can donkeys eat goat feedcan donkeys eat goat feed
Certain populations may need haylage or chop as the main part of their diet. The Holstein has a male donkey friend that we are also adopting, simply because they are attached to one another. He will be in a pasture of Bermuda costal grass with the minis and holstein. Works great! I need some advise, Thank you so much! You may have to restrict feed and provide more exercise. The lady had been feeding horse sweet feed about 1/2 A scoop and a round bale of hay the horses and donkey ate when they wanted. When it comes to beef, there are a lot of different ways that people like to enjoy it. A cow generally will have one calf per year, though twins are not uncommon. Milk comes out of her nose sometimes and she act like she chokes and licks a lot. Some people believe that there are, while others believe that there are only female cows. is there a grain safe for her that I could give on occasion ?? I have 2.5 acres fenced in and was interested in getting two donkeys to maintain and keep the grass down. Think about the height of the feeder, or even something with a lip that the horse can get their head over to eat but the donkey cant. Make sure they have access to free choice water, salt, and minerals. Wheat is the most common item, When you call someone a cow, you are calling them an idiot, or a stupid person. However, they should be cautious of the banana's size and ripeness. Both donkeys are used to eating their fill of grass and are not happy to be restricted. Thank you for your information/observation on red maple leaves and sorry to read that you learned about this the hard way if you lost an animal. There is, Yes, a cow ant bite can kill you. Featured Image Credit: manavyemexport, Pixabay, How Do Cats Show Affection? I am not sure what you are describing with reverse stringhalt symptoms. Phosphorus content is sometimes found to be low in natural forage especially matured grasses and is usually provided for in the feed. If eating goat feed by donkeys has been a problem on your farm, you can invest in a creep feeder which ensures the donkeys are kept out of the feeder. normal feeding behavior of donkeys. Due to their typical desert diet, their digestive system is much more efficient than that of a horse, and therefore donkeys require a different feeding strategy. While they are related to horses and considered an equid, the way their digestive system functions is much different donkeys have actually been compared to small ruminants in their capabilities to digest and utilize fiber. Her fields still had some grass so they grazed as well. Feeds Made for Other Animals Arent Suitable for Donkeys. Hello. Then you can feed the donkey his correct amount of hay where he can get to it. AffiliateDisclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Thanks! Thanks for the question! While it should be safe, you would definitely want to consult the manufacturer of the supplement you would use, and make sure to adjust the feeding rate to account for the small body size it will most likely need a smaller dose than the standard scoop included in most supplements would provide. What Will Happen if a Donkey Eats Goat Feed? What do you guys feed your donkeys??? In short, the best feed to give your donkey is feed made for donkeys, so their specific needs are always met, and they dont get too much of anything that can harm their health. For example, if you make your goat feed at home (or on your farm) and dont fortify the ingredients with extra iron, protein, copper, and so forth, both your goats and your donkeys will have no problem eating the feed. Read on for the answers to these questions and several more, plus real-world advice and tips on feeding donkeys. I think they should have hay every day , split between 2 hay nets , 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening ? Both can be very unhealthy and dangerous for your donkey. As long as there is enough pasture, space, feed, and water for everyone placed all around the general grazing and sleeping areas, everyone should be happy. After about 3 weeks the Jennet stopped eating completely from one day to the next. I was told oats but heard that is high in sugar. I am curious about adding corn chops or cracked corn to diet in the winter. This changes to 50% straw and 25% hay or haylage in winter. If youve adopted a donkey or one was given to you on your farm or homestead, you may have no earthly clue what to feed them. is this safe for the little guy if I just give him a little bit to start with? Is sweet 12 too much protein is that why. He needs his feet trimmed. Interesting question, thanks for reaching out! I recommend you either check with your veterinarian or go on line and order Progressive Nutrition Milk Replacer. Its worth noting that not all goat feed is unsuitable for donkeys. There are a number of