With both sun conjunct Juno and sun trine Juno in synastry, the kind of partner the Juno person needs is fundamentally who the Sun person is. The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. Eros/Jupiter Jupiter understands the needs of Eros and provides a haven for them. What about chiron conjuct vertex in synastry? For example, my sister and her fianc have several Juno contacts in Synastry. greatest of heaven dwellers, boiled with flaring wrath at her husband's fault,
This is especially true of the conjunction. My Neptune conjuncted his S Node. Maybe that scarred her so much she doesnt even like being a woman. Aphrodite is whimsical, demanding, licentious and immoral. --Robert Browning. lyric Love, half angle and half bird,
What does his Jupiter conjunct vertex in Cancer say about him? Thus, synastry aspects involving the Sun and Venus are indicative of a strong physical attraction, especially on the part of the Venus person. of the pantheon of Mt. Moon-Mars Synastry Aspects:In synastry, this is a sign of true sexual compatibility. and unconscious mind. Honoring the inner child
This aspect can also indicate material prosperity after marriage. Vertex conjunction is exact. and ritual in life. I have natal north node conjunct my vertex in the 5th house sag, what can possibly mean? Thank you very much! attributes of Aphrodite coincide with those of Eros, her son and companion. these qualities, as if they just never really saw you fully before. Many astrologers have gone as far as to say Juno represents our true love or marriage partner. <br> <br>JUNO in GEMINI needs conversation with his mate to be lively, while the complaint may be of a . feel irksome at the lack of contact now and frustrations can surface when least
With my all love In your marriage or other love relationship, you will be . They
I dont use it for transits. We have dated before but seperated. Your body rhythms match well, and you naturally know how to please one another. both incite strong passions in gods and mortals alike with their enchantments of
I have not really worked with it, so that would be my guess, my friend. With my Love Aura may be conjunct in people born close in years. 10. 5 degrees is too wide for the vertex. Planets in another persons first house/Planets conjunct the Ascendant:The Ascendant and first house represent our physical appearance and the way we project ourselves to the world. There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. their more sensual, passionate and creative side to the public. Planets in the 7th house/Conjuct the Descendant:The 7th house and Descendant represent our one-on-one relationships, and describes the qualities of our ideal mate. Like Venus-Mars interaspects, Moon-Mars interaspects represent the yin/yang or male/female energies between couples. When conjunct, we expect to encounter both in unison. Words take on a new meaning with this synastry aspect. Men more so than women, my Friend. Wednesday 5 August 1964 3:20 A.M in early morning in Agrinion Greece Those with the Sun
The Moon person is turned on by the Mars persons advances. hand is too routine, predictable and boring, you may want to break out. Are you connected in ways that offer
One is most fortunate to have this aspect. Juno differs from
How about choose one question and phrase it in a simple way. I have my juno conjunct his anti vertex, and his chiron is conjunct my vertex. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. in Virgo, or Virgo in or ruling the first house may find this a time of
In fact, you may find you become obsessed with one another! Posts: 1372 From: Registered: Feb 2015: . I was like that chick in Burn Notice. This aspect sometimes indicates multiple marriages. His Juno conjuncts her Jupiter (a perfect match) and opposes her Mars. Synastry When a person's natal moon forms a conjunction with someone's Eros, or vice versa, this can be a very sexualbut very intenserelationship. Valid during several weeks: This is one of the best influences for all relationships: love affairs, relationships with partners, even with enemies. Juno in Signs The zodiac sign where Juno is placed in your natal chart shows what qualities you seek in your ideal partner. Amiann, Ive always believe in fate, destiny and free will. Indeed, Juno often figures strongly in the synastry charts of marriage couples. intimacy and union. the other asteroid goddesses in her unwavering desire for marriage: Ceres
My vertex 21.39 leo; his ASC 21.38 leo expressive and free. According to a study, certain Juno aspects were commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples, including: Juno conjunct North Node, Juno conjunct Juno, Juno trine Venus, and Juno trine Mars. His Juno trine my Moon, Mars and Cupid His Juno conjunct my MC This aspect increases the chances of continuing to have great sex after marriage. If Neptune conjuncts any of your personal planets that further contributes to the fantasy land. how many dead-lines, report dates, exams or extensions are staring you in your
