For license application and renewal fee rate information, please visit our tax and fee rate page. Select the business activity that represents the largest portion of your business income. Still need help? If you are disputing more than one billing, you must file a timely claim for refund for each separate billing. If you purchase lumber or engineered wood products from out-of-state retailers, you may owe the 1% assessment as well as the use tax on your purchase. If you sell lumber products or engineered wood products for use in this state, you are required to collect a 1% lumber products assessment from your customers based on the selling price of these products. We continue to expand our online resources to better assist taxpayer's needs by offering helpful and convenient online services. What if I haven't received my Security Access Code to create a username and password in the new system? If you use a Limited Access Code to file returns or make payments in our online services system, and do not currently have an online services profile, please Sign Up Now. If you expect to sell $25,000 or more in lumber products or engineered wood products in a calendar year, check the Selling lumber products or engineered wood products box. A Declaration of Timely Mailing (DTM) may be submitted when a penalty and interest on a liability were assessed for a document that was mailed timely but postmarked after the due date. In general, distributors purchase tobacco products before any California excise tax is due and then pay the tax when they sell or distribute the tobacco products. More than 8,000 lbs. A license application fee must be submitted with each new Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retailer License application. Every cigarette manufacturer must obtain and maintain a license from the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) in order to engage in the sale of cigarettes in California. We continue to expand our online resources to better assist taxpayers succeed by offering helpful and convenient online services. What is the difference between the owner and third-party access type? Enter a keyword (singular) that describes your type of business. Do you own and/or plan to harvest timber or forest products in California? Beer vendors are required to register with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to obtain a Certificate of Compliance. You will need your account number. The Cannabis Tax Law imposes the following: A per dry-weight ounce tax of $9.25 for flowers and $2.75 for leaves on all harvested cannabis that enters the commercial market and is required to be paid by cultivators to a distributor unless the cannabis is first transferred or sold to a manufacturer. Certify when the license is granted and each year upon license renewal that all packages of cigarettes the licensee manufactures or imports and distributes in this state fully comply with subdivision (b) of, A tobacco manufacturer or importer must waive any sovereign immunity defense or post a surety bond as provided in. I just received my 3rd party access code. Local charges apply if you are in an area with applicable local charges. Every person who operates a railroad that transports hazardous materials by rail car in California is required to register with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA). (approx. Almost any taxpayer with a past due amount can apply. Then select the Submit a Claim for Refund link and follow the prompts. Please contact the local office nearest you. Note: We are not able to disclose all permits, licenses, or accounts. Hello. Paper Check A payment voucher showing the amount due and the due date may be printed from the Registration Status page. The top of your return or form (See number 1 below) Every person before becoming a pipeline operator, vessel operator, or train operator that transports petroleum products into, out of, or within this state, is required to obtain a license. This means that a third party must request access to each account they need to manage online. Payments can be made directly from your bank account, credit card, check, or by money order. This is true whether you order the item over the Internet, by telephone, or by mail. This code can be located or obtained from the following sources: Correspondence received from the CDTFA. California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. What are the benefits? Online videos and Live Webinars are available in lieu of in-person classes. As of June 9, 2016, California state law expanded the definition of tobacco products to also include the products listed below for tobacco products retail licensing purposes: Examples include, but are not limited to, electronic cigarettes, atomizers, vaping tanks or mods, and e-liquid or e-juice. The fee is determined by the total tonnage of waste generated. Registered Domestic Partnership Registered Domestic Partnerships are registered by the Secretary of State's office. For more information about our online services, please see our Resources page and Tutorial videos. For more information, visit our Online Services overview page. What would you like to do? Alert from California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. A tobacco product does not include a product that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved as cessation products or for other therapeutic purposes (for example, nicotine patches). The following programs do not have a return filing obligation with us: You are required to file on or before the due date, which is based on your filing frequency (monthly, quarterly, quarterly prepay, fiscal yearly, or yearly). Some of our taxpayers are required to make payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Simply select the Submit a Relief Request link and follow the prompts. A notification will be sent to you when the request has been reviewed by the account owner. Yes, new tax type