It's your research and development data. in operations research from Cornell University. But going back to the governance structure, I really like this because although there's some pain that goes along with having this strong oversight over you on a regular basis, I think I think it makes our program and the execution of our program better. UVA Darden And if you think about it, every company does some form of due diligence before they let somebody have these accesses. endobj Excellent, so we probably have one time for one more question. Another one, we have an you touched on this a little bit when you're talking about employee communications and governance and this is around a lot of companies have unclear population and clear population. stream What is a very large and expansive challenge? He is a co-author ofInventory and Production Management in Supply Chains, CRC Press. Lockheed Martin 23 years 2 months Senior Software Engineering Manager Apr 2022 - Present11 months Huntsville, Alabama, United States Software Engineering Manager Oct 2019 - Apr 20222 years 7. It was about people with clearances and classified information, and we know that that problem set is way beyond classified information. You know that's your Crown jewels, right? ", The Veteran community is an amazing source of Loyal and Highly Skilled talent. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin, Mr. Thomas was the Principal Deputy Director of Counterintelligence for the Nation following a mini-confirmation process by the White House, and the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence. /Type /Page He was the counterintelligence advisor to the Director of National Intelligence and the President of the United States. Part of that staffing includes the Computer Incident Response team. I mean, it's actually pretty remarkable. You gotta jump over, of course, but that's not the hardest part. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] Of our office is because I spend a lot of time and so does everybody. These are the lessons learned for us, and they're not in any particular order but the first one. He's being terminated from our company and you're on notice. ", Its important to have more women in STEM fields because diversity of thought and experiences drives innovation. A multi-year program that provides a rigorous course of study designed for candidates who research for more than the sake of research. /Pages 2 0 R His research interests include coordinating production and inventory planning across the extended enterprise and connecting decision models to logistics performance measurement. I don't know if we would have seen that kind of a download, but what happened is we saw the download. The people with the mentality of if its not broken, dont fix it, will challenge your notions and be reluctant to change. In September of 2009, he retired as a member of the Senior Executive Service and last served as the Executive Director. One is what authority do companies have to conduct training, monitoring, and the other half is? So you Fast forward it today. I consider it an honor and privilege!, 2023 Lockheed Martin Corporation. You know that's not a goal of ours. Because it is a painful process quite frankly, but it it helps us. Engage via Email. So I was getting things like, yeah, 35. Doug is the Director of Counterintelligence and Corporate Investigations for Lockheed Martin. Download 49 files. The gunman, Douglas Williams, an assembly line worker at the plant, shot 14 of his co-workers with a shotgun, killing six of them, before committing suicide. Again, he denied it when we approached him later he finally admitted it. /F2 13 0 R Recruiting military & Veteran talent is absolutely crucial to Lockheed Martin. Maybe you just start off with one person you start off with hiring the right person. He serves as a senior editor forProduction and Operations Management. Again, if you have. I think your culture could drive what you call yourself an where this office is executed from. The insider threat Assets risk counterintelligence. I think they do a better job of taking care of their information then the government takes care of classified information. So it's about 98 years old. I mean, it's amazing to me the 4th bullet to me might be maybe the most important bullet on here, and I've already mentioned this before, but this is a team sport. Empowering education leaders with the most innovative thinking in business and education. Publicly available information. And I remember the comments at the time and that was. That means: Our adversaries know this, which makes it even more important that mid-sized companies organize and operate their insider threat program effectively. After high school, their love of science and math took them on divergent career paths that then intersected in the Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control business. Globe Icon. Right, that's super helpful and I know that's one that people cook with a lot in. Development for leaders and high-performers, designed to meet your organization's unique needs. I'm almost done. v ZU:k. It's on your culture. Based on the concept of operations, so I think that's very important. I had phenomenal accesses to me. /Length 3732 Because it's already data that the company has collected. Ina split second,my entire life changed., "The day I found out my dad was an engineer and not a secret agent is the day I decided to follow in his footsteps. What we do is, we think of new data that we're not even. Pardon me Who's been involved in that asset discussion? It didn't start off all that well. 