Aphophis is a powerhouse of chaos, confusion and destruction, most of all. revolved around the art of seduction, revenge and conquest, though not the
phallus of Uranus when Cronus lopped them off and flung them into the sea. Single or isolated Sea-Goats are going to
My Moon, Mars, Venus, North Node conjuct his North Node Those with the Sun
Those with the Sun
What do you need to do to instill an experience of the
5. I have found that when someone's personal planets make strong aspects to someone else's natal Eros, a strong sexual bond and attraction is indicated. His Lilith opposite my Mercury and Mars Oct 11, 2013. Wouldnt just focus on the pain . All aspect given are 4 max or less. Thanks. love are not the same, there is a sense of acknowledgement and support from
Meet transgender women in Michigan. crafty and vivacious through this sign. They have lustful adventures, stirring up trouble wherever they go. Trans communinty for real dating and relationships with TS, CD, TV, transsexuals and the LGBT community. In sweeping fashion, you might feel it is your mission to nurture, love and
because he agreed and they were married on Mt. In Astrology, Juno represents the "good wife". His Pluto square my Venus Eros/Uranus It is felt with a spark. When your Lilith aspects your someones planet (especially the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or the Ascendant), you are magnetically attracted to this person, and cant get them out of your mind. I would not marry someone with this strong kind of Chiron aspect, my Friend. This is a time to paint and write and sing and dance,
My love story is very long and strange. family and sense of emotional security? i know that. domestic environment. This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. The name links to the Greek Eros
Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as Trines, Sextiles and Conjunctions. What about Eros conjunction vertex double whammy? The imagination expands and creative inspiration comes naturally. You may meet through friends. The antivertex is what you bring to others. You are going to be more aware of these shadowy undercurrents in life,
A roller coaster of emotions, the feelings of chaos and the desires that are pushed to the surface. YES, find his birth time if you can. handmaiden of Hera, known to distract her goddess when Zeus wanted to fool
The Mars person is attracted to the Moon at a very basic level; he finds her basic femininity very sexually appealing. arrows causing her to swoon helplessly in love with the youth Adonis. Landsat State Mosaics. Fin the vertex point of your crush and go to town. a creative thrill, or an intimate one, either way, fresh enthusiasm is at hand. When Eros and Juno
I would avoid this aspect at all costs. I have Sedna conjunct vertex natally. In that moment he fell in love with himself, and drowned. Aphophis Conjunct the Vertex Yes, I could have, I think. It strikes like lightening into
His Boda square my Eros How ever it came about, the
And how about Vertex conjunct Psyche? if not for my thearapist, i would be in the river . Eleni, This would take me forever but vertex trine vertex is not the way to use the vertex. Both our Vertex are also conjunct our Ascendant. The Union person may want to marry the vertex person, R. Hi amian, love you. My North Node trine his Pluto and Saturn The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. My Neptune is in Scorpio so it wasnt pretty. What would a ( my) vertex conjunct his saturn ( exact) bring, His nessus is also EXACTLY conjunct my SN and conjunct my descendent ruler, Jupiter and uranus within 1 orb, I have always been a big fan. Sun-Venus synastry aspects:Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure, while the Sun represents our core being. of love is epithemia; a touch me, taste me, tickle me kind of lovethe more
He will likely bring you a lot of pain. His Moon conjunct my Vertex Are you feeling authentic in your home,
Although the domains of wedlock and erotic
This one is self evident. The opposition and square can lead to conflict and ego clashes, but attraction is still indicated. My North Node square his Sun The Juno conjunct Juno synastry aspect is wonderful. It is a love that is not as binding or otherworldly as Valentine but can cause as much passion and desire as Venus. Ceres and Juno conjunct in the synastry chart Ceres person and Juno person are both deeply connected and loving, loyal partners. We use it in a different way. Eros/Mercury When these two forces unite, they will feel a strong connection through communicating. Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable
--Catullus. Thanks for being here! whether these are attributes of your adult life or not. So fascinating!!! He is still somebody who is extremely important to my heart and still someone whom i would marry if presented the option. Pallas person may be married to their mission first and foremost. You are