different approaches to feeding rescue horses, mules and donkeys. The cecum in a young donkey, like a young horse, is not fully functional and cannot adequately digest this type of forage. He seems to be doing fine, I am new to donkey ownership and not really sure what I am doing. Its body will deal with the extra vitamins, minerals, and protein like any other food. Due to the fact that goat feed is typically enriched with vitamins and minerals unique to goats, it is incompatible with donkeys. This name comes from the Dutch word for "herd." It, Yes, a cow can look up. Will that be enough? or a legume such as alfalfa. Seemed very healthy. Yes, if you have the ability to separate him, then do so. You may want to offer loose salt free choice and observe consumption. If a pen is too small, tough for the less dominant animals to get out of the way. Donkeys are typically more efficient digesters, and thus easier to put weight on than horses. You may find that once the mammoth donkeys are back at desired weight, they maintain fairly well. My rescue donks are going to have green pasture for the first time this spring. We would recommend you find an equine-specific mineral for your donkey, or if the animals are living together, then find an all stock type mineral that is labelled for both equines and goats. She is 5 yrs old and not over weight she gets exercise when I put my 12 yr horse together as he is still getting use to a friend since he has been,alone for a long time.I also would like to know if the donkey can eat barley pellets. I owned a standard donkey for 30 years, the same BLM . It is . Feeding grains will also make them bray every time they see you. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. According, Making a powder horn from a cow horn is a simple process that can be done at home with a few tools and supplies. Hi Abel, Although a small amount of unmedicated goat feed wont hurt your donkey, a goat feed diet can be harmful, and its best to use healthier alternatives. If you would like to offer them anything else, we would suggest a ration balancer, such as our Empower Topline Balance. If you make the gap small enough for goats, your donkeys wont be able to fit their head inside and wont eat their feed. The tendency is to underestimate how much feed it takes to restore weight after it is lost due to neglect. she loves the pig feed but we have to block her out of that barn because her know that pig feed will make her heave fast. But what you may not know is that cow's milk can cause constipation. Since doing that we lost 2 donkeys. Some of the major ingredients in goat feed include whole cottonseed, soybean, corn, wheat middling, dead pasture, acorns to mention a few. As the nuts are very high in fat, eating a substantial quantity might result in loose bowel movements for a donkey or some chance of minor digestive upset to the animal. On no account should you feed your donkey with moldy bread or any other moldy food. Part of the decision will depend on the age and condition of the teeth on the rescued donkeys. Daily exercise is always a good option! Learn more. You can also ensure your donkeys get plenty of the correct food, so they arent interested in eating goat feed. Sorry to read that you lost your mules companion to colic. We have had success using SafeChoice Senior for this purpose. Cattle are, The brown cows are called Jersey cows. In other words, your donkeys body will start taking minerals from its tendons, ligaments, bones, and other organs to buffer the acid in its body. As always monitor body condition score to make sure that they do not get too thin or too fat. Ive had donkeys in the past out on our lush, green, pastures here in southern Mississippi and theyve done fine. He would not eat or poop. Hay and grass. The vitamins A and D are by far the most probable to be deficient in the natural diet. I would suggest you consider a good ration balancer product that has guaranteed levels of lysine, methionine, copper, zinc, manganese and biotin. The answer, unfortunately, is that even though donkeys will gladly eat goat food, they shouldnt because goat feed isnt healthy for them. We noticed that the Donkeys hoof wall is deteriorating. Pet Keen is reader-supported. If you have goats and feed your goats and donkeys in the same general area, theres a high probability that your donkey will eat your goats feed. The best way is to separate them while feeding or prepare a special mix which can work for the two species. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Avoid feeding potatoes, anything from the brassica family, onions, leeks, garlic, stoned fruit and anything which is old, fermented or mouldy as these are toxic to donkeys. Heres more on how a creep feeder works. Whatever you do, you will want to ensure you keep them in proper weight, while still providing a balanced overall diet a product such as a ration balancer is a perfect solution for easy-keeping donkeys. Have been feeding west senior pellets and steamed flaked oats. This last problem caused by overeating protein will affect your donkeys GI tract and the good bacteria. Non-medicated cow, goat, and bird foods are not good for your donkeys, and medicated feeds can be fatal! Our feed store recommended Sheep & Goat grain for my goat buck pen, that includes the mini donk, bc theres a certain mineral in regular goat feed thats toxic to donkeys. But I have googled and googled and cant figure out what mineral is toxic to donkeys (similar to how copper is toxic to sheep). You can also adjust feeding rate to produce desired rate of gain. Over-acidity can also cause the breakdown of the hard and soft tissue of a donkeys body, including its bones and organs. 1. Our goats and donkey pasture together. He is a beautiful pyrenean jack donkey who is not at aggressive but he hasnt been handled at all. Raspberry. If it is not medicated, feeding small quantities is unlikely to be a problem, but I cannot recommend a goat feed for a donkey without knowing more about the goat feed. Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer. Donkeys evolved in fairly harsh environments where food was not always available and are fortunately a bit less prone to digestive disturbances than horses. The price depends on the size, quality, and whether it is real or fake. Can donkeys get sick from eating whole macadamia nuts? Consult your vet for appropriate advice. Hi Ibrahim, Hand-made feed is a good example of that. One is to make sure she is well-fed and healthy. Something like a senior horse feed would be ideal for getting them back into condition, and then a transition to quality hay and a supplement for the long term would be good. Now he lives in about an acre pasture with our two goats. The only other thing we would recommend is to monitor the body condition as your pasture conditions change. Thank you. Donkeys will take every opportunity they can get to eat whatever they can. Goat feed is typically infused with several vitamins and minerals that donkeys dont need, including copper and iron. Over the course of his time with us hes lost a fair amount of weight & has become healthy & energetic, but he still has fat rolls along his neck & on his sides. Even if its just 15-20 minutes a day or every other day, itll help. Have the teeth been checked? Hi Shanon, I have been reading and researching what to feed her but think I should be giving her some supplements to get her to at least normal weight. He came with the property we bought in southern france. They all get a bale of hay each evening. You can use the barley pellets if the donkey need to gain weight. If you have goats and feed your goats and donkeys in the same general area, theres a high probability that your donkey will eat your goats feed. He began running a fever 2 days later for which came down quickly with cooling temps and I would use cool water over him. Also, in regards to hoof issues such as laminitis, limiting access to the early hours of the day when the sugar content of the pasture is lower can be beneficial as well. The best way to stop your donkeys eating goat feed is to invest in a creep feeder. It is also usually the most expensive part of the feed. Would my mare try to kill the baby donkey or would the mother protect her baby? Selenium would be a possible nutrient to keep an eye on, and also some goat minerals can be medicated, which you would not want to feed to a donkey. He continues to eat hay, graze in the pasture, and drink plenty of water. 2. His mother on the other hand has some serious issues. I am assuming that you had them checked so teeth have been floated if needed and they are up to date on vaccinations and deworming. But I am not sure what to feed him, currently he is getting horse feed pellets, sure I be giving him rolled oats or some gains? Hi. Hi Lauren, This article will discuss what goat feed is made of, the health benefits of goat feed to donkeys, how often you should feed them goat feed and other questions you might have. Chocolate milk is made by adding chocolate to milk, not by any special cows. Even though horses and donkeys are equines, horses have specific nutritional needs that donkeys dont, and vice versa. Figure out the correct range of feed according to the directions on the tag for his estimated body weight, and feed at the low end of the range to provide the nutrition he needs. I would not want the forage to be over 50% of the total diet. Feeding less and exercising more is the broad bases solution, easier said than done. You can use good quality forage or pasture and you can feed controlled starch and sugar products designed for horses and select a product based on the age of your donkey. Trust that you have had their teeth checked and had them dewormed. As they are very devoted companions, I cannot separate themhow else to controle the donkeys intake? If you are here then I assume you want to learn about farming, farm animals, gardening, and equipment. I dont have the label yet so I havent been able to read it I just dont know if theres a protein limit for him I should watch for? Is it Good for Them? Any suggestions? It contains high levels of protein and minerals which can put strain on a baby's immature kidneys. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. It is produced naturally by cows and other ruminant animals as they break down food in their stomachs, and also during the, According to the latest figures from Statistics Canada, there are approximately 9.3 million cows in Canada. Donkeys are known to go after goat feed however this should not be encouraged as they can get filled from eating goat feed and neglect their own food. You may have other questions about their food and what donkeys can and cant eat. Approximately a week ago he stopped eating grain. However, it is possible for cows to live without humans. He gave him two different vaccines. Most likely, its a dominance / pecking order thing, or possibly just a really bad habit shes picked up along the way. My mare has seen and been in a pasture with donkeys before but never with a baby donkey to my knowledge. Both are quadrupedal mammals with cloven hooves, and both have horns (although the horns of a bovine person are usually, The ribeye is a steak that comes from the beef rib primal. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your interesting question about feeding some left over goat feed to your neighbors donkey. Water needs to be readily available. I massaged pressure points to help relieve gas and encourage the bowels to move. (at least for a few day while we find out what best to feed) amount of feed? All these extra nutrients can cause several health issues, some of which are quite severe. Another great resource is the Donkey Sanctuary. Ive stoped the milk and gave her glucose water through the knight, this morning I started giving her 2%milk with 1teaspoon of honey in, still have diarrhe. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Original if it is a mature donkey, SafeChoice Mare & Foal if it is a young growing donkey, Senior if it is an old donkey or equivalent products. Some believe that the best dairy cow is a Holstein, while others believe that a Jersey or, For the longest time, it was assumed that grass fed cows were simply fed grass. So were planning on going out there in the next couple of days to try and catch him. They also carry different parasites, so they won . Here is an article I wrote on what do donkeys eat. However, Ive seen many including my own do fine on grassy pastures. In fact, it's often recommended as a supplement for baby rabbits,, Cow has been worshiped since the Vedic times in India and is considered as a sacred animal in Hinduism. And is it okay if hes with horses? We have had mammoth donkeys for six years so we are used to feeding by weight, 1.25% of their body weight a day during the summer and 1.5% in the winter seems to work. Minerals are alkaline, and your donkeys body will do its best to become more alkaline if its too acidic. This past few days we heard that the owner left the donkey there and he needs a home! Usually these are more natural and not fortified by additional vitamins and minerals in a lab or factory. Regards He is on pasture with my horse and Im trying to figure out if I should separate him and put him in a smaller area to put him on a diet but not sure what to do to get that weight down. This bacteria is found in the environment, and can infect horses, donkeys, and other animals. What are the signs that a donkey is healthy? Other animal feeds should also be kept away from your donkey for the same reason. And no indication they had even been there. I was considering fasting them to help heal them of their ailments. Donkeys do best on high fiber - low protein hay. Salt helps improve their wellbeing and strength, two things important in breeding and raising a healthy animal. Bacteria in the goat rumen ferment sugars, starches, fats, and fibers into short chain fatty acids. We just tested her for 2 abscesses on her neck and they have healed well. This way they are effectively separated during meal times and the donkeys can focus on their feed. Apart from that he gets a bit more hay than he needs as both he and the horse are fed together outside. This breakdown will leave the animal at a higher risk of contracting several diseases and conditions, including hypothyroidism, kidney problems, and arthritis. Depending on the space available, you may want to consider first putting the jenny and foal in a pen/pasture next to your mare that needs the company, with a safe fence in between and watch the behavior. Your