At the time of her death, no one knew that the creature was with child, one she hoped to raise with Poseidon. The next thing I want to cover is Medusas vessel. When it is time, hold fast her rage and take no mercy. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Though both were marine deities, their children were chthonic monsters. Medusa has also experienced another unexpected transformation over time. Medusa appeared in dozens of television shows and movies over the years. Unlike other stories that claim she caught them in the throes of passion, this version says that she was upset that her priestess went against her rules. Shell show you that you dont need to be afraid of power and that the innate power you have inside of you is already strong and beautiful; you simply need to learn how to use it. Although beautiful, and it may work for some, I prefer a more snake heavy idol unless the imagery makes up for it with an extremely expressive face and eyes. She has been featured in movies, books, cartoons and even video games. Though Athena helped Perseus defect the woman, she knew the powers that her former head held. Medusa may have been worshiped as a goddess in ancient times, but she is not an oft-worshiped deity today, so information on working with her in this sense is hard to come by. Fans of Percy Jackson & the Olympians will find that she pops up in both the original book and the film based on the book. Most ancient iconography of Medusa features an open mouth with fangs or tusks. In her myths she also shape shifted into a greyhound and an otter Sacred Birds: Hawks and hens. Seeing claims that Athena saw Medusa in her temple and instead of catching her in the midst of consensual intercourse, she found Poseidon raping her. Her sisters are the immortal Gorgons: Euryale and Stheno. The other two sisters were Stheno (strength) and Euryale (wide-leaping). Take the snake head and place it on the sea sponge so it faces toward the front of the vessel. They have the power to overwhelm enemies with fear. The Earth and its inhabitants are sacred and I treat them as such. Medusa is all about channeling your inner strength and being the unabashed outcast. She has been described by the Poet Ovid as having a beautiful face and long, flowing hair. You will add your name and the names of anyone you want protected that resides in the home or place. Apollo fell in love with Evande, a daughter of Poseidon, who was raised by Aepytus. Though some point to the version of the story where Athena came across Medusa in her temple, others claim that the legend never says whether she willingly agreed to intercourse with Poseidon. After the baby was born, Aepytus forced Evande to abandon the child. I recommend infusing them with an intention before applying them to give them a personal energetic boost. Her blood also led to the creation of the venomous vipers that roam the Sahara. After her death, Perseus immediately left to fight Atlas. One of the sisters on the show found a woman who summoned the creature to punish men. It is penetrating, and has the power to turn to stone anyone who meets it. According to author Jane Ellen Harrison, Medusas power came from her head and anyone who carried it gained that power. The goddess was so upset over what she saw and the issues she had with Zeus who was her father that she flew into a rage. Their names roughly translate to Sthenno being the Strong, Euryale being Wide-Stepping, or of the Wide Sea, and Medusa being the Guardian Queen. I typically dont find Medusa imagery useful for what I need that neglects the snakes, even some that are based on ancient depictions such as the Medusa Rondanini that resembles what Versace uses in his logo. 2. She wears snake jewellery and a chiffon fishtail skirt. Her hair forms long curls that, according to Mattel, foretell the serpents that will become her hair. Moon (many, including Orpheus disciples, have seen Medusas face in the moon) This shows that the island has protection from Athena. This leads us to our final point: Perseus wasnt supposed to survive his encounter with Medusa. Read about Medusa in literature. She wouldnt have to deal with any dirty looks from men, ever again! They claim that she spent most of her life in Sarpedon, which was close to Cisthene with her Gorgon sisters and also died there. You are free to take from it as you please, use all, part, or none of it, or even use it to inspire your own practice. The legend of Medusa is well-known in Hellenic lore. Some believe that she was a beautiful sea spirit who was transformed by Athena into a creature with snakes for hair that turned anyone that looked at her into stone. Once the working is done I offer Her incense, honey, milk, blackberries, black cherries, and or black figs. An urn type vessel with a lid (I use either antique sugar bowls or terracotta cantarito