What is brown and hairy and wears sunglasses?A coconut on vacation! Why are peppers the best at archery?Because they habanero! Why did the snake cross the road? What has ears but cannot hear? Why dont pirates shower before they walk the plank? 123 What does the secret agent cow say to the other agent cow before a mission? Spelling. 63. Which vegetable do sailors hate the most?Leeks! Though that to be expected since the only way to make it into the council in their school is by winning a school-wide tournament. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. 79. A blood hound. If you're trying to get a kid to laugh, there are lots of strategies you can use. Find out why NFL cheerleaders do or don't receive Super Bowl rings after a big win. 106 What type of dog loves going to the groomer? Joke 130 When dinosaurs keep scoring touchdowns, what does its team get? You can try using a clever pun and see if they pick up on the wordplay. Knock, knock.Whos there?Tank.Tank who?Youre welcome! Why cant a leopard hide?Because hes always spotted! 103. One of the most notable phrases Martin Luther King and Barack Obama will always be remembered for is the I have a dream phrase. What monster plays tricks on Halloween? You'll find riddles, puns, knock-knock joke and more. 2. 47. What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with a computer? During LAUNCH time, 30. Why dont elephants chew gum? What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn? Dill with it. 193. Three Blind Mice. Why did the turkey cross the road twice? The letter Y. Sundae school 2. 100+ School Jokes For Kids 1. With a hare dryer. Why couldnt the angle get a loan?Because his parents wouldnt cosine! What kind of shoes do robbers wear? What is a mathematical plant? How do the fish go to school? 97 Whats a rabbits favorite kind of music? What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?A walkie talkie! Why should you not let a bear operate the . Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?Just in case he got a hole in one! If time is money, we're all going to be very rich after this speech. Related: 50 Funny Math Jokes and Math Puns. What do you call a dog magician? Because it has many rings. They love watching the old movies because the movies are black and white! 88. Our Favorite Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids 1. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of every email. What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?Finding half a worm in your apple! What do you call a dinosaur that wears glasses?Tyrannosaurus SpecsWhat do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards?A receding hare-line! Elementary School Jokes 89. How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow?It is either one or the udder! What is a snakes favorite subject? Don't cry, it's just a joke. A pine-apple. Your email address will not be published. Which dinosaur has the best vocabulary?The thesaurus! What did the teacher say when a book fell on their head?I have only my shelf to blame. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). What do you call a fish with no eye?A fsh! 122 What do you call a cow that eats your grass? 198. Snow. (Jokes who?) What gets wetter the more that it dries?A towel! What do you call a cow that won't give milk? "If you're in such a hurry, go on without us." Source: Funny in Thailand Survey "Hurry up or we'll be late!" shouts a teacher to her kindergarten class. None. A Comprehensive Guide, How To Quiet Noisy Lifters And Keep Your Workouts On Track, Exploring The Benefits Of A Virtual Data Room For Corporate M&A Deals. Q: How does the ocean say hello? The Pumpkin Pi, 60. 85. All rights reserved. Because he felt crummy. Because a Bee always follows it. What is the difference between a cat that got photocopied and a cat that follows you? What do you call a sad strawberry?A blueberry! Did you hear about the rancher who had 97 cows in his field?When he rounded them up, he had 100! What do you call two birds in love? Why wouldnt the shrimp share his treasure?Because he was a little shellfish! You have a good point, 28. How does the Easter bunny stay in shape? What is a birds favorite type of math?OWL-gebra! Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby? Many of you will remember the petition I wrote concerning the hygiene issue we faced in the restroom last summer. 22 What are ten things you can always count on? Whether its a chuckle about classrooms, students, supplies, or teachers, these school jokes for kids are just the thing to take in when you need a bit of humor during the day. What did the cat say when it fell down the stairs?Me-ow! 1 March, 2023 08:00 am IST. What do you give a vampire when hes sick? Because it's hard to light them from the bottom. I scream. How do you make a lemon drop? 147. Whats the best dance to do on Thanksgiving? Whats the calculators favorite statement? Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content Child Education, Storytelling, Activities and Learning. 33. Hisssssstory. 68. Whats so difficult about music class? 131. Why did the zombie skip school? 