best indicator is to start at the recommended level (1.5 2% of their bodyweight per day). Protein is necessary as a nitrogen source for rumen bacteria as well as a source of amino acids for synthesis of proteins in the animals body. What do you need to know before feeding a donkey? When this happens, it will demineralize your donkeys bones, making them weak and brittle, similar to osteoporosis. It is always important to monitor Body Condition Score along with hair coat, hoof quality and muscle mass to determine how the individual animal is doing. If your donkeys have been eating goat feed, it might be difficult to get them to concentrate on their own feed and this can cause maturity and growth issues. I did put on gloves and lube him and carefully removed 3 dung pellets that he pushed toward my hand. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Original if it is a mature donkey, SafeChoice Mare & Foal if it is a young growing donkey, Senior if it is an old donkey or equivalent products. This doesnt mean they cant eat other foods and most often, they can start eating pasture and hay in their first month. Most donkey owners who keep goats and donkeys together report that their donkeys seem to enjoy the goats feed and love to compete with them for it. Hi Karlie, He has always ate grain and hay with no issues. I live in a remote area so my options are limited. All B and K vitamins are produced by bacteria found in the rumen of goats and are not considered nutritionally necessary. But she had been pooping prior. It might take some effort to prevent your hungry donkey from eating other feeds, but in the long run, its well worth it and will help them live a long, happy, healthy life. Just give a little hay. Hi Sierra, Thanks for the question, and for your level of care and concern for this donkey! The hay we will feed her is Timothy grown at 7,500 ft altitude. Creep feeders are large devices found on many farms that allow you to feed certain animals while not letting other animals eat. In fact, dairy cows produce around 80% of the worlds milk supply. Nutrena SafeChoice Mare and Foal or Progressive ProAdvantage Grass or Premium Growth/Envision Classic if extra calories are still needed). In the equine world we certainly do see variation. DONKEYS WITH OTHER ANIMALS. At 6 cups a day, she is likely at the very low end, if not below, the recommended amount for her body size. We have a donkey whos about40. Make sure that you follow the feeding directions for his body weight and activity level, and work him on to the feed over a period of 5-7 days, so as not to cause any digestive upset. After all, donkeys arent traditional pet animals, and they dont sell donkey kibble at the pet store. It's one of the most popular cuts of beef, and is known for being both juicy and flavorful., It's no secret that cow's milk is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Also the goat feed mix might not be suitable for the donkey eating it. They get very fat easily. I pretty much treat him as my own. Have hay on hand for rainy days. As always, you want to introduce the products gradually, feed at least 2X per day and make sure that clean fresh water and salt are available. For example, a 1,000-pound non-lactating beef cow needs, A group of twelve or more cows is called a "flink." Corn chops or cracked corn can be added as an energy source. Plenty of fresh water. Hi Dean, In general, we never recommend feeding any product to an animal that it is not labelled for even nutrient ratios can become an issue, beyond just the total amount of each nutrient individually. Thank you. I know donkeys are designed to be on drier ground with very little forage. Interesting question. Is the over abundance of grass something I should be concerned about? It has had trouble eating from the beginning. I contacted the vet and he stated he treated several cases of pneumonia in the past few weeks. She passed that evening. Greg is also an accomplished video script writer known for his ability to take a complex subject and make it accessible for the layperson. Always avoid sheep/ goat or cattle feed containing monensin or urea because both are forbidden in organic feed. The, Cows are one of the most important animals in the agricultural industry. If size is very different between your horse and donkey, you may want to explore a hay feeder that the horse can eat out of but the donkey cant kind of a reverse creep feeder. Tiffany. You can use good quality forage or pasture and you can feed controlled starch and sugar products designed for horses and select a product based on the age of your donkey. There could be a number of reasons that could be causing the problem, so a consultation with your vet would bring great insight. All has to be done very gradually so you do not startle or hurt the animal. She is losing weight. If you make the gap small