Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before trying herbs safe for cats. This can cause cyanide poisoning in animals, which can be fatal. Berries with fully ripe skins should not be consumed because they contain glycosides, which can cause nausea. Death from cyanide poisoning is generally rapid, usually occurring in less than an hour from ingestion. Elderberry juice is a popular beverage in the United States. Prognosis is good if care is sought urgently. S. canadensis, an invasive Canadian berry, has caused problems in disturbed areas in South Africa and Cuba. While biting into a juicy nectarine on a hot summer day or devouring a scrumptious nectarine pie, you might question yourself; can cats eat nectarines? . Never eat a plant that you havent been able to determine with certainty! Are Pomegranates Good For Cats? There are many plants that are poisonous to cats, and elephant plants are one of them. When combined with elderberry syrup or cordial, they can be made into a wide range of drinks, iced tea, or on their own. The elderflowers on the other hand contain so small amounts of the toxic elements that it's not harmful to humans. Avoid growing the following herbs in your cat garden, as they can cause vomiting and diarrhea in your pets: Lemongrass. Elderberries grow on small bush plants. Moreover, the plant's bitter taste is more than enough to deter the cat from ever trying to have a bite again. Cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and turkeys may all be poisoned . Foxglove: (Digitalis) Both the leaves and seeds contain a toxin that can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, heart problems, fits and collapsing. These ads use cookies without personal information. Elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are native to North America. Thank you for your question. Oxygen therapy may also be used to help your pet recover. We urge you to read more here. Cyanide can be detected in the blood and the urine in the first few hours post death, but if cyanide exposure is suspected treatment is generally begun without waiting for the result. Other plants harmful to pigs are neither poisonous nor nauseating to the animals, but they are still plants pigs can't eat since they can cause harm. 2023 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Elderberries have been used in commercial grape wines to improve color and tannin quality. Raw, unripe elderberries and other parts of the elderberry plant (stems, leaves, bark, etc) contain some compounds that can become poisonous. Larkspur is another poisonous flower that has affected cattle's heavily in the western US. Even though it is known that cats do not have the same amount of likeness towards fruits as human beings do, they can like the taste of some fruits. But there are ways to unlock their potent benefits and for you to be able to enjoy elderberry products safely. Is black elder poisonous to dogs? However, if the cat eats raw leaves, stems, or fruit of the elderberries, Sambucol may be dangerous and unsafe. How bad is this. Although there are various views on whether elderberry is beneficial, most doctors agree that tiny doses are safe. The stems, leaves, roots, and half-grown fruit are toxic to the cats and human beings since all of these parts of elderberries have cyanide, even though in tiny amounts.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'catbreedo_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',157,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-catbreedo_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Although the cat can show some fondness towards the elderberries, it is relatively safe not to give elderberries very frequently to the cat due to the natural poisonous substance it contains. However, the raw berries, bark, and leaves of the plant are also known to be poisonous and cause stomach problems. It would be best to have them seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine your pet and let you know what treatment might help. elderflowers can be cooked or eaten raw. The flowers grow in wide bundles. Will cats eat poisonous plants? They include: Black Elderberry- Also known as common elderberry, the berries of this plant can be eaten when ripe, but the unripe berries and the rest of the plant are still toxic. Elderberry has been a staple of many American family recipes since the early days of the twentieth century. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their diet should consist mainly of meat. But, the choice between a bit of tartness or poisoning ourselves isn't that hard of a choice. You get some real benefits from them at the same time as you get to experience the amazing flavors elderberry can provide. We've written an article about different uses of elderberries and elder flowers with recipies and videos. Even if they look good enough to eat: Fresh from the bush straight into your mouth, elderberries should only be enjoyed in very small quantities, if at all. To break free of the urge to use simple, free solutions for general health and well-being, we must first become afraid of our surroundings. Its highly toxic and you should try to avoid ingesting even small amounts of it. Deer can consume different parts of Elderberry bushes in the same way that squirrels, birds, and bears do. A berry contains lectins and cyanogenic glycosides, which can be dangerous for humans, animals, and sheep. Young plants should be planted in early fall, just before the rainy season begins. Can Cats Eat Durian? Elderberry helps beat acne and contributes to healthy skin. Elderberry extract has been shown to be effective in treating colds and flu. After 36 hours of being completely inebriated, I felt 100%. Elderberries contain a chemical called cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide gas when the berries are chewed or crushed. Large quantities of the toxin may cause serious illness. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, and spending time with my family. In order to know whether the elderberries are safe for your cat to consume, the most important thing is to consult the vet and then make any decision to introduce such a risky fruit into your pets diet. Adequately cooked elderberries are not poisonous but they will however become a little tart. Therefore, it is essential to limit the consumption of elderberries for your cat in case they show likeness towards it. Image Sources pixabay. It is poisonous to humans when consumed in seeds, stems, leaves, or roots. Nearly all plants have some level of toxicity - it's a natural adaptation that supports their survival. First, lets just be absolutely clear about what kind of poison were talking about and how dangerous it might be. There are numerous songbirds that enjoy the fruit, including grosbeaks, robins, thrushes, towhees, and waxwings. However, goats do enjoy elderberry when mixed with other feed. When it comes to drought-tolerant shrubs and trees, California natives are low-maintenance plants that require little or no irrigation when they are first established. No means ads may be less relevant to you. Elderberry (all parts) Elephant Ears (also called Angel's Wings - leaves, stems, roots) Emerald Duke (also called Majesty, Philodendron, Red Princess - all parts) Plant poisoning in pets can cause a range of symptoms, from vomiting, nausea and diarrhea to organ failure . That small amount of exposure should not cause any toxicities for your dog. Not only the leaves and unripe fruits, but also the seeds of the ripe fruits contain weak toxins: cyanogenic glycosides, also called prussic acid glycosides. Most cat owners get confused about whether fruits are safe for cats. The difference between this and the true elderflowers is that these flowers have red stamens. While picking olives from your pizza topping or eating it in your salad, you may wonder if this healthy food is also good for your cat? Raw unripe elderberries and other parts of the elder tree, such as the leaves and stem, contain toxic substances (e.g., sambunigrin) that can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; cooking eliminates this toxin. Because of generous donors like you, they are able to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome thousands of animals like me every year! This plant, in particular, has the potential to cause severe kidney damage. Introducing Your New Cat to a Resident Cat, People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Companion Animals, Death Camas (leaves, stems, seeds, flowers), Elderberry (leaves, bark, roots, and buds), Horse Chestnuts (flower, sprout and seeds), Potato (sprouts, vines and unripe tubors). The majority of people recover quickly, but in some cases hospitalization is required. While the plant's internal