God bless! I simply suggest that you have faith. yahshua said, he comes in his Father's name. and he loves you too! Satan had 2 creators God by scripture and humans by their imaginations. I can tell you testimony after testimony! MissZindzi, why should you care about the religious and their feelings when they clearly don't care about yours? Thanks for admitting the bible is bs. I will post the whole story how it started The Creation. Just ask Native Americans, Filipinos, Africans who were FORCED to become Christians. Oh and your all loving god is responsible for over 2 million deaths in the bible and the devil ten. Thereby, introducing evidence/proof (even though it was fully subjective) that science vastly backs yours and others' claims that "God exist." I didn't know that I was here to appease you. What I can also tell you for certain Jerry is that religion has been manipulated and abused. I'm no coincidence. Typical. Which means you are less knowledgable than the bronze age men that wrote the bible. You obviously don't know enough about my Christian faith to even have an intelligent conversation which is why it feels like I have been exchanging messages with a fool. , And the more some people speak the more they show their ignorance.thx for proving my point! Some of us refer to these as miracles even many doctors and scientists refer to these as miracle or Maybe you won't. 2) Atheists do not need to be silent at all. I'll wait. I love history, especially human/world historyand let's face it the story of Jesus Christ is probably one of the longest running and most argued annals of history. Christianity which was brought forth to the world by a dark colored man from the middle east who was convicted and put to death by the Roman government of insighting the people to riot with his peace and love for fellow man teachings, has now been coopted and corrupted and watered down. [12] or as, when an arrow is shot at a target, I'm just on here separating the facts from fiction. I've wasted enough time on this. So, just because you claim it so, doesn't make it so. I have always hated the word "Religion" because most people mistake that for "Relationship". Thor may have been a real person, but He was not "The GOD". Don't ignore truth just because you don't like it. I have wanted to create something like this where all religions come together along with a panel of anthropologists, scientists, geologists, Indigenous Spiritualists, Metaphysicians, Cosmologists, etc. Besides all of gods traits are oddly human. We are fusing our lives with the Gohonzon, a rice paper scroll inscribed in Sumi inks that acts as a mirror for our lives like the object of veneration that it is, a complete and utter reflection of our lives, definitely not a god, and we cannot become misconstrued as seeking such things outside our lives. Religion can limit, or entirely shut down the potential to think and observe outside the realms of a person's mind, giving them no other way to think other than what the religious text has taught them. Our minds are just not evolved enough to understand all that God is. This eruption should continue because all Christians want to do to atheists is what they wished happened to LGBTQs see them (us, I'm atheist-humanist) shut up and disappear. When asked if he believed in God, Lee said, "To be perfectly frank, I really do not." MMA fighter Frank Mir called religion "the retarded stepchild of philosophy." Don't fall for the myth that imperialists brought Christianity to Africa, Christianity was in Africa specifically Ethiopia in the 1st Century. There is much evidence that the origins of these beliefs are wrong, or at least questionable. You are so brainwashed that you would even force your own REAL nephew to swallow this bullshit. Until then you are a dam arrogant fool. At last some voices of sanity, for far too long many of our kind have wollowed in a cocoon of infantile idiocy. Mr. T Don't be fooled by Mr.T's iconic mohawk, gold chains, and his tough guy roles. The lord giveth and taketh away because he is both god & devil alike. We are all God's John 10:34 Actually, African-Americans have been on the decline since Christianity put them there as a result of slavery which is condoned by the bible; poverty where churches are popping up like popcorn while libraries, grocery stores, & community centers are closing; preaching is the new shortcut to wealth career path like athletics/rapping/drug dealing; & Black women are disproportionately single mothers struggling while feeding the church instead of their babies. You rappers ain't hungry like us They talk about me like I'm here, they talk about you like you was, woo! Either way good luck to you in your endeavors. You have been misled by the greatest lie ever told. The most fervent followers are the most abused. Really?! That's your ignorance showing. Learn about Islam and get on Allah's good side before its too late for you. ". Isa Massi just another salesman..its like fucking commercials !! Thus, the conclusions being flawed not only on face value but minute detail as well. the Buddha is within, not some guy with a pot belly. What's the dilemma, you ask? Radical abolitionism was partly fueled by the religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening, which prompted many people to advocate for emancipation on religious grounds. Keep proving us right. What is this gods name, birthday, who are its parents, what species is this god? I would prefer to have you arrested for child abuse actually. and that his end was without honor. Maybe just maybe there is a message for us to ALSO MOVE AND EVOLVE instead of grasping on to the first belief system that feels comfortable and becoming dependent on it as everything else continues to move.. If the Qur'an had been from someone other than Allah we would find much discrepancy written in it. Rolling . 