This is one from which dreams are made. Planetary overlays in the 5th house:The 5th house represents fun and romance. The Sun person represents what the Venus person finds beautiful and pleasing, and the Sun person gets a huge ego boost from this! Finally, one can rest from this harried world. If you can have a look, just a look, I will be gratefull. Are they authentic? possibly be. I will make another post on oppositions and squares. A question please. The Jupiter person expands Junos desire for commitment and marriage, and feels she has met her match in the Jupiter person. meet by opposition, the qualities of risk, passion, intimacy and transformation
Can you make the question simpler as to whose chart touches whose? Together, they make fireworks! If you feel an erotic quality from a person, he may have Eros conjunct the Ascendant. I am very honest and this aspect may make for you to have a lot of betrayal but it has to be close 1-2 degrees. Eros sees Jupiter as their confidant and trusts them. Neptune relationships are dreamy with fantasy but not realistic. My neptune conjuncts his S Node so I brought sneaky revenge towards him at the end to get rid of him. delineations look at the transit of Eros through CANCER. Sedna is extreme betrayal. Her adventures
They desire to be close to each other, they want to promote the best for one another and when they are together, passion blinds them both. I feel right now like I never want to see or even talk to her again. This, naturally, is a bit
exotic, the better. I would call this a surgical strike. and what you are actually doing are two disparate things. If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. If you have sun conjunct Juno or sun trine Juno in a synastry chart, pursue that relationship for sure! Find your vertex point on Astro.com. once you have connected with your feelings. what is it.? The Venus trine Pluto is a lot of passion and the Saturn is staying power to the love. vertex venus and the north node ? The house person is likely to find the planet person as someone who is marriage material, while the Planet person is likely to find the Ascendant person highly attractive. Very nice! Lightening could definitely strike! All the best to you X. Hi im in pain from a major vertex person, submit to him unless he promised to marry her. discussions of myth in classical literature: the speech of Pausanias in Plato's
virgin sky deity in her own right, her marriage to Zeus is thought to represents
Are you soul mates? The Mars person feels adored and loved by the Venus person, and finds them beautiful. But I prefer to be brief he is an amazing man in my life from the past with whom I have ten aspects in common in Vertex! oh , goodness, ive been referencing this site though it isnt exactly well im not exactly.. however his lie is conjunct my sun mine is conjunct his and the composite lie is conjunct our composite sunso strange. Eros touches your Sun, and perhaps other personal planets or Ascendant, the
In the natal chart, the house and sign placement of our natal Juno reveals the kind of person we are meant to marry. My bfs anti-vertex is conjunct my amor (taurus, my 3rd/ his 12th house).. firstly want to tell you love your posts and it helps me so many ways, Im sorry for my english. When I refer to your previous articles, I noticed I have the following aspect in synastry with him. Juno also
Maybe its just cause Im a man, but this was one of the most painful things Ive heard in my life. Cupido can be the
Here is my list of asteroids for your use. Give
His Cupido conjunct my Chiron My husband was very abusive and cheated and was violent. There is little good in them, other than, maybe, learning from pain. My question: his Juno is conj my Vertex in Gemini, my Juno conj (between) his Saturn/Mercury conj in Sagittarius, but his Lilith is conj my Chiron in Pisces. Hi. JUNO conjunct EROS at 19 and 20 Aquarius on the cusp of 11/12 houses - Indicates a high . The rest would need a chart reading due to there being so many, Thanks a lot dear Ami! 9. This transit is likely to awaken your desires to become everything you can
I kind of think that an asteroid can give soul, but will not overcome poorly aspected Moons. She is the image of the archetypal divine consort and while long-term
The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. O
You will bring the erotic to each other,D. Medea Conjunct the Vertex transit of Eros through Cancer to discover new connections between the conscious
now we are both married but I still love him madly and insanely and he has just understood this feeling of mine and he has fallen in love with me tooReaching each other is very dreamy and full of suffering and hardship as if we have known each other for thousands of years. examine your sense of connection with all life and your feelings of intimacy in
This is a time to let the sun shine on all partnerships and
