This activates the vents use them to glide to the next part. North west of the slots is a cave. After fighting the Minotaur there is a pillar you can pick up (similar to the one you can assemble at one of the other vaults), but I cannot figure out what to do with it. And then removing them to shoot them up a ramp. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The road will fork after you advance. Get off at the other end and collect the Chest here. Using the bow you can hold L2 aim and then quickly fire with R2, do a charged shot by holding it. From here you will need to climb up to the next area. This completes this quest, however the quest chain continues, this time in the grove of Kleos. Make your way to this marked location and after the scenes, the new objective marker is in seriously as in that giant mountain with eyes and a volcano. See below. Heroic tasks will rest as well but will not give gear and weapons but will give extra, lightning, ambrosia or coins. You will need to follow the singular path up the mountain to reach higher ground. Go to the left most puzzle, break the corrupted crystal and place the cube on the anvil pedestal, then go inside the thrown room ahead and find another cube, place this one on the anvil pedestal too. Before moving on though from the lever look left to see the chest near the lava. For the next puzzle, activate the terminal and carry and place the crate on to the feather pedestal and then push the large cube on to the anvil pedestal. Right across from it is a pyre which will be unlocked by standing on this pedestal. Place them on the feather pedestal. Updated daily to include the lastest Free MMOs, RPGs and more for MMORPG fans. Tactical Drone Usage. Now the next Epic chest is directly below the night chest. Jump across the bridge, and make your way through to the other side. After that 4 of them for Round 3. Whether you pour over our Immortals Fenyx Rising beginners guide or consult the best way to solve the games dozens of Vault of Tartaros puzzle stages in each of the games regions Kings Peak, the Valley of Eternal Spring, Wars Den, The Forgelands, and the Grove of Kleos our collection of walkthroughs will guide you throughout your journey and help you solve every puzzle along the way. For starters go down the left path. The first one is made near you, and you can essentially push it to the slot using Triangle to move it. The chest has 2 Charon coins. When you do use the wind to move the 3rd crate to make a bridge over here. The Golden huge blocks represent the correct pedestals to activate, so activate the 4 correct pedestals and you can advance. Also nearby are statues with Pomegranates, next to them. First step on left pedestal to remove the barrier then immediately get off the pedestal otherwise like before the ball will fly out of the course. Speak to Hermes to continue the main story and watch the next scenes. For this boss specifically you want to stay in close and attack the legs area or its head when stunned. Product Information. Ages before the events of Darksiders and Darksiders II, two of the feared HorsemenDeath and Warare tasked with stopping a group of renegades from Now before you go to get the lightning there is an Epic chest over where the puzzle just took place, use the vents you just opened to glide down there and reach the chest on the far end north. Orphean Groupie Complete all objectives in 22 Normal Vaults. Another hidden quest can be triggered if you complete all of the Myth challenges with a map next to them, these usually give a recording from Daidalos after completion. Using the wings to double jump uses 1 stamina gauge. If you are lucky one of the balls will end up landing in the slot, if not carefully time the launching of a ball so that it reaches the vent on the far end behind where the wall was, so that it lands in the slot. Now as before you can't really progress through this region until you stand a top the statue here and scout the region, it will also help you lock down activity markers and you can use the maps in the Grove of Kleos section for reference, both maps and details. Anyway head back up to the top of the observatory where you got the epic chest to meet with the Stranger. More on all that when you can actually use them. When you do place a phosphor clone on the western side of it to prevent it from going off if you change the wind direction. Now there is a seed below in this next area, so avoid falling down or oh boy you don't wanna know. You will now receive your very first Godly power, Herakles's strength. This chest contains the head gear, Mane of Pride, basically armor with an effect, you can equip it from the touch pad menu. This puzzle is different you need to use the blocks as bridges to make sure a metal sphere reaches it's goal slot. Guarding the eastern most ambrosia (which takes a lot of climbing/vent gliding to get to), is a boss not shown on the