A piece of wood marked with the height at which you want to shear, or a piece of string extended between two stakes can keep you on track when creating a uniform shape. I used the point of a small knife to make the hole. (Sandvik-Pradines shears are 22-inches [56cm] overall with 9-inch [23cm] blades).Bob has been a YouTuber since 2010, sharing decades of landscaping and gardening experience in videos on BOBscaping (the \"channel\"). Hedging: Buxus is often used as a low hedge, providing a formal, evergreen boundary.It is particularly useful for creating a neat and tidy edge around a garden or lawn. Having learned how to shape and trim boxwood you now can make your lawn more attractive and charming with interesting shapes. You will also discover that simple combinations of ball and cube shapes can be used to great effect it just takes a bit of time, the right tools and a good perspective on the matter. Kissing balls are traditionally hung from doorways during the holidays to bestow goodwill.Barbara H. Smith, 2019 HGIC, Clemson University, Supplies needed to make a kissing ball.Barbara H. Smith, 2019 HGIC, Clemson University. Enjoy the process of creation and interaction with the plant and never rush any of your creations. Evergreen Seeds it's a gardening blog and passionate community of nature enthusiasts where you can learn and discuss. Push the stakes into the ground in front of the boxwood hedge as close to the freshly trimmed side as possible. So what are you waiting for? You will need the following supplies: If youre using a white Styrofoam ball, you can spray it green to prevent the white from showing through. The best time for Boxwood pruning is Spring and early Summer. Also, avoid boxwood pruning in winter as the outer circle of the foliage serves as protection for the inner growth against chilly winds and frost. Carefully pull some of the boxwood . Size: 5 feet tall, 3 feet wide. The ideal boxwood species for various uses. Featuring soft, green leaves shaped it into a timeless ball topiary. Make sure you don't cover the branches or leaves with it, or the main stem, just the soil. Next, you should take your scissors and cut off any excess wire that sticks out of the top . Such damaged portions tend to stress out the plant, draining it of its limited energy resources. If this document didnt answer your questions, please contact HGIC at hgic@clemson.edu or 1-888-656-9988. Dont rush things. When deciding how to shape your boxwood, you should know the types of boxwood shrubs and boxwood uses. There may only be a few inches of active development on the outside because the branches are so dense. A good idea would be to have a soccer ball or other round ball on the table next to you. Open out the shrubs gently to allow for airflow and circulation, this is why the stakes must be placed. The first and foremost thing to consider when shaping your Boxes is the time of pruning. Cut a length of 9-gauge wire that is twice as long as this distance with a pair of wire cutters. Using a shovel, form a shallow trench around 2 feet wide below the guide string. The wire can be camouflaged by wrapping it with ribbon. With the help of an electric trimmer snip away all growth outside the boundary. Overlap the ends of the ribbon and pin in place with fern pins on the top of the ball. This is to ensure that there is fresh growth of the shrubs at all times. It will be harder to see imperfections until new growth comes in, and then it's harder to deal with it. Place the wire form into the ground so it is over the boxwood shrub or directly behind the plant, if necessary. The ideal time to clear up fallen debris from inside the shrub is in early spring when the light air of the season can flow to provide ventilation and freshness to the bush. The numerous types of boxwood have varying growth rates, leaf shapes, and colors, therefore they are not all the same. You can remove them with the help of loppers where the growth is thick and trim them close with the help of hand pruners. Shrubs may not regenerate from the root system with severe pruning and can suffer. With a general idea of what shape you want and loads of patience, you can begin to snip away the branches. "@type": "Question", If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Gently snip away the foliage outside the boundary to make it come in shape. Spray with water to freshen the plant up and put to one side. Most natural look and feel; Most friendly material, no odor; Perfect for porches and gardens; Remains vibrant in the sun, rain and snow; No cutting and watering required, no time spent caring for it This plant matter is hard to sweep or rake up from the ground afterward. When pruned to a rough ball shape initially, Boxwoods will grow into an irregular ball shape. Straighten the two pieces downward to make two legs on each side of the circle. "@type": "FAQPage", Another great feature of this boxwood is that it is prune and shear tolerant. It doesnt take long before you are able to break a seemingly complex design into its component parts and then you can understand how you might recreate something similar within your garden. Cut and Attach Ribbons. Enclosing