She said that she was going to look for Kedeit. Attributions and conjectures: The photographer is undetermined. Then another time I was heading back to Ucluelet after dark and came around a corner onto a straight stretch and there was the biggest, brightest (and I mean bright like blinding, hypnotic, bright) light Ive ever seen, over top of me. My family and I are new to Port Alberni, as of May 2014. Its really interesting about the bed looking to have been sat on, because many people have reported similar observations in other places reputed to be haunted. Other than what appears above. Thumbs up for this list.Just amazing and the most haunted places in the world you mentioned here. He has never caused harm, but does frighten my mother-in-law somewhat. Also as for seeing ghostly natives on tzouhalem I know for a fact that the natives dress in old clothes are winter and do rituals on the mountain and cant help but think people are seeing real people on the mountain and not ghosts. Amenities: Oil central heating. My friends dad is an ex military guy and was visibly freaked out by the experience. The village of Kixx?in, which is thousands of years old, to the north of the beach, was abandoned after a massacre. Esquimalt, was completed. Our neighbours rented our house for awhile and confirmed this haunting decades later with a comment what about that ghost in the basement bathroom? It is known that the hill by the spit is a native burial site for those who died of smallpox and couldnt be buried in the traditional site as they would contaminate the living. I was fortunate enough to help the museum with some of their research. The Haunted Palace: Do Ghosts Wander the Halls of Hampton Court Palace? I appreciate you sharing the experience. There were also 2 men I believe who jumped into the box of one of her friends trucks and were trying to open the doors. Pretty much every residential school site for example, beaches where First Nations battles took place, pubs, hospitals you name it. There were over 600 mining deaths in the area believe it or not, but the one youve mentioned was the biggest. Myths are of the past. Incidents includepoltergeistactivity and people experiencing being touched. The only tip Ive ever had from Cumberland per se is from the site where Henry Wagner killed Constable Ross at the old Fraser and Bishop store. Havent been out that way for a long time, cant remember what led me to discover the place. Im watching this episode at the moment. Personally the lake gives me the creeps and I felt that way before I ever heard any stories. Ready Steady Cut is operated by Hart-Wilson Media Limited Also, no tenant ended their life in the home. Really, how did that suicide paper happen to get there? conveniently with the rest of the revealing papers Wouldnt it and all the other belongings left been wiped out before sale? Garden Reach, Cheltenham. When I watched this episode I remembered something. I would guess that it would have something to do with WWII? When I was a kid, there was a property down the road that had this really really old shack. Before the whole thing happened and even after which caused me to believe I could have stopped it and I felt very guilty afterwards Other times Ill have the feeling Ive forgotten something and will need it later on in the day or when something bad will happen I am still afraid of the dark since it seems to just swallow me up without enough light to protect me too, I really dont know whats wrong with me and I need someone to explain these happenings And the most recent experiences are the past months Ive been seeing and hearing things, I would hear something fall but nothing did for example Oh and this one day I saw this floating head of a darker skin colour twice just floating and watching I have a thing for attracting Whatever these things are. It has a Buc Miis/Sasquatch theme you might find interesting . I know this isnt ghost related but Im just wondering if any locals have any info or know anything about this suspicious building. If youre looking for local areas that might be haunted I actually have leads on a couple in your area that Ive kept off the list. Also I forgot to mention one of our teachers had to go to the school after hours because she forgot some papers that she was suppose to mark. He wouldnt say what exactly. The guy from this episode was in my group! This is where the top 1 percent of the spirit realm calls home. The male spirits believed to be a logger who was once killed in a bar brawl and buried outside the property (comment with account below) (more). The next day she explained it to my grandparents and her siblings, her brother decided he wanted to go out there and look around with her, my mom took him to the spot where they had pulled over and they searched around, didnt find anything, so she got him to park on the side road and they started walking down towards the drive way.. heres the crazy part. I-51560-David Thompson memorial celebration; Baptiste and Mrs. Morigeau, I-51561-Competitors for prize for best papoose and carrier at the David Thompson Memorial Celebrations; the woman in white was the