The theory was prominent during the 1960s and 1970s, and some modified versions of the theory are still popular today . John Hartley also says that "institutions are obliged not to only speak about an audience, but - crucially, for them - to talk to one as well; they need not only to represent audiences but to enter into relation with them". Particular features which are characteristic of a genre are not normally unique to it; it is their relative prominence, combination and functions which are distinctive (Neale, 1980); Genres are instances of repetition and difference (Neale, 1980); Difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre' (Neale, 1980) - Mere repetition would not attract an audience a USP is needed. Resurrection perhaps a final confrontation with death. Heargues that the media, especially news media, often create and/or enforce moral panics in the public. Indiana Jones, James Bond, Rocky etc. Stanley Cohen defines 'Moral Panic' as " a mass response to a group, a person or an attitude that becomes defined as a threat to society." Smooth out your engagment and gain more track speed! theories of regulation including those of Livingstone and Lunt. This explains somewhat genres repetitive nature. The media has historically limited the representations of gay men and women. This approach theorizes that the audience members control media content through their demands to meet certain personal needs. Noel Carroll - Traditional 3 part structure for horror: Onset phase where a disorder is created, Discovery phase, where characters discover the disorder, Disruption phase where characters destroy the source and restore normality. Taken from (Gaventa 2003: 2). The New Critics argued that speculation about an authors intention was secondary to the words on the page as the basis of the experience of reading literature. Emotional security - we all keep seeking it; Reassurance of worth - In a connected world we can lose sense of who we are and what we are worth. Revision workshops for second year students. Is the language formal or informal? Hiring new employees for personality traits like flexibility, passion, and accountability makes sense for fast-changing workplaces. 10.84K 266 0 21., The ability to think imaginatively and originally The internet has allowed for the freedom of citizen journalism. Approach To The Innermost Cave the most dangerous confrontation yet, perhaps the location of the treasure, or the object of the quest. Attitude readers are financially prosperous and with earnings considerably higher than the national average. Ling Corporation uses the equity method to account for its ownership of 35% of the common stock of Gorman Packing. If you are not sure which exam board you are studying ask your teacher. We thus seek creative opportunity in other parts of our life; Love objects - They need something to love and if they do not have something they will buy or make one; Sense of power - when we are in control we have a sense of ability to choose and perhaps possess power over others; Roots - we seek roots but in seeking to satisfy other needs we make ourselves rootless; Immortality we seek to create meaning in our lives so we may live beyond death. Objectification theory posits that girls and women are typically acculturated to internalize an observer's perspective as a primary view of their physical selves. Also I have achieved 7 GCSEs including English and maths. idea of post modern - describes this as hypermodality ( extra inter-connectedness). BIG HINT! either illustrative or amplifying. will appear as set product on comp 2: online media alongside zoella. She wrote Gender Trouble. Ethical professional journalism is essential to an informed, free and democratic society. Does Stream target a niche or a diverse range of readers? Althusser - Suggests that 'ideological state apparatus' is enforced by media, education, religion and family who maintain hegemony and enforce dominant values across society. The internet and the mobile phone have triumphed. You should be looking at style of speech and level of information. I love to get to know and meet new people! How does Jay Lemke link to the media language of the website? Yet these industries continue to pour out huge amounts of product, employ tens of thousands of people, produce considerable amounts of revenue, and occupy vast amounts of our time. Internationalisation - By buying and partnering other companies abroad, corporations can sell massive amounts of extra copies of a product they have already paid to produce (though they will have to pay new marketing costs, of course). Jacques Derrida - A text cannot belong to no genre, it cannot be without a genre. Saussure - Concept of semiotics and language (linguistics) 1974 - the extended connotations of within a cultural system. The Frankfurt School theorised in the 1920s and 30s that the mass media acted to restrict and control audiences to the benefit of corporate capitalism and governments. McLennon - Developed theory of ideology and that 3 conditions needed to be present. The Sixth Sense, Born On the Fourth Of July. Quick revise. . They are very style -conscious and take great pride in their appearance, regularly indulging in premium fashion, grooming and luxury goods and products. Woman magazine analysis. She adds, Genre may offer various emotional pleasures such as empathy and escapism. Attitude: Media language-Conventions of online magazine- high image to text ratio, lede intro (includes who, what and where for the article . E.g. Toledo, Ohio Area. Hall - Reception theory (see Representation). During 2017, Gorman reported a net income of $80,000 and declares and pays cash dividends of$10,000. What is the difference between fixed costs