Self-seeking; this word has a very illuminating history. enjoyment that has degenerated into licence. What gives power is the heart surrendering itself in everything, and thus set at liberty by Christ. It is all devoted to the deliverance of the saint from this present evil age by the cross of Christ, and his consistent maintenance of the new nature and position of grace of the new creation in Christ Jesus. The allusion is to beasts of prey falling upon and devouring one another: for wolves or dogs to worry sheep is not strange; but for sheep to distress one another is unnatural. Thus, if we walk in the Spirit, we shall not fulfil the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5 shows that spiritual liberty comes from knowing the truth. Greek and Christian alike would have condemned drunkenness as a thing which turned a man into a beast. I. Circumcision is part of the old law that enslaves us. 13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. You see, it isn't a once-in-forever kind of a thing. Paul begins chapter 5 by stating flatly that Christ has set us free in order that we should be free. It is Christian ground, certainly, but not the church as such. To him a theology was not the slightest use unless it could be lived out. Galatians 5:15 - John Darby's Synopsis It is in this liberty, the liberty of Christ, alluding to the free woman and Jerusalem above, that they were to stand fast, and not put themselves again under the yoke of the law. Impurity, then, is that which makes a man unfit to come before God, the soiling of life with the things which separate us from him. "Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?" Next: Galatians 5:4 The whole concept is: how do I establish a righteous standing before God? 6) Psalm 90:14 (NIV) Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Sense of duty is not power. Nothing can be more conclusive than this disproof of the fleshly pretensions that were connected with Jerusalem, and were brought in under cover of Abraham, but really to the subversion of the gospel. "This persuasion, this ideas that you have, they don't really come from God, from the One who called you. The very reverse of their system is true. And as, by specifying these works of the flesh and fruits of the Spirit, the apostle directs us both what we are to avoid and oppose and what we are to cherish and cultivate, so (Galatians 5:24; Galatians 5:24) he informs us that this is the sincere care and endeavour of all real Christians: And those that are Christ's, says he (those who are Christians indeed, not only in show and profession, but in sincerity and truth), have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. He next announces the true secret of it all: "I am crucified with Christ." And this leads him to speak of another trial. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness [sexual impurities], [wantonness] lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft [drug abuse] ( Galatians 5:19-20 ). The Rheims version of 2 Corinthians 6:6 translates it sweetness. hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies ( Galatians 5:20 ). He had derived the gospel that he preached from the Lord, and not from any of his fellow-servants who had been engaged in the work before him. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you who are justified [or seeking to be justified] by the law; ye are fallen from grace ( Galatians 5:4 ). Writing was a somewhat laborious task in those days, and it was a kind of profession to be a writer or scribe, before printing, of course, was known. And what is the end of them? I mean, you never get it from reading the Bible and waiting upon God. What can be conceived more serious or trenchant than such a statement as this? By-and-by will be fulfilled the promised earthly blessing, and power, and glory for Israel like the sand and the stars. The apostle urges that all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Accordingly the duty here recommended to us is that we set ourselves to act under the guidance and influence of the blessed Spirit, and agreeably to the motions and tendency of the new nature in us; and, if this be our care in the ordinary course and tenour of our lives, we may depend upon it that, though we may not be freed from the stirrings and oppositions of our corrupt nature, we shall be kept from fulfilling it in the lusts thereof; so that though it remain in us, yet it shall not obtain a dominion over us. "Bite" refers to the sudden action brought on by uncontrolled emotions that hurt other members of the church. On the other hand, where unity becomes an object, it is never understood; and at the same time the walk of faith cannot be maintained. Here particularly the Christian is guarded against the inroads of legalism. take heed that ye be not consumed one of another: The Galatians are warned earnestly and intently to view their predicament and to decide not to destroy each other spiritually. That is, the most simple and most obvious truth is just the last thing a man thinks about. What does Galatians 5:15 Mean? This closes the course of the apostle's argument. This is what we are chiefly concerned to fight against, and that which above every thing else we should make it our business to oppose and suppress. Verse 15. It is the quality, not so much of the jealous, but rather of the embittered mind. That would not be a good example of Christian love. And facts tell on their mind. Plutocracy means government by the wealthy and is justified by the claim that those who have the biggest stake in the country have a logical right to rule it. We are not to suppose that a higher and more heavenly character blots out the lesser place; of this the apostle takes advantage here. When the emphasis of man became on the physical fleshly side of him, he no longer was one with God, who is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. 2. Some guy comes up and says, "Hey man, I got a watch, genuine made, you know. The truth of the gospel, to the apostle Paul's mind, was at stake. The whole legal institution depended on a people lineally descended from Abraham, as their priests on a similar succession from Aaron. When He gave the promise to Abraham, He said, "I will give." The way they triumph over these wrong desires is not by putting themselves under the law, but by allowing Gods Spirit to direct their lives (16-18). That's my old prideful nature. We are crucified unto it by grace, as the world is crucified unto us by judgment. It is not a question of my loving Him, though this is and must be true of the saints; but this would tend to throw the soul on self, and it is not the reckoning of grace. Now, man was created and by God as a living spirit. [Note: Barclay, p. 50.]