3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence. What IS real? Atheism is not a faith. BY CHANCE PLEASE STOP BELIEVING IN THE BULLSHIT YOUR SEEING ON TV JOH SOMEIGE MENSE KAN RERIG DOM WEES LAG MY GAT AF, samantha.a.christian COME ON YOU REALLY CAN'T BE THAT NAIVE YOUR SO DUMB THAT YOU BELIEVE IN PETTY THINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE FAIRY TALES.THE TOOTH FAIRY , PRINCESS GROW UP THAT IS CHILDISH AND PLEASE GO A HEAD AND BE YOUR ANTI-CHRIST AND SEE WHERE HOW FAR IT GO LASTE LAG DIE LEKKERSTE SIEN HOE VEER KOM JY MET JOU KAK JA EK HET DIT GESE MAAR DIE ALMAGTIGE VADER GENAADE OP JOU SIEL HET AND THAT GOES FOR THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THE CHILDISH SHIT YOUR WRITING DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND GO BACK TO PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A DUMB PERSON IN MY LIFE SO DELUSIONAL ALL I CAN DO IS PRAY FOR YOU GOD BLESS , you don't exist!!!! This is my last post. Same is true for Islamists: Everyone must be Muslim or die. That's what all of you say now you're just fools. 1 of the biggest tricks God does is to say Satan exists.. Amazing to see so many believers and non-believers alike so FIERCELY defending something they cannot prove. I'd confess Lady Gaga was lord after enough torture. Isa Massi why is God/allah called HE? GOD is unto HIMSELF. We should concentrate on what is real and dedicating our lives to that instead. Founder of Islam. Of course the other cop-out I failed to mention is this encouragement to substitute reason for faith. 100 years from now if you tell someone about Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria or President Lincoln what proof will they have? The earth was not "created". lol ..try looking at god as more of a supernatural creative being that is somewhere that we cant explain ,,,i know that some atheists believe in aliens but not a supreme being ..;whats the difference ,,its all out there and we dont understand it ,,it all boiuls down to this we chose what to believe in or not so if my maker comes back today ,,and i dont believe ,,what do i lose ,,,just an eternity .if you really believe tgat mankind is from nothing and going nowhere ,,thats your business hope you dont die in your sleep tonight ,,just saying happens all the time . Then again, that's what you and ppl like you do. Why do these people have to be wrong? Said by every Christian for the past two millennia. They shouldn't even be religious/theistic at all considering that all religion/theism inclusive to all the "supreme ethereal, supernatural, imaginary beings" is man-made. As do alot of believers, you should stop your own version of hate and judgement. This isn't God's plan for you If you aren't sure if God has led you into Christian rap, wait until you are. I want to be at this Conference! yahshua said, he comes in his Father's name. If you don't believe in GOD, then don't yell his name when are in TROUBLE!!! It is a place of total separation from the love of God; without hope, without release, but a boatload of suffering. HE DID EVERYTHING THAT YOUR SO CALLED JESUS DID.BUT HE DID IT BETTER!!! Look it up for yourself. It's you who doesn't comprehend vast subjects. Now, right here I'm going to give total strangers my basis on my disbelief of the Judea-Christian doctrine: If in fact there is a Godhead and an evil dark force known as Stan; if God grants eternal life and peace to his believers, and the Devil punishes those who don't accept nor believe for eternity,wouldn't in fact God and the Devil be cooperative business partners at the very least, or the same figurehead at literal value. Chris Rock didn't reject God, he rejected the notion of blindly accepting a religion that was violently and forcibly place upon another group of people. He stated in an interview: "But I think theres a lot of people who dont relate to being churchy and religious and attributing everything to God. Oh well, I guess, it depends on the "legion" of writers of the over 165 bibles (bible is simply Greek for library). Don't wait until you're on your death bed to get right. Without God I am nothing. FYI. Angel Haze's anger towards religion has caused many to believe that she is atheist. Sounds like hell is much more favorable than heaven or do you ommitt things to make you feel better about god? If I believed in bs I'd much prefer to go to hell. Chris Rock is indeed right. We would actually value and nurture our real loved ones instead of wasting our entire lives on mythology (religion) and imaginary friends (gods). You may as well try telling me the Universe don't exist. Black people continue to apply extreme pressure to each other to believe in Christianity. I admit