I have asthma and it caused a rash, and I swallowed a lot of it, so I had to go see a doctor in the diary room and they gave me cream. But in most ways, I could really fing care less. I'm just scooping up my handfuls of popcorn on the couch watching this girl melt into a pool of tears. FRANK EUDY: I'm like, "Save it. You've got to get every question from here on out if you want to stay in this game.". I thought Jenn was a lock for me and I was counting on maybe an Ashley, a Jenn, and a Joe. There's also a possibility that I was frustrated that she buzzed in and it was easy and she couldn't figure it out. Do whatever you can." So I'm happy that I was picked. Dan Gheesling shares what he bought after Big Brother 10 "Goodbye and thanks for the memories - was the first major purchase I made after winning the show," Dan captioned a Twitter post that . Let me try and do something like that again." I could have just had a normal meeting, but I like to try to make a show the best I can. And I respected that. When I see Jenn stand up at the Veto ceremony and do that, I'm pinballing with my eyes looking at everyone's reaction. I could not believe the words coming out of his mouth. That was a direct invitation because I know what's about to happen. I was frustrated. If anything, it makes me almost want to second guess him. He never was one of the house guests who was lazy and sleeps until noon and doesn't talk to anybody, and goes back to bed at eight. FRANK EUDY: The truth is, once he brought that thing up about Ian being with them for a while and I connected him and Britney's relationship, I didn't really need all that stuff. This is incredible. He's just possibly going out of the house.". He describes vegans as weird tree-huggers and believes that religion is important and that it helps to establish basic values. I don't know about the general consensus of the people that are on r/bigbrother, but on twitter, facebook, (etc.) Dan Gheesling first competed on Big Brother 10, where he formed the Renegades alliance with Memphis Garrett and took home the $500,000 grand prize.On BB10, which aired in 2008, Dan was a 24-year-old Catholic school teacher.In the end, he won the season by a unanimous vote. But I re-watched the finale for the first time yesterday, and when Ian was stating his case and saying why he deserved to win, Dan interrupted him. RICH MEEHAN: Any kind of disciplinable thing we call the network and say, "Hey, this just happened, here's the call and it's crystal clear." He managed to convince his teammate Danielle Murphree to use the Power of Veto on him at the Final 4 which enabled him to blindside her Showmance Shane Meaney. JULIE CHEN: That "punishment" of solitary confinement was a blessing in disguise. He describes vegans as weird tree-huggers and believes that religion is important and that it helps to establish basic values. Dan considered and discarded a few different tactics before setting on a strategy. He really did well, and there was something so likable and pure about him. I knew we were getting to the end. I think she was so hurt and betrayed by the fact that I knew that she was going to go on the block. For me, that's the worst-case scenario in Big Brother. And then it's just like, "Okay, Is Ian still onboard?" That's putting a ton of faith into people. Even when you know Dan and you know what he's capable of and how he works and how he maneuvers, you still want to believe him. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He won the competitions when he needed to in the end. And that morning, they woke me up with "P-I-M-P" from 50 Cent, and I hopped up. Then as soon as he said it to me, it made complete sense. She's been in this game before, she can go out." Contestants Appearing in Multiple Seasons, http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/cast/15598/, http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/cast/119850/. I wasn't angry. She recently played on the Warped tour and her band Kittie released a live reunion DVD earlier this year. I was just going to say, "You're dead to me," but I truly don't want to make someone upset, so even though it doesn't make for as good TV I said, "In this game you're dead to me" instead. And I looked at Britney and I remember hearing her say, "Oh, it doesn't smell very good in there, and you don't look very good." DANIELLE MURPHREE: I waited until a few months after Shane and I had broken up. Frank messes up and I get another chance to go head-to-head against Jenn, and I lose to Jenn who hasn't won anything. Dan Gheesling's Big Brother career did not begin well. The Renegades I know people really took that very seriously, but I just saw it as just for the game not like this dude does this on a daily basis at home or some s. BRITNEY HAYNES: There is not a Big Brother handbook that you have to have any sort of moral compass. I was like, this guy is going to win this whole damn thing, and I felt like no one else was really paying attention. Other Prizes He was giving us the idea that the room had sickened him somehow, like a motion sickness type thing. They then burst into the room'and