abu ambassadeur 5000 serial number lookupabu ambassadeur 5000 serial number lookup
Also have same reel, case, etc. The composition make up of plastic parts in reels made in 1980 or later may be different. The first version had grooved rim side plates with mushroom style takedown screws. High speed models include: 1500C, 2500C, 4500(C) 4600C, 5500(C,D) 5600C, 6500(C) and 6600C. $49.99 + $8.95 shipping. The European 5000C for examplecan befound withblack anodized counter-balance handleand aluminum star drag anodized in black. 1977: ABU Museum was established. All contents provided in this website are for educational and informational purposes only. Last updated on Feb . published in December 2011 in both English and Japanese. My serial number research and supporting 6000C evidence continues to lead me to January 1968 as the date of the frame change. Like myself you treasure family heirlooms, If it was my dads reel it would be priceless. They are usually found on boxes in the form of an ink stamp, stenciled white sticker or pin holes punched through the cardboard. ABU received the high honor of the Appointment of Imperial Household Service, the purveyor to HM KONUNGENS HOVLEV, the King of Sweden. abu garcia ambassadeur 4500 C in very nice condition. This was not surprising, for she was armed with 3 United States Patent (4.003.270, 4.011.774 and 4.042.186) under her belt, with at least 2 of her patented designs adopted by other brands due to its functionality. Designation for Thumbar is also in the second digit such as 6600C. Any downloadable file, including but not limiting to PDFs, DOCs, JPEGs, PNGs are provided at the users own risk. If youown this model with a serial number between 188623 and 189010 (last entry in ABU log book), pleasecontact me so I can record it. Many of the parts inside this example are for Record models. This is not necessarily the case with all ABU original or reproduction plates. Variationssuch as color andshape existformodels found in them. and access all back issues online, Get access to exclusive member shows and content, Post My 5000C serial number research continuestopoint to January 1968 as the date when all frames changed, however, it is the6000 model that may have been the first touse the "new" 3-screw frame by at least November 1967. It was not that #1~#231 were missing from the entry, it was that the first number of the book was prestamped from 0232. This reel had a 4-screw frame. L & L Home Solutions | Insulation Des Moines Iowa Uncategorized abu garcia ambassadeur serial number lookup The composition make-up of these plastic parts will not break down in Acetone. 5000C..Introduced in 1967, this was the first model mass produced with "C" engraved beside the model number. Vintage Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 6500C . 1975: Described as the Superb Addition to the Family, Ambassadeur 2500C was the first Small Ambassadeur to be introduced into the Ambassadeur Family. Finding one new in the box would indeed command a high value. Red Abu Ambassadeur No. The earliest use of a lot number started in 1964, and is read quite differently than the second and third type codes. *Ambassadeur 5000D with Champagne Gold Sideplate and Frame was introduced in November. This is the first presentation model Abu made and was introduced in 1962. , 3. 5000D production in very late 1977~1979 are found without the clicker and a sticker that read "Ambassadeur 5000D." It was also at this time that the Ambassadeur 2500Cs production was halted to make room for the Ambassadeur 1500C production. One will often hear the terms 3-screw and 4-screw in reference to the Ambassadeur reels. The last two numbers "00" would reflect the number of revisions made to the reel which are none in this example. They do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the website owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. By this time, the rights to market Abu products in Japan had been transferred from Ebisu Fishing to Olympic. 1995: Proventus sold Abu Garcia to Pure Fishing. Pictured is an "ABU" Ambassadeur 6000 without a foot number or clicker. I gave him some of my confirmed serial numbers as well. Hi Chuck, This change was another way to curtail cost and was more than likely introduced near the end of production. Although it was first produced in March 1975, the Ambassadeur 2500C only made to the market in 1976. This one is chocolate in color. I have an ambassadeur 5000c with the number 21466 on the foot. RECORD Ambassadeur 6000 new in 1955 is mentioned here because this model never received serial numbers. I was 17. Having met this criteria, it would be considered one of the toughest reels to ever obtain. CLICK TO ENLARGE MOST PICTURES ON THIS WEB PAGE! Original/Reproductions: Plates, Decals, Handles, etc. or Best Offer. To date, it's the only one I'veconfirmed as originalwith 2xxxx asthe startingdigit. Confirmed shipping record information for serial number #500275 shows it was shipped from the factory on July 05, 1965. #500275 was shipped from the factory on July 05, 1965. 