Punta del Este adjoins the city of Maldonado, while to its northeast along the coast are found the smaller resorts of La Barra and Jos Ignacio. The 19th-century painter Juan Manuel Blanes, whose works depict historical events, was the first Uruguayan artist to gain widespread recognition. Punta del Este is situated on a small peninsula off the southeast coast of Uruguay. [156] When the famous tango singer Carlos Gardel was 29 years old he changed his nationality to be Uruguayan, saying he was born in Tacuaremb, but this subterfuge was probably done to keep French authorities from arresting him for failing to register in the French Army for World War I. Gardel was born in France and was raised in Buenos Aires. [162] MercoPress is an independent news agency focusing on news related to Mercosur and is based in Montevideo. [137], Metropolitan Montevideo is the only large city, with around 1.9million inhabitants, or more than half the country's total population. [25] But still the difference is not big enough to consider a dry or wet season, periods of drought or excessive rain can occur anytime during the year. In the late 1950s, partly because of a worldwide decrease in demand for Uruguyan agricultural products, Uruguayans suffered from a steep drop in their standard of living, which led to student militancy and labor unrest. The dramatic shift, taking less than ten years and without government funding, lowered electricity costs and slashed the country's carbon footprint. In 1806 and 1807, the British army attempted to seize Buenos Aires and Montevideo as part of the Napoleonic Wars. The relationship between the United States and Uruguay is strong. Uruguay hat im Norden eine 985 km lange Grenze mit Brasilien und im Westen eine 579 km lange Grenze mit Argentinien. The growth, use, and sale of cannabis was legalized on 11 December 2013,[110] making Uruguay the first country in the world to fully legalize marijuana. [89] Uruguay has two uncontested boundary disputes with Brazil, over Isla Brasilera and the 235km2 (91sqmi) Invernada River region near Masoller. [100] Poverty was reduced from 33% in 2002 to 21.7% in July 2008, while extreme poverty dropped from 3.3% to 1.7%. The country has several international bus services[123] connecting the capital and frontier localities to neighboring countries. [25], The Reporters Without Borders worldwide press freedom index has ranked Uruguay as 19th of 180 reported countries in 2019. [51] Both presidents continued the economic structural reforms initiated after the reinstatement of democracy and other important reforms were aimed at improving the electoral system, social security, education, and public safety. Cultural experiences in Uruguay include exploring the country's colonial heritage, as found in Colonia del Sacramento. Meat being the principal dish, due to Uruguay being one of the world's largest producers of quality meat. Montevideo was occupied by a British force from February to September 1807. [33] After nearly four more years of struggle, the Portuguese Kingdom of Brazil annexed the Banda Oriental as a province under the name of "Cisplatina". Their efforts proved ineffective and, by 1849, tired of the war, both withdrew after signing a treaty favorable to Rosas. Contents 1 Native 2 Colonization 3 Struggle for independence, 18111828 [32], Gabriel Terra became president in March 1931. [69] The heaviest precipitation occurs during the autumn months, although more frequent rainy spells occur in winter. WebThe Directorates mission also includes determining priority sectors and projects and helping Argentine companies expand internationally and/or attract international investment. Uruguay is a unitary state: justice, education, health, security, foreign policy and defense are all administered nationwide. [61] In 2020, he was succeeded by Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou, member of the conservative National Party, after 15 years of left-wing rule, as the 42nd President of Uruguay. The mobile phone market is shared by the state-owned ANTEL and two private companies, Movistar and Claro. [33] Artigas organized the Federal League under his protection, consisting of six provinces, four of which later became part of Argentina. [36] Montevideo rewarded Brazil's support by signing treaties that confirmed Brazil's right to intervene in Uruguay's internal affairs. According to one source, around 180 Uruguayans are known to have been killed and disappeared, with thousands more illegally detained and tortured during the 12-year civil-military rule of 1973 to 1985. [146] In 1837 civil marriage was recognized, and in 1861 the state took over the running of public cemeteries. [73] Each department elects its own authorities through a universal suffrage system. [101] Unemployment reached a record low of 5.4% in December 2010 before rising to 6.1% in January 2011. The major internal river is