Mei huruhia iho, e au ana taku moe I haere ratau ko Pehia ma ki Mokoia, ka mahue iho a Te Kohika. Whitiki.Ara i te ope taua i haere ki Mokoia. 11. That cloud floating.When Te Rauparaha reached Moeatoa, a high range, he saw a cloud bank in the direction of the land where he had grown to manhood, and he thereupon sang this lament. Te Toroa visited the Tuhoe people, at Ruatahuna, to proselytize; the Tuhoe disliked his mission, and he was sent to the Ngati Kahungunu at Wairoa. How to play 'Kaore te Aroha' (with chords) - YouTube 0:00 / 3:48 How to play 'Kaore te Aroha' (with chords) Daniel&Ashley 10K subscribers 4.3K views 3 years ago Daniel going through his. Ko te rarangi tuatahi o te whiti tuarua kua whakatikaina ki ta T. Turi kaupapa. Kupe.The ancestor who discovered this country. Kei te waiatatia tenei waiata e nga iwi katoa o te motu. I te whakatere kino o Mokonuiarangi. Katahi a Te Hapuku ka ki atu ki a Te MomoEhara i ahau tena whenua; ina ke toku ko Poukawