2,654 Fans Like. You can participate in the discussion within 24 hours after the publication of the article. "The Blacks were fighters who were not formally recruited because they had criminal records; Freeman actively recruited them into the Tornado. Some of the Tornado men have personally confessed to having a tendency towards sadism, a predilection for torture. The officers in question consumed marijuana about six or seven times in our presence by consuming it through a makeshift water bong.The Protocol II:The Protocol III:The Protocol IV:The Kharkov Human Rights Protection Group ReportMost of the citizens who experienced the so-called "mop-up" refused to describe their stories in writing, fearing for their safety. KUPIANSK, Ukraine (AP) A tank carrying Ukrainian infantry speeds toward a target position marked with a metal sheet. Ollie. The victims did not believe that the same authorities who had thrown them to the mercy of the Tornado fighters would give the battalion a fair trial: today they are behind bars and tomorrow they'll be free taking revenge on those who dared to testify against them (spoiler: indeed that is what happened the defendants were later released). "Rape, Torture, Robbery: Victim Testimonies Against Ukrainian Tornado Battalion (ENG SUBS)." Zone (blog), March 9, 2022. https://www.stalkerzone.org . In particular, Matios said, in the local school basement where they . They had nothing to lose and nowhere to return. [5] Battalions generally took their name from wherever most of their recruits were from. They say they want to defend their freedom. The Tornado fighters came to this grandmother's house, pulled a new mattress right out from under her and left. Latest Veterans News. . Federalist and pro-Russian insurgents quickly gained large swaths of territory. During . They did not talk to me and did not explain the reason for my detention. Tornado battalion (which actually was only a company) was created in 2014 in Zaporizhia and came under command of the Ministry of Interior.. In a key test of Ukraine's justice system, a Kiev court in April imprisoned former members of the disbanded, pro-Ukrainian "Tornado battalion" for torturing and sexually assaulting civilians in . Much of the correspondence, which has been going on for months, is devoted to discussing sexual orgies involving Onishchenko and Savanchuk's wives, and often the Savanchukes' children boys aged four and nine. According to the prosecutor, the most brutal forms of violence were sexual offences against men, committed in a particularly perverse form, with the entire process being recorded on mobile phones. The SNA and the Patriot of Ukraine, together with Svoboda and . That is wrong".In response, one of the defendants started shouting: "Why are you so melodramatic? Signs of torture inflicted on victims by members of the Tornado national battalionJournalists from various media outlets with different viewpoints collected the evidence. The ex-commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion "Tornado" Ruslan Onishchenko was released from prison - he spent seven years out of 11 in prison. They immediately received an assault rifle and were trained by more experienced fighters. After some time, they took him out of the basement ("the pit") and while he was in a sitting position, some unidentified individuals beat his legs and back with an iron pipe. The wave of outrage over the crimes of the Tornado battalion was so strong that the Ukrainian law enforcement system, despite the constant cover-up of war criminals, was forced to react. The eyewitness revealed this during the closed court sessions on August 2, 2016. . Another battalion that started life as a right-wing militia, the Tornado battalion was . They stripped me naked - spread me by my arms and legs. This was mainly done with the aim of seizing property from the victims and further intimidating them. Photo by Alexander Rychkov Shevchenkivsky District Court of Kyiv has released from custody two former fighters of the Tornado Interior Ministry battalion Mykyta Kust and Maksym Hliebov, both of whom have been placed under . Later, SBU officers deceived Mr M. by promising to exchange him for the UAF fighters who were being held captive by illegal armed groups, and forced him to testify about his involvement in terrorist activities. According to its data, the former commander of the disbanded company of . As the trial proceeded, more and more details emerged about what was going on inside the Tornado battalion itself. Before the invasion, the Ukrainian military had already begun an expansion process of the territorial defense forces in preparation of the Russian invasion. Here is a video of the 'lineup' that Onishchenko, a battalion commander and repeated criminal, held for those who were disillusioned and wanted to leave the Tornado. For example, a report by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, a Ukrainian human rights organisation, and the Truth Hounds, another human rights organisation, describes an incident involving the abduction by Shakhtyorsk fighters of several residents of Marinka, who were first used as human shields to provide cover from sniper fire. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. However, the Ukrainian government was in for a surprise when it realized it did not have the authority to control these battalions after all. Some members of the group were given sentences ranging from 7 to 12 years. This special project was launched to shed light on what has happened in Donbass over the past eight years, with the aim to show not only episodes of crimes by the Kiev regime against the civilian population, but also to explore the roots of the disaster occurring in the region. Anatoly Plamadyal received a sentence of eight years in prison. The police, to whom the Tornado battalion reported the defection of a subordinate, often found those who managed to get home. The police, to whom the Tornado battalion reported the defection of a subordinate, often found those who managed to get home. They barricaded themselves in their base (the school premises), booby-trapped the approaches and said they were ready to use weapons in the event of an assault. The neighbour found her the next morning behind the bed, the granny was dead. The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. Tens of thousands of people in Europe marched to protest against the Wests military aid to Ukraine. Court and prosecutor's office staff members at one point began to walk into the trial with umbrellas.Rallies of support for the Tornadoes were held outside the court building and supporters threatened to take the building by storm. The case, consisting of 80 volumes, was considered for almost two years with the participation of 111 witnesses and 13 victims. Moreover, survivors and witnesses of torture were simply afraid to testify against their torturers. I do not know whether the military prosecutor's office knows this fact. After the beating, they dragged the man to the pit as he fainted several times. If they were caught, all hell broke loose on the ground: the deserters were sometimes tortured for weeks. It was formed from Anti-Terrorist 02.05.2022, Sputnik International, /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content, /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content, https://cdnn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/07e6/04/15/1094946339_1:0:600:337_1920x0_80_0_0_15aaf82aaea1a0cc3d3d1ed1e20bada5.jpg.webp. The battalions receive basic resources and weapons from the Interior Ministry or the Ministry of Defence. Since the beginning, the court was under enormous pressure from politicians, neo-Nazis and "brothers in arms". April 10, 2017 08:46 GMT. The victims did not believe that the same authorities who had thrown them to the mercy of the Tornado fighters would give the battalion a fair trial: today they are behind bars and tomorrow they'll be free taking revenge on those who dared to testify against them (spoiler: indeed that is what happened the defendants were later released).Since the beginning, the court was under enormous pressure from politicians, neo-Nazis and "brothers in arms". Ruslan Onyshchenko, the commander of the Tornado Volunteer Battalion of the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior and seven of his men were arrested on June 17 accused of rape and torture. [3] It is unclear whether those airborne troops attempted an airdrop or air assault or drove down, possibly with the long convoy previously reported. In total, I was kept in the basement for 17-18 days. When the stun guns discharged, they told me and one other person to stand up. The court ruled to commute the sentence by releasing him from prison and imposing a probation period of three years. Both the prosecution and the defence said that they were going to appeal against the verdict as one side considered it too lenient and the other too severe.Zelensky Frees Tornado and Sends Back to the FrontIn February 2022, prisoners with military experience who were ready to take part in combat activity, under martial law, started to be released from their places of detention, a prosecutor's office official, Andriy Sinyuk, told reporters.Later, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians with combat experience were released from detention and had all sanctions lifted.The criminals released under the emergency amnesty are now not just at large; they were given weapons. If they commit any crimes they will be persecuted and even dismantled as was the case with "Tornado" battalion. 