map or any where else. Really the best way to deal with this beast is to have Phosphor bombard him and attack him while he is staggered and stun it with some axe attacks or godly powers. Pull it to enter and get ready for a boss. You get the last color for the Embrace armor. Also you only need to reduce it down to half health. The chest contains ambrosia. Do this for the middle and right sides too, also remember to go all the way to the end on the middle path so you can get the chest, which has Zeus' Lightning in it. Kill it and then before proceeding further approach the statue that was near it. South of the rock where you got the above epic chest, you will see the next 2 chests marked on the map on the 4th and 5th rocks. Then go to Atmos mechanikos and remove the large crystal from the ventilation here, then activate the terminal. Golden Isle. You need to activate 2 terminals. The challenge itself is very easy especially with precision shot. Right Automaton hand: Found in a ditch north west from constellation challenge 1, with a lot of broken bot statues and enemies down here, Fenyx comments it looks like a graveyard. They are wave-based vaults that yield Molten Fragments that players need for new armor.. After you stun him once he will buff up his attack power but his moves are about the same. Now use the wind to move the 3rd crate on to it's pedestal using the metal cube as a stopper. You will be given his first blessing and a new vault will be unlocked for you to enter. You essentially use R1 to attack enemies, and square to dodge, you can use R3 to lock on. Once you do this the gas in the maze below will be gone. Once that's done place the metal cube on the anvil pedestal. 5/4/04 - The invasion of the Spotheads. Go to Athena's statue in the Grove of kleos. It doesn't have a lot of health so buffing will speed things up. Now get on the platform for the next part. When you land in the area where the Odysseus challenge is you will trigger a side quest as well. Not my personal favorite but great when you want to save up potions. For the puzzle in the 2nd room, on the ground floor you will find 2 cubes you can pull on to pedestals. Next to the terminal which will summon the sphere, are 2 pedestals. Then on the western part of it, do the same with 2 more forges. (The slot is to the right of the terminal). Move forward to the first puzzle. Go up the branch till you reach a pedestal, step on it and a flame will appear and seed will be unlocked. If you haven't collected the tears yet here are 3 Vaults which you need to clear. This will remove that barrier and let you go in and activate the first terminal. Place it on the feather pedestal activating the pyre, use an and the pyre to burn the seed. The chest will contain a new Axe, the Forbidden Labrys. Once their defeated watch the scenes. DO NOT, leave with the Orb just yet, look to your left to see another Orb behind a gated door. Now return to where you came from and proceed until you have to fight another flying enemy. Now to damage it run around it and pick up rocks and the like to throw at it for a lot of damage, retreat to the rocks above above to get some breathing room, simply repeat this pattern until it is stunned and so on. You will need to use Phosphor's clone to block the second crate to keep it from moving. When you do he will tell you to go looking for his Salpinx, for which you need to go complete Odysseus challenge 1. Now head towards the next objective marker, on the way you will likely encounter a flying enemy, to deal with these the best strategy is to snip them from afar, and when they close in on you, dodge out of the way get close and jump attack with the axe to stun them and finish them. Esper. For the first part of this puzzle you use the large metal cubes as stepping stools to go up further, do this till you reach the check point. Go through the southern entrance from the fresco challenge and look to the right to find a door. Now push it up the ramp and then let go while it is on the edge of the southern ramp, as it starts moving, use the vents to go up to the next floor and wait for the ball to reach you and then pull it. The next puzzle is very similar but has more to it. Now return to Hephaistos and the quest will be finished, and you will get the last color for the automaton armor. Reward: Ambrosia, Guardian's Axe, 910x Blue Adamantine Shards, and 205x Yellow Adamantine Shards. The tutorial phase quests and first phosphor quests will not occur and you will pick up at Clashing waves but the active quest will be Gods and Monsters (going to the hall of gods for the first time). You can now pick up the Bow of Odysseus, and the Godly power Apollo's arrows. Immortals Fenyx Rising 's Vault of Ares is part of your quest to restore the essence to one of the game's four gods, Ares. For the first part Activate the terminal and 2 crates will appear one over the other. Now just beat the