cups that I cap off with small terracotta planter dishes which can be easily painted, legend mentions it as a bronze urn). The following list is not even nearly a complete summary of all the exciting and vital plants and flowers from Greek myth. Take a small bouquet of fresh spring flowers and dip it into the holy water and sprinkle it onto the agalma (sacred idol) to cleanse it. Sometimes She is gruesome, sometimes She is beautiful, and sometimes She is only Her eyes or a single eye used much like modern Evil Eye talismans often worn as jewelry or depicted on drinking cups. After their wedding, he headed to Seriphos for his mothers wedding. Medusa represents philosophy, beauty and art. The earliest version comes from some 7 centuries earlier appearing in the Theogony of Hesiod. She is not to be pitied, but adored. Beth Seeling took a different approach to the Greek legend. As the interpretations of her story are better understood through a lens of empathy and empowerment, the general publics opinion of the goddess has also shifted with the times. Medusa herself is a symbol of feminism and divine femininity. The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao came out the same year and told the traditional story of Medusa. For this Athena punished her hideously. During the 20th century, many looked at the tale of Medusa and how it relates to feminism. Medusa, the daughter of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, was the most feared of the Gorgons. Harrison believed that there was some evidence that Medusa was simply one woman and that the stories of her sisters came later. Even some 6,000 years ago, Her image was used to frighten as a stormy, wrathful aspect of the Mother Goddess. Accept these sweet offerings as I sing praises in Your name! Their bodies are covered in scales and they have large, round heads with snakes sprouting from them instead of hair. There are various versions of the story, but depending on which one you pick up, either Medusa seduced Poseidon or he was smitten with her and took her. During the height of the #metoo movement, many women began using images of Medusa. It is a spring-blooming flower and would bloom when Persephone was outside of the Underworld. The initial telling of this myth depicts Medusa acting out in anger and Athena punishing her. Medusa had always been the most beautiful of her sisters, and as such, Poseidon coveted her very much. Two species of snakes contain her name: the venomous pitviper Bothriopsis medusa and the nonvenomous snake called Atractus medusa. Next prepare the incense and fan the smoke toward the agalma. It wouldnt be too far fetched for a Sea Goddess like Medusa to have a horses body, especially as mother of Pegesus. The Amphisbaena came from her blood, too. She has really strong energy with the pendulum so youlldefinitely know when shes around. From then on she roamed, shamed, shunned and loathed by everyone. Charmed also used Medusa as a character. Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Coven of the Goddess. Do this in a way that feelsauthentic to you. Allan and I have been free of unnecessary drama or problems from our enemies which has been miraculous to say the least! Barley was an essential crop to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. They point out that she was a beautiful woman who turned into a monster but that all anyone remembers is that she is a monster. Link will appear as Medusa: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, February 7, 2017, Greek Gods and Goddesses 2010 - 2023 | About | Contact | Sitemap | Privacy, Seriphus sent Perseus to return with her head, Medusa: When she found them together, Athena transformed her into a woman with serpents in her hair and a cold stare. Fair-cheeked Gorgon, be present! He claimed that both groups of sisters were monsters. Perseus then headed to Ethiopia to rest and set her head down on the ground. This version claims that Athena became spiteful and used her powers to turn the woman into a monster that no man would ever want. Medusa also appears on television. I just started my journey with Medusa slowly. Hyacinthus was a Spartan prince and a male lover of Apollo. Athena immediately added the head to her shield called Aegis. The men who saw Medusa were so terrified of her beauty that it left them mute and unable to speak. Metamorphoses Book V, by Ovid - Tells the story of Medusa from Greek mythology. Apollo wanted to become mortal and die with him, but instead, he turned his blood into flowers. He was born under a strawberry tree. Instead, shell push you to find your inner power and actually use it to change your life. The blood from the left side was poisonous and used to destroy people, but the blood from the right was restorative. When Ovid wrote her story in Metamopheses, he claimed that she was born beautiful before