your Boxwood in a grid of strings in this way will form a perfect guide for you to trim off any foliage that sticks out of the string boundary. . The process can be a lot of fun as these boxwoods can typically grow to a height of ten feet and fifteen feet wide with a slow growth rate which makes it easy to shape them. ! Green Mound Boxwood. "mainEntity": [ Photograph by Britt Willoughby Dyer. Only a few people manage this freehand, Ms. T., therefore, I would advise that you make a semi-circle template from sturdy carton in the desired ball size. This wire ball is also great looking as a pregola, trellis or any other plant support ( filled with ivy or climbing roses for . Dont let us stop you, however, if you feel that using a frame will help you in the early stages of your topiary journey. BOBscaping makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of information on this site and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use. Flex the wire into a circle and touch the tip of the other wire end into the soldier bead. If you want to change your creation and reshape into something else, just let it grow. Remember not to overdo it and to stick to just two feet of the foliage. You can remove them with the help of loppers where the growth is thick and trim them close with the help of hand pruners. Stand back from the plant from time to time to ensure that the cone shape is evenly balanced and central. How to shear a Boxwood shrub into a 'gumdrop' shape. 11 Worst Signs of Anthurium Root Rot Fix Anthurium Root Rot. The ends of the stakes should be sharply pointed. 3. If the hedge is high, use a ladder to access the top of it and gently trim it to the desired height. Start trimming and shaping your bushes early in their plant life as this will reduce your efforts and make your job at hand easier. For this tutorial we are making pre-made topiary balls because they are easier and really realistic looking. As the bush grows and reaches a desired measurement height and width, just snip away the extra and uneven snips. Dwarf varieties also make stunning container centerpieces, and are easy to shape. Lay a tarp around the shrub you trim. and this can go a long way in keeping the foliage green and healthy. The boxwood tree can be a nice addition to a yard or garden. Now. This solid wire frame is the best way to keep Your boxwood in perfect ball shape. I describe and demonstrate how to prune a perfect boxwood globe. Maintaining Boxwood Shape. Green Velvet Boxwood Live Plant. Gently pruning a Boxwood to shape when it is freshly planted will go a long way. It reduces the risk of massive overgrowth and also predisposes to diseases. Step 1. Grow it.We believe that your outdoor space is your personal retreat, a quiet place to relax with friends and family and to enjoy the beauty of nature. With their thick and dense growth, the ideal tool for shaping boxwoods is an electric trimmer. The sprigs should be even in length, about 3-5 inches, to create a consistently round shape when finished. Add individual boxwood sprigs to any gaps, if necessary. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. }. 4. Prune in spring once the boxwoods are established. I enjoy the sight of well formed foliage and enjoy helping you keep your hedges in good shape and your borders in order. It is not advised to remove more than 2-3 feet of plant growth at a time. { , well before fall. Use secateurs, scissors or single-handed shears to cut young topiary or intricate forms. Think about stately English gardens with perfectly trimmed hedges or even mazes. One of the interesting aspects of understanding topiary is that you begin to deconstruct other peoples projects as you discover them. Always trim your boxwood in the spring months. Wait for the right season. Half of the challenge with basic topiary is about picking the right plant for the job. Use 2 stakes as a guide while you level the shrub. Choose a pyramidal evergreen, such as a juniper, columnar blue spruce, columnar pine, Norway spruce, dwarf Alberta spruce, upright yew (such as "Hicksii"), or boxwood with a straight trunk. Barbara H. Smith, 2019 HGIC, Clemson University. 27 in. It is perfectly alright if you need to do minor touch-ups later, however, avoid shaping it in the fall as then the cut branches may grow back, and also the shrubs will not heal or recover before the cold of the winter months. How to Prune Potted Gardenia Indoors & Outdoors, University of Missouri Integrated Pest Management, University of Missouri Integrated Pest Management: Cleaning and Disinfecting Pruning Tools for Orchard Crops, Hayes Garden World: How to Clip Your Topiary Bush to Shape, How to Prune Evergreen Shrubs and Juniper Trees. This template should reach from the bottom pot edge or bottom of the bed to the north pole of the boxwood ball to be cut. Swirl it to mix the contents and place the blades of a lopper in the solution as well as a pair of pruning shears. Shape boxwoods by trimming or shearing with electric hedge clippers or pruning shears. Boxwood sprigs about 3 to 5 inches long (soak in water overnight to prolong the life of the greenery). You have now learned how easy it is to shape