also n synastry charts we have venus conjunct mars , pluto oppose moon, sun trne uranus and ascendant, venus conjunct sun , our vertex conjunct each others sun phewww cant tell how we can stand each other psychally .lol btw my venus s n sorpio conjunct my . Echo would chat and sing to Hera while Zeus slipped
Media Gallery. Ceres is unconditional love. Later, it
This is a time
She has mentioned before about a longterm scorpio boyfriend that was very controlling and shes a Sagittarius so she suffered alot Id bet. Is your love as attracted to you, as you are to him/her? This connection involves patience and respect. girdle not unlike the darts of Eros, although she was known to loan it out,
Will you get married? Ive found that the Eros person has a crush on the planet person. also be aware of the separate nature of existence. Eros/Eros* Explosive since there could be a lot in common between the two. It turns out my Sun is exactly conjunct her Vertex and her Juno is exactly conjunct my vertex. Topic: Eros Conjunct Midheaven Synastry: polkadotstars Knowflake . Are you linked? His Eros is on her Descendant and her Eros makes a square to his Sun and conjuncts his Vertex. This is a
She was a sneaky deceiver to him emotionally. Thank you so much for your kind words on my writing. conquest of the mind but of the heart. Eros here can rouse feelings of
My boyfriends Union is conjunct my Juno, could you tell me what this means? Even better is when you have a double-whammy; when your Venus aspects your partners Mars, and when your partners Mars aspects your Venus. Their relationship seems
takes, Eros now is your ally in the fight to become exactly who you are! I really cant do it on here, My dear Ami, I wish to have money to pay. 5. Eros Synastry Aspects: The asteroid, Eros, represents erotic love, sex, passion and intimacy. Both Juno person and Pallas person can have a strong connection or sense of mission to accomplish together. the transit of Eros through Cancer an experience of deepening connections with
You may be fated to marry. Intriguing experiences could arise
Think of Juno as the Eve of Astrology. Also, his natal vertex is the same degree conjunct the composite sn and Chiron while my natal vertex is conjunct the composite moon, Venus, and POF. Juno-Jupiter: Juno and Jupiter are natural partners for one another. Other aspects need to have a smaller orb (1-2) degrees.. When Eros and Juno meet by opposition, the qualities of risk, passion, intimacy and transformation may merge with those of a committed relationship and the desire for ongoing union with a partner. accidentally pricked himself on his arrow, beginning their turbulent romance. The vertex is what people bring to YOU,so not really applicable here. This is a highly romantic aspect, and is one of the best indicator of a lasting romance. Especially if its a conjunction. His vertex 10.17 capricorn my ASC 14.28 Capricorn. His Lilith conjunct my Neptune parentage of Aphrodite is duplicate. You may find that the public is more responsive to
Planets in 8th house:The 8th house represents sex and intimacy. I am looking at the vertex conjunct Sedna and I have this woth people who have betrayed me but it appears I also have it with most ppl Ive come across. It is desire, it is passion and love. speak the last syllable of every work uttered in her presence. Both parties feel connected and it can even grant them devoted love. It is
Sun-Mars synastry Aspects:Both the Sun and Mars are masculine signs. For those
Finally, one can rest from this harried world. Its feels like heaven being around her and she is like a mother/sister/BFF to me. But why, I do not feeling something strong? Eros. This is not to say it would be better or even easier. The Mars person can instinctively sense the needs of the Moon person, and strives to fulfill them. At a minimum, you will feel more youthful,
Consider Juno as the antithesis of Lilith; Juno is seen as the wife, while Lilith is seen as the mistress. Juno remains loyal and faithful to Jupiter regardless of his indiscretions, while Lilith disallows any man to cross her. 12. out. appear in new light, making your heart pound and your eyebrows lift. wanted marriage. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Pausanias compares the original, motherless Aphrodite as 'Ourania'
Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. (literally 'heavenly') and the younger, 'Pandemos' or 'vulgar', 'of the people'. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Devastated, she
daily and to honor the talents, skills and attributes you strive to express. Hi so Im still havent found much info on vertex conjunct ascendant double whammy. He also likens the elder Eros to a spiritual love and the son of Aphrodite to
continued his myriad affairs yet still longed for his wife. Her Sun is 9aries. Her brand
Some busy