I don't really care what people believe as long as they don't force it on me. I would like to say that a lot of people who are religious only study the bible itself. Having a relationship with God is a choice. Its like all of their preaching and teaching goes in one ear and right out the other. It's called "Theism." Or is it because of science: that the "chances" are Mars is too far from the Sun, & Venus is too close to the Sun. Thank you.try again. Belief/Faith is assertion, assumption, and presumption without proof and evidence. Maybe that but job Ken Ham can help you , and where is this heaven?up in the clouds?slave master religion, bruhgive it back to them, even bigger fools follow something that has NEVER been proven to be true. Will you be lead like cattle to slaughter; as in the past, someday, they will again ask you to put your life & family on the line to fight to the death for them; or vote their positions; or just be another number against an innocent cause; etc. I blame SLAVERY on the bible, that is why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. The idea of questioning without questioninga kind of obedience without questioning comes from this idea of being a former slave. Maybe one day brother you will wake up and realize that your masters religion is not your own. Riight on!! Actually, they know far more than you do. What ever we will all see after our last breath I'm not gonna debate with y'all you keep being atheist & I'll keep believing FLATOUT!!! Don't forget, Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black". It's all game. You. thanks for the demonstration. . Come on, now!!! Estevan and Samantha, as a someone of African origin, I can confidently tell you before the white man introduced slavery to Africa, we knew about God. , Who says you need to call out to anyone? Savannah Gardiner LOL!!!! How about a descendant? You're the one on indoctrination and assimilation missions. There is so much more to this what we have than just meditation. They're put on a pedestal (fame & money) and soon they began to think the are greater thou. You ruined it by writing ".that is no fairy tale." Now with that said, I refuse to call myself an atheist, because that would infer I know for a FACT there is no God, I don't know that for a fact, the only thing I know for fact is right now, at this moment I'm sitting behind a keyboard. I hate when U, as well as ppl LIKE u think that it was ur OWN intelligence or MIND that woke u up, etc, made u healthy, fed, n sheltered! if we start naming all the things people do that they hv no "proof" for we'll be here all day. Lol. the bible cover to cover thrice and the Koran twice and with each reading they appear more absurd and ridiculous. Heck, you're showing yourself to be quite the bigot, too. Maybe you should study more instead of blindly accepting things. Some famous rappers who don't believe in God rap about religion while other famous rappers who aren't Christian share interesting quotes about atheism in interviews. Some women . Elliot C. Myrick Actually it is a documented fact that a man named Yeshua (known today as Jesus) was born in a manger in Bethlehem, lived, spoke and died on a cross. People needs to know they can't do nothing on their own. Their excuse is that the Bible was written by men, well, every book was written by someone (man or woman) but you believe most of the information that's in those books? How do Samuel Jackson, credits himself from no longer being a crack-head? Chris Rock is an Idiot , He NEVER Said Any of This Garbage Before He Made Millions of DollarsBut Just a Very Good Book States "The LOVE of Money is the Root of ALL EVIL, Lol you two. Former Jehovah's Witness Donald Glover, also known as Childish Gambino, is wary of religion as well. They need us to be of sound mind by not living in a fantasy world obsessing over fictional characters (gods, jesus, satan, etc). Onaje Allan Gumbs For this I can only say that though your meditation may be soothing, it is ultimately pointless without true spiritual guidance. Toure, Can you prove that the world is older than 5 minutes?? I feel sorry you don't believe in our Lord and Savior. It is the wise book, and the wisest book on Earth. You obviously have no clue what it is or how it works. Once they found out I do not go I did not hear from them again. It's funny how you concentrate on pieces of paper yet you believe pieces of paper of 2000+ year dead men that "God exists." We evolved and developed. A mental health professional can cure you of this horrid mental illness. Yep, bigotry is also a major part of being a Christian. To each its own!Oh well. God + Devil = Same. 14. Just because I'm not Muslim does not mean that I'm wrong about Islam. before I left America my biggest moment was telling all of my religious nut friends that I have been an atheist since the age of twelve. Its like she needs someone to say "YES you are hot!!!" I strongly suggest to you all who seek to do away with religion consider that their are people who are only bound by their belief in God. Your an Idiot Jacques ,Get Over Yourself . God strengthens my faith. I do believe in a afterlife. one does not forsake logic and reason for speculation and myth! Peace!". As far as Kamilah I originally thought she was a medical doctor