the Ro Negro ('Black River'). As a result, many Uruguayans do not equate their nationality with ethnicity, but with citizenship and their allegiance to Uruguay. [113], Uruguay is the Latin American country that receives the most tourists in relation to its population. Montevideo was founded by the Spanish in the early 18th century as a military stronghold in the country. [18] The country has legalized cannabis, same-sex marriage, prostitution and abortion. Typical dishes include: "Asado uruguayo" (big grill or barbecue of all types of meat), roasted lamb, Chivito (sandwich containing thin grilled beef, lettuce, tomatoes, fried egg, ham, olives and others, and served with French fries), Milanesa (a kind of fried breaded beef), tortellini, spaghetti, gnocchi, ravioli, rice and vegetables. Spain's High Court has approved the extradition to Uruguay of a doctor accused of helping the military torture dissidents during the right-wing military dictatorship in the 1970s, the court said on Monday. [25] Early classical music in Uruguay showed heavy Spanish and Italian influence, but since the 20th century a number of composers of classical music, including Eduardo Fabini, Vicente Ascone[es], and Hctor Tosar, have made use of Latin American musical idioms. [167] Uruguay performed very creditably in the 2010 FIFA World Cup, having reached the semi-final for the first time in 40 years. The Colorado effort to reduce Blancos to only three departments caused a Blanco uprising of 1897, which ended with the creation of 16 departments, of which the Blancos now had control over six. Na severovchod soused s Brazli (dlka hranice je 985 km) a na zpad s Argentinou (579 km). [161] Freedom of speech and media are guaranteed by the constitution, with qualifications for inciting violence or "insulting the nation". Uruguay has about 1,200km (750mi) of operational railroad track. [64] The country had a 2019 Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 3.61/10, ranking it 147th globally out of 172 countries. As would be expected with its abundance of water, high humidity and fog are common. [153], Public education is the primary responsibility of three institutions: the Ministry of Education and Culture, which coordinates education policies, the National Public Education Administration, which formulates and implements policies on early to secondary education, and the University of the Republic, responsible for higher education. [42] Montevideo became a major economic center of the region and an entrept for goods from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. The telephone system is completely digitized and has very good coverage over all the country. On 15 June 1838, an army led by the Colorado leader Rivera overthrew President Oribe, who fled to Argentina. [168] In the rankings for June 2012, Uruguay were ranked the second best team in the world, according to the FIFA world rankings, their highest ever point in football history, falling short of the first spot to the Spain national football team. And the most typical sweet is Alfajor, which is a small cake, filled with Dulce de leche and covered with chocolate or meringue, it comes in various types, fillings, sizes and brands. The second smallest country on the continent, Uruguay has long been overshadowed politically and economically by the adjacent republics of Brazil and Argentina, with both of which it has many cultural and historical similarities. [162] Consequently, Montevideo's newspapers, which account for all of Uruguay's principal daily newspapers, greatly expanded their circulations. Uruguay is a diverse country full of a variety of cultures, foods, religions, arts, and sports, all coming together to form a unique national identity. [66] Summers are tempered by winds off the Atlantic, and severe cold in winter is unknown. [163], Football is the most popular sport in Uruguay. Another spoken dialect was the Patois, which is an Occitan dialect. [32] The CIA-backed campaign of political repression and state terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents was called Operation Condor. [162], State-run radio and TV are operated by the official broadcasting service SODRE. Blancos were given of seats in Congress. [53], Vzquez, who assumed the government in March 2005, created the Ministry of Social Development and sought to reduce the country's poverty rate with a $240million National Plan to Address the Social Emergency (PANES), which provided a monthly conditional cash transfer of approximately $75 to over 100,000 households in extreme poverty. [124] Namely, 17 destinations in Argentina[note 3]; 12 destinations in Brazil[note 5] and the capital cities of Chile and Paraguay. 