. That died with Christ. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. My business is to act consistently with the new place in which grace has put me. No doubt there was a difference of tone. Because we wait to have our baptisms 'til the water gets warmer.It's because baptism doesn't save. Be led by the Spirit, you're not under the law. He does not charge them with anything of an openly gross or immoral nature; but what a proof that the truth of God, that the grace of Christ, is exclusive of everything but itself! "For I am as ye are." And then they started to rail on me and prophesy my death and things of this nature. And if you do, you will not be fulfilling the desires of your flesh. But he goes deeply. True to the Spirit. Gentleness; praotes ( G4236) is the most untranslatable of words. "Hey, that old nature, that old Chuck is dead. That's the position where we stand. And this is the thing that you try to describe to people, and they don't understand. Outline of Galatians 5:1-15. The Spirit against the flesh. The action of biting and devouring is mutual. In my understanding of the word of God. "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourges every son whom He receives" ( Hebrews 12:6 ). For ye have heard of my conversation in times past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: and profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. Enmity; the idea is that of the man who is characteristically hostile to his fellow men; it is the precise opposite of the Christian virtue of love for the brethren and for all men. The man who practises it has been said to know no restraint, but to do whatever caprice and wanton insolence may suggest. Created by God, in fellowship with God. The apostle, as far as I know, wrote no other letter to any one of the churches of the saints. It needs to be boistered by God's spirit. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do." As in their baptism they were obliged hereunto (for, being baptized into Christ, they were baptized into his death, Romans 6:3), so they are now sincerely employing themselves herein, and, in conformity to their Lord and head, are endeavouring to die unto sin, as he had died for it. And so, Rev 21:8 if you want the reference on that. For the desires of the lower side of human nature are the very reverse of the desires of the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are the very reverse of those of the lower side of human nature, for these are fundamentally opposed to each other, so that you cannot do whatever you like. Those in Christ must stand firm against anyone who would try to drag them into slavery under the law (Galatians 5:1). Usually in the New Testament eirene ( G1515) stands for the Hebrew shalowm ( H7965) and means not just freedom from trouble but everything that makes for a man's highest good. I am crucified with Christ: consequently all that remains for me is living this new life which Christ is in me. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. I am perfectly delivered, and the measure of my deliverance is Christ, and Christ raised from the dead. provoking one another, envying one another ( Galatians 5:26 ). He does not condescend to reason about their place in the matter, but puts them at once in their due relationship. In the epistle to the Galatians a deeper question was raised nothing less than the fountain of grace itself. What is good fruit in the Bible? The man who makes law the principle of his life is in the position of a slave; whereas the man who makes grace the principle of his life is free, for, as a great saint put it, the Christian's maxim is, "Love God and do what you like." And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith," not by becoming proselytes of the gate, or entering on a legal basis, but "foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed." This was at work even in those early days. I can't go back to my mother's womb and be born again. You couldn't believe the things the Jehovah Witnesses believe, unless you read their screwy attitudes and ideas in their books. It is quite obvious that there was a hindrance of some sort. For the Jewish Rabbis a passage of scripture had four meanings. The law is never life to the dead, but kills morally those who seem alive. lest ye be consumed one of anotherconsumamini; Ah! In the New Testament it has three main meanings. With this paragraph Paul's letter changes its emphasis. These other words are defining what the agape love actually is. But what does the scripture say? By the Spirit of God, we're waiting for that hope of righteousness through faith. He saw Peter; but "other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother." But, I repeat, this simply was revealed to him. Salem Media Group. #2 "were called" We should take great joy in the truth that we belong to the God who calls us chosen. informs all of Pauls exhortations vis--vis the Galatians libertine tendencies . It is not simply that he was brought to follow Jesus, to believe and confess His name; but God revealed His Son in him. Nay; he communicated unto them the gospel which he preached among the Gentiles. And this comes up every day in many situations, and I have actually the choice in this situation. having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? He wants to get rid of the first Adam and all its appliances, not to keep it on; and therefore he puts on Christ. Self-control; the word is egkrateia ( G1466) which Plato uses of self-mastery. For he comes to another and most cogent argument. On the other hand, the spirit (the renewed part of us) strives against the flesh, and opposes the will and desire of it: and hence it comes to pass that we cannot do the things that we would. Consequently, without further preamble, and with an ominous silence as to their state (for, indeed, it could not be spoken of), he at once breaks the ground. I said, "Oh