1955: The first Small Mouth Bass was imported to Sweden by the Borgstroms and ABUs first spinning reel, the ABU 444 was introduced to the market. AU $359.94. The Final Chapter book by Simon Shimomura has a segment that shows all models up to 7000 with the majority of their version numbers. Their construction is quite different than their counterparts and were never changed to a 3-screw model. Watch the color instantly come back to life! Engraved with it's model number, it was not serialized but stamped "Made in Sweden" on the foot. Below, is an Ambassadeur 2500C before and after cleaning. 1978: Lennart Borgstrom moved to United States to try and save to ABUs most important market. From then on, it would be an Ambassadeur that went on all my fishing trips. Back in the day this was a fairly common practiceand it also made for good customer relations too. Additionally, Instant Anti Reverse (IAR) bearing made by German manufacturer INA was also introduced for the first time on these Small Ambassadeurs. Up to the middle of 1964, the 6000 did not carry a foot number. With the Ambassadeur 1500C ceasing her production in March 1979, the Ambassadeur 2500C resumed her production, with smaller quantity only for special orders; to Europe till 1982 and Japan till 1985 respectively. Vintage ABU SWEDEN Ambassadeur 5000 D. KerryTheOkiePicker. The frame and its version number must be understood for without the correct frame, all you have is a handful of parts. Pre-1980 ABU production items do not have "7" hook font. #100702 dates this reel to October 1967. I've shown a picture of the plastic parts you'll find in your classic reel (1952-1979) that can safely be cleaned in Acetone. If you can not, its definitely a serial number. Acetone will not hurt the colored dye finish on these reels. What year was this reel made? In my opinion, we now know the date of the frame change from 4-screw to 3-screw occurred for all models in January 1968. Using the 3 types of date codes below, see if you can make the first two group of numbers represent a year AND a month. The mechanical change for the 6000 wasthe addition of a bait clicker and themove from 4-screw to a 3-screw frame was the design change. One can only speculate as to why ABUused revisionnumber "01"months earlier but did notact on it. End result, you just bought two used side plates! There were only 500 made andreleased in two batches. 5000..Introduced to the American market in 1954, Record Ambassadeur 5000 came equipped with a standard capacity spool. Ca. ABU's first high speed model was the Ambassadeur 5500C introduced in 1973 with a gear ratio of 4.7:1. 1965: Cardinal spinning reels were introduced. In 1995, about the time I realized I wanted to collect these reels seriously, I met Simon Shimomura at the Houston, Texas NFLCC show. Unless an earlier lot number exists, serial number 189010 may have been manufactured in either June or July 1971 since no date was recorded for it in ABU's log book. Correct Record 6000 handle with a portion of the counterweight machined. The 5500CDL below is a forgery. This is an example of a 5000A with gray arbor/black flange spool. The 5600CDL is one of the harder presentation models to find. S/N 8097. The large knurled aluminum knob is part of the drag system which was incorporated into the handle. If there was a mechanical or parts design change, the version number would reflect that change with "01" "02" and so on. This reel is made in Sweden. ABU would not simply throw away old stock parts. until eleven years later in 1975. I use a wax on the outer parts as I reassemble. These problems were soon overcame within the next year or so after Mamiya-OP returned many of these out-of-standard reels and have them replaced. Refer to 5000C Historical Notations for more information on this model. 1971: ABU changed its Serial Numbering System to Production Lot Numbering System. Produced in 1977, both had "00" as their version number and stayed this way throughout the 1970s. . This confirms both box and reel were assembled together at the factory in 1965. View showing display card and box top with "B" sticker added. This raisesthe question,couldABU have produced 231 units with serial numbers ranging from #1~#10? In this a One-Stop website, you will gain insights of the histories and also featured photos of these Fine Fishing Equipment of the various models; Enhancing your Collection and Increasing your overall fishing experience. During all my years of collecting, Simon has been the biggest influence in my collecting life and I wish to thank him for that very much. Hard films will wash right off and chrome frames will look new again. ABU Ambassadeur 5000 5500 Worm Shaft 7.19 Buy Now ABU Ambassadeur 5000 5500 Worm Tube 4.21 Buy Now Abu Ambassadeur 5000 6000 Bronze Spool Bush 1.78 Buy Now Abu Ambassadeur 5000 6000 Titanium Line Carriage 6.76 Buy Now ABU Ambassadeur 5000 to 6000 Line Carriage Nut 2.16 Buy Now Abu Ambassadeur 5500 6500 Black Clicker Switch 3.36 Buy Now The handle and star draghave now changed to the more traditional style seen on this model but the handle nut with oil port is still in use. I've mentioned that the frame change from 4-screw to 3-screw occurred for all models in January 1968. This official crest of the high honor was granted to ABU and has been the symbol of ABU products since. This is also the acronym for SG which stands for Sfariska Glidlager. Holding the handle still you will notice the knurled knob rotating when the fish made his run. 1. "ABU" engraving is located underneath the spool cap. That's the day I knew if I wanted to collect them, I had to learn about them. Started Monday at 04:03 PM, By The capacity of the reel is 205 yds 12 lb line, 180 yds 14lb line, and Could this be the first 5000C box used in the U.S.? Please use Acetone in a well ventilated area. abu ambassadeur 5000 serial number lookup. The need to serialize was so ABU could keep better track of production. *Black Ambassadeur 5500C (Decal Model) was introduced in 1979. It is spotless and has the leather case with oil & spare parts. Smallest (earliest) Serial Number on Ambassadeur 5000 model: As I have previously stated in my book, I have been chasing the smallest (earliest) serial number for (RECORD) Ambassadeur 5000 model. Reel Schematics; Trolling Motor Schematics; Downrigger Schematics; . 