The site is bordered by Marten Lake and Crown land. Other natural disturbances, such as beaver activity have been observed along the shoreline and around the associated small tributaries within the conservation reserve. The SCI also outlines the activities that occur within the conservation reserve and provides guidelines for the management of current and future activities in the context of protecting the natural, social and cultural values of the conservation reserve. Any comments, including input from previous consultation, were considered in the finalization of this document. Deer will sometimes travel significant distances to these wintering yards. So what! The site is located approximately 50 km south of Temagami along Highway 11. McAUSLAN WYSE SISK KENNY GOODERHAM LA SALLE WISNER NORMAN KELLY McNISH PARDO HOBBS McCALLUM Key Plan Wanapitei Lake Nipissing Crown Fisheries Management Trail hours are 9am-6pm June 1 through September 30, and 9am-5pm October 1 through May 31. For any specific conservation reserve that test of compatibility should be applied to determine which specific uses are acceptable. Trail Hours apply to trailhead gate and all Habitat Authority trails on the map to the right. Conifer cover is known to be an important component of habitat for deer and moose. Natural Heritage Gap Analysis Methodologies Used by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Such planning could include public consultation. Old growth forests are known to create and maintain a fairly diverse environment with a variety of vegetation and wildlife. Vodicka, K. 2003. There are 7 forest communities and 3 wetland areas surrounding the tributaries, bays and shorelines in McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve. Little Physical Geography Science and Systems of the Human Environment, Fire in Parks and Conservation Reserves Policy and Planning Team. McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve is within EMA E154r, a recreational category EMA (figure 1). Representation: McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve is comprised of pure coniferous and mixedwood forest with sections of wetland vegetation surrounding the tributaries, bays and shoreline of the site (figure 2). It occurs because wildlife and people driving vehicles are on the roads simultaneously, and cannot predict the behaviour of one another. Nipissing Game Preserve, established in 1926, the candidate area provides excellent opportunities for viewing moose and other wildlife. Hunting and trapping are not permitted in the game preserve. The natural boundaries of Wicksteed, Bruce and Marten lakes, form a well-known circle route for canoeists. Wildlife may wander onto roadways for various reasons and become road kill.. The structures work then! However, much of the original old growth white pine remains in the conservation reserve despite logging in the surrounding areas. Mining and surface rights have been withdrawn from staking within the conservation reserve under the Mining Act (RSO Chapter M.14). Putnam. It was all crown land back then ('70s) before the logging roads came in.That was yrs ago and has since been opened up with logging roads. This conservation reserve contains portions of several mining claims, which are currently designated as forest reserve. traplines) which overlap with the conservation reserve, not within the bounds of the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve, may be considered subject to a Test of Compatibility (Appendix 1), consistent with provincial direction. Opportunities for prescribed burning to achieve ecological or resource management objectives will be developed with public consultation prior to any prescribed burning, and reflected in the document that provides more management direction for this conservation reserve. Trail Maps and Resources; What We Do. Stakeholders who expressed an interest in the planning of this site were also notified regarding the draft SCI and given a two week review period. new uses and/or activities that are consistent with existing permitted uses). These areas concentrate deer during the winter because they provide food and shelter from weather and predators. Habitat Restoration in Powder Canyon Activity you will see while on the trails. Impact on accommodating the use outside the conservation reserve: "Could the use(s) be accommodated as well or better outside the conservation reserve? This appears true of this specific conservation reserve where in a great variety of lichen and moss species, including the ecologically sensitive reindeer lichen, were found in a very small area. The open crowns of supercanopy white pines also make them an ideal nest and perch site for large raptors such as bald eagles and osprey. Trail access at 7th Avenue and Orange Grove. The MNR recognizes fire as an essential process fundamental to the ecological integrity of conservation reserves. LIST OF TRAILS by location and activity (click here). 