Although we didnt get a photo we did get a good long look at the little guy. I walked in its direction but it disappeared quickly so I couldnt get a picture. If you see the cat again, please try for a picture so we can show it to the scientists. Without definite proof we cant get the scientists out there, but it shouldnt be long before someone snaps a pic of these cats in Texas! However, your cat could be an escaped zoo animal or pet. Like their relative, the cougar, the kittens between the ages of 0 and 12 weeks will have spots on their coats; however, around month 3 or 4, the kittens' spots are lost. They are also very good swimmers. I am sure I just saw one of these a few minutes ago.. I never saw this animal. The wild cats were reportedly found in a cave near to the river in Argentina while two teenagers - Florencia Lobos, an 18-year-old from Santa Rosa de Leales in Argentina's Tucuman province and her brother . Big enough to load down for multi-day expeditions, yet with enough performance that it won't feel like you're rowing a barge down the river. I have game cams all over my compound and I catch these little critters on the regular. It was so odd looking to me that I stopped my car right in the middle of the road to have a look. They are definitely here. Lifespans of up to 15 years have been recorded in captivity. DOMESTIC X GEOFFROY'S CAT, JAGUARUNDI, FISHING CAT HYBRIDS Copyright 1993-2012, Sarah Hartwell According to Charles Darwin in "The Variation Of Animals And Plants Under Domestication" (1860s), "Azara states, but only on the authority of the inhabitants, that in Paraguay the cat has crossed with two native species." DOMESTIC X GEOFFROY'S CAT HYBRIDS Pat Bumstead, has anyone been able to produce acceptable proof and/or photographs of their jaguarundi sightings in Texas? Mating occurs throughout the year, with peaks at different times of the year across the range. From your description, it certainly sounds like a jaguarundi. I never even knew that the jaguarundi existed up until my search of what type of animal is dark and has a long tail in California. They are not overly demanding or hyper but they do enjoy attention and affection from their companions. I wasnt able to get my phone in time to take a photo but immediately looked up wild cats of Texas and there it was, the animal Im certain I saw. Not interested in solid food. There is a black one that has been seen in my pasture in north central Texas. Untouched pristine land it was amazing. At the moment taking milk (Royal Canin Kitten milk) every 4 hours to build up weight and strength. Please send your photos to and well take a look. Just as a complete guess, I would say your cat could be a jungle cat/domestic cat cross. We would love to hear the history on this cat, or see a photo of the stuffed animal. He has marbled markings with white paws and markings. a neighbor has a photo on his cell phone taken in his yard . The last report came from 15 miles NE of Corpus Christi. Noted Texas journalist Leon Hale, a good amateur naturalist, thinks he spotted a jaguarundi at dusk in central Texas this June, 2014. The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi ) is a wild cat native to the Americas. Physically, they have long, slender bodies, a long tail, and a small flat head. Please let us know if you see the cat again. Sharing the same lineage as the mountain lion, they are a solid color and may be rusty-brown or grey. It was around 8pm (still broad daylight), it crossed the trail about 20 feet ahead of me and then jumped back into the brush. Please e-mail me with advice. With all the reports we get of jaguarundi in Texas, we are still waiting for any kind of photo. I startled it. Kittens are born after 60 - 75 days of gestation, and females produce 2 - 4 kittens. I inched closer to it and it turned around and ran from me super fast, in giant leaps. The jaguarundi shares characteristics with the ocelot; both live in far south Texas and consume similar prey species consisting of rabbits, small birds, and rodents. A litter of 1 - 4 kittens is born after gestation of 63 to 75 days. He descrivbed a classic jaguarundi. The habitat alterations of the Brazilian savannas into industrial agriculture landscapes are therefore seriously threatening it. We guess it was around 15 or 20 pounds and not a Bobcat; we see a lot of those. They are adaptable in finding food wherever prey is available in their habitat. They can jump up to 2 meters in the air to catch birds, have been seen pursuing marmosets up in trees. The animals construct dens, typically in dense thickets or hollow logs. He was on the road in front of our car and just stopped when he heard us. in Biology and I know that the animal I saw was a jaguarundi. They weigh 20 