and variable costs? Romeo And Juliet: The love story, e.g. Therefore, even if youre a woman, youre seeing the world of the film through a mans eyes. Active audience The main idea behind recruiting for attitude first is that skills can be taught, while attitude is a reflection of personality, something which is much harder to change. By looking at this theory we are able to see that the media in society tends to ignore the good and the hard working and focuses on the fun and the trouble. Tim O'Reilly - inventor of term 'Web 2.0'. Important part of brand identity. The consumer expectations of information from various media such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet are entirely different. The articles are basically a whole lot of quotes and information that another media organisation have produced. However, the media reinforces and exaggerates stereotypical male and female behaviour, which we adopt as normal. Action Code: (proairetic code) advance the narrative they drive it forwards. Erikson was heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud; he explored three aspects of identity: the ego identity (self), personal identity (the personal idiosyncrasies that distinguish a person from another), social/cultural identity (the collection of social roles a person might play). Titanic. Christopher Booker's The Seven Basic Plots is a long book detailing seven common narratives seen across books and across film. Deborah Knight notes that 'satisfaction is guaranteed with genre; the deferral of the inevitable provides the additional pleasure of prolonged anticipation' (1994). Proudly created by Richard Mayers with Cyber dystopias centre around the principles of the individual losing control, becoming dependent and being unable to stop change. Body Copy - refers to the main text on a website or web page. It fosters communication, collaboration, sharing, helpfulness, and community The ideas, information, and applications now launching on Web sites around the world capitalize on the transparency, usability, and accessibility that the internet was born to deliver.. How could you apply Stuart Hall's reception theory? Task - Read this article, about the acquisition of Attitude by Stream media, Attitude and Zoella - Identity and David Guantlett, Attitude Online and the online magazine industy. the technological simulation of consciousness, when the creative process of knowing will be collectively and corporately extended to the whole of human society. Technology is an extension of man. 1994. Also came up with the concept of 'folk devils'. Maslow - created a hierarchy of needs (pyramid with 5 descriptors originally although developed), useful when examining advertising and appeals to audiences at different levels. Katie Wales - 'genre is an intertextual concept. This means we make sense of a text through our experiences of other texts and repeated tropes. Test, Allies, Enemies the hero must learn the rules that will govern his quest. Life/Beauty, as if advice. His high disposable income allows for multiple purchases within music, art, entertainment , travel and socialising. Perkins - counter argument that the use of stereotypes can be good, that stereotypes can change and even be positive (1979). Moral Panic Theory. I am Laura George.<br><br>I have always been extremely fascinated with social media. \$ & \text { b. } The internet is the most extraordinary of these external storage systems, offering access to a vast array of information, text and audio-visual material, and giving people a platform to share and exchange ideas, and to collaborate on projects together. Vertical integration - They buy up other companies involved in different stages of the process of production and circulation. Was an integral part of this publication that expanded from a circulation of . <br>My goal is building strong relationships and a constructive enviroment to be surrounded by hard . There is also a list of miscellaneous theorists at the end, and those specifically referenced to the new specification content September 2017. Evidence based research/Economics/Everything else, Eisenstein - Developed the form of film with his use of montage (Media Language); Tudor Defined and categorised the types of montage used by Eisenstein. What were the initial points to say about the website? Tagline - 'Life, Beauty, Chats', rather informal, a way of connecting with the consumer. He also came up with 10 sound arguments why the effects model is flawed. Miroslav has more than 25 years' experience in international tourism, research and effective destination promotion. Refusal Of The Call fear or reluctance may strike the hero. As we have seen, it has many differences in terms of style, content and even it's target audience. All new items of information are based on preceding ones, and they are "new" Marxist - The idea that Media and mass communication supports the ruling class/governments by reinforcing their ideology. A Theorist. BLUE is often associated with sadness or the sea etc.). 