becoming a snake-haired creature and retained her looks over the years. And this is usually Medusas mission: to teach you how to protect yourself, your energy, and your soul. *These three resins are often sold together as Black Ethiopian resin, of which you would use 1 tbsp. Modern literary experts also point to the legend as one of the first times in history when men blamed a victim for her rape. However, be really for some kind of intense imagery: Medusa isnt for the faint of heart! Required fields are marked *. Sterope used the hair to defend the city and keep it safe. Strike vengeance together with her strength. Cixous urges women to use this story as a way to take back their own power and escape the control that men have over them. Place the crushed match heads in the center and light it with the fireplace lighter or match to activate it. She was never raped by the Lord of the Sea, Poseidon, but His lover. Sea sponge that has been cut flat so it may rest at the bottom of the vessel, A fireplace match, lighter, or other implement that can hold fire and reach the bottom of the vessel, Snake shed (add based on your availability), 1 tsp elderberry that has been boiled in spring water. In The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, a Gorgon travels to Sabrinas town. Come, rise from the Hellish Pit on swift wing and turn to me Your petrifying gaze so You may witness this rite! Apollo chased her around the world until Daphne begged her river-god father for help, and he changed her into the laurel tree. Leucothoe was the daughter of Orchamus, King of Persia, and the lover of Helios, the personification of the sun. Be it Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Aztec, Mayan, you name it. Over the years I have used several idols for Medusa, the first being a small Halloween decoration in the form of a resin bust. Eris offered it to the fairest goddess, and Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all tried to claim the golden apple. Though many know the story of Medusa and her powers, not as many know about her sisters. However, the number mentioned here are some of our favorite and most interesting plant-based origin stories! Melt and carefully pour in the bees wax so they are covered and let cool.Next mix the serpentine root, black snake root, wormwood, henbane*, and belladonna*. She believes that Medusa was originally a beautiful woman with power and that men adapted her story to turn her into a monster because they did not appreciate powerful women. In later artwork, she appears as a more beautiful woman. With her attested ability to turn men to stone, Medusa assists in bindings, particularly binding those who pose a threat to women. Legend says that Medusa was one of three children born to Phorcys. Many considered the princess as the worlds most beautiful woman. She was fated to be beheaded by Perseus as the only mortal Gorgon, the only one he could actually behead since mortals cannot injure Gods. 20 Important Plants and Flowers in Greek Mythology, Important Plants and Flowers in Greek Myth, 11 Important Types of Nymph in Greek Mythology, 25 Facts About Isis from Egyptian Mythology. The Gorgon came out in 1964 and was a Hammer film that told a modern version of her story. One of the divinities I am asked most about is Medusa. He was loved by many other gods, including the personification of the wind, but he always chose Apollo. Many still wrote of the maiden as a seductress despite her chastity bonds. Later Roman representations began to depict Medusas signature snake-filled hair, but its often more innocuous than frightening. Medusas Head euphorbia is suitable for growing outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 9b through 11. This powerful Goddess is one of the most recognizable apotropaic symbols of the ancient and modern world. He was chained to a rock and his liver was repeatedly eaten by an eagle and then healed in an endless cycle. I am pleased with You and wish You well. If this isnt your preferred medium, then creating any sort of art for Medusa is perfectly fine. Divine eyes or Gorgon eyes, sometimes drawn as concentric circles or spirals. Usually, when she reaches out, shes looking to work with you in particular based on your past traumatic experiences. Hera and Athenas vengeance for this slight led directly to the Trojan War. The Roman version of her story is the same but changes the location to Minervas temple and her partner to Neptune. Thank you for sharing the Gorgons are called on in Jason Millers Sorcery of Hekate course too I have a Medusa pendant which I charge for protection on the 29th day of the month in the lunar calendar, traditionally protector deity day in Tibetan Buddhism which I have been practicing since the mid 90s, always seems good to have an extra layer of protection I mentally hear them hissing when