codes have been added for payments made through a third party. The form is available in English and Spanish. Currently, you cannot change the username once it is created. The Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Cannabis Control issues licenses for testing laboratories, distributors, retailers and microbusinesses. You can also use the registration system to: Registration information for the following programs administered by the CDTFA is provided by the following agencies: You can also use our online registration system to renew your license for Cigarette and Tobacco Products, International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) or request additional Flat rate decals for IFTA or Alternative Use Fuel. Allstate support is available via chat 24/7. For questions about filing, extensions, tax relief, and more call: 800-400-7115. Will you be selling lumber products or engineered wood products? The Cigarette and Tobacco Product Internet Program collects the California state excise and use taxes from California consumers purchasing untaxed cigarettes and/or tobacco products from out-of-state Internet retailers, and/or by way of mail or telephone, for self-consumption in California. See 2 for Bank Account Number (not to exceed 17 digits). An excise tax is levied on distilled spirits sales made in California by common carriers on board boats, trains, and airplanes, or by persons licensed to sell distilled spirits on board such boats, trains, and airplanes, at the same rates as set forth in the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law Section 32201. You can find information on manifest corrections on DTSC's Hazardous Waste Manifest Information web page. You owe only the 1% lumber assessment when you purchase lumber or engineered wood products from a retailer in California who did not charge and collect the 1% lumber assessment from you on your purchase. These licensing requirements are in addition to other CDTFA permits and licenses that may be required for your business operations. For additional information, visit CDTFA's Online Services Tutorials page and watch the video How to Create a Username and Password for Third Party Access. Log in to your account and navigate to "Submit a Relief Request," which can be found under the "More" option in the "I want to" pull-down menu. Please contact the local office nearest you. The secondary user must set up their password within 1 hour. Distribution includes the sale, use or consumption of untaxed tobacco products, or the placing of untaxed tobacco products into a vending machine or retail stock. If the Facility Fee is being paid for a site, the Generator Fee does not apply. ), your payment will be subject to a penalty. Guide to the California Timber Yield Tax Pub. For additional information, see the industry guide for Cannabis Businesses. For license and renewal fees rate information, please visit our tax and fee rate page. Do you have a license for commercial cannabis activities? To submit an Extension of Time in Which to File a Tax/Fee Return, log in with your username and password and select the account you want to request an extension for. Can I do more than file, renew, and pay with a username and password? Any product or service, including a cell phone, when sold with prepaid MTS for a single non-itemized price, unless only a minimal amount of prepaid MTS is transferred. To create your username, please visit the CDTFA Online Services home page and click on Sign Up Now. "Processor" indicates a cultivation site that conducts only trimming, drying, curing, grading or packaging of cannabis and non-manufactured cannabis products. Both owners and third parties, depending on access level, will have the ability to manage accounts and create Secondary logons. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question. As an employer, you are liable for the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Fee if your business: See Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Fee Pub. You are required to register as a use fuel user if you operate a commercial vehicle with an unladen weight of 7,000 pounds or more that uses LPG, LNG, CNG or alcohol fuel as a fuel. Who is required to obtain and maintain a Wholesaler license? If you purchase items from out-of-state retailers that are not required or authorized to collect California tax and then use, give away, store, or otherwise consume the item in this state, you may owe California use tax. These licensing requirements are in addition to other permits and licenses that may be required for your business operations. Had lead or lead-containing materials present in the business operation during the previous calendar year, Had 10 or more employees who each were employed for 160 hours or more during the previous calendar year whether or not an individual employee's specific job involved exposure to lead or lead-contaminating materials. For example, "other" may refer to cull logs, pulp chipwood & hardwood logs, and/or fuel chips. A manufacturer is any person required to be licensed as a manufacturer pursuant to Division 10 (commencing with section 26000) of the Business and Professions Code. This stamp technology affords retailers, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers, and CDTFA investigators the tools necessary to immediately determine the validity of a cigarette tax stamp. Do you operate a qualified motor vehicle? An excise tax is imposed on purchasers of cannabis and cannabis products at the rate of 15% of the "average market price" of any retail sale by a cannabis retailer. In May 2017, the retailer opened a second retail location, paid the license application fee, and obtained a retailer license for that location for a 12-month period. Certify when the license is granted, and each year upon license renewal, that all packages of cigarettes the licensee manufactures or imports and distributes in this state fully comply with