1974: Gote Borgstrom passed on in May this year and ABU buys the Arjon Company. This can be noted by opening the cover page of a Garcia Fishing Annual. The spool is gray arbor/red flange with red anodized star drag. As a young boy, my father frequently took me fishing. Sighted with plastic sideplates, this model is very different from other Ambassadeur model reels from the classic year. One exception to this rule would be that 5000 De Luxe and 5000C De Luxe did not reflect this change right away. This new, red casting reel was designed with the latest high-tech features such as the Centrifugal Brakes and Star Drag. I wouldn't have discovered this reel if it hadn't been for Simon Shimomura's dedication to the Ambassadeur and his books which are so inspiring. This was a great moment for me. Ambassadeur 4000D and 5000D , * Ambassadeur 5500C ()1979, 1974: Gote Borgstrom 5ABU Arjon. Copyright StripersOnline, Inc. 1999-2022 Serious collectors know that many ABU parts are interchangeable and would make it easy to build such a reel. VINTAGE ABU GARCIA AMBASSADEUR 5000- 5000D SPOOL ASSEMBLY MINT. First pattern used is shown on this 1973 5500C and features, Simon Shimomura is author of three books on collectible Ambassadeur reels and is considered an expert and historian of Ambassadeur. Production for this model began in June 1966 and was introduced to the public in 1967. John's knowledge as an expert is recognized in Simon Shimomura's book, The Ambassadeur and I, Final Chapter. you read and agreed to the. Search within model. Dating Early Abu's 5 figure numbers XXXXX given to the Record Ambassedeurs. Thanks, Richard, The 1970s and later models are much easier to date than the earlier ones. abu garcia ambassadeur brake adjustment. Another aspect of reels made for the European market are the subtle differences onecan findversusmodels made for America. The 1750, 1750A, 2600 and 2650 were the free spool models of seven total for this series of reels. ca. It was a mutt! Can anyone tell me how to date these reels. Every part on this reel is what one would expect to see assembled to a Record model. The date is located at the bottom right hand corner of the first page and it will precede the year found on the magazines spine. This example may be one of the very last one's mfg 'd in this style as its lot number indicates it was made in November 1981. 5000 HOW TO DATE CODE by fishbugman Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:07 pm Can anyone tell me how to date these reels. Amajor changewas takingplace in very late 1967 and it could nothave been seen more clearly than with the 6000 model. Gte's first fishing reel was the Abu Record, produced in 1941. ABU OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) reels for Pebeco. Copyright 2015 by Fred Ribb - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Models listed here can be read by the third type: 1500C, 2500C, 4000D, 4500(C), 4600C, 5000 (A B. Asterisk * denotes the 5000C as starting out with serial numbers in 1966 when production started. Male knurling (left) and female knurling (right). Still a very desirable reel, it's not the true first version. Search for: Search. Serial numbers are for reels mfg 'd. 0232 stands for #232 and G stands for Garcia where item was shipped. This is currentlythe highest serial number I've personally seen for 5000C. Crank nut threading for Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 5000? Fortunately for collectors they can still be identified upon close inspection. There are several physical aspects to consider but for simplicity purposes, the cog wheel post and quick take-down thumb nuts are two items the collector should easily be able to identify. lostinthewash The website owner will not be liable for any losses, or damage from the display or use of this information. Abu Garcia Foot Numbers/Serial Numbers. Although first made in 4-screw version, ABU changed all of their reel frames to a 3-screw version about eighteen months later in early 1968. The handle nut version on this 5000B suggests the same era. ABU GARCIA AMBASSADEUR 5000D BAITCASTING FISHING REEL~3.6:1~GREEN~3 SCREW~SWEDEN. Abu Garcia Serial Number Lookup ((TOP)) - Wakelet. Abu Garcia 5000 Schematics. *ABU started the use of Serial Numbering System on Ambassadeur 5000A sometime between late 1955 to April 1956. , 4. Abu 5000 Reel with serial #223 UNKNOWN 5000C DE LUXE 4-SCREW DISCOVERY This is a very rare 5000C De Luxe 4-screw model. in May of 1958 with the help of a known shipping record. "C" denotes the use of ball bearings; however, the 5000C was not the very first model to use them. Questions & Answers Page A. Hotspots. "Record" Ambassadeur 6000 made its debut in 1955 but by 1958, "Record" was changed to "ABU" Ambassadeur. They were assembled to the latest models until exhausted. Currently, #010876 is the lowest serial number I've recorded for 3-screw 5000CDL. This is also the year where Ambassadeur 6000C reels were introduced. The discovery of #223 leaves us with more questions. Identical lot numbers can be found on many reels within a given model. 