I know my impact is stronger when I operate the way my system was designed to operate. You know what you like, and youve got some serious particularities. Also, the ingredients that are spicier are also considered hot and they may fasten your metabolism as well, add them to your meals. 3. Hope this helps. Higher carb diets may work for you. Low needs to eat less (or cram for that test!). Kitchen Wet or Dry. Anyhow, post babies is when nutrition started to become frustrating for me. Thanks for alerting me to the change! Appetite Alternating or Consecutive Appetite digestion is all about simple, pure, and wholesome ingredients. This is why human design is so unique. Pay attention to how hot or cold food feels in your body, Let cold food warm up and reach room temperature before eating (for Hot), Let hot food or drinks cool down before eating them (for Cold). She is 80, lives alone, and her only complaint is wicked seasonal allergies. PHS might not be correct for you now. He is all about production in his life and we live in a semi-arid location now but he use to live in New Mexico (desert). No soups, no stews, no side dishes. This is because they tend to digest more slowly because they dont generate their own energy. It uses data to determine your exact placement in time and space relative to the solar system and star fields around you at the precise moment of birth. Some are very nervous, to busy to sit down for meals, and prefer to eat while they're doing other things. Nervous | Touch 4. Projectors may be prone to over-eating because of their tendency to be conditioned via all their open centers. Touch - Calm or Nervous - Touch digestion is related to the energy and environment around you, either very calm or very stimulating. The meals you already know you like will create a familiar sensation in your mouth and belly and you will be already sending the correct enzymes to digest the food. Those with Direct may find they digest best when the sun is up. If you eat too many things at once your metabolism will get confused about what enzymes to send for the digestion. Do it fast and dont spend too much time at the table. Wet means tropical or green. Human Design can be confusing to start, so let's make it a whole lot easier. I have known my own style of eating for a while, and it has made a big difference. Cooking the same 5 meals you have always cooked is what is good for you. Feb 22, 2021 - Explore Erica Midkiff's board "HD | Determination (Digestion)", followed by 464 people on Pinterest. Its healthy for their digestive system to be revved up. If you eat outside choose places that are more crowded and with a lot of movement in them. Avoid sleeping/sitting with back to the door. Some people are designed to eat in the calm and quiet, others are meant to eat the same thing every day, and these all matter. Human Design is a system of human differentiation - its a system that helps you uncover and understand what makes you different from everyone else. However, as he started reading my chart, I couldnt help the tears in my eyes. First plug the leaks. I give away at least one product or service every month, so I quickly muscle tested her before the class started, and the muscle test says that she eats the wrong foods, and she eats the wrong way. We have heard it a thousand times. These people digest their nutrients best if they eat one thing, and wait for at least an hour. Nervous Touch eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. Living Your Design Workshop (IHDS certified) Living Your Design Workshop (IHDS certified) 570.00. The top, left arrow on your HD chart (which you can get at GeneticMatrix.com) is where you find the component of the PHS. #2: Uncertainty Taste Splenic. There are 6 different digestions types with 2 in each category. Diseases, accidents, toxins and the natural aging process can . Since today I know my information, I need to turn onto the perfect way. So, I will now share what Ive recently learned about the PHS. Press J to jump to the feed. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. Might be easier to contrast it with calm touch, who is advised to eat and digest when relaxed, sitting down for a meal, etc. Fat? If youre a nervous (buzzing) touch, the energies surrounding you must be invigorating. The Human Design Mandala. If you eat during the day choose places that have dim lighting and are not in the open. Before I get into color and tone, I want you to look a the first arrow on my chart below (has a big R with two 4s underneath). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. These include most types of recessed lighting with downlights and troffers. Simple. It was just an app that started taking more from my energy than adding to it. You will want to go to your Body view rather than the Quantum view that is the default. I love books far more than any other learning tool. Your eating style is determined by the determination of your bodygraph. So happy to have helped you. Food Determination And Human Design Youtube So as I am sure you know by now there are 12 primary digestion types in human design.. to feel satiated if you violate this one, youll be always hungry. Ive added it to my explore when you have time list! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I stumbled upon JP by pure chance, he was recommended to me by a friend and I have to admit I knew little about Human Design. The outer wheel and the outermost wheel show the 64 major divisions called 'Gates . Eating for your digestion type in human design doesnt need to be too hard, its an experiment. Recent Posts. Thanks again for helping me spot inconsistencies in my posts! I used to love doing homework in places with lots of noises as well. This could look like moving before or after eating, eating standing up or on the go, or watching or listening to something while eating. 