visualising them whilst Im reciting invocations the pendant feels hot whilst doing so nice to have gorgon bodyguards in my astral field who get recharged every 4 weeks or so. Widen Your frightening eyes, flashing with fire, and look upon (enemys NN) so he/she/they may be destroyed! Aside from this, some things I associate and use with Medusa are malachite (as my Gorgons Eye stone), serpentine, snakeskin jasper, coral, whole raw eggs, petrified wood, fossils, any snake materials especially from vipers, bronze, Evil Eye charms, herbs such as wormwood, black snake root, serpentine root, poplar, bittersweet nightshade*, datura*, belladonna*, henbane*, sulfur, rat or pest poison*, parsley, spring flowers, boar tusk, basically anything that is used to remove the Evil Eye, protect, or curse enemies, especially poisons that cause paralysis.I hope this helps add to your practice, and clarify some of the things I do with monstrous Gods such as Medusa. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Myth Nerd is our place for all things related to world mythology. Others think that her story likely had roots in historical facts. I ask that You be present within this living idol I make clean and pure for You! They all claimed that Medusa was a horrific creature but could not recall when they first heard the legend. Athena responded by creating the first olive tree. Eventually, she transformed into the heliotrope, flowers that follow the sun as longingly as she once did. You are recovering from domestic violence. After all, she only really cared about her own fate in almost every version of her myth. As with everything I share, I am not proclaiming this as THE way, or even saying it is how the ancients themselves did it, although I do structure much of my practice around what we know about ancient cult. Athena gave Perseus a shield with mirrors to deflect Medusas gaze, while Hades helped him remain invisible to her. If this is the case, then consider that the Goddess Medusa can help you learn how toembrace the unconventional parts of your soul. If youre just getting going working with the Goddess Medusa, start small. There are many herbs associated with Hecate, including mugwort, rue, hyssop, marjoram, fennel, thyme, rosemary, sage, lavender, wormwood, and dill. Its time to be the protectors and guardians that we all have needed at one time or another. Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal; hence her slayer, Perseus, was able to kill her by cutting off her head. She was so enchanting that She caught the attention of Neptune Who raped Her in the temple of Minerva. On the bottom of the vessel draw a Gorgoneion and around it write I protect NN. When he found out her true identity, he tried to kill her. But this is how Medusa achieved Her apotheosis. Do what feels right to you! She is incredibly powerful, and since I have started working with Her, She has removed a lot of things and people that have been holding me back. When Percy travels to a garden to find the Pearl of Persephone with his friends, they stumble across statues and realize they were humans she turned into stone. In Clash of the Titans from 1981, she was a standard villain. It featured a drawing of Medusa on the cover and a story inside about how women can grow when they learn how to use and control their rage. He eventually judged Aphrodite as the fairest. Aphrodite took pity on her and turned her into the myrrh tree, in which form she gave birth to Adonis. To begin, I work with Her as a Goddess so you will see me capitalize Her pronouns like I do with all my Gods. She gained Her immortality being placed on the aegis of Athena, and is now the most recognizable symbol of the ancient world. Is this the accurate version of what happened? Johnston claimed that it showed men were still frightened of powerful women. Lets face it: Medusa is an intimidating presence, to say the least. I find that themost important thing Medusa will teach you is how touse your power. For these types of rituals I will offer Her red church wine, whole uncooked eggs, and spring water in addition to any ingredients or materials for my spellwork. Often they had extensive knowledge of herbs to compliment their spiritual practice, including contraceptives like the seeds of poplars and willows, silphium from Both Aeschylus and Hesiod mention Medusa in some of their early stories. It came out in 2013 as part of a limited edition series.