pounds or less and stand at 10 to 14 inches tall. The longest a jaguarundi cats body can be is 30 inches. When I say hundreds of pictures. When I saw it I first thought Oh, its a Mountain Lion but then I found out they are never black. In a radio telemetry study in Belize, activity peaks were from 2:00 to 4:00 pm with very little activity after sunset. We live in Johnson County Texas, south of Fort Worth. The glimpse was quick and I thought I saw some sort of pattern but the coloration was far too dark to be an ocelot. They are about twice as big as a house cat This cat has a weight range of 6 to 20 pounds as an adult. I thought it was a giant squirrel or otter. Set a trail cam and got a couple pictures. I slammed on my brakes to keep from hitting it and watched it leap towards a field. It has an elongated body, with relatively short legs, a small, narrow head, small, round ears, a short snout, and a long tail, resembling mustelids in these respects. Their long tail aids in balance jumping from branch to branch. I screamed and my cat came back. Jaguarundi is a Guarani word. It was dark in the headlight but I could make out that the colour was rather monotone but the ears and tail were lighter than the rest of the body. We have lived and hiked along the lakes and creeks in Belton, TX with Jaguarundis as common sitings for the past 30 years. Kittens are rarely left alone for long periods of . TIA . San Jose Bengal Cats - San Jose Bengal Cats Breeder. I am having to keep him very wrapped up as he is not maintaining temperature too well yet probably because he is so underweight. Kittens are born after 60 - 75 days of gestation, and females produce 2 - 4 kittens. Moved too fast for a dog but didnt look like a cat necessaroly. Funny how I had a giant black cat living with me for 3 years who did not have round ears or look anything like that. Knowing how to swim widens the variety of prey available to this cat. The dark fur of a jaguarundi cat gives it some protection from predators in its scrubland, swamp, or forest habitat. Jaguarundis live in Central America and South America in tropical and temperate climates. It feeds on various kinds of prey, especially ground-feeding birds, reptiles, rodents and small mammals. My daughter thinks she saw one in San Marcos, Texas a couple of years ago when she was a student at the university there. Park in Houston on September 6th 2018. It can be tamed . Of course, I have no photos of either. Weve never had a jaguarundi reported in California, but we will add your sighting to our list of reports. It may also live in secondary vegetation and areas that have been disturbed but is believed to prefer areas that have at least some thick ground cover. Its range extends from central Argentina in the south to northern Mexico, through Central and South America east of the Andes. Its covered in brown, reddish, or dark gray fur. They are thought to hunt mainly on the ground and have a varied diet with rodents being the main prey species. There are trails and signs of predation but the area is fairly large. This adorable kitten will be 8 weeks old on nov.13. Hi, my family in Colombia found a cub alone and we believe it is a jaguarundi. In a one of a wierd incident, a couple of teenagers discovered that two of the cats rescued by them are Jaguarundi Puma cubs. I drove on and later described it to my husband, who suggested that it might have been a jaguarundi (I had never heard of this animal before). I walked in the direction it went hoping to get a picture of it but it was too fast for me! Prey greater than 1 kg, like rabbits, opossums and armadillos is not unusual. Email: Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. She later found some feathers. Very sweet and adorable male munchkin kitten with curled ears. Fish Quiz Can You Identify These 20 Fishes? Im in Laredo tx, around 730pm 9/14/17, I saw one try to cross a busy road headed for a park that has a pond. Ted and Molly. It calls for at least three separate populations, with a total size of 500 individuals. About BengalCats. We eliminated cougar, bobcat, house cat, ring tailed cat, racoon and continued. Raccoons claimed the tree and tilted it a few times but its never been moved. I walked out onto my front porch and there was a Jaugarundi. In addition, they have the speed to catch up with a fleeing jaguarundi. Its white coat is part of the overall German Shepherd genetic composition. Trend: Decreasing Jaguarundi Herpailurus yaguarondi are one of the strangest looking of the small cats. Seeing the closeness of the above siting confirms it. Its a wild animal that needs to live in its own natural habitat. Guarani is spoken in Paraguay where this cat is found. Would love to talk to someone about this. Small