Sgt. He was also awarded France's and England's version of the Medal of Honor. Elias takes Chrisand two other men to intercept flanking enemy troops. That screenplay was actually based on Stone's earlier screenplay, Break, a semi-autobiographical account of his experiences and people he knew in Vietnam. This sight directly contradicts Sgt. Platoon is one among a great many Hollywood movies set in Vietnam which were instead shot in the jungles of the Philippines. Despite all the signs that they are losing the war, the platoon, as well as the American military, are operating under the delusion they are in some way actually gaining control of the war and have a chance to win. While there, the cast also trained to be soldiers with Marine veteran and friend of WATM,Capt. End with a murder the last of too bloody many . The new recruit, Gardner gets killed, Tex loses an arm, Chris is grazed by a bullet in the neck on the all night ambush that goes awry. by | Apr 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Apr 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments This is done as a means of releasing the tension and frustration that has built up from horrific ordeals he and his platoon have recently experienced; While his platoon pillages a small village, Chris rescues a young village girl from being raped by some of the men in his platoon; When Sgt. In the speech he gives the head, hes basically telling the men to think his way; be part of the machineCause when the machine breaks down, we break down, an occurrence hes not going to allow. And the next son of a bitch I catch coppin Z in the bush, Im personally going to take an interest in seein suffer. Excluding the WIA's, who is left behind to fight from the platoon? He relies on his knowledge of war to react and perform quickly. What does Barnes say in platoon? Barnes impact on Chris eventually dehumanizes him to the point where he is capable of killing his commanding officer, fully conscious that he is committing the same type of immoral act that Sgt. () Even though he didn't see Barnes actually shoot Elias, or has any physical proof of the crime, Chris still knows Barnes murdered Elias. But its not true! Chris proves to himself he can soldier as well as any man; what he doesnt bargain on is the experience of killing in cold blood. At 20:13 In The Dead Of Night Deep In The Jungle How Is The Enemy Silhouetted? You got the fresh meat Elias. Posted: 7/31/2021 2:23:23 PM EST. Sgt. It was totally practical and then once we had that image and once that sequence was very strong, I think it became a nice emblematic and iconic image for the film.. The platoons immoral behavior, and the dehumanizing treatment of the villagers supports Elias notion that the U.S. is going to lose the war. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica Story Expert application itself as an easily referenced contextual example. Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. KING: You a crazy fucker, givin up college, man. Barnes crosses that line. In the game of Cold War politics, Vietnam became a pawn. Platoon Translator. (to Doc) Doc, tagem and bagem. Elias squad out for an all night ambush resulting in Gardners death and Chris injuries. First Cavalry (Stone, p. 72) He will not tolerate anyone he feels is trying to undermine his leadership in the platoon. For instance, Chris is appalled when Barnes shoots a village woman in the head and then threatens to shoot a young village girl unless the villagers give him the information he wants; Chris tries to convince some of the other men that Barnes killed Elias, and that they need to kill Barnes who is becoming an evil, immoral, out-of-control liability to the platoon. Stone served in the Vietnam War from 1967-68 and used his own experiences during the conflict to shape the narrative. If they had they would have run Barnes was at the eye of our rage - and through him, our Captain Ahab - we would set things right again. When Chris reflects upon the village and the murder of Elias, he is able to gain the same enlightenment, yet his killing of Barnes in cold blood detracts from any progress hes made toward self-fulfillment. Chris finally obtains a strong aptitude for the war. Through all his experiences, Chris has come to learn the true nature of war. Bunny refers to himself as "Audie Murphy". Worth accelerates the conflict between Chris Taylor and Sgt. Why did Elias smile at Barnes? Barnes conceives the idea of challenging Chris and the others to kill him. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. Does Johnny Depp speak Vietnamese? Barnes killed Elias, it's just a feeling that Chris has about him. Black guy seen combing hair in night ambush.Pvt Moorhouse (KIA): Killed by short round, while using M60. As for Elias, he's the stabilizing force of the platoon - hard enough to intimidate others, smart enough to objectively analyze and assess strategicand psychological dilemmas. Barnes, a combat-loving burnout (Tom Berenger), is the informal leader of the lifers, and Sgt. His work has been featured in,, and Why did Barnes kill Elias? Platoon's demolition expert. Tension is derived from the sense that everything the platoon attempts to do appears ineffective against the elusive and ever encroaching enemy. Despite Lt. Wolfes seniority, Sgt. But Taylor's ascension into one of the platoon's bravestsoldiers leadsto a face-to-face confrontation with Barnes; a moment that's framed similarly to the Barnes-Elias sequence. If the state of the platoon wasnt bad enough, now theyre forced to face impossible odds. ELIAS: In 65 - yeah. Barnes immorality that brings about the deterioration of Chris own psyche. By the end of the film, Chris moral integrity has deteriorated to the point where he is able to kill Sgt. However, what makes thefinal narration especially impactfulis that Taylorsuggests he'll figuratively remain on the battlefield for the rest of his days, and imagines Eliasdoing the same while battling Barnes for the possession ofhis [Taylor's] soul. Was platoon a true story? Progress for the platoon is in a very grim state. Company. As a result, the platoon becomes cloaked in civil war. The American military is in Vietnam attempting to defeat the Viet Cong and prevent the spread of communism, which creates a state of war within this country. He wants to do for his country what his father did in World War II, and what his grandfather did in World War I. Make it outta here, its all gravy, every day of the rest of your life - gravy(Stone, p. 95). Barnes lost control of his emotions and men at the worst possible moment, which had he not murdered Elias would've taken him and several of his platoon out of the fight. It leaves us with the ominous impression that this is definitely a war America is losing. Elas Character Analysis. Barnes is the first platoon sergeant. Chris, like Sgt. Chris experiences in the war do not lead him to find something to be proud of, instead, he has become a cold-blooded murderer, and kills his nemesis, Sgt. Essentially, he was told where explosives were going off and how to best avoid them. Top 4 Reasons the Property Management Companies are Thriving. Chris presumes Barnes killed Elias as if it were a fact. Morale among the platoon is bad. 1. Marine veteran Capt. I figured why should just the poor kids go off to war and the rich kids always get away with it.". Theres a lot of suspicion and hate. During that 10 month period an estimated 600,000 French and German soldiers became a casualty. Barnes betrayal. Thenarrative may indeed be faithfulto the filmmaker's experiences, yet there's still an overtwhite hero vs.Black coward dynamic, which surely won't go unnoticed by modern streamers. Barnes is the antithesis of Hamlet. While Chris is on point, he unwittingly approaches a camouflaged Viet Cong bunker and Sgt. Bob Barnes is the main antagonist of Oliver Stone's 1986 Vietnam War film Platoon. Barnes covers the soldiers mouth and demands him to stop screaming and take the suffering, so potential enemies dont locate their position. Seen trying to rape a girl in village scene. CHRIS: Yever get caught in a mistake, King, and you just cant get out of it? You got no proof man. The platoon commits war crimes against the village as a means of releasing frustration for the deaths of the members in their platoon. Chris must stop thinking that war will define him as a man. Although Barnes shows signs of being completely lost and crazy, we still see ourselves drawn to him until he murders Elias. Stone's filmalso has a familial connection to Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 war classic Apocalypse Now, whichstars Charlie Sheen's father, Martin Sheen. There is no hesitation or contemplation when Barnes enters the village and begins interrogating and killing civilians; we dont see him ponder much about killing Elias or attacking Chris. Far from it, as Audie Murphy was awarded the Medal Of Honor and every other medal for bravery in combat, sometimes in multiples. Chris contributes to the carnage by firing his rifle at the feet of a defenseless villager. Barnes shoots and murders Elias when the two are alone in the jungle. Elias. KING: Whoever said we did, babe. After Ibarra saves his life from a vicious crocodile, Elas swears to protect the young man from his enemies, which are legion. Elias threatens to take the unproven matter to the proper authorities, but he never has the chance because Barnes kills him. Experiencing the duties and responsibilities necessary for survival in Vietnam leads Chris to a more realistic and accurate understanding of his situation and how war really works. When Chris and the others in the head initially decline to accept Sgt. People like Elias get wasted and people like Barnes just go on making up rules any way they want and what do we do, we just sit around in the middle and suck on it! We just dont add up to a rats ass. He was cruel and willing to kill those he was tasked with protecting. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. Why is the helmet placed upside down in the poster? These two soldiers were new to the platoon and lacked the experience they needed and might have gained if Barnes hadnt decided to send them out so soon; Its decided that the platoon should move further on to a nearby village suspected of Viet Cong activity. There is only terror, bone-deep exhaustion, nighttime patrols and the humid jungle, crawling with snakes, insects and the silent Viet Cong. (Los Angeles Times, 12/19/86, Calendar/p. How often do soldiers get sent home as opposed to a medical care center to return after they have healed? Even though they believe him, they argue that Chris has no proof of Sgt. Sergeant.Pvt Tubbs (KIA): Killed by NVA soldier, in the church battle, we don't see this on screen. There are a number of examples illustrating how Chris prefers to deal with situations externally, and looks for physical solutions to his problems. However, soldiers were strictly forbidden to touch any objects they found in the field that seemed out of place or important. The day after suffering its most severe casualties, the platoon and several companies are sent right back into the same enemy-saturated area. Where did they shoot platoon? I guess having always been sheltered and special, I just want to be anonymous. Elias tells Chris he thinks the U.S. is going to lose the war: Even though he didnt see Barnes actually shoot Elias, or has any physical proof of the crime, Chris still knows Barnes murdered Elias. Oh, you wanna kick ass. Barnes shoots a woman in the head in front of her husband, and then threatens to shoot the mans young daughter if he doesnt give Barnes information about the Viet Cong. Barnes has engaged in. But a cold and ruthless product of warfare. Whenever he gets involved with what he feels is the reason for a situation being a certain way (the cause), it really gets under his skin. Hes escaped death so many times he seems to have passed beyond humanity. (NEWSWEEK, 1/5/87, p. 57, David Ansen with Peter McAlevey). CRAWFORD: You volunteered for this shit, man? Then they would be sent home. Captain. Stone positions his hero directly over the crawling and severely-injured staff sergeant, and makes the audience wonder if Taylor will actually shoot Barnes in the back. Chris shoots him three times at close range to finish him off after he survives the airstrike. Only when Elias brings this fact to his attention does the Lt. realize the platoons pressing danger; when the platoon falls into an ambush, Lt. Wolfe causes an air strike to hit his own men by giving the wrong coordinates to air support. Reference: Quiz: "Platoon" - The Movie . Revealing mistake: During the fight scene in the village between Elias and Barnes, as they roll around on the ground, Barnes "hits" Elias with a right hook and Elias's head is thrown to the side as if he just caught a serious blow. Barnes finds Elias alone and shoots him, then returns and tells Chris that Elias was killed by the enemy. The carnage the platoon thrusts upon the village is an expression of the frustration that has built up among the soldiers. 5 Reasons Why You Need To Pay Attention To State Tax Nexus Laws Today. The story focuses on the reality of the Vietnam Warhow the soldiers have to actually live and operate day to day, and the type of responsibilities necessary to keep the platoon functioning. ONEILL: So what am I going to do! There's a similar scene in Full Metal Jacket (1987) where a toy rabbit is used as a booby trap. From the very first scene of the film, as black rubber body bags are loaded onto planes that have just unloaded new recruits, Americas success in the war is put into question. CHRIS: Yever get caught in a mistake King and you just cant get out of it? To make matters worse, the inexperienced, incompetent Lt. Wolfe accidentally orders an air strike on the platoons location resulting in more casualties in the platoon. Once again, Stone emphasizes power dynamics and character motivations, as some soldiers fight bravely while others reveal their true colors and hide, such asSergeant Red O'Neill (John C. McGinley). Say gain. Elias running after them, being chased by the enemy, even after Sgt. Barnes feels whatever strides he can make against the enemy are worth operating outside the moral codes of war. By the end of the film, Chris also becomes profoundly aware that war is not the type of endeavor that will give him a sense of pride. Barnes easily overpowers Chris and would have killed him if the other men werent there to intervene. What's with the booby trap that kills Sal and Sanderson? Those who dont have a past of fighting in Vietnam will have nothing to remember or to draw from, and are at a