boxwood and trim shrubs. Shape It. Theres no shame in using topiary frames to help you get the right shape. Boxwood Cone Topiary - Boxwood cone topiaries are trees trimmed in the shape of an upside down ice cream cone. Balls, cones, swirls and even animal shapes can be achieved and because the growth of box is slow the shape will be clear and precise for months on end with no interference. Spin it around as you work and make sure that you do not take too much off the height. Linda Vater demonstrates how to prune a Baby Gem boxwood from the SOUTHERN LIVING PLANT COLLECTION into a boxwood ball. Another fungal infection can cause root rot in boxwoods, leading to poor coloring and growth. Dear Expert, how can I shape a boxwood into a ball? Thus prune carefully, especially if the bush is large and overgrown. This shape allows more leaves to absorb sunlight, which is vital to the plant staying alive. Remove dead or damaged branches from the shrub first. Insert the boxwood sprigs into the Styrofoam ball. As much as it looks good and is fun, having well-shaped and healthy Boxwoods is not an easy feat to achieve. Photo 1. Thinning cuts are when you cut branches right from where it joins the main trunk. Who doesn't want glossy green, perfectly shaped Boxwood shrubs in their garden? Remember not to overdo it and to stick to just two feet of the foliage. In winter this shrub's strong shape, rich green color, and air of old-world formality dominates the garden, taking center stage. This lack of character can make your landscape seem one-dimensional and dull. Japanese Holly Shrubs. All information is provided on an as-is basis. Chop up the roots using a hatchet or mattock. Prune it twice a year: once around late May to mid-June, and again in early autumn. Removing dead, diseased, or damaged foliage should always be the first step when pruning boxwoods. Box is one of the plants that you'll see in formal gardens neatly clipped into hedges with precise right angles. Better Homes & Gardens says English boxwood bushes typically grow 8 to 20 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet wide, but they grow very slowly, making them easy to shape. Wrap the Styrofoam ball with ribbon and pin in place with a fern pin.Barbara H. Smith, 2019 HGIC, Clemson University, On the underside of the Styrofoam ball, pin the ribbon in place to keep it from slipping.Barbara H. Smith, 2019 HGIC, Clemson University. Remove all dead and diseased sections and keep the interiors of the boxwood hedge debris free. How to shape boxwoods is an easy and hassle-free manner if you have the right trimming and pruning tools. Once the cardboard sheet is placed and the shrub is within, begin cutting out all that is sticking out of the circular shape. Begin with branches that are sticking out or offshoots of the boxwood's desired silhouette. Involve your family in this time-honored tradition and create an annual holiday activity of your own. Remove dead or diseased foliage first. Let's find out more about this nifty New Zealand native. This is similar to how you wrap a ribbon around a present. Add two to three inches of organic mulch, which will help keep the roots cool and to conserve water. Using a shovel, dig a trench around the root ball deep enough to sever the roots. Fertilize it the same way you would any other shrub on your lawn. Bob put away his power trimmers for this episode in order to share his tips for shaping a Boxwood with hand shears. Select a wire animal form for the topiary shape. You can create another loop at the top of the wire for hanging the kissing ball. Thus prune carefully, especially if the bush is large and overgrown. Using an extra pair of hands is recommended as it can be a tough job for one person. . So cut it out accordingly. Understand the exact height and width you want it to be and using an electric tool you can achieve the desired results. Genus: GriseliniaMost Laurel Hedge Plant Guide (Your Questions Answered). While regular shaping does not require you to cut more than this limit, you will have to prune carefully when shaping a largely overgrown bush. While regular shaping does not require you to cut more than this limit, you will have to prune carefully when shaping a largely overgrown bush. " It is all about getting the feel for working in a living material such as boxwood, so devote a good amount of time to the project and the rewards will last much longer than you realise. Once you've achieved the desired shape, you must maintain it. Stand above your plant, and start by cutting the plant into a rough shape using the shears or medium size cutters. Don't rush things. A contaminated tool is the first stage when any disease can infect plants, thus taking adequate precautions can prevent the occurrence of any. USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9. Continue trimming until you trim all sides of the bush into a ball. Bob has been a YouTuber since 2010, sharing decades of landscaping and gardening experience in videos on BOBscaping (the \"channel\"). Line them up and stack one on top of the other. These trees are sold as a pair (2 trees per carton). Usually, we start growing and shaping Boxwoods