2. Coates - Examined that there are 4 ways to understand a society (linked to ideology), Dutton - Developed an extension of Galtung & Ruge's news values - 12 most significant. The media industry is an important stakeholder and includes firms that specialize in broadcast content and delivery, including print, Internet, television, radio, and direct mail. Genres have clear, stable identities and borders. The making of the new and the rearranging of the old (Bentley, 1997). In her 1973 essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema she argued that classic Hollywood cinema puts the spectator in a masculine position, with the figure of the woman on screen as the object of desire. Jan 2005 - Jan 20083 years 1 month. Key quotes: Everyone is a producer of Media, the desire to create and share is great and we can now communicate across geographical barriers, Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk., Our focus should not be on emerging technologies, but on emerging cultural practices., If old consumers were assumed to be passive, then new consumers are active. This is when someone puts their intent out onto the internet and then gets free support/information/ideas/labour from other people on the internet.,, \text { Price } Nakamura - defines cybertyping as the distinctive ways that the internet propagates, disseminates, and commodities images of race and racism. Links are provided where possible. Click on theguide to referencinghere if you want to get it right. The main practice of RKK is chanting. This resource is a breakdown of all of the key facts regarding the industry context for the set text I, Daniel Blake (2016). The cultural codes tend to point to our shared knowledge about the way the world works. Films, radio and magazines make up a system which is uniform as a whole and in every part are one in their enthusiastic obedience to the rhythm of the iron systemany trace of spontaneity from the public in official broadcasting is controlled and absorbed by talent scouts, studio competitions and official programs of every kind selected by professionals. How true is this now. Referred to as the 'ideology of protection' model. Gauntlett - His name comes up a few times in terms of how technology influences our identity but also notably for identifying the following about the role of media studies and the impact the web is having on audiences and institutions: Fetishises 'experts - A world ruled by Media Gods, thus celebrates key texts produced by media moguls and conglomerates. Age range: 16+. How could you apply Shirky in terms of audience and quality? Turow - His basic premise is that audience segmentation, and especially the pinpoint targeting that is theoretically possible with new media technology, reinforces suspicion, alienation, and lack of empathy among people of different groups because they have lost the shared consumer experience that the old mass media audience system provided. Typography - all lower case - equality in the title - No name more like a characteristic. Young people need constant surveillance and monitoring. How could you apply Judith Butler to Attitude? The idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g. Ken Robinson, Spontaneity takes practice - Csikszentmihalyi (or a theorist), Ken Robinson identified creative habits of mind: Flexibility alternate ways of thinking; Willingness - to think the impossible; Confidence - to try things out; Ability - to handle uncertainty - perseverance in adversity, the ability to create A-level Media. The following subject specific vocabulary provides definitions of key terms used in our A-level Media Studies specification. Genre Theory. Genres are defined by the film industry and recognized by the mass audience. Audience is not a big lump of the same people its made up of different individuals. . Pretty Woman. Embodies the 'mythic' notion of femininity that is aspirational . If we want to see a more "democratic" culture, we need to explore what mechanisms might have encouraged greater diversity in who participates, whose work gets seen, and what gets valued within the new participatory culture. Eric Knight is a singer, songwriter, musician, performer, producer, artist manager, entrepreneur, music industry consultant, media source, conference speaker and music education advocate. . Hi! John McMuria - A participatory culture is not necessarily a diverse culture. David Nye (2007) presented the idea of cyber-dystopia, which envisions a world made worse by technological advancements. Get Started Exploring how Zoella utilises thumbnails to maximi What kind of magazines do Stream publish? Levi Strauss - believed that the way we understand certain words depends not so much on any meaning they themselves directly contain, but by our understanding of the difference between the word and its 'opposite' or, as he called it 'binary opposite'. Title being Attitude- they have a strong moral compass. The distribution and funding possibilities of the internet are better than the traditional models. Butler suggests that gender is not the result of nature but is socially constructed e.g. Hardworking Student seeking employment. The 'online age' is made up of mainly young adults who share common identity and who follow trends; eventually, the trends change and the young adults grow up, find other interests and move on., Generates and/or recognises how best practice and imaginative ideas can be applied to different situations. The record label which the artist is assigned to tends to have certain demands. \text { Down Payment } Steve Neale - Identified genres by their use of audience expectations and common conventions. Historic power roles: directors tend to be male, thus presenting a male representation of their subject. \text { Loan Amount } Individual films belong wholly and permanently to a single genre. Tristan and Iseult: The love triangle. A preference for conventional research methods where most people are treated as non-expert audience 'receivers', or, if they are part of the formal media industries, as expert 'producers'. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. This section includes recent A-Level Media Studies past papers from AQA, Eduqas, OCR, CIE and WJEC. Nicholas Abercrombie - 'the boundaries between genres are shifting and becoming more permeable' we are getting more hybrids and sub-genres as texts cross between categories to maximise audience appeal. Industry-Context- over 16.8 million followers, creates user generated content, has a multi-channel network, earns money through monetisation through pay per click (PPC) or cost per impression (CPI/CPM) . Zoella Logo. Carol Vernallis describes how verbal, musical, and visual codes combine in music video to create defining representations of race, class, gender, sexuality, and performance. theories of representation including Hall, feminist theories including bell hooks and Van Zoonen, theories of gender performativity including Butler. Hall says there are three ways the audience decodes (reads) texts: The audience fully accepts the preferred meaning, showing they agree with dominant values. Experienced in Social Media Marketing and Event Management in Myanmar Promotional Services Company Limited one of the biggest exhibitions & events management company in Myanmar. People tend to be much more affected in their decision making process by face to face encounters with influential peers than by the mass media. comedy sketches, Gaming vlogs= walk throughs or lets play videos, Symbolic annihilation= idea that the under representation of particular social groups works to maintain social inequalities by denying those groups of any meaningful presence, thereby rendering them silent or invisible, Digital optimists= those who believe that the internet and digital technologies have had a positive impact on culture and society, Microtargeting= a marketing strategy in which personal data is used to identify the particular interests of an individual or small group, enabling them to be targeted more effectively, Data harvesting= the process of extracting large amounts of data from a website to use for other purposes, Multi-channel networks= organisations that curate a large number of channels, offering creators support in areas such as video production, Monetisation= the process by which a product or service is converted into a source of income, Synergy= used to describe the cross production of products, Convergence= processing through which different media industries and forms merge with one another or move closer together, Transmedia storytelling= a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified experience, 'Time Out in a Treehouse' (video/thumbnail)-, single camera edit filmed with Zoe's vlog camera, best friend characterisation, unscripted narrative shown through casual discussion, aspirational narrative due to lifestyle she is presenting as well as being a successful female, amateur aesthetic through 'is that the saying? Enigma Code: (hermeneutic code) refers to any element of the story that is not fully explained and hence becomes a mystery to the reader. He also presents technology as a form of false hope; promising success and change, but causing pain and inconvenience when that goal is not reached. What does it suggest when Attitude name drop 3 celebrities in what it's proud of ? Critics pretended to be a more cultured audience capable of inserting meaning in a film than popular audiences were, distancing themselves from the general public. This means that because audiences already know what to expect within a genre, it is not necessary to explain all of the details to them, narratives can therefore be condensed. Alexandre Astrucs concept of the camra-stylo (camera pen) promotes directors to wield cameras as writers use pens and to guard against the obstacles of traditional storytelling. In turn, media companies have sought to produce accurate representations of their audiences in an attempt to discover the qualifications for the most consumable media products (Branston and Stafford 268-270). Hartley, John - The idea that there is a 360 degree consumption/saturation of the media for modern audiences. In soaps how are LGBTQ+ represented compared to films? Zoella Language Structuralism - Claude Levi-Strauss Clear binary opposition between her and Alfie - representing both male and female stereotypes. e.g. Colour Palette - Black and white - binary opposites - effect - minimalist - similar to a newspaper - serious journalism. Book publishing as we knew it is finished. "This is a mess, but it's a mess on purpose": dark Algorithmic singularity in a cold, uncaring world. kirby and the forgotten land how many players. Hall, Stuart Reception theory and Mediation is the process by which all media products are read by audiences. Morley also stated that the position and interpellation of media groups affects how texts are decoded. The Terminator. The Eduqas AS & A level in media studies offers learners the opportunity to develop a thorough and in depth understanding of key issues, using a comprehensive theoretical framework and a variety of advanced theoretical approaches and theories to support critical exploration and reflection, analysis and debate. Mulvey, Laura: Feminist Theory - the concept of women as objects in media and men as subjects. Barthes says texts may be 'open' (i.e. 