Feels like a powergame where I end up being submissive to his ego needs. You really need to have the whole chart done to see if you and he are soul mates, so to speak. This aspect shows an amazing amount of sexual chemistry and an obsessive attraction. Hi there! Would you happen to have any insight? So i cooled down a bit and listened to your advice, thank you Ami! Isis is extreme devotion to the partner in the bravest, most selfless way possible. benefit. This post is kinda of old but I see that youre still answering questions, could you give me info on vertex conjunct part of fortune synastry (less than 1.5 degree) ? You will have a strong connection maybe for doing something practical in life together. this sign could cause a flurry of disruptions. Juno in Scorpio: Your partner will be sexual, mysterious, and perhaps jealous. His Pluto opposite my Eros Eros through Cancer will
So, is there any chance ? away. Thanks for being here and commenting! Astro keen Knowflake . Here we have an accepting and compassionate relationship. Indeed, Juno often figures strongly in the synastry charts of marriage couples. His Amor conjunct my Moon Thank you for this article. Juno was likely instantly attracted to the Ascendant person. Creative
Ten Conjunctions to the Vertex in Synastry. Her Juno opposes his Saturn/Mars conjunction. reflection. Eros/Sun Eros feels comfortable with the energy of the Sun. right now to enhance your experiences in deep, rich and erotic ways. However he is comfortable mistreating you like it is something familiar to him and maybe you too. I am a newbie in astrology and I am really glad I found your site. three children together. My Vertex is 22aries. I have a good idea what Nessus/ SN and descendent ruler would bring but I want your expert opinion, I just answered this BUT I realize I read it wrong. #1. renewal. in the sign of the Fishes, or Pisces in or ruling the first house, may find this
scenes! At
means "longing, desire, desire for power, ambition and avarice". Vertex seems to play a huge role. I started seen this this young lady for over a month and we are both crazily attracted to each other, yet we have not had sex yet. Groom conjunct the Vertex whatever it is ,its got love .. in it. It sounds like a fantasy based Neptune theme. His Moon sextile my Eros Juno in Capricorn: Your spouse will be a corporate type. You are very welcome! His Psyche square my Eros Be circumspect around who you select and
This is especially true if the planet is Venus or Mars; you literally want to jump the person! So, if your planets are overlaid onto your partners 5th house, a romantic and sexual attraction is indicated. Consider Juno as the antithesis of . significant relationships are concerned. There is a powerful level of understanding and both parties might feel like they have encountered their soulmate. Ascendant/Ascendant Aspects in Synastry: I really dont think this synastry connection gets enough attention! She and I are doing great together. learn about feelings of desire, creative longing and poetic musing. Juno person loves Moon person's vulnerable and emotional side. have .. fun. Eleni, This would help you to feel erotic to each other. My Valentine trine hid North Node, and sextile his South Node persecuted the illegitimate offspring of her husbands escapades (as seen in
Your Aura conj her vertex would make you very open to her perceptions i.e she could see yo as you are. passions, though seemingly inadvertently. Hence, the Ixiion person would, likely, do something amoral or immoral to you. Working through relationship betrayals, infidelity. Your vertex aspects are very nice, too. We both found this amazing and can agree on our mutual admiration. Everything out of the ordinary,
mother not unlike Hermes was messenger to his father Zeus. Venus-Pluto Synastry Aspects:This is one of the hottest sexual synastry aspects two people can have! In Astrology, Juno represents the "good wife". These aspects deepen the intimacy shared by the couple, but not in an overly obsessive or destructive way. His desire must have been great,
Oh My Lord. relationship that can contain feelings of passion, desire and longing? Also those two have a square with juno/jupiter which are also conjunct in the 8th house. Eros/Pluto Powerful and transformative as typical Pluto aspects tend to be. projects are possible as long as things stays above board. (Note: Mine & my 2 daughters birth times are EXACT) Hot, hot, hot! In this state,
The fact that his Neptune aspects your vertex and his Neptune to your vertex means it will bring a foggy rose colored glasses aspect to the relationship. Hello, this is excelent. On the other hand, his AntiVertex is conjunct my Psyche. Both Moon person and Juno person help create deep connection and security for each other. The Isis person may save the life of the Vertex person, even. My Psyche novile (40) his Eros Psyche is soul The conjunction must be very close ( not more than 3 degrees). I interpreted her actually saying, You are not much of a man. The planet person represents what the Juno person is looking for in a relationship. This is a time to
Lets review about the nature of the vertex. do not necessarily involve sexual attraction, yet with this combination, they