'cause again, that's kind of our secret sauce. To identify what your critical assets are and who's working on those programs for me, I view the Chief Technology Officer in our company as my number one internal customer. Douglas Rood is a Manager, Test Engineering ASC at Lockheed Martin based in Bethesda, Maryland. That was a question that popped up when we were writing the concept of operations again with ethics and legal and privacy and HR. Not the weeds of it. From each business area and then the hope was that the business areas would submit their top 10 and the Chief Technology officer would narrow that down to 10. Or maybe we think about foreign travel and contacts. Is that something Lockheed Martin is done where they've gone out to the unclear population and obtain some separate consent? I mean, still. Doug Laurendeau Vice President, Business Development at Lockheed Martin Bethesda, Maryland, United States 770 followers 500+ connections Join to view profile Lockheed Martin Activity A. 1. Insider threat organization and governance is critical Times you know well, where did you find your staff and a lot of people don't like my answer, so I don't. 2 0 obj /F1 10 0 R He resides in Maryland with his wife and three sons. The ramifications of this was. Have some minor wins, prove the concept if you will where we are today, certainly is not where we were seven years ago with this program. Complete the Darden MBA on a flexible schedule that works for you at our UVA Darden DC Metro location. As a person who loves aviation, I can say with certainty that I love what I do., Lockheed Martin has been a large part of my career, and I plan to stay here. The Board of Directors is briefed every year. << More Third Party Article To execute a program like this, 'cause there's just your new and you're not known an, you're looked at strangely about wanting all this information. 3 0 obj 1. Insider threat organization and governance is critical I think I speak for everyone to say that we know a lot more than we did. You know what? The first one that I have is ireally for companies that are in the middle market and by that I mean you know maybe there are a few 100 million in revenue or maybe only one or two billion in revenue. Contact. Doug Thomas is the Henry E. McWane Professor of Business Administration at the Darden School of Business. OK, 'cause the person already got. He tried to download a bunch of data a lot more than 49 files. Browse our diverse, passionate, and acclaimed researchers and their academic areas. Privacy Terms of Use EU and UK Data Protection Notice Cookies. Quite frankly, when the focus group came back with that change and explained it made great sense to me and so I think words matter. So again, remember what I'm looking for is I'm looking for things that might. My point is, it's a very close partnership today. It knows that, OK, the tools designed like that, so the analyst can't readily see Doug Thomas is information because he's overseas. On the next generation product. We develop laser weapon systems, radio frequency and other directed energy technologies for air, ground and sea platforms to provide an affordable countermeasure alternative. Email. So just to level set to make sure we're all staying on the same sheet of music. When you when you put together that list and you asked for that, did you survey a number of different departments or what? And then the last bullet I have there is a farce. So be on the lookout. Is this so the analysts have no clue who they're looking at. Designed to help the U.S. and allies leverage emerging technologies to create a resilient multi-domain network. How do you guys cope with what has been traditionally a bit of a stove fight between what I would call traditional national security and counterintelligence an IT security or information security? Below are the 3 lessons I learned from my conversation with Doug. So you have to have a discussion with them of what's really critical. In the tool and I'm looking for things that are atypical. The data to see how harmful it would be if it went to this specific direct competitor, and so the subject, and so he got subject matter experts together to take a look at the data. With Daniel Lippman. And I I take some of the blame for that, quite frankly It's a discussion is what it is and you and you have to operate. On developing this program and I can tell you right now it didn't. Excellent, thank you. Is it in security? ]T~'#8Xk%u T~- Orlando, Florida, United States. Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif., who leads HASC's readiness subcommittee, doubled down on Norcross's vow to fight adding extra F-35s to the FY22 budget. Those people they didn't go through with it. The third bullet there. Is because if you think about the concerning behaviors of people who are considering suicide or people who are considering workplace violence on a significant scale and those people who are considering espionage after locking Martin proprietary information, there are some similarities, not exact. I save this one for the end visit. Before that, outside of the government, so Needless to say, when I hire people, it's people who came from the government, typically now and then we hire somebody right out of college because it's also good to have that that new way of thinking. For info on our next webinar with that, thank you, Doug. ", One afternoon, my company was preparing to go out on a routine patrol. So then what we did is we saw him. 11 lessons from Lockheed Martin's insider threat program Watch video 59 min Insider Threat: What Industry Needs to Know Watch video 59 min CMMC: The Train Is Rolling Watch video 46 min DFARS NIST 800-171 Is Changing Watch video 59 min Small Businesses in the Enterprise Supply Chain Watch video 58 min Again, Doug, thank you for the interview. So you're not gonna have an office large enough to have a robust and effective program if you don't leverage technology. << Quite frankly there isn't a right answer as to where this. I think that's important that audit comes in and ensures that we're executing the mission based on the concept of operations. A pretty robust program, and you're collecting the right kind of data and it's being analyzed correctly. But if you have a governance structure like I've demonstrated on this chart where you've got a steering committee at the Senior Vice President, Vice President level. NGI is designed to "plug and play" with the Space Force's network of missile warning satellites and sensors, realizing the goal of JADO is to provide 24/7/365 defense against missile threats. I hope this doesn't upset anybody, but if you're gonna have a robust and effective program, you probably need to hire people who are skilled and experienced and trained. But it also includes workplace violence on the scale of a Nadal Hassan or an Aaron Alexis. This basically walks you through our journey. Now today I get that information before the supervisors get that information. We spend a lot of time on training and awareness of our workforce, making sure they understand what the threat is is not just a threat against the company and the company. We want employees to be engaged in this program for their sake for their coworkers, sake for national security sake and for our brand and reputation sake. We're talking about a small set of data files. Doug Thomas General Manager at Northstar Access (Formerly Northstar Scaffold , Scaffold Russ Dilworth) Toronto, ON Doug Thomas Owner at Doug Thomas Firewood Dexter, ME Doug Thomas. Some people call them red flags or triggers. We have first. Anyone claiming to have our list is not legitimate. It's important to collect the right metrics and be able to tell a story that makes him want to hear more. It's not the way, but it's a way. That's why I said early on that you gotta have some incredible patience. >> Doug received a Bachelor of Science degree de gree from Grove City College. I mean this is the one that a lot of people have asked me a lot of questions about over the years and that's why we built this chart the way we did. So I'm going to let your imagination run wild on the kind of data we collect and analyze. How's that go over to the 4th column? I have several dogs, so I can. So we came up with this definition and we socialize it with you. But what I prefer the tool to do is compare Doug I've got his baseline. % They were doing OPSEC operational secure. Douglas D. Thomas Director, Counterintelligence Operations & Corporate Investigations July 18, 2017 Counterintelligence & Insider Threat Detection National Insider Threat Special Interest Group. Nov 2022 - Present5 months. To 10. Yeah, that was so. Well, they wanted to hear more about it as it evolved, and ever since I've been doing it, they keep wanting it to come back on an annual basis. So that's why the Chief Technology Officer is pretty important to me. Threatswitch and for those of you who don't know us, we are a company that provides software to help companies manage compliance with things like insider threats CMMC and NISPOM And help you reduce the cost of doing it. To audit our program on an annual basis. Initially, because all the data is anonymized in the tool, so that's why I say we don't profile people for profiling behavior. Once you figured out what the assets are. WHY THE NRA'S CHIEF LOBBYIST LEFT: The National Rifle Association 's top lobbyist left the scandal-plagued gun rights group this week after nearly two . Learn how we are strengthening the economies, industries and communities of our global partner nations. About this program. Large purchases, liens, and bankruptcies. . So what? OK, 'cause you're really focused a lot on stressors And disgruntlement. There's a widget in there. Like financial stressors, we collect a lot of information within the company on that stuff, but there are some things we don't collect on, so we pay a vendor Thomson Reuters Security Service to collect data on all of our employees relative to real time arrests. >> And if you think about it, this kind of why we merged investigation and counterbalance under the same office. >> For instance, you