subdivision (b) of, A cigarette manufacturer or importer must waive any sovereign immunity defense or post a surety bond as provided in, A manufacturer or importer that is a "tobacco product manufacturer" as defined in Health and Safety Code, Certify when the license is granted and each year upon license renewal that all packages of cigarettes the licensee manufactures or imports and distributes in this state fully comply with. This code can be located or obtained from the following sources: Correspondence received from the CDTFA. Biodiesel is a fuel made fully or partially from vegetable oil or animal fats. An excise tax is levied on distilled spirits sales made in California by common carriers on board boats, trains, and airplanes, or by persons licensed to sell distilled spirits on board such boats, trains, and airplanes, at the same rates as set forth in the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law Section 32201. Can I Do Business With A Revoked Sales Tax License . Do not check the box if you only sell items made from lumber or engineered wood products, such as furniture, doors, shutters, and finished hardwood or laminate flooring. Online Services Limited Access Codes are going away. Diesel fuel users are persons other than farmers, who purchase tax-paid diesel fuel and use it in a nontaxable manner. For more information visit our Payment Plan page. Also, you can sign in to your account page to see if you information regarding your subscription from Microsoft. Your request may not be processed until the tax/fee has been paid in full. For help with creating a username and password, please see our video tutorials on logging in. We recommend all checks and money orders be mailed with a payment voucher. "Nursery" indicates a licensee that produces only clones, immature plants, seeds, and other agricultural products used specifically for the propagation and cultivation of cannabis. Sign Up Now to begin the enrollment process. The license fee may not be prorated. A tobacco products distributor is required to calculate the tobacco products tax due based on the wholesale cost of the tobacco products distributed and remit the amounts owed each month on tax return forms provided by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA). You can pay the 911 Surcharge and local charges (if local charges apply) on wireless cards/service. The CDTFA may grant relief of interest only for the reasons shown below. A cultivation tax on all harvested cannabis that enters the commercial market, and an excise tax on purchasers of cannabis and cannibis products at retail. This includes biodiesel. Federal Government the United States Government, IRS, or United Stated Post Office. Once logged on, the party who created the Secondary Logon will go to Settings, Secondary Logons, and select Resend logon access email found under I Want To section. A service fee of 2.3% of the transaction amount will be charged by OPC. Questions about your policy? Products that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved as cessation products or for other therapeutic purposes (for example, nicotine patches). The registration process will automatically save the information at each step, allow you to quit at any time and continue at a later time. If I have an active installment payment agreement, will it be moved to the new system? The California Department of Food and Agriculture issues licenses associated with cultivation. After paying by credit card, be sure to click "continue" to be routed back to the CDTFA's online registration to check your application status. Are there new tax type codes for making payments? Contacting our customer service representatives at 800-400-7115, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, excluding . The license fee may not be prorated. If you receive an error message when opening your template using our Online Services system, you may either click Yes to open or switch your internet browser to Google Chrome to open the template and avoid this error message. Select the appropriate exemption claim for the above item. Visit our Limited Access Code Removal page for scheduled removal dates and instructions on how to Sign Up Now for a username and password. A CDTFA Online Services username and password is required to request a power of attorney online. Interstate travel: Travel within California and any other IFTA member states or Canadian provinces. Note: We will be phasing out Limited Access Codes beginning in 2022. The CDTFA Company Identification Numbers are 2822162215 and 1822162215. System is asking for numbers which I do not have. I saved a return and am unable to retrieve it. A tobacco products distributor is a person who makes the first distribution of tobacco products in this state. Receivership/Fiduciary A receivership is the office or functions of a receiver. Use Fuel Tax Law Analysis of Use Fuel Tax Law. The software came with laptop when I brought it. If your exemption is granted, you may qualify for a refund. FEIN stands for Federal Entity Identification Number. but less than 8,001 lbs. For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. If you are already a registered stamp purchaser and have a username and password, you may log in to order cigarette stamps. See Lumber Products Assessment for additional information. 11 lbs.) The CFT permit must be obtained and completed prior to entering the state. Where do I file CDTFA 392? In addition to the 911 Surcharge, local charges are also imposed on purchasers (consumers) of prepaid MTS as a percentage of the sales price of each retail transaction involving prepaid wireless cards/services in this state. Log into your account using your username and password. CareerBuilder TIP. File online by logging in to our secure site using your username and password. Do you want to pay tax for an exemption claimed? A letter will be sent to the account owner of the account you are requesting access prior to you receiving power of attorney privileges. Within a few minutes, you will receive a text containing your full name and the 10-digit figure. You are no longer actively engaged in business, You sell your business or stock of goods to someone else, You change the type of ownership for your business (for example, from a sole proprietorship to a corporation or partnership), Your partnership agreement calls for dissolution of the partnership and the formation of a new partnership. We offer convenient payment methods for those with current and past due liabilities. Account Number: 2741000893