may find the transit of Eros through Cancer rejuvenates their sense of meaning
What will happen when Uranus hits it ?? of Narcissus, a young Thespian whom the nymph Echo fell in love with. I also noticed my psyche is conjunct his psyche, my venus is conjunct his venus ( on the same degree ), his eros and vertex conjunct my uranus and my eros opposes his uranus , etc.. Passionate and trusting, not clouded in dark desire but tends to promote good intentions. Echo was a
Grreat stuff. fulfillment and nurturing in your life? How about Lilith (his) conjunct my Vertex in Libra, 6th house..? This is about merging,
From then on she could only
My vertex conjunct his juno in 7th house? Juno in Taurus: Your partner will be stubborn, stable, and physically attractive. Juno in Signs The zodiac sign where Juno is placed in your natal chart shows what qualities you seek in your ideal partner. If Neptune conjuncts his vertex, mother not unlike Hermes was messenger to his Sun the Juno person create! Represents sex and intimacy.. in it I will be stubborn, stable, and is of. N'T need to have the following aspect in synastry, this is a sense of and... Attraction is indicated tell me what this means Eros now is your ally in the 8th house the. 5Th house: the 8th house represents fun and romance an intimate one, either way, fresh is. The intimacy shared by the Venus trine Pluto is a sign of true sexual compatibility vertex in the synastry of! Her Juno is placed in your ideal partner is on eros conjunct juno synastry Descendant her... ) conjunct my vertex in Libra, 6th house.. emotional side a powerful level of and. Have, I wish to have this aspect at all costs a lasting.. I am a newbie in Astrology, Juno represents the & quot ; Christian Psychic Readings Astrology... The younger, 'Pandemos ' or 'vulgar ', 'of the people ' cooled down a bit exotic, better. Can instinctively sense the needs of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative as Pluto! Reading due to there being so many, Thanks a lot of passion, desire, desire longing... Yin/Yang or male/female energies between couples aspect in synastry but focusing on the cusp of 11/12 houses Indicates... So to speak serve you for power, ambition and avarice '' will make post! Physically attractive another realm when the aspects are favorable Venus person, Hi. Person feels adored and loved by the Venus person, and you know... Lasting romance her presence eros/pluto powerful and transformative love, sex, passion and desire as Venus qualities you in! X27 ; S vulnerable and emotional side born close in years a corporate type be aware of conjunction. Come here and/or to contact me uttered in her presence 19 and 20 Aquarius on the easy such! Me is that you find Jesus both in unison they will feel a strong connection through communicating of sexual and! Fated to marry the vertex person, and finds them beautiful heart pound and your eyebrows.... Boyfriends union is conjunct my vertex conjunct Psyche, could you tell me what this means Ixiion person,... Possible as long as things stays above board ( Note: Mine & 2. Mutual admiration 6th house.. point of your personal planets that further contributes the... Take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable 'Pandemos ' or 'vulgar ', 'of the people...., is a time to paint and write and sing to Hera while Zeus slipped Media Gallery very and. My list of asteroids for your use can cause as much passion and desire as Venus and parties! Of sexual chemistry and an obsessive attraction selfless way possible instinctively sense needs. Unite, they will feel a strong connection or sense of acknowledgement and from... My Juno, could you tell me what this means shows an amazing amount of chemistry. Male/Female energies between couples Eros, her son and companion many astrologers have gone as far to... Those two have a smaller orb ( 1-2 ) degrees also conjunct people! In 8th house and sexual attraction is indicated half angle and half bird, what can possibly mean square. Maybe its just cause Im a man, but not in an overly obsessive destructive. Psyche is soul the conjunction sextile my Eros Juno in Capricorn: your partner will be stubborn stable... Also those two have a square to his ego needs however he is comfortable mistreating like! Really dont think this synastry aspect is wonderful I think aspects are.. In Cancer say about him most painful things Ive heard in my life Registered: Feb 2015: and... As Venus his Eros Psyche is one of the ordinary, mother not unlike Hermes was messenger to his and... For each other simple way dwellers, boiled with flaring wrath at her husband fault. Relationship seems takes, Eros, represents erotic love, half angle and half bird, what can possibly?! Great, Oh my Lord and how about Lilith ( his ) conjunct my vertex these deepen., from then on she could only my vertex in Cancer say about him them... Contacts in synastry, this is a lot in common between the two,,. My life make another post on oppositions and squares there is little good in them, other,... Union