25. Because Life is Too Short to Have Bad Student Government. How does a vampire start a letter? How many chocolate bunnies can you put into an empty Easter basket? What tool do mathematicians use most?Multi-pliers! Also, when presenting the good ideas stored in your head, ensure that the speech is kept short. What did the buffalo say when his little boy left for school?Bison! What did the sink say to the toilet?Wow, you look really flushed! She lives with her husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found dominating the audio round at her local bar trivia night or tweeting about movies. Knock, knock.Whos there?Spell.Spell who?Okay, W-H-O! 128. If you want the people to vote for you, you should be prepared to make one of the student council speeches that would be used as reference material for a long time to come. Are monsters good at math? Which is the tallest school building? Joke 20 Why did the students eat their homework? I love pencils so much, I fail every automatically graded exam because I can't bring myself to damage the pencil by using it. 137 How did the cow jump over the moon? 14. 106. These (clean) knock-knock jokes, puns, one-liners and gags will get them laughing. How do pirates know that they are pirates? Because the penguins kicked him out of the South Pole. When I raise my hand in class or stand before you to give a speech, Veep Veep! Snow. What has more letters than the alphabet?The post office! 58. 59. Great speech ideas for student council roles include funny anecdotes or plays on words about the actual job title or things commonly associated with it. 21 Did I tell you the joke about the broken pencil? What do you think of that new diner on the moon? They make up everything. MayBecause it has only three letters, 26. 67 Why did the banana go to the Doctor? To the mew-seum. Knock, knock. Do you know any jokes in English? Day-scare centers. ~ Amanda B. A mushroom! Why does Santa work at the North Pole? What does Jeff Bezos do before he goes to sleep?He puts his PJ-Amazon! What kind of music do mummies love? They suspected it of fowl play. Which grades do the pirates get in school? Ghoulie. RELATED: Egg-Cellent Easter Puns Every Bunny Will Love. How do you know that Saturn was married more than once? 76. Why was the clock called to the principals office? What is a monsters favorite dessert? 66. The best jokes for kids are clean, engaging, and maybe a little corny. 160. If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? 65. What fruit do scarecrows love the most? Bugs Bunny. Veep! Where do baby ghosts go during the day? How do you keep a bull from charging?Take away its credit card! To make it quite clear for the students, 54. Who is everyones best friend at school? 177. What falls at the North Pole and never gets hurt? 182. 99. No matter what they think is funny, you'll be able to keep them giggling all day. Two-thirty! The mother of a 10-year-old elementary school student in Forney is calling for his teacher to be arrested and fired for allegedly taping her son to his chair in class.. It goes through a jarring experience. You may get on each ot, Retirement Speech Examples and Ideas That Get It Right, It is customary for a person retiring to give a speech, either at a retirement celebration or at a final meeting in the workplace. If you're trying to get a kid to laugh, there are lots of strategies you can . 64. Where do you find a turkey with no legs? Where did the school kittens go for their field trip? 39 Whats a tornados favorite game to play? The following two tabs change content below. Why are fish so smart? How does a snowman lose weight? 163. Copyright 2021. In queso you still haven't figured it out, I'm the best woman for the job. Lets activate the power of our votes as we turn this vision to reality. I would be grateful for every vote cast for me to become your president. Everyone loves a good laugh, so when the tension is high (test time, anyone?) Writing and giving a funny student council speech takes creative material and good timing in the presentation. Go to the cornerits always 90 degrees. Don't be shy give _______ a try Take what you need and Vote _______ Love your girlfriend & Vote for _______ Why is a geometry lesson so adorable? What do you call a dinosaur with bad vision?A Do-you-think-he-sarus! I won't try to get jalapeo business or get saucy, and I certainly won't burrito around the bush. I have also spent some time an office aid gaining experience in the day to day operations of the school. 61 What kind of flower do you never want to get on Valentines Day? Spell who? His wife, son, and daughter all worked hard, but were happy. Chew!. 173. When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat? To be honest, not much was expected of me in that match till the 85th minute when I rose highest to head home the winner of the match. Did you hear about the the circle that kept going to school?It has 360! Why is the letter A most like a flower? What breed of dog can jump higher than a skyscraper?Any breed of dog. 150. 62. I had enlisted into the team earlier last summer and I was assigned as number 9(a striker). Teens are all about fun and humor, so give your speech a dose of comedy with a funny intro. Hello everyone, my name is Mark Henry. What do you call two witches living together? A milk dud. 143. Dr. Neha Bhave Salankar is a consultant psychiatrist at Bhave Institute of Mental Health based in Nagpur and has around 11 years of experience in the field. In case he got a hole in one. Which school do the surfers go to? Why did the kid throw his clock out the window?Because he wanted to see time fly! Sundae school, 2. What kind of kitten works for the Red Cross? What I bring to the table is hard work, transparency, probity, and team spirit. What does every birthday end with? What do you call two bananas?A pair of slippers! 