You can easily find a copy of your California seller's permit online. Tax Guide for Purchasers of Vehicles, Vessels, & Aircraft. Beer vendors must also register to report shipments into California. If you do not have an online services profile, see the Register for an Online Services Profile section below for instructions on how to get started. Add a new location to an existing account allows you to add an additional location at which business activity will be conducted. A retailer is required to collect the excise tax from the purchaser and remit the cannabis excise tax to the distributor. While other state and local agencies may issue licenses and permits and assess fees or taxes, the following is a list of agencies that can assist you in determining your tax obligations and provide you with information about . California Cigarette & Tobacco Products Licensing Act of 2003 Cigarette Manufacturer/Importer License. 39a. By checking "Same as Timber Owner" you are indicating you are the owner of the timber and the land from which the timber was harvested. Commercial cannabis businesses are required to hold a license with the proper licensing authority. Licensed by the Bureau of Cannabis Control. An importer is any purchaser who purchases for resale in the United States cigarettes manufactured outside of the United States for the purpose of making a first sale or distribution within the United States (Revenue and Taxation Code section 30019). How to File a Sales and Use Tax Return With One Selling Location Using Your Limited Access Code, How to File a Sales and Use Tax Return With Multiple Locations Using a Limited Access Code (Including Schedule C & B), How to Complete Schedules C and B to Allocate the 1% Local Tax, How to File Schedule B Using the Upload Feature, How to File Schedule A Using the Upload Feature, How to Retrieve a Saved Return Using Your Limited Access Code, How to View Previous Returns and Payments, How to File an Alcohol Customs Broker's Report of Transactions, How to File an Alcoholic Beverage Common Carrier's Report of Delivery, How to File a Beer and Wine Importer Tax Return, How to File a Beer Manufacturer Tax Return, How to File a Distilled Spirits Tax Return, How to File a Common Carrier's Tax Return, How to File a Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report, How to File a Vendor's Report of Beer Shipments into California, How to File a Wine Grower/Direct Wine Shippers Tax Return, California Electronic Cigarette Excise Tax (CECET), How to File a California Electronic Cigarette Excise Tax (CECET) Return, How to File a Tobacco Products Manufacturer/Importer Return, How to File a Cigarette Wholesaler's Report, How to File a Cigarette Distributor and Importer Tax Report, How to File a Tobacco Products Distributor Tax Return, How to File a California PACT Act Cigarette/Tobacco/ENDS Report, How to File a Cigarette Manufacturer's Tax Return, How to Renew a Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retailer License, How to Renew a Cigarette and Tobacco Products Wholesaler License, How to Renew a Cigarette Manufacturer/Importer License, How to File a Common Carrier's Report of Cigarette Deliveries, How to Renew a Cigarette and Tobacco Products Distributor License, How to Renew a Tobacco Products Manufacturer and Importer License, How to File an Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Return, How to File an Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Return, Energy Resources (Electrical Energy) Surcharge, How to File a Consumer Electrical Energy Surcharge Return, How to File an Electrical Energy Surcharge Return, How to File an Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Tax Return, How to File Diesel Fuel Claims for Refunds and Reports, How to File an Exempt Bus Operator Diesel Fuel Tax Return, How to File a Government Entity Diesel Fuel Tax Return, How to File a Supplier of Diesel Fuel Tax Return, How to File a Supplier Motor Vehicle Fuel (MVF) Tax Return, How to File a Train Operator Information Report, How to File a Terminal Operator Information Report, How to File a Hazardous Waste Disposal Fee Return, How to File a Hazardous Waste Facility Fee Return, How to Make a Hazardous Waste Facility Fee Prepayment with a Username and Password, How to File a Hazardous Waste Generation and Handling Fee Prepayment with a Username and Password, How to File a Hazardous Waste Generator Fee Return, How to Make a Hazardous Waste Generator Fee Prepayment with a Username and Password, How to File an Integrated Waste Management Fee Return, How to File an Integrated Waste Management Fee Return for a Nonhazardous Wood Waste Facility, How to File an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return, How to File an Interstate User Diesel Fuel Tax Return, How to Renew an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) License and Decal, How to File a California Battery Fee Return, How to File a Manufacturer Battery Fee Return, How to File a California Battery Fee 2022 Annual Split Rate Return, How to File a Manufacturer Battery Fee 2022 Annual Split Rate Return, How to File a Natural Gas Surcharge Consumer Return, How to File a Natural Gas Surcharge Public Utility Gas Corporation Return, Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Fee, How to File an Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Fee