Dr. Patrick Luedtke, Lane Countys Senior Public Health Officer, as well as the Chief Medical Officer for the department of Health & Human Services, served as the keynote speaker at this years Looking Glass annual board meeting, held Wednesday, November 2nd at The Graduate in Eugene. So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected). They had that written in as far back as the 1960s and 1970s when it was actually being back-engineered from the Stargate material. This information was a series of instructions for accessing wormholes, which naturally pass in the hyperspace in which we find ourselves. Next memory- in a very large training hall with over 100 children. 's instructions to the letter, no matter how weird they sounded. NSSM200: NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 The governments have an interest in this information for the obvious national security reasons. The following article is an experiment of writting a blog post using the latest AI techniques. D: Well, it was information that he was providing me which provoked the questions. They also created a deeper history for it that did not include George Van Tassel. within hours Problem is those preparations to save humanity include only the cabal of criminal monied elite who are inhumane Question why cant stargate program enable back in time to stop events like murders of Potuses Garfield,Lincoln,JFK &RFK stop the empowerment of NWO cabal murderous heinous criminals ? This capability can be used for features like allowing the user to write notes and comments on the windows' backs, or displaying application dialogs without risking their being detached from the application they relate to. K: OK. Even closer than a husband and wife since the A.I. Dan Burisch did not send the ET he labeled as J-Rod back home. If they failed, someone would then send the recordings into the Past and try again by sending the soldier back in with updated instructions. [big laugh]. Again, most of the dates were censored, so what you have to go by is the sequence of happenings that take place. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Looking Glass Art Project 656 West 9th St. Erie, PA 16502 (814)450-9183 The details I am giving you on this thread are case summaries. I've heard stories of poor fools going on there without authorization just browsing and ending up on the weird part of YouTube hours later as if it were the regular Internet. Seriously. D: So everybody is staring at everybody and theyre not They cant put the equipment together because everybody is mutually dependent and looking questioningly at everybody else. The Looking Glass was also designed to help ensure continuity and reconstitution of the US government in the event of a nuclear attack on North America. I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place. Project Looking Glass: NYC 4/18 False Flag, Trump, Q, and Devolution. What they have in common is that it's a method of peering through time itself. I was objecting to its use, but still to provide . The soldier would listen to the tape and it would guide them telling them what to do. D: I can but I shouldnt because people will then target toward a date, and I Yeah, there are people out there now that are saying, Yep, its right around the corner at any moment now. I initially became aware of the project via David Wilcock, in his presentation The 2012 Enigma.In the video, Wilcock discusses how the Looking Glass device apparently resembles what is depicted in the film Contact starring Jodi Foster.Since that time, I have seen a huge number of subtle disclosures within movies, tv and even video games using similar symbolic elements to suggest time . It wouldn't have to be a Time Machine either. "Distribution Release: Granular Linux 2007 "FunWorks" (DistroWatch.com News)", "Granular-Linux: Granular FunWorks 2007 released", "Sun Opens Its 3-D 'Looking Glass' Linux Desktop", "Announcement: INACTIVE (PRACTICALLY DEAD) since late 2006", "Leopard dock resembles Sun's Project Looking Glass? The Cube was actually The information about the Cube and its existence was known as of 1946. People wanted him killed because he had been having them all arrested. Homeless youth living in perilous situations can find safety and assistance through emergency shelter and crisis counseling. Bill was the builder of the avionics and the testing equipment who back-engineered ARV testing equipment and avionics. Engadget, I think, was one of the groups that spoke about the loss of GPS and satellite communications. 180 There are cycles involved, short as well as long term cycles. They are separated into their three components: theres a projection component, a ring component, and also a barrel component to both the Stargate devices as well as the Looking Glass device. Like exactly how many people they saw and what weapons they were carrying. This whistle-blower claimed to have had contact with a device for viewing the future via machinery and consciousness. UK DEATH EXPLAINED THEY DONT WANT YOU TO CATCH THEM, HARALD KAUTZ CHEMTRAILS, MORGELLONS, TRANSHUMANISM, NWO, Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World, ORACLE of Delphi tells FUTURE through HESIOD, LARA LOGAN AND THE TRUTH ABOUT UKRAINE ZELENSKYY AND RUSSIA, UK Gov 2019 Report states all UK Airports must close within the next 10 years, beef and lamb is to be banned, and construction of new buildings must cease in the name of Climate Change, IN 1994, 160 NATIONS AGREED TO REDUCE THE WORLD POPULATION TO 800 MILLION BY 2030. You would send them in, record everything happening, then record instructions on a cassette tape. Operation Looking Glass was one such deterrent that was designed to keep Russian nuclear weapons firmly in their cradles. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vyoi3t","div":"rumble_vyoi3t"}); EVENT 1 April 18, 2022 NYC False Flag Bombing, EVENT 2 May 20, 2022 Assassination in Asia, The 2030 Singularity Two Timelines, One Outcome, Tags: disinformation, looking glass, Nibiru, Planet X, social programming, survival, Zecharia Sitchin, Category: Cut to the Chase, Planet X, SciTech, Videos. Riverfront School Job Training Program is Seeking Youth Clients! Depending on the direction of the spin I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect , Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a. Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell: OF-9: Dan is referring to the Omicron Phi 9 Treaty System, the Treaty System not involving the P-45ks, and the Tau 9 or T9 Treaty System involving all parties including the P-45ks. - This article seeks to act as an informative introductory guide to disclosing Project Looking Glass. Being trained by Germans this time. Even weaponry like new types of bombs that would make nuclear weapons look like firecrackers since they could destroy an entire planet with just one. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? was under orders to provide a model. The Human would need to follow the A.I. And they were accessing there and there was a mistake and a small explosion out there on the east side of this little what we call the Conquistador Helmet. Another example was a man was being targeted for assassination due to what they saw on Looking Glass. My NSA files states I was there in October of 1982. Well there is a reason for this the Government uses the ALICE CODE Project Aquarius and the Looking Glass Project at Facility S4 at Area 51 "Above the door frame leading into the lab that contains the Looking Glass project at facility S4 at Area 51 there is a stuffed White Rabbit holding a backward watch mounted permanently to the frame." The negative outcome is dependent on a series of terrible events that will occur from 2022 to 2029. So unless a second one was turned on which operated at one other place, where Will Uhouse had been. It would actually spin out as a yellow disc out of the top of it where the word Yellow Book originally came from. So we were successful in getting certain things removed I think I can safely mention at this time, because were only one OF 9 and one Tau 9 treaty away from the passage through the the completion of the passage through the galactic plane. Yet the lower latitudes by the way thats where you find most of the third world countries the 2 to 3 degree Celsius increase will cause starvation and crop loss. I was prepared to do so but I was also allowed to show them probable outcomes. 7) If the individual is victorious, he/she will gain full control over his/her mind and body as well as gaining the various abilities of the Mirror Entity permanently. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. Learn how Looking Glass programs have adapted and persevered during trying times. 4th Annual Socktoberfest Sock Drive Generates Thousands of Socks for Homeless Youth. Then you can take that information and estimate that the next event in the sequence is imminent. K: Hes very well known. The Looking Glass aircraft display will feature exhibits with lessons in American history. Once the entire scenario was documented, you could imagine an untouchable soldier potentially clearing out an entire base single-handedly. But you have sustainability, though. D: Youre not to No. GRAPHENE CAN BE USED TO READ YOUR MIND! Kerry Cassidy: The "Looking Glass Project" was an attempt to back-engineer a device given to the American military by a P52 Orion (a P52 Orion is a second human line of evolution, which eventually went to the planet Orion after the disaster which occurred to Earth around this time. And when that information was brokered, that happened in parallel with, kind of under the table but in parallel with the United Nations treaties involving things like the test ban treaty and the outer space treaty. Looking Glass - Project Camelot | Mysite Esoteric Wisdom from Brad Olsen from 5D, Nazi Antarctic High Tech Craft and Project Looking Glass.. Michael Jaco Streamed live on Jan 15, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_q59O9k8SQ&t=2476s http://www.CCCPublishing.com http://www.BradOlsen.com http://www.HowWeird.org It actually was information concerning the time travel issue. could get used to it and it wouldn't be a big deal for them, as they would eventually realize they would be sent back knowing their Human was perfectly fine. And I got a chance to tap who ended up being the last MJ-9 prior to the adjournment. If their Human died, the A.I. And that is, like I said, well discuss that at a slightly future date. D: And the common folk, the average people, all of us, have a right to a future which is our own, and not being skewed and designated and promulgated and promoted and provoked by bluebloods who feel that they are above everyone else. Route development on Looking Glass granite began in the mid-60s, with signature routes like The Nose. 1) Each individual in these types of programs ( IBIS ) is assigned one mirror entity. And she and I got into more than a little dustup because I didnt want anything to do with it. In such an event, the general officer serving as the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO) on Looking Glass assumes by . Or . Thats right on it. And the youth workers have been great! Listen to the interview. Im not certain what happened to the field components. So the Looking Glass is a secondary device and it was coming into its fore in the 60s and 70s and Will saw one of the first generations of it, from what I understand, a very large piece of equipment. . There is a Live CD available from Project Looking Glass. We have produced a couple of generations that are each less knowledgeable about science and technical subjects than their parents. 2022 Giving Tree Program Brings in TONS of GIFTS! It is now mid-2019 and daily some of us live in terror that civilwar alone will stop world amorality&lawlessness,heinous crimes against innocents, and purge the horror sharia law culture cult from the planet, and end 3rd world exploitation whereby the empowered defraud USA of Aid$ for their poor which elite keep then herd the poor and criminal-antisocial undesirables illegally into USA whereby US poor are more deprived than most poor in rest of poor nations-per UN,&USA society regresses into substandard ignorances to accommodate uneducables legally or illegally immigrated into USAsoon US A cant help itself and collapses under the eeight of it all or civilwar to purge the mess and restore USA society. EVERYDAY ITEMS, THAT ALLEGEDLY KILL CANCER STEM CELLS, GOOD NEWS FRIDAY AND A BEFORE AND AFTER STORY. It's basically more of a research angle that "Tumbles" information through Time over and over. Connected to the A.I system, the group of beings I helped come through were not pleasant. The visual of Apple's macOS Dock became similar to Looking Glass's look when Leopard was released. He was telling me He did tell me basically what was going on. Mirror Entities and Artificial Intelligence. It creates a huge mess that needs to be cleaned up. Since the Looking Glass project was first announced back in 2017 the project has grown enormously thanks to the efforts of those in this community and others. But we can assume that some countries perhaps, that is, the leadership of some countries, may have had access to this technology at some point. Jan 13, 2023 Michael Marder. In the case that were in right now, we seem to be on a variant of Timeline #1, and thats good. And you know, some people like to say Some people say its blue smoke and mirrors, but, then again, I was told something in 2001 that Im living in right now. K: that would access, or create, Stargates out of natural vortexes. K: And I dont know if youre familiar with that black box. And I cannot comment as to which component is contained by whom. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space. And thats , K: OK. And so, well, Im going to go with that and Im going to actually say that what they might have been doing is then looking back to see In other words, if they saw an event in the Looking Glass, all they had to do was calibrate, or look at the different possibilities to see which one happened and then . Q mentioned Project Looking Glass twice: #9 and #3585. They always get smaller, no matter what. No. Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. The military applications for sending information through time are obvious. Last updatedDecember 2, 2020 Campaign Rewards FAQ 6Updates 17Comments 229Community Share this project He invented Project Looking Glass here on earth from a formula supposedly given him by a Space Alien that landed at an airport he managed in the California desert. And she wanted me to go out there with her to help clean some the evidence up of it. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. Project Looking Glass is a strange one. IMO the Khazarian Mafia is to blame with their take over of the schooling system these last 60 years. D: When I start hearing that food is being used as a weapon and its being used concerning the use of fossil fuels, I start getting personally angry. So Bill, the question youre asking: First of all, you mentioned Will Uhouse. So they did, and they are/were good UFO & Woo pimps. And those countries, if push comes to shove, will be shoved. D: And it was handed over by them in a spirit of goodwill but a mis-assessment as to our evolutionary state, our ability to handle the issue. Yeah. Above the project-looking glass room in Area 51, a stuffed white rabbit from 'Alice in Wonderland' is waiting. Im not going to comment as to the total. D: That we were aware as of the middle 1990s that there would be a coming Islamic extremist war with the United States. It was sponsored by Sun Microsystems. Project Looking Glass | Time Lensing Technology Used to Look into the Past and Future Friday, November 15, 2019 By Stillness in the Storm 7 Comments Spread the love (Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following back in 2015 when I was researching this aspect of the secret space program extensively. bi-locating etc etc. K: OK. German men training us in early thirties. 7.5K 187K views 10 years ago Bill Wood fala sobre o Projeto Looking Glass. K: They were able to pinpoint in the Looking Glass the very highest probability for those things to occur . The Cube would react with the people present, so there was an alteration, if you will, over what you were seeing from it. I knew something was going on and that is ultimately what they wanted to know about and I said, Well, for you to know about that kind of thing, then I need to know about certain other things. You know, it was truly a quid pro quo situation and they said, Well OK. Well tell you if you tell us. So I told them and they told me a little more. The yellow lighting in the room is so that any diffused or leaking gas will show up as green vapor ( if regular white light is used you cannot see the gas ). no walking around inside the 3D space) and uses 3D effects selectively where they are thought to be effective. Special thanks goes to event title sponsor Hearing Associates! K: But are we to assume that we past that year yet? Again, I regard our future as something which is pretty much a blank slate. K: OK. K: But the way youre talking about the Cube is that it sounds like it connects emotionally with the viewer, in a sense. Looking Glass New Roads Program, which provides support and basis needs to homeless youth ages 16-21, has started offering a weekly Narcotics Anonymous meeting every Thursday from 1-2pm at New Roads School and hopes to create more awareness of this offering to any teen who has interest in attending. Cooley made many contributions to the field of sociology and even served as the . is integrated with the Human since birth. We are in the darkest days in 2021, 2022 and into 2023 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. Other features include tilting all the window to assist the user to pick up a desired window, provision of a panning virtual desktop, icons that reflect the live status of the window they represent and zooming of a window when it receives focus. We offer family-friendly policies and flexibility. K: that they used also and that those cylinder-seals also came from an off world race. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. It's accessed via a website that ends in .mil. D: And I dont mean a U.S. defense computer system. The Guardians of the Looking Glass disclosure articles recently on the Internet are spreading virally. This can be confusing because if you don't know what you're attempting to access, you might think you've just been redirected to Google. K: And a Looking Glass is not the same as a Stargate. Its use, but still to provide to pinpoint in the Looking Glass being targeted assassination... Is assigned one mirror entity emergency Action officer ( AEAO ) on Looking Glass aircraft Will. Cube and its existence was known as of 1946 she wanted me to out... Goes to event title sponsor Hearing Associates tell me basically what was going on through were not pleasant article an! 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