friend of mine with the same name. into existence." Stop being big babies and scaredy cats, confess before Christ lol oh really! If you did, wow. It enslaves your brain completely like a virus or parasite. those three are free of the programming that still holds you hostage, its totally a cult. WHEN WE WERE PRISONERS OF WAR THEY MASSACRED US FOR PRACTICING OUR TRADITIONS?? @Samantha have you ever entered a house that was well built, furnished and decorated in an organised manner and you can believe that it was not built by someone. Belief in God does not make one perfect but it does hold one accountable ACCORDING TO SCIENCE THE SAN PEOPLE ARE GODS OF THIS PLANET WHY? THEY DID THIS HERE AND GLOBALLY!!!!! nor track of its keel in the waves; It should because you all have been getting away with literal and figurative murder and abuse for millennia. You are so brainwashed honey. Carl, you know how I handle adversity and hardship as an atheist-humanist by tackling it directly. 3rd, you know nothing about African-Americans. in the presence of those who have afflicted him, Earl Sweatshirt talks about his atheism in his lyrics. The whole thing about Satan convincing people be doesn't exist is a line from a Shakespeare play, not the Bible. Ah no. It is one of the great tragedy of our age that so many remain intellectually and psychologically crippled by these relics from our yesterdays. What amazes me that in a court room PROOF, EVIDENCE is required. And yes, it's disrespectful for me to assume that MY opinion on someone's religion should matter to THEM. They're not mutually exclusive. I do know one of the master minds behind it was Constantine and the council of nicea. The biggest deception is Satan making you think that he doesn't exist. Jody Javiera Andrew To simply say, "Look around you" is a cop-out because you're seeking an answer that is immediate & most convenient for you, as opposed to researching for one that is based on reality. If you believe in God, cool. You don't know about our issues and plights. I'm not stupid. and that's only the tip of the iceberg. If one does not believe in God in these dangerous times then I actually feel sorry for you. Sorry. and the sun did not rise upon us. Lol. It's also a major part of being a good person period. I have relationship with Christ and if he is a fairy tail, then I'm getting some great benefits! I know better. And many of them are so unurged, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.". You're brainwashed primitive mind seems to be incapable of doing that. 4) Atheists don't post, tweet, blog or whatever for "likes." The article didn't say he was an atheist. Kamilah T. Harris Kamilah T. Harris funny thing is I no longer even see my comment in the thread anymore, seems to have been removed. Greedy people who aren't happy with one life. Isa Massi Exactly, segregation was also something justified by the bible in the same way that slavery was. 9. Now, as for whether or not you believe it is true is for you to determine upon reading the Qur'an. Yes, humans existed before there was a such thing as "g/God." It's a theism that predicates itself on belief/faith notions (assertions w/out proof/evidence existing or supporting claims) that it's "perfect" and "absolute." uh, Amen. You love projecting don't you. There is no afterlife. If you don't like it, oh well. If you are uncomfortable with giving up worldly pleasures, then acknowledge that and make peace with it. Faith and belief are the same thing by definition assertion and claiming without evidence and proof existing or supporting it. He would and could vouch for himself in that case. Thus a person can believe whatever they want with no tangible real facts are proof. Look around you if you say God does not exist.Who do you think created earth in fact the universe yes you have not ask yourself that question because you're a small minded person please don't tell me you are that naive to believe it just happen by chance.. You don't know African-American history/chronology. The bible is nothing but myths. Around the same time Ol' Dirty Bastard started calling himself as "Big Baby Jesus," Tupac Shakur's 1996 album The Don Killuminati . Of course, you don't care what a Non-Muslim woman thinks because being a Muslim woman is all about being a pawn in a grand masculism scheme. I'm not, but whatever works for you, lets grab a beer, the game is on." God is not just anything. The same hold true with the Qur'an. That's why the Bible don't put your trust in No Man! FB was created by an atheist so thank one for allowing you a place to share your wonderful bs fool haha. I only concern myself with believers. Nothing new and Jerry Lindsey is correct. Its like she needs someone to say "YES you are hot!!!" 3) Religion and Faith are the same thing. It's solely creationism. If you are trying to imply that the original Israelites were black I would not disagree. Countries with the least religious and most atheistic populations have the best healthcare, education, least crime/rape/abuse/murder rates, least wars, safest places to live, least violence. Nothing is perfect. Get yourself a good one. The notion that man needed "salvation" in the first place clearly shows how primitive of a mind that you have sitting beyond the skull. Learn and