winner. He was a fellow of the Royal Institute of England, the Royal Geographical Society and the Institute of Mining and Civil Engineers. There are actually two places around Courtenay called Dracs Castle. The first and original one is the remains of the #8 Coal Mine buildings close to Bevan and Puntledge, on the logging road that goes to Comox Lake. Ive driven and walked and google earthed it and just cant. Theres plenty on Hornby Island but not recorded or shared, unfortunately. The site of a massacre. Ive been meaning to check out the Oxy for awhile. Donna Hill is a local historian and states each haunting has been verified by at least three witnesses. Nicknamed Mount Adelaide. more like an energy form than an actual transparent human form. or even what era of clothing she might be wearing? Im reluctant to go further than this as it would feel exploitive. Most Haunted Places. My Dads girlfriend, who claims to have psychic ability, said she saw the form of a woman in a barrel hoop dress, beside me, and was headless. I think about ghost stories? On sept 2014 myself and my brother stayed at green point campground . One web page previously mentioned one buildings occult history, but this information is no longer available. I experienced a sort of spiritual peace on Keeha Beach that has been hard to replicate in my life. There is an old graveyard behind the pulp mill from the late 1800s and early 1900s. The second was of an apparition of a woman with a hideous face nothing like a human face without arms and legs. Perhaps others have seen something similar around there which is why I wanted to share. Id say! They have had the tv change channels on its own, taps turn on and off and things disappear just to reappear days or weeks later. There were, and still are, some great pagan people but not so easy to confuse the two groups unless a person was ultra religious. Ive created The Islands Paranormal Research Team to investigate the building and compound, with remarkable success, and we have only just begun. When he finally determined to leave the country he was presented with complimentary testimonials by the Australian Government, which also expressed regret at his departure and the loss of his valued service. As soon as he got outside his flashlight turned back on. It scared the crap out of her, and seemed huge to her. That would be interesting to know as well. You might have to become a member, not sure. It seemed to be made of veins. If you ever get a chance to ask more about this or remember any more details please feel free to share. I stayed over there a number of times and many creepy things occurred. the remoteness is quite astounding. Anyways sorry for the preamble. Croft House is a Los Angeles manufacturer and retailer of handmade home furniture and commercial fixtures. Funny part about the area your talking about is that if you go into certain parts of Jingle pot even closer to the city. I havent spoken to the friend I was with since then other than in passing and saying hi. well I had fallen asleep and my friend was asked by someone in the pitch black if it was ok to sleep in top bunk tonight- she said yes. tried to find it but never could. The list is source based, meaning locations are added if theyve received enough oral, media, or online recognition. There were all sorts of spooky happenings there. A Yew tree in the harbour is also said to be haunted by the spirit of a First Nations woman. Ill see if I can dig something up. I felt unsettled at this person looking at me so intentlyuntil later, when I realized she was an apparation. Had a chat with one of the Newdastle island ferry drivers. I havent come across anything from Cumberland, yet. Chief Tzouhalem was a mystic who talked to spirits including a cannibal spirit that helped him kill people. still curious as to what it was. Lightbulbs had been found unscrewed. That does sound scary. All I can say to the above is I have been exposed enough to the above so I have the right to be a true believer. When I was there last year the salmon were running so thats probably why. There used to be a train from Victoria to Crofton. Intense place. I look forward to hearing more about your daughters experiences if she has any more as well. Im becoming more and more certain I need to do a post exclusively on UFO encounters on Vancouver Island; especially with the parallel to some of the First Nation myths regarding the thunderbird I dont take the show too seriously, but I like checking out Ancient Aliens once in a while (theres actually a drinking game? Thanks for sharing. The accident that took my sister's friends life happened the next morning on the way to school. I reported the incident but never heard anything back. Croft was born in 1861 in St. Pancras Workhouse. Paranormal Travel Guide. Electrical appliances are problematic. Completely made up. The apparition of a woman in a long dress was seen by at least one witness. I live in Port Hardy on the north end of the island. Most fascinating, was a witnesses description of the apparition of a man wearing a fedora and pin-striped vest. Heard people say weird things like red eyes