After about 2 or 3 minutes of this, it spread its massive wings (at least 15 ft. wingspan) and flew off in the opposite direction. Although a creature such as the thunderbird may exist, its numbers are low and probably located in more unreachable areas. The gator was found near Buffalo Bayou, which is why one Fort Bend County resident told ABC13 he wasn't surprised to see a video of this alligator. Well, theyre mythical for a reason, right? It intrigued me enough to go searching for more information. Some Giant Bird sightings were revealed as hoaxes or misunderstandings. I wonder what side of town the thing was spotted in. From the size and structure of its wings it is inferred that A. magnificens flew mainly by soaring, using flapping flight only during short periods. [17], Argentavis' territories measured probably more than 500 square kilometres (190sqmi), which the birds screened for food, possibly utilizing a generally northsouth direction to avoid being slowed by adverse winds. Quadrantid meteor shower: How and when to see it. Another mythical creature or spirit said to roam the deserts of New Mexico includes the Mexican banshee known as La Llorona, and then theres El Coco, a boogeyman-type of character said to abduct children at night. Your email address will not be published. [6][7] Argentavis had an estimated height when standing on the ground that was roughly equivalent to that of a person, at 1.5 to 1.8m (4ft 11in to 5ft 11in), furthermore its total length (from bill tip to tail tip) was approximately 3.5m (11ft 6in). I have noticed that some sightings of apparent pterosaurs are on or near water. Example video title will go here for this video. No body would believe me. Its wing span was huge and it stood about four feet tall. It was about forty feet high, behind my house and flying very slowly, with nothing remarkable about it except that it was about one in the morning CST and it was alone. In an update posted to Twitter, Norvell said the gator had been safely caught and relocated to Gator Country near Beaumont. Photo, Video and/or Article contributions are welcome! It's worth noting that the species could very well have had a much larger range than is currently known. View: Full Article | Source: My San Antonio, it might be a thunderbird like said in the story. Fossil remains of the largest known flying pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus, were found in Big Bend National Park, Texas, in 1972, four years before the first sightings of Big Bird. Argentavis magnificens (literally magnificent Argentine bird) is the largest flying bird ever discovered. I was about 14 years old. I really don't think so. Other huge birds include storks, pelicans, the Andean condor, with a wingspan up to 10 feet, and the endangered California condor, which tops out at 9.5 feet across. Very slim chance but who knows. Another form, "Teratornis" olsoni, was described from the Pleistocene of Cuba, but its affinities are not completely resolved; it might not be a teratorn, but has also been placed in its own genus, Oscaravis. Suddenly, large talons grabbed him and tore his shirt. Mortality must have been very low; to maintain a viable population less than about 2% of birds may have died each year. Have people really seen this. They need huge hunting grounds and are extremely territorial. It is theorized that the Teratornis primarily inhabited cliff terrain, where it could take off and soar through the air easily.[7]. Surprisingly, during this whole experience, I was not scared at all. Estimations of the wingspan of the largest species like Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx exceeds 10 m, with less conservative estimates being 12 m or more. It soon took to the sky, spreading its 20-foot wingspan. It has been estimated that the minimal velocity for the wing of A. magnificens is about 11 metres per second (36ft/s) or 40 kilometres per hour (25mph). I look over my shoulder expecting someone coming to get me, but instead my sister points up to a big bird that perched itself on top of the next building that we were leaving from. he came in shook up. Fortunately, the web is far bigger today and I have discovered some intriguing information about huge bird sightings. On Jan 10, 2011, themikeman from Concord, NC (Zone 7a) wrote: 2011 Introduction from James Gossard of Heavenly Gardens.Giant Teratorn (Rouge and Curls x Primeval Force). [3] The species apparently had stout, strong legs and large feet which enabled it to walk with ease. A. magnificens, sometimes called the giant teratorn, is an extinct species known . I dont relish being thought of as a liar or being prone to exaggeration, but it was BIG. Merriam's Teratorn probably played an important role in opening up the body cavities of carcasses for smaller birds like eagles and ravens which are also known to have frequented the locality, as mammalian predators-- being unable to fly-- could hardly reach most carcasses without getting mired in the asphalt themselves. A large number of fossil and subfossil bones, representing more than 100 individuals, have been found in locations in California, Oregon, southern Nevada, Arizona, and Florida, though most are from the Californian La Brea Tar Pits. Alverico Guajardo spotted the creature and described it as looking like a bat. A video of a large blue heron, native to Texas, was broadcast as that of Big Bird. Skull structure suggests that it ate most of its prey whole rather than tearing off pieces of flesh. Here are some of the original stories I received on this topic: To: obiwan@ghosts.orgSubject: WWW Form SubmissionDate: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:16 PMName: Arturo PerezEmail: hedorah_85@yahoo.comLocation: Eagle Pass, Texas. No legend here. He says he's seen what most have not an unidentified flying object, one that still scares him. "He's a little embarrassed with all the attention out here!" To view more reports and videos of the giant fireball, visit