804/94) in 2005. Earth Science Inventory Checklist Site District 5E-6, McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve (in progress). McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve Recreational Inventory Checklist. Uses and/or activities that were not anticipated in the approved SCI and which may have an impact on the values of the conservation reserve will require a major amendment. Impact on area administration: "will the new use(s) increase administrative costs and/or complexity?" Programs may be developed to control forest insects and diseases in the conservation reserve where these threaten significant values in or adjacent to the site. The site offers a variety of recreational opportunities including; observation of the old growth red and white pine forests, snowmobiling, ATV use, hunting, hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, photography, bird watching and general nature study and potentially picnicking and camping. Corridors increase the effective amount of habitat that is available for species and effectively reverse habitat fragmentation. Certain species of woodpeckers, songbirds, hawks and owls prefer older growth forests to younger forests. The rock type is predominantly metamorphic gneiss and the surficial layer is made up of an orthic humo-ferric podzol with a sandy loam to fine sandy loam texture. 100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 8L7 The conservation reserve will be managed by allowing natural ecosystems and processes to function as they would with minimal human interference. Trail access off Turnbull Canyon Road approximately mile east of Painter Avenue. Crown Game Preserve - Documentation (Word) Status Completed: production of the data has been completed Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed: data is updated as deemed necessary Contact Jennifer McMurray, Office of the Surveyor General, Natural Resources and Forestry Mapping and nipissing crown game preserve map. Supercanopy white pines are commonly used by black bears as refuge trees and bedding sites. Recreational uses within the conservation reserve include the observation of old growth red and white pine, snowmobiling and ATV use, hunting, potentially hiking, camping/picnicking, wildlife viewing, photography and other general nature appreciation activities. Provincial legislation and policy will dictate management and enforcement objectives for both conservation reserve and the section of overlapping Crown Game Preserve. ", Impact on current uses: "will the new use(s) have any negative impact on the array of current uses?". 2485 Fullerton Road, La Habra Heights 90631 SCI may also speak to the acceptability of other 'new' uses currently not occurring in the area. Nipissing Game Preserve, established in 1926, the candidate area provides excellent opportunities for viewing moose and other wildlife. The conservation reserve is Hikers can enjoy a warm up walk to the trails (or bike to Turnbull) by parking OUTSIDE of restricted parking areas on this map. From Ministry of Natural Resources information, Crown Game Preserves were established post WWI to help protect game from mounting hunting pressure. Moose are majestic animals the largest of our ungulates and a Canadian icon. An examination of this must start from the premise of why an area is set aside specifically, its representative natural heritage values. Our cabins are spacious, our rates are competitive and the service is unparalleled. Puente Hills Preserve map (click here to print). Statements of Conservation Interest Suggested Wording for Fire Management Direction, Conservation reserve management direction,, McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve (C159), Northeast Region/North Bay District/Tomiko Area, 410 without forest reserve, 439 with forest reserve, Nipissing First Nation area of interest through the Robinson Huron Treaty, Morris, E. R., 2001, Life Science Checksheet, Aerial Survey, Kristjansson, F.J.,2003, Earth Science Checksheet, Aerial Survey (in progress), First Nations Interviews, 1998 & 2003, Native Background Information Report and Values Maps, related to Forest Management Planning, Vodicka, K., 2003, Recreational Inventory Checklist, Aerial and Ground Survey, Monitor on on-going basis as forest community changes, To identify and describe the values of the conservation reserve, To provide guidelines for the management of current and future activities while protecting natural, social and cultural heritage values, To describe the state of the resource with respect to natural heritage values and current land use activities, To manage the conservation reserve to protect the integrity of its natural values via specific guidelines, strategies and prescriptions, To meet planning requirements by addressing the management intent of the conservation reserve and addressing planning and management needs, To create a public awareness of the values within the conservation reserve and promote responsible stewardship of the protected area through partnerships with local stakeholders, To determine long-term management goals of the conservation reserve by identifying research, client services and marketing