1976: Majority of ABUs shares were sold to the Wallenberg Groups Incentive AB. Also in the same year, ABU introduced the Ambassadeur 2050 and 2650 series reels as well as the Ambassadeur 5000B. "X" stood for "extra" spool filled with line. Looking at the numbered dial around the bearing housing, the "7" font on the right is correct for ABU original and reproductions and has never changed. The handle arm with mesh design was never offered on the brown 6500 and should be mirror finish only. The original purchase of the 5000 DeLuxe included a lifetime warranty with bonus membership in the International Ambassadeurs Club, endorsed in 1963 by HKH Prince Bertil of Sweden. ()PDFs, DOCs, JPEGs, PNGs. If you own a 5000C with serial number between 35064 (4-screw) and 35158 (3-screw) please contact me using the address at the top of this site. This chart may or may not make it easier, but it will shed a bit of light on the subject! The first, The Ambassadeur and I and The Ambassadeur and I, Final Chapter are must have books if you really want to understand these reels. Knowledge of the Ambassadeur reel is key to owning an authentic and original condition collection. It will not leave a stain. For the period indicated, Abu Garcia will, at its option, repair or replace and return the covered items found to be defective in material or workmanship at no charge except for shipping cost. Look for Simon's unique 7 font on all his plates. The following information was given to me by Simon Shimomura but should not be considered as all-inclusive. http://www.ereplacementparts.com/abu-garcia-5000-ambassadeur-parts-c- . The conversion to 3-screw took place in January 1968. The serial numbers on these reels started with #1. I have gained a lot over the years, from the knowledge to the wonderful friendsI have made in the course of my collection; this is invaluable to me. I have found that the side plates will retain their color for well over a year without re-applying. Pictured below, is a rare version of Record Ambassadeur 5000A. Between Simon and I, we hope to accomplish this through discovery of new serial numbers. Ambassadeur reels came in various marked cases through the years but the very first case offered had no markings at all. However by examining the parts on the reel one can get close to when it was made. Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 5000. abu ambassadeur 5000 serial number lookup. The reproduction also has a different texture on the paddle. In addition to the series of models introduced in this year, ABU also introduces the beautifully constructed 5600CDL, a 24K Gold-Plated model. If you have a reel that's excessively dirty, you'll want to use one of your plastic bristle tooth brushes with dish soap and warm water to clean the thick grease and dirt from your parts. But one can safely say pre 1964. Acetone evaporates quickly and removes all fingerprints to give your reel the mirror finish it had when it left the assembly line. . An example might be 080400. 2020: Lennart Borgstrom passed on in July this year. dannyplug1 They were used from mid 1964 into the 1980s. Although never engraved with "A", 5000A is listed for the first time in Garcia's 1957 catalog. Abu ambassadeur 5000c black serial number. Simply follow my directions above for metal parts and stickers, but DO NOT use Acetone on these side plates. I don't know how long you've had the reel, but sometimes folks will replace parts as needed over the years. In 1993, Olympic merged with Mamiya, a manufacturer of photographic equipment; the merged company was rebrand as Mamiya-OP. We have become good friends through time and he will always be close to my heart. 5000 De Luxe and C De Luxe models manufactured in the 1960's and 70's had serial numbers only. ", "Incidentally, ABU has missed a lot of entries into the record book of production for other models but this is not one of those cases. Requests were also made to have this website published in Japanese and I am going to attempt this so that it will reach a wider audience and serve a wider community., My Tackle Box, Abu Ambassadeur, 201990(JDM), , 400. Last two numbers `` 00 '' as their version number and stayed this way throughout the 1970s and later are. Konungens HOVLEV, the purveyor to abu ambassadeur 5000 serial number lookup KONUNGENS HOVLEV, the 6000 did reflect... If it was not serialized but stamped `` made in Sweden '' on the foot 1978: Lennart passed! Had been transferred from Ebisu Fishing to Olympic factory on July 05, 1965 or! In November were used from mid 1964 into the handle still you notice! 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Big Island Accident Today, Parsons Mortuary Obituaries, Upland High School Baseball Field, Articles A