Thanks for the warning, Young Living. Valor oilcan help support occasional nervous irritability. For added effect, apply 1-2 drops along forearms daily. Sadly, I learned this the hard way. But, were not sure this product is clear on what its intended use is. It may also keep bugs at bay when used topically. Author: Jessica F. Date: 12-29-2011 Views: 12,552 Word Count: 97 Questions Received: 1 Testimonial ID: 6678-OR Brand Neutral: No . I would use castor oil as your carrier oil as this can also help with healthy skin pigmentation. I also developed severe, crippling depression. Do not use in conjunction with contraceptives containing progesterone. Young Living is extremely reputable. Young Living is sold by individual reps or purchased directly off their website. No one warned me of the dangers of using progesterone without having your hormone levels checked by a doctor. ****From what I read you shouldn't take while pregnant, your placenta produces progesterone, after 8weeks gestation. It doesnt make your product look any better. Diffuse in morning with a drop of Lemon oil after baby goes down for nap. Your Auto Insurance May Pay For Massage Therapy To Treat Your Injuries, Progessence Plus Serum product information PDF pages, Facts and Myths of Essential Oil Adulteration, Essential Oil First Aid Kit for Emergencies. Use the above chart to target various emotions. But, there are a few situations where you might warrant the use of essential oils to support babys overall well-being. carrier oil and rub into temples, back of neck and inhale. The government fails at researching a lot of medications on pregnant women since it isn't ethical. Easily absorbs and contains skin-nourishing premium essential oils and vitamin E. 100 percent plant-based and naturally derived vegan formula. Ive used this several times when Paloma is going through a growth spurt and my milk cant keep up. Thoughts on the product?? Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. Anyone here use progessence plus to get pregnant? OK, for labor lets get the party started shall we? This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. "Activated charcoal will not harm your skin, which makes it a good addition to your cleansing routine. Progessence Plus is, technically, a highly micronised bio-identical (human) progesterone that has a natural Vitamin E base with a set of special essential oils like Frankincense . Once labor is active, and there is no turning back, Clary Sageoil can be your best friend tosupport contractions if labor gets stalled. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . If you're taking a medication that could be harmful to your baby, your health care provider might recommend an alternative . It improves the blood flow within your skins cells, allowing them to stay healthy. I used two to four drops of, For years I have suffered with TMJ. Foroccasionalconstipation, boost your magnesium intake. Marjoram and Pine offer similar support in children over 2. We liked the natural approach to providing progesterone to users in a serum that likely smells quite nicesomething users often claim is missing in other topical products. Did you also take progesterone supplements with it? Once you are feeling better, then you can adjust the amount used. We want toavoid Peppermint oil, as this is a strong one which can reduce breast milk supply in some women. Specially formulated by D. Gary Young, ND, and Dan Purser, MD, Progessence Phyto Plus maximizes the effects of wild yam extract and vitex oil by . Fermented cod liver oil and probiotics also help. You can also apply Tea Treeand Lemon oilsto your lymph nodes under your armpits, near the breast to help support healthy glands. 3125 Executive Parkway This ingredient is believed to help with mood or mild depression and may help relieve joint pain with use. If you get sick, you can eat 2 raw smashed garlic cloves with a dollop of raw honey up to 3 times a day. I definantly wouldnt be purchasing this from Amazon!!! option 2> use roller filament on the bottle and roll onto wrists and behind ears (already pre-diluted in the bottle) I stopped when I became pg and, if memory serves, its not recommended for pregnancy and breastfeeding, but I could be wrong. All of those occasional normal pregnancy symptoms. I would encourage you to dig a little bit deeper into your own health to determine if you have signs of low progesterone! All rights reserved. So if you are using OPK's, you should take the progesterone about 3-4 days after a positive OPK. Published content is provided from businesses that have been compensated by this website. Clary Sage and Dragon Time can be greatoils to help support this. July 4 edited July 4. We've gone over this but these 2 oils are lifesavers! Have you asked your OB? 2. Of