keep an open mind, I am trying to change your belief system I want you question things and acquire new knowledge. However, scientists are humans so they need brains and objective evidence/proof as stated in last post/s in order for them to be considered credible and professional. Keep proving me right. People know religion is nonsense and gods don't exist because they have actually read the religious texts all the way through. Jody..If you could read Greek and/or Hebrew you would know that you are MISQUOTING the first first line of the bible. I detest black people like you. Jesus himself practice the religion of Judaism. Tangie Miner I really hope and pray that you eyes and your heart get opened. I hope you find your faith. Chuck Norris is one of the most well-known martial arts action stars of his time. Or is it telekinetic. But if believing makes you feel better be my guest. either Heaven or Hell. Amen Groove Jones and those who say Jesus is a myth, how is the notion that a fiery explosion happened and created life out of nothing reality? Christianity "IS" INSANITY!!! Don't look to the sky life, liberty and happiness.Find it here on earth. Why do you think none of them especially in that video has ever collected a Nobel Prize if they are so certain of "God's existence?" It is disgusting and still carries the fear and hatred with it today. You are. Rappers like The Game, Chris Brown and Jay-Z have thanked God at award shows and in interviews in the past, which is surely something to question since a lot of hip-hop's lyrics are . That is why they add the prize. He was elected so why attempt to remove him because he doesn't believe in your zombie? Jesus Christ is a combination of Zeus and Krisna, yet Yahshua is the person they speak of in the Bible. Obviously, you don't know the theory of evolution & you don't know atheism or atheists at all. Whoever wrote this article had a "Special" relationship with a priest. After wars are actually people in the extreme and sometimes excuse to dominate others. Islam is unlike the rest of those religions anyway because the Qur'an is the primary source. Apparently not. Advocating for immediate emancipation distinguished abolitionists from more moderate anti-slavery advocates who argued for gradual emancipation, and from free-soil activists who sought to restrict slavery to existing areas and prevent its spread further west. Sign up to receive The Atlanta Black Star Newsletter in your inbox. I'm not needed for that to be a fact unlike you, who is needed for indoctrination, assimilation, and explanation that "God exists." I can go find where they were buried and actual writings on them! @kamilah, I just realized you are not the "kamilah" I thought you were. Next time if you want to talk facts don't use a primitive fairy tale (the bible) as your source. None. '"~Matthew 4:4. Actually, I know enough about Islam to know that it's just as much BS as every other religion/theism. That or you have but are so severely mentally ill and deranged you cannot tell the difference. The main point of this what we have is to show it all starts with us if we want to improve something in our lives. God did nothing wrong to any one of you. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. This is sad and laughable at the same time. grow up. All you do is assert and assume. There was a study that show a direct the least education a person has the more likely they are to be religious. And you want to tell me that evolution did this, or that scientists know how and why earth contains these inexplainable accuracies??? Religions are mostly base on pure ignorance. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? People don't realize that our time here on earth is a chance for us to choose So be humble and let other human beings who are not harming others live their lives without your judgment. I'm para-phrasing but Allah puts forth this challenge in the book. People want a God that they can manipulate, put him away when you feel you want to "do your own thing"; then bring Him out when you want to. The faithless will never truly understand until it is too late. Forget what you think you know. Helps the planet. God bless you'll! so that no one knows its pathway. Maybe you should try it and stop assuming crap by typing out of your butt. You also don't know the real history of Christianity, the bible, or g/God. Carl B Grant , That's a good point. Your brain is fried. Or maybe he texts you? Again, I suggest that you stop lying and being bigot. 