Discover your own unique gifts and the spirit of Serviam, as you serve and learn from others. Your spiritual life will be nurtured and developed. (Sophomore-Senior) From virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to autonomous vehicles that navigate and drive themselves, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is embedded in all kinds of technology and makes everyday objects act in human-like ways. While many of the linguistic tasks will be like those of first-year Chinese, the language level required will be more advanced at a Novice-Mid level of proficiency, as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. In this writing-intensive course, students will analyze and discuss primary sources, research the historical context of political decision making, and sharpen their skill in argumentation. The fall focuses on American government, including how different agencies within the government interact, and how these agencies and their policies affect the daily lives of Americans. Students will develop presentational skills in compositions and presentations of social issues. Students are encouraged to discover and understand the interconnectedness of all the earths systems and the impact that each system has on the others. Students will receive Fine Arts credit or may choose the Pass/Fail option if all Fine Arts requirements and electives have been met. Founded in 1874, Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic, college preparatory school for young women sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters. Along the way she will discover herself and the joy of serving others. Students are encouraged to take the AP exam and will be required to take the annual National Spanish Exam. Students will have opportunities to enrich understanding, and experiment with application of knowledge as they explore all aspects of theatre production, as well as explore some theatre history and literature. These models will then be used to explain and describe the world we live in. If a student is unable to provide their own camera, a limited number of cameras are available upon request. (Junior-Senior) This course covers a full year of Pre-Calculus in eight weeks by addressing the algebraic and trigonometric concepts that lay the foundation for AP Calculus. There are many ways to develop your intellectual gifts at Ursuline: Ursuline Academys outstanding college preparatory curriculum offers Honors and AP courses in every core subject area. Clogging is similar to tap and will give you a chance to try something a little different. This course may be repeated for credit. Participation in additional seasons may be repeated for elective credit. Finally, students will be able to compare political institutions and processes from across the world, and form sound conclusions based on those comparisons. Students will also engage in building essential skills needed to maintain optimal health while developing ways to promote healthy lifestyles in our diverse society. This course is intended to prepare students for the College Board AP Physics I exam in May. This project-based course also focuses on developing informal speaking and writing skills necessary to write emails, read short stories and advertisements. This course focuses on applying Chinese language and cultural skills in real-world situations, and exploring a variety of topics in Chinese history, geography, music and arts, literature, daily life, and national and global issues. (Sophomore-Senior) This course will provide an introduction to U.S. history centering on the experiences of women. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be at a Novice-Low level of proficiency as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Assessments include tests and quizzes, discussion prompts, and group and individual projects. (Special to The Dallas Morning News) A measure of justice Laura Anton was an All-America soccer player for Ursuline Academy of Dallas, leading the high school to three state titles and her. (Sophomore-Senior) Plague. (Freshman-Senior) Love the shows youve seen on Broadway? Designed for students with some experience at the Novice level of Spanish proficiency, this class is a fast-paced review of the basic skills of language: listening, speaking, writing, and reading. This third-year course will continue expanding vocabulary, adding more grammatical structures, and exploring the Arabic culture and heritage. Typical workouts will include warm-up, steady up-tempo cadences, sprints, climbs, and cool-downs. | Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic college preparatory school for young women sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters. This course prepares students to take the AP Macroeconomics College Board Exam. The mission of St. AngelaMericiemphasizes the importance of service to others as a lived reality. Ursuline Academy (Delaware), a school in Wilmington that offers grades K-12. Students analyze societal issues through the lens of economic reasoning, develop critical thinking skills through the understanding and analysis of fundamental economic concepts, and increase their ability to analyze information and draw conclusions from a wide variety of real-world and hypothetical situations. Dancers will perform in 1-2 dance recitals each school year. Athletes will learn how to write basic programs, focusing on training volume and intensity, and what is needed to remain at a high level of athletic performance. Students may elect to take this course pass/fail, or for a calculated grade point average. 4900 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas, TX 75229. *Note: Any student interested in double tracking needs to contact the World Language Department Chair for the approval process. ", "As someone who speaks three languages and has always valued global competence, the Global Advisory Council offers me the international connections needed to further develop my understanding of world-related topics. (Freshman-Senior) In this introductory class in the art of clay, students learn basic hand- building techniques in both additive and subtractive processes using the coil, pinch, and slab method of constructing to create a variety of functional and nonfunctional sculptures, objects, and vessels. (Sophomore) This course introduces students to the basic structures and functions of government in the United States. It challenges students to ask hard and honest questions concerning their actions and moral choices as young disciples living in the 21st century. Finally, they will have created and tested something useful of their own design or will be able to defend a position based on their own research. Transmitting the Christian faith means to create in every place and time the conditions for a personal encounter of individuals with Jesus. This course is designed to improve the development of the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Although stagecraft is exclusive to the theatrical world, the