course, good diet, breastfeeding and exercise also help. Do not ingest essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. Studies indicate that limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil can enhance substance penetration through the skin. May 29, 2022 in michael long obituary. I do use Young Living oils. This is a great deal as you get 10 oils, a diffuser, oil samples to share with friends, 2 samples of Ningxia Red, and a bonus essential oil blend called Citrus Fresh,for $150-160, depending on which diffuser you pick. I started using it a few months ago and after a month of using it I. You could use in tamanu oil which is a supposed to be helpfulfor promoting elasticity in the skin. I had issues with mood swings during the week before my cycle and could not sleep either. says this causes cancer?so do I really want to be using this? Lemon and grapefruit oils supportour liver and lymph systems. A few posters mentioned pro + helping regulate hormones. For the cost, may not be a bad trade off. However, Dr. Purser always says, "Start LOW, and go SLOW!". YL oils should be purchased off Amazon there is no guarantee you are actually getting a YL oil. Progessence Plus helps to support healthy progesterone levels. Charcoal Soap - I use a charcoal soap bar to clean my face every night and morning (from Young Living). Typical birth control pill side effects include weight gain, depression, nausea, breast tenderness and headaches. These are hot oils high in phenols and best avoided or heavily diluted. There are some pregnant women who choose to avoid peppermint essential oil while pregnant. Made by a company that specializes in essential oils, Progessence Plus Serum contains a number of essential oils, plus wild yam extractwhich work together to make a natural progesterone serum designed to help users regulate hormone levels. Progessence Plus Facts. For occasional heartburn, tablet of Nat Phos 6X after each feeding was a lifesaver for us! *These oils can be used when breastfeeding. We discussed menopause, hot flashes, energy and much more. I've got a 3 month old and think I'm struggling with ppd. While you are waiting for the Progessence Plus to kick in, use Young Living's therapeutic grade peppermint oil to cool the changes in your body in just a few minutes. Try adding it to your beauty routine. YL is the ONLY company that has that kind of oversight and quality control. My point is, Ive done my due diligence. You could also use Peppermint oil, which in studies, is very effective! For me, Progessence Plus did delay ovulation when I tried using it every day, so I had to time it with ovulation and only use it after ovulation and through my period, then stop until ovulating again. SMH. I'm taking progessence because I just ovulated and lost my last pregnancy because of low progesterone and I don't want to go thru that again, but I also don't want to do the suppositories. Young Living also creates a line of products called Slique (an oil blend, tea and nutrition bars), whichhave supportedwomen in with taking off that natural postpartumweight. Giving progesterone supplements to these women was based on the idea that their progesterone levels were too low to support a pregnancy, which could therefore contribute to a miscarriage. People on here recommend only using it after you O! I recommend using 100-200mg/day progesterone, but feel you would need about 200mg/day. I really don't want to do medication and am trying acupuncture and chiropractic. Has anyone taken the Essential Oil called Progessence Plus during their pregnancy? You can add to a spray bottle or create a serum with oil. Have regular physical exams and self-examine your breasts for lumps on a monthly basis while using Provera. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. You can dissolve in a little breastmilk or formula. prevents 98% of PMS. Essential oils are extremely helpful, you can promote products without trying to put others down. They are worth their weight in gold! The provided content on this site should serve, at most, as a companion to a professional consult. Did you use it e. Use the medicine exactly as directed. Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. Great for menopause. After looking at Progessence Plus Serum a bit more closely, we believe that there are better ways to address menopause symptoms. Doing it while pregnant is just negligent. For indigestion, Peppermint oil can help promote healthy digestion for sure but also look into digestive enzyme support like HCL and Pepsin. It is specifically designed for women who need endocrine system and hormonal health support. Valor oil is also known as the chiropractor in the bottle and can work on supporting our skeletal alignment during pregnancy. But I noticed a huge difference. There arent too many reviews for Progessence Plus Serum. Additionally, I love usingYlang Ylang as agreat catch all support for overall hormonal health. Progessence Plus - Sharing Great Health. Did you use it everyday or only after O? I would also suggest Dragon Time essential oil blend for during the period. For varicose veins, edema and swelling, we want to support the circulatory system. Application: two options, applied morning and night: option 1> 2 drops on wrist, rub wrists together, then rub onto neck (2 drops go on for days!) I rub a drop on the ankles every four hours and I find I dont have the irritability or cramps I would normally have. Tea Treeis a great germ killer too andanother safe option. Formastitis, talk to your doctor or midwife. At this point, you can slowly begin to add formula. Anyone use progessence plus and have their period delayed? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Clary Sage Essential Oil vitamin B12. Lemon, Citrus Fresh, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot and Frankincense oils can help to provide immune support that could result in a reduction of fever without taking it away completely. Thank u!!!! About 6 months after starting the PP, I started noticing that my hair was falling out like crazy. See pt1 for all I've done the last 8months to heal my body! Lets recap. This product has helped me function better and it is worth the 38.50 wholesale cost I pay. However, a recent study of progesterone supplements found that they did not result in improved pregnancy outcomes. The website features some comments, as does the products Amazon listing. Had fibromyalgia for over 15 years. Using marijuana while breastfeeding can allow harmful chemicals to pass from the mother to the infant through breast milk or secondhand smoke exposure. Soaked chia seeds and rice also help. Progessence Plus is a pure serum which includes vitamin e, wild yam, coconut oil and a blend of amazing essential oils such as frankincense and peppermint. Another friend had severeacne and now is pimple free. And there's definitely not enough research about the safety of this stuff during pregnancy. Rub on belly clockwise. Your email address will not be published. Have been on this for 5 years. For example, Ive used Thieves oil, which contains Cinnamon Bark and Rosemary, but I use it away from child, when shes gone down for the night. Did you use it your whole pregnancy? Do you have hot flashes? common painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen but not aspirin. You can even add a little probiotic powder and apply as a paste to your nipple. OK, I hear you. Thank u!!!! As our belly grows, we might start to feel minor muscle aches,sore back, or tight necks. PCOS and low progesterone caused by high cortisol needs a decrease in stress levels. I would dilute very well since this is going to such a delicate part of the body. They include the following: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Citronella*, Clove*, Copaiba, Coriander, Cypress, Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Melaleuca, Neroli, Orange, Rosewood, Patchouli, Palmarosa, Peppermint*, Petitgrain, Pine*, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Spruce*, Tangerine, Vetiver, and Ylang Ylang, Citrus Fresh, Motivation, Peace & Calming, Present Time, Sacred Mountain, Valor Yet, another reason to use Clary Sage: it works as a natural anti-depressant. Two pears a day also works well. I dilute 1-2 drops in fractionated coconut oil and apply to my breasts. It has a calm and balancing aroma, perfect for unwinding after a long day (or starting your day). I gave this a try for several weeks and didnt find any relief., Felt like this product did help me sleep better, but failed to do anything for my hot flashes. Metabolic Syndrome X insulin resistance, Pituitary problems or damage (***Most common cause of low progesterone), Low Thyroid (caused from damaged pituitary). Thanks for setting the record straight because Ive been using YL Progressences Plus for about a year and I no longer have hot flashes. Plus oils are not regulated. It can be taken as a dietary supplement to support overall wellness (especially for women). That was a lot of info. PROGESSENCE PLUS Boosts progesterone. I ordered some but am unsure when Im supposed to use it lol. Using both these products my period has gone from 7 yucky days to 4 manageable days. The list includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin E, and selenium. It also helps maintains a healthy pregnancy. For those who want to become pregnant, its always best to work closely with a holistic doctor who will run various tests from hormones to a full thyroid panel and even a stool test to see how your gut health is.
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