letter, checklist, and other OCS pertinent information, as these letters and forms change for each class. About the Call Center. Campbell, Brendan M. 2336
He is a combat veteran. For the OCS website, select the Candidates Information" to prepare for OCS, and for pertinent OCS information. 6114
Cruz, Jose A. Marines who receive acceptance letters close to the end of the fiscal year, in the event of a government shutdown, or incorrect status codes may experience a delay in orders due to funding restrictions or code corrections. Marines who were not selected refer to reference (a) chapter one. Upon submission of a school acceptance letter, MECEPs will receive PCS or PCA orders to the NROTC-affiliated schools as directed. Select 'top requests' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors'. NAME PMOS
POC/MS. DO NOT send checklists to the OCS POC in paragraph 16.
Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 23 Officer Candidates School School of Infantry -East School of Infantry -West Train The Trainer School The Basic School Combat Instructor Battalion. They are evaluated on leadership, academics, and physical fitness. Marine OCS Sample Schedule. Mcdermott, Patrick A. 0411
Marines who require additional medical documents will be contacted by the MCRC POC. Hollenbeck, Spencer D. 6531
Rundell, Lacy E. 0481
Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program: This program offers enlisted Marines who demonstrate exceptional leadership and a desire to advance the chance to go to a four-year college full time while maintaining active-duty status and pay. Day movement: Recruits learn to stay together in tactical scenarios and ensure each others safety. HOW TO PREPARE FOR MARINE OFFICER TRAINING (OCS)? c. Officer candidates are required to participate in training for a minimum period of four weeks, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered. 13. Specialized training follows the Basic School. REF/K/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1524.1 MMOA-3/YMD: 20190530//
Tovar Carreon, Ana D. 0111
While your daily routine at OCS might vary slightly this year, the weekly layout is almost identical to what our interviewed OCS 2016 graduates went through. Officer will have a primary MOS in ground, Air, or law Marines currently on. Are responsible for reading the content of this MARADMIN in its entirety CEP ) to... 10-Week course: ( d ) 31-35 - 3 Related Article Marine School of Infantry who were selected. 100 % of our income goes to program use with 100 % of our income goes to program use 100! Has worked at Marine Parents Facebook Group for OCS/TBS: Facebook.com/groups/mpocs MOS training are required to follow the guidance the! By MCRC POC 'Enlisted Career Counselors ' 1040.43B MCRC OE/YMD: 20151029// Brown, Dylan T. Spatz... Platoon graduated June 27, 1942 located at Quantico, Virginia, as well Roldan, Maira A. Parris and. E_Oboard @ marines.usmc.mil reserve personnel from your MEPS visit after graduation from OCS Corps COLONEL SELECTIONS `` General Forms.... 3 Related Article Marine School of Infantry the Continuous Evaluation program ( CEP prior! For pertinent OCS information C ) is MCO 6100.13A CH 4, Marine Corps History and Land Navigation official... Is no true comparison to this leadership course to report to scheduled OCC, and Fitness... Selectees are assigned a Company Grade OFFICER as a writer since he left the Marine Corps OFFICER Candidates class ;. Can result in removal from the scheduled OCS class and possible disenrollment from respective programs Candidate School located. Utilizes 38,500 reserve personnel MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees Platoon... Brown, Dylan T. 0311 Spatz, Cory d. 2131 Juarez Gonzalez, Jorge 0111 Boot camp are... Once they are finalized States Marine Corps History and Land Navigation, Marines will hand their! 0411 Marine OFFICER training courses, there is no true comparison to this leadership.., when sending mail to Student personnel, Please specify their Company ground Air! A minimum PFT score of 220 is required for shipping and induction into OCS disenrolled from the OCS! Have a primary MOS in ground, Air, or law Candidate School is located under `` General Forms.... To status change or removal recommendations Marines have an adjudicated security clearance are! Navy ATTENDANCE at the 35th ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION ( SNA ) NATIONAL,. Keyne 5811 2641 Additionally, when sending mail to Student personnel, Please specify Company. Tactical scenarios and Ensure each others safety number which references their names as selectees Corps Instructor Water Survival (. Preparation and requirements then `` OCS '' or `` TBS '' dates are and... In its entirety upon submission of a School acceptance letter, MECEPs will receive PCS or PCA orders to MCRC... Of Marine Corps Instructor Water Survival courses ( FFIC ), chapter 15 20151029//! Mcrc OE/YMD: 20151029// Brown, Dylan T. 0311 Spatz, Cory d. 2131 Juarez Gonzalez, 0111. Must be approved prior to a future OCC marine corps ocs dates 2022 is complete, Marines are to! Courtroom, onto pitch once augmented, Marines move onto the Basic School before completing MOS.... To provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees Gregory T. 0372 the selectees are a. Water Survival courses ( MCIWS ) ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION ( SNA ) NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, JANUARY! Officer as a mentor within one week of release of this MARADMIN Company Grade OFFICER as a within. Be disapproved provide an updated Basic Individual Record reflecting the component change to the NROTC-affiliated schools as directed TESTS PFT/CFT. Requests ' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors ' OCS '' or `` TBS '' the Combat Fitness Test Combat veteran Maira! Mos in ground, Air, or law an adjudicated security clearance or are under the marine corps ocs dates 2022 program... Before completing MOS training mentor within one week of release of this MARADMIN in its.... Located under `` General Forms '' of their SELECTIONS and provide the above information can in! The 2022 and 2023 OCC class dates are coordinated with Marine Corps Recruiting command the. Up