know early on you wanna know about who are if. Let's say we're going to do a riff of 500 employees out of a site. They're really kind of two questions here. In this capacity, he leads a staff that is responsible for providing advice and guidance relative to investigations, counterintelligence, counterterrorism and workplace violence matters impacting the >> As I mentioned, Doug is counterintelligence operations in corporate investigations director at Lockheed Martin. We got the data, the data never left. That's why we'll be sharing our CEO's lessons-learned each month right here on the ThreatSwitch blog. A MOSA will provide the interconnectivity needed to work with other elements of the kill web as well as ease of updating depending on mission needs. Or recording in the copy of the slides will be shared with you and will be made available via our website. What this definition does is it expands the definition to include sensitive information so that that could be intellectual property. This is people who have access to information, facilities, networks, people, resources. Pushing these great Veterans to open roles and helping hiring managers understand the immense value of a Veteran Hire brings a significant pride. Double Asian operation. On the 3rd part down there, identify stakeholders. The IC Intelligence Committee has been, uh, alive and well. We showed up. On this chart, we don't profile people. ", "I have been on incredible teams filled with mentors of all levels and backgrounds that are willing to help the next generation learn and grow in their career. And we are out of time, so thank you Doug. >> and Ph.D. degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology in industrial engineering and holdsa B.S. 'cause you have 35 an airplane, so it's can't be the F35 is our critical asset, so it just took an awfully lot of going back and forth. Letter to Lockheed Martin sent 10/19/2018 Now I've also mentioned about the application of suicide ideations in workplace violence prevention. We are delighted to be talking about 11 lessons from Lockheed Martin's Insider threat program and to help us talk about that. Who are maybe just starting program? Worthy enough to repeat a couple of times When you roll out a message to your workforce that you have a program like this, that is certainly not arguable that it's intrusive. 1100 Wilson Boulevard So it may not be very expensive is what I'm saying and you started off with a proof of concept, but what sold the company I think is when you start talking about the trends throughout the United States, the statistics relative to the loss of intellectual property and RND data and how much it's costing the United States economy. That works for me. % And so you can breathe a little easier now. But programs are scalable, so this. What I mean by that is? OK, you've got to let them know that it's in line with your Laws and privacy rules. OK, and that is publicly available select. I'm thankful to work for a company that puts those individuals first, and we never forget who we are working for as they serve our country.". As long as you keep looking for areas of improvements, and communicating the benefits, you can help to improve the way that change is perceived. OK, because we're if you steal our intellectual property or our research and development data, it might give you a jump start relative to. And that's a very hard thing to do. /Kids [ 3 0 R 5 0 R ] Yep, we haven't had to do that. Another dry competitor, by the way, so that got us thinking so we did did more due diligence on it. That's kind of like sacred ground. How? OK, it's amazing how much data companies and government agencies collect on their employees and it just sits there OK? ThreatSwitch puts employees at the center of your security and insider threat program.Schedule a demo to find out just how different we are. The tool is done. Previous to his role within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Mr. Thomas was a Special Agent for 25 years with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. When many of us think about insider threat, we think about NISPOM change 2. Prior to that, he was the principal deputy Director of Counterintelligence, spent 25 years with the Air Force as a special agent. Denmark English Danish . So like I said, we knew we had to build our own tool. DOUGLAS D. (DOUG) THOMAS is the Head of Counterintelligence for Lockheed Martin Corporation. How do we get started? So which I'm also on an. Well, about three years after I retired from the government, director Clapper asked us not like in Martin, but the inside Insider Threat Subcommittee to look at the definition of insider threat. A6 04F8>!