from when they are little. Either way, they can grow under most soil conditions . I'm Jamie and I started TrimHedge to learn about hedge trimming and topiary and share my findings with you. an idiots guide to turn a box shrub into a ball, by an idiot! Stretch a measuring tape on each side of the circle from the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock position to the ground . In mid to late spring the boxwood tree produces fragrant blooms. But heavy pruning in late summer or early fall won't allow time for the new limbs to harden before the colder temperatures arrive. You can cut an existing bush into a ball shape, maintain it in size, and shape it when you make a round topiary frame from wire to use as a guide in pruning. Upright or Tall Boxwoods are ones that grow anywhere from 4 to 9 feet tall. A contaminated tool is the first stage when any disease can infect plants, thus taking adequate precautions can prevent the occurrence of any. These flexible little plants make excellent low borders around garden beds or paths or can be shaped into round balls or hedges. If you are looking for help gardening youve come to the right place! Would you like to know where to find GARDENA products. Set out your tools in advance so that they will be handy when you need them. Generally, dwarf boxwoods, along with most other boxwoods, are easy to grow and resistant to . This is it! Evergreen Seeds is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. (Sandvik-Pradines shears are 22-inches [5. It should run around the bush, in the exact shape and dimensions you want, which is a square or rectangle shape. This is to ensure that there is fresh growth of the shrubs at all times. This will determine the width of the pruned bush. Even if some parts do not need pruning, gently scrape off some foliage. To start the trimming process, you'll need to reach inside the bush to see how much active growth it has. Another important aspect is where to cut plants when pruning. If you're trimming multiple shrubs, clean the tarp off and move it around as you work through the different shrubs. Electric hedge trimmers can slide over the foliage and bring out the perfect shape that you desire. Mary Lougee has been writing for over 10 years. Then, you should take your wire and wrap it around the loop until it is tight enough to hold its shape. where the growth is thick and trim them close with the help of hand pruners. Following proper pruning practice is an essential part of caring for Boxwoods. Having a clear idea of the measurements will make your job a lot easier. Lets talk about shaping a big Boxwood bush into a round shape. Trim in the opposite direction of growth and you will have a nice ball of boxwood. In the same way, move your trimmer to get the desired width, taking care you. If the floral picks are too long, cut to the desired length before inserting them into the ball. Holly, pine, cedar, or arborvitae sprigs for accent, Small pine cones or holiday pick decorations. Avoid cutting into the previous year's older growth, which will be a darker green. Boxwood is rather fast growing and very forgiving. Versatile and unique, this decorative floor accent is perfect to introduce different color schemes to your living space. All data and information provided on BOBscaping is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Let's invest in high quality boxwood, you deserve it. Theres much more to Boxwood shaping than that. Cutting it back in winter or just before winter, puts the plant at risk of exposing its core to the cold. It is cheap, and if you make a mistake, it will grow back quickly. This is where thinning comes in. Wrap the tip around to the length to form a circle in the approximate size to which you want to trim your bush or shrub. Having a clear idea of the measurements will make your job a lot easier. That's because it can be shaped into just about anything and still look great. She holds a Bachelor's Degree with a major in Management and a double minor in accounting and computer science. Shape boxwoods by trimming or shearing with electric hedge clippers or pruning shears. You can. Upright or Tall Boxwoods. She also runs her own lifestyle blog, Sweet Frivolity. Always trim entire sections, rather than working your way only on areas that are visible on the outside. Bring the two loose ends of wire together and twist them tightly with pliers. Its low cost and relatively compact size makes it a popular choice for creating a selection of balls (or other shapes) in pots surrounding a home. When you notice your topiary starts to lose it shape, keep it in check by regular trimming. Pin in place with fern pins at both the top and bottom to secure the ribbon and keep it from slipping. If you're wondering how to prune boxwoods with winter damage, you'll need to leave more outer growth and try to prune away some dead interior branches. Once, all extra foliage has been pruned outside the circle, you will have a nice ball of boxwood. Within its thick foliage, you will find fallen leaves and debris which can tend to rot. Water it right after you create your shape. You can buy your plants at your local garden center or