were both confused and troubled by what they found. You know that it's coming, but I was so upset, because how can I campaign against Dan? I think he really had that whole thing planned out as far as his body language and how he was when he came out of that room in order to get us into a room to sit down to talk to us all. It was just a nasty side of Dan. And does he have one bucket or two? At first, I thought it was just this last-ditch hail Mary, just trying to get some votes, and to also look like a nice guy. I was shocked. Dan sealed the pact by swearing on his Bible, his wedding ring, and his dead grandfather's cross necklace. It was flawless. But he made it pretty obvious. But God had a different plan. There's a couple things I've said about you I'm not proud of. IAN TERRY: I went from feeling bad to feeling disgust. Think about your best friend saying something horrific to you, not wanting to hear your side of it, and knowing that you had done nothing besides protect him the entire time. He didn't have to be a phony and have little conversations with people. Moving forward, we can be friends outside this. That confused me and I didn't understand if they were play fighting, fake fighting, or if they had their own deal on the side that we weren't privy to, because none of that really made sense. DAN GHEESLING: Joe and I talked a lot about being married and things we were as husbands. But I really struggled, and I felt terrible because I'm a team player and my whole thing was keeping the Quack Pack in tact at that point. He's sitting there with someone who he's been up against this whole time, and he's making all these promises to try to prove a point. Someone once said that "In Big Brother, Dan's a great dropback quarterback, but when he scrambles, he's not very good," and that's how I feel. I would have liked it if she was nominated, so I could just pull her down right away no matter what. So there was a bitter jury component. I feel like Dan played a way better game than Ian, and that's never going to change. He and I didn't have any arguments during the whole time. After convincing both Ian and Danielle to throw the first part of the final HOH competition, Dan advanced straight to part three, where he lost to Ian. None of that promising on any of that made any difference. JENN ARROYO: This didn't make it to TV, but I remember vividly asking, "Can I ask a question?" I think that it's about to come my way. JOE ARVIN lives in Northwest Indiana and is a global corporate executive chef for a company called Antunes. Dan has yet to say he wouldn't come back for round three, andsome reports indicate that he was close to being on season 22. He's also become a family man. 84.4K followers. His ideal romantic partner will be caring, hot, have dark hair and skin and be exotic looking. He is currently seeing a woman named Britney he dated previously before going on Big Brother, and is very dedicated to his local Mission City Church. He's doing something. I don't, ethically. He coached his football team to a state championship, got married and penned two books with a third on the way. The only thing I can do is try to come up with some spectacle. That was a bitter jury. And it kind of proves that you obviously have been dishonest in the past, because you're trying to do all this stuff to prove a point. That was the plan. If I've been in this house for this damn long dealing with these damn people on this damn show, then I can be on slop for three weeks." Then when I realized, "Hey this is it. It's like everybody turned over their cup. Expect the unexpected. Then he kind of blew it off, of course didn't acknowledge it. No matter if Dan and I never talk again, I'm still going to feel that way. Did I need that? BRITNEY HAYNES: I 100 percent think I would have gotten it had Frank not whispered it. Social Media But Ian definitely got the better of Dan in those speeches and that Q&A with the jury. He got me. Dan's such a dick. Nothing." Back in 2008, Gheesling, then a 25-year old Catholic school teacher from Dearborn, Mich., won half a million dollars on Season 10 of Big Brother where he was under constant surveillance as a . He was followed by, Dan's game in season 10 was regarded by many as similar to. And Frank's just jabbing him and basically saying, "Hey, it's payback time. DAN GHEESLING: If you had interviewed me the week after coming out of the Big Brother show, I'd be like, "Oh yeah, I orchestrated the whole thing." They both won OTEV on their second seasons and are the only winners to also win OTEV. Dan Gheesling: It took me four years to get on the show. It's like, "Okay, I have a reason to be mad at Danielle and whether people or not realize that, let me take that and build from there. Dan never once volunteered my name or said, "I want to save me and Danielle." How did you feel?" My brain's not right. What transpired around that I knew I had really little control over, but I knew Danielle would be upset by what I would say, and to me at least that could cause some diversion to the chaos. I've heard that he's the best, and i've heard he's the worst. I did something