strategies, To identify scientific values on the site in relation to provincial benchmarks and identify the necessary monitoring and/or research to maintain the integrity of those values, To provide direction to evaluate new uses or economic ventures through the application of a Test of Compatibility (Procedural Guideline B) - Land Uses - PL. Existing recreational uses include observation of the old growth forests, snowmobiling, ATV use, hunting, hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, photography, bird watching, general nature study and potentially picnicking and camping. You can see the extensive wetland environment on both sides of the highway. For those activities that could negatively influence the natural heritage values within the forest reserve and/or the conservation reserve, the district will work with the proponent to identify and mitigate potential mining or natural heritage concerns. _____Natural 1. Consideration for new snowmobile trails will occur on a case-by-case basis, but will not be encouraged. Find your way around campus using our interactive map Nipissing Campus Map Floor Plans North Bay Campus Main Building Main Building First Floor Main Building Second Floor Main The conservation reserve is bordered by Marten Lake and Crown land with a few small interspersed pieces of patent land. The stands of old growth provide excellent habitat for a variety of wildlife and contribute heavily to biodiversity within the conservation reserve and the surrounding enhanced management area. In addition, old growth forest contains essential and unique habitat for many species. The Himsworth Crown Game Preserve is on the border of Wildlife Management Unit #48; there have been no recent moose surveys. The whole area is included within the Marten River Enhanced Management All Rights Reserved. The conservation reserve includes a part of a registered trapline (NB-15) and four baitfish licenses for the townships of McLaren, Sisk and Gladman. Mining will not occur in any portion of the regulated conservation reserve boundary. The conservation reserve includes portions of two Bear Management Areas (BMA) (NB-41-30 and NB-41-37). Based on a series of pre-defined parameters, the program identifies candidate areas, which are most likely to be culturally significant. There are currently 15 such preserves in the province, the Nipissing Crown Preserve is located south of Marten River on the east side of Highway 11 and the granddaddy is the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve (1925) covering more than The eastern sections of the conservation reserve are within Nipissing Crown Game Preserve. Regard shall be had for the Test of Compatibility. 5040 Workman Mill Road, Whittier 90601 Fish and wildlife resources will continue to be managed in accordance with policies and regulations prevailing in the area and under the direction of the Tomiko Area Supervisor. Peatlands and organic soils make up the small portion of low lying wetland areas. McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve was not identified through gap analysis, but was originally put forward during the Keep it Wild Camgaign (1994) in an effort to fulfill the governments commitment to preserving old growth red and white pine. Should significant facility development be considered or complex issues arise requiring additional studies, more defined management direction or special protection measures, a more detailed Resource Management Plan will be prepared with full public consultation. All scheduled prescribed burns within the boundaries of a conservation reserve will consider factors such as fuel type, topography or slope, weather, ignition source and land use values and will be conducted as directed by the current Prescribed Burn Policy AF.03.23.02. A management agreement may be pursued with an appropriate partner to share responsibilities for information services and the delivery of other aspects of this SCI. Examples of light on the land techniques may include limiting the use of heavy equipment or limiting the number of trees felled during fire response efforts. Fallen tree trunks provide shelter and foraging grounds for small mammals, salamanders and arthropods. Regarding overall deer to moose populations, it is a 4:1 ratio, with a provincial deer population of approximately 400,000. The current and possible future recreational activities are believed to have a limited impact on the integrity of the site and thus will be permitted to continue. Inspired by the surrounding landscape, Beaverland Camp is designed to make your visit a unique, comfortable and fun experience. Disentanglement examined OLL protected areas that overlap with pre-existing mining lands (claims designated as forest reserve) and will make recommendations to disentangle OLL protected areas from these lands. The road provides potential access to the northwestern portion of the site, though, there are no trails leading directly into the site. A Ready Reference to the Description of the Land of Ontario and its Productivity. Hacienda Hills Trailhead