in the darkness around campfire, and something making hoots and strange noises, rocks being thrown at camper unit in the night. . About fifteen years ago he represented one of the Island constituencies In the Provincial Legislature. Ive spent my whole life here. I put the pics on my Google page. Henry Croft (January 15, 1856 July 28, 1917) was an Australian-born lumber and mining magnate on Vancouver Island from the 1880s to 1900s. We also had an injured hen that we kept in a kennel beside the woodstove inside the house. Other people experienced activity throughout the school. Wyatts from the mining town of Crofton, which was named after Mr. Croft, whose house he, his sister, and his mother moved into. Some clients would always come back to have the feeling of searching for the spirits. At the end of Lake Trail Road (on your way to the old ghost town of Beban) as it hits the Comox Logging Road (Comox Lake Road) that goes out to the Rod & Gun Club/Comox Lake. I hope this is helpful. Thanks Anthony! I saw what I saw as Anthony saw what he saw. Monster Quest dubs Vancouver Island Ape Island. The sightings are said to have preexisted coastal-recorded history within First Nation Legends. Courtenay was both a mining town and sawmill town with railway lines from the mountain lake area (Town of Beban) down to the ocean near Royston. I have not heard any tales of Ms Suzie moving on up. One day I made the massive mistake of using a Ouija Board at his house. Crow made a point of visiting the other well-known haunted spotsthe tourist spotshoping to see a ghost. Its a path for the cows to go under the highway. Henry's second wife, Anne Boleyn, held his interest as his mistress for six years but had just a brief reign as Queen. A man from Powell River died in one of the rooms on the second floor around 1970. [2] In 1883 he moved to Canada to join his brother Ted, who was then on Vancouver Island. Valdez Spit, (Valdes) IslandA dancing First Nation warriors apparition has been reported, similar to the Pender Island apparition. It was always a big area, so something was defiantly built there a really long time ago. Thank you for your thought on it and the advice to look further into it. We live in Ontario and I was not aware of a lot of this info. [4] Room number 4? Quirky or strange incidents have occurred, believed by owners and staff to be the ghost of a deceased chef named Morris Shank. It was one of the most creepy places Ive ever been to. Services will take place at 3 oclock in Christ Church Cathedral. There have been several reports of this creature on both sides of the island. Many mill workers have felt or heard things and even seen apparitions even to this day. I live on Vancouver Island, near the town of Crofton. Everything in the house was quite old, and you knew when the door latched shut, you could hear it from anywhere in the house. For some, this might be consulting a First Nations healer with experience, but for others it might be as simple as wearing a cross if religion resonates with you. I cant remember if its mentioned, but were lead to believe this all happened in Crofton in Henry Crofts old house. She says she was swimming @ Campbell lake looking down while wearing googles. This lake is cedar water and normally you cannot see the bottom during the day. do you have any idea the kind of stuff that would or was going on there? . Concluding, walking my dog at night I have seen other strange things at night around here! Very interested in hearing if activity resumes at the Post & Beam. There is a lot of activity on Esowista Peninsula and in Ucluelet. ! He asked, You saw it too, huh? That really bright yellow flash? He nodded. According to a member of staff working at the castle, Sir James Herbert Croft (d. 1941) and his sister received an unearthly message via the board whilst using it one night. Thanks for sharing! There have been a number of similar sightings Ive come across regionally. Australia. Heard of bigfoot sittings on protection island; but, not on Newcastle campers have heard tree knocking and branch breaking. I think this prop was way too creepy to be part of a mere Wiccan ritual. Yes there were rituals performed there with animals, parties (raves), etc. Henry crofton of longford house sheriff of co. Henry Croft January 15 1856 July 28 1917 was an Australian-born lumber and mining magnate on Vancouver Island in the early 1900s. The house had been sold a couple times, but no one really messed with some of the older structures. I know it was a favourite area for certain rituals or like you say so the story goes but not sure what happens around there now. Theres tons of cabins and a campsite, Im fourteen and my family has two cabins out there side by side, the one beside mine is my aunts. And we couldn't get through. Do you know of any newspaper articles that talk about these places? Would see a black and white dog from time to time, as well. I saw a woman staring at me intently. The sound of oars in the water was heard by another witness when no boat was present. An Asian boy in old-fashioned dress has been seen by many witnesses especially children bouncing a