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Ungraded & graded values for all '92 Panini Donruss Triple Play Baseball Cards. 1992 Donruss Jim Thome Rated Rookie (#406) Jim Thome is a rare bird a big bopper from the steroid era who remains untarnished by PED rumors and who still managed to top the 600-home run plateau.
Playing Cards All-Stars #5C Robin Ventura, 1992 Ultra Award Winners #15 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck Dennys Holograms #8 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck Fan Fest #6 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck FanFest Gold #6 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck Ted Williams Best #T20 Robin Ventura, 1993 Donruss Diamond Kings #10 Robin Ventura, 1993 Donruss Triple Play #179 Robin Ventura, 1993 Fleer Fruit of the Loom #63 Robin Ventura, 1993 Kenner Starting Lineup #NNO Robin Ventura, 1993 Baseball Card Magazine #35 Robin Ventura, 1993 Humpty Dumpty Canadian #7 Robin Ventura, 1993 Pinnacle Home Run Club #24 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club Dome #111 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club First Day Issue #387 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #295 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club Murphy #111 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club ToysRUs #58 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club White Sox #13 Robin Ventura, 1993 Topps Inaugural Rockies #770 Robin Ventura, 1993 Ultra Award Winners #14 Robin Ventura, 1993 Upper Deck Dennys Grand Slam Holo #27 Robin Ventura, 1993 Upper Deck Fun Packs #203 Robin Ventura, 1993 Upper Deck Gold Hologram #263 Robin Ventura, 1994 Bowman Bowmans Best Red #30R Robin Ventura, 1994 Bowman Bowmans Best Red Refractors #30R Robin Ventura, 1994 Donruss Special Edition #23 Robin Ventura, 1994 Donruss Triple Play #270 Robin Ventura, 1994 Finest Refractors #202 Robin Ventura, 1994 Kenner Starting Lineup #55 Robin Ventura, 1994 King-B Discs Square #21 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Artists Proofs #29 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Churchs Hometown Stars #17 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Churchs Hometown Stars Gold #17 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Museum Collection #29 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Power Surge #PS9 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Sportflics #66 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club First Day Issue #315 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Golden Rainbow #315 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #315 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Team #126 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Team First Day Issue #126 Robin Ventura, 1994 Ultra Award Winners #4 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #282 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Gold Signature #282 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Silver Signature #282 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #263 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Fun Packs #163 Robin Ventura, 1995 Donruss Press Proofs #378 Robin Ventura, 1995 Donruss Top of the Order #55 Robin Ventura, 1995 Finest Refractors #173 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Artists Proofs #257 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Museum Collection #257 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Select Certified #52 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Sportflix Artists Proofs #6 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Sportflix UC3 #53 Robin Ventura, 1995 Score Hall of Gold #32 Robin Ventura, 1995 Score Summit Nth DeGree #24 Robin Ventura, 1995 SP Championship Die Cuts #138 Robin Ventura, 1995 SP Superbafoil (Silver) #138 Robin Ventura, 1995 Stadium Club Virtual Reality #193 Robin Ventura, 1995 Studio Gold Series #38 Robin Ventura, 1995 Team Issue Chicago White Sox Kodak #NNO Robin Ventura, 1995 Topps Embossed Golden Idols #123 Robin Ventura, 1995 Ultra Gold Medallion #277 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #505 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Gold Signature #505 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice SE #237 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice SE Silver Signature #237 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Silver Signature #505 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #201 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Special Edition #154 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Special Edition Gold #154 Robin Ventura, 1996 Bowman Best Refractors #55 Robin Ventura, 1996 Donruss Press Proofs #535 Robin Ventura, 1996 Finest Refractors #280 Robin Ventura, 1996 Flair Gold Lettering #61 Robin Ventura, 1996 Flair Silver Lettering #61 Robin Ventura, 1996 Fleer Silver Foil Variation #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Bronze Press Proofs #172 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Gold Press Proofs #172 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Preferred Steel #23 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Preferred Steel Gold #23 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Silver Press Proofs #172 Robin Ventura, 1996 Metal Universe Platinum #41 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pacific Prisms Gold #P92 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Aficionado #100 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle First Rate #11 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Select Certified #46 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Select Certified Artists Proofs #46 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Select Certified Red #46 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Sportflix #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Sportflix Artists Proofs #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Starburst #59 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Starburst Artists Proofs #59 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Summit Above and Beyond #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Summit Foil #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Score Dugout Collection Artists Proofs #B51 Robin Ventura, 1996 Score Dugout Collection Set B #B51 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Bronze #NNO Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Silver #321 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #193 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Silver #193 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Silver #321 Robin Ventura, 1996 Studio Bronze Press Proofs #40 Robin Ventura, 1996 Topps Road Warriors #19 Robin Ventura, 1996 Topps Team Topps #W310 Robin Ventura, 1996 Ultra Gold Medallion #339 Robin Ventura, 1996 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #505 Robin Ventura, 1996 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Silver Signature #505 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman Best Atomic Refractors #77 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman Chrome International #5 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman Chrome Refractors #5 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman International #7 Robin Ventura, 1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #22 Robin Ventura, 1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #22 Robin Ventura, 1997 Finest Refractors #120 Robin Ventura, 1997 Finest Refractors #248 Robin Ventura, 1997 Flair Showcase Row 0 Showcase #68 Robin Ventura, 1997 Flair Showcase Row 1 Grace #68 Robin Ventura, 1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 Style #68 Robin Ventura, 1997 Fleer Sports Illustrated #150 Robin Ventura, 1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix #33 Robin Ventura, 1997 Pacific Light Blue #65 Robin Ventura, 1997 Pacific Prisms Light Blue #23 Robin Ventura, 1997 Pacific Prisms Platinum #23 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score Heart of the Order #6 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score Premium Stock #180 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score Showcase Series #180 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score White Sox Premier #8 Robin Ventura, 1997 Stadium Club Matrix #43 Robin Ventura, 1997 Studio Silver Press Proofs #14 Robin Ventura, 1997 Topps Gallery Photo Gallery #15 Robin Ventura, 1997 Topps Stars Always Mint #56 Robin Ventura, 1997 Ultra Gold Medallion #313 Robin Ventura, 1997 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #70 Robin Ventura, 1997 Upper Deck Collectors Choice All-Star Connection #12 