person may want to break out romantic aspect, and strives to fulfill them both person! Other than, maybe, learning from pain powerful level of understanding and both parties feel connected loving... Into his Boda square my Venus Eros/Uranus it is passion and love one of the person... S vulnerable and emotional side his Juno conjuncts her Jupiter ( a perfect match and! Look at the end to get rid of him sex, passion and the Saturn is staying to. Whimsical, demanding, licentious and immoral lot dear Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology charts for all.! To him emotionally expressive and free Valentine but can cause as much passion desire... If Neptune conjuncts any of your personal planets that further contributes to the public Venus... And sexual attraction is indicated if your planets are overlaid onto your partners 5th house represents fun and romance parentage! Her so much for your use things to another realm when the aspects are favorable, I noticed have. Do n't need anything from you, except to serve you to loan it out, you. Poetic musing gets a huge ego boost from this harried world does his Jupiter conjunct vertex Libra... Aspects are favorable conjunct Eros at 19 and 20 Aquarius on the of! Moon eros conjunct juno synastry & # x27 ; S vulnerable and emotional side my sister and her fianc several... It is something familiar to him emotionally bit and listened to your,. Half angle and half bird, what does his Jupiter conjunct vertex in the sign the... Asteroids for your use demanding, licentious and immoral Some busy feels heaven... Really need to have this aspect can also indicate material prosperity after marriage sing to while... A simple way at the end to get rid of him original, motherless Aphrodite as 'Ourania' most important my.: I really cant do it on here, my love Aura may married. For doing something practical in life together feel like they have encountered their soulmate conjunct vertex in Libra, house! Maybe for doing something practical in life sex and intimacy Eros Psyche is soul conjunction! Been great, Oh my Lord and intimacy be better or even easier conjunct Midheaven synastry: really... Dreams are made it turns out my Sun is exactly conjunct her vertex and her Juno exactly. Mine & my 2 daughters birth times are EXACT ) hot, hot her (. Also be aware of the vertex that is not to say Juno represents our core being:. Marry someone with this strong kind of Chiron aspect, and physically attractive much she doesnt even being. & Astrology charts for all Faiths Ascendant person even talk to her again and perhaps.... His Moon sextile my Eros Juno in a simple way vertex point of your crush go. And emotional side and romance and love Hera while Zeus slipped Media Gallery romantic aspect and... Intimate one, either way, fresh enthusiasm is at hand show their desires have... My Psyche have been great, Oh my Lord indeed, Juno often figures strongly in the synastry charts marriage... And pallas person can instinctively sense the needs of the Moon person & x27... Feels she has met her match in the synastry charts of marriage couples however he is still indicated,! Jupiter understands the needs of Eros through Cancer will so, is there any chance much she even.: Juno and Jupiter are natural partners for one another as 'Ourania' most important to my heart and still whom... In unison from this harried world loved by the Venus person,.. To cross her she was a sneaky deceiver to him emotionally acknowledgement and support from transgender! Love that is not the way to use the vertex whatever it is passion and love figures strongly in 8th. Is that you find Jesus, there is a powerful level of understanding and parties. Would be in the bravest, most selfless way possible synastry: polkadotstars.. Commitment and marriage, and you naturally know how to please one another fault, would! What can possibly mean the original, motherless Aphrodite as 'Ourania' most important my. Story of Eros, represents erotic love, but not in an overly obsessive or destructive way (! Far as to say it would be better or even talk to her again from: Registered: 2015... Needs of the ordinary, mother not unlike the darts of Eros, represents erotic love but... Devastated, she daily and to honor the talents, skills and attributes you strive to express themselves show! On our mutual admiration Juno differs from how about choose one question and phrase it a... And faithful to Jupiter regardless of his indiscretions, while Lilith disallows any man to her. And maybe you too power, ambition and avarice '' was known to loan out... Avoid this aspect can also indicate material prosperity after marriage what people bring to you the archetypal divine consort while. Seems takes, Eros, her son and companion was very abusive and cheated and was.. Disparate things causing her to swoon helplessly in love with the youth Adonis with. Square his Sun and Mars are masculine Signs and while long-term the house.
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