It is a Rembrandt. Paul may very well have studied under Gamaliel and from there established the groundwork from which to build a new movement. If we didnt also have the clear records in Mark and Luke, it would be a fairly logical assumption that Jesus sent them out right away, but it would still be just an assumption. Not to say that Paul completely left his Jewish heritage (thats a separate blog) and the almost violent passion with which he held onto them (see Galatians 5:12). Yes youre a cookie cutter christian typing up Constantine derivative nonese. Finally in Troas, Paul received a vision of a man asking them to go into Macedonia (modern-day Greece). Then, in Acts 22:3, Paul says that he was "brought up in this . Evangelism is part of the Second Commandment given by Jesus, to Love people. This is a matter of defining ones terms. If you say we dont know enough, or it isnt clear, you are not familiar with the text of the New Testament. Here is how Jesus answered that question: #1 One of the teachers of the law asked him [Jesus], Of all the commandments, which is the most important?, The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, of Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Your name never appears in the Bible after your appointment as the 12th Apostle in Acts 1. Yes, this subject can get indepth, but I think it is better myself to keep it simple, and what we can know, from Scripture itself. One of them responded to me QUOTE: In short you believe Paul is the Anti Christ.. Not a new theory Mostly just misunderstanding Pauls writings..He never preached to abolish The Torah thats a misunderstanding, The other one responded to me QUOTE: When you referred to Jesus words about the greatest commandment, you neglected to mention the context. .2) Paul lying to the Ephesian elders saying he was compelled by the Spirit going to Jerusalem, when in truth he was clearly disobeying God. therefore I urge you to imitate me, and I have become all things to all men. Paul thinks hes Boss, and doesnt need to listen to your instructions that I gave him.. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than THESE. [Mark 12:28-31, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18], #2 an expert in the law, tested him [Jesus] with this question: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?, Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. How long will you waver between two opinions? The relics were found on 3 August AD 415. I want to bring my hippie friends to church- but how to I explain to them that its taboo to mention Pauls sins and doctrinal errors in church? etc. Jesus commissioned the eleven With everything I have commanded you Teaching THEM to obey Jesus And THEM means me and you ! Who was the famous Jewish teacher under whom St. Paul studied? Im glad no one disagrees with me. The soul of Saint Gamaliel appeared to the presbyter Lucian in AD 415 and told him where to find the relics of Stephen and those of his own body. He sent Shaul to the gentiles to teach his message and he is a Pharisee. He was a ruthless persecutor who sought to stop what he saw as an aberration within Judaism. mercer county, pa public records; facts about the roman . This idea can even be applied to his post-conversion work seeing how he sought to integrate the Gentiles into the Church when it was still a controversial issue. Hillel disagreed on this aspect, due to many converts in the Torah ( Ruth, Obidiah, Abraham etc.) Paul, however, I think was so strongly devoted to the strict teachings of the Torah, that he had to fundamentally had to disagree with his teacher. Then when the paint is dry, Ill move back into the house, and you can paint the garage., The painting contractor hired a new foreman named Paul, and gave him the homeowners instructions. The irony is what youre doing is exactly what Paul said NOT to do. It makes a big difference to the owner, the worker objected. You are extremely insulting to me when you ignore what was written and only hear what your own prejudice allows. Oh well. ), STEP 4) Paul said; Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Jesus Leadership Training, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. Here are 3 examples. No it is true and I do know what im talking about since ive been a Yeshiva student for years and learning under well versed Orthodox and Messianic Rabbis. Paul said no, it ONE commandment- to love people. Jesus warned us about the Pharisees in Matthew chapters 15 & 16, and quoted the Prophet Isaiah regarding them: These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Anyway, I should save a throne for him too.. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Pauls education. What Jesus clearly and specifically said is also superior and more important than your opinions about what you think Jesus meant or implied, but didnt say elsewhere. While this is a generalization, many of the rabbinic debates of the first century come down to the opinion of Hillel versus Shammai. hmmm. Jesus came to fulfill Law and Prophets and He will. If Christianity is the church as it is practiced in 2018 then you are correct, that is not present in the book of Acts. Definition of tentmaker 1 : one that makes tents. He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. This is not the sort of education most people would even want, so it is not really a college degree. Pauls speech and thought directly lines up with the teachings of Hillel. 4:2 Gamaliel forbade husbands from divorcing their wives without their knowledge. Stop pitying yourself, you are not being persecuted. His epertise in Sitz im Leben however, if not normally impeccable, is usually of a high academic calibre indeed. Why are you waiting, be of those who bow to Gods Will if you know that the Bible has lies in it and is corrupt, you must believe that a true religion exists in the world and isnt a secluded secret for the few who know! First, Gamaliel was one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. / Line ID 0840450211. Perhaps this may not be too much of a stress, no? Paul undermined Apollos and heretically claimed I became your father. The blog started as a supplement to teaching through Acts at my church, then later college classes. Beware of the NAR whale its really a killer whale with a man-made horn strapped on top. (Eastern Orthodox). Gamaliel the Elder, or Rabban Gamaliel I, was a leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the early first century CE. People trained by Paul to carry on the work after he left. But after Paul went solo without Barnabas [Acts 15] I see no record that Paul ever appointed any elders in any church anywhere. I agree that the teaching of Gamaliel did influence his life and was the foundation of his ministry because he is a Talmudim from that school. The issue is that the massive influx of gentiles into the sect are causing problems by bringing in gentile customs, natural born Jews adhearing to traditions that contradict Torah. Like Brad Young, he is deeply influenced by David Flusser but unlike Flusser and Young, he is less in touch with mainstream Jewish scholarship. (11). According to Polhill there were many individual groups in First century Judaism before the war of 66-70 The different groups had much in common But each had its own combination of characteristics (Polhill 28). a. While he agrees with Gamaliel, Paul wants to protect that which he loves. Were in a recession, the economy is terrible, jobs are scarce, immorality is rampant, and in many ways the country is falling apart. Gamaliel is reflecting the Hillel tradition of non-violence and allowing God to deal with parties that against the Jews (Polhill, Paul and His Letters, 31). The biblical Christian has but one authority and tradition, trust and SolaHoly Scripture! So it is possible they left out the respected Pharisee Gamaliel so that he would not oppose crucifixion. (The Hat is, what were Pauls sins?) Here are the basic steps- (there may be one or two other basic steps, but they are very similar to these. Paul, before his conversion, tended to be more like the Shammaites in that he was fairly violent and full of persecution. But let us not confuse the issue with facts. Who am I to challenge hundreds years of false man-made tradition, like Jesus, Martin Luther, Columbus, Copernicus and Galileo? Or is it possible that Paul privately harbored more overall agreement with Gamaliel/Hillel than with Shammaite Pharisees, and that Paul felt himself to be a lone dissenter in rare cases (Christians) against his former masters legal hermeneutics of mercy? Both clearly exhibit traits of each respective tradition.As to Pauls Hellenistic tendencies and use of his Roman citizenship, we only see him make use of those things POST conversion. Good to see the parrot-heads well represented here. Paul was actually heeding the words of his teacher Gamaliel, who had said to guard against being "found fighters actually against God" by rejecting his pharisaical life and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. He calls himself "of the people of Israel.". Are you the Patricio Abramzon who attended the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center in Houston? How can we account for this violent reaction in a man trained by Gamaliel? My absolute favorite missionary story in the Bible is the account of Paul . To be more like Jesus is what some strive except for me Ive already arrived Im the perfect model since the road to Damascus What were Pauls sins? Responding to a question from Peter, Jesus said to them: you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [Matthew 19:28]. Pauls athletic references good point Emily. Being a Pharisee did not disqualify you from believing in Yeshua. Ron Mosely and the archaeology team has gone through great lengths to disprove your theory by presenting actual archaeological evidence.. And most Evangelical pastors who read the Bible spend most of their time listening to the voice of Paul, so they become like Paul. But I digress, James, we had a good run. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Paul's education. did I miss something? Silence since March now its June. I guess I had better plan ahead, and save a slot for the last Pope, Francis. Gamaliel the Elder was the grandson of the great Jewish Rabbi Hillel the Elder, and he kept to Hillel's interpretation of Jewish law. Acts of the Apostles, 5 speaks of Gamaliel as a man held in great esteem by all Jews and as the Jewish law teacher of Paul the Apostle in Acts 22:3. . Meaning people who believed in the Moshiach as Yeshua. These would be lofty words for a law abiding Pharisee to be speaking and Paul obviously saw Christ as the laws fulfillment. because he said so. This passion is evident in his active persecution of those he saw as going against what the Torah taught about the Messiah. I trust that no one is offended and that as a result of this comment, we might get closer to Him, The Truth. Is it possible that Paul did conceive of certain individual missions against Christians as consistent with a rendering of mercy, that is, mercy to the stability of cultural Judaism rather than mercy to minority Jews (i.e., Christians)? Not the Baptists, Lutherans etc. Jesus spoke the 3 chapters of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, including 7:12. This Evangelical Mantra has been accepted by the collective subconscious mind of The Evangelical Church without thought, question, reflection, or even 2 witnesses from the Scripture itself. (Acts 18:18) Reference to Torah (num 6:2-6, 13-18) Paul leave Philippi after Observing Unleavened bread (1 Cor. Pauls athletic references are too pervasive in his letters for him to have shared the antipathy that some Jews felt toward the games. Yeshua himself even quotes these writings directly. We should not follow the jesus of Paul the Pharisee or Muhammad or any other man, who had their own ideas of who jesus was and what He did. It is the drastic nature of the difference in his life after he surrenders to Jesus that testifies to the Power and Truth of who Christ is, as well as to the wonder of the great mystery that is later revealed to Paul! at the feet of Gamaliel"). Gamaliel said success would determine the truth of the movement. Benjamin was a euphemism for Herodian Jew btw so Pharisee or not Paul was loyal to Herod, his friend was foster brother of Herod the tetrarch or Herod something, but Herod. . Paul has already been briefly mentioned in Acts in Chapters 7 and 8, in connection with the stoning of Stephen. Believe. [Acts 19:21 22:21] . Taken directly from Talmud. Love as me, myself and I define love to be, and continuously redefined by sinful men. Pohill points out that Gamaliel seemed to be very resigned about this new Jesus movement, saying that if Christianity was not of Gods will, they would end in disaster just like the false messianic movements in Israels past did (pg 31). Thanks, Andrew. So they disagree with each other. They make Paul the center, not Jesus. Do you have a Biblical basis for your response? Not others in the future who will follow the risen Jesus Christ. I keep wondering how far N.T. I think there is some sort of progression, however, in Pauls theology. He states not only is he a Pharisee, but where he studied and what tribe he is from. A Nazarite vow entail a MANTADORY sacrifice to the temple. Last Weeks Reading: Evangelicals, Water, and the Theology of Paul New Ways Forward,,, Romans, Part 57 | The Gospel and the Religious Mind,,,, Pauls Jewish Heritage (Philippians 3:4-6) | Reading Acts, What Kind of Jew was Paul? God bless you all. I do not think that after conversion he started reading manuals of style in order to communicate better with Gentiles, he already was well aware of these styles because the were pervasive in the culture. St. Paul was always proud of his Roman citizenship, indeed I think we can surmise biblically, that Paul was always something of a Jewish Pharisee, and too a Jewish-Hellenist, but foremost caught-up in his calling as an Apostle of Christ! I agree, It does make sense a Pharisee would be expected to be married, though. Somebody did the calculations of Paul's education, and said he basically had the equivalent of two Ph.D.'s by the time he was 21 years of age. Love. And what kind of a stone is the most solid, permanent, and unchangeable? Acts 22:3. Either way, by Acts logic every Christian should reject false doctrines but if a new teacher appears and preaches about God the One God, and is called a Prophet, if his mission is as wildly successful, sans the forced conversions Christianity depended on, IS FORBIDDEN at that, obviously Christians are the new Pharisees for rejecting and slandering Prophet Mohammed (saw) and adhering to oral traditions of their forefathers. As a side note, Wright has an excellent article on that on here: Paul might indeed have been a follower of the School of Shammai, but his mentioning Gamaliels name might have been intended to his (Pauls) having studies in Jerusalem when Gamaliel was head of the Sanhedrin. Moreover, Paul preached that gentiles ingrafted into the olive tree were part of Israel is a teaching DIRECTLY from Hillel. Matthew built on Marks work, using it as a backbone, and filling out more background details, and references to The Law, The Prophets, and Psalms, etc. Maybe there is someone I could bounce this off, to get some ideas. I know from the Scriptures that Paul Worship is wrong, but the entire Church Establishment says its right. Its not easy for me now in 1973, as a young man just trying to start out in ministry. What is the meaning of Tentmaker? To teach the bible, it is mandatory to teach from a Pharisaic background. If Christianity means people who follow Jesus as messiah and savior then there is Christianity, beginning with Jewish followers of Jesus and moving out to the Gentiles through the Pauline mission. One hint is the resistance to Pauline Christianity by both Second Temple Judaism and more conservative Jewish Christians like James.Most scholars of the period talk about early Judaisms, plural, since there was in fact a range of practice and belief in the first century. Then later college classes an approximate early date for Paul & # x27 ; s education James, had... And Paul obviously saw Christ as the 12th Apostle in Acts in chapters and! Persecution of those he saw as going against what the Torah taught about the Messiah relics were found on August!, then later college classes Second Commandment given by Jesus, Martin Luther, Columbus, Copernicus and Galileo into! Found on 3 August AD 415 the issue with facts and save a slot for the last,... Or two other basic steps, but they are very similar to these: http: here..., Martin Luther, Columbus, Copernicus and Galileo what kind how long did paul study under gamaliel stress... 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