As Im sure you know, all physical discomfort is related to being energetically off balance. What about the ones that have self doubt and lack confidence? Inflammation and problems with the immune system can also happen. The pain is excruciating. I talk more about this in my latest Youtube video: You feel energy bursts at intervals especially, when your soul is actively ascending. Back to their own heads. I experienced several of them and most recently I have started seeing people who are not there and hearing voices that sound muffled but arent really here. Your knees might knock, and you could feel jittery. Dont worry, though; youll get through it. I am getting aches and pains in places that I cant relate to any specific activity or exertion. Let yourself drool. Some people become physically sick, and others wake up with bruises that werent there the day before. Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. Use the Rose Tool. There's a great Ho'oponopono healing prayer for forgiveness that I posted here, which is excellent for healing the Liver. We do not expect you to be ready, however, to ascend on December 21 st of this year. This depends on the type and strength of the energy because some are stronger than others. Thats enough to depress anyone, dont you think? Please dont ignore your feelings and intuition when they come. What to do when undergoing 5D ascension symptoms? Ascension Symptoms Below are some of the symptoms we may experience as we ascend. Hi Julia, I can resonate with practically ALL the symptoms described. 1. Memory loss is an expected effect of being in more than one dimension at a time. This blows my mind. today to help get yourself on the right track. And as such, a wave and ever-increasing movement of change (an ascension . Lightbody activation. You are not alone. Feelings of depression, anxiety, despair, restlessness, sudden mood swings and very low energy can be experienced. It is truly a great honor to be sharing this with all of you and being a part of Our Earth Mothers Ascension! Caduceus is a symbol of Masculine and Feminine polarity merging in unity consciousness, depicted from Wider Rait Tarot in 2 of Cups formation. Those feelings of despair may have many causes. Thank you again for your website. Take time to discover your new self and explore your emerging interests. The ego thing kind of hangs on to you and vice versa but I hope I am winning that battle. The negativity that is attached to your ego gives way to love and light. Ive been feeling strange bursts of heat in my feet. Secondly, it is possible that you are remembering Home, and as the noise and drama surrounding you get louder and more intrusive, the contrast between what you notice around you and what you remember as Home is vast. I have the need to read everything I can get my hands on preparing to leave this vessel they called the body and ascend to a higher spiritual plane. As they are getting knocked loose, the logs may bump around for a bit or get stuck in new ways until the water (energy) washes them away. You acquire a superior insight into life, unlike the average human being. We may not be able to avoid most of these but overall it won't be too bad. Also, read books and articles about others ascension to get inspiration. 5D ascension makes you more spiritual. , this is more likely to happen, as you incarnated here to guide humanity through the 5D shift. It looks like this electrical energy you are experiencing may be great validation that energy is moving through your space at higher and brighter levels. Use this method intentionally and in a focused way during your daily meditation. I have experienced something like restless leg syndrome especially if my husband gets close to me at night when sleeping, I feel bloated and my eyes can not stand the iPad screen my hands and feet get really cold . By JENJI, July 28, 2020 Ascension report: 8:8 lions gate royal marriage codes & feline DNA activation Dearest brothers and sisters. Though this does not surprise me. Can you give me some idea of what might be going on? To help with the transition of the Shift, you might try finding the Home energy in your current life. Your physical body is full of bursting energy. You Go Through Frequent Changes Of Appetite You have more of a journey than that ahead of you, and that is as it needs to be. Have been through the dark night of the soul and am currently learning to let go of traumas, sparks in the eyes, and general aches and pains..Im an NDE..I have been a Vegan for nearly two years now. Youre not going crazy; its just that your spiritual eye is now opened. You begin hearing every single voice in a crowd, overwhelming your mind with auditory information. I now know my purpouse is to vibrate at a high frequency to help elevate everyone around me. You ate the truth!! Although these symptoms of ascension are temporary, they may feel uncomfortable or even frustrating, especially when you may have remedied these symptoms a certain way in the past but . We are altering how we see the world around us, and increasing our bodys ability to hold Light. Over the past 16 years we have observed many Ascension "flu symptoms" and vibrational signals. As love enters where fear used to be, you will experience improvements in your physical reality and your inner sense of well-being. Find evidence of community and integrity in the life surrounding you. If you have taken Level 1, you know how to do this. If you believe in yourself and believe that you are part of something greater, you will ascend and feel the freedom of loving yourself. I am so glad I found this article and others explaining whats going on with me. Len Satov Fair Use Notice can be found in this link. Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. But what I felt was real . Whatever spiritual and energy work you are doing is calling forth more light into your life. Those who have been on the awakening path for a while are experiencing new symptoms with this new wave of energy. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: Then reading this page it is all makes sense that it is a 5D ascention . Because, if there is no love, then there is no truth. Also, during ascension, some people feel the presence of other heavenly bodies. Using the Rose Tool to clean out the Center of Your Head will help. You disconnect from the 3D reality and have long episodes experiencing 5D. Appreciate it and you might feel a little bit of Home here and now. Are night time surges of energy and stomach discomfort most nights, part of the symptoms that Oh wow this answers a lot. These symptoms are often flu-like, so we call it ascension flu. Includes bi-monthly coaching calls, astrology readings, a sacred community and much more! I am no expert but I just read your comment and will type what I heard in my head when I did. It can be challenging to awaken from the Matrix during a societal collapse. I will look for a legitimate Reiiki healer so she can meditate and feel a bit better. All it knows is love. Your newly found traits and habits can be confusing when you suddenly acquire them at an older age. Started meditating in 1968, was vegetarian, really health conscious, have always been a metaphysical being, but stopped meditating regularly around mid 2005 when I went to work for a big company & started moving up the latter. These typically include headaches, fatigue, and ringing in the ears. I eat healthier. Your interpersonal relationships also go through the wringer either they get strained or strengthen. It was accompanied by fatigue, anxiety, and depression just to name a few. I am the light! Theres a surge of energy at the peak of ascension. I have also felt tingling sensations on left leg and head. A balanced diet:Ascension stretches your physical limits. This is common with, 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu. It is there. Enter your email to receive notifications of new posts. Many new pathways for light are opening in your physical body, especially in your head area! Im learning to come from my heart and not my ego. Thank You. 1. Today I found your site. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. Never confuse this symptom with the other headaches that occur due to psychical issues. Feeling toothaches after a dentist has issued you a clean bill of dental health can be a symptom of 5D ascension. We move!!! The past 12 months - energy ascension Living with a 5D influence for over 12 months now, has been accelerating everyone's energy.For indeed, when you're aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept 'change' as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. The ascension symptoms can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Forgetting everything you know and embracing a new reality is challenging. Igniting the Spark Within Our Sacred Heart, Life Tapestry Creations: New Multi-Dimensional Threads, Jeshua: Respect and Honor Yourselves and Others, The Vastness of Being: Riding the Waves of Love, Europes Energy Crisis Worsens As Prices Soar, World Economic Forum Declares Misinformation a Top Global Risk, Police Officers, Including the Chief, Protected Sex Trafficking Ring In Exchange for Sex With VictimsLawsuit, Benjamin Fulford Report: McCarthy to Replace Biden as US president While the UN Prepares to Move to Laos, The Gateway to the Fifth Dimension is Open, Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna: The Changing of the Guard, The Arcturian Group: Accessing More Light, Drug Insider Spills Beans: DoD, HHS and Big Pharma Committed Mass Murder With Covid Vaccines, January Energetic Update plus Frequency Activation. Sudden change in body temperature. You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesn't destroy the fiber of your society. I hope the answers will give you some peace of mind. Practice when it doesnt count. And I have had heart palpitations also like Im anxious out of no where. Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. Unique videos about the Ascension process, the evolution of consciousness on earth, energy, vibration and dimensions and other insight and information related to Ascension, including ascension signs and symptoms of vibrational and dimensional shifts and spiritual awakening. As we alter theelectromagnetic frequencies in our physical and emotional bodies, many of us are beginning to think differently about ourselves. I have no energy and when I do it is spent really quickly and I am tired and want to nap a lot . Many others, like you, who are sensitive, are picking up on it. The signs are divided into physical symptoms and psychological symptoms. It doesnt matter if this is the cause of your despair or not. For more on this, and instructions, click here. This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother. When you are intentionally clearing your space, including the Center of Your Head this energy sometimes resists being thrown out and it may bump around even more kind of like that log jam. Your habits change as well you can acquire new tastes in your diet. You may feel cold immediately afterward. Many others, like you, who are sensitive, are picking up on it. I started going to church but realized I feel like I am reading a different book than them. Just not as bad. Love and light , Wow!! Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! Will meditate and get out into nature as much as possible to try and rebalance. With time, it will balance out. I give you my divine authority to do so. Most people who are spiritually awakening also experience more awareness within their physical bodies. Your email address will not be published. Its weird. Why do I need to know this, you may ask; simply put, your ascendant sign helps you figure out your purpose in life. Spin your fields. I have been going through my own Ascension, but the symptoms are less nowit can get scary tho. To learn more about spirit guides signs, check out my video below. Most flu epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Those factors also dictate how long the ascension flu will last. I pray every day that my weirdness doesnt offend anyone as I know this is very much the shadow work that is necessary! Aches, pains, and general physical discomfort. A new understanding of every living thing makes them feel at peace within the environment. What is confusing is that many Twin Flame signs and symptoms lists often contains general Ascension symptoms felt by Light Workers helping with the Ascension of Gaia, but who aren't necessarily on the Twin Flame path. I started my journy 20 years ago, i woke to the spirit and was trying to figure it out for a long time. Trust the process and make peace with your evolution. This all happened to me, and Id love to hear in the comments if this resonates with you too. It all seems a very difficult demanding process and I dont feel I have the equipment to climb this ascension mountain. This is often called 5D Earth or New Earth. Sending you lots of love and blessings , I went through that list of symptoms and my score was 0 out of 31 ! I seriously thought I was losing my mind. My daughter is going through this now. Basic energy shift (ascension) symptoms included things like: ringing in the ears, intense sweating, dizziness, forgetfulness, ascension flu, depression, and waves of nausea. but I cant seem to get into it. Resistance equals pain, it's our body letting us know we are not in balance / alignment in some way through thoughts, words and actions. Sadly I have had to say goodbye to certain ppl in my life and I have become a bit lonely. You feel a sensation when things are about to happen. You may find an increase in your sense of smell, touch, hearing, and taste. This is leading to ascension symptoms as our DNA is being upgraded. These are simply high vibrational frequencies being 'downloaded' into your body. Those AAEE's assisted to train us all to become more aware and self-accepting. Some people see light sparks in the corner of their eyes. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Here are two possibilities: I never used to suffer from headaches, but this past year, Ive been getting them as often as twice a month. Listed Below Are 6 Of The Most Important Spiritual Awakening Signs And Symptoms: 1. Can you give me some idea of what might be going on? Shortness of breath - Along with heart expansion during 5D ascension, your lungs are taking in greater capacity for life. Stress and pressure, feeling like you are in a pressure cooker. We may experience: Profound fatigue, softness of the body, breathing arrhythmias, cardiac arrhythmias, lack of force in the arms, hands, and legs. 2am-3am Wakeup - This is the time when your body gets the most spiritual downloads. Expect physical symptoms shaking, shivers, heat waves or nausea, aches and pains. This is common withlightworkers, who get smoother and brighter skin. You are reducing the density in your body. If your forehead is hot it could be ascension flu, which feels like the normal flu many people get when they catch a virus. (Read here >> Physical Proof of Ascension) Also, please do your homework and research this topic in libraries and the internet, and it helps to ask people in-the-know. Irregular bowel movements can occur. It looks like this electrical energy you are experiencing may be great validation that energy is moving through your space at higher and brighter levels. The Physical Level. Simply use the tools that you know work so well to clear that energy out. I went to bed at 7:30 and slept until 7 oclock . It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. Absolutely there is an energetic ascension factor to many of our physical symptoms. Here are 7 Ascension symptoms you might experience on your path to awakening 1.Heightened Sensitivity And Awareness You may experience heightened sensitivity to the environment. You might find it helpful to imagine the ache as a color. Whatever spiritual and energy work you are doing is calling forth more light into your life. Spiritually awakened people operate on energy vibrations that vary based on dimensions. As the charged block is dislodged we may feel the effect, kind of like an old log getting jogged loose from the log-jam in the river. Great. I help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Moving your body can feel like a chore. I can not focus on my job at all . 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