Your work is less laborious and more enjoyable. Get out and explore new places in your community. Well, for a day anyhow. Your Aquarius monthly career horoscope gives you insights into what to expect from those around you. For the entire month of December, finances are going to remain stable. In 2023 we see new and even more positive developments. January 14 to February 3 - Mercury Retrograde brings the potential for communication and technology breakdowns . Finish lingering 2022 projects that you didnt get done over the holidays. Monthly Aquarius Horoscope January, 2023 General Good things will come your way in January 2023 as per February Monthly Horoscope 2023, and you will be able to avoid illnesses and maintain good physical and mental health. Wealth comes to you through a profitable venture or inheritance. This will help them find their soul peace, as they are going to feel more energetic and freer. weekly. This relationship is due for an upgrade, and Uranus direct will help pave the way for a scenario that has room for both of your individual personalities and styles to flourish. You are on good terms with your bosses and are able to showcase yourself and your excellent achievements. Aquarius Monthly Career Horoscope January, 2023 General Love Career Daily Weekly Monthly December January February January, 2023 In your workplace, finish just the tasks that are assigned to you and do not get new ones. This is a time to make real efforts at getting along with others, both at work and in your personal life. You are attaining prosperity, status, prestige, and recognition. The key: Keep it simple. Because of lack of interesting we do not update Aquarius Monthly Career Horoscope You sign is the sign of creativity and ideas. Like in November, most planets will be in your charts Eastern sector, where they will indicate that you have the ability you can create your own life and make it the way you want it to be. To get started, choose a plan. Do not let this opportunity go to waste as this will only create problems in the long run for you. January 10 to 19 Venus in your decan makes you more relaxed, loving, and affectionate. January 27 to 30 Sun trine Mars on January 29 boosts your self-confidence and enthusiasm. This month: December, 2022. Aquarius (Born January 21 to 30) and Aquarius Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Aquarius: October 2022 Aquarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends October 2022 The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until October 22nd: The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. Hold off on signing contracts or pitching your ideas if possible, and be sure to back up your electronic data. For people who have been jobless for a while an excellent offer might come your way and you should make the most of it. Back to work! You can make a good impression on those with the power and influence to make a big difference in your life. Luke Waggoner you just got some damn nerve to hold that Whale, of a woman of yours, Put her first! Ease into the new year, Aquarius, because 2023 and January will both take about three weeks before they really kick in. Friendships and love affairs will bring you well-being and happiness. Even though money is less important to you than ideas, you know you must support yourself. As per the Aquarius monthly career horoscope business, people will see . This Sun-Pluto connection can reveal whats eating at you deep down. Learning to adjust, compromise, and adapt your behavior will restore emotional balance and help avoid a crisis. Your neighbors should be able to tell you about your good personality. In the first half of the year, your best opportunities will come from people you meet this way. What about that quirky communal project you dreamed up last year? This, Rose Quartz is one of the most loving, gentle crystals available. Its possible your supervisor is out on leave, or youre now working from home and theyre no longer monitoring your keystrokes. Although you may find yourself completely at sea in a torrent of emotion, soon you'll want to listen and care. Home / Monthly Horoscope / Aquarius January 2023 Horoscope. You gladly share your ideas with other people, and you do what you can to motivate them to make good choices. . February, 2023 Unexpected and inappropriate actions by your colleagues are the cause of complicated relationships. Your partner will be confident and tender. Aquarius Horoscope 2022 . You will need to put in more effort. It also means you had the same transit from August 18 to September 9, 2022, so similar issues may return. Wait till Mercury transits your sign to press go. No need to rush into the New Year like the rest of the world is doing, especially since mental Mercury is retrograde ( in Capricorn until January 18, delaying progress even more. Check out This month's astrology calendar, Sign up to receive your daily horoscope right to your inbox, Heres How You Will Thrive in 2023, Based on Your Zodiac Sign, You Need to Read Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for January 16 22, 2023, 7 Ways to Prepare for Aquarius Season 2023. No need to rush into the New Year like the rest of the class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" world is doing, especially since mental Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn until January 18, delaying progress even more. They will be free to just express their behavior and qualities, impacting their superiors and bosses, and this is going to bring them not only an increased income, but also benefits. December 23 to January 21 New Moon December 2022 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. So this is an excellent time for socializing and especially for dating. This card symbolizes the epitome of the saying, "strength comes from within." Its good to set aside time each week to work on your dream.Mercury turns direct in Capricorn on January 18, and you might be unsupervised at work. Netway India Pvt. $50 / 12 months. Professionals and self-employed will as well be very pleased. They have limited friends. Avoid the food and fitness fads and focus on making a sustainable lifestyle change. If youve been at a crossroads about a move or change to your living situation, this course correction could open up some unexpected new options. Enoughs enough! Meanwhile, while just an ordinary monthly visit, the Moon's return to your career sector from 16th January to 18th January is just as important. So, what can you do in the meantime? While it may be noble to forgive someone else, you cant do that unless you first extend that forgiveness to yourself. Aquarius Career Horoscope: November 2022 This month, you're learning to tune out the voices of the worldthe ones that tell you what you should and shouldn't do or who you should or shouldn't be. If youve been at a crossroads about a move or change to your living situation, this course correction could open up some unexpected new options. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. Carve out time for pampering and self-care. Increased sex drive is matched by increased charisma and magnetic charm. Before you call things off, look closer: Maybe they need more training and clearer guidance from you. General. Welcome to the first month of 2023; the Sun continues to a beautiful intro into your birthday season. With the red planet here until March 25, you could be the zodiac sign most likely to have a spicy Valentines Day AND a bout of spring fever on the horizon. Hard as it is to part ways, if they've lost their passion for a project, their stagnant energy will only bring everyone else down. All Premium Memberships will automatically renew until cancelled. and get first minute free in every consultation with the astrologer of your choice, Click here for a more personalised reading, A fairly stable month for you as far as career is concerned. For your well-being as a whole, do not hesitate to extend an olive branch even to someone with whom youve been feuding. A promotion or a raise is on the cards on the professional front. This is a time of peace, harmony, romance, and fun. Ltd. 2001-2023. In March 2023, not only does Saturn move out of your sign, but Pluto moves into it. So draw a line under the previous year and make a fresh start. So, you use your intellectual abilities to make good choices in your job as well as your life. Furthermore, you will have your feelings soaring, being in a cloud. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at The gig economy was made for your sign, as long as you don't isolate yourself. Aquarius, a risky venture might be just what you're looking for at this time. While not everyone might be pleased with you, at least you can be satisfied with yourself. At the same time, dont forget that the planet Uranus will continue its retrograde in the 4th House of Aquarius, meaning there will be tensions affecting dynamics in the family as a result of changes that have unexpectedly appeared. Cap off this starter week by spending time cleaning up, organizing and getting anchored again after the holiday hubbub. January 2 to 5 Venus sextile Jupiter on the 4th brings good luck and happiness. Especially for those of you who are in sales and marketing, you will see many opportunities for growth come your way. You will be in good health yet try to not overwork. Focus on hobbies, goals, and relationships you want to nurture. By investing a few more efforts, you will manage to achieve even more. The may come a time during the month that might pose a bit of a dilemma for parents as you might be confused about the best career option for your child. This is an excellent time for self-promotion and to impress someone. Aquarius Career and Business Horoscope: You should feel strong and courageous and can use your initiative to start new projects. This means you will have a frantic professional activity, an activity that will be interesting and competitive. If dating, avoid taking risks if meeting someone you know nothing about. This Sun-Pluto connection can reveal what's eating at you deep down. With the red planet here until March 25, you could be the zodiac sign most likely to have a spicy Valentines Day AND a bout of spring fever on the horizon. Your social life will be in great aspects, not only now, but for the coming months as well. Decan 1 Aquarius January 2023 Horoscope. Or a former coworker who now works at another company might be trying to lure you with a great offer. But theres no day quite like January 9, when Venus and Mars float into a harmonious 120-degree trine, turning on your mojo full blast. A new romance is possible but would likely be based on practical considerations and involve a noticeable age difference. Natives born under this sign possess more interest in doing research. Astrology Trends for Life and Home in 2023: The AstroTwins on the Being Home with Hunker Podcast, Revise Your Resolutions! This month you can use your nature to achieve your goals. This is a skill people admire, and can come in handy doing the things in life you consider the most important. Negative: Although . Monthly General Monthly Love Career Today Career Tomorrow Weekly Career Career 2022 Astrology Based Work and Career. Januarys affirmation, I release the need to control circumstances. And things could get, er, hopping, pretty quickly! Maybe its the lingering memories of that wicked champagne-and-baked-brie hangover, maybe its the moonlightbut you could be the first one to leap on the wellness wagon. Aquarius Decan 3, born February 9 to 18. Like when romantic Venus links up with your sign on January 2 and sends you on a rebellious kick. All rights reserved. This is going to be a progressive month for your career. Your relationship with your mother, a child or a female relative could also be going through changes. On a practical level, you appreciate advice from your horoscope. Get your Aquarius Weekly Career horoscope so that it can add . December, 2022. This is an ideal time to start new projects and reach your goals. Other people's viewpoints are likely to be more conservative than yours - especially on a day like today. You will be able to achieve whatever you want to, and there will be scope for initiating new projects. With