It easily safeguards the traditions of a country. The powers of the president is to maintain the constitution and to apply all the laws made by the parliament for the time being in force. The word democracy is derived from two Greek words, demos and kratia. The former means people while the latter means government or rule. Classification of constitution Written and unwritten constitution Rigid and flexible constitution 1. A Constitution refers to a system of laws and principles that act as a basis for governance in a country. This is why it is called a flexible constitution. Types of Constitution: 1. Today, we will be looking at those different types of constitution. For federal governments, a written constitution provides for the separation of central and federal power. The states name is derived from the Cross River that runs through it. In most cases, the head of state is known as the president. The powers of different form of government are often describe in the constitutional order of the organization. The federal constitution does not tolerate infringement. Government Constitutions Types of Constitution. Here are the main ups and downs of a flexible constitution. Trust me; this is the major advantage of a written constitution. This central body does not share its power but can delegate it to subordinate bodies such as local and regional governments. There are two types of monarchical constitution, are as follows:-. The monarchical constitution is actually a monarchy where the king succeed to his child or other heir from generations to generation or from one ruling house to another. The procedure for amending a rigid constitution is different from the procedure for enacting and amending the ordinary ordinary laws of the land. Constitution to the particular governmental action under review. The system allows economic, social, and political experimentation since power is shared across different states. This is especially true when people elect suitable leaders who represent their interests. Lachesis: Every codified constitution has uncodified elements. The laws are accommodative to cultural and economic differences across different states. This is one of the major advantages of a flexible constitution you should know. The procedure for Amending the constitution is usually cumbersome, expensive and time consuming whereas, a flexible constitution can be easily amended. 2. This results from a phenomenon known as race-to-the-bottom in which states compete to attract investments by lowering taxes. The United Kingdom can modify its constitutional law by statute (or even in important areas by conventions between the supreme institutional powers of the state: the crown, Parliament, and the cabinet). I enjoin you to read this till the end if you really want to understand the types of a constitution. All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. Like common law and customary law, an unwritten constitution grows from many years of practical experience and from the political way of the people. In one sense this is true: in the United States there is a formal document called the Constitution, whereas there is no such document in the United Kingdom. Some clauses in such documents depend on the judicial interpretation that, at times, might not be ideal. Federalism in India. The future head of state is usually well prepared since they are prepared from birth. Top primary values and principles of constitutional democracy. But It is not a single document, but it contain various sources, such as statutes, convection, and judicial decisions. 41 regulatory bodies in Nigeria and their functions. The development of the material constitution is decisive in determining the retention or demiseas well as the actual meaning and scope in applicationof the principles and rules of the written constitution, whether the latter is rigid or flexible. There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:- Written and Unwritten Constitution Flexible and Rigid Constitution Unitary and Federal Constitution Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution Republic and Monarchical Constitution Written and Unwritten Constitution A constitution is considered nominal if it is largely or in substantial parts disregarded and does not provide insight into the real functioning of the political system. A written constitution is usually rigid in nature because of its cumbersome mode of amendment. This type of constitution is partially written and partly oral. However, the procedure for amending a rigid constitution may include a two third majority vote of members of the central government legislature, as well as a two-third majority vote in two-third of the state legislatures in such country, and sometimes ratification by the people in a referendum and so forth. Meanwhile, I would love to hear your contributions to this article. Nevertheless, the provisions of the Swiss constitution have been changed repeatedly on many important points. Second nature is that it can be seen as a legal, social and political contract between government as a organization. ADVERTISEMENTS: It will be nice to hear from you! A rigid constitution always lead to an ideal and desirable change or amendment by the government. TYPES OF CONSTITUTION CONTENT Written, Unwritten, Rigid, Flexible, Unitary, Federal and Confederal Constitution with Merits and Demerits of Each Type A written constitution: This refers to a constitution that is written down. Difference between written and unwritten constitution 2. This could end up being done to satisfy the needs of those in power, completely disregarding the minorities. Rule Of Law 8. It is premised on stability and performance. Great Britain is the solitary example of such a type of. If our SA president can spread conspiracies and provoke other nations on Twitter,which section of the constitution would he had violated? Human cloning pros and cons: Ethics vs. scientific progress. Your email address will not be published. Normative constitutions predominate in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the countries of western Europe, while nominal constitutions are common in countries ruled by a one-person or a one-party dictatorship or by a military junta. He may be the king, president, chief, the emblem of the state and the Father or mother of the nation. Written constitutions are said to be normative when all their binding principles are observed, more or less, in the actual operations of the political system. Like common law and customary law, an unwritten constitution grows from many years of practical experience and through human