This makes it very rare for use in emergencies and blood transfusions in hospitals. Although the British would love for you to think that Victoria was the worlds first carrierdont be confused. If you are interested, visit the Health Facts Page! Only 1% of blood donors have AB-negative type, a fun fact about Rh-negative blood type. There are about 5000 known blood factors, and all of these must contribute to the complete picture. Lund University. 1 in 13 donors is A-negative, but whats most important is that everyone can receive platelets from an A-negative donor. (accessed March 1, 2023). Scientists have tried to pinpoint their origin with little success. In case you need a laugh today, these animals will cheer you up. However, what is the difference between Rh-positive and Rh-negative blood types and does this play a role in blood donations? This was found in the same study as the one looking at mental health. Their skin colour is ashy white. Lets see some theories and find out how people with RH-negative blood types differ from other blood types and why they are so special and unique. B Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 2. Its an acid battery. In part it could be due to the fact that people today lean to an acid pH. Very rare. But it appears to allegedly be some type of a NANO-TECH Virus that affects those with RH NEGATIVE BLOOD and is said to be ALIEN in origin or MILITARY TECH virus/disease of some kind THEYVE introduced many years ago into the human population possibly VIA CHEM TRAILS or that CHEMTRAILS are somehow also an ACTIVATOR of it. All other earthly primates have this RH factor. ! One more interesting fact is that according to one study regarding sexual orientation, a high proportion of homosexuals were RH negative compared to heterosexuals. As a society we are running hot and fast. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". To have pure O Rh negative blood it would mean your ancestors are also O Rh negative, which is why it is so rare, but higher percent of pure blood still survives in Though a foreign antigen could cause the body to attack, there are no antigens present in type O blood, so there's nothing to attack. Rh incompatibility does not affect the pregnant women, but for the growing fetus, it can lead to complications, such as hemolytic anemia, heart failure, or intrauterine death. WebO Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse : Stay indoors! And among these questions are the theories that suggest that these people do not have the same origins as the rest of us do. Red or reddish tint to hair color Angela May 22, 2022 Reply. WebThe Rhesus factor, or Rh factor, is a certain type of protein found on the outside of red blood cells. It seems that the Berbers may actually have originated thousands of years ago, from the border of Syria and Iraq. Blood is electrically/magnetic/chemical based. (follow this line of thought in the new material to be posted as a continuation of Journey to the Absolute Elsewhere), ___ "Researchers crack the code of the final blood group system." We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If the baby's Rh factor is positive, like their father's, it can be an issue if the baby's red blood cells cross to the Rh negative mother. Beautiful Poetry By Sufi Saint Yunus Emre, Look at what the Sri Lankan navy pulled out of the ocean, Photo of 80-person Human Chain in Gulf Of Mexico. Rh-Negative Blood Type FactsRh-negative blood is in short supply. Each blood type has Rh-positive and Rh-negative types, but the Rh-negative blood type is the least available for transfusions.People with Rh-negative blood types are ideal for donating platelets. Platelets are small, disc-shaped cells that help with blood clotting. Type O-negative is the rarest blood. More items (, All in all, 0 blood type is healthier, and people with this blood type have more chances to reach an old age compared to the other blood types, so is the strongest one. However, for the DNA tests to work, the genetic cause of each blood type system must be known. 7 of the Biggest Social Media Utilities Line Up Perfectly with the 7 Deadly Sins. It is not generally known from where the negative RH factor derived, although tantalizing evidence exists that it arrises from genetic experimentation a little over 5,000 years ago. But now, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have finally solved the mystery, and their study is being published in the scientific journal Blood. Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? (, Moreover, almost 30 % of Basque people have 0 blood type and a very low frequency of group B, which makes them unique. Donkeygate! Moreover, a study concluded that this percentage is likely to fall even more because of low population growth in Europe, where it is more prevalent. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. During experiments that our team conducted we heated the blood to 700 degrees F and also put it in Liquid Nitrogen. Baby Fox Whose Head Was Stuck In A Can Thanks Rescuer In The CUTEST Way Possible! ScienceDaily. As we know from the history, Zahra competed in grandeur and magnificence with Baghdad. Its curious that marriage can be a dynastic undertaking but it can also be a perverse form of bio-warfare or genetic warfare. I am currently putting together a geographical reference to the placement of just how many people carries this genetic code in their blood. Which Software Providers Have Made the Best Live Dealer Games? Which merely indicates that their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus (rhesus) blood factor. Furthermore, the protein's function is still unknown. Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. This is why Type O blood groups have so much trouble with indigestion. (Video), The Incorrupt Body of the Great Prophet YUNUS EMRE of Anatolia, How to Re-Awaken Your Spirituality to Reconnect with the Natural World, The Incomparable Beauty of Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia (Photos), PUERTO RICO: How to help an island in great need, Earth Has Shifted Inuit Elders Issue Warning To NASA, Former Soldier With Brain Damage Shares His Amazing Story (MUST View Video). I cannot reveal at this time just how this is done but I can say this, we are at a crossroads as far as our ability to affect our OUTER world by changing the INNER world of the blood. The Rh antibodies which are subsequently created can cross the placenta and attack the fetus blood, leading to health problems and the risk of even death of the fetus or the newborn baby. Multiple studies were conducted in the United States to find a relation between different blood types and autoimmune diseases. Artists? Women on chemo dances up a storm just before she passed! Our world-wide team, over a 10-year time period have gathered hundreds of thousands of blood samples. The most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age. Very common. (, Women that are RHD positive have bigger chances of getting pregnancy-induced hypertension (, According to another study conducted by the Department of Research in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India, people with AB, 0 blood types, and people that are RH negative have lower chances of getting COVID infection, but when it comes to mortality and severity of this disease and all blood groups were susceptible to high infection and mortality equally (, Nevertheless, some studies found that people with 0 blood type have lower chances of getting diabetes, but additional research is needed. It is also the type of blood from which plasma can help patients of all blood types. Will Future Computers Run on Human Brain Cells? "We used a bioinformatic strategy to find the underlying genetic cause," says doctoral student Mattias Mller, who used to work in the tech industry before making a switch to become a physician and blood researcher. These folks can also donate to A, B, and AB blood types. It would appear that Victoria is actually a direct descendant of Ferdinand of Castille, who retook he city of Castille in 1236, where the surgeon Abulcasis had counseled King Hakam II about a family whos sons died easily. In fact, the disease was much more ancient. (12). About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Lund University. Still, Hemophilia was in Royalty long before Victoria. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. If your blood type is positive, then your blood cells have the Rh protein. Basque peoples contain the largest concentration of known O negative blooded people today because, they for the most part, have confined themselves to one area, whereas the Celtic people have branched out among all of the new world. TheTruthBehind is a passion project conceived, developed, and maintained by two friends. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Will Future Computers Run On Human Brain Cells? Then you begin to wonder just where a supposed blue blood like Victoria got her Arab Royalty Disease??? WATCH: Massive gator saunters across path at Polk County reserve. Could this be linked to MASS ANIMAL DEATHS as well in any way? People with Rh- blood type make up around 15% of the world populationand they all share characteristics that are typical for their blood group. If Hemophiliac is the Royal Disease, woe to generations of boys, who could not be king. YUNUS EMRE: The Awesome Spiritual Journey of a Great Poet-Saint, Truly unique mother lioness nurses leopard cub in Tanzania, Deep South Comradarie At The Beach Saves A Whole Family, Bear takes a swim in the local swimming pool (Video), Letters from Baghdad by Gertrude of Iraq, The Many Health Benefits Of Doing Regular Coffee Enemas, Food Forest, 1.5 years old in Northern Florida, Guerrilla Gardening Comes to Urban America, Morning daylight exposure tied to a good nights sleep, A CALL TO ACTION for the Artists of the World, Solar panel farm grows 17,000 tons of food without soil, pesticides, fossil fuels or groundwater, This Rare Phenomenon Captured By Photographers At The Grand Canyon Is A Must See, Safe Spaces: Making the World Less Scary for an Anxious Child, A dogs remarkable journey to find a home, The Most Beautiful Play of Light and Shadow, Color and Form, A tiny home tour: Jay Shafers 89-square-foot home on wheels, Food Sourced From Biodynamic Farms Tastes Better According To Farmers, 10 Sioux Indian Chief Quotes That Shatter Our Idea of Modern Culture, Reliable Resources for Those Looking to OPT OUT of Big Agra Food Supply. How did we get there? We know that the Rh-negative blood type is the rarest blood type in the world. Im Angela, known my blood group since 2004, blood type A Rhesus Negative. So far, they have managed to trace these peoples origin to a narrow group of territories and tribes in Europe dating 3,500 years ago. rhesus. Ever since the blood type was discovered in 1962, no one has been able to explain why some people become Xga positive while others are Xga negative. Mattias Mller, Yan Quan Lee, Karina Vidovic, Sven Kjellstrm, Linda Bjrkman, Jill R. Storry, Martin L. Olsson. When they try to move from this region to lower geological elevations, THEY DIE. Blood type O is the most common of the blood groups. Get the latest science news in your RSS reader with ScienceDaily's hourly updated newsfeeds, covering hundreds of topics: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. Just want to raise awareness and give a heads up to people out there that might known someone experiencing strange SYMPTOMS or have heard about this. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Websites discussing the Rh-negative blood type have a general list of known associations: blue, green, or Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. The difference between each is the presence or absence of different antigens, after which the blood type is named, and they are located on the surface of the red blood cells. As Rh antigens are proteins, they seem to be lacking in the blood configuration of Rh-negative people, and researchers are puzzled by this fact. The general population contains this protein in their blood, meaning they are marked with a + in their blood type. The good news for those with blood group 0 is that they are less prone to get coronary disease or stomach cancers. As a direct result, Hemophilia became known as the Royal Disease. Lower body temperature If both parents are Rh-negative, the child will definitely also be Rh-negative. Perhaps, many of the cave paintings may be attributed to strangers of great artistic ability that migrated into the area. and seeing how theres more and more chemtrails these days, this may be ALL CONNECTED and one of the purpose of CHEM TRAILS are intended for. Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? As you can see the vast majority of RH- people come from the Basque people of France and Spain, and then Europe has the second highest percentage. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? ! In this area, over 30% of the population have Rh-negative blood. HANUMAN GAYATRI MANTRA: The Most Powerful Mantra to Invoke the Presence of Lord Hanuman (Video). Was Victoria a Hapsburg? October NEW MOON: Fierce Mars + Mercury Retro, Jupiter and Pluto Conjunction: A Powerful Awakening! O Rh positive - Mixed, God and human. Here is an example of how pH can control. However, other blood types can also cause problems. Higher numbers means a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. However, there is another factor that defines the blood type the Rhesus (Rh) factor. Originally, Gnostics simply called themselves, Knowledge seekers as Gnosis means Knowledge, the idea being, if Truth is ONE, then all Knowledge Seekers who GENUINELY seek the truth, should eventually end up at the same view, but by their own paths. A study conducted in the US in 2015 found that men in particular often reported mental health disorders including panic, antisocial personality, and attention deficits. The Rh blood group plays a role in the sometimes fatal blood disease erythroblastosis fetalis that can develop in newborns if an Rh-negative women gives Because of its versatility, ambulances and emergency response vehicles have O-negative blood with them at all times. See the best of Sydney New Years Eve Fireworks, HUGE news for anti-vaccine and parental rights supporters, How Expressing Gratitude Rewires Your Brain for the Better, Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi, JUST NATURAL Hair Care: High Quality Shampoos for Hair Loss and Greying, Debbie Reynolds And Carrie Fishers Mother-Daughter Relationship, Finding the Blessed Isle: A Fairy Tale of the North, THE MORNING AFTER THE ZOOS Christmas PARTY. As an inventor of many surgical instruments, Al-Zahravi is famous for developing instruments for internal examination of the ear, internal inspection of the urethra and for applying or removing foreign bodies from the throat. That is what I have been working on. People are either Rh-positive (they have the protein) or Rh-negative (they Tend to be Healers These negative blooded people spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, France and later into America, Canada and Australia. Evidently one of the possible anomalies or diseases that might be connected is called MORGELLONS DISEASE which are technically micro-BUGS that are ELECTRICAL. In other words, the Rh positive baby is perceived by the mothers negative immune-system as something hostile, something not quite as it should be. "Now we are in the process of introducing it in the clinic and aim to find out what this exciting protein does and the consequences of the fact that so many of us don't have it," concludes Martin L Olsson. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. WebThe four major blood types are: Type A: These people have the A antigen. Oddly enough, RH negative blood can be utilized by any human being in need of a transfusion, but people with RH negative naturally coursing through their veins cannot make use of any other type of blood at all. Those having the hardest time being the O Rh- blood groups with alien (to Earth) heritage. What are the symbols and weapons in the 10 hands of Sadashiva? What is more, according to a Japanese professor, Tokeji Furukawa, we can analyze ones personality based on the blood type he or she owns. BLOOD TYPES CONSPIRACY & RH FACTOR Here are a few tidbits about this blood thing. A, B, AB, and O are the four common blood types present among humans and are usually inherited from the parents and are determined by pair of genes. Modern medicine has developed interventions that can prevent this kind of miscarriage. The Celtic people of Ireland and Great Britain also have high