here. Reptoids Reptilian Bipeds Cryptids or Space Aliens? For comparison, the living bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross (3.63 m). The Giant Teratorn Argentavis magnificens was an absolutely enormous species of flying bird which lived in Argentina during the late Miocene, about six million years ago. Birds with larger wingspans, such as the astonishing 23 foot wide Giant Teratorn, are extinct. January 1: Tracey Lawson and Cousin Jackie Davies were playing outside when they saw the creature. My Dad and uncles used to drive the trucks for The Sugar Mill in Santa Rosa, they say one of the drivers saw it on Monte Christo Road in the 1970s. It stood about 75 cm (29.5 in) tall with estimated wingspan of perhaps 3.5 to 3.8 metres (11.5 to 12.5 ft), and its weight has been estimated within the range of 12.5-15.0 kg with 95% confidence; making it about a third bigger than extant condors. [7], The T. merriami was similar to condors, although an analysis of the functional morphology of its skull, namely its larger bill and ability to spread its mandibles and swallow its prey whole, suggests that it was an active and carnivorous predator rather than a scavenger. Minutes later, fellow officer, Homer Galvan, sighted a large black silhouette gliding through the air. I had just about convinced myself it was in my head till I read this. Two Missouri City residents found alligators on their porches in the past several weeks. Its wingspan was bigger than I dare to report to you. We both lived REALLY close to it. but it made no sound. UM-Bot, Loch Ness has its monster. Updating the True Ghost Stories Page recently, I once again came across several reports of huge birds that I received around 2006. Physical characteristics Currently accepted estimates: Wingspan: 5.8-8 m (19 - 26 ft) Wing area: nearly 7 m (75 square ft) Wing loading: c. 11.5 kg/m Length: 3.5 m (11.5 ft) Height: 1.7-2 m (5.6-6.5 ft) Weight: 60-80 kg (140-180 lb) For comparison, the living bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross (3.63 m). When will we see a cool down? Last week while walking from the garage to the house I saw another one. From the size and structure of its wings, it is inferred that A. magnificens flew mainly by soaring, using flapping flight only during short periods. For news updates, follow Chaz Miller on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Published May 30, 2009. READ MORE: Missouri City restaurant owner wrangles alligator spotted on front porch while taking kids to school. Its believed they became extinct sixty-five million years ago. While it is still considered the heaviest flying bird of all time, Argentavis was likely surpassed in wingspan by Pelagornis sandersi which is estimated to have possessed wings some 20% longer than Argentavis and which was described in 2014.[1][2]. Powered by Invision Community. I was afraid it would eat me. wrote Sarah Jane Zamora-Rivera from Gonzales, Texas. my mother spoke up and asked if it was a big bird. Many of the sightings take place in Texas, but these gigantic animals have also been spotted in Australia, Alaska, Alabama, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, and other places. The Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird alive, standing nearly as high as Argentavis due to its long legs. The first teratorn fossils were discovered in 1909 in famous La Brea Tar Pits in California, the United States. Which of them scares you the most? Some thought it may have been a shooting star or even leftover fireworks. Till this day I still dont know what it was but I sure would like to find out! These evil creatures of Navajo lore are said to be powerful witches who can secretly assume the shape of animals, like coyotes, crows, foxes, owls, and wolves. Other clips were sent in from Marble Falls, Grand Prairie, Spring, and Burleson. One of the teachers performed some research and discovered a picture that looked like what they saw. One would delta-back the wings and dive for about five thousand feet before pulling-up and joining the group. The largest flying creatures overall that are known to have existed are not birds, but instead distantly-related archosaurs, namely the azhdarchid pterosaurs of the Cretaceous. Scientists are watching them die out and believe there to only be 30 or so left in the wild, but like the Spix, several breeding pairs are in captivity. These monster birds (Teratorn is Greek for just that, "monster . About this time, several school teachers witnessed the strange bird, with a wingspan of at least 12 feet across. Some have even seen her! [12] Taking into account the strong legs, stout claws, and a gripping power not quite as developed as in eagles, it is rather likely that Merriam's Teratorn would have hunted for aquatic prey in the manner of an osprey, which also provides a reasonable explanation of how such large numbers of powerful, well-flying birds could have become stuck in the asphalt. Their bite is non-venomous, but their spray can be caustic. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. The American Meteor Society (AMS) said it received 146 reports about a fireball seen over Texas and Oklahoma around 6:45 p.m. CT Tuesday. [9] Thus, Teratornis may have primarily inhabited cliff terrain, where it could take off and soar through the air easily. We talked about it but no one had an explanation for what we saw. I was like in 8th grade and me and my friend were at the park. But some remembered the Big Bird sightings and they continued to wonder about the creature. [3] However, skeletal evidence suggests that its breast muscles were not powerful enough for wing flapping for extended periods. Subsequently, they made the public aware that all birds were protected by state and/or federal law. I shot at it with a 22 rifle. The study of hidden or unclassified animals---that is cryptozoology. I saw this damn thing July 27th, 2007 @ night in York, PA while on the phone with a friend! Enormous birds have a place in many American Indian legends. 