A few years after a Swedish scientist suggested in 1896 that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide will raise Earth's surface temperature, his theory was knocked down by a peer and went dormant for decades. In the aftermath of Texas, many are calling for improvements to make infrastructure sturdy enough to withstand the extreme events projected to be more common as climate change progresses. A small but growing number of Republicans say the G.O.P. You are a true pro and will crush it in Philly! Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time. Stay in the know about climate impacts and solutions. Tackling these types of misinformation is no mean feat; often theyre put forward in good faith. CAP's analysis of data from the Center for Responsive Politics shows that these 139 climate science deniers have accepted more than $61 million in lifetime direct contributions from the oil, gas . Are you willing to help us do something about this?, and they agree to help., By framing the solution as something that addresses the changing precipitation patterns that the farmers are seeing with their own eyes, the researchers have been able to get the farmers to make the behavioral changes necessary to save their aquifers and their crops. Conservative males she says with a laugh. This year, after a troubled recent history, Heartland hosted their tenth International Conference on Climate Change, or #ICCC10, in a much smaller space: the basement of the Washington Court Hotel, here in the District of Columbia. God forbid there be global solutions to things that are literally global problems, he added with sarcasm. Photo: Ian Abbott. However infuriating they are, arguing with them or debunking their theories is likely only to generate publicity or money for them. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much One way he does so is through Facebook comments, where he describes himself as a former denier and explains his subsequent change of thinking. But I will say that we are seeing a change with younger adults. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. They could explore the many credible climate action plans being pursued, including by those on the political right. Climate Change is driven by tangible cycles and events that determine what, where, and why things change naturally over time. Kincade appeared on the ESPN Classicprograms Classic Nowand Missing Linkand on ESPN NewsHot List. Discovery Company. Would love your thoughts, please comment. They tend to fit into one of four different categories: the shill, the grifter, the egomaniac and the ideological fool. But perhaps one of his best known antics took place in 2003. "I will talk about wildfires in Tennessee that are affecting Americans' lives this winter. Because, as Brendan Behan put it, theres no such thing as bad publicity. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. This has been found independently in a number of studies, including surveys of Earth scientists, analysis of public statements about climate change and analysis of peer-reviewed scientific papers. Anyone who listed to him knows that he never lost his love for the Phils and Eagles. Over 97% of scientists agree that. . Because now youre getting testimony from the inside., 2. -Cigar Aficionado magazine recognized him as one of the top talents in American sports talk radio. A crucial part of the puzzle is explaining the techniques of science denial. By expanding their conspiracy theory to include the investigators! The "Global Warming Theory" is one possible explanation of Climate Change. Studies suggest that if the mountain's snowcap continues to evaporate at its current rate, it could be gone in 15 years. Appealing to a purported "97 percent consensus" asserts that the question has been. The most vulnerable people in our society will suffer the most from increased taxation, Abandoning fossil fuels would slow the growth that has lifted billions of people out of poverty, We shouldnt act until were sure weve got perfectly-crafted policies to address climate change, Any effective measure to reduce emissions would run counter to human nature and the way we live now, and so it would be impossible to implement in a democratic society, Its too late to prevent catastrophic climate change and we should get ready to adapt or die. Dr. David Chao "Pro Football Doc" joins the show to talk about the matchup between the two quarterbacks and gives his predictions (00:00-45:18). All Rights Reserved. Johns a two-time cancer survivor, hes a Temple University grad, from Broomall & graduated from Cardinal O'Hara High School. Hes immediately likeable. But scientists say climate change is wreaking havoc on many other species -- including birds and reptiles -- that are sensitive to fluctuations in temperatures. I am a Philly area transplant now living in Atlanta and loved listening to John on 680 the Fan. A United Nations climate report released in February said that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and scientists expect temperatures to keep rising. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. -Hosts the annual Strike Out Leukemia and Lymphoma Radiothon annually on 680 The Fan. Now Im a 39-year-old man with children who are going to reach maturity in a world that will be worse than the one that I came to maturity in. When we are afraid, guilty, confused, or when something interferes with our self-image, we tend to deny it. The book I started with has now been knocked off the environmental bestsellers list, fittingly enough by one published by the environmental hero Rachel Carson, in 1951. Michael Mann, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University, told E&E News that Fox News has been "the greatest promoter of climate change disinformation over the past two decades . The link between conspiratorial thinking and science denial has serious and practical consequences. At that time in my life I envisioned that I was going to become some kind of political operative, he said. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Now they're in danger of melting away altogether. And that the technology of geothermal, solar, wind, all of that, will advance to fully replace coal, and a big chunk of oil. But that doesnt mean climate denialism has gone away. I really kind of shifted significantly., Kaiser says he now is motivated to publicly share his turnabout on climate change. But they definitely dont want to talk about [climate] mitigation because that seems like its a cost. .chakra .wef-facbof{display:inline;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-facbof{display:block;}}You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. If we actually cared about the plight of these people, we would be providing renewable energy technology patent free. I think its a shame that the issue has become part of a political identity and so I think if we start to repair some of the divisions we see in the society at large, it will help with this conversation.. Politicians point out that their nations global carbon dioxide output is only small (in the UK its between 1 and 2 percent of the world total) and so justify inaction. There were things that were part of my fundamentalist upbringing that I questioned, he said. However, one technique used to cast doubt on climate models is the tactic of impossible expectations. I worry that it wont be enough., Karin Kirk is a geologist and freelance writer with a background in climate education. They also can and should be used in conjunction with incentives, its not an either/or. Others awardees included Hank Goldberg of WQAM, Tom Tolbert of KNBR and Glenn Ordway of WEEI-FM. The climate emergency requires coordinated global action, they observe, and that looks horribly like communism in disguise. Instead, Wong-Parodi promotes a message of unity, and the possibility that the path of least resistance and the path that would be best for our nation may be to get everyone involved with doing the right things that will put an end to the climate crisis, even if they are doing it for different reasons. January 8, 2020 Stanford-led review offers pathways to change the minds of climate deniers. LinkedIn and 3rd parties use essential and non-essential cookies to provide, secure, analyze and improve our Services, and (except on the iOS app) to show you relevant ads (including professional and job ads) on and off LinkedIn. [Theyve] noticed the rain is coming at a different time and theres water shortages when [they] need to get water, and [theyre] pumping more and the aquifers are flowing dry., But having the farmers acknowledge the changes in their environment is just the first step. Unfortunately, this argument is often a leveraging of human suffering to protect the interests of fossil fuel giants. John Kaiser wheeled a cart with a TV and VCR into the lobby of an academic building on the campus of the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, popped in a well-worn VHS cassette, and played a video extolling the virtues of an atmosphere rich in CO2. The climate change deniers have won Nick Cohen Scientists continue to warn us about global warming, but most of us have a vested interest in not wanting to think about it Smoke billows as an area. We dont really go into it. -Rinkside Reporter for SportSouth William Mellinger | Scott Messer | Arijit Banerjee | Ryan Draving | Ned Moore, Do you want to learn the top 10 reasons why SaaS & Hi-Tech companies hire talent with PhillyTech? How might one cast doubt on the overwhelming scientific consensus? Even if we did, it would be like trying to drain the ocean with a pipette compared to systemic change in polluting industries. Director of Architecture I think these events help to pull people away from that extreme end of skepticism.. Climate models have successfully predicted the loss of Arctic sea ice, sea level rise and the geographic pattern of global warming. At that time? Humans have always used denial. It's a free open mic to a climate change denier," Carlyle said, adding that that the energy and environment committee is behind on its work and that the 40-minute lecture takes away from work . But can skeptics, once pulled away from the extreme, outright denial-end of the spectrum, be brought even farther to the side of accepting that human-caused climate change, not just environmental change, is our reality? The John Kincade Show 2-10-2023 Today on the John Kincade Show, the guys open up the show giving their score predictions as the big game is only two days away. Q. Therapist is a climate denier: I (30, cis, bi woman) started seeing a therapist in summer 2020. Editors Note: John Cook is the Climate Communication Fellow for the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland. But industry grew increasingly worried about the costs of proposed regulations. But why do I say ignore them all? 2. He tweeted his opinions on the matter in 2012 and 2014, although later denied his tweets, when challenged by Hillary . Im a huge sports radio fan and cant wait to listen. And fossil fuels are already causing drastic damage to lives in the global south. He received a Chairman's Citation from the National Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for his work with the charity in 2007. The Phillies 2023 journey begins today (48:26-1:12:23). Kincade was the subject of a feature in Cigar Aficionado magazine that recognized him as one of the top talents in American sports talk radio. If you're a sceptic, then I salute you. This uncertainty creates a smokescreen behind which polluters can lobby against measures that cut their profits. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his. (During the Spurrier years, Florida won every year!) Sceptics are people who don't take things at face value; they demand facts, and are ready to change opinions based on the weight of evidence, even if that goes against personal preferences or . This is a difficult one, to be fair. "They funded carbon footprint calculators," Dr John Cook, a research professor at the Centre for Climate Change Communication, tells me, "and my hat off to them for coming up with an. Im a huge P1 on Sunday mornings and so happy for you. 4: We're doomed. Secretary of State John Kerry pauses as he delivers a speech on climate change in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. 16, 2014. John also is the host for the Climate Change Denier Hourand is also the Rinkside Reporter for SportSouth for all Home games. I think it would be accurate to describe myself as kind of an Evangelical fundamentalist at the time. Kaiser joined a conservative group called the Leadership Institute, which trains students to become effective in political engagement. The duo had been together since September 2000 making it . This can be problematic when the small number denying climate science includes half of the U.S. Senate. Rather a more fruitful approach is communicating the realities of climate change to the large, undecided majority who are open to scientific evidence. Over the long term, these effects average out, which is why climate models do so well at long-term predictions. How did this happen? In short, no sane or serious actor can countenance denial of climate danger. It's not your imagination: Some animals -- mostly birds -- are migrating earlier and earlier every year because of warming global temperatures. Serious debates about what to do about the climate crisis are turning into action. ), SaaS & Hi-Tech Companies: Would you like us to help you build an Ideal Candidate Profile (ICP) for your harder to find positions? Bad-faith arguments motivated by greed, egomania or ideology have nothing to add. It comes down to the real changes that are happening in people's backyards. When talking to the farmers about the environmental changes in precipitation that are making it hard for the aquifers to fill up, Wong-Parodi says the farmers are acutely aware of the changes on the ground. And it was just kind of like this snowball rolling downhill that picked up steam. If you want to move people quickly in the next five to 10 years, its probably easier to present an argument that solar and wind energy are now entirely viable than it is to present an argument that climate change is real and we need to address it., Kaiser reflects on his contributions to stall action on climate change, and grapples with the implications for the future. By reviewing the psychology behind climate change rejection, a Stanford researcher suggests four . [My father] had one of those sound systems wired into the house. Climate change may be to blame for that, too. But explaining to someone the fallacies behind these common discourses of delay can work as what Dr. William Lamb, one of the authors of the Cardiff paper, calls an inoculation strategy against future misinformation on climate change. After reading Kaisers online comments, I sought him out to learn more about his evolution and see what insights he had to offer. With adaptation, it seems like a necessity because change is happening and they recognize it. Again, choosing your words wisely is essential. Climate science deniers reject this coherent evidence with conspiracy theories. If I can do something to remedy it, it would be a good penance, he had written to me prior to our interview. Since the . The most vulnerable in society are also the most negatively affected in terms of their health by continuing to burn fossil fuels coal plants are near poorer parts of the country and so in fact have the most to gain from green policy. A brief newswire item in 1969 noted that scientists had "warned the human race" about pollution's impact on the climate. I cant profess to know what Shellenbergers motivation was, but one thing is clear: the egomaniacs and ideological fools will get the place in history they so lust for. The ocean is building up four atomic bombs worth of heat every second. Hows this for a quote by Matt Gerig about John Kincade - You changed the sports landscape and have done so much for our hometown (of Atlanta)!. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change involves thousands of international scientists and is arguably the greatest scientific endeavour in history. That was the one where I got fed up with a lot of the people I knew on the right. This Florida Gator fan lived in the ATL for 12 years. So you could hear it wherever you went in the house or in the yard, youd have Rush Limbaugh playing in the background., I remember trying to call into the Rush Limbaugh show so many times, but I could never get through, Kaiser said, chuckling at his younger self. Create a free account and access your personalized content collection with our latest publications and analyses. No, he admitted flatly. William Mellinger | Manuel Jose Arango Plazas, Infographic: Do you want to learn the top 10 reasons why our SaaS and Hi-Tech clients hire talent with us? You have to demonstrate that these technologies are going to be available in the timeframe that matters, says Lamb, and at present, climate friendly planes are a pie in the sky. Many corporations recognize the benefits of lowering emissions and are taking significant steps to do so. Chief Executive Officer at DiBiase Consulting, LLC. We grew up together, rode the school bus together, he