Jesuit Priest Doug Hagmann S.J. He claims that he is not foul-mouthed at all but at the same time is constantly insulting, as he almost always says, the people that do not know.. With Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle as their avid promoters, these men are trying to make their books make sense and have them accepted as authorities in the field of eschatology . I have been working to better myself since the death of my wife. In 2018, the Hagmanns added another new platform for their daily video stream and archiving, their own independent host that is protected from any potential censoring by YouTube whichhappened in August 2018. Viji turned into an opportunist much like the fish in the sea who appear when they smell food. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analyst and has been seen and heard on broadcasts around the world. Once approved, they will be published accordingly. Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. Steve also has a PayPal account on his website in which his listeners are encouraged to donate their money for needy veterans, and single mothers. Douglas J. Hagmann-2 days ago. Share this post: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Reddit Share on Telegram Share on LinkedIn. As a reminder Mr. Quayle, most of the population cannot even afford to purchase your golden waffles as you so promote nor the items from Tom Horns online survival store. Websites like and (and the entire Team took the bait and promoted the lies Viji shared with them. Stan Deyo Joins Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report (Full Show) 7/12/2022. Instead, he published it on his website. Elon Reeve Musk FRS is a business magnate, industrial designer and engineer. The Hagmann Report broadcasts live weekdays 7-10pm et. CAUGHT ON TAPE: Georgia SoS Brad Raffensperger Thanking CCP For Their Votes in 2015! 2019 can be heard during their 1st break saying he went to a Catholic Jesuit Seminary! Her experience extends into public and private speaking engagements, written bible studies and investigative reporting. Oh bibili babili babalah babiboh, rahdi tih tah TAH!. It is the guarantee and promise we have made to the 2.1 million registered voters that cast a ballot on Nov. 3, 2020. All rights reserved. In the video below I interview Doug Hagmann, in it, he reveals a solution to some of the atrocities were about to face here in the US, Doug Hagmanns Youtube Channel:, Hagmanns Website: The elder Hagmann estimated recently that each episode of the eponymous program currently has between 75,000 and 125,000 accesses on the various video and audio platforms that carry it. The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. Join Private Investigator Douglas Hagmann for the news that matters most. Is Biden Now On His Way Out? I tried to protect him from himself because of the legalities from using false credentials to incite sales and in essence he is a con man. Nathan Leal listened to the show live. He has 20 years of experience performing investigations in the private sector for many Fortune 500 companies and is a well known surveillance specialist. Why did Hagmann & Quayle commit libel and slander against Erevna and Peschmann? Many folks emailed me or commented if I planned on suing Hagmann/Quayle (after their slanderous radio show) and at the time I could not. LvilleClinicEscorts (@LouClinicEscort) October 18, 2021. Where have we heard of swine before I ask? Get every new post delivered to your Inbox, The Contrived Calvinist vs Arminianist Division and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, In The Beginning Was The Word | The Resurrection of the Hebrew Language and Suppression of the Truth, The Book of Enoch is a Dangerous Demonic Snare, Merry Christmas! Your email address will not be published. Its All Making Sense Elon Musk Has No Idea What He Purchased with Jacks Magic Coffee Shop And if he does, the outlook is worse. This excerpt by Rick Wiles from Monday March 25, 2013 says it all, in my opinion. (Aug. 6, 2012) Recently, I read Doug Hagmann's column "The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style" in which Doug cited a "deep-throat" DHS source. Steve Quayle went on and published a private email that I sent out to colleagues, including him, on this matter asking them to keep it confidential. Keep promoting yourself and lose more listeners. Usually, this fear porn was followed up with a solution for sale; all the while promoting the Word of God. United States, I smells me some bread, n it smells like, muh muh muh muh munay. They will not tell their believers this post was even taken down because it would breed many questions; and liars gonna lie. Hagmann Report. Another individual parading around the alternative radio circuit with a false resume. With Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle as their avid promoters, these men are trying to make their books make sense and have them accepted as authorities in the field of eschatology when in fact, they are promoting and practicing an almost apologetic position of Catholicism. Joe Hagmann (1983-2019). Twitter video R/T=2:56, VIDEO 1: Here We Go Again: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, & the WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic RUMBLE R/T=2:44, VIDEO 2: World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for an end to private car ownership TWITTER 2:19, PAGE 1: Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum is now coming for your pets TWITTER, PAGE 5: Elon Musk Triggers Deep State Operative With Prosecute Fauci Tweet. SLAB JABS / COVID. Why did Hagmann & Quayle commit libel and slander against Erevna Swords drawn! And the beat goes on. . In 2017, over70,000 Americansdied from opioid overdoses, 15,482 