Robin Ventura, 1997 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Teams Chicago White Sox #CW1 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Best Refractors #76 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome International #14 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome Refractors #14 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome Reprints #9 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome Reprints Refractors #9 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman International #14 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Donruss #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Donruss Prized #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Leaf #267 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Leaf Prized #267 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Preferred #632 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Preferred Seating #82 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Signature Autos #88 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Finest No-Protectors #192 Robin Ventura, 1998 Finest Refractors #192 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 Grace #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Row 1 Grace #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Row 2 Style #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 Flair #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Circa Thunder #23 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated #122 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated Then And Now #137 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated World Series Fever #123 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Materials #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Die Cuts #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Rookies & Stars #83 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Rookies & Stars True Blue #83 Robin Ventura, 1998 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems #37 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Crown Royale #37 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Invincible #21 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Online (Silver Lettering) #183 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Online Red #183 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Online Web Cards (Gold Lettering) #183 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Paramount Copper #33 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Paramount Red #33 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Platinum Blue #65 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Revolution #38 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition #93 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition #93 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Performers #104 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Performers Peak Performers #104 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Rookie Traded #RT86 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series #RTPP63 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series Artists Proofs #RTPP63 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Showcase Series Artists Proofs #PP45 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Showcase Series PP #PP45 Robin Ventura, 1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess #60 Robin Ventura, 1998 SkyBox E-X2001 Essential Credentials Now #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 SPx Finite Radiance #73 Robin Ventura, 1998 SPx Finite Spectrum #73 Robin Ventura, 1998 Stadium Club Triumvirate Luminous #T4B Robin Ventura, 1998 Studio Gold Press Proofs #77 Robin Ventura, 1998 Studio Silver Press Proofs #77 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue #75 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue Auction #75 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Black #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Inaugural Devil Rays #303 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Inaugural Diamondbacks #303 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Minted in Cooperstown #303 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Opening Day #130 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Stars Bronze #70 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Stars Silver #70 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Tek Pattern 88 #33 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview #32 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview Retail #32 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck Collectors Choice (Diamond Hologram) #65 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck Collectors Choice (Home Plate Hologram) #65 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck Retro Groovy Kind of Glove #5 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman Chrome Gold #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman Chrome International #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman Chrome Refractors #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman International #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Finest Gold Refractors #176 Robin Ventura, 1999 Finest Refractors #176 Robin Ventura, 1999 Flair Showcase Row 1 #56 Robin Ventura, 1999 Flair Showcase Row 2 #56 Robin Ventura, 1999 Flair Showcase Row 3 #56 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Brilliants Blue #104 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Mystique Gold #20 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated #142 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Millennium #186 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Millennium #620 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Update #U150 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Warning Track #186 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Crown Collection #71 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Crown Royale #94 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Crown Royale Opening Day #94 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Invincible #98 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount Copper #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount Gold #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount Red #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold #36 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Revolution #92 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Revolution Red #92 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox E-X Century #86 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox Molten Metal #83 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox Molten Metal Xplosion #83 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox Thunder Rant #204 Robin Ventura, 1999 Topps Chrome Refractors #314 Robin Ventura, 1999 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue #93 Robin Ventura, 1999 Ultra Gold Medallion #54 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck Encore FX Gold #57 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #37 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX AuSOME #37 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script #134 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory #70 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck Victory #255 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Chrome Refractors #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Retro/Future #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Fleer Focus Masterpiece Mania #77 Robin Ventura, 2000 Fleer Impact Mighty Fine in '99 #34 Robin Ventura, 2000 Fleer Tradition Glossy #344 Robin Ventura, 2000 MLB Showdown 1st Edition #292 Robin Ventura, 2000 MLB Showdown Diamond Star Promos #18 Robin Ventura, 2000 MLB Showdown Unlimited #292 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Crown Collection #184 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Invincible #97 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Paramount #155 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Paramount Copper #155 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Paramount Season in Review #17 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Prism Drops Silver #96 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold #96 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Private Stock #96 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Revolution #94 Robin Ventura, 2000 SkyBox Star Rubies #26 Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club 3x3 Illuminator #5C Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club 3x3 Luminescent #5C Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club 3x3 Luminous #5C Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club Chrome #60 Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club Chrome First Day Issue #60 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Chrome Refractors #144 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Subway Series #7 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Subway Series #89 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Subway Series FanFare Tokens #SSR4 Robin Ventura, 2000 Ultra Gold Medallion #38 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Black Diamond #53 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Black Diamond Reciprocal Cut #53 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Gold Reserve #215 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Hitters Club #30 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #50 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ionix Reciprocal #34 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Legends #46 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck MVP Gold Script #122 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script #122 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ovation #35 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ovation Curtain Calls #16 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects #75 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Subway Series #NY22 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory #73 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Victory #184 Robin Ventura, 2001 Donruss Baseballs Best Silver #144 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Authority Prominence #38 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Autographics #99 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer E-X Essential Credentials #66 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Futures Black Gold #53 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Premium Star Ruby #136 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Triple Crown #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Triple Crown Red #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Leaf Certified Materials #107 Robin Ventura, 2001 MLB Showdown 1st Edition #287 Robin Ventura, 2001 MLB Showdown Unlimited #287 Robin Ventura, 2001 Pacific Private Stock #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Pacific Private Stock Silver #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia #144 Robin Ventura, 2001 SP Game Bat Edition #75 Robin Ventura, 2001 SP Game Bat Edition Piece of the Game #RV Robin Ventura, 2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors #5 Robin Ventura, 2001 Topps Home Team Advantage #5 Robin Ventura, 2001 Ultra Gold Medallion #115 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Series 1 #220 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Evolution #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove #74 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Legends #77 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Reserve #147 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Victory #455 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Vintage #285 Robin Ventura, 2002 Bowman Heritage Chrome Refractors #94BHC Robin Ventura, 2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club #14 Robin Ventura, 2002 Donruss Fan Club Die Cuts #14 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Glossy #126 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U143 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U304 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update Glossy #U143 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update New York's Finest #14 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Triple Crown #133 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Press Proofs Blue #87 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Press Proofs Red #87 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Rookies & Stars #65 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Rookies & Stars Sample Silver #65 Robin Ventura, 2002 MLB Showdown All-Star Game #23 Robin Ventura, 2002 MLB Showdown Pennant Run #123 Robin Ventura, 2002 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Tools #34 Robin Ventura, 2002 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Tools Materials #34 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Piedmont Black #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Piedmont Red #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Polar Bear #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Series 2 #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #65 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Chrome Traded #T25 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors #T25 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Ten Die Cuts #190 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Ten Relics #TTR-RV Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Traded Gold #T25 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Traded Tools of the Trade Relics #RV Robin Ventura, 2002 Ultra Glove Works #9GW Robin Ventura, 2002 Ultra Gold Medallion #114 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Series 2 #627 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #268 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #436 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #478 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Forty Man #433 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Forty Man Electric #433 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck MVP Silver #133 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Victory #230 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold #230 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Vintage #222 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck World Series Heroes #52 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings Bronze Foil #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings Samples #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings Silver Foil #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Team Heroes #339 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Team Heroes Glossy #339 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Authentix Update (126-175) #127 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Box Score Bronx Bombers Game Jersey #RV Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Double Header #138 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Double Header Flip Card Game Used #28 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Platinum Finish #162 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Tradition Basic Game-Used Gold Parallel #24BGU Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Tradition Glossy #269 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Tradition Update #90 Robin Ventura, 2003 Leaf Press Proofs Red #76 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Bazooka Minis #89 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Bazooka Silver #89 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors Series 2 #287 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Refractors Series 2 #287 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Series 2 #287 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Traded #T115 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors #T115 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Series 2 Black #456 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Series 2 Gold #456 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Total Silver #844 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Traded Gold Bordered #T115 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #337 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #786 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Finite Gold #64 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck First Pitch #132 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Game Face #73 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Mid-Summer Stars Swatches #RV Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck MVP Black #142 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck MVP Silver #142 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck New York Yankees McDonalds #19 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Sweet Spot #80 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Vintage #214 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Vintage Dropping the Hammer #RV Robin Ventura, 2004 Donruss Stat Line Career #159 Robin Ventura, 2004 Playoff Absolute Mem.