19 - What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? GHOME work, 81. 39. Never mind Its pointless! Whether it's fun over dinner or for lightening up a long car ride, we could all do with some dad jokes, fun with puns, knock-knock jokes, best kids jokes, or some good old 'What do you call a' jokes. Which tree is the math teachers favorite? What instrument does a skeleton play? When I walk down the hallways at school, I want to feel like I'm in one of those YouTube videos for kids where a grown man drives tiny toy trucks around. What did the cat say when someone stepped on its tail? When does a regular joke become a dad joke?When it becomes apparent! Why was the lesson written on the window? Rather than bore you with a default introduction expected of a great speech, I will begin by sharing with you all a memory that changed my view of high school. 42. What is a rabbits favorite dance? 144. Because your campaign speech is targeted at other high school teens and not parents or teachers, you must be creative and use a funny introduction. The blackboard, 31. Don't get us wrongwe love more adult jokes, but there's a time and place for that sort of entertainment. To stay in shape. 89 What did the buffalo say when his son went to school? A sand-witch. She wanted to see time fly. Obtaining a visa to the US is a great opportunity, and many people want to take advantage of it. Why are chemists good at solving problems? Because she will "let it go, let it go.". 71. What is a tornados favorite game to play? 184. 12. 86. Joke 115 Whats a cats favorite nursery rhyme? Whats worse than finding a worm in your apple? What is an elfs favorite kind of music? Historical funnies Q: What did they drink on the Titanic? Copyright 2021. 61. What runs around a baseball field but never moves?A fence! 'Sharma ji ka beta' syndrome and drone parenting must end. 196. Why do music teachers do well in a baseball game? Never mind 101. A: Sanka! 45. He gotmarooned. Because they go to high school. What do sprinters eat before a race?Nothing. What did the cat say when he fell off the table? A: It waves! The following are examples for funny slogans that you can use. 1. All rights reserved. 23. 48 What do Italian ghosts have for dinner? ~ Jenny D. Joke 85 Whats the best day for monkey business? Teacher: One great thing that we have today but not ten years ago Student: Its me. What do you call a line of rabbits walking backwards? Whats red and smells like blue paint?Red paint! Knock, knock.Whos there?ToodleToodle who?Toodle-loo! The ruler, 20. 43. You might think school rules and student privileges are nacho business, but you'd be wrong. Nikki spent over a decade on school PTA boards and helped create a drama program at her children's elementary school. 153. Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? 116. How does the moon cut his hair?Eclipse it! Joke 60 What does Santa do at football games? Today, to help me get through my stage fright, I'm asking you to imagine me as one of those guys. I digress so where did this idea come from to compile this major list of jokes? 134. These clean jokes are great for children of . Because they have many knights, 15. Dont take me for granite. Joke 110 Why couldnt the pony sing in the choir? What's E.T. 96. Jokes! 81 What do a car and an elephant have in common? Knock, knock.Whos there?Scold.Scold who?Scold outside, let me in! So, pick out some of these funny school jokes for kids and share them with your little ones to lighten up the environment and have a hearty laugh. 93 What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine? -Micah School Campaign Ideas Prom Student Government Campaign Slogans For Student Council Election ideas :D. For school campaigns DIY Student Body President Student Government Vice President Campaign Slogans Catchy Slogans 113. What animal is always at a baseball game? Frosted Flakes. 55. What did the traffic light say to the car?Look away, Im about to change! Why do candles always go on the top of cakes? Because theyre under 18, 69. 148. Classroom ideas, free printables, and great teacher ideas right here. Knock, knock.Whos there?Theodore.Theodore who?Theodore wasnt opened so I knocked! He bought it on sail. What did one plate say to the other plate? Which state is called the land of pencils? Why should you never start a conversation with pi?It'll just go on forever! 137. Who isn't hungry at Thanksgiving? To show he wasn't a chicken. The Bunny Hop. Why did the chicken cross the playground?To get to the other slide! Join me as we begin creating memories that will never be forgotten. Lots of eggs-ercise. Why can't you tell a joke to an egg?It might crack up! Why couldn't the sesame seed climb up the hill?Because it was on a roll! What is fast, loud and crunchy? Learn them and tell your friends. What do you get when Santa becomes a detective? Why are fish considered the smartest? The longest word in the dictionary RUBBER BANDBecause it stretches, 49. 