of them from heroin overdoses and the remainder from prescription drugs. She has her own YouTube channel, with half a million subscribers and multiple other websites that she authors, her message is heard by millions every single each month. As I painfully learned these men only used the Word like a light used to attract moths. Hagmann Report. Russ Dizdar's circle included other SRA/Human Trafficking conspiracy theorists/grifters, including Doug Hagmann, Thomas Dunn, Steve Quayle, etc. Wuhan, if you have any questions pleaseemail usdirectly. I would still call him from time to time (not realizing) he no longer cared and shared many tearful conversations with him. 90:01 We Are Well Into World War III - Unrestricted Warfare | Randy Taylor & John Moore on The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 7/11/2022. The following is a copy of the civil judgement and award of monetary damages: Award of Monetary Damages i by Douglas Hagmann. A very small number has been critical of what they see as Joes weakness in the face of temptation. We hope that this award will deter others from engaging in such defamation, which is injurious to the work of the plaintiffs and victims of human and child trafficking. (Related Steve Quayle warns Mike Adams NO MORE ELECTIONS An imminent catastrophic collapse threatens to take down America before the 2022 mid-terms.) A very small number has been critical of what they see as Joe's weakness in the face of temptation. There are regular contributors, including this author, who comment on issues related to politics, popular culture, and faith. They are the same as with all promoters of Jesus Christ that get in the spotlight, it just gets to them and it overwhelms them and they get caught up in the fame and the fortune. Awards. Such a thing happened to me and affected a 6-month investigation into a seismic anomaly that is being kept secret by scientists in Ensenada, Baja California. Evil lurks at the fringes of our civilized society. I designed the website showed him, but never launched it. Did he just signal that it is almost time to release some the declas docs. Learn the Truth in this explosive expose of how American Internet Christian Radio Hosts profit from believers in Christ. Same thing goes for Rick Wiles of that is now expanding his operations because he needs to grow his news business into a multimedia empire like Alex Jones did with the listeners money. One day I called Viji and I shared with him about Spark Webber a digital media company I wanted to launch. Some Americans believe that people who succumb to addiction are totally responsible for their own downfall and deserve little sympathy while themedical community, and many high-profile relatives of victims of overdose including prominent TV talk hostEric Bolling, are increasingly positing that the abuse of addictive drugs is an illness, a disease, or a response to socio-economic factors. . Now on his website he has surrounded himself with more people who use cartoons as pictures and possibly more false resumes. If Steve is the (pretentious word) opposite of a fundamentalist Christian, then Steve is fully against the fundamentals of fundamentalists: 1) Obedience to the Ten Commandments (with Sunday being a new and modified Sabbath) and the two greatest commandments (to love your neighbor as yourself and God with all your heart and mind), 2) Belief in the trinity (three spiritually joined persons linked in their living essence so that they are one being, called God, yet person each having their own mind, which perhaps could be said to be a part of and forming a super-mind, Gods). I think people should be mindful to the fact that just as some of those not to Godly televangelists have used the Television to exploit their listeners, the internet has become a new breeding ground for a new kind of breed of not to Godly internet-evangelists.. Join Doug Hagmann, host of the Hagmann Report . Your sources, never named, include a four-star General who provides you with Ultra Cosmic Top Secret information which violates the law if he did so. Nobody should be lied to or deceived so a person can profit. However, in the past week, the elder Hagmann, a multi-state licensed investigator for over three decades, has been working diligently to determine if other factors and individuals may have contributed to or were responsible for his son's death. However, in the past week, the elder Hagmann, a multi-state licensed investigator for over three decades, has been working diligently to determine if other factors and individuals may have contributed to or were responsible for his sons death. ZEROHEDGE, VIDEO 3: 70% of Western aid for Ukraine falls into a black hole of corruption and doesnt make it to the front lines Twitter video R/T=2:04 (August 2022), VIDEO 4: Russia Sanctions Not Hurting Russia, But EU. The Hagmann Report. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. On February 10, 2015, Christian hucksters Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle dedicated a portion of their radio show in retaliation to blogger Michael Erevna and investigative journalist Marinka Peschmann. The following is a copy of the civil complaint: Civil Complaint; Sawyer, Di by Douglas Hagmann. On this day Quayle called me searching for Viji. ( 190 ) $9.99. Federally backed censorship machine raises separation of powers, election meddling questions, Election Integrity Partnership Worked with Feds to Censor News Sites in 2020. I remember when you went out on Coast to Coast with George Noory in 2004, which you still do by the way, and said that terrorists had acquires nuclear suitcase bombs and that you expected them to go off soon. I thought I was talking to a brother, but his heart became poisoned with greed. Quayle made a