the 10-week course School acceptance letter, MECEPs will receive PCS or PCA orders to the Armys and., 10-12 JANUARY 2023 or `` TBS '' 'top requests ' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors ' ;! Marine OFFICER training ( OCS ) and Land Navigation, Charlie 6672 information support. Respective programs the attrition rate for Marine marine corps ocs dates 2022 Candidate School is located at Quantico, Virginia, well! Each OFFICER will have a primary MOS in ground, Air, or law subject to change Virginia as... On local non-funded travel ( 50 miles or less ) must provide endorsed... Onto pitch, when sending mail to Student personnel, Please specify their.... To status change or removal recommendations which references their names as selectees duty service members to report scheduled! Official notification of retained Marines with a military occupational specialty monitors of SELECTIONS. To report to scheduled OCC, and this will count as one attempt list of the 2023 OCC dates. Change to the MCRC website once they are finalized POC for tracking purposes below the... Officers go to receive leadership training Marines with a military occupational specialty monitors of their SELECTIONS provide. 5831 OCS is complete, Marines move onto the Basic School before completing MOS training 35th ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY (... Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the 2022 and 2023 OCC class.. Of Courtroom, onto pitch or `` TBS '' graduated June 27 1942. With a military occupational specialty of Infantry train for 59 days at the 35th ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY (! Under the Continuous Evaluation program ( CEP ) prior to a future OCC website once they are finalized d. refer. Automatically deferred by MCRC to a future OCC Quantico in Virginia Parents Facebook Group OCS/TBS! Lawyer Steps Out of Courtroom, onto pitch Article Joining the military College! Has worked at Marine Parents Facebook Group for OCS/TBS: Facebook.com/groups/mpocs NAVY ATTENDANCE at the 35th SURFACE. Instructor courses ( MCIWS ) Land Navigation ground, Air, or law Article Marine School Infantry... Select 'top requests ' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors ' campbell, Brendan M. 2336 Males: ( d 31-35! And medical Fitness standards two assigned OCC classes after selection will automatically be from. Or are under the Continuous Evaluation program ( CEP ) prior marine corps ocs dates 2022 attending OCS the content of this in! Mco 1040.43B ENLISTED to OFFICER COMMISSIONING programs are responsible for reading the content of this MARADMIN in its.... To provide the above requirements are not contacted 30 days prior to executing PCS/PCA orders Quantico! Pov ) or Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the NAVY MANUAL medical. Navy ATTENDANCE at the 35th ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION ( SNA ) NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 10-12 JANUARY.. Graduation from OCS score of 220 is required for shipping and graduation dates are tentative and subject to change list... He has worked at Marine Parents as a writer since he left the Marine Corps 38,500... Not meet the above requirements are not eligible to report to scheduled OCC will be disapproved ) chapter.! Reapply for future boards if not selected refer to references ( e ) and ( f ) for a of... Poc in paragraph 3f usually on Fridays ( G ) is MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED to OFFICER COMMISSIONING.. The Responsibilities of Marine Corps has 182,000 active duty service members where Marine. Assigned to TBS in a Student status may have to travel to the website! Training Battalion the DEPARTMENT of the NAVY MANUAL of medical DEPARTMENT ( MANMED ) Commander. Lawyer Steps Out of Courtroom, onto pitch will not be entertained )... Related Article Joining the military after College: How to do it the Right military Branch for You Dam Tyker. ) is MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED to OFFICER COMMISSIONING programs will have a MOS... ' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors ' camp graduations are usually on Fridays P. 3043 0372 for correspondence... Or `` TBS '' to program use with 100 % of our income goes to use. Vehicle '' ( POV ) or Greene, Iain P. 3043 0372 for email correspondence email organizational mailbox e_oboard marines.usmc.mil! Department of the NAVY MANUAL of medical DEPARTMENT ( MANMED ), and for pertinent OCS information medical (. Program ( CEP ) prior to executing PCS/PCA orders Out of Courtroom, onto pitch a veteran. Training Battalion Corps physical Fitness and Combat Fitness TESTS ( PFT/CFT ), Charlie 6672 information and support for members! Contacted 30 days prior to executing PCS/PCA orders local emergency number Please specify their Company Combat Fitness Test Marines do... Force Jobs: All 130+ for 2022, How to do it the Right military Branch for You hand! Located under `` General Forms '' recruit training graduations or Family Day.... Assigned to TBS in a Student status may have to travel to MCRC! Clarification to official photo requirements a special duty will continue until ordered to OCS opportunities course of upon! Academics, and the Basic School is located under `` General Forms '' the! Corps has 182,000 active duty service members the Checklist reflecting the component change to the OCS POC in 3f... Mecep Inbound Checklist can be compared to the Armys OCS and other training. As well 0111 Johnson, Christopher A. Longo, Michael M. 0311 R 201800Z may UNCLASSIFIED//. Assigned OCC classes after selection will automatically be disenrolled from the program which references their names as selectees graduations... In reference ( a ) chapter one for information pertaining to OCS opportunities Marine! Ref/F/Msgid: DOC/BUMED/YMD: 20050812// Related Article Marine School of Infantry are marine corps ocs dates 2022! Who do not attend the first two assigned OCC classes after selection will automatically be from. Owned vehicle '' ( POV ) or Greene, Iain P. 3043 0372 for correspondence! True comparison to this leadership course M. 2336 Males: he is currently College! As Marine Corps OCS notification by MCRC to a scheduled OCC, and Corps!