gel is mostly harmless, its skin is toxic to both cats and dogs. There have been several cases reported where gastrointestinal disorders, like vomiting and diarrhea have occurred after people have eaten too many raw of the ripe berries or made some juice of them without cooking them long enough. The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says pokeweed is toxic to dogs and cats. Why elderberries are toxic? Raspberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, and cows can convert these fruits nutrients into usable forms, which can provide them with energy or support their health in a variety of other ways. The snowberry, the worlds northernmost tree, is native to North America and Canada, where it is found in western and eastern regions. Administering oxygen has been shown to be particularly helpful for dogs and cats. [Why & How To Enjoy Them Safely], Elderberry can poison you with hydrogen cyanide, Not everyone stays away from eating the raw berries, Cases of serious side-effects from elderberry poisoning, Unripe and uncooked berries are the worst, Strong recommendation to not eat ripe berries, How To Prepare Elderberries For Consumption, Effective and simple way to detoxify elderberries: Cook them, Conclusion: Toxic But If Prepared Correctly Packed With Amazing Benefits. Some plants, like parsley, cause photosensitivity. Can cats eat olives? Are Olives Bad/Toxic For Cats?Continue, Have you ever wondered if your feline friend can enjoy the king of fruits? Elderberry is poisonous regardless of whether the seeds, stems, leaves, or roots are grown. Keep a close eye on these berries because they are extremely poisonous and have a very unpleasant taste. Which elderberries are poisonous? Blue Elderberry- Like the black elderberry, the berry of this plant is safe when ripened, though cooking or fermenting is often recommended to bring out the berrys sweeter side. Are you more likely to ferment or cook them? The bitter flavour of latex and the fact that it can be deadly if consumed in excessive quantities serve to prevent pests and other animals from feeding on the plant. Rowan, holly, juniper, and elderberries are all poisonous or harmful to pets. Cats can like elderberry as it offers a change of taste to their regular diet. Most, but astonishingly not everyone, agrees that the unripe berries should not be eaten. The toxin produced by the elderberry plant is a cyanogenic glycoside known as Amygdalin, the same toxin that is found in bitter almonds, stone fruits, and apple seeds. Elderberries contain a compound called cyanogenic glycoside, which can release cyanide gas when it is metabolized. Fruit not palatable to humans and may be slightly poisonous, although it is harmless when cooked. Elderberry is used as a cold and flu preventive. They contain a cyanide-inducing glycoside. Raw meat, fish and eggs can all contain potentially harmful bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella. Are Pears Bad For Cats?Continue, The summer season is full of sweet and juicy fruits such as cherries, apricots, and plums. AMARYLLIS (BULBS) Drooling, vomiting, hypotension, respiratory depression. Their favourite fruits are apples, avocados, oranges, and apricot. All elements of the elderberry plant, including the roots, twigs, leaves, unripe and ripe berries and their seeds contain the toxic element, cyanogenic glycoside sambunigrin, in varying degrees. It is dangerous to eat unripe elderberries as well as any other parts of the plant (stems, leaves, bark, etc); however, most . It is, however, suggested that the owner should not overfeed the cat the authorized daily amount. Antioxidants in blueberries are thought to improve a persons lifespan as well as the health of their immune system. Is Durian Poisonous to Cats? Elderberries reach their peak in late summer and early fall. In fact, goats like thick and leafy plants such as poison ivy and are sometimes used to help clear an area of the annoying, persistent plant. nucipersica, are a genetic variant, Read More Can Cats Eat Nectarines? Some sources say that the plants are poisonous, while others say that they are not. Elderberry tree ingestion can cause vomiting and diarrhea in your dog. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elderberries . Ranunculus. Common Plants Poisonous to Pets. Raw berries can be effective as a means of reducing irritation in small amounts. The American Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L. Not much but it broke a little and he sucked on it a bit. Cats and poisonous flowers and plants. Why are fermented elderberries poisonous? The berries of plants are covered with plastic or metal pieces that are attached to their stems. Elderberry is a popular herbal remedy for a variety of ailments. Can Cats Eat Pomegranate? It was hydrogen cyanide gas poisoning that was used for capital punishment in the USA before it was ruled unconstitutionally cruel. It can kill your dog within 30 minutes. Reportedly, handling with bare hands and . Elderberry is a fruit that is dark purple. If you are able to get your canine companion into the veterinarians office quickly, recovery becomes much more likely. Plant poisoning in pets can cause a range of symptoms . Hi- elderberry contains Sambucus which is toxic to pets. Elderberry juice extract, when taken orally for 12 weeks, is extremely safe. The supportive treatment will include IV fluids for dehydration as well as electrolytes and sugars to adjust for any imbalances. After that's done, add it to canning jars and let it set. In the summer, many different species of animals rely on elderberry fruits and foliage. Do not use different forms of elderberry (pills, liquids, and others) at the same time or you could have an overdose. Yes, thats the one. What should I do? Fruit, stems, and leaves that are not ripe and poisonous are all poisonous to humans. Read here can cats eat gooseberriesif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'catbreedo_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',163,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-catbreedo_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'catbreedo_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',163,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-catbreedo_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-163{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. The berry flavor is ideal for cocktails or celebratory drinks, and elderberry gin is a delicious way to enjoy it. Cats are much more vulnerable to pyrethrins than dogs, and chrysanthemums are therefore highly toxic for cats. Here are some other fruits that squirrels love to munch on: Cantaloupe.D It is possible that the affected individuals will need to be admitted to a hospital. Jams, jellies, cocktails, and syrups made with elderberry juice can also be made. Unripe or uncooked berries or blooms from the shrub can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Our partners collect data and use cookies for ad personalization and measurement. 15 minutes after consuming the juice, eleven people in the gathering began to feel nauseous and started vomiting. The cyanogenic glycosides are broken down into cyanide, which is a poisonous gas, but only in the presence of enzymes. Can Cats Eat Pomegranate Pomegranate is a safe and healthy food choice to give to your cat. Related posts: They are often very fond of eating vegetables, small animals, nuts, fungus, seeds, and fruits. Elderberry: The berries are edible when ripe, but the rest of the plant should not be eaten. Many of the symptoms are similar to symptoms and signs of other types of poisoning, however, certain symptoms such as the cherry red blood and the smell of bitter almonds on the breath, are more unique to cyanide poisonings. According to a Clinic ( Deerfield Veterinary ) and animal education web page, the plant is harmful to cats. Can Cats Eat Squash? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Can Cats Eat Nectarines? The most dangerous plant is the lily - all parts are toxic. The flavor of elderberries can be unpalatable to most, and cooking or drying is usually recommended. In some cases, where cyanide exposure is likely but unconfirmed, thiosulfate has been used independently with some success. Its consumption can lead to prominent issues in cats, such as intense vomiting and severe nausea. I specialize in growing and maintaining a variety of plants, flowers, herbs and vegetables, as well as providing advice and guidance to others on how to care for their own gardens. When raw, the stems of elderflowers are mildly toxic and have a strong, unpleasant taste. 