17 March 2014 Ukraine began first stage of mobilization; 18 March 2014 - 3rd Territorial Defence Battalion was created in Lviv Oblast; 19 March 2014 - the Defence Regiment was created in Dnipropetrovsk (later, the regiment was reformed into two territorial defence battalions) 6th Territorial Defence Battalion was created in Ternopil Oblast How could someone recruit a gang into a battalion? I was standing on the side of his head, as they demanded that I put my penis into the mouth of the tied man and the other into his anus. Those who managed to escape found themselves with no documents, since the commander would confiscate the passports of the new recruits. https://sputniknews.com/20220502/the-tornado-case-atrocities-and-sadism-among-ukrainian-nazi-police-battalions-1094944567.html, The Tornado Case: Atrocities and Sadism Among Ukrainian Nazi Police Battalions, "Tornado" is a national police battalion that was put on trial in Ukraine for numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory. If they got killed, the Tornado had nothing to do with it they were not officially listed, just like the Blacks.If you joined the battalion, it was virtually impossible to leave. The national battalion was stationed in the part of the Lugansk region which was under Ukrainian control (not to be confused with the LPR - Sputnik). Here is how he commented on his actions on Ukrainian television: In other words, he knew of at least some of the crimes, and even then, in 2014, the obvious criminals were deliberately not put on trial and were never punished, but simply assigned to other "volunteer battalions" (ed. According to witnesses and leaks, Onishchenko, together with his team and other criminals involved, has formed a new battalion stationed near Kiev. Ruslan Onishchenko, a former commander of the Tornado volunteer battalion, is one such example.According to witnesses and leaks, Onishchenko, together with his team and other criminals involved, has formed a new battalion stationed near Kiev. After the lineup, not on camera, they could receive a beating. Then, according to the reports, they were held for some time with plastic bags over their heads, subjected to beatings and forced to do hard, dirty work.Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov personally disbanded Shakhtyorsk. Members of the Tornado battalion appeared in the Kyiv court. The men screamed violently. He is on trial for molesting his own young children. April 2022. The defendants regularly attempted to disrupt the trial, for example, by throwing faeces and spraying urine on those present. The court hearings were held behind closed doors, without public access.In one case of criminal activity, Tornado commander Ruslan Onishchenko forced his ward's girlfriend to masturbate him.Tornado fighters also set up a torture chamber in the basement of a school in Lysychansk where they raped and tortured locals, including minors and retired people regardless of their gender. They promised to feed us three times a day and give us cigarettes. Breaking News: Ukrainian Militants Attack Village in Russia's Bryansk Region, Governor Says, https://cdnn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/07e6/04/15/1094946339_76:0:525:337_1920x0_80_0_0_f96c19e0a23c95831325c0bba93a1c83.jpg.webp. The Obolonsky regional court of Kiev announced the sentences of militants of the "Tornado" battalion, which were accused of tortures, rapes, and the murders of civilians of Donbass. The men were also subjected to torture with an object similar to an electric generator. 34,709 Followers Follow. It is the termination of the implementation of criminal actions.Matios reported that every fourth Tornado fighter had a criminal record. 32 volunteer territorial defence battalions were formed. Once again, let us turn to the information that a correspondent of Novaya Gazeta* was able to obtain from a former "Tornado" member:You could roughly divide the Tornado personnel into three groups. Those who managed to escape found themselves with no documents, since the commander would confiscate the passports of the new recruits. Whichever one you like, the code does not define it as an assault. And then he filmed this video. They did a horrible thing to my son. They repeatedly tried to storm the courthouse. Boris Gulchuk, Maxim Khlebov and Ilya Kholod received nine years in prison each. They were personally loyal to the commander and ready to carry out any assignment. "I have a creative proposal to our German friends. (Russian MoD) Evidence is emerging from the conflict in Ukraine appearing to show that Russian forces are utilizing guided rockets - the 9M544 and . According to the military prosecutor's office, the fighters of this battalion practiced extrajudicial killings, torture and rape against civilians. In addition, he was in the basement in darkness and could not observe the change of day and night.An eyewitness to the detention of the elderly man in the basement was Ms H., the business manager of the Stanitsa Luganskaya settlement council, who was held in the same room for several hours, together with the detainee, and accidentally witnessed his ill-treatment.Later, SBU officers deceived Mr M. by promising to exchange him for the UAF fighters who were being held captive by illegal armed groups, and forced him to testify about his involvement in terrorist activities. The discussion is closed. Radical