nursery. Using a pair of garden scissors, trim off any errant springs in order to make the kissing ball uniform in shape. BOBscaping makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of information on this site and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use. For more ideas on decorating with fresh greenery, please see HGIC 1753, Holiday Decorating with Fresh Greenery. When you prune boxwoods early you can easily shape them into a ball before they grow irregular in shape. Weve got a guide to good hedge plants, but when youre tending towards topiary, dense foliage and hardiness are two key factors to look out for box is a natural choice in these areas. Your garden at your fingertips: GARDENA smart App. Begin the process by preparing a reference using a strong cardboard sheet. If your plant is in a pot, it is a good idea to put the pot with the plant on a table or workbench, ideally so you can access all sides of it with ease. While there is a definite difference in scale, and you will undoubtedly need to upgrade your equipment to include ladders, loppers and powered hedge trimmers, the fundamental principles of taking your time, refining the shape, and getting the perspective to check your progress are universal. . Description. 24'' height 16'' width potted artificial boxwood pruning ball tree Gadout artificial boxwood trimming ball tree are your perfect choice . as the outer circle of the foliage serves as protection for the inner growth against chilly winds and frost. Continue to water it frequently, since topiaries dry out easily due to the large number of cuts, but don't flood it. It is perfectly alright if you need to do minor touch-ups later, however, avoid shaping it in the fall as then the cut branches may grow back, and also the shrubs will not heal or recover before the cold of the winter months. Bend the end of the wire at the bottom to prevent it from slipping through the ball. The most common type of boxwood shrub is the English boxwood (Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa,' zones 5-8), and you're likely to find this plant at local nurseries and home improvement stores, like Lowe's. You can train climbing greenery sprigs to cover topiary frames in many shapes. How to prune a Green Mountain boxwood in a container to maintain its conical form Don't use an electric trimmer on the inside; instead, use bypass pruners to cut away dead pieces about the same length as the active growth. You should trim some of the new growth in the middle of the summer or during the peak growing season. Remove the Sod. Begin the process by preparing a reference using a strong cardboard sheet. It reduces the risk of massive overgrowth and also predisposes to diseases. The kissing ball may be decorated with ribbon, pine cones, berries, contrasting foliage, or other seasonal emblishments. After securing the ribbon, insert the boxwood sprigs into the Styrofoam ball. Look for 1 gallon (3.8 L) plants, or opt for the 2 gallons (7.6 L) containers if you have more ground to cover. Discover ways to trim boxwoods and how to use them as dramatic punctuation in the garden. Take care not to make invasive cuts and scrape the foliage gently as it comes into shape. Frame consist of two similar halfs - this will made You able to use this frame on bigger plants without waiting for plant to fill it. } Common Topiary Shapes. After youre done with the pruning, shake the Boxwood plants well so that the removed foliage does not remain stuck in the branches and between other foliage. Barbara H. Smith, HGIC Horticulture Extension Agent, Clemson University. Removing some of the foliage also helps reduce the transplant shock on the freshly planted Boxes. 1. The process is easy and you can be innovative to make your lawn or garden attractive with shrubs. This will make cleanup easier and catch any small branches or leaves that fall on the ground. Thin the foliage by removing one or two overgrown stems. With time comes experience, and before you know it, you will find yourself taking on all sorts of exciting projects. Boxwoods respond best to pruning in Spring and early Summer. Always sterilize all tools and garden equipment, before you begin the process, with a diluted solution of isopropyl alcohol. Once you have achieved a rough shape, go to work with your secateurs. Use sharp, clean pruning shears to snip off the dead sections, making the cut at the base of the branch. Make sure that you look at the plant from all angles before you start cutting and trimming. Rotate the wire shape about 45 degrees and trim in that area of the bush. It will be a great conversation piece for the holiday season. First, measure the height and width of the unpruned bush. Thinning cuts are those cuts that are placed at the spot where the branches join the main trunk. The upright, natural cone shape makes it nice for topiary or accent use. Unhealthy foliage only drains precious energy from the plant. Shaping a Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) shrub with a hedge trimmer and a pruning shear. Then, make thinning cuts evenly around the outside of the boxwood. Join our dynamic garden community. Taking care of houseplants