skills needed go well beyond the imaginary fourth wall. Grant topic. The study of Psychology offers useful insight into the behavior and mental processes of oneself and others. credit. They will learn how the three elements come together to create a production. This course may be repeated for credit. Students will analyze primary documents, strengthen their writing skills, discuss various philosophies of government, explore issues affecting local politics, and cultivate critical reading, thinking, and debating skills. This challenging course moves very fast and requires daily homework. Athletes will also gain an understanding of ways to regress and progress exercises in order to stay healthy and keep striving for gains in performance. Inquiry-based labs will be used to help students better understand how organisms operate, change, and interact in the complex biosphere over both the short and long term. Students learn through virtual and at-home laboratory exercises, scientific literature analysis, reading and video assignments, and research using online journals and current oceanographic data. Learn more Summer at Ursuline Open House Class of 2027 Admissions Events Create an Admissions Account Shadow Days Entrance Test Information (HSPT) Transfer to Ursuline Tuition & Financial Assistance Modular Schedule (Junior-Senior) AP Chinese Language and Culture provides deeper understanding and broader application of Chinese language and culture for advanced or heritage Chinese learners. At the freshman level, topics may include media use, organization and study skills, interpersonal communication, and life balance. As role models and mentors, they are focused on your needs and dedicated to your success. (Freshman-Senior): Never heard of clogging? Students learn how to squeegee ink through screen stencils to create beautiful works of art in multiples. Matrices, sequences and series, probability, trigonometric identities, and analytical trig are major units of study. Independent all girls Catholic college preparatory school serving grades 9-12. Throughout the course, students create a portfolio of data science work to showcase their newly developed abilities. The ensemble develops individual playing skills and musical understanding through the study of literature ranging from Early Baroque to contemporary styles. This course will be offered in Session I (8/22 through 10/14), and Session IV (3/20 through 5/19). Throughout this course, students will encounter famous, infamous, and ordinary Catholics who have impacted the faith. Students are taught rhythms, timing, and leg/foot coordination done to various types of music. These cameras typically cost $350-$500. Students are given the opportunity to use and revisit all the previously learned vocabulary and structures through authentic projects (events, service, scrapbooks). During the second semester, students take part in the annual National Spanish Exam. Students will develop research and documentation skills while applying their ability to conduct interviews to obtain information and to verify facts. Impact of Accreditation Sanctions on Enrollment. Appropriate laboratory investigations accompany course units. Ursulines Summer Programs foster academic and personal growth through diverse academic and enrichment opportunities. We are an independent all girls Catholic college preparatory school serving grades 9-12. Having established an understanding of how Native Americans managed and used the land, the course turns to European conquest and colonial America, including how the stage was set for a plural and diverse modern America. This is a phenomenal course for any athlete looking to play sports in college and have a base of mechanics needed to continue training at a high level. Camera loans are conditional and require students and guardians to sign an equipment responsibility agreement. Students with experience in clay will continue at their own level, incorporating more complex forms, sculpture, and wheel work. This course, taught entirely in French, is an introduction to the culture of business and professional relationships in the Francophone world. (Junior-Senior) Students are introduced to numerous fields of engineering including civil, mechanical, electrical and computer engineering. (Junior-Senior) Building on the foundations of AP Computer Science A, this advanced course will provide students the opportunity to study the analysis and design of fundamental data structures. This introductory course is for non-heritage and non-native speakers. The course ultimately aims at instilling the value of sacraments as tools to help us on our journey to heaven and as personal experiences of Christ's grace. Explore Our Campus Now Students will also learn about how to fuel their bodies for exercise (nutrition), and discuss topics relating to overall health and well-being. (Sophomore-Senior) In Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau asserts that unjust laws exist, encouraging us to let [our lives] be a counter-friction to stop the machine. His text asks us: how do we confront injustice? Academy is built on Bryan and St. Joseph Streets. First semester is September through December, and second semester is mid-January through the end of April. Students leave the course with the linguistic, intercultural, and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate study abroad, work, or internship opportunities in a French-speaking country. (Junior) Algebra II enriches algebraic and geometric skills to form the foundation for key concepts in advanced math courses. Prepared for College and Beyond Empowering Young Women to Impact the World The combination of relaxation, general body toning, flexibility, and meditation gives the student an awareness of their enhanced human potential. If you see your name among the Ursuline Academy graduates, someone is looking for you! (Sophomore-Senior) This semester course integrates the fundamentals of robot design, engineering, electronics, and programming. Students will also learn strategies and practice skills in preparation for the AP French Language and Culture exam. Furthermore, students will fulfill all their Serviam requirements for the year throughout this course. The Church, therefore, has been faithful to fostering a just and peaceful world. As a survey course, specific sections of the Old and New Testament will be presented in order to create an overview of the importance of Scripture study and its relationship to our faith life. Students will gain hands-on experience as they design their robots and participate in engineering challenges. This course may be repeated once for credit. For students continuing into Semester II, the course shifts into personalized, project-based work, where students engage in deep, sustained inquiry; authentic and iterative research; critical analysis; and rigorous reflection, revision, and assessment as they journey through a self-designed, long-term activism, design, or research project on the topic of their choosing.