Gorgon, shouldn't be too touch just dodge its attacks and land axe or sword attacks when it's open and stun it for some great pay off. Pull the lever to activate some vents which will shoot the ball at the wall of blocks ahead. For any further information about activities of this region see the Valley of Eternal Spring section. You can find several small lyres throughout and will need to play them and then return to the big one and play them exactly on the big one. You will arrive at the location of a constellation challenge. Most of its attacks are long ranged with few being close ranged and those mainly being with his club. You have to solve various puzzles as you go. When it is in place activate the terminal, do this for both to remove the barriers and retrieve all 3 orbs. Defeating him is pretty simple and he should be matched to your level. Every time one does Typhon will add a new move to his repertoire. Fire an arrow through it and guide it to a seed to the east. Get on the platform as it moves you west. The weirdest thing is just that absolutely no one is talking about this. Now go back and collect the lightning to leave. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Now you can collect the 3rd quest item (Ribbons) nearby. You will find this Vault north west of Fresco challenge 3, in a temple near a village. However like armor all weapons have different passive effects so choose wisely when wielding them, that being said this Axe is mostly the same as the one you have and has a less convenient ability so better to stick to what you have. This will unlock a Pyre UNDER the Planetarium, Fire an apollo's arrow through the gaps in the fence through the flames and into the pyre under the planetarium. Complete this quest to get the last color of the Laurel helmet. User Score 7.5 Now jump down to the terminal right next to the pyre. Push them all north to move the statue forward to advance to the next check point..and a boss fight. After that destroy the statue with your axe or a godly power to reveal the vault. The first phase is exactly the same as before but he has now go an absurd amount of health. Head towards the destroyed buildings until you are guided to a sword, collect it to proceed. Stand on the pedestal and light the 2 pyres. (You have to glide here either from the Hermes statue or the previous rock). There is a fork in the road earlier in the vault. Unlike before this one is optional. The Vault of Ares is one of the first core quests that you'll have to complete in Immortals: Fenyx Rising. You will basically need to keep pull and placing Oricalcham as you move ahead. This is probably too late for OP, but I came here looking for help, didn't find anything that worked, tried again anyway, and figured it out. Now you will be inside the templewithout your gauntlet so no heavy lifting for now. Also obviously bring along buff potions, ideally the attack potion should be able to increase attack by 80% and increase stun by 30% or higher then those. Another Arena vault. Open it to get +2 Coins of Charon. You can make them float by attacking them and bring them back down to. This chest has 2 coins of charon. Phosphor is great at keep him staggered too. Now come up here and see the room on your right when facing the wall. Don't do anything with crates, here instead jump across the gap to the other side to the east. The chest contains the Piercing Wisdom helm. while you charge up Aries wrath. BEWARE MINOTAUR, this is very difficult to overcome as you are now, you CAN defeat him by avoiding his attacks and throwing rocks and anything else at him from a distance but it is still a very risky encounter, don't hesitate to make a run for it. Here you essentially you need to use Oricalcham blocks and throw them at a wall of rock cubes and metal cubes to unlblock the path and then stand on a pedestal and shoot through hoops like an Odysseus challenge, and destroy a seed at the end. Now head west for the next puzzle. Now next to the building is more gas and a pedestal, stand on the pedestal and a seed will be unlocked, once again use an arrow of Apollo to burn it, you can use the same pyre again here. Then move on to the next puzzle. Immortals Fenyx Rising. This one gives players the most trouble thanks to the obscuring properties of the snow, but players . Here too you can essentially wander around near infinitely before proceeding but your pretty limited right now so better to proceed with the objectives. Oh yeah, that is weird. You will eventually be asked to login to a Ubisoft account for various bonuses, this guide will ignore all things related to online bonuses and things you can buy from the stores, etc. Activate the terminal and several metal cubes and one huge crate will appear. Contents 1 Appearance 1.1 Female 2 Personality 3 History Immortals Fenyx Rising Maps. Every Vault also contains at least one chest, which you can spot by their vertical beam of light that marks where they are; use this to get an idea of where to look for them. Glide from here to the eastern most rock islands of the region, and climb up here to find Epic chest 15 and the final quest item. It's completely impossible. After you defeat him and watch the scenes you will be in a vault. I can't even get through the beginning of the level because of the cold fog sapping my stamina and for the life of me I cant see any way around it. Now head in further on the path to retrieve the Tear of Aphrodite. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the g A good point to face this boss is when you have at least axe and sword at level 5, and both armor and helm at 4 or higher. Finally meet Aries in front of the fort so you can finally access his fortress which has a bunch of collectibles you couldn't reach before. Here you will find the Aprhodite style puzzles. That and the game now allowing you to pursue different main quests to continue the story any way you wish makes things take a more branching path. Buff potions, brood of Typhon helm etc, will make this much faster too. Go to the marked location. Now go out and throw some coal in the furnace and light it up. Then back to the Left pedestal to remove a barrier then as soon as the ball gets past the second red barrier get off the pedestal to prevent the ball from missing the slot (a red barrier will stop this).In short with correct timing Left, Right, then left and then get off left. Otherwise see below: Left Automaton hand: Found in the ditch at the puzzle for chest 10. North of this chest and slightly near the guarded chest below here is a cave which has a red barrier and an anvil pedestal outside it, there are no cubes for you to find here but plenty of natural weight. Now jump across to where the sphere landed in its slot and then move forward to the next puzzle. This quest can be started by finding the ghost of the soldier where the first Odysseus challenge is. After that go through the door and you will be able to reach the Lightning, as before ignore the lightning and go behind it to find the chest.To open it, you need to use the terminal ahead to call a crate and place it on the pedestalwhile avoiding a lot of flaming traps. Collect the orb after. The first chest is behind the big wooden crate to the west and has an ambrosia inside. Now on to the next region Fast travel to the Observatory and get ready to fly to a new region. From there continue to the top using air being blown and so on. Then glide/glide boost to the northern one and grab and throw the cube here to the same place. Once the ball is in place let go to let it settle inside the slot. The difficulty of a Vault is shown in their description on the map after you enter it, but is also provided at the start of their pages in this guide. Then find a small pond nearby, dive in and use the underwater path to go inside. See the exploration sections of each region to find where they are. I think you loose more stamina if you run. To open it you need to shoot a target behind the door which you can see from the window here. Bring it back to Aphrodite. walk around the building from the northern end, you will find a broken wall, destroy it with your axe. South of the quest start point is a rock where 2 flying enemies and 1 Spear enemy are on top, you can swim or glide here and then defeat the enemies and claim the Wine item on the boat. Immortals Fenyx Rising Vault of Athena Vault of Athena is the second major Vault that you'll come across in the storyline of Immortals Fenyx Rising. Defeat the soldiers and interact with the forge. Once both are in place the path forward will appear. Now go under water where you pulled the cube out from, swim to the right of the pedestal and find a hole to another room, resurface here you will know you are in the right place, if there are mushrooms on the cliffs here. Is it part of dlc that just released or something so people haven't really gotten to it yet? Another epic chest north west of you and closer to the objective will, involve fighting a Minotaur. You will also be narrated some key locations, the main objective for the Aphrodite story line will also change. Then take it to the next Seed to make it explode. Overall if you have been fighting legendary beasts or doing the various activities on the island to get stronger this fight shouldn't pose too much of a problem. The first terminal and attack the legs area or its head when stunned all... Terminal, do this for both to remove the barriers and retrieve 3! Glide to the next seed to make sure a metal sphere reaches it 's goal slot to get the color... Cubes you can essentially push it to the right of the Laurel helmet Aphrodite story will. A Minotaur boss specifically you want to stay in close and attack the legs area or its when. Ready to fly to a sword, collect it to a seed the... 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