Return, Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fee, How to File an Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fee Return, How to File an Exempt Bus Operator User Use Fuel Tax Return, How to Renew a Flat Rate Alternative Fuel Decal, How to File a Timber Yield Tax Return and Harvest Report, How to File an Underground Storage Tank Maintenance Fee Return, How to Create a Username and Password for Business Owners and Gain all Access, How to Create a Username and Password for Business Owners who Received a Security Code from CDTFA, How to Create a Username and Password for a Third Party and Request Access to an Account, How to Login and Make a Payment as a Marine Invasive Species (Ballast Water) Fee Agent, How to Login and Make a Fee Payment as a Marine Invasive Species (Ballast Water) Third Party, How to Make a Payment Without a Username & Password, How to Make a Prepayment Without a Username & Password, Overview of the Online Services to Users With a Username and Password, How to Request Relief from Penalties and/or Interest, How to File Claim for Refund Online & How to Find Claim Status, Cmo Presentar Una Declaracin de Impuestos sobre Ventas y Uso Si Solo Tiene un Punto de Venta Ultilizando su Limited Access Code, Cmo Recuperar una Declaracin Guardada Utilizando el Acceso Limitado, Declaracin de Impuestos Con Mltiples Puntos de Venta con un Limited Access Code, Como presentar una declaracin trimestral del acuerdo internacional del impuesto sobre el uso del combustible (IFTA), Cmo completar el Formulario B usando la funcin de carga, Cmo presentar un Formulario MV Concesionarios de vehculos usados - reporte de ventas, Cmo Crear un Nombre de Usuario y una Contrasea para Dueos de Negocios, Cmo crear un nombre de usuario y contrasea si es el dueo de un negocio y recibi un cdigo de seguridad por correo postal, Cmo realizar un pago sin un nombre de usuario y contrasea, Cmo realizar un pago anticipado si no ha creado un nombre de usuario y contrasea, Information for Local Jurisdictions and Districts, Make a request for relief or request an extension, Track and obtain correspondence with CDTFA, Access and manage multiple accounts under one login, Add a new business location to an existing account, Register to pay taxes on internet purchases of cigarette/tobacco products, Hazardous Substances Taxes Disposal Fee, Hazardous Substances Taxes Facility Fee, California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecyle), No online registration as CDTFA registers vessel owner or operators based on information from the California Marine Exchanges, A valid form of Identification (Driver License, City ID Card, Employment Authorization Card, Matricula Consular ID, Military ID, Non Immigrant Visa, Non-U.S. Driver's License, Non-U.S. Passport, Permanent Resident Alien Card, State Identification Card, Tribal Issue Photo ID, U.S. Passport Card, U.S. Passport, or U.S. Visa), Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer ID (ITIN), Bookkeeper/Accountant Address and Phone Number (if applicable), FEIN (Partnership, Association, Organization, Trust, Estate, Joint Venture, Receivership/Fiduciary, Unincorporated Business Organization, Corporation, Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Corporation), California Secretary of State Entity Number (Corporation, Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Corporation), Officer, Member, or Partner Information (date of birth, SSN, or driver license and address), Agency Name (Federal, State, and Local Government), Contact information of the person(s) who maintains the books and records (name, address and phone number), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Number, Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), Distributor License Number (not required), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) number, California Employment Development Department (EDD) number (payroll number), Underground Storage Tank Ownership Document, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 637 Letter of Registration, Department of Transportation (DOT) number, Certificate of Registration for Motor Carriers (MX) number, California International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) number, Interstate User Diesel Fuel Tax License number, Serial Number of a mobile/manufactured home or aircraft, Decal Number of a mobile/manufactured home, Make of a mobile/manufactured home, vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, Year of a mobile/manufactured home, vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, Purchase date of the mobile/manufactured home, vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of vehicle, License plate number of vehicle or undocumented (DMV registered) vessel, Location address of mobile/manufactured home, vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, Documentation number of US Coast Guard registered vessel, One click starts the process for the permits, licenses, and accounts, You can easily apply for new licenses or add business locations, The system is free to use; however, some permits, licenses, or accounts may require a fee or deposit, View the status of your application(s) online, Get emails with updates on the status of your application(s), Online help and live assistance during business hours, Get links to reference materials related to your business activities, Hazardous Substances Tax Transportable Treatment Unit, Sales, purchases, transactions, and deductions or other reportable information for the filing period, Insurance Tax accounts (includes Home Protection Insurance, Life Insurance, Ocean Marine Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance, Surplus Line Brokers, Title Insurance), If you prefer to pay by sending us a check or money order instead of paying through our online system, there is an option to print a payment voucher after you file your return. 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