comment to me, He needs to call me. Yup! As of this writing,the inquiries are continuing. After many months of relentless, baseless and absolutely heinous accusations including child sex trafficking, aiding and abetting child sexual predators, and even murder, all made by Daniel John Lee against four individuals (Craig Sawyer, Russ Dizdar, Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann), self-proclaimed investigative reporter Daniel John Lee was sued in civil court in March, 2020 pursuant to his wishes. Many of these hucksters from Hagmann & Quayle cannot make this claim. The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. Celeste Solumn with Doug Hagmann In-Studio | Government Operations - Past & Present Might Reveal Future Plans 12/17/22. Michael is the Editor-in-Chief of fulfilling his true passion of researching and writing about Biblical scripture, ancient text, and esoteric mysteries. Yes he can! The reason is many of the guest on The Hagmann Report use falsified credentials and you would think since Doug Hagmann claims he is an ace investigator he would know these things. Begs Jay Z To Follow His Command, October Will End With a BANG! Last Monday, March 18th, on the Hagmann and Hagmann Radio Show, Quayle announced that he is raffling the second most expensive guitar in the world? Despite the promise of proving his case through the legal process of discovery, Lee failed to respond to the defamation lawsuit, resulting in a default judgement. She said when Satan gets you, you will never know it is happening. As the years progressed we stayed in touch and my wife and I even attended his wedding to his beautiful wife. For those wanting to send flowers, Sharon . Revelation Now previously ran post on the true nature of these hucksters and their reoccurring theme of fear porn which is counter-intuitive to Biblical Truth. Show Hagmann Report, Ep Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann - Full Show - 10/22/2020 - Oct 22, 2020 Crowley Opened Demonic Portal Aleister Crowley opened a demonic portal in Boleskine House on the shores of Loch Ness in Scotland. In a 13-minute-long YouTube video announcement on July 1, which has now been viewed over 250,000 times, Doug Hagmann, 60, reported that his son had died of an accidental heroin overdose. My lady and mother of my three sons was slowly dying of inflammatory breast cancer. . Its success is a . Do you think evil people would want to join ORDER or remain in CHAOS, like you, Punnet, Noory, Art and your friend Steve Quayle? Mr. Hagmann has worked as an informational and operational asset for various federal and state law enforcement agencies. VIDEO 1: The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 12/18/22 | BREAKING FOX NEWS December 18, 2022. This is a cautionary tale about the love of money is the root of all evil. Steve this time was speaking at a lest frantic rate (I wonder why?) Brazil, Go to article source Albeit in private emails, they are. More news of locale Joe Hagmann co-hosting The Hagmann Report, October 5, 2018. United States, Most likely like the rest of the individuals he has surrounded himself. By Doug Hagmann Bio and . BREITBART OCT 3, 2022, PAGE 5: EXC: Government Funding Research Into Correcting False Beliefs From Misinformation. NATIONAL PULSE, PAGE 6: EXC: U.S. Government Funding Research To Counter Populist Narratives About COVID-19 Pandemic, Vaccines NATIONAL PULSE, VIDEO 2: Natalie Winters Exposes Government-Funded Operation To Correct False Beliefs From Misinformation. I for one, will not keep promoting nor supporting your work. Interesting that the word hawk is related to the last name as well. He participated in over 1,800 broadcasts since 2011, many of which he produced. Excuse me, does this sound logical, that the name HAM is mistakenly used in the stead of NAM? Talk Show Host, The Hagmann Report. Biden Just BLEW IT! Well, just by looking at it, the word NAM is where the word NAME comes from and PUT comes from, excuse my language, PUTTA. He also forgot to mention the forced deboning of human cadavers for a month as a form of recruitment for young boys, some as young as 10, as a measure of dehumanization and reconditioning into the Zeta army. 00:59:03. Philadelphia, . Politics #110. The patriots have now taken the House. Beyond Awake Now What?, 2013 All Rights Reserved to the author. I paid all my bills up, made the tax man happy, and I have been working on my healthemotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I love to study eschatology but I would never write a book on the Vatican except to denounce it as the most evil criminal institution in the whole world. best morse code audio decoder; difference between yonanas classic and deluxe; state opera staff; richard carlson gymnastics; where do the largest earthquakes occur quizlet Hagmann Report. The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. Colorado, He participated in over 1,800 broadcasts since 2011, many of which he produced. [Joe Biden] says he will veto the IRS bill. Proving they know the truth and suppress it! ON THE GO? If the Holy Spirit was truly working through these men none of this would have ever happened. I was what he strives to be and instead of earning it he lied and continue to lies. I no, I will not use a quote from scripture trying to bolster this email like you would. Towns, Seb Gorka: The CCP Plans To Conquer And Vassalize The Entire World by 2049, Frank Gaffney: The Chinese Communist Party Is On The March, President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War on Japan (Full Speech) | War Archives, Elon Musk Fires Twitter General Counsel James Baker for Manipulating and Filtering Twitter File Release His explanation was unconvincing. 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