4th color lines are about the environment, its energy, and what you need to focus and feel comfortable. When I eat, lets say, cabbage, I just eat cabbage. Closed taste is more particular and personal, the refinement and seasoning are key closed taste is more passive. The next day you will be charged with energy and you will need food later in the day or even better when the sun starts to set. After you finish the first ingredient you go to the next. *Markets-Internal is my environment and is accurate for me. Those with Nervous may prefer eating when there is some stimulation around them. seemingly no intermarriage, no mixing with other nationalities, or other groups. Some people are very calm themselves, and prefer to eat their meals calmly as well. Travel stories & images something relevant, something authentic, something real. I paid $97 for my report 10 or so years ago. Dry means dessert or arid. as your digestion, you may find youre naturally picky about your food. Those with Indirect may find they digest best when the sun is down. So when I was introduced to Human Design, I found out that I have whats known as an Alternating Appetite. Alternating is more passive, and all about pairing and flow. . The sounds you hear while eating stimulate your digestion. Theirs is a sensory world. I cant. But the digestion type also extends into how we experience life. This was my happy place. This will boost your metabolism and will make digestion easier. By Alzheimer & # x27 ; s really . Open Taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste If you like the food it is easier to have an appetite for it. Your metabolism works when you are active. Super green powders and other supplements with many ingredients are showing not to be beneficial. I am curious please measure me for my eating style or styles. Today, I wanted to share a few notes on what the top left arrow says about digestion. If uncertain, touch it. The second most ancient eating style, from digestions point of view is the style called consecutive I have three clients like that: all got well when they started to eat one thing at a time, but they can eat 10 minutes later something else. I also love excellent quality clothes and I can own that perfect tank top in 5 colors. So detailed. Pure. Every person has their own design based on the time they were born, and you can use your birth info to get your chart and help you uncover a deeper understanding of yourself for more fulfillment in your unique life. They are tailor-made for the masses. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Do you know if there is a different way to view this or did they change the chart name? Types of Determination/Digestion in Human Design. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Do not rely on outer vision/physical eyes but trust their inner eyes. Around the inner wheel are the 12 signs of the zodiac. My mission is to let my children thrive, not condition them Human Design does thisThank you JP! Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Those with Calm may prefer eating in a calm environment where there is little activity. 5th color lines are about the frequencies of your food, and your surroundings. All free to use and 100 royalty free perfect for. Some describe it as having the touch of god! And she cant eat any fruits, not even lemons. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Light Direct or Indirect Light digestion describes the time of day or daylight present. The subscription I get is $9.95 a month I think. Try to take deep breaths while you eat. Dont eat what repels you. You may have very boring eating habits but this is what sparks your metabolism. During the dark hours of the day, your metabolism works better. Id like to experience eating according to my style and be well, energetic, coherent, and clearheaded Wow What would that be like? Yeah, you are curious? Possibilities for digestion include: Consecutive, Alternating, Open, Closed, Hot, Cold, Calm, Nervous, High, Low, Direct, Indirect. Light Eating while the sun is up - that's the way for this type. She immediately found examples in her family for people who got better once they stopped eating fish. This is the most sensitive type. Design is actually the correct term since design is the genetic/unconscious aspect (body). We are going to highlight a few pieces of each digestion below, but know there is so much more to each digestion than what we are including below. strawberry rhubarb scones with heart opening rose cream, Outing Your Shadow: Caring What People Think and Unconditional Love, Perfect Beef Chuck Blade Roast with Golden Beets and Carrots. The color lines are very closely associated with the profile lines so the 2 lines are very natural and intuitive. I have done a quick edit to my original post to hopefully avoid future confusion. #6: Light Direct and Indirect. Calm Touch eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are calm, Alternating Appetite my diet. Whole. Not only might this sense be heightened in you, but it is an essential part of how your brain and body interpret the world around you! 12 different eating. Closed Taste eat a monotonous diet, for most people its the staple diet of their ancestry, very different by seasons. Maybe the most profound space that this has helped me in in the information I consume and digest. 3rd color lines are experimental and experiential its not just about hot food vs. cold food! I have been interested in nutrition for a long time. The arrows are the most impactful to explore once youve been digging into human design for a while. What is Human Design (and what can it do for you). No hour is necessary. The 12 diet types - Human Design Diet. Yes, it looks like they updated it. Simple. But she can eat her next one-thing ten minutes later, I have to wait at least one hour. Your metabolism works when you are active. Change). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Surfing the waves of change with a radically buoyant spirit. So I have done most of the work on my own, cutting out foods here and there. You know what you like and most certainly you shouldnt change your preferences. Those flavors will create a cold feeling in your body. (LogOut/ Most people in the world eat stews, or meats with side dishes, or salads with a lot of ingredients, but a good 20% of the world, with the most ancient style DNA needs to eat like people ate when they didnt have dishes: one thing at a time. The first arrow to explore in the four transformations is always the top left, which reveals how we can take in food and information in the most aligned way for our bodies. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Mr. Wheeler was standing on the Farmer's Bank corner, towering a head . Eat only when you are really hungry, even if that means only once a day. Work/live near lake, ocean, river if Natural. My hunch is that this touch is a sensory thing: your food needs to be chewy, but I might be wrong. Thats OK! Coaching and mentorship may be more your jam. I am here to help heal women so more women can heal the world. All some way interconnected to thyroid and endocrine systems, but for me, no solid answers. Ive found that high sound determination will also tend to like or crave fresher, raw foods and lighter foods, and like to listen to music while studying or taking in-person classes! Nervous - Touch - eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. The magic of Human Design is that it offers us a user manual that points the way to knowing and loving ourselves. I am finding out that even just adding onions to the cabbage or to the meat makes me not that well I can now feel it. It can be described as our "love language" with the universe. But what is more surprising to the average person, and especially to the novice in . #4: Meditation Inner Vision Ajna. If you go to GeneticMatrix.com and enter your birth information, you should be able to get a more detailed version of your chart to include whether or not your Kitchens environment is wet or dry. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Active means be/live in an actual higher elevation (high-rise, second story house). Your Uniqueness The Human Design System describes the mechanic of your precious and smart body I know longer feel any need to try and keep up by consuming or producing more. It is just outside stimulation that is required. No cookies, no bread, no chocolate, no candy, nothing with ingredients. Same with all the vegetables. Im certified reader and I still couldnt figure this out, and everything I searched for was paid and wouldnt tell you whats right in the chart that I already pay for with GM and that I paid to be certified in (level 2) again, THANK YOU, Youre welcome! No cookies, no bread, no chocolate, no candy, nothing with ingredients. These customised videos cover two important elements; your digestion and your strongest sense. Some tips to experiment with this digestion: Your system is designed for repetition. This may look like eating lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night. Human Design Coach, Intuitive Healer, and I dance for my physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Do not try new foods, especially if you do not feel the inner calling for that. , - , . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Consecutive peeps need to eat foods one at a time (no eating a bite of fish followed by a bite of potato). Those with Direct may find they digest best when the sun is up. Salads are good for you because they are cold. A High person may snack all day. All the things that feel so hard to help us feel so good, The chance to deliver something to the world and maybe grab a little freedom while you're at it, A little about my crazy journey Parenting two Projectors, A reflection of how to embody our design type. I figured there was no better time to speak more about the Primary Health System in Human Design, your Determination + homogenized diet culture than at the beginning of a new year when we are inundated with plans, protocols, resolution bait hooks, and discounts on courses touted to fix a laundry list of symptoms and/or support weight loss, and said to work for everyone. This isnt actually something to shame, but rather to embrace. Its about, Ive been practicing and studying human design for a little over a year now, and its been life changing and incredibly freeing. If you want me to test you for the style, THERE ARE 12, plus the three what questions for the styles that are best for your body, you can ask me to measure you. You might loooove a food and exclusively eat that for a while then move on to something new. If you know the exact time of birth, we use astrology to calculate where your digestion has the best potential to digest and absorb all your food correctly. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. If you go back to my chart and those two 4s, you can see that my tone/color #s correspond to those numbers. And I got beaten to submission: by age nine I was homogenized onto eating like everyone else, and got fat and sick. Listening to music television or anything else that has high sound is good for you. My hunch is that this "touch" is a sensory thing: your food needs to be chewy, but I might be wrong. Originating from your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the world around you. See more ideas about human design, human design system, human. Combining her diverse professional background, and her unique approach integrates Functional Nutrition and Human Design she guides clients on a highly individualized journey of self-discovery, observation, and integration by removing physical, mental, and emotional confusion and overwhelm, simply taking them back to the very basics of health . Even before I dove into Human Design, my soul was whispering to me to get off of Facebook. Thanks for sharing this journey with me, even if only when you have time. It really is my bodys need for that purity. As with many buzzing insects, flies are annoying and make it difficult to enjoy any type of exterior activity without them swarming around you. For context, this is never the first piece I recommend that people dive into. Closed Taste eat a monotonous diet, for most people its the staple diet of their ancestry, very different by seasons. Unfortunately society, family frowns at you being an individual and having individual needs, no matter who you are, no matter how your family seems. Human Design Digestion Types: Alternating Appetite - eat simple but mix it up, a little of this a little of that Consecutive Appetite - eat one ingredient at a time (complex mixes/soups aren't for you) Calm Touch - eat only in calm environments Nervous Touch - eat in a stimulating environment Closed Taste - eat the same thing every day Pay attention to the foods you instinctively reach for, Take your favorite foods with you when you travel. In Human Design, we all have a "super power" that is called our "Strongest Sense". It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters most. A full health evaluation session is normally $250, and you need to commit to a follow-up session as well. Etc. Here is the button to order, Copyright Recommended by Sophie the Empath 2023. Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. Those with wet tend to gravitate towards more wet or tropical environments and those with dry tend to gravitate towards dry environments.