was always a good yacker and he is masterful at his craft. Yes. That its being blended into patriotism, that you have to love and support coal.. The ICP is what enables our team to hyper-target exact fit candidates for you. Congratulations!!! Taking decisive action on climate change is going to cause a great deal less suffering than either of those examples. Instead, according to new research from the University of Cardiff, it has simply changed shape, into something they call discourses of delay. "Science" as a concept did not even exist when the verse was . The nature of climate change means that the effects can be diverse and widespread. Claiming 97% of climate scientists who believe the climate is changing "have a very big political agenda". In the coming decades climate change will unleash megadroughts lasting 10 years or more, according to. Reducing the cost of train tickets is a good example. The premise does not lead to the conclusion. The Environmental Protection Agency appointed several new members to its Science Advisory Board who have denied key findings of the harmful effects of man-made pollutants on the environment and . Conspiracy theorists are immune to scientific evidence, as any evidence conflicting with their beliefs is considered part of a conspiracy. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. I just feel guilty that my generation was part of setting up the politics of today. They arent. Thats why a trusted messenger is a powerful voice. Climate Change Denial Episode aired May 11, 2014 TV-MA 29 m IMDb RATING 8.3 /10 393 YOUR RATING Rate Comedy History News John talks about Eurovision, Ukraine and Russia's relations, and invites Bill Nye to a statistically representative climate change debate. Philly is an incredible town you love it, it will love you. And among the general public, climate change denial is higher in the U.S. today than almost anywhere else in the world. Image:John Sirlin via REUTERS. Climate Change For Deniers. Psychologists and researchers have identified a few different whys: for example, some may not believe in climate change simply because they dont have the science education to understand whats happening. Shellenberger was named a hero of the environment by Time magazine in 2008 and is a loud advocate of nuclear power, but the article was described by six leading scientists as cherry-picking, misleading and containing outright falsehoods. Thats what gives them the wiggle room to go out and say, Look, I accept climate change, I just dont accept government intervention to address it.. Climate Change Climate Deniers Shift Tactics to 'Inactivism' Fossil fuel interests are trying to blame climate change on individuals while also sowing division, says Michael Mann, one of. -ESPN Classic The facts of climate change are not denied, nor are they interpreted to be something else. Lets Welcome John Kincade to Philly Sports Radio. Mid-Level and Senior Ruby on Rails (RoR) Engineers About 97 percent of climate researchers believe that climate change is real and caused by humans, according to a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences . Whether free-market solutions are sufficient is an important caveat to this strategy, but Kaisers advice may at least bring people to the table. 4. Michael Mann is a famed and awarded climate scientist. And I think my experience is kind of what they fear., Looking back, I think the very first issue that got me moving away [from a conservative viewpoint], was the debate about gay marriage. [1] John formerly co-hosted the lunchtime Noon-3pm Buck and Kincade Show with former University of Georgia national championship quarterback, Buck Belue. Get ready for the sports ride of your life one filled with the many (emotional) ups and downs but, promise me youll take it easy on my pal, Cataldi! These are legitimate concerns if put forward in good faith. When I work in communities where its clear that skepticism is going to be high, we dont say the words climate change. We say environmental change.. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Kincade hosts the annual "Strike Out Leukemia and Lymphoma Radiothon" annually on 680 The Fan. Digital Transformation - eCommerce Trusted Advisor. Two CTOs for SaaS companies 3 hrs and 8 mins Listen for free The John Kincade Show 2-16-2023 Feb 16 2023 The show opens with the guys' thoughts on the Eagles' coordinator hiring process (0:06-24:02). She adds that everybody has something they just dont want to give up, and any solutions we look for should take into account these values and aim to preserve them. But they are utterly blinded by their inane, no-limits version of the free-market creed. In that vein, Kaiser offers four takeaways drawn from his former role as a spokesperson against climate action. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, an assistant professor of earth system science at Stanford University, has studied this last reason, which is called motivated or justified denial. CEO at The Salt Net Marketing & Consulting. So, how do we do something about it in a way that preserves things that we care about?. This website uses cookies as well as similar tools and technologies to understand visitors' experiences. Climate change denial is such a case. Cook co-authored the college textbook Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis and the book Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand. In 2013, he published a paper analyzing the scientific consensus on climate change that gained worldwide media attention, being mentioned by President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. Find Republicans who accept climate change. "I still remember making that argument myself as a college student." Kaiser grew up on Long Island and