head, long, thick tail and darkish in color. This page contains jaguarundi facts, pictures and information. But I will be putting up a game camera tomorrow! Not much larger than a house cat, the jaguarundi is smaller than the ocelot and weighs between 8 16 pounds. Here are three more strange sightings in North Florida. Phone: (408) 478-8707. Fish is the main diet of this cat. Very mellow personality. This morning, as I glanced out the kitchen window, there was a long slender gray animal with a long tail moving toward the area toward where we spotted the kitten. View our Kittens. These cats have a lifespan of up to 15 years and sometimes longer. These cats are not closely related to the other small South American cats. If you could manage to get a photograph of your sightings I know a few scientists who would be very happy! Thanks for letting us know. Im guessing you mean Inks Lake State Park in Texas. This cats tail also bears a resemblance to an otters tail. The best thing to do is just watch a small kitten, keep him from harm and wait until his mum comes back. If you are sure the cat had a spotted coat, we would lean more towards it being an ocelot. Oversized Shipping: $99.00/item. Imagine a 20-pound jaguarundi and youre envisioning an animal the same weight as a dachshund. Kittens are born blind and helpless and are weaned when about 2 months old; then their mother teaches them how to hunt and look after themselves. Thought to be one of the oldest mammals on Earth! Sort by closest to you in Los Angeles, California, and quickly find the perfect kitten. Jaguarundis are thought to be descended from the puma, which originally came from Asia. This Gulf Coast jaguarundi cat is bigger than a standard home cat, however smaller than a cougar. Can you give us more details? Our programs deal with in-situ field research and we have no information on captive cats. It is more than possible these cats are wandering north from Mexico, but unfortunately no one who has reported them has been able to provide a photo. Rusty grey. Its range extends from central Argentina in the south to northern Mexico, through Central and South America east of the Andes. Our Jaguarundis are larger than noted above, often nearly 6 long and appear to weigh well over 40 lbs. Jaguarundi are thought to exist in very low densities in Brazil with 1-5 cats per 100 km, but in Mexico the population is estimated at 20 cats per 100 km. They grow to an average of 10-24 inches in height and 3-4.5 feet long from the nose to their tail tip. Finding a place where her young are well-hidden means they will be less endangered by predators in the area. The term 'viviparity' and its adjective form 'viviparous' Polygyny is a mating system in which one male lives and mates with multiple females but each female only mates with a single male. It froze when it saw me. Found a picture and thats exactly what I saw. They are born without the ability to see or hear just like just pet kittens in a household. Females are thought to be polyestrous year round in most of their range but peak mating season is late fall in the northern part of their range. Excellent! Thx for your interest. Read More I will have her take a picture next time. If you are interested in this wonderful kitten, please call . They have an elongated face, which makes them quite bizarre-looking. I estimated it to be the size of a German Shepard or black Lab. There has never been a jaguarundi reported in Alabama but there is always the possibility your cat could be a black bobcat, which would be incredibly rare. They were beautiful and exquisite animals.. Load up this big, agile boat and experience AIRE's most stable and . Kittens For Sale! I am an artist and was so shocked by it I did a quick sketch then came searching for it on google.. North East Texas. $500. I look for it every day now. and then last year I saw a gray one behind my house 1 mile south of Bluff Dale. at about 6:00 p.m. Didnt know what it was until checking. Its tail was about as long as its body. He is a standard munchkin with very short legs and is a light chocolate Lynx point. The jaguarundi has 13 unique sounds it uses to communicate with other cats.. My mother in law saw a large cat by her house in Brazoria on Saturday, and then had a chicken come up missing the same day. They have the ability to jump 6.5 feet into the air to capture a, The population of this cat is endangered by loss of habitat as well as traps set by. We are getting flooded with jaguarundi sightings in Texas but still no one has taken a photo! But the spots fade and disappear within days. The dens are usually located in dense groups of bushes. We live at 4600 feet elevation in the western Sierra Madre mountains. A jaguarundi crossed the road in the early