Only way to align with the text in the button seems to be margins. If you've sent the email with a different service than Campaign Monitor, try sending previews to a few different email hosts (e.g. After I've clicked, it views it completely fine. As a result, it is no longer actively maintained. What does mean in the context of cookery? In my case, since I have an inner table that holds overlaying copy and image, I added an empty table spacer and set the height to a value that helps push down the overlaying table. Place a table over the button image with a set height and width and link the table. Option (B), Put most of the content above the VML, and only a couple of lines in the VML part. rest protractor Why not do the same with our bulletproof button generator? My first suggestion with your above code is that you have <v:fill type="tile" you could change it to <v:fill type="frame" This will stop it repeating. BLANK This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. I have the bullet proof VML code for a background. Defines the size of the image for the fill. All desktop versions of Outlook need vector markup language (VML) to display the image correctly, as they use the Microsoft Word rendering engine. Above, we defined the background color wherever possible. leading tools and support. Preview every campaign, every message, and every device. : Answer Checked By Cary Denson (AngularFixing Admin), Your email address will not be published. Also, I'm going to use Embedded Images. Email typography will spice up your content and make it a pleasure to read. fill=true tells the VML image to fill the entirety of the shape. The main table inside the VML code, have you ever try to nest another table inside the main table. Im using CSS media query in the header to change width for mobile. Preview every campaign, every message, and every device. Make sure everything matches. This is an improvement but still not a full solution. ,