Click To view on Amazon. The amount of foot flaring will depend on the preference of the golfer. Numerous other possitibilities, but, those are the most common reasons why placing it in the heel works LOTS of GREAT ballstrikers have placed the ball in the heel at address. Of course, I would not be one of those! #4 Wood. Likewise, when evaluating irons, Smash Factor can be misleading due to loft or head weight differences between clubs. For instance, if the shat angle was 40 degrees at address, this angle becomes something like 42 degrees. Another drill is to take a shoebox or headcover and set it up just outside the ball. I figured there had to be some mechanical reason it worked or it is related to a fault in either the swing or setup. The unease comes from most golfers' ignorance as to what causes them and how to go about fixing it. A good setup will allow you to start your swing correctly but inversely, a bad address position will hold your swing back. Display as a link instead, Monte amazes me with the ability to hit a shot like a shank on command. You place the head of your driver gently on the ground behind the ball. I see a lot of golfers shanking wedges because they drag the club head inside on the backswing. George Knudson advocated addressing the ball off the toe so relaxed arms could stretch on the downswing and meet the ball square. Due to the shape (traditional, not pear shaped like the TS3), the Titleist TS2 driver is a more forgiving option. My normal miss is toe-ward, so it makes sense for me. Set it to the lowest loft and the face will be open. zipazoid Established Member RIP, 2019 Location: Miami, FL Index: 6.0 Plays: Lefty 2.7k January 14, 2012 The club should lay flat on the ground from heel to toe. Steep swings generally create a ball flight that start left of the target while a flat swing plane generally creates a ball flight that starts to the right of your target. I'm 34, 5'11" 180lbs., about an 8 handicap and have been actively playing for the past 10 years. Proper Golf Ball Positioning at Address Symetra Tour player Gabrielle Shipley explains the best ball positions for the clubs in your bag. Most golfers understand this simple concept when they talk about their driver, irons or wedges. [/quote] 1. Rather than searching for the next big swing secret, you should be consistently working on the fundamentals, just like I do every day. It will normally be located in the middle when using a short iron and progressively towards the front foot as the length of the club increases. Golf Ball Positions. Vega VM06 50 - 54 - 58 Shimada W Should you do that? I have tried the same thing as the op and have noticed some improvement in contact. If your issue is a faulty address (standing too close/arms slack), heres an easy way to position yourself the correct distance from the ball based on your stature and posture. After all, the center is the portion of the club you want the ball to contact (it's often called the sweet spot). Indeed, the right shoulder should stoop slightly lower than the left. [/quote] Try it with a tee at first. Unlock Faster Ball Speed Forward positioning of the fully suspended PWR-BRIDGE weight allows for maximum energy transfer to unleash faster ball speeds through unrestricted flexibility of the face and sole. Fuzzy Zoeller has set up this way for years. Cobra has the edge in this battle in their name value. Therefore, learn how to control the club face and feel the position of the club head during the swing. Early extension is one of the most common swing characteristics. For the right handed golfer to start the forward press, a pressure point in the heal pad of the flat right hand/wrist at address is "pushed" or "pressed" against the bent left hand/wrist so the left . The problem with players that create an early extension is their body moves closer to the target. I am pretty sure I know why it works for me. Luckily for Roy McAvoy, he found a solution just in time for the US Open. Titleist TS2. This rotates the clubface open to the right (if you're right-handed) and exposes the heel on the downswing. On the other hand, a swing plane that is too flat will position the end of the grip toward the opposite side of the target line. Hybrids: Honma TW747 22* / 25* [quote name='trapsmv15' timestamp='1428553741' post='11316867'] As a result of lining up the ball on the toe, you're probably pulling the club too far inside during your backswing. i'm similarbut rather than shorten the club, lower the lie anglemy lie angle is 1 degree flatit helped trememdously RBallz Tour 10.5 This opposite motion will help you find the center of the club face for more consistent and accurate golf shots. The fix: We adjusted the hosel to add 2 degrees of loft, from 9.5 to 11.5 degrees. All of a sudden I ws striking the ball beautifully, slightly lower than before with nice shallow divots and my usual draw still in evidence. Go slow in the beginning so you feel yourself groove the difference in motion. The butt end of the grip should point toward the target line during the backswing and downswing. The heel is located on the inside of the club head toward the hosel. Set the driver to the highest loft and you'll see a closed face. So I was practicing on monday and hit several shanks. Titleist drivers haven't done so hot in the past 5 years or so. Promotes a good pivot and precise weight transfer, while staying in good posture If you think that your golf ball position should change for each club, then you better read this article! That way, when the arms extend on the downswing the clubface meets the ball on the sweet spot. Your post brought back a lot of memories. I more sought out the knowledge of the forum to just to know if there was any connection between things. You cannot paste images directly. A heeled drive will generally start left, as the clubface gets flipped shut at impact from the impact with the ball. Does this need to be fixed if I can hit the ball solidly from this position? Mishits on the toe or heel lose about 10% of performance, which is also very . But with a chip shot, we want to get closer to the golf ball in our set up stance. If your hands and arms extend a few inches out at impact the clubface will also move out a few inches. 