incidences of the RH- factor and it has recently been proven that there is a genetic link between the Basque and the Celts. How do you get rid of it once and for all? A Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 1. In other words, was marriage to Victorias daughters a way to kill or weaken future non-Hapsburg kingssince mostly males only contract the disease from their mothers? For centuries, European royalty have been inflicted with Hemophilia or bleeders disease. Over the past ten years, researchers have developed methods to determine many of our blood types using DNA technology rather than by red blood cells. Experience unexplained phenomenon Rh blood bunch was found something like Other famous names with negative blood types include Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley. So, when these two characteristics combine (ABO and RH characteristics), there are actually 8 most common blood types, such as: It is very important to know your blood type, as there is a chance that you might need to give or receive blood in your lifetime. In case of a blood transfusion, it is important to know the blood type of both the donor and the patient. Here is something for all of you to think about: There is a race of people in a remote region of China that are only 3 4 feet tall and speak a language spoken only within that remote area. When tests reveal Rh incompatibility, this can lead to a number of risks for the developing fetus. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This is a very new science and there are but a handful of people who are involved in this research. Of all blood donations, there is the least of O-negative blood. When we separate the O types into negative and positive we find that O negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the worlds population. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Autoimmune diseases develop when your immune system attacks some healthy body cells, and they can be genetically or environmentally induced. Register Or Sign In, Please sign, by joining together we can change the world. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. Some of . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There are many alien theories that exist and are related to the creation of people with RH-negative blood type groups. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. Truth seekers He introduced such new procedures as cauterization of wounds, crushing stones inside the bladder, the vivisection and dissection. We are only now beginning to understand what is happening to humans, as indicated by blood-types, as Earth nears Nexus. A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. To keep this in perspective, only about 5% of all royalty have Rh-Factor negative bloodwhich means less than the general population. Albucasis described a family where only males died from blood loss after the most trivial of injury. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. (, But, homosexuality can be related to many other genetic and environmental factors, so it cannot be related only to RH negative factors. 1 in 6 Million people in this world are RHnull Rh negative blood is copper-based Science at this very time is attempting to create a synthetic RH negative O blood, but without success. Independence is being Gnostic. That would indicate that the vast majority of rulers and monarchs are NOT Rhesus-factor negative. But now, In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Financial support for ScienceDaily comes from advertisements and referral programs, where indicated. With a strong background in website development and marketing, combined with a shared ambition to seek the truth, our website was born. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions. People with Rh-negative blood types are ideal for donating platelets. (Video), WATCH: Dog in China helps girl keep a lookout so she can watch TV (Video), Carlos Muoz Ferrada Speaks About Hercolubus & Nibiru (Video), White Bunny Scene by Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Video), An Indian Wise Man Issues a Stark Warning to Humanity (Video). The Incredible Power of Human Kindness (Video), Boy in Taipei Plays Classical Gas by Mason Williams, LUNATION CYCLE ASTROLOGY: A Powerful Tool on the Healing Journey. (Video), Sufi Zikir, Sufi Dhikr (Halvet-i Uaki), Parvani the Peacock: Shree Skandas Mount, The Sacred & Gracious Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra | 1008 Times Nonstop Chanting, Powerful Mantra for Healing and Wellness in the Modern Era, The Day America Experienced a National Spiritual Awakening, Bhagawan Nityananda Ashram in Kanhangad, Kerala, India, The Force is explained in Star Wars (Video), Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram by Krishna Das, SitaRam SitaRam SitaRam Jaya SitaRam (Video Chant), The Elephants That Came To Dinner (Video), The Great Legacy of Moorish Culture on the Iberian Peninsula (Photos), Kundalini Awakening: The Sacred Spiritual Journey Guided By The Guru-Disciple Relationship, WEIGHTED BLANKETS: How they can promote sound sleep and help heal, Tour of Giverny with Claude Monets Home & Gardens, What Its Like To Be Electro Hypersensitive With Maria August (Video), Don Rickles Roasts Frank Sinatra in 1978 (Video), A Glowing Image of a Christ-like Figure Appears Off the Coast of Italy (PHOTO), Heres how they are stealthily doing the 5G roll-out, China Censors the Popular Yanxi Palace SeriesHeres why, Merry Christmas & Happy Year Year! 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