110. Which school does an ice cream man go to? Boards causing more student suicides. 121. If writing a retirement speech isn't really in your wheelhouse, do, 19 Unique & Popular Prom Themes for a Night to Remember. About a buck an ear. Its about the same COW. A ruler. Why is grass so dangerous?Because its full of blades! Because she wanted to go to high school. 183. I am a member of the school soccer team, and I have been part of a team that has helped juniors improve their math skills. You Poke-e-mon (poke him on). Want more jokes for kids? High Cs, 77. Plymouth Rock. 170. GeomeTREE, 29. Knock, knock.Whos there?Annie.Annie who?Annie body home? What did one wall say to the other wall?Ill meet you at the corner! 167. What do you call a fly without wings?A walk! Find an online babysitting certification course to learn valuable skills and jumpstart your babysitting career. Heard any good yolks lately? When running for the highest office in your school or class, you must do all to make it stand out. What should you wear to Thanksgiving dinner? Regardless of whether you use one of the samples we provided here or create your own, a personal touch is required for success. A room that a student can never enter A mushROOM, 44. How does the moon cut his hair? Who's there? Sure, if youre a mouse. Its not right. The Boarding school, 43. ~ Kathy S. 146 What do you call a fish with no eye? 158 What did the Lego pirate say when he lost his leg? W. H. O. 88. 20 Word Games For Kids To Improve Their Vocabulary, 20 Easy Math Tricks For Kids To Improve Analytical Skills, 110+ Trivia Questions For Middle School (With Answers), 28 Best Educational Games And Activities For 10-Year-Olds, 15 Fun Activities To Teach Problem Solving To Kids, Top 20 Pattern Coloring Pages For Your Toddler, 35 Fun And Interesting Activities For Kids, 13 Easy And Creative Ideas Of Canvas Painting For Kids, Top 10 Learning School Activities For Kids, Top 10 Eid Activities For Kids Of All Ages, 10 Fun Things To Do At Night With Your Teens, Top 25 Star Wars Coloring Sheets Your Toddler Will Love To Do, 12 Best Classical Music For Babies And Why It Is Good For Them, 25 Gorgeous Paper Flowers For Kids (Craft Ideas), 27 Super Fun Activities And Games For 12-Year-Olds, 10 Simple Paper Cutting Art And Craft Ideas For Kids, Top 15 New Year's Eve Games And Activities For Kids, 21 Fun Educational Games And Activities For Kids, 15 Best iPad And Android Painting And Drawing Apps For Kids, 19 Amazing Music Games And Activities For Kids. 133. 28 What is a mathematicians favorite day of the week? Where does a snowman keep his money? Kids can happily spend hours improvising their own jokes and experimenting to test what their friends and family find funny. Because they have nine lives. 40. 38. Well, then your quest ends here. I created google slides with my jokes and Bitmoji characters in various funny positions. 88 Why cant a cheetah play hide and seek? You could also spice things up by putting a lyric in the background. The turkeyhes already stuffed. What do you call a reindeer with bad manners? Because they are a pain in the neck. And what's more, I'll only eat the cereal letters I can use to make a word. What did one colored egg say to the other? 28. Whats a piece of breads least favorite chore?Doing a loaf of laundry. "Where is Pop Corn?". 133 How does the solar system throw a party? Do you like telling jokes in your language? Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? Why did the little girl hit her birthday cake with a hammer? Doctors Day: Why did the gingerbread man go to the doctors? He was feeling crummy. 1. Using sarcasm and jokes only people who attend your high school will get is a great way of connecting with them. Rima Kaur. What did one volcano say to the other? Why does nobody talk to circles? By school buzz, 13. They say once ye lose yer first hand,ye get hooked. 82. What goes up but never comes down? Why are ghosts bad liars?Because you can see right through them! Which is the smartest fly? Why cant a rabbits nose be 12 inches long? The kid shrugs. Why does it take pirates a long time to learn the alphabet?Because they can spend years at C! What room does a ghost not need? When the Pilgrims landed, where did they stand? What does a spider do on the Internet? Bananas cant talk. AtEducation to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. 126 What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep? Where is pop corn? Twister. 39. She was a little horse. A superhero in a computer class. Because its never right. What kind of tree fits in your hand? Why is it hard to understand volunteers?Because they make no cents! Joke 40 What does the cloud put on before the storm? The same place you lost her. One day walking home from school, the kids found a runaway honey nut Cheerio pup, and decided to keep him. The regular striker was out injured and I was called upon to deputize. 114 There are ten cats standing on a boat. But no matter what avenue you choose, you have to have a good arsenal of setups, punchlines and one-liners at the ready and different ones for different ages. Invent a catchphrase that captures the spirit of your speech to keep the student body talking about it all the way to the polls. What do you get from a pampered cow? How do you get an astronauts baby to stop crying?You rocket! These Election Day Jokes for Kids are perfect for election day, and the run-up to an election. 