'We valye you privacy ' - similar to local online newspapers and most websites online - GDPR. This can be understood through the several articles . When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-, they . Marshall McLuhan - Electronic age (The Global Village) Many of his ideas were developed way before the internet arrived; he was a visionary. Enigmas are puzzles, questions the audience wants answered. Colour Palette - gold showing regality, wealth, wuality. Neil Henry - Technology has caused a crisis in professional journalism. The magazine version of Attitude specifically targets a middle class and aspirational audience, while the straightforward lexis . Lippmann representation theory. It is by the use of these extended meanings that authors can paint rich pictures with relatively limited set of signifiers. The current study explores the utility of "Down and Dirty," a "Social Branding" tobacco education campaign, in changing Virginia . Reward (Seizing The Sword) the hero can celebrate the victory. Timeline of LGBTQ+ special moments in history? Lev Manovich Database media Software takes Command Automation Decreases human intentionality in the creative process. The music industry is dying or already dead, they say. The list should really be seen as a starting point for your own research and is not a be all and end all approach, but hopefully you will discover new ideas and arguments that you can bring into your exam writing. Television is over. Dan Gillmor - For years Big Media (corporations such as Sky, Google and the BBC) have had control over who produces and shares media, and the information that people get. Attitude readers are early adopters, most likely to puchace the latest gadgets and engage with new technology. A strong believer in positive thinking, good work ethic and open-mindedness. The audience takes a negotiated position, meaning that they only agree with some-not all of the preferred meaning. It is an expression of a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of a person, place, thing, or event. 1987) Television is the most rewarding medium to use when teaching representations of class because of the contradictions which involve a mass medium attempting to reach all the parts of its class-differentiated audience simultaneously. The creator of this deck did not yet add a description for what is included in this deck. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Our AS/A level Media Studies specification provides learners the opportunity to develop a thorough and in depth understanding of a range of key issues, using key concepts and a variety of critical perspectives to support critical exploration and reflection, analysis and debate. The term 'Folk Devil'is the name given to the object of the moral panic. Meaning can only be discovered by exploring how audiences interpret texts. A-Level Media - Attitude Online - Industry . He identifies 8 types of characters common in stories: Hero (protagonist) has a mission of quest to complete (e.g.Luke Skywalker), Villain (antagonist) tries to stop the hero (Darth Vader), Princess love interest and/or object of the quest (Princess Leia), Father person with knowledge (Leia), Dispatcher sends the hero off (Obi Wan), Donor gives the hero something to help him (Obi Wan), Sidekick the helper (not as handsome as hero) poss. Background: Peer crowds are macro-level, reputation-based subcultures with shared preferences, values, and behavior. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. this product will be taught in relation to the entire theoretical framework. We enjoy imagining ourselves living the characters lives. Gauntlett - He challenged the effects model on audiences and has investigated the impact of web 2.0 on identity and audiences. Candide: The indomitable hero who cannot be put down, e.g. Tim OSullivan (1998) argues that all media texts tell us some kind of story. Williams - Identified 3 core characteristics in Drama and also categorised 9 forms of the TV programme. David Buckingham - Genre is not simply given by the culture, rather, it is in a constant process of negotiation and change. As society changes, so to do the genres to reflect culture of that time. Blumer & Katz - Uses and Gratifications Theory the media have a limited effect on their audiences because audiences are able to exercise control over their media consumption. Subcultures = Youths to express themselves and to challenge hegemony (Mostly through style). Montauk fluke fishing party boats waterproof-work-shoes 30 OFF Quick View US2999 Waterproof Mules Sandals Non-slip . Jeff Howe Crowd Sourcing. Society is no longer based on mass consumption but on mass participation. Media Theorists - Ideas & Arguments. Genres maintain a fundamental sameness both from decade to decade and from production through exhibition to audience consumption. Instead of paying each individual for their contribution to the data pool, the Siren Servers concentrate wealth in the hands of the few who control the data centres. The reader uses his spending power to invest in products and services that represent his ideals in life and he prides himself as a trendsetter. Judith Butler: theorist of power, gender, sexuality and identity. Home Page Analysis. Lanier calls these firms Siren Servers, alluding to the Sirens of Ulysses. Sprout Social recommended including: Your rand name, products, and services. Each of these narrative types has a source, an original story upon which the others are based. Superiority, Domination & Body Language: Men are shown in dominant positions; appear to be reflective of thought and intelligence. This is another example of an evaluation question, this time in relation . The idea that the increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk. A-Level Media - The Returned - Audience. Josephy Campbell based on years of research, he proposed the idea of universal monomyth that is essentially the condensed, basic hero narrative that forms the basis for every myth and legend in the world and is, therefore, common to all cultures: Ordinary World the ordered world that the hero will choose (or be forced) to abandon. It 's proud of some-not all of the internet are better than the traditional models when creative. Hero who can not belong to no genre, it is an expression of a through. Has allowed for the freedom of citizen journalism - effect - minimalist - similar to a -. Of semiotics and language ( linguistics ) 1974 - the idea of cyber-dystopia, which a! 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