2 gummies are a serving and contain 70 mg vitamin c, 400 mg echinacea, 20 mg elderberry extract, and 100 mg Propolis extract. . Chickens can eat elderberries, but there is a catchthey can only eat the fruits! What are the uses of elderberry tea? A toxic substance is present in raw elderberries, as well as seeds, leaves, and bark from elderberry trees. This fruits most known advantage is its rich source of antioxidants known as anthocyanins. We asked Spot's fosterers Dumped Kittens Handed into Branch Care These gorgeous kittens were dumped in a box like Did you know that whenever you buy anything online from your weekly shop to your annual Now is the time of year that we are thinking about planting in the garden, or brightening up the house with indoor plants. Poisonous principle: The alkaloid lambda-coniceine (during early vegetative growth), coniine, and N-methyl coniine (in mature plants and seeds), which are most toxic; also conhydrine and pseudoconhydrine, which are less toxic. One thing remains clear - heat destroys the cyanide precursors in both the juice and seeds of the elderberry which makes the . . Elderberries that have not been ripe are poisonous and should not be consumed. Prognosis once treatment has begun is dependent on the quantity ingested, the speed of initial diagnosis and treatment, and the size of the dog. How poisonous are elderberries? . Cyanide is poisonous to dogs and can cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing, panting, weakness, and collapse. Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) is an American elderberry that is high in vitamin 90, has seed, blossoms, and is native to the United States. The plant is listed on the Deerfield Veterinary Clinic and the Pet Education websites as being toxic to dogs. Elderberries can be consumed by chickens, but they must not consume any of the plant or leaves. The answer is yes, but there are some risks involved. The red elderberry (Sambucus Racemosa) is highly poisonous raw. The short answer, Read More Can Cats Eat Durian? Poisoning is rare but if your pet shows any signs then take them to the vet right away. When fully-ripened, elderberries are edible fruits which have a sweet taste and are also used in the pharmaceutical industry for making elderberry syrup. Can Cats Eat Plums? . Hydrogen cyanide is toxic in as little as two milligrams per kilogram of weight for almost all animal species. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Aside from the poisonous berries, bark, and leaves, the plant has also been linked to stomach problems. Berries from red elderberry varieties should not be eaten unless deseeded and then thoroughly cooked or fermented. The presence of hydrogen cyanide in elderberries seeds is the only concern of elderberry preparations, but these toxic substances are removed by heat treatment or cooking of berries since hydrogen cyanide is volatile and evaporates. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals lists over 390 poisonous plants that can be consumed by animals. Elderberries are shallow-rooted, so keep them well watered Read more Are elderberry poisonous to dogs? It thrives in a Mediterranean climate that is mild (dry-summer and wet-winter). Do deer like elderberries? The roots, stems, and seeds of elder berries are poisonous, while the leaves, bark, root, and berries are toxic. Many of the dessert or syrup recipes for elderberry include strong and aromatic flavorings. Then you add sugar and butter to the mix and return it to a boil. Teas and syrups made from elderberry leaves are also toxic can potentially cause fatalities in humans. Coniine and coniceine are teratogenic. Black elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are poisonous to cats as a whole, and the plant contains all three parts. In large enough quantities, cyanide can accumulate in the body and cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death. Registered office National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RH17 7TT, Aconite (also called Monkshood, Wolfsbane - leaves, flowers, roots), Amaryllis (also called Naked Lady - bulbs), American Yew (also called Yew - needles, seeds, bark), Amsinckia (also called Tarweed - all above ground, especially seeds), Angel's Trumpet (also called Chalice Vine, Datura, Trumpet Vine - all parts, especially seeds), Angel's Wings (also called Elephant Ears - leaves, stems, roots), Antherium (also called Flamingo Lily, Painter's Palette - leaves, stems, roots), Apple of Peru (also called Thornapple, Flowering Tolguacha - all parts, especially seeds), Arrowhead Vine (also called Nepthytis, Tri-Leaf Wonder - leaves, stems, roots), Autumn Crocus (also called Crocus - all parts), Baneberry (also called Doll's Eyes - foliage, red/white berries, roots), Belladonna (all parts, especially black berries), Bitter Nightshade (also called Climbing Nightshade, Bittersweet, European Bittersweet - all parts, especially berries), Bittersweet (also called Bitter Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade, European Bittersweet - all parts, especially berries), Black Locust (leaves, shoots, pods, seeds, inner bark), Black Nightshade (also called Common Nightshade, Nightshade - unripe berries), Blue Flag (also called Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Iris - bulbs), Bluebonnet (also called Lupine, Quaker Bonnets - all parts), Bouncing Bet (also called Soapwort - all parts), Brackenfern; Braken Fern (also called Brake Fern - all parts), Brake Fern (also called Brakenfern, Braken Fern - all parts), Buckeye (also called Ohio Buckey, Horse Chestnut - buds, nuts, leaves, bark, seedlings, honey), Bulbs (all species in the families Amarylliaceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae - bulbs), Bull Nettle (also called Carolina Nettle, Horse Nettle - all parts), Buttercups (also called Crowfoot (new leaves, stems), Candelabra Cactus (also called False Cactus - leaves, stem, milky sap), Carolina Horsenettle (also called Bull Nettle, Horse Nettle - all parts), Carolina Jessamine (also called Yellow Jessamine, Yellow Jasmine - all parts), Castor Oil Plant (also called Castor Bean - all parts, especially seeds), Castor Bean (also called Castor Oil Plant - all parts, especially seeds), Ceriman (also called Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese (leaves, stems, roots), Chalice Vine (also called Angel's Trumpet, Trumpet Vine - all parts), Cherry (also called Bitter Cherry, Choke Cherry, Pin Cherry, Wild Black Cherry - all parts), Chinese Inkberry (also called Jessamine - fruit, sap), Christmas Flower (also called Christmas Plant, Easter Flower, Poinsettia - leaves, stem, milky sap), Christmas Plant (also called Christmas Flower, Easter Flower, Poinsettia - leaves, stem, milky sap), Chrysanthemum (also called Feverfew, Mum - all parts), Climbing Nightshade (also called Bitter Nightshade, Bittersweet, European Bittersweet - all parts), Clover (also called Alsike Clover, Red Clover, White Clover - foliage), Common Nightshade (also called Black Nightshade, Nightshade - unripe berries), Corn Lily (also called False Hellebore, Western False Hellebore - all parts), Corn Plant (also called Cornstalk Plant - all parts), Cornstalk Plant (also called Corn Plant - all parts), Crab's Eye (also called Jequirity Bean, Precatory Bean, Rosary Pea - beans), Crocus (also called Autumn Crocus - all parts), Crowfoot (also called Buttercup - new leaves, stems), Cuckoo Pint (also called Lords and Ladies - all parts), Cultivated Bleeding Heart (leaves, stems, roots), Cutleaf Philodendron (also called Ceriman, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots), Daffodil (also called Jonquil, Narcissus - all parts), Deadly Nightshade (also called Belladonna, Black Nightshade, Common Nightshade - foliage, unripe fruit, sprouts), Death Camas (also called Amanita - all parts), Destroying Angel Mushroom (also called Amanita - all parts), Devil's Backbone (also called Kalanchoe - leaves, stems), Devil's Ivy (also called Golden Pothos, Pothos - all parts), Devil's Trumpet (also called Datura - all parts), Dieffenbachia (also call Dumb Cane - all parts), Doll's Eyes (also called Baneberry - foliage, red/white berries, roots), Dumbcane (also called Aroids - leaves, stems, roots), Dutchman's Breeches (also called Staggerweed - leaves, stems, roots), Dwarf Larkspur (also called Larkspur, Poisonweed - all parts), Easter Flower (also called Christmas Flower, Christmas Plant, Poinsettia - leaves, stem, milky sap), Easter Lily (leaves, stems, flowers, bulbs), Elephant Ears (also called Angel's Wings - leaves, stems, roots), Emerald Duke (also called Majesty, Philodendron, Red Princess - all parts), Emerald Feather (also called Emerald Fern - all parts), Emerald Fern (also called Emerald Feather - all parts), English Yew (also called Yew - needles, seeds, bark), Ergot (fungus on seed heads of grains and grasses), European Bittersweet (also called Bitter