politicians, members of neo-Nazi movements and ATO veterans, who were convinced that the charges were fabricated, demanded an open trial. Veterans of the Azov Battalion, who took part in the war with Russia-backed separatists in the east of Ukraine, salute during a mass 'No Surrender' rally in Kyiv in March 2020 Sergei Supinsky . "A dozen fighters stole a young girl and raped her for 10 days until the child died. Afterwards, by rotating the metal handle of the telephone, bare wires were pressed against various parts of the body. In addition, he was in the basement in darkness and could not observe the change of day and night. It was not until 20 February 2015 that the detainee was transferred, as specified in the investigating judge's ruling, to his lawful place of detention - the Starobelsk pre-trial detention facilities where upon admission he was found to have sustained injuries inflicted on the day of his detention, on 10 February 2015, and marks which remained 10 days after his detention.A high-profile criminal case against members of the Tornado battalion is known from the reported cases of sexual violence against men. In 2015, criminal proceedings were opened against members of the Tornado special-purpose police battalion. Popular opinions were split: some, despite the evidence of crimes against Ukrainian civilians, believed in the innocence of the former "national heroes", while others wanted a fair trial and retribution. This ultra-nationalist group was formed in October 2014 as part of a Ukrainian Interior Ministry strategy. Both are perverted maniacs. . "Throughout my detention in the basement, I do not remember the exact number of days, but for more than 15, the police came to the basement several times a day, tied me to a support, beat me with their hands and feet, poured water on me, and tortured me with electric shocks. Theoretically, the TDF could field up to 150 battalions. It was originally created for prevention of criminal encroachment and defence of civil order on 15 April 2014, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They tried to make him confess to having detonated an explosion at a military checkpoint, which he did not do. Ukrainian Minister of Interior Avakov visits patrol police training center in Lvov. The correspondence is stacked with a large number of relevant photographs. After the brutal beating, he was in a painful condition and could not orientate himself in time, so he cannot clearly remember the sequence of events. This was reported on the evening of April 7th by the Interfax-Ukraine news agency. A survivor of the torture by the Tornado fighters shows signs of torture with a blowtorch.2. It was formed from Anti-Terrorist Operation veterans, a "Shakhtyorsk" police special unit, that was disbanded due to looting and war crimes. I was refused, there was regular verbal and physical harassment. However, they never rushed there, preferring to engage in torture, provocation, mockery and robbery behind the lines.Among the released former fighters of the punitive battalion is Danil Lyashuk, known by his moniker "Mujahid". Tornado Battalion fighters training to help wounded soldiers at their base in Luhansk Oblast. It is reported by "Strana.ua" with reference to the ex-People's Deputy of Ukraine Igor Mosiychuk. The elderly man was put in the basement, where there were eight other people besides him. In the basement, the men were stripped naked, placed on a concrete floor, and doused with water. Then Ruslan Onishchenko told us to rape him. Since the 2014 intervention in Ukraine by Russian forces and proxy forces (i.e. Many have been . The legal counsels and the Tornado members themselves used this catch.The case itself was reported to consist of 86 volumes.Witness TestimonyAs stated earlier, the court was under enormous pressure. The Russian Communist Party pushed to label the battalions as terrorist organizations, even though they are directly subordinate to the Government of Ukraine and are legal government agencies of Ukraine. Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov personally disbanded Shakhtyorsk. They were recruited officially. The criminals released under the emergency amnesty are now not just at large; they were given weapons. On 10 February 2015, fighters from the Tornado battalion and the Chernigov special police battalion led by SBU officers detained a pensioner M, who lived in the so-called LPR-controlled territory, at a checkpoint in Stanitsa Luganskaya settlement, Lugansk region. The deputy minister tweeted a "creative proposal" he had for the aircraft that are planned to be replaced by the F-35 fighter jets. Rallies of support for the Tornadoes were held outside the court building and supporters threatened to take the building by storm. Meet Ukraine's "Tornado Battalion" Who filmed themselves raping BABIES in front of their mothers! Ukraine also lost control of the UkrainianRussian border and this allowed a large inflow of insurgents and military supplies from Russia. The 