158. The good news is that these quips for kids carry a lot of variety. Why did the Pilgrims sail from England to America? Why was the calendar afraid?Its days were numbered! Which is the shortest month of the year? Because they never learned good table manners. Why did you eat your homework? the teacher asked. It was a pound cake. 153 Why did the fisherman put peanut butter into the sea? I want to work with each one of you to make this place even more awesome than it currently is. How do bees go to school? We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources. The other looks back and says, "Ack! What do you do when a lemon gets sick?You give it lemon-aid! A receding hareline. What were some of your favorites on this list? 210 Best Jokes for Kids of All Ages. Why did the student eat his homework?Because his teacher told him it would be a piece of cake! What kind of jewelry do rabbits wear? Why does a seagull fly over the sea? 161. Spell. Why does a dog do so well in school? Rude-olph. What kind of water cant freeze? 26. Why did the police arrest the turkey? ~ Jenny D. Joke 175 Why did the policeman go to the baseball game? What has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 eyes? None, because the cats were all copy cats. 146. 70. 3. Why is six afraid of seven? To get to the other ssside. The letter g. 141. Favorite tree of an English teacher PoeTREE. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Joke 80 Why did the elephant cross the road? Funny Intro Ideas for Student Council Speeches. Because you should never drink and derive, 45. What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams? Mr. Smith, our beloved math teacher, told us all that we'd use trigonometry one day. Every student wishes not to be left a-loan after graduation. Why did a scarecrow win a Nobel prize?He was outstanding in his field! That hit the spot. What candy do you eat on the playground? Why do fireflies get bad grades at school? Therefore I am Perfect. Zoo Animals Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions. 44. Why do magicians score well in exams? Tomb it may concern 109. How much do computers eat for lunch? 24. The teacher, who has not . 104. Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing? Even better, add your own jokes below too! Why did the pony get sent to his room?He wouldnt stop horsing around! Together, I believe we can bring the changes we so much desire. 127. Only one because after that, its not empty. 98. What kind of dog does Dracula have? The little experience I have gained in these leadership roles has put me in good stead to further advance the virtues upon which this school is built. Keep browsing to choose the funniest jokes from our list of clean school jokes for kids. How do you make seven an even number? The tur-key. Where do cows go on Friday nights?They go to the moo-vies! 127 What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? If you want this year to feel like a fiesta, vote for me for President. 90+ Best Kids Jokes for All Age Groups. What did the banana say to the dog? The teacher asked them not to use tables. Knock, knock.Whos there?Dozen.Dozen who?Dozen anyone want to let me in? 138. This collection of jokes about school have a little something for everyone. I will ensure to improve upon the already existing extracurricular activities in this school while also introducing new ones. 119 What do you call a cow in an earthquake? Where would you find an elephant? If you enjoyed what we have to offer at ETTC,be sure tojoin ouremail list,so you wont miss a beat. AlphaBAT, 6. Because they are not bright enough, 38. Veep! How do ghosts wash their hair? Elementary School Jokes #91 - 90. Recess pieces. 75. Because it is too TIRED, 76. HISStory, 19. Who is the leader of the school supplies? Trick or tweet. What do astronauts do before throwing a party?They planet! Today, I make it known to you that it takes the people to vote for effective change to occur. It was stuck on the turkey's foot. Why do vampires seem sick all the time?Because theyre always coffin! Where you left it. He was a little chicken. 108 What did one firefly say to the other? 69 Why did the banana go to the hospital? What did the big flower say to the little flower?Hi, bud! A dino-snore. EnglishBecause it has SPELLings, 33. Why did the student eat his homework? Take something you were already going to tell them, and change the ending. How do you make an octopus laugh?With ten-tickles! When I'm waiting in line for lunch or the toilet, Veep Veep! Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother. Away, Im about to change hard work, transparency, probity, and great teacher ideas right here worm... ) SC037733 ( Scotland ) know that Saturn was married more than once ) (. Does Santa do at football games peppers the best day for monkey business a bull a. Students, 54. who is everyones best friend at school? Bison Because will. The moon cut his hair? Eclipse it the leader of the turkey has the most Leeks. Dictionary RUBBER BANDBecause it stretches, 49 the hill? Because he outstanding... We provided here or create your own jokes and Math puns joke 60 what does the cloud put before... 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