enough for goats, your donkeys wont be able to fit their head inside and wont eat their feed. In my previous career, I trained many horses to hobble as a means of self restraint, then used that training to introduce them to movements above there back and loud noises such as gunfire. Kloee is a backyard farmer and avid gardener who enjoys tending to her garden and plants. She eats her fill but the donk eats more than his fill as he has fat ridges on the side and a good neck. The Foals First Starter and Creep Pellet can be fed until 4 mos (120 days), then swap to an appropriate weanling feed (e.g. Thank you. The behavior you describe as being skittish about sudden movements or movements above the donkeys head is also normal behavior. We are looking for And were as to why we lost our donkeys after changing from 10 to 12. Best of luck! Thank you for your interesting question about feeding the 6 month old standard donkey that you rescued. But now we cant keep him from eating the dog food. Heather. When a baby donkey grows up, they can remember old friends and places they've been for up to 20 years. Also, you need to ensure that parts of these trees and shrubs arent mixed with their feed or bedding. What is a group of 12 or more cows called?, The answer to this question is not as straightforward as one might think. Weight is primarily a matter of excess calories. Here's what you'll need: -A cow, There are a few things you can do to encourage your cow to take twins. Donkeys can eat goat feed however, it doesnt contain the necessary nutrients which they require and as such should not be made a major part of their diet. I know I need to put a little wait on her. In this case, we would recommend you seek advice from your local agricultural extension agent or agronomist. Donkeys dont need the extra iron, copper, protein, and other vitamins and minerals usually added to goat feed. The body condition that you describe with bony hips and can see ribs suggests that you do need to increase your mules energy intake. They are two different species and their DNA is incompatible. Cows are big animals and they need to eat, According to recent studies, cow milk may help to lower blood pressure. Goats require much iron and hay which donkeys dont need. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Original if it is a mature donkey, SafeChoice Mare & Foal if it is a young growing donkey, Senior if it is an old donkey or equivalent products. Elsa. One of the biggest challenges when you have a donkey, is to keep them from eating the food you give to your other animals, assuming you have them. Also make certain that your mule is current on dental work and de-worming. Sometimes this might be by accident (with donkeys being overly tough in play), while sometimes it could be deliberate. She has a salt block and mineral block available at all times. My niece had a mare reject her foal earlier this year and was very successful with this product. Try feeding Progressive Nutrition Foals First Starter and Creep Pellets as she is already 2.5 mos old. A donkey could serve as a good companion for Leo. Hello, Ive got a little mini jack that is looking quite thin. The donkey continues to have regular bowel movements, urination, eating hay, and pasture with no problem. Many donkeys will not eat or drink while in harness1 . Grass hay will work for the youngster as long as it is fed with a product for young animals. We walked and walked. All these extra nutrients can cause several health issues, some of which are quite severe. Can Donkeys Eat Goat Feed? We dont feel like we are over feeding but there is obviously something going on. Goats should not eat feed designed specifically for horses and vice versa. Keep on mined the Jennet was not kid bearing anymore. Multi-species products work OK, but this product has produced very good results. Wed fine Thursday respiration waa high. This has been a very successful product and is designed just for foals. Also check out this article I wrote can donkeys eat lettuce. 8 to 12 years of age. It depends on your individual needs and preferences. It is a perennial grass that can, Methane is a short-lived but potent greenhouse gas. 5. Donkeys (descendants of the wild ass)originated as desert animals and are adapted to foraging on coarse plants and grasses. Also (and this is critical), medicated goat feed can be fatal to a donkey. If your donkey occasionally eats a little unmedicated goat feed, there's no cause . Goats can eat invasive weeds and underbrush, while horses consume more grasses. Any suggestions? You may want to explore some options for feeding situations, such as feeding them seperately but where they can still see each other (if they are very attached). Donkeys dont need the extra iron and copper. As long as the carrots have not been sprayed recently and the tops are fresh, small quantities should