9 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons", "Uruguay returns to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance", Uruguay To Lift Ban On Gays In The Military, "Uruguayan Major General appointed head of UN mission in India and Pakistan", "Building out: Uruguay exports architectural services to India and Latin America", "Uruguay's Frente Amplio: From Revolution to Dilution", "Uruguay's record-setting economic growth streak", "Uruguay Rate Rise 'Strong Signal,' Bergara, Lorenzo Say", "IMF anticipates 'soft-landing' of Uruguay's economy in next two years", "Uruguay's GDP Rose 10.4% in Second quarter From Year Before on Transport", "Uruguay's debt/GDP ratio down after five quarters running increases", "Uruguay becomes first nation to legalise marijuana trade", "Uruguay has 3.8 cattle per capita, highest in the world", "Jos Ignacio, an Uruguayan Resort Town That's Chic, but So Far Not Famous", "Overview: Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay Trade Relations", "Montevideo port becomes most advanced container terminal in South America", "Logistics, infrastructure and communications", "New Carrasco terminal among the "most beautiful airports in the world", "Pluna: reunin de conciliacin entre el Estado y Leadgate", "Omnibus Interior Catlogo de Datos Abiertos", "Uruguay privatization scheme jolted by opposition", "Uruguay, Latin America's Renewable Champion", "Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% electricity from clean energy", "Uruguay is now generating 95% of its electricity from renewable energy", "Uruguay has shifted to getting 95% of its electricity from renewables in less than 10 years", "Atlas Sociodemografico y de la Desigualdad en Uruguay, 2011: Ancestry", "Genetic composition of Brazilian population samples based on a set of twenty-eight ancestry informative SNPs", "Uruguay: South America's best-kept secret? President Jorge Pacheco declared a state of emergency in 1968, followed by a further suspension of civil liberties in 1972. Sanguinetti was then re-elected in 1994. An armed group, known as the Tupamaros emerged in the 1960s, engaging in activities such as bank robbery, kidnapping and assassination, in addition to attempting an overthrow of the government. In 1994 and 1995, Uruguay faced economic difficulties caused by the liberalization of foreign trade, which increased the trade deficit. [86][87] In November 2010, Uruguay and Argentina announced they had reached a final agreement for joint environmental monitoring of the pulp mill.[88]. [25] Its median age is 35.3 years, is higher than the global average[32] due to its low birth rate, high life expectancy, and relatively high rate of emigration among younger people. [150] Popular Uruguayan rock bands include La Vela Puerca, No Te Va Gustar, El Cuarteto de Nos, Once Tiros, La Trampa, Chalamadre, Snake, Buitres, and Cursi. [172] Its national team qualified for the Basketball World Cup 7 times, more often than other countries in South America, except Brazil and Argentina. [166], The Uruguay national football team has won the FIFA World Cup on two occasions. The nation borders Brazil to the east and north and Argentina to the west. [21], One of the most popular interpretations of the name was proposed by the renowned Uruguayan poet Juan Zorrilla de San Martn, "the river of painted birds";[22] this interpretation, although dubious, still holds an important cultural significance in the country. One of the most consumed spreadables in Uruguay is Dulce de leche (a caramel confection from Latin America prepared by slowly heating sugar and milk). He drew from both Timbuktu and Mykonos to create his best-known work: his home, hotel and atelier Casapueblo near Punta del Este. As few native people exist in the population, no indigenous languages are thought to remain in Uruguay. [152], Uruguay is part of the One Laptop per Child project, and in 2009 became the first country in the world to provide a laptop for every primary school student,[154] as part of the Plan Ceibal. [152], Uruguay ranks high on standardised tests such as PISA at a regional level, but compares unfavourably to the OECD average, and is also below some countries with similar levels of income. The country is known for its colonial-era historic districts in Colonia and Montevideo, popular beaches on the Atlantic Coast, and beef productiona former meat processing plant in Fray Bentos is a world heritage site. [25] The guitar is the preferred musical instrument, and in a popular traditional contest called the payada two singers, each with a guitar, take turns improvising verses to the same tune.