early on. And she was like, "Well, I wanted to be a woman of my word." Dan had reached out to me again and he really wanted to talk to me. And he was. JENN ARROYO: I don't know how a man in his 30s hadn't met a lesbian somewhere in Michigan, but I guess it's possible. JOE ARVIN: No disrespect to Ian because I absolutely love him, but if I had to do it over again, it would be Dan by far. Considering the mixture of strategy and spectacle, is Dan's funeral the greatest moment ever over 24 seasons of Big Brother to air in the United States? I'm just looking around for a hidden Veto, and that's the first couple of hours. I didn't think anything would ever distract Frank from his number one target, which was Dan, and I didn't even see it as being a possibility. They saw me as whatever. Everything's going to be fine and she trusts me.". I'm angry at Britney because I'm questioning her because why is she getting answers from Frank. This is such a teachable moment for the social game, in general, because he would spend hours, days, and weeks in the backyard talking to each one of us individually, one on one. He was in tears, by the way. $20,000 She and I were fine at this point so I didn't think that she would convince Frank to put me up. And it was something along the three-week line. Why do you guys think there is no widely accepted opinion on Dan except for the fact that he's one of the greatest players ever? ALLISON GRODNER: Everyone in that house believed that he was on his way out. For me, if I'm going to have to go out and lose my second time playing Big Brother, I'm glad that I went out on something so iconic and memorable, versus just being any other old boot. In terms of votes, did it give a bad taste to a lot of people? Dan, what the heck is wrong with you?" I immediately realized he's not being a team player. BRITNEY HAYNES: He whispered it, I said it, and then they paused the game. I'm going to stay true to who I am. IAN TERRY: I was like, "Oh, this is going to be the last-ditch effort." I didn't look to him for help. "We can't give it to Dan twice, look how cute Ian is." Ever since she was a teenager, Madeline has been known for her encyclopedic knowledge, photographic memory, and thoughtful (perhaps overly so) analysis of past, present, and future pop culture. Just devastated. I remember going in the Diary Room, and it was one of my rougher Diary Room sessions because it kind of hit me at that point I wasn't going to win. I mean, I wish I had gone to the kitchen and just popped some popcorn, because I was like, "I'm going to sit here and enjoy the show." I looked at Dan as family. I felt like I could always see it, starting with the way he always addressed me as Mrs. Chen. He was the puppet-master, she was the puppet. There's an argument back and forth, he's like, "What?" BRITNEY HAYNES: To be honest with you, I felt really bad for him because this game means so much to Dan. They're like, "Frank, you've been disqualified." DANIELLE MURPHREE: Shane and I dated for a while outside the house, but Shane had a lot of stuff he needed to work through personally that he couldn't do in a relationship. Dan and fellow Renegade member Memphis are the only people to place lower on their second season than their first but play more days than their first season. Like, let the man speak. 75 P.S. According to Dan, Im back to coach a team to do the exact same thing that I did which is win a half million dollars! Since we last saw Dan on BIG BROTHER, he has been very busy. He was the wielder of the ultimate shovel 'Chet Lemon' until it was lost due to Dan falling in lava. It was just us two, and so I wasn't really worried about it. We all knew that Dan was the mastermind, and one of the best players of the game, so when he stormed out like that, it was like, "Oh, s, it's on.". It'll be perfect. The main question I get asked still today is, "What do you think of his funeral?" DAN GHEESLING: It's almost like you're playing a game of Clue and you know the murderer and you know who's about to get murdered, and you know you're going to win. So that's what I have struggled with the past seven years. I just wanted to reiterate to him, "Hey, we're friends," and boost the ego a little bit. I would rather you lose to bitterness then to, "Hey, we don't want him to win twice." RICH MEEHAN: I remember myself watching Dan saying, "Wow, this is like the best game playing I've ever seen." I'm doing whatever it takes within the confines of the rules of the game to let this guy know I'm serious that this is all true. What are you going to do?" With so many fans calling this season a disappointment, one has to wonder if it would've been significantly better had the rumors been true. You know what you did, and in this game, you are dead to me. However, that wasn't the case. The presentation he delivered on "The 6 Steps to Exceptional Leadership" kept the audience engaged to the point where you . They just didn't know. Or course, for the entire Quack Pack to be safe, Dan and Danielle had to throw the competition. Runner-Up Is the Quack Pack safe?" Dan's ouster was so assured that he even staged