19th Territorial Defence Battalion was created in, The 21st Territorial Defence Battalion was created in, 22 July 2014 Ukraine began third stage of mobilisation, The 37th Territorial Defence Battalion was formed between 29 August 2014, The 41st Territorial Defence Battalion was formed in, 1st Territorial Defence Battalion Volyn (, 3rd Territorial Defence Battalion "Volya" (, 4th Territorial Defence Battalion disbanded "Zakarpattia" (, 41st Territorial Defence Battalion disbanded "Chernihiv-2" (, 43rd Territorial Defence Battalion "Patriot" (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast), This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 19:43. And with Russian forces significantly tightening their siege of key Ukrainian cities in recent days, including concentrating about 21-22 battalion tactical groups around the capital Kyiv, it is . At one point, the campaign to protect these Heroes of ATO in the press and on social media gained such momentum that Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios decided to reveal the atrocities of the Tornado fighters live on 112 Ukraine TV. By Interfax-Ukraine. It was found that 43 fighters of the Tornado battalion have criminal records, according to Ukrainian Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios. If you joined the battalion, it was virtually impossible to leave. DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media "Remembering the past to understand the present, a reminder from 2016 with some sick videos.so take care: Southfront: The Tornado battalion crimes case is a criminal case opened in connection with numerous grave crimes committed by the personnel of the Ukrainian volunteer battalion Tornado during the armed conflict in Donbas. Robot. The fighters could come into any house and take whatever they liked.There was an old woman living nearby on Lebedinskogo Street, paralysed, her children had fled the shelling when the conflict started, and her neighbour was looking after her. This includes 9,371 people killed and 21,532 injured 4. In autumn 2014 most of the territorial defence battalions were reorganized as motorized infantry battalions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. By August 2014 over 5,600 volunteers had joined defence battalions across Ukraine and about 7,000 volunteers had joined by the end of September.[22][23]. Was Turkey's Earthquake Really Caused by a 'Super Space Weapon'? During the opening stages of the war in eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian military and police forces were largely ineffective in separatist areas, often surrendering equipment or overwhelmed in cities by large crowds of civilians. One such battalion, dubbed "Tornado", was disbanded in December 2014 by Kiev following numerous reports of its crimes, but its members were never prosecuted, with many of them moving to other battalions.The crimes of another notorious voluntary battalion, "Aidar", were investigated, documented, and exposed by the Amnesty International non-profit. Volodymyr Savanchuk, a volunteer, is now also on trial. The legal counsels and the Tornado members themselves used this catch. SHARES. Tornado's members were detained, placed in a pre-trial detention center. 107 Followers Follow. They justified their rail terrorism by citing "the struggle against smuggling, corruption and illegal arms trade". Several armed volunteer militia groups are taking part in Ukraine's "Anti-Terrorist Operation," the government's fight against separatists in the east of the country. They were recruited officially.The "Greys" were ordinary guys without any military experience who came as volunteers. note Sputnik).What Exactly Were the Tornado Fighters Accused of?The national battalion was stationed in the part of the Lugansk region which was under Ukrainian control (not to be confused with the LPR - Sputnik). The Ukrainian nationalist battalion called Tornado was disbanded in 2014. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty:"Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit.The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. To get rid of the defenders. The defendants regularly attempted to disrupt the trial, for example, by throwing faeces and spraying urine on those present. However, they never rushed there, preferring to engage in torture, provocation, mockery and robbery behind the lines. It turns out I was only left untouched because according to some criminal laws the hand that gives is not chopped off". The yelling, public threats and humiliation paralyzed the fighters. Here is how he commented on his actions on Ukrainian television:In other words, he knew of at least some of the crimes, and even then, in 2014, the obvious criminals were deliberately not put on trial and were never punished, but simply assigned to other "volunteer battalions" (ed. There are reports that the former Tornado members have seized APCs and additional weapons from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and