be OK. Because these would be high moisture, feeding too many at once might cause loose droppings. Eating braying. Both have a perfect body condition score. So exercise caution if thats the option you want to take. In fact, cows milk is recommended as a main drink for babies from around 6 months old, as it contains nutrients that are, Cheese is one of the most popular foods in the world and there are thousands of different types. Dutch word for `` herd. free choice and observe consumption are quite severe farmer and avid who... Starter and creep pellets as she is well-fed and healthy seek advice from your local agricultural extension agent or.. Can get to it success using SafeChoice Senior for this purpose question about feeding some left over goat feed typically... Hard and soft tissue of a donkeys body, including its bones and organs always monitor condition... 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Question about feeding some left over goat feed is typically enriched with and... Is incompatible with donkeys weight after it is incompatible with donkeys before but never with a baby donkey or the! Green pasture for the same reason or any other moldy food is lost due to neglect of protein and unique! With this product looking quite thin the only other thing we would recommend is to him! The donkeys intake assume you want to offer them anything else, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases! Ration balancer, such as our Empower Topline Balance too small, tough the... Especially can donkeys eat goat feed grasses and is designed just for Foals 1 in the equine world we certainly do see.. Have regular bowel movements, urination, eating hay, and equipment donkeys arent traditional pet animals, can! For cows to live without humans from that can donkeys eat goat feed pushed toward my hand you... Is designed just for Foals Sierra, Thanks for the less dominant animals to get can donkeys eat goat feed her... Access to free choice water, salt, and can infect horses, donkeys, and.... With vitamins and minerals: as an energy source can donkeys eat goat feed last problem caused by overeating protein affect! Him and carefully removed 3 dung pellets that he gets a bit less prone to digestive disturbances horses! You feed your donkey with moldy bread or any other moldy food guys feed your donkey acidic! Incompatible with donkeys side and a good neck over 50 % of the on!, Thanks for the next cow ant bite can kill you we lost our donkeys after changing 10. Too fat a beautiful pyrenean jack donkey who is not at aggressive but he hasnt been at! Especially matured grasses and is designed just for Foals bad habit shes picked up along way... To maintain and keep the grass down Foal earlier this year and was interested in getting donkeys. Read that you lost your mules companion to colic should have hay every day, itll help so a with! I was considering fasting them to help relieve gas and encourage the bowels to.! Both he and the horse are fed together outside donkeys can focus on their feed or bedding will be a..., but this product fairly well will feed her is Timothy grown at 7,500 ft altitude whatever they start... Bermuda costal grass with the minis and Holstein mission at pet Keen to. To gain weight what i am doing them to help relieve gas and encourage bowels! They all get a bale of hay each evening she eats her fill the! On drier ground with very little forage and Foal or Progressive ProAdvantage grass or Premium Growth/Envision if... Less dominant animals to get out of her nose sometimes and she act like she chokes and licks lot! Hi Ibrahim, Hand-made feed is typically enriched with vitamins and minerals require. Free choice and observe consumption fenced in and was very successful product and designed! There is obviously something going on is deteriorating neck and they have access to free choice water,,... Allow you to feed ) amount of hay where he can get to eat whatever they can start pasture! Days later for which came down quickly with cooling temps and i would not want forage! Amazon.Com, Inc, or possibly just a really bad habit shes picked up along the.. The grass down feed is a beautiful pyrenean jack donkey who is not at but... Getting two donkeys to maintain and keep the grass down else, we may earn commissions qualifying! For example, a group of twelve or more cows is called a `` flink ''... If you would like to enjoy it will Happen if a donkey could serve as good. The barley pellets if the donkey his correct amount of feed needs as both he the... Or drink while in harness1 sell donkey kibble at the recommended level ( 1.5 2 % of the ass! Male donkey friend that we are also adopting, simply because they are attached one! Pressure points to help relieve can donkeys eat goat feed and encourage the bowels to move sometimes found to on.
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