[25]. [133] Overall, the ethnic composition is similar to neighboring Argentine provinces as well as Southern Brazil. Elder Olsen is from Provo, Utah. On his first day in office in March 1985, Sanguinetti re-established complete freedom of the press. [162] Although it sells only about 16,000 copies a week, its estimated readership exceeds 50,000. [25] The psychological stories of Juan Carlos Onetti (such as "No Man's Land" and "The Shipyard") have earned widespread critical praise, as have the writings of Mario Benedetti. It has a South Atlantic Ocean coastline and lies between Argentina to the west and Brazil to the north. [167] Uruguay has won the Copa Amrica (an international tournament for South American nations and guests) 15 times, such as Argentina, the last one in 2011. The National Party's Luis Alberto Lacalle won the 1989 presidential election and amnesty for human rights abusers was endorsed by referendum. Progressive, stable, safe and culturally sophisticated, Uruguay offers visitors opportunities to experience everyday not made for tourists moments, whether At the other extreme, 38% of farmers exploit small lots and have herds averaging below one hundred head. [159] Popular bands of the Uruguayan Invasion sang in English. Uruguayan Portuguese is spoken as a native language by between 3% and 15%[dubious discuss] of the Uruguayan population, in northern regions near the Brazilian border,[149][dubious discuss][bettersourceneeded] making it the second most spoken language of the country. [24] The landscape features mostly rolling plains and low hill ranges (cuchillas) with a fertile coastal lowland. [96][needs update], In 2004, the Batlle government signed a three-year $1.1billion stand-by arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), committing the country to a substantial primary fiscal surplus, low inflation, considerable reductions in external debt, and several structural reforms designed to improve competitiveness and attract foreign investment. [26], Uruguay was first inhabited around 13,000 years ago by hunter-gatherers. [72], Uruguay is a representative democratic republic with a presidential system. Uruguay covers an area of approximately 181,034 square kilometers (69,898sqmi) and has a population of an estimated 3.4million, of whom around 2 million live in the metropolitan area of its capital and largest city, Montevideo. Jos Enrique Rod (18711917), a modernist, is considered Uruguay's most significant literary figure. Minister of Economy and Finance Alejandro Vgh Villegas seeks to promote the financial sector and foreign investment. Uruguay is the only country in South America situated entirely south of the Tropic of Capricorn. [170], Football was taken to Uruguay by English sailors and labourers in the late 19th century. [68] The country experiences extratropical cyclones but no tropical cyclones, due to the fact that the South Atlantic Ocean is rarely warm enough for their development. [90], On 15 March 2011, Uruguay became the seventh South American nation to officially recognize a Palestinian state,[91] although there was no specification for the Palestinian state's borders as part of the recognition. [41] A transition period (188690) followed, during which politicians began recovering lost ground and some civilian participation in government occurred. The people of this country are known to be warm, welcoming, and friendly. [134], From 1963 to 1985, an estimated 320,000 Uruguayans emigrated. [25] Besides stressing the importance of upholding spiritual over materialistic values, it also stresses resisting cultural dominance by Europe and the United States. When a child remains in Uruguay for more than 365 days and is traveling with only one parent, traveling alone, or traveling with someone other than the parents, the minor child is required to have a Permiso de Menor (permission for a minor) issued by the Uruguayan National Immigration Directorate prior to departing Uruguay. Religious organization Send message Hi! 3,825 residence permits were awarded in 2009, compared with 1,216 in 2005. The country experiences the four seasons, with summer being from December to March and winter from June to September. The formal coalition ended in November 2002, when the Blancos withdrew their ministers from the cabinet,[32] although the Blancos continued to support the Colorados on most issues. A series of economic crises and the political repression against left-wing guerrilla activity in the late 1960s and early 1970s put an end to a democratic period that had begun in the early 20th century,[clarification needed] culminating in the 1973 coup d'tat, which established a civic-military dictatorship. [93], The Uruguayan armed forces are constitutionally subordinate to the president, through the minister of defense. [111], According to FAOSTAT, Uruguay is one of the world's largest producers of soybeans (9th), wool (12th), horse meat (14th), beeswax (14th), and quinces (17th). 42 ] Montevideo became a major economic center of the region and an entrept for from! In 1994 and 1995, Uruguay is strong and Claro as few Native people exist in the,... From June to September by a further suspension of civil liberties in 1972 became a major economic center the... The press of public cemeteries was recognized, and in 1861 the state took over running. 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