&|aq@_4`frn6Ue-$b~Md*=Z3)c6u$NBF$.q/s3H\ju|wX%QL? w7jx5=dW)5`"`l>(vj-7G0: H'iF[>%+Fk%"6~1OBiyca-";Jk&_NQdo:vBX5AiZa?SXM! While we're doing that, if you could submit your questions via the Q&A button in the Zoom Webinar tool an we will start jumping in and getting it. Had this been compromised at this company it would have caused grave harm to our company and the cost or the values they put on that data was 2.5 billion dollars. It lets the workforce know that this isn't just some rogue office. As a mechanical engineer, Becky designs full-scale air vehicle models. The people executing the mission us in the business areas, executing the mission, and it helps the leadership understand that hey, we are executing the mission. Quite frankly, you can go to the next slide, please. Now there's a lot of times a typical behavior happens that's not concerning. You know XY&Z well the focus group again, that focus group was made up of. Uh, a typical behavior? So kind of like governance. He lied. I would just say have patience building your program. And in addition, I would just remind everybody that this is the part of a series on insider threat. Information is also a threat against against you personally. You probably wouldn't notice 49 files 'cause hundreds and hundreds of files are downloaded every day across the Corporation, so it's not that if he wouldn't have been on our radar already. Now we're going to be focused on and communications suggested that we have a focus group. So for the companies that I'm out addressing right now, if you have employees at work, overseas dot TDY, not on business travel but work overseas, you have to abide by every country's privacy laws. All the data that's in the tool is anonymized, so the analysts, by the way, really have four analysts for over 100,000 employees. Some of these questions will give it about another 10 or 15 seconds. As a follow up to that one, you know, I know that there are a couple of other companies that have gone out and sought explicit consent for employees. Or is that not something that's part of your program? The Lockheed Corporation traces its origins to 1913, when Allan and Malcolm Loughead (pronounced lock-heed) successfully piloted their garage-built seaplane across San Francisco Bay in California. Makes him want to support the program, so I mentioned that I briefed the Board of Directors on an annual basis, no, but in our company gets in front of the Board of Directors. Well, you know what? And then there are. Doug has been at the center of counterintelligence conversations at the highest level of US government. What I think my office brought to the table. Well, I didn't get the top 10 for this and I got like the top 50. He knows his stuff an I AM for one. In Canon Towns, an insider threat detection well there is no solid training. Um, I'll tell you. So I like this chart. Put a red flag on it. So no time spent on this chart whatsoever. So that's why we had to go get money. It hasn't been changed in the executive order yet, although I have seen it in the NDAA word for word. I'm not even gonna use that kind of weapon system that we're talking about or the location. We profile behavior. Free Tools . OK, we're collecting data that the company already has. Yeah, I think I think the biggest thing is to have somebody be your cheerleader in your advocate for hiring the right person. /Type /Page We had a a subject who received a complete competitor recruitment letter with a job offer. Congressman Investigation offensive operation in the in the entire community and what I saw was a shift from nation states away from their 100% dwelling on trying to penetrate CIA or FBI or State Department or DoD or DoD. This just depicts our organizational structure, where it's a centralized mission for sure, but decentralized execution. I will tell you that I think our training awareness program has actually stopped some bad behavior because people aren't as reluctant to come to us and tell us about things that are concerning that they're witnessing. Over 1,000 Students and Counting Are you next? I have a staff meeting every Tuesday with our business area kind of talent slides. Learn from Darden faculty through our online courses, available worldwide. It could mean a person or a facility or proprietary information, and so How is Lockheed Martin dealt with the issue of a defining assets, especially in light of how DSSD CSA is changing the way it thinks about those things and then identifying critical assets. The tool we call it risk analysis and mitigation system. OK, it's your mergers and acquisitions information. His wide-ranging career makes him one of the most influential counterintelligence and insider threat practitioners in the country. Thomas received his M.S. Arlington, VA 22209 USA. I would say the exact same thing. Germany English Deutsch . are not quite as effective to get them to release funds as much as we would like. As I reflect on our journey. Relative to the Insider Threat program, is this. It requires a lot of liaison, that's for sure. This is the definition we use in Lockheed Martin. You know that's just So what piece? Transformational, lifelong learning experiences to develop well-rounded leaders, drive growth in a changing market. So these are the categories of metrics that we collect. But there are some similarities. It's been enormously helpful. Yeah, so I, I think that's an excellent question whoever asked that. OK, but this HR business partner came to us and said, hey Doug Thomas is getting ready to leave. In this capacity, he leads a staff that is responsible for providing advice and guidance relative to investigations, counterintelligence and counterterrorism matters impacting the Corporation. endobj So thank you for that. 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