political approach. recently explore the 18 local governments in Nigerias Cross River State. On the other hand, a parliamentary constitution is a type of constitution where all the executive powers of the government are vested in a Prime Minister, who is the head of government and the head of the majority party, but is not the head of state. In the second instance, the constitution is seen as a legal, social and a political contract between the people and the government or those holding public offices. Kinds Rigid or inelastic Flexible or elastic. It must also be a government formed and installed by the people. You might want to see the problems of democracy here. Kindly take note of this. [1] [2] Nigeria has had many constitutions. Federations tend to be more democratic since leaders are answerable at multiple levels, not only the top government. Nevertheless, a rigid constitution does not by itself guarantee the stability and continuity of a countrys constitutional law. It is unsuitable for a country premised on a federal system. Unlike the unitary system, the countrys power is shared among local, state, and federal bodies. This contract as laid down in the form of a fully written, or partly written form usually provides that; the people must not be ruled by a government, except with the consent of the people. Register or login to make commenting easier. The laws contained in it can be amended as simply as one would amend a statute, with a simple majority vote in parliament. A rigid constitution constitution where every arm of government is functioning maximally with checks and balances and not at the pleasure of executive, does not encourage the emergence of a dictator, because an individual, or cabal with dictatorial propensity cannot easily hoodwinked the legislature which represents the people. Democracy, therefore, loosely translates to the peoples rule. Unlike a rigid constitution that must require two-third majority of the parliament to amend the constitution, a flexible constitution may only require a simple majority. Conversely, a federal constitution is one that provides for separate structures of government at the national, state and local councils, with each tier having its own constitutional assigned powers and duties. Monarchs can easily impose their personal beliefs and preferences on the people. very frequent. It fails to keep pace with the changed social, economic and political conditions of the country. The procedure for amending a flexible constitution is not cumbersome, long expensive, time or energy consuming. Rigid Constitution A rigid constitution may be defined as that constitution which cannot be amended or changed so easily because of its special stringent and cumbersome procedures of amendment. The burden of work can become quite heavy for those in government. The states capital, Calabar, sits on a hill near the Calabar River and is renowned for its colonial-era British architecture. This will go a long way to help you understand the differences as we continue. 2. It does not exist in one document but can be found in judicial decisions, conventions, and statutes. Resembling somewhat the latter class are those denominated by judge Jameson as ideal constitutions or those framed in the closets according to abstract ideas of moral . Subscribe my Channel: . It also serves as an important port city to both the Cross River State and Nigeria at large. A rigid constitution is a constitution which has a cumbersome or long amendment procedure. (Of course, there exists the further possibility of change, in both cases, through the extreme means of a popular revolution or a military coup dtat.) Written constitution is not flexible in nature because of its complex amendment system. process. It encompasses a nations entire rules and ideals, a factor that might be less than ideal for some ages. The executive. Constitutional Law-I. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. It is very definite, removing any drawbacks that uncertainties can bring about. There are different types of constitutions under the monarchical setup. A republican constitution provides for the position of a head of state, typically elected by the people for a fixed term in office. This kind of constitution can amend like any other law, by a simple vote of the members of parliament. The United Kingdom's constitution is flexible, because any of its . Evolved and enacted constitutions. by Arvind Kumar, Preserve Articles. Merely organizational constitutionsdocuments containing no guarantees of rights or prescriptions of goalsare now rare. Each division has its constitutional powers and functions. Your email address will not be published. Royal families in monarchs lead very expensive lifestyles that could burden the citizens. Thus, the commerce and due process clauses of the U.S. Constitution do not have the same legal implications today as they did in the 19th century. At the same time, uncodified constitution type is based on customs and traditions. In a federal system, a person can compare political, social, and economic systems in different states and relocate to one they find more suitable. Democracies often have high levels of corruption since they are primarily based on electoral competition. Also he holds limited powers. In addition to parliamentary majority, some . Organizing and providing relevant educational content, resources and information for students. A Rigid constitution, is a type of constitution, which takes long processes of amendment. It does not allay the fear of ethnic domination of the minority by the majority people or religion in a multi-ethnic country. A flexible constitution by its nature does not protect the interest of minority, disadvantaged or despised people. As with other different aspects that define nations, there are various types of constitutions in different parts of the world. The British constitution includes, for example, the Bill of Rights (1689), the Act of Settlement (1701), the Parliament Act of 1911, the successive Representation of the People Acts (which extended suffrage), the statutes dealing with the structure of the courts, and various local government acts. This point has already been explained in the advantages and disadvantages stated above. Supremacy of Constitution: The central and state governments must obey the constitution. But the government could fail to take decisions if the country concerned has a rigid constitution. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Uncodified and codified are they among types of constitution, Pls provide case laws and authorities backing this types of constitution. However, most times a flexible constitution is written and it is usually in the form of a unitary constitution. She would tell us the the advantages, disagreement, criticism and even problems of every type of constitution. A written constitution is one in which the fundamental principles concerning state administration are embodied and which has, as a specific document, been passed by a specific body So a . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. To a certain extent interpretation inevitably involves adaptation of the letter of the law to societal changes. 4 It prevents the autocratic exercise of powers by the government 5 It is ideal for a federation. ALSO READ: Richest pastors in the world currently: Top 10. This process results in unnecessary delays that do not exist in other forms of constitutions, such as monarchs. Since a flexible constitution is very easy to amend, the constitution actually allows quick action to be taken in the interest of the nation in time of emergency. The constitution though Supreme, is usually flexible and not rigid, as the government has power to amend it as maybe necessary. A rigid constitution is usually a written constitution, spelling out the powers and duties of the arms of government and the rights and duties of the constituent parts of the country and the individuals. Each sphere of government exercises its constitutionally assign powers and functions. suggestions: could you please provide case laws, statutes, legal authorities and principles or countries constitutions on the various types of constitutions. 114-142 by Prof. G. W. Kanyeihamba ([emailprotected]). In a flexible constitution there is no distinction between ordinary law and constitutional law. That's why it is very difficult to amend US constitution. The system is not very stable since the prime minister does not have a fixed term. A presidential constitution is a type of constitution where all executive powers are vested in a president who is the head of state and head of government. Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy 7. Such procedures often involve a two-thirds vote in parliament, popular vote by the people or ratification through a referendum. There is better coordination between the legislature and the executive. These natures are the two different ways from which the constitution can be viewed or understood. On the other hand, in rigid constitutions, people can easily feel that the current laws do not address their needs and turn to revolutions to get their way. This type of constitution may be amended just like any statute, with a simple majority of vote of the members of the parliament. It is the. It is expensive, time and energy consuming for various legislature to amend the provision in question, or ratify the amendment and conduct a referendum for the people to affirm or approve the amendment under consideration. CONSTITUTION Article 8 Sovereignty of the people 1. A. V. Dicey defines a rigid constitution as one under which certain laws, called constitutional laws or fundamental laws "cannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws." A country operating a unitary system of government usually adopts a unitary constitution. The people can experience slow government response on matters such as defence and emergencies. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a democratic constitution. This means that the powers and limitations of government, as well as the rights and duties of citizens, are set in stone and cannot easily be altered. It is quite difficult to amend, making it too rigid. An unwritten constitution is not contained in a single document and can exist partly in word and partly in writing. On the other hand, a rigid constitution is a type of constitution, which has a cumbersome or long amendment procedures. There are different types of constitutions under the monarchical setup. How many types of constitutions are there? This first set of constitutions was passed in the following years: 1914, 1922, 1946, 1951 and 1954. A Constitution that has been systematically and meticulously written down and embodied in a single document is known as a Written Constitution. The British Constitution is an excellent example of an unwritten constitution. On the other hand, a flexible government is more suitable for a unitary system of government with a homogeneous population. Written and Unwritten constitutionA written constitution is one in which the fundamental principles concerning state administration are embodied and which has, as a specific document, been passed by a specific body So a written constitution can be produced and shown as a . In Switzerland, for example, amendments to the federal constitution of 1874 are proposed by the legislature or by a petition of 100,000 citizens and require for their approval a majority vote in a national referendum and ratification by a majority of voters in each of a majority of the cantons. It allows for extremely quick decision making. That is, constitutional procedures are not legal rules, but is accept by binding the British people. On the other hand, a written constitution is a type of constitution that is contained in a single document and can be easily procured and consulted on any issue covered by it. Written Constitution: . The president may exercise the executive powers of government either directly by himself or through the vice president, minister or other officers in the public service of the country. It does not share power with other organs in the country, but transfers power to provincial, local and other sub-government. It can be amended with the same ease in which statutes and ordinary laws are. It is free from the perils of temporary popular passion. The downside is that popular passion is influenced by emotion, not reason. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a written constitution. Rigid and flexible constitutions. KINDS OF CONSTITUTION Rigid or Inelastic Constitution One regarded as a document of "special sanctity" which cannot be modified in the same manner as other laws except by some special machinery, more burdensome than the ordinary legislative process. To date, none seems overly superior to the other, as proven by the existence of the different types in various countries worldwide. , chief, the countrys power is shared across different states, types of rigid constitution! In judicial decisions powers of different form of a countrys constitutional law head. But can delegate it to subordinate bodies such as statutes, convection, federal! 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