his own funeral. SHANE MEANEY: I don't think Ian saw it. JENN ARROYO: Britney definitely sticks out to me the most, because I feel like she may have even had a box of tissues with her or something. Kind of a shead move on my part, but at least it's trying to throw some discourse on the other side of the house, because it did get Ian mad at Dan. They had to bring in a medic, because I got a rash, broken out and stuff. Lucky for me it worked out for Season 10 because Season 9 is considered maybe one of the less exciting seasons to watch. IAN TERRY: I'm like, "It's done. BRITNEY HAYNES: As much as I knew that Dan was dangerous, I did not know that he could pull it off. That sucks. And over the course of a few weeks, the coaches were all turned into regular houseguests. I thought what he said was harsh, but not even that harsh. Joe was really upset in respect to the religion stuff. He shook his head in kind of like a "that's not true," putting him down way. Instagram [big-brother-oral-history_n_55c511cee4b0f1cbf1e51830 But First: An Oral History Of 'Big Brother']. DANIELLE MURPHREE: Dan and I have still not seen each other since we were on the CBS lot at finale night seven years ago. He is usually compared to Dr. Will, but a large majority of BB fans love Dr. Will, and the general consensus is that he's loved. He was pissed at me and kept asking, "What the hell are you doing? But for him, the silliness and the spectacle sort of adds to that. Even as mad as I was, I was like, "He's just that good. JOE ARVIN: Everybody's freakin' crying. I don't know what kind of s he may have thought about the gay lesbian transgender community, but I'm imagining he may have had some beliefs that may have been different at that time, only because of his religious background and where he came from. JENN ARROYO: They would wake us up in the morning with music. That's one of the few times when I was just so angry with her. That wasn't a first-time occurrence of something along those lines happening. The jury overwhelmingly chose Ian as the champion of Big Brother 14 by a margin of 6-1, with a distraught Danielle awarding Dan his only vote. I was highly annoyed. Dan was absolutely the target. This is definitely top of the list. It was Frank's idea. Is he serious right now? He attended Divine Child High School and earned . JENN ARROYO: We're all thinking "This is signed, sealed and delivered, baby!" I was pumped. One, I don't lose games much, and two, just bad history with anytime I would lose. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, What Happened To Big Brother 10 Winner Dan Gheesling After The Show, Big Brother: Holly Allen & Jackson Michie's Relationship Breakdown & Timeline, Big Brother: The 10 Best Veto Plays In Series History. BRITNEY HAYNES: They finally came back said that they reviewed the tape, and that he whispered it to me and he was disqualified, and that we had to replay the round. DAN GHEESLING: Danielle was the only person in the house I trusted 100 percent, and I think it was vice-versa, but I was always a little bit skittish because she also had that with Shane. His personality shines through in every video, and he seems genuinely interested in what people have to say about him. Yeah, I was happy to see those two names for sure. One thing I was a touch hesitant on was I didn't want to send another female out, but I was also like, "F Britney. That was my thought process, because I needed another ride along in this. Shane got burned horribly. Because I got Spots?! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. DanGheesling Frank got the first question right with "Avocado," and had to dye himself green to receive the two points. Next: Big Brother: The 10 Best Veto Plays In Series History. And now he's saying something very similar to what Mike Boogie said the round before. It's definitely the top three. I don't like having to vote out those that I feel like I already have a connection with because I've seen them on TV. Both he and Memphis stayed in control for the rest of the game and made it to the Final Two where Dan would win in a unanimous 7-0 vote. Dan Gheesling is an American television personality, YouTuber, Twitch streamer and teacher who rose to fame after appearing on the reality TV series Big Brother 10 in 2008 and emerging as the first competitor in the history of the show to win by a 7-0 unanimous vote. Dan agreed, yet then voted Shane out anyway. Now's not the time or place but after I'd like to talk to you by yourself and just get that off the table.". It was on the tip of my tongue. But we don't have that many people left yet, and I knew he was going to go after Britney. DAN GHEESLING: I mean, I'm desperate. They had strobe lights and disco ball type things, and all these dancing lights. It was incredible. I could trust you through thick or thin." Expect the unexpected. For ScreenRant, she brings those talents to writing and thinking critically about reality TV hits, with particular focus on shows like Love Island (UK and USA), Real Housewives, Vanderpump Rules, and The Kardashians. 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