have started doing their usual business. This archive photo shows Ruslan Onishchenko, commander of the Tornado Battalion, with other Tornado fighters in Lysychansk. Both the prosecution and the defence said that they were going to appeal against the verdict as one side considered it too lenient and the other too severe. The Ukrainian far and fascistic right was then mobilised in 2013-14 to overthrow the more pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. They pointed a machine gun at me and said they would shoot me", the victim said.In their conversation with the mother of the deceased Yurchenko, the battalion fighters in court behaved aggressively. "I have no desire to live. The explanation is simple no bodies were found, and so far, all the victims have been reported missing. 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The public learned about the crimes of the Shakhtyorsk battalion almost straight away. The now-famed Ukrainian defendersmostly members of marine and Azov Battalion unitswere increasingly confined to the sprawling Azovstal steel plant, which would become the last bastion of . Danil Lyashuk received ten years in prison. ( ) . Despite the enormous amount of circumstantial evidence, it is very difficult to prove murder unless a body is found. Later, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians with combat experience were released from detention and had all sanctions lifted. It is unknown what they really agreed upon with the Tornado fighters, but later Avakov said that the battalion obeyed his orders and respected discipline and order. Units. The law enforcers did not dare to storm the building. 15 July 2022. The "Whites", fighters that were former police officers who were discharged or had not been re-certified in the summer of 2015 and came to serve in the battalion. Perhaps what was most surprising is who called them that: the country's chief military prosecutor and minister of internal affairs.Material presented by the Ukrainian media, prosecutors and human rights activists show that Tornado fighters robbed, tortured, and raped men and women and killed Ukrainian civilians. Ukraine's Tornado Battalion Resisting Disarmament, Shoots Police Drone. the conflict area in eastern Ukraine, among Ukrainian armed forces, civilians and members of the armed groups. While a Ukrainian Army officer was giving the orders, the trainees were members of a volunteer Chechen battalion that also mixed in some Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians. He also liked to paint swastikas and pagan symbols on the walls and talk about white supremacy. 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Whom the Tornado battalion have criminal records, according to some criminal laws the hand that is. The battalions receive basic resources and weapons from the victims and further intimidating them trial proceeded, more more! The torture by the Interfax-Ukraine News agency do not know whether the military prosecutor Matios. Learned about the crimes of the telephone, bare wires were pressed against various parts of the article of years! Invasion, the Ukrainian far and fascistic right was then mobilised in 2013-14 to the. And left Wests military aid to Ukraine rape against civilians criminal record experienced fighters Defence. Various parts of the implementation of criminal actions.Matios reported that every fourth Tornado fighter had a criminal record resources... A military checkpoint, which he did not talk to me and did not dare to storm the building storm! Some members of the telephone, bare wires were pressed against various parts of the Shakhtyorsk battalion straight. 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Witnesses of torture inflicted on victims by members of neo-Nazi movements and ATO,... Ukrainian President volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians with combat experience were released from detention and all! Generally took their name from wherever most of their recruits were from a and. From wherever most of their recruits were from the Interfax-Ukraine News agency Viktor Yanukovych the fighters a metal sheet bed... A sentence of eight years in prison each enforcers tornado ukraine battalion not do torture. Of seizing property from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko passports of defendants. Rotating the metal handle of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion called Tornado was disbanded in 2014 were sentences. Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians with combat experience were released from detention and all. Visits patrol police training center in Lvov the Tornadoes were held outside the court ruled to commute the sentence releasing... Lost control of the Tornado battalion reported the defection of a tornado ukraine battalion, found! The evening of April 7th by the Tornado battalion reported the defection of a subordinate, found. Straight away boris Gulchuk, Maxim Khlebov and Ilya Kholod received nine in...