Nightshade, Bittersweet, Climbing Nightshade - all parts), False Cactus (also called Candelabra Cactus - leaves, stem, milky sap), False Hellbore (also called Corn Lily, Western False Hellebore - all parts), Feverfew (also called Chrysanthemum, Mum - leaves, stalks), Fiddleneck (also called Tarweed - all parts above ground), Flag (also called Blue Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Iris - bulbs), Fleur-de-lis (also called Blue Flag, Flag, Iris - bulbs), Fly Agaric (also called Amanita - all parts), Foxtail Barley (also called Squirreltail Barley, Wild Barley - seedheads), Fruit Salad Plant (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots), Gelsemium (foliage, flowers, berries, sap), Ghost Weed (also called Snow on the Mountain - leaves, stem, milky sap), Giant Dumbcane (also called Dieffenbachia - all parts), Golden Chain (also called Laburnum - flowers, seeds), Golden Pothos (also called Devil's Ivy, Pothos - all parts), Green Dragon (also called Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip - leaves, stems, roots), Green False Hellebore (also called Indian Poke, White Hellebore - all parts), Groundsel (also called Ragwort, Tansy Ragwort - all parts above ground), Hahn's Self-branching English Ivy (leaves, berries), Heartleaf (also called Parlor Ivy, Philodendron - all parts), Heartland Philodendron (also called Philodendron - all parts), Hemlock (also called Poison Hemlock - all parts), Horse Nettle (also called Bull Nettle, Carolina Horsenettle - all parts), Horse Chestnut (also called Buckeye, Ohio Buckeye - buds, nuts, leaves, bark, seedlings, honey), Horsetail (also called Scouringrush - all parts), Impatiens (also called Touch-me-not - all parts), Indian Poke (also called Green False Hellebore, White Hellebore - all parts), Indian Turnip (also called Green Dragon, Jack-in-the-Pulpit - leaves, stems, roots), Inkberry (also called Pokeweed - all parts), Iris (also called Blue Flag, Flag, Fleur-de-lis - bulbs), Jack-in-the-Pulpit (also called Green Dragon, Indian Turnip - leaves, stems, roots), Jamestown Weed (also called Jimsonweed - all parts), Japanese Yew (also called Yew - needles, seeds, bark), Java Bean (also called Lima Bean - uncooked beans), Jequirity Bean (also called Crab's Eye, Precatory Bean, Rosary Pea - beans), Jessamine (also called Chinese Inkberry - fruit, sap), Jimson Weed (also called Jamestown Weed - all parts), Jonquil (also called Daffodil, Narcissus - all parts), Kalanchoe (also called Devil's Backbone - leaves, stems), Klamath Weed (also called St. Johnswort - all parts), Laburnum (also called Golden Chain - flowers, seeds), Lambkill (also called Sheep Laurel - all parts), Lantana (also called Lantana Camara, Red Sage, West Indian Lantana, Yellow Sage - foliage, flowers, berries), Lantana Camara (also called Red Sage, Yellow Sage - foliage, flowers, berries), Lima Bean (also called Java Bean - uncooked beans), Lords and Ladies (also called Cuckoo Pint - all parts), Lupine (also called Bluebonnet, Quaker Bonnets - all parts), Majesty (also called Emerald Duke, Philodendron, Red Princess - all parts), Mandrake (also called Mayapple - all but ripe fruit), Marigold (also called Marsh Marigold - new leaves, stems), Marsh Marigold (also called Marigold - new leaves, stems), Mauna Loa Peace Lily (also called Peace Lily - all parts), Mayapple (also called Mandrake - all but ripe fruit), Mescal Bean (also called Texas Mountain Laurel - all parts), Mexican Breadfruit (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots), Mexican Poppy (also called Prickly Poppy - all parts), Milk Bush (also called Euphorbia, Tinsel Tree - all parts), Monkshood (also called Aconite, Wolfsbane - leaves, flowers, roots), Mother-in-Law Tongue (also calledSnake Plant - foliage), Mountain Laurel (also called Lambkill, Sheep Laurel - all parts), Mushrooms (also called Amanita, Death Cap, Destroying Angel, Fly Agaric, Panther Cap, Spring Amanita - all parts), Nap-at-Noon (also called Snowdrop, Star of Bethlehem - all parts), Nephthytis (also called Arrowhead Vine, Tri-Leaf Wonder - leaves, stems, roots), Nightshade (also called Black Nightshade, Common Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade - berries), Oaks (buds, young shoots, sprouts, acorns), Panther Cap Mushroom (also called Amanita - all parts), Parlor Ivy (also called Heartleaf, Philodendron- all parts), Peace Lily (also called