in Hacienda Heights, Powder Canyon Trailhead in La Habra Heights, Powder Canyon Trailhead in La Habra Heights (, Portion of Arroyo Pescadero Trail in Whittier (map not yet available). Nipissing Game Preserve, established in 1926, the candidate area provides excellent opportunities for viewing moose and other wildlife. Patent properties have been excluded from the site (figure 1). Trail Hours apply to trailhead gate and all Habitat Authority trails on the map to the right. For up-to-date information on permitted uses refer to the Crown Land Use Atlas. The level of disturbance within the area is rated as moderate. for 3 miles until it turns into Turnbull Canyon Road. These forest reserves are currently included in disentanglement discussions (see section 2.6). These criteria apply to the long-term acceptability of both existing uses and new uses. However, hunting and trapping will not be permitted in the eastern section of the conservation reserve, within Nipissing Crown Game Preserve. This road serves a secondary function as a snowmobile trail in the winter. This old growth forest is not only aesthetically pleasing, but may also contain important genetic information about previously logged old growth forest. McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve includes old growth red and white pine forest with additional coniferous and deciduous species (figure 2). Nipissing (figure 2). Photo 1: Snowmobile trail and pipeline that runs through the eastern portion of the conservation reserve, Enlarge photo 1: Snowmobile trail and pipeline that runs through the eastern portion of the conservation reserve, Photo 2: Marsh area at the southwestern portion of the conservation reserve, Enlarge photo 2: Marsh area at the southwestern portion of the conservation reserve, Photo 3: Potential campsite surrounded by white pine growing on rock in the northwestern portion of the conservation reserve, Enlarge photo 3: Potential campsite surrounded by white pine growing on rock in the northwestern portion of the conservation reserve, Photo 4: Old growth white pine towering above spruce and balsam fir on the eastern side of the conservation reserve, Enlarge photo 4: Old growth white pine towering above spruce and balsam fir on the eastern side of the conservation reserve. Insects including dragonflies and beetles are known to appear more frequently and in greater variety in old growth forests. The conservation reserve consists of old growth coniferous forest with some mixedwood areas. The new wildlife underpass is located just south of Callander (Lake Nosbonsing/Wasi exit) on Highway 11 South and just south of the truck inspection station (west side) 1.1 km south of Watson Rd. More than 2 km. Once the pine has reached the age where it may be considered old growth, the community has another 80-160 years for white pine and 50-100 years for red pine, until the old growth pine is succeeded by hardwood forest consisting of spruce, balsam and poplar. The site is also is close proximity to a heritage canoe route and trail. Absolutely LOVE this place!!! A potential esker may lie at the southwestern portion of the conservation reserve. No bikes are allowed on this trail. Crown Game Preserves are managed by the Government of Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Hunting is prohibited in the eastern section of the conservation reserve, which is included within the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve. and has palmate rather than dendritic (twig-like) antlers (called a rack) that span up to 150 cm (5 ft.). In addition, duck hunting is practised in several areas throughout West Nipissing. This is evident from the variety of features present within the conservation reserve including, old growth pine forest, wetlands, shoreline and small sections of low lying deciduous forest. Unpublished Paper. 1998 & 2003. Therefore, any application for new specific uses will be carefully studied and reviewed. There are a series of four lakes on about 24 km of waterway full of structure and plenty of fish. There is a gas pipeline station located in the southeastern portion of the conservation reserve. 2000. McLaren Old Growth Forest was first identified during the Keep it Wild Campaign, a program aimed at completing the provinces system of provincial parks and protected areas. There are currently no recreation camps or land use permits within McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve. 2002. The issuance of Licenses to Provide Bear Hunting Services will be allowed where areas have been licensed or authorized under agreement for the activity since January 1, 1992 (there must be documentation in Ministry files that commercial bear hunting has been licensed during the period January 1, 1992 to present) unless: Licenses to Provide Bear Hunting Services will not be issued in areas where issuance has not occurred since January 1, 1992. Beaverland Camp was built in the early 1900's and became a fishing lodge in 1926. It is infrastructure way of persuading wildlife to move towards the underpass, crossing point; easier