red ball. You can skip the first episode; this one is worth the watch. View 759295270847315s profile on Facebook, Buildings Associated With Temple Lodge Members, Houses Associated With Members of Temple Lodge, No.33, Masonic Education Videos From Grand Lodge of Canada In Ontario, Freemasons Cancer Car Program Cowichan Valley, Freemasons Cancer Car Program Contact Info, Suggested Sources For Masonic Formal Dress And Jewellery, Buildings Associated With Freemasons On Vancouver Island Victoria, Historic Membership Lists of Vancouver Island Masonic Lodges, Some Prominent Freemasons In Vancouver Island History, Vancouver Island Cemeteries and Masonic Interments, Masonic Funeral Service For RWB Tom Tams 27 January 2023, 2 p.m. At H.W. A-02018-Honourable William John Bowser, King's Council. I looked through my notes and couldnt find anything specific. In your case, it sounds like there might be an actual connection as you had human remains in your home. Multiple witnesses claim to have seen or experienced phenomena (more). When I felt the same creepy feeling at the Cruikshank River it was after dark sometime in 1996. Hi Ed, I havent heard about it being haunted or that there were tunnels underground. There have been several reports of this creature on both sides of Vancouver Island. But he house was demolished in 1959 after the Salvation Army got ownership, Your email address will not be published. It was checked by an archeologist as being ancient native, not a police matter of someone recently killed. Ha! Looking up at one of the windows, he is said to have caught sight of a man looking out over the fields that lay beyond the castle. It was called Jingle Pot mile when I was growing up. My sister and her friends were chased by men in a Ford bronco. In some reports, the spectre is described as being seven-foot tall. Thanks Sharie! The serpent-like creature is sometimes believed to travel back and forth in underground water tunnels connecting nearby lakes. One side of Schoen Lake and the back of a friends property in Bowser. Yet, in the case of these following five roads, it is not the blinding darkness which should inspire [], ADVERTISEMENT Henry VIII was King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547. I actually live in Crofton. Id be able to date when people claimed to have seen her from (even though its likely before that). Also true we do tend not to embrace anything different around here. Finally, just last year, 3 years to the day of that incident happening the same lightening with No-Thunder happened again witnessed by everyone who lives around here. Thank you for your comment Brian. I was surprised to hear that there are Sasquatch sightings on Newcastle and Gabriola Islands. when we went up for breakfast and started to ask around about what happened they all said oh ya the ghosts always climb on top bunk I havent been back since. On his arrival Mr. Croft had lost consciousness, this he never regained. Ghost lights are seen along the old lake trail as well. No cemetery was available to him, so he was buried in an unmarked grave on the island to which he had fled. Wow. In the summer of 2014 I was walking home from a buddys place at about 9PM. Things were pretty normal up until that point. A road crew is said to have found her skeleton and the haunting stopped. . By now the interior had been redressed, with the furnishings and portraits returned to the rooms. Haunted By Henry sounds like a weird fashion line, or at least it would if you stuck a comma after the word haunted, but its actually about a mother and her children being besieged by unsettling events after moving into the former home of a 19th-century mining magnate. Very true Nanaimo does have the ability to sweep things under the rug. I never realized that so many people have had experiences there! Do you know if the ferry driver gave a description of the apparition or say anything about who had seen it? I never knew anyone had experienced anything there before. The building was constructed in 1876. Meares Island, Strathcona Park, Tofino, Campbell River, & Port Alberni are named specifically. He then saw my blankets and I float up from the bed and the blankets were moving in a wave like manner. The 20 houses in the United Kingdom with the worst reputation for their unwanted ghosts and spirits. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Especially because there were two (?) Ill send you an email over the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your comment Cody! His experience was in the Malahat in 2010. Rob, your theory does sound pretty solid to me. An encounter I will never forget and my brother also witnessed it. View all posts by Shanon Sinn. Never knew much about it, as when I used to go there, maybe about 15-18 years ago it was just an open stone or concrete building with walls that were broken down. have gone out there a few times and it is so surreal you almost want to whisper so as not to disturb this quiet resting place. Jacob Henry Croft Sr was born on 4 October 1804, in Barnwell, South Carolina, United States as the son of John Henry Graff and Mary Ann. I have no proof of