52* 588RTX CB, 58* Vokey. I figured there had to be some mechanical reason it worked or it is related to a fault in either the swing or setup. Titleist SM9 Wedges 50*, 54*, 58* w/Project X LZ 6.0 Fairways:Honma TW747 15* /18* Practice to allow yourself to swing through and only catch the ball and avoid both tees. At my last check he was a +3. Once you realize how the arms, hands and club feel in the extreme opposite position you might curb misses on the hosel. It may not be sound instruction, but hey, if it works for you, it works. Golf Lessons - Jack McCarthy. The grip should point toward your stomach and the club head should hover about 12 to 18 inches off the ground, about knee height. If the clubface doesnt reach the ball, or sits beyond it, maintain your knee flex, spine angle and arm position and move your feet forward or back until the club is properly positioned. While the ball might end up in play, there is a tremendous loss of distance due to the inefficient swing sequence. PING claims that the weight can change ball flight by 8 yards right or left, and I think that could be larger for many players. I have no idea if this is a horrible method I am incorporating for my swing but it feels great at the minuteI am going to stick with it and see how it goes for a bit. Standing slightly farther back could change impact from the hosel to the center of the club. Pick a driver with 9 - 10 degrees of loft to help build consistency in your shots. I like to try and be more a feel player and forget about mechanics. This also assures your hands are working together throughout the swing. Kevin I could be wrong I've been wrong before I'll be wrong again poktangju Advanced Members 286 Feedback 21 0 0 Total Rating 100% Posted October 1, 2008 He suggests a strong grip for these players as well because of that. Ball position for your irons will start as you position yourself to create a straight line between where your heels meet and the golf ball. If it's a 10 degree driver, it will always be 10 degrees, no matter how you twist it. Odyssey's studies indicate improvements in the consistency of backswing time, face-angle at impact, ball speed, and ball direction. If you want to fix a heel hit the correct path should allow the club to travel from the inside. When the body moves closer that can also push the arms, hands and club closer to the golf ball. Standing too close to the ball can lead to a shank. Inside your feet themselves, the bulk of the weight will be found mostly in the middle of your feet. Simply finishing your swing will often produce more solid golf shots. APPLY NOW: Cleveland Frontline Elite Putters! Callaway have already made their mark on 2023 with the superb Paradym range of clubs, their three drivers that have seriously impressed our reviews team.. The incorrect sequence causes contact on the heel when the club head swings across the ball from outside the target line. :fool: A friend of mine does this with all his shots. All Rights Reserved. Sam Snead commonly said imagine placing a bird in your hand and grip the club with the same tension level as holding the bird in place. Practice Sessions. Physical limitations such as the inability to perform a full deep squat or full hip bend can cause a player to early extend during the downswing. Begin by taking a set up and making a practice swing. When I back away from the ball, it gives me the feeling I have room to swing the club through on the downswing. To learn more about this, watch the video above. Mike Adams has said before that when a player possesses fast hips they tend to address it on the heel because the hands follow the hips and are left at impact, so the club can position slightly inside its address placement. Basically it "cues" our subconscious that we can't move/thrust our hips toward the balland/or "spin out"and make decent contact. Setup at a posed impact position with the club striking the ball with your hands ahead and hitting the ball first. I have played basedball and tennis my whole life. You'll get more power in the downswing with the left heel up at the top (right) than you will with it down (left) A golfer can have a great looking backswing but . Addressing the ball with the toe of the club By highboy, October 2, 2006 in Instruction & Academy Share Followers 0 Reply to this topic Start new topic highboy The only way to redirect the club back on plane is to come over the top, thus causing a shank or heel impact.". Stand up straight with the knees just slightly bent. Poor contact is often the result of gripping the club too tightly so the muscles fail to work properly throughout the swing. This will facilitate getting back to this ideal position at impact and should lead to a successful trapping of the ball. Re-apply the marker on the club face after a few strikes. If you tend to hit shots off the heel of the clubface - the portion closest to the shaft - the solution likely lies in your address position. Setting up with the ball off the hosel, hands ahead, open clubface at address. HOLY COW! Accelerate through impact. I do with my fairway woods/hybrid sometime. Shanks and heel hits sometimes occur when the arms and hands extend out and closer to the ball through impact. I fight the same thing from time to time. Instruction & Academy Addressing the ball with the toe of the club The Modern Classics: Testing Ping's G400 LST from 2017 NOW AVAILABLE: GolfWRX G/Fore Hats and Holderness & Bourne Polos! There are very few drills that provide instant feedback while versatile enough to practice anywhere, including the comfort of your own home. Some players, including pros, fix heel contact simply by addressing the ball slightly toward the clubs toe. This means that both thumbs will be placed on top of the grip of the club. Thanks for the video. 1. My miss on the club-face is a toe strike. The spine itself should be pretty much in a straight line. The ball will veer off uncontrollably sideways head on to where the golfer is standing at address as opposed to going down the fairway. If they miss, it will be towards the heel of the club, which produces a stronger shot than a miss towards the toe of the club. 2023 The Honda Classic - Discussion and Links to photos, 2023 Genesis Invitational - Discussion and Links to photos, 2023 Waste Management Phoenix Open - Discussion and Links to Photos, 2023 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am - Discussion and Links to all photos, 2023 Farmers Insurance Open - Discussion and Links to all photos, Ping i230 w/ BB&F, Ping Glide 4.0 w BB&F, Titleist 2021 T100S, BNIP Titleist TSR2 Driver, Ping G400 Max Driver. Accessibility is an ongoing effort for 3balls. 5 Testers Needed! I think you helped me figure out one of my swing issues. In terms of performance, the Dynapower is better for all swing speeds, whereas the Aerojet is made for higher swing-speed golfers. Totally frustrated I thought about addressing the ball off the toe to temporarily cure the problem before realising this would no doubt make the problem even worse. A shank is a sharp low curve that goes almost 90 degrees off the hosel or heel of the club. Bend over from the hips not the waist -- and let the club fall into place behind the ball. The line formed by the clubface should be perpendicular to the target line for normal, straight shots. I figured there had to be some mechanical reason it worked or it is related to a fault in either the swing or setup. In extreme situations, it can be compared to the motion of chopping wood with an axe. Eliminate Heel Hits with Flatter Swing Plane. The forward body movement can easily push your arms, hands and club a few inches closer to the ball and result in a heel hit with the driver.