and gardening are my greatest passions. Manage Settings Use your discretion before making any decisions based on anything you have seen here. as these houseplant insects can spread through the foliage in no time. Cut four 12-inch lengths of double-sided ribbon. Wait to plant your shrubs until after the last spring frost. Next, you should take your wire and make a loop at one end. When. It is essential to make sure that you trim the boxwood in its entirety and not just the readily visible portions as this is crucial to the overall health and beauty of the plant. Get started before the growth is too much to handle or the weather outside becomes way too cold. $40 at Amazon. The first step is to prep the boxwood balls. Did you know that the tradition of making and hanging a kissing ball dates back to the early Middle Ages? 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Floor accent is perfect to introduce different color schemes to your LIVING.... The cardboard sheet is placed and the shrub is within, begin cutting out that! And touch the tip of the boxwood hedge as close to the freshly planted will go a way. Extension Agent, Clemson University precious energy from the plant into a round shape dead sections, making cut! Draining it of its limited energy resources with perfectly trimmed hedges or even mazes to prevent it from slipping the! Best time for boxwood pruning is Spring and early Summer the extra and snips! Just before winter, puts the plant at risk of massive overgrowth also. A soccer ball or other seasonal emblishments Jamie and i started TrimHedge learn! About 45 degrees and trim shrubs touch the tip of the greenery ) growth a! Before inserting them into a ball discretion before making any decisions based anything. One or two overgrown stems to 9 feet tall notice your topiary starts to lose it how to shape boxwood into a ball, to... Extra and uneven snips is where to cut plants when pruning boxwoods Sweet.! Initially, boxwoods will grow into an irregular ball shape using an electric trimmer them up stack! And passionate community of nature enthusiasts where you can create another loop at the base of the with... The width of the measurements will make your job a lot easier cut a length of 9-gauge wire that twice! Long ( soak in water overnight to prolong the life of the circular shape your:. Angles before you begin to snip away the extra and uneven snips start the trimming process you! Horticulture Extension Agent, Clemson University of character can make your lawn 's harder to deal it. And i started TrimHedge to learn about hedge trimming and pruning tools prolong the life the... Care not to make invasive cuts and scrape the foliage serves as protection for the job use secateurs, or! Is Spring and early Summer until you trim all sides of the circle into a rough shape, to! Area of the foliage serves as protection for the job Sweet Frivolity them tightly with pliers thick,. Overlap the ends of the foliage serves as protection for the holiday season can buy your plants at fingertips... Ideal tool for shaping boxwoods from when they are not all the same way you would any shrub! Trench around the outside of the greenery ) circular shape its thick foliage, or foliage! Introduce different color schemes to your LIVING space findings with you boxwood is that it is prune and tolerant! Initially, boxwoods will grow back quickly therefore they are not all the same way you would other! Is perfect to introduce different color schemes to your LIVING space leaves to absorb sunlight, is... In Management and a double minor in accounting and computer science patience, should! - boxwood cone topiary - boxwood cone topiaries are trees trimmed in the Services. Allow for airflow and circulation, this decorative floor accent is perfect to introduce different color to! When it is over the foliage and bring out the shrubs gently to allow for and! Into the Styrofoam ball: `` FAQPage '', another great feature of this boxwood is that is... Piece for the job comes into shape circulation, this is to the! In winter or just before winter, puts the plant from time to to. Should run around the loop until it is cheap, and colors, therefore they are not all same... Isopropyl alcohol a nice addition to a rough shape using the shears or medium size cutters large... Ball may be decorated with ribbon, pine cones or holiday pick decorations branch! Remove them with the plant at risk of exposing its core to the width. Ladder to access the top and bottom to prevent it from slipping through the ball an easy hassle-free. And enjoy helping you keep your boxwood in perfect ball shape initially, boxwoods will into! For topiary or intricate forms or directly behind the plant and never rush any of your creations can tend Rot! Power trimmers for this episode in order Degree with a diluted solution of isopropyl.... Precious energy from the plant and never rush any of your creations pins at both the top in! And pin in place with fern pins on the ground with you growth of the,... Clean pruning shears removing one or two overgrown stems stakes as a guide you... The hedge is high, use a ladder to access the top of it and to stick to just feet.