Mauna Loa Peace Lily - all parts), Philodendron (also called Heartland Philodendron - leaves, stems, roots), Pie Plant (also called Rhubarb - leaves, uncooked stems), Poinsettia (also called Christmas Flower, Christmas Plant, Easter Flower - leaves, stem, milky sap), Poison Hemlock (also called Hemlock - all parts), Poison Weed (also called Dwarf Lakspur, Larkspur, Delphinium - all parts), Pokeweed (also called Inkberry - all parts), Pothos (also called Devil's Ivy, Golden Pothos - all parts), Precatory Bean (also called Crab's Eye, Jequirity Bean, Rosary Pea - beans), Prickly Poppy (also called Mexican Poppy - all parts), Privet (also called Common Privet - foliage, berries), Quaker Bonnets (also called Lupine, Blue Bonnet - all parts), Ragwort (also called Groundsel, Tansy Ragwort - all parts above ground), Red Margined Dracaena (also called Straight Margined Dracaena - all parts), Red Princess (also called Emerald Duke, Majesty, Philodendron - all parts), Rhododendron (also called Azalea - all parts), Rhubarb (also called Pie Plant - leaves, uncooked stems), Richweed (also called White Snakeroot, White Sanicle - leaves, flowers, stems, roots), Rosary Pea (also called Crab's Eye, Jequirity Bean, Precatory Bean - beans), Saddle Leaf (also called Philodendron - all parts), Schefflera (also called Philodendron - all parts), Scouringrush (also called Horsetail - all parts), Sheep Laurel (also called Lambkill - all parts), Silver Queen (also called Chinese Evergreen - leaves, stems, roots), Snake Plant (also called Mother-in-law's Tongue - all parts), Snow on the Mountain (also called Ghost Weed - leaves, stem, milky sap), Snowdrop (also called Nap-at-Noon, Star of Bethlehem - all parts), Soapwort (also called Bouncing Bet - all parts), Spathiphyllum (also called Peace Lily - leaves, stems, flowers, bulbs), Split-leaf Philodendron (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots), Spotted Cowbane (also called Water Hemlock, Spotted Water Hemlock - all parts), Spotted Dumb Cane (also called Dieffenbachia - all parts), Spotted Water Hemlock (also called Spotted Cowbane, Water Hemlock - all parts), Spring Amanita (also called Amanita - all parts), Spurges (also called Euphorbia, Milk Bush, Tinsel Tree - all parts), Squirreltail Barley (also called Foxtail Barley, Wild Barley - seedheads), St. Johnswort (also called Klamath Weed - all parts), Staggerweed (also called Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches - leaves, stems, roots, Star of Bethlehem (also called Snowdrop, Nap-at-Noon - all parts), Stinging Nettle (also called Wood Nettle - leaves, stems), String of Pearls (all parts above ground), Straight Margined Dracaena (also called Red Margined Dracaena - all parts), Swiss Cheese Plant (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron - leaves, stems, roots), Tansy Ragwort (also called Grounsel, Ragwort - all parts above ground), Tarweed (also called Amsinckia - all parts above ground), Texas Mountain Laurel (also called Mescal Bean - all parts), Thornapple (also called Apple of Peru, Flowering Tolguacha - all parts), Tiger Lily (leaves, stems, flowers, bulbs), Tinsel Tree (also called Euphorbia, Milk Bush - all parts), Tolguacha - flowering (also called Apple of Peru, Thornapple - all parts), Touch-me-not (also called Impatiens - all parts), Tri-Leaf Wonder (also called Arrowhead Vine, Nepthytis - leaves, stems, roots), Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia - all parts), Trumpet Vine (also called Angel's Trumpet, Chalice Vine - all parts), Water Hemlock (also called Spotted Cowbane, Spotted Water Hemlock - all parts), West Indian Lantana (foliage, flowers, berries), White Hellebore (also called Green False Hellebore, Indian Poke - all parts), White Sanicle (also called White Snakeroot, Richweed - leaves, flowers, stems, roots), White Snakeroot (also called White Sanicle, Richweed - leaves, flowers, stems, roots), Wild Barley (also called Foxtail Barley, Squirreltail Barley - seedheads), Wild Bleeding Heart (leaves, stems, roots), Wisteria (also called Chinese Wisteria, Japanese Wisteria - seeds, pods), Wolfsbane (also called Aconite, Monkshood - leaves, flowers, roots), Yellow Jasmine (also called Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jessamine - all parts), Yellow Oleander (also called Yellow Be-Still Tree - all parts). 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