disadvantage. He is on a quest to find something of which to be proud. Lurking in the town in the disguise of a day laborer, Elas . Elias? There are many examples of how unproven is the problem in the objective story. The main action in Platoon takes place in 1968. Get that other cherry up here, Gardner! M79. You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. The young Lieutenant Wolfe, who has not proven himself in war yet, illustrates unproven as the problem in several situations. Tensions increasewhen the unit enters a village and Barnes publicly executes the wife of a community leader. Why does Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen) call Barnes and Elias his "fathers" during the final monologue. I cant believe we are fighting each other when we should be fighting them. How many times was Elias shot in platoon? M79.Final BattlePvt King (Survives): His tour of duty ends just before the battle. He was the chief prophet and messenger of God in the Jewish faith. . Hes willing to kill civilians, and even his own men, to support his immoral beliefs. I'm sure most of us has seen the Oliver Stone Vietnam flick Platoon, so my question is. Barnes warns the platoon that if they do not operate at acceptable levels, theyll end up killed by the enemy or they will put everybody else in the platoon in jeopardy. What's with the booby trap that kills Sal and Sanderson? In the field, the new recruits struggle to adjust to platoon life. His letters are composed of very introspective reflections of the events he is experiencing in the war. (concluding) He is a naive and overly idealistic infantry enlistee that has dropped out of school and joined the war in order to gain a sense of pride about himself; to do his share for the U.S., and to become anonymous like the rest of the men in his platoon. They have to be like Barnes or be like Elias or be loners, but there are definitely many aspects of their lives they have to give up and a way they must be in order to survive in the war. He grabs Chris machete out of his hand and bulls his way into the foliage, tearing it apart, setting a new pace. And I ain't gonna allow that in any of you. Sgt. Sgt. CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. Barnes decision to send Chris on the all night ambush has severe ramifications for the new soldier, who is inexperienced in combat, and is blamed for the loss of two men in the platoon. The physical and, especially, emotional wounds he has sustained in Vietnam will forever serve to remind him of the shameful dehumanization he endured in the war. After doing so, he commences to beat and kill the innocent civilians. When Barnes is faced with an accusation, or when he can directly accuse someone else for being the cause of a problem, he really gets upset and motivated. Platoon -The 1986 Drama movie featuring Charlie Sheen and Willem Dafoe at the award winning 80s Movies Rewind. Originally uses M16 later inherits Tex's M60.Pvt Fu Sheng (KIA): Killed by a short round. At the end, we see an entire regiment used as bait to draw out the larger Viet Cong regiment. The more Chris understands the realities of warfare, the more he understands it has little to do with the patriotism that compelled him to enlist. The most famous is the My Lai massacre, believed to have been perpetrated by Lt. William Calley. Barnes becomes irritated with Chris when Chris throws up and faints after he discovers the rotting corpse of a Viet Cong soldier: When Elias is betrayed by Barnes, he still greets him with a smile, as if satisfied with his ability to operate on optimism despite the tragedies of warthat surround him, and his demise being brought on not by the enemy of war, but the enemy of morality. Truman willingly agreed to aid Frances ambitions in exchange for Frances support. Sgt. Barnes. Barnes killed Sgt. It was at this point the Sergeant Elias arrives, furious with Barnes. Even though Lieutenant Wolfe is the highest ranking officer in the platoon, he is young, inexperienced, and has only recently come to Vietnam. Barnes flicks his gaze to Elias. Chris respects and values the humanity of the Vietnamese civilians. I know he did. The war will be over if the platoon and the rest of the American military run out of men; If the men in the platoon become two timers (if they get substantially injured twice) they return home; If the U.S. Military achieves their objective of winning the war, then the war will be over and the goal will have been met. ELIAS: Hey ONeill why dont you cool it, you dont have to be a prick everyday of your life you know. Course Mom and Dad didnt want me to come, they wanted me to be just like them - respectable, hard-working, making $200 a week, a little house, a family. Instead of finding something to be proud of, Chris leaves Vietnam having become dehumanized and morally corrupt. In the aftermath, Barnes sees Taylor aiming a gun at him. When the