oh oh oh oh," you see, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." He acts on this in faith; he understands it with an energy and a brightness that increased even in his Roman prison. Note, 1. And they say, "Oh, well, I was just waiting upon the Lord and reading the Scriptures, and the Lord showed this to me." 15.But if ye bite and devour one another. And in the fifteenth chapter of Acts, we read how that Peter stood up and told the brethren how that the Lord had called him to go to the Gentiles to the house of Cornelius. And what is this? In lxx metaphorically, Micah 3:5; Habakkuk 2:7. But then there is another point of exhortation too; and surely we ought not to forget that there are not only the common links of love, and the willingness to succour one another, as we see, beginning with a most extreme case and ending with a general one; but still further, "Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things;" and not only that, but also the general responsibility of the saint and in a solemn manner. The Stoics defined it as "grief at someone else's good." Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 5:13-15 The gospel is a doctrine according to godliness, 1Ti 6:3, and is so far from giving the least countenance to sin, that it lays us under the strongest obligation to avoid and subdue it. It is interesting to note the earnestness and strength with which the apostle speaks, now the question had been fairly raised. It was something painful to bear. Nothing more in keeping with the wants of those addressed, who had so soon turned aside from the grace of Christ to a different gospel. And here we may observe that as sin is called the work of the flesh, because the flesh, or corrupt nature, is the principle that moves and excites men to it, so grace is said to be the fruit of the Spirit, because it wholly proceeds from the Spirit, as the fruit does from the root: and whereas before the apostle had chiefly specified those works of the flesh which were not only hurtful to men themselves but tended to make them so to one another, so here he chiefly takes notice of those fruits of the Spirit which had a tendency to make Christians agreeable one to another, as well as easy to themselves; and this was very suitable to the caution or exhortation he had before given (Galatians 5:13; Galatians 5:13), that they should not use their liberty as an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. Democracy means government of the people, by the people, for the people. Galatians 5:22-23 THE END (GOAL) IS GROWING FAITH IS LOVE 2 Peter 1:5-7 PAUL'S GREAT DESCRIPTION OF LOVE 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 BOTH GOD & LOVE INCLUDE Joy Peace Forbearance Kindness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control Faith Goodness Knowledge Self-control Perseverance Godliness Mutual affection Patient Kind Truth Protection Trust Hope Perseverance He is occupied with himself. And I can just go and pass it by.And so, another issue arises in five minutes. That is, the apostle, instead of regarding his despised freedom from the law as a just reproach, glories in it. . Tender and comprehensive as Christianity is, it is also the most exclusive thing that can be. It was the very reverse of deriving his authority from either. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ." But the moment a Gentile takes the system up, or a Jew presses it on a Gentile, it is nothing but downright heathenism. Accordingly, in Galatians 3:1-29 he pursues his reasoning. Up to the destruction of Jerusalem it was law; but now, under Christianity, Jerusalem, being rebellious and scorning promise like Ishmael, is cast out and has nothing. Hence the effect of the law in all its ramifications on man is the same. Men that have followed after my perverse teachings. Help us to share the Gospel of love with everyone around us at every . Thus a decisive blow is struck at the principle of connection with the law; and it was evident that they did not truly "hear the law." He gives freely the Holy Ghost on their acceptance of Christ's name; or, as it is here written, "He sent forth the Spirit of his Son in your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." It was to demonstrate his sinfulness, not to gain the inheritance. But it was true from the first. Thence he advances to another point of his argument. And, doubtless, God had all this in view when He pledged Himself with an oath to Abraham. 5:13-15 As for you, brothers, it was for freedom that you were called, only you must not use this freedom as a bridgehead through which the worst side of human nature can invade you, but in love you must serve one another; for the whole law stands complete in one word, in the sentence, "You must love your neighbour as yourself." (Romans 3:1-31, Romans 10:1-21) But the act of Peter went to maintain a difference. The apostle takes notice of the latter here, because he is speaking of their behaviour towards one another; and, when he makes use of this as an argument to persuade them to mutual love, he intimates both that this would be a good evidence of their sincerity in religion and also the most likely means of rooting out those dissensions and divisions that were among them. And any kind of a relationship with God that causes me to strive with my brother, causes me to become contentious, is really something that I'm not interested in. But it was in no vain glory, in no tone of superiority, though, no doubt, it was a far fuller and higher testimony than theirs; for he adds, "privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run or had run in vain." They were, after all, Gentiles, and as such ought to have had nothing to do with the law. It comes by reading the book of Mormon. I could quickly get in trouble. But in this he could glory. He will not hear of any pretended misunderstanding. This is indeed strong language for you who want to live after the flesh. Thus, going up with Barnabas, he took Titus, a Gentile, along with him; and even so by revelation. And your spirit being alive, again you can experience fellowship with God, the joy, the blessing of fellowshipping with God.So, "walk in the Spirit." Anything else would have been imperfect; but still it had essentially a transitional character.
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