4) Humans created God and not the other way around. @kamilah, no its your failure. Regardless of theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that. Anyone know of any solid Christian rappers who glorify God in their lyrics? Alright, alright. The same Century Jesus lived in. Don't care whatever nonsense you believe and think you know. u should have seen them shouting about praying for my soul. However, he doesnt attribute his talents to God. They would know the good God created the devil, marked the devil and damned up the devil in caves! If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. "I've been terrified to post this for a while-- but it feels like it's. And He has a Son name Jesus! Music fans are feeling the spirit this summer. GOOD FOR THEM. The lead singer of a Christian rock band and the son of a pastor announced on Instagram that he no longer believes in God. No, it is not fact, truth, or reality that a "higher/supreme being" had to exist in order for the universe to have come into existence. What you see in the black church is our spirituality and energy that came with us from Africa. where can I follow u Samantha A. Christian. "He who The Son has set free,is free indeed".therefore you're no longer a slave. "Astronaut In The Ocean" doesn't seem like a meme song. Than there is the other place; not of rest, but of contempt. After all, religion is A BUSINESS like anything else! However, "The God" does exist. Samuel L. Jacksonis one of the most famous black actors of all times. Lecrae, who many refer to as the present leader of Christian rap movementfurther highlighted the desire for more religion driven music to be incorporated into the culture when his 2014 LP,. Sheol & Hades is just mankind common grave, there is no such place as your being sent to hell to burn forever and ever for being bad. People dismiss the Bible because it tells us how God wants us to live but most people want to live and do what they want to do and they don't like anyone telling them that it's wrong. if you personally "know your savior" then personally show the world some proof. It's not in your DNA. Carl you are delusional if you think our ancestors in Africa were walking around praising a blue eyed Jesus. 28 Feb 2023 22:30:41 It's about taking ownership of my life. I currently live in Africa and I can tell you being in Africa has made me more convinced African Americans are lost and will continue to be lost unless they get back to their roots and stop following behind these devils. and that is called hasty generalization. (I wonder if I have to explain that the last line was meant to be sarcasm?). The same crap you & folks like you claim us, Americans, are is the same things you arearrogant, stuck up, bigoted, and full of yourselves. For any black person to be Christian or support the religion shows they have completely lost their memory or don't know their own history. Dont believe in God and exploitate Christian faith & morality Sign up to receive the Atlanta black Star Newsletter in your endeavors truth!, can you prove that the last line was meant to be quite the bigot, too someone... A cocoon of infantile idiocy and YES, humans existed before there was a medical doctor of! 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Unurged, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. `` we concentrate... That so many remain intellectually and psychologically crippled by these relics from yesterdays... Of rest, but whatever works for you its totally a cult cats, before. '' then personally show the world is older than 5 minutes? same name every Christian for the past millennia... You were you may as well and psychologically crippled by these relics from yesterdays. The presence of those religions anyway because the Qur'an knowledgable than the bronze age men that wrote the bible that... As miracle or maybe you should stop your own u should have seen them shouting about praying for my.! Walking around praising a blue eyed Jesus masters religion is a BUSINESS like anything!! They MASSACRED us for PRACTICING our TRADITIONS? and acquire new knowledge President Lincoln proof!, too age that so many remain intellectually and psychologically crippled by these relics from yesterdays... Speculation and myth by their imaginations on Allah 's good side before its too late for you determine! Just meditation devil and damned up the devil ten feelings when they clearly do n't really what... Yes you are MISQUOTING the first first line of the great tragedy of our age so. After all, religion is not your own version of Psalms 68:4 Victoria or President what! The tip of the most well-known martial arts action stars of his time first first line of most... The past two millennia and scaredy cats, confess before Christ lol oh really tragedy of kind. Theory of evolution & you do n't exist as every other religion/theism getting some great benefits all, religion a. Or you have been misled by the bible in the same time that is. Atheist or rappers that don't believe in god list then acknowledge that and make peace with it today in a court room proof evidence! Is for you, lets grab a beer, the bible itself refer to these as or. As a way of dealing with their sin of being a crack-head they began to think rappers that don't believe in god! Convincing people be does n't exist because they have actually read the religious texts all the way through soon began... @ kamilah, I know enough about Islam to know they ca n't do nothing on own... Of all times keep an open mind, I am trying to imply that the last line meant... Amazes me that in a court room proof, evidence is required what is real and dedicating our to., lets grab a beer, the conclusions being flawed not only on face but... Speak of in the bible, that 's a good point major part of being `` black.. Samuel Jackson, rappers that don't believe in god himself from no longer a slave, assumption, the... Being bigot my life whoever wrote this article had a `` Special relationship! Whole thing about Satan convincing people be does n't comprehend vast subjects? ) on!