staff sergeant threatens to kill another person,an enraged Elias physically attacks him. Do my share for my country. Elias' death negatively impacts the overall spirit of Taylor's platoon but they are forced to push forward with a new mission and try to prevent a looming attack from the NVA. Sergeant Barnes life revolves around performing a certain way while in countryfighting the deadly Viet Cong. Since these two view the war differently, their view of certain causes is a source of tension for them. Whether they're sent home or simply sent off the line until they're healed would greatly depend on the significance of their injuries. He totters slightly as he circles the outer edge of the hutch. Elias would have been able to prove that Sgt. The light also shines on his eyes, giving them a devilish glow. Barnes that Chris and Gardner were not ready for the all night ambush patrol. Before, Barnes looked Elias in the eye and shot him. Platoon is a 1986 film about a young recruit in Vietnam who faces a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of war and the duality of man. You've reached the "hub" for any and all Dramatica analysis of Platoon. However, by the end of the film, we sense that Chris doesnt still hold to the same basic ideals as when he first arrived in Vietnam. ONEILL: Shit! ELIAS: Lieutenant, lemme take some men out on the right flank, theres spiderholes back there Close search The lives of the infantry men who havent proven themselves arent valued as much as the lives of the men whove been in Vietnam longer. Dafoe was "self-contained" during the scene The acclaimed actor was given a walkie-talkie and was instructed by Stone to run from point A to point B while avoiding all the explosions. He is not a good man, but he is also tormented by the choices he's made. As soon as they disembark from their plane, they are greeted by piles of body bags and the mocking pity of bypassing veteran soldiers happy to be on the next departing flight. Is he psychologically damaged? Francis - portrayed by Living Colour frontman Corey Glover - emerges from a foxhole and correctly determines that help is indeed on the way. He is played by an Assistant Technical Adviser Mark Ebonhoch. They drove me crazy with their goddamn world, Grandma, you know Mom, I dont want to be a white boy on Wall Street, I dont want my whole life to be predetermined by them. THE WEB'S FAVORITE - SINCE 1999. . I shit on all of you. But he also learned that he could throw a mean fastball. Barnes has shot and murdered Sgt. How many days you short? Barnes committed war crimes, Sgt. Why does Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen) call Barnes and Elias his "fathers" during the final monologue. From none of you. The U.S. forces are so overwhelmed, they order an air strike on their own compound. While they are leaving a wounded Elias emerges from the jungle running from a group of North Vietnamese soldiers. Barnes leads his troops by taking on and acting the tough, hard, insensitive persona he feels is necessary to get his men to respond to him, and to the activities of war in a way that will allow them to actually win. O'Neil's RTO.Pvt Big Harold (WIA): Has leg blown off by booby trap.Crawford (WIA): Surfer dude. Early in the film, its clear that Sgt. This often undermines his own credibility when he tries to impose his wisdom on others. After experiencing the heavy toll of war, Taylor has been transformed into someone other than his true self. Soldiers paying tribute to the 8 million Horses, Donkeys, and Mules that lost their lives during World War I, 1918. Gallery Elias is the Aramaic form of the Biblical Elijah. But when he don't, the machine breaks down. Remington 870 shotgun.Pvt Junior (KIA): Tries to run knocks himself out against a tree, then is bayoneted by NVA soldier.Pvt Parker (KIA): Dragged into CP bunker by Doc, who confirms he is dead. The way events are progressing, the outlook does not look good for the platoon. Elias (KIA): Wounded by Barnes who leaves him for dead, then shot by multiple NVA. | Chris is driven to prove himself as a valuable member of the military, and therefore of society: Would this movie be considered "un-American?". Sense that everything the platoon and several Companies are sent right back into foliage. The way to stop screaming and take the unproven matter to the where. Stone, p. 72 ) he will not tolerate anyone he feels trying... Is derived from the platoon and several Companies are Thriving during that month. Finds Elias alone and shoots him three times at close range to finish off... Has no proof of Sgt World war I, 1918 us has seen the Stone. Sure most of us has seen the Oliver Stone & # x27 ; s FAVORITE - since 1999. Murphy quot. Are alone in the objective Story to stop screaming and take the matter... Murphy & quot ; Audie Murphy & quot ; two view the war as to! 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