1967 or 1968. [8], Prior published weights gave Argentavis a body mass of 80kg (180lb), but more refined techniques show a more typical mass would likely have been 70 to 72kg (154 to 159lb), although weights could have varied depending on conditions. Well, it was dark and we were just sitting there talking when we realized it was kind of late. Now you have! For the latest and best fromChron,sign up for our daily newsletter here. Weekly free ghost stories delivered to your inbox. It had no feathers . Canceled | Southwest apologized for ruining Christmas. [15] Especially for takeoff, it would have depended on the wind. So they got some chairs and were sitting on the porch when the thing flew by again! I just received another email regarding a pterosaur sighting in Virginia. It was about one third larger than today's living condors. Thank you! Of what is the soul made? Initially, Big Bird was the target of jokes, including those said by Johnny Carson on his national television show. Campbell, Kenneth E. Jr. & Stenger, Allison T. (2002): Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr, Eduardo P. Tonni. I think I saw this mentioned on the news. Whatever it looks like, if you ever find livestock with odd punctures and drained of blood, you can add the chupacabra to your list of suspects. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department feared hunters might mistake a protected, large, rare bird, like the whooping crane, for this strange, mysterious bird. [8], The finger bones of the Teratornis were fused as in all modern birds; however, part of the index finger forms a shelf which aided in bearing the load of long and stout primaries, enabling the bird to utilize strong upcurrents in flight. bingo she was with the wife of the chief of police and their friends. ABC 13's chief meteorologist Travis Herzog also received reports of the sighting and asked his followers on Facebook to share footage they captured of the unusually bright meteor and submit their first-person accounts to the AMS. Anyone with questions or comments feel free to email me at I cant tell you how big it was but trust me it was huge! Since A. magnificens is known to have been a land bird, another good point of comparison is the Andean condor, the largest extant flighted land bird going on average wing spread and weight, with a wingspan of up to 3.3m (10ft 10in) and an average wingspan of around 2.82m (9ft 3in). October 4, 2014-New Florence, PA-Unknown Giant Bird 15 Feet Over Car It was during the late afternoon when the witness traveling on a rural road about 2 miles from the New Florence power generating station was startled when a huge bird passed about 15 feet over the top of his vehicle. On 22 November 2002 at approximately 3:45 CST over Arlington, Texas (between Dallas & Ft. Worth) while watching large jets spraying wide trails of something in crisscross patterns over the DFW area using 20 power binoculars, I happened to notice a flock of HUGE birds of prey. It was a very well lit area and it just landed and it looked like its head was turned like an owls. I happen to be a bit of a Mothman enthusiast after I saw the film The Mothman Prophecies and the Mothman is often seen to be a banshee type figure, i.e appears in an area before a major disaster. It may never be known what this strange flying creature was because it seemed to have completely disappeared. It was somewhat larger than the extant Andean condor, and by calculating the area of the organism's sternum and synsacrum, Teratornis was estimated to weigh about 22.5kg (50lb), which was nearly double the weight of an average Californian condor. This species seems less aerodynamically suited for predation than its relatives. [3], On the other hand, their flight was similar to that of condors. [16] Argentavis may have used mountain slopes and headwinds to take off, and probably could manage to do so from even gently sloping terrain with little effort. At one time, wingspans have been published for the species up to 7.5 to 8m (24ft 7in to 26ft 3in) but more recent estimates put the wingspan more likely in the range of 5.09 to 6.5m (16ft 8in to 21ft 4in). I believe it lived on the lake. "We were afraid that it would come at us. It was among the largest flying birds ever to exist. Giant birds called teratorns (or wonder birds) once flew over New Mexico. It flew directly over us, about twenty yards above us, and as I turned my inner tube along its path, it perched on a tree about fifty yards past us. I know what I saw.. It probably preferred to scavenge for carrion, and it is possible that it habitually chased metatherian carnivores such as Thylacosmilidae from their kills. Back about six, maybe seven years ago, when Hale-Bopp was making its appearance, I saw another bird that was way out of normal size proportions. "It's just part of the environment," Isaac Veras said. She enjoys binge-watching anime and films makeup tutorials in her spare time. Ah, the goat sucker. I wondered: What cand of bird is that? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? Smacks of a possible Mothman type sighting. It is probable that it used thermal currents as well. I watched it as it sat up in the tree, nibbling at what Im guessing was ticks or fleas on its chest. If you would like to correct or update any of the information, please contact us. Another video from Michael Schwab, a witness in the area, shows the gator being lifted off the ground using a tow truck. Saw another one seen what most have not an unidentified flying object, one that still scares him to searching! Have died each year for a reason, right little embarrassed with the! Preferred to scavenge for carrion, and what is worth dying for what cand of bird is that binge-watching and. The park birds may have primarily inhabited cliff terrain, where it could take off and through! 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