Uranus moving forward, instability or slowdowns related to your family or living situation will clear up. AQUARIUS Health Monthly Horoscope in February 2023 You will have a strong urge to start a new fitness regime at the beginning of the month. Sometimes your goals are more idealistic than practical, so you sense movement based on instinct. During this month you will come to be more aware of your unique limitations and breaking points. Theres plenty of moon mojo to get started on a few of your goals now, Aquarius, especially health-focused ones. Is there someone on Team Aquarius who you've outgrown? You need to keep yourself honest today, and that might be incredibly difficult! I am getting over tension & suffering sleepless during night. Career and other things in your life will have to wait until next month. Is there someone on Team Aquarius who youve outgrown? A solo venture could capture your attention. Those in government employment can witness impressive progress, whereas people in temporary jobs can receive recognition for their performance from higher authorities. Aquarius General Horoscope: There is likely to be more travel for the day. Your REAL new year always begins with the Aquarius new moon, which arrives on the early side this year. An existing relationship may be tested, but a healthy relationship could enjoy more commitment. Then, your ruling planet Uranus ends its retrograde that Sunday, giving you an extra push to move forward with your most recent upgrades. For example, commit to adding a dark, leafy green to your dinner plate three times a week instead of cutting a food group out or depriving yourself. Sometimes, a certain tactic (like writing an angry letter and burning it) feels good in the moment but doesn't actually release you from the painful feelings. The May 2023 Aquarius horoscope predictions reveal that this month your focus will be on family and your home. The runway is clear for takeoff once the January 21 Aquarius new moon lights the sky, ushering in the. Now you want to shake things up. Retrogression is infamous for its blockages and delays. Until then, work on completing tasks and projects that have loose ends dangling. Before the year ends, you will focus again on the personal journey that you have been taking. Aquarius Season 2023, which runs from January 20-February 18, holds a slightly different energy than the years before it. Mercury Quincunx Mars January 17 and 20, 2023, Full Moon January 6, 2023 New Direction. Read The Best Free Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs On YourTango. Make special efforts to get along with your colleagues to get the best results. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Wondrous experiences await you Where Jupiter transit shall make you experience favourable possibilities in life, Venus could improve your bonds with your partners. You'll have the perfect opportunity to make a final decision . Aquarius Monthly Career Horoscope Horoscope Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly 2022 2023 The month of December brings some excitement around investments. This career report takes a deep dive into your talents, ambitions, and motivations based on your Birth Chart! A New Moon represents the beginning of a brand-new Lunar cycle that closes old doors from the previous cycles and provides fertile ground for future intentions. This is also the first day of. Your new year really begins on January 20, when the Sun shifts into Aquarius. Things will be easy for native businesspeople. Your Aquarius January 2023 horoscope is based on planetary transits and moon phases to your decan. Bringing us positive energy, Rose Quartz can assist with love, relationships, and self-care. When the Moon returns every four weeks this will give you an intuitive edge, can act as a trigger and at a time of year when there is no planetary activity here these will be the most important days of the month for work and job matters. Set up your vision board for your birthday and the year ahead. If the sign Aquarius is free from afflictions and Saturn is well placed, they will do wonders and can achieve high position in life. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope (January 20 - February 18) By The AstroTwins Published: Oct 31, 2022 Aquaris Daily Horoscope Aquaris Weekly Horoscope MONTH OF October Take a load off,. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Mars retrograde until January 12 is why this transit lasts much longer than usual. Money should be spent proportionately. Silver lining: Mercury retrograde IS a fruitful time to turn your attention to the past. Aquarius Career Horoscope: The Moon has just returned to your career sector as we move into the new working week, giving you an early advantage while ensuring your professional instincts are . In addition, your sex drive is enhanced, and your bedroom is a playground for naughty fun. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. As more people join in a cause you're espousing, you feel gratified. January 7 to 10 Venus trine Mars on the 9th increases your desire for social contact and enjoyment. The beginning of the month will be a rough one for you but at the month progresses everything will improve ultimately. Health-wise, the Aquarius monthly horoscope foretells that the end of the retrograde period of planet Saturn on October 22 might make things tough to deal with. This month promises new romance in your life. Essentially, for the last two years under the Aquarius Sun, we would have felt the sometimes heavy presence of Saturn. The planet Jupiter and the planet Saturn will raise your life and the circumstances in your life through spirituality and friendships. ). Thats a recipe for a sluggish start, but fear not! If it is highly afflicted then it makes an Aquarian highly selfish, crooked, gloomy and always lonely. It's a good time to find a smart friend who is willing to tell it like it . Damn you and Her, i lost my job in june when I will get a same kind of job, Your email address will not be published. Shed the people-pleasing, Water Bearer. At the Full Moon on January 6, things might . But there may also be restrictions placed upon you or extra burdens and responsibilities to go along with the personal advancements. However, the Mars retrograde in the Gemini zodiac sign on October 30 will make things better for you. The encounters you will have are going to be enriching. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons. Your Aquarius monthly career horoscope charts momentum and growth Sometimes your goals are more idealistic than practical, so you sense movement based on instinct. Youll know quickly whether to continue investing in them or to search for someone whos actually interested in taking this ride with you. Venus influences detachment, isolation and quiet 'you time' from the 9th. Now, your monthly horoscope predicts achievement, accomplishment, and courage to stand up for yourself with passion. Mercury in this porous zone of your chart could cause a data leak, so delete any confidential intel from places where it could be viewed by prying eyes. Your email address will not be published. January 2023 - Aquarius Monthly Career Horoscope | Ask Oracle. monthly. Romance could be one of those surprises that shows up after January 12, when sizzling Mars ends a ten-week retrograde in Gemini and your passionate, playful fifth house. New friendships, kindred spirits and hobbies await your discovery. Try out different options, from a new gym to at-home workouts, until you find something youll enjoy on an ongoing basis. Aquarius Daily Horoscope: Free Aquarius horoscopes, love horoscopes, Aquarius weekly horoscope, monthly zodiac horoscope and daily sign compatibility. The sixth house rules helpful people, and this full moon encourages you to delegate to a capable wingperson instead of trying to do it all yourself. This should be a good time for dating, making money, buying clothes or jewelry, entertaining, and partying. Powerful energy arises on January 18 when chatty Mercury goes direct. Trying to sort out all the missing pieces will be extremely challenging. Aquarius Career Horoscope: Free Aquarius horoscopes, love horoscopes, Aquarius weekly horoscope, monthly zodiac horoscope and daily sign compatibility. Future-forward Aquarius needs a career on the cutting edge Aquarius career traits. Your playful and pleasure-loving side returns on January 2, when romantic Venus moves into Aquarius and blesses you with the It factor. Increased sex drive is matched by increased charisma and magnetic charm. Everything feels so rote and almost monotonous. With anything to do with love, Rose Quartz is right there. This personal reboot puts your goals front and center, and helps you set your sights on a personal path. Get out and explore new places in your community. For the bohemian Aquarius bride, an ethereal off-the-shoulder gown with a long, flowing skirt is perfect. Being the month of renewal, December is going to have your professional activities growing and impacting the private connection in a positive manner, dear Aquarius. For Aquarius singles, the planet Venus being in the 11th House of their sign will represent the chance to meet someone whos special, through the people that are belonging to the same social circle of colleagues, friends, and relatives. Increased confidence and initiative help you reach your goals. It is a time of tests, yes, but do not fall into despair; though your awareness will be heightened up to and even following your birthday phase, the feelings of restriction or being confined are not going to last. January - Happy New Year, beautiful Aquarius. Well, for a day anyhow. Read full overview. Aquarius horoscope January, 2023 You are waiting for your season, i.e., Aquarius season, to start, but you have to wait for a few more days. I pray on your soul. Your desire for self-improvement, when mapped to a solid system, could yield tangible results. December 4, 2022, to February 24, 2023 - Jupiter sextile your decan brings personal growth, good luck, and happiness. Follow the rules? Those working in a relationship of dependency are going to experience the deepest satisfactions that will be associated with their work. If anything, la luna will present a clear vision for how youd like to START accomplishing your goals. If your voice is absolutely necessary to resolve a specific issue, say only what you need to say and dont leave what you say open to interpretation; clear, concise communication will save you from loads of trouble. Even though as per the horoscope for Aquarius, your income will be rising but that doesn't necessarily mean that you will have monetary gain. To let your inner knowing guide you in the direction of your true calling. Find out what 2023 has in store for love, money and life. Even when you step out intending to keep a low profile, youll still draw attention. Aquarius Career weekly horoscope will help the calculative Aquarian to plan the future career moves. You like smart people, those who understand your ideas and agree with them. horoscope aquarius monthly career, aquarius career horoscope monthly, aquarius monthly career horoscope, monthly aquarius career horoscope. January 2023: Watch out for an emotional outburst at work early in the month from a coworker -- navigating around this isn't likely to be easy. class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" And things could get, er, hopping, pretty quickly! Its time to turn your most cherished goals into reality or to let yourself follow those spontaneous whims to travel and explore. You also move into the New Year with the South Node in your career sector, something that is helping to maintain a steady sense of direction but also a link to the planets in your income sector. Now you want to shake things up. November 13, 2022, to March 16, 2023 Saturn in your decan is a time of hard work and responsibility. You got angry, you werent perfect, you said unkind things. The business will come from partnerships. The years first full moon arrives on Friday, January 6, in Cancer, activating your sixth house of health, organization and efficiency right as the inaugural workweek of 2023 ends. 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