-Many people use an image of her head because they believe it will protect them from others. * If you'd like to incorporate meditation into your life but are feeling The Goddess Medusa loves to help her children find their own ways of breaking free! It tells of a beautiful woman transformed into a gorgon: a hideous monster with venomous serpents for hair. Her creation was so powerful She adorned Her breastplate with these snakes to frighten enemies. All stories of Medusa sprang from this event. Born of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, it is often forgotten that Medusa herself is a goddess of the sea. Medusa by Caravaggio has its base in the form of a shield. Feeling as though his work was done, Perseus tracked down Athena and presented her with the head. He may or may not have reciprocated her affection. The pomegranate fruit was important as a symbol of fertility and marriage and played a role in several myths. Take the Evil Eye charm and fumigate it in the incense. Poseidons gift was a saltwater spring raised miraculously from the ground. Athena and Poseidon competed over the city, which would become Athens in a contest judged by humans. Lastly, the meaning of Medusa helps us through difficult transformations. When Minerva caught them in the act, she changed Medusa into a terrifying Gorgon. The coat of arms of the Dohalice village from the Czech Republic depicts Medusas head. Whether or not youve chosen to make an offering to the Goddess Medusa, be sure to directly ask her if she would like to work with you and wait for an answer. Sculpt a statue of Medusa for your altar. One of my favorites is a black figure vase from the late 5th century that shows a concerned Poseidon rushing to the beheaded Medusa, Euryale frantically coming to embrace Him. The severed head, which had the power of turning into stone all who looked upon it, was given to Athena, who placed it in her shield; according to another account, Perseus buried it in the marketplace of Argos. When working poppets you can take the juice of crushed blackberries and cherries and put it inside the doll to sweeten sinister entities you are working with to the taste of the targets blood. These herbs all have different properties and uses, so its important to know which ones will work best for you. Her snakes are usually just considered snakes to make Her hideous and their purpose is neglected, but the snakes themselves have power. Atlas attempted to fight but saw her head and turned to stone. He also transformed his childhood nurse, Ambrosia, into a vine when she was killed. WebAlgol, usually considered a star of ill-fortune, is traditionally perceived as representing Medusas eye. A taxidermy snake head, widely available in souvenir or oddity shops, or a bronze snake figure that will fit inside your vessel. Tea tree oil. Her pure white milky skin turned a scary green hue. It also respects the deep reverence I have for Them. They believe that there were events the occurred and that the Greeks simply created a new version of the event. Hermes was distraught and reunited Crocus and Smilax by turning Crocus into a flower. 1. I highly recommend inviting Medusa into your practice if you find yourself in need of some of the strongest protective energies the Inferno has to offer. If youre considering working with the Goddess Medusa then you probably want to know whether or not shes real. The two quickly fell in love and married. One of her works said that similar stories focused on sister trios and that authors likely added Medusas sisters. As you fumigate Her image say an invocation, facing West:I call to You, Guardians of the Gates of the West, Realm of the Setting Sun, open the way to the Land of Night! In this version, Medusa has always been a Gorgon, one of three sisters, daughters of the Gods Phorkys and Keto (Who is sometimes considered the Sea aspect of Hekate), but the only one born mortal. Place the coral, malachite, and bronze around it and add another layer of parsley leaf, rue, then the dirt. 4 dram vial size. SUBSCRIBE TO RECEIVE SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS + UPDATES. This creature had a snake on the end of its tail and the body of a dragon. Euphorbia requires at least six hours of direct sunlight per day and AMAZING! Ill cover the most popular myths here as well as the myths that seem to describe her character, at least for me. Though he used it to save his mother, Perseus then went to Argos and buried her head there. Daphne had sworn herself to perpetual virginity and refused him. Among her early depictions were those in horror films from the 1960s. Rise to the occasion. Heracles (Hercules) is said to have obtained a lock of Medusas hair (which possessed the same powers as the head) from Athena and given it to Sterope, the A magazine from 1986 also used this idea and claimed that feminists could learn how to channel their rage through her story. The herald of the gods, Hermes, was born of the eldest Pleiad nymph Maia and Zeus, king of the gods. WebPure Herbs has discontinued Specials until further notice. Sicily uses both Medusa and the trinacria on its flag. Came out in anger and Athena punishing her mother, Perseus then headed to Ethiopia to rest set! 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