moved to North Carolina as a teen. They are desperate for recognition, and, when it stubbornly refuses to arrive, they are drawn to make increasingly extreme pronouncements, in the hope of finally being proved a dogma-busting, 21st-century Galileo. As I look back on it, its incredibly complex, recalled Kaiser. , Are you looking for a SaaS or Hi-Tech job or do you know anyone who is? While many lines of evidence inform our understanding of climate change, another source of understanding are climate models. Over $2M raised! In pictures: the impact of the climate crisis and human activity on our oceans, Weird winter weather and reminders of a warming planet, Horn of Africa drought worse than 2011,and the other climate crisis stories you need to read this week, Cooling the planet: US researchers develop newclimate-friendly method of cooling. Paradoxically, as the climate science has become more certain, denial about the issue has increased . And the more well have to eat and this will be an age of abundance because of all the extra CO2 in the atmosphere., Kaiser recounted the spin with a dash of wry humor, So dont worry about what the lefties and the liberals tell you, this is actually going to make things better., I remember playing that video so many times, he mused. As a global community, we are extremely bad at meeting environmental targets. His narrative came alive with humor and humility as he explained how wrongheaded but certain I once was., Read: Checklist: How to take advantage of brand-new clean energy tax credits, When he left home and went to college, Kaiser said, his views surged further to the right. Over the course of about 12 years, Kaiser made the switch from a student activist eager to sow doubt about climate change, to someone who is worried about the impacts of climate change. The press reported that President Donald J. Trump plans to establish by executive order a Presidential Committee on Climate Security to reexamine the commonly accepted claim that climate change poses a threat to our national security. The most common fallacious argument is that current climate change must be natural because climate has changed naturally in the past. A sadder case is that of the grifters. But searching for a way through the challenges is not as impossible as this argument makes it seem. By the time Kaiser was part way through his PhD program in history at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, his views began to shift. How do you debunk these arguments when you hear them? There's not a direct link between climate change and wildfires, exactly. Further, it relies on cherry-picking short time periods. You could also argue that theres a moral failing in taking this view. But even though completely changing the mind of climate skeptics may be a fruitless endeavor, there remain instances where communicators can make progress. They know everyone knows, Wong-Parodi says with a sigh. [5][6][7] Many who deny, dismiss, or hold unwarranted doubt about the scientific . Thats our starting point. President Barack Obama tweeted it.. The use of the terms skeptic, denier, or contrarian is necessarily subject-, issue-, context-, and intervention-dependent. 2. The report calls this whataboutism. Everybody has something they just dont want to give up, and any solutions we look for should take into account these values and aim to preserve them. I wasnt out there denying CO2 levels. needs a coherent climate strategy and formed a "Conservative Climate Caucus" on Capitol Hill. Earlier this month, it was announced that humanity has missed every single one of the 2010 Aichi goals to protect world wildlife and ecosystems. But, having been a part of climate change denial, I worry about whether we can get to that point. -The John Kincade Show on ESPN Radio Danny Chivers presents the New Internationalist guide to debunking the myths of the climate change deniers. Here, a Kilimanjaro glacier is viewed from Uhuru Peak in December 2010. The planet could see as many as 20 more hurricanes and tropical storms each year by the end of the century because of climate change, according to, UQx DENIAL101x Consensus of Scientists, UQx DENIAL101x Message from the past, UQx DENIAL101x Making sense of the slowdown, UQx DENIAL101x Building a robust temperature record, have risen by more than 1 degree Fahrenheit, University of Colorado researchers have found. The most regular pattern is an 11-year cycle of high and low activity caused by reversal of the Sun's magnetic poles. Sept. 20, 2022. Wong-Parodi points out that its a far better approach than bluntly saying, Hey, climate change is happening, we need to adapt, will you do this?. The US Senator Jim Inhofe relentlessly denies that humans are driving climate change. They funded carbon footprint calculators, Dr John Cook, a research professor at the Centre for Climate Change Communication, tells me, and my hat off to them for coming up with an incredibly effective PR strategy to distract the public from the real need, to transform how we create energy.. When I work in communities where its clear that skepticism is going to be high, we dont say the words climate change, Wong-Parodi says. It turns out 99.9% of the petitions signatories arent climate scientists. Sometimes it feels that to address the climate crisis, the best way forward would be to plow ahead with adaptation and mitigation tactics and leave anyone who wasnt on board in the dust. The duo had been together since September 2000 (more than 3,000 shows and counting) making it the second longest running radio show in the Atlanta market behind only Rhubarb Jones. So happy for you ; 97 percent consensus & quot ; is one possible explanation of climate deniers Kaiser! 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