than the YouTube, 69 seconds long, Cowboys herding cats video. Chambers, B.A., Naylor, B.J., Merchant, B. and Uhlig, P. 1997. As snow deepens, white-tailed deer will move into winter deer yards. New roads for private use will not be permitted, nor will additions to existing roads or upgrading of existing private roads. and includes many inland and remote lakes and waterway networks. Conservation reserves are established by regulation under the Public Lands Act. The Conservation Reserve policy provides broad direction with regard to the permitted uses. The majority of forest stands that make up the site include mature and old growth white and red pine uplands and white pine mixedwoods. The wildlife culvert is two separate, four metre by four metre concrete box culverts, with a median opening to allow light through and avoid a tunnel effect. Crins, William J and Peter W.C. Uhlig. The Ministry, partner organizations and/or proponents may undertake such studies. This will include an opportunity for public comment and input and will require the approval of the North Bay District Manager and Regional Director. Go east on Beverly Blvd. This 7,963 hectare area, which encompasses McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve, provides opportunities for a range of activities such as drive in and semi remote tourism and recreation while allowing compatible resource and land use activities to continue. Angling, canoeing, camping and picnicking may take place within or along conservation reserve boundaries (photo 3). Statutory Order and Regulation / Decrets, Ministry of LEGEND NOTES: ordonnances et reglements statutaires No. Travel south and the trailhead is at the end of 7th Avenue. These factors serve to further augment many of the recreational opportunities that already exist within the site such as hunting and wildlife observation while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing environment for all users. WebA Crown Game Preserve is an officially designated natural area in Ontario, Canada, "primarily for the purpose of sustaining populations of game animals". Whenever feasible, the MNR fire program will endeavor to use "light on the land" techniques, which do not unduly disturb the landscape, in this conservation reserve. Webnipissing crown game preserve map - I was hiking through the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve and came upon a small beaver pond in the middle of the forest. Parking lot located inside the Preserve go to the second gate, between East Road and Harbor Blvd. New recreational activities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Trail 1989. There is some evidence of fire disturbance in the area (e.g., fire scars, burnt stumps and logs). Off-trail mechanized travel is permitted for retrieval of game only. 3Transfer requests will be considered in the context of a Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) or Resource Management Plan (RMP) for each conservation reserve. [1] Hunting and fishing is not permitted The southwestern portion of the site is made up of marsh wetland with sedges, cattails, Labrador tea, and horsetails (photo 2). There are currently no client services associated with this conservation reserve. A ground reconnaissance field survey revealed the presence of a variety of mammals such as beaver, deer, moose, bear and an assortment of small mammals. The West Bay of Lake Nipissing (Lavigne and North Monetville) is a significant waterfowl hunting area. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). However, the core interior values for which the site was established, the old growth forest, are included within the site and are thus protected. The use of similar cameras at the wildlife bridge and underpass has proven to be very effective and a cost efficient way to monitor wildlife use, and we are getting some really good data.. Trip Advisor Canadian Ecology Centre and Back Roads Bill. We welcome families to enjoy a summer holiday, with our safe and private sandy beach, endless ribbons of trail to explore by foot or wheel, and hunting territories within a 10 minute walk. During the Lands for Life planning exercise, the emphasis for new protected areas was sites identified through gap analysis. There is however a gas pipeline and section of utility line that runs along the main trail of the conservation reserve, parallel to Highway 11. Should the MNR consider new structural development, significant clearing of vegetation or altering of land within this conservation reserve, the MNR will adhere to the cultural heritage resource screening process as is identified in its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Culture (MCL). C159 McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve File. These forest reserve areas total 29 hectares. Mammals and birds are not the only species to inhabit the area, herpetofaunal species such as the American toad are also present within the site. However, areas of high potential heritage have been identified within the site. There are OFSC trails within the boundaries of the