Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 12:45 PM self.importscripts failed for "ExtensionCore/Arm/DataModels/ArmMigration" at "" with error {"message":"Script error. While it may be useful for specific problems, it may not be worth the extra initial capital outlay, as well as cost of operator or engineer training to interpret the data or consultants' fees for them to interpret the data. The portal dashboard pin now looks like this . H 2 v 11 Z m 4 3 h 8 V 8 h -4 V 4 H 6 v 11 Z m 5 -10.289 V 7 h 2.289 L 11 4.711 Z" style="fill:inherit;">, , _errorData: undefined _sourceErrorLevel: undefined baseTypes: ["t","MsPortalFx.Errors.Error"] code: undefined data: 1 description: Unable to locate blade 'CreateFormBladeViewModelTemplate'. Meaning of a quantum field given by an operator-valued distribution. Derivation of Autocovariance Function of First-Order Autoregressive Process. Thanks, Ctrl-C to copy 2023. Hi All, Sorry you are experiencing this. @Josh Thomas Thanks for the update! There was an error on it in my console. Already on GitHub?