anything, but I swear to anyone who reads this I am not lying and Im terrified of these happenings. About It oclock yesterday morning a return of the headache induced him to call Dr. Holmes, who was with him half an hour later. I got the the dog and the cats (was shredded like a head of lettuce while doing it) and got them in the room with us. Creepy dolls damn! I know a few other folks that feel it too. Out like a light turned off. Marijuana would have been illegal at the time, no way they're calling the cops. I used to hear her talking to someone a lot more than recently, but used to say that he told her to go look for him. Some beautiful images. His coffin was carried in a procession from his home in Charles Street (now Phoenix Road), and Henry's medals and famous pearly hat was placed on top. He called me to tell me about it. I volunteer for an animal rescue in Nanaimo and ended up getting a call a few weeks ago from someone in an apartment behind an abandoned building at the corner of Farquhar and Haliburton Street. Everyone always said it was haunted but I didnt believe them. Someone recently drowned here I guess it was a about 5 or 6 years now. I would love to talk to you more about your experiences if youd be open. My mom managed the pub in town and so we were usually on our own at night until she came home. I heard the story (when I was checked into the room), crummy sleep because I kept one eye open. We were sleeping by the fireplace in the living room, and both awoke to the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. But after 4 years it didn't look red. Lots of people speak to this room. Thats very interesting especially about the oval shape. I know youre a ways from there, but youre still closer than me, so I thought Id ask. We saw headlights, heard the car pull in (his driveway is dirt and gravel), heard the car turn off and heard someone get out. Shanon, have you done any exploring into Kakawis Indian Residential School on Meares Island (across from Tofino)? The spirit was not describedbut was said to have interfered with electronics, especially music that he didnt like. This would be the first Port Hardy ghost story Ive come across. Never good. UFO guys name is Granger Taylor. With his careful guidance and full knowledge of the castles history, I was taken behind the scenes, so to speak, to see areas of the castle which are usually out of bounds to the public. @CML i think this might give some insight for you. The changing faces of Croft Castle. National Trust. Hi Nelda, I sent you an email but not sure if you got it. Stone buildings. My friend also claims that he has seen faces in his wall. I never knew the hotel floor was still there. One psychic-medium claimed that the spirit is that of a First Nations woman whose remains are in the museum. I havent actually. Would love to hear what you know about the haunting, and if youve had a personal experience there as well? I am curious what you might find! les moyens de communication modernes pdf; voiture occasion 2500 euros le bon coin Thanks Nelda! On my way home I ran into another friend and decided to hang with him and his brother for a while. On June 10, 1912, Josiah and Sarah Moore, their four children and two visiting children were murdered by ax in their beds inside this Iowa home. I cant find a current web page for Hill or Angus. My boyfriend works at a fish plant in port hardy and was working an evening shift when he saw 4 uniformed orange lights in the shape of a diamond (length going from left to right). Twice I have experienced unusual sightings. Neighbours have seen an apparition in an upstairs window of a man with a handlebar mustache. Creep place!! Some of the pub staff know a lot about the history, and they all seem to have a ghost story or two . I was kind of scared but too caught up in what I was looking at and running didnt seem necessary. one time coming back from port alberni we got out at the top of hydro hill to let the dog out as soon as we opened the door we herd a blood curdling howl . There are claims that the previous owners left suddenly, abandoning all of their possessions including a car. Arifa Akbar. Thank you for your comment Georgette. Not the kind your thinking. The suicide? He came around a corner that I was heading toward. I know that children are more open to spirits, and my daughters paternal grandfather was a medicine man (he has passed and we dont know much more than that about him) do you think she could carry on in life seeing and feeling the presence of spirits, or will she lose that in time? Sounds like there might be wearing feel it too, huh by at least one witness and spirits all their... My group apparition in an upstairs window of a man from Powell River died in one of the papers... The world you mentioned here but, not on Newcastle campers have heard tree knocking and branch breaking to. Left been wiped out before sale Henry Crofts old house do you know any! Was present ways from there, but youre still closer than me so... This prop was way too creepy to be part of a man wearing a fedora pin-striped. 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