evening. I have a game camera set up in the area and hoping to get a shot of it . He is getting very playful and adorable, is trained with the kitty box and should be learning to eat on his own soon. It was no skunk, it was no possum, it was no weasel. around 10 AM, I observed a very dark grey almost black Jaguarundi. Over 3 foot long, at least half of it tail. Fortunately, organizations such as Big Cat Rescue have taken steps to help research this cats population and put protections into place. The ocelot is another small member of the Felidae family. Are jaguarundis carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores? Thank you for sharing! Were still waiting for that elusive photograph though! Home. He is very young. I had never seen anything like it. I live in SE Oklahoma and would be very interested to know if they have gotten as far as just south of Ft Worth. My husband and I were walking to the barn, at midnight, to check on a horse. The build was absolutely different than anything Ive spotted before. Please keep us posted if anyone gets a photo! Alternatively, the jaguarundi stands a little over one foot tall and can weigh up to 20 pounds. He has ben with me for 3 days, very malnourished. I only saw the cat from behind and only for a few seconds before he took off ahead out of sight. Their habitats are similar in that jaguars live in scrublands and wetlands just as jaguarundis do. released some here in east Texas in the 60s . At the moment, I had no clue exactly what it was, but after getting home and researching, Im convinced it was a jaguarundi based on all of the photos Ive seen. They are generally hybrids, a result of people breeding exotics with domestic cats, and dont ask me why. They are quite vocal, with at least 13 different calls having been recorded, including a purr, scream, whistle, chatter, yap, and a chirp like a bird. The jaguarundi sightings in Texas continue to come in, but to date no one has been able to provide any photographs. We live in an area 10 miles from Lake Whitney and 20 miles out of Waco, Texas along the Brazos River. Jaguarundi vs Red Wolf: Whats the Difference? This cat can climb trees and move quickly over the ground. Jaguarundi HB Length: 53-76 cm (21-30) Tail Length: 31-52 cm (12-20) Height: 25-30 cm (10-14) Weight: 3-7 kg (6.6-15 lbs) Pop. Unfortunately no one has been able to send us any pictures of them. No. After a gestation period of 70 to 75 days, a litter of one to four kittens is born. I also came home and googled as soon as I saw a picture I was surprised never heard of them before. It was in the city limits of San Antonio, Texas on N.E. It occurs in a wide range of open as well as closed habitats, such as rainforest, thickets, savanna, swamp, and savanna woodland, as well as semi-arid thorn scrub. Heres hoping you get a photo of this cat please share if you do! He is getting very playful and adorable, is trained with the kitty box and should be learning to eat on his own soon. But I am more concerned with the safe removal and relocation of this animal. Thanks for the update -added to the list of Texas sightings! help! I saw a jaguarundi in SW Arizona a couple of weeks ago . Thanks for letting us know though. Were still waiting for a photograph of this cat in Texas anywhere in Texas! Outdooralabama.comThe jaguarundi is one of the smallest wild cats and is only slightly larger than a house cat. We are in a rural area with lots of deer, wild turkeys, etc Any suggestions/tips welcome. A slick black cat with flat face (otter looking), short legs, elongated body, and long tail low to the ground crossed the road a few feet in front of us. He Beautiful Male Non Standard Munchkin with curled ears. Studs and Queens. I have yet to get a photo of the animal. I spotted what I can only assume is a Jaguarundi in California off highway 131 west of Patterson. Jaguarundi populations in protected areas are expected to be very low, likely because of the negative impact of the Ocelot. This post may contain affiliate links to our partners like Chewy, Amazon, and others. Access to dense ground cover seems to determine habitat suitability for these cats, and their low, slender bodies allow them to easily slip through this vegetation. I have seen one of these in central Mississippi. He is lively and really sweet. A jaguars coat is tan with black spots while a jaguarundis coat is solid brown, reddish, or gray. I had my headlights on and something ran across the street in front of my car. Thank you for reading! Feel free to reach me at If we had a picture, we could perhaps get someone out there to investigate. Definitely felt like it was once in a lifetime Id see something like that. She said they startled each other and it happened so quickly that she was not able to get a picture with her phone. We had a breeding pair of Jaguarundi on loan from a zoo in Brazil- I am wondering about the idea that the kittens are born with spots- non of the kittens(10) that were born at our facility had spots at any time. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Interesting Jaguarundi Facts 1. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Its similar in size to a jaguarundi in terms of height at 16 to 20 inches tall. At first I though perhaps a fox (weve had those around here) but it had a small, feline-ish headdefinitely not a fox head. Two are standard munchkin with straight ears, one non standard Gorgeous little blue eyed Non standard Munchkin with curled ears(jag curl) kitten. These range from purring, whistling and chattering, up to chirping like a bird. My husband and I were riding the trails near the Rio Grande river and saw one of these cats, fairly close up. With the overpopulation of pigs we have new predators moving into our area by way of a corridor by rivers and creeks nearby. They are shy mostly due to their small size and vulnerability to larger mammals in the area. It would be wonderful to prove they are roaming more of the state! small dogs and domestic cats are disappearing weekly . Never pick up baby animals without knowing more about the mother. I am from California and I was hiking inPalos Verdes. Though they once populated the southern part of Texas, there hasnt been one seen there since 1986. Thanks for the update! When it comes to food, the jaguarundi is not choosy, it usually eats rodents, small reptiles, and birds feeding by trees. This area is near creeks and a river. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has a recovery plan that would remove the jaguarundi from the endangered species list. Where do I send pictures? About a month ago driving to work I had one run across the road in front of my car. It was 20 to 24 tall at the shoulder with a rather short tapered tail maybe 16to 18 long. While riding my bike on a trail in Oscar Scherer State Park FL. These animals are mostly diurnal, with most of their activity taking place at about 11 in the morning. Look at pictures of kittens in Los Angeles who need a home. It is always a joy to see a large wild animal lumbering along without concern for humans nearby. I just saw one of these beautiful cats cross the road in front of me while traveling from Tulum to Punta Allen . everyone said I was crazy and I saw a large Black Cat. They are different from other cats in that they hunt for prey in the daytime. You can email us at smallwildcats [at] if you get a picture. There was no one in the park but me (it was closed and I wasnt supposed to be there). Coyotes are active on ground level in many of the same habitats as this small cat. We do however, get reports from various states of weird looking cats that dont seem to look like any normal cat. Just a love. Though jaguarundis and jaguars are both in the Felidae family, a jaguarundi cat is not a jaguar. We appreciate any information we can get on the jaguarundi. They enjoy a good cuddle and they also enjoy a game that challenges their mind. Due to looking like a weasel, the dark morph jaguarundi will often be mistaken for the tayra, which is a large mustelid, but it lacks the tayras yellowish spot on the throat and has a very long, thin tail and very short hair. Kittens have spots on their bellies after birth, which fade away with age. We saw each other at the exact same time when our eyes locked we both froze for at least 20 to 30 seconds. It was night so I did not get a good look, but saw a long black tail on bobcat size cat. More active during daylight hours than other small wild cats, Jaguarundi are the most observed small cat in South America for that reason. Still trying to get better ones. Ive had three sightings of jaguarundi within a few miles of my house in northeast Texas over the last few months. The jaguarundi is not hunted for its fur or body parts. The jaguarundi is a relatively small cat, somewhat superficially resembling an enlarged housecat, but with a long, slender body and long tail. Direction but it was in the box below to get a good look... County Texas, we are getting flooded with jaguarundi sightings in north Florida 75 days be very happy towards field! Reddish, or forest habitat watch a small kitten, please call kittens is born after 60 75! Here in east Texas in the area and hoping to get a picture Los... Air to catch birds, reptiles, rodents and small mammals or hollow logs member of the Andes the.... The best thing to do is just watch a small flat head was the! Less endangered by predators in the area 3 foot long, thick tail darkish. 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