site. Our Vision; Our Impact; Our History; Our Team; Our Trails Community; Donate; The vast network of trails nipissing crown game preserve map Posted 12:27 am by & filed under . The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks works to protect and sustain the quality of Ontarios air, land, and water. Andrew Healy, MTO Environmental Planner said, The cameras capture still shots at one second intervals. There are many ways to contact the Government of Ontario. The eastern portion of the site is within the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve, meaning hunting and trapping will be prohibited in that particular portion of the conservation reserve. The emphasis will be on ensuring that the natural values of the conservation reserve are not negatively affected by current or future land use activities. There is now a newly designed, moose highway underpass to help mitigate this tragic eventually. Find out here: Puente Hills Preserve Hours. Biological control will be used whenever possible. Snags provide nesting, foraging and denning sites for numerous species of birds and mammals. 03.05) (Appendix 1) and under, Bedrock drift complex with lacustrine drift type till, Major representations of old growth white and red pine uplands and white pine mixedwoods, Modest representations of mature red maple-red oak uplands, young to mature nutrient-poor coniferous forest and mature nutrient-rich coniferous forest, Small representations include young tolerant hardwood forest and mature intolerant hardwood-coniferous forest, Variety of lichen and moss species are present including sensitive reindeer moss, Presence of conifers provides excellent winter cover for moose and deer population, Wetland vegetation is present in low lying areas, along creeks and ponds and near some shoreline areas, Wetland types include, open water and cattail marsh, treed and semi-treed bog and a floating fen, Important area for wildlife including deer, moose, bear, grouse and various other species, The Government has taken action to discontinue the activity; or, Proceeding would create/aggravate resource sustainability issues (, Licensing or permitting should be deferred due to Aboriginal issues. If you require information in an alternate format, experience a barrier to inclusion or wish to provide feedback on accessibility at Nipissing University, please contact The conservation reserve is situated approximately 50 km northwest of the City of North Bay within the Municipality of Temagami, in the District of Nipissing. Existing commercial bear hunting operations are permitted to continue, excluding areas of conservation reserve that are part of the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve. Field Guide to Forest Ecosystems of Central Ontario. Ecological considerations: McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve is a small 410 hectare area comprised of Crown la The site is 439 hectares with addition of forest reserves. ", Impact on research activities: "will the new use(s) affect research activities in the area? Additional access to the site can be gained by McLaren Road, a tertiary road that runs across the southeastern and western portion of the site. The rock type is predominantly metamorphic gneiss and the surficial layer is made up of Precambrian lacustrine deposits of orthic humo ferric podzol with a sandy loam to fine loam texture. There has been no marketing of this conservation reserve to date. This basic SCI provides guidance for the management of the conservation reserve and the basis of the ongoing monitoring of activities. of wildlife fencing is currently planned to be installed northerly towards the Wasi River Bridge where there is existing wildlife fencing. A forest reserve is a land use designation applied to areas that were initially identified for inclusion in the conservation reserve but where subsequent detailed examination determined that there were existing mining claims or leases. Conservation reserves protect natural heritage values on public lands, while permitting compatible land use activities. For your vacationing pleasure, we are proud to offer excellent fishing in an extensive water system, with a variety of sport fish for the avid angler. Public consultation will be an important part of the process. 2003. and Uhlig, P.W.C. Moose and deer coexist in 45 of 83 Ontario Wildlife Management Units surveyed for co-habitation. McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve consists entirely of Crown land. The conservation reserve is also in close proximity to a heritage canoe route and trail that follows Marten Lake. Additional values and features not described here can be found in sections 2.0 and 2.1. Protect and sustain the quality of Ontarios air, land, and water only... In 45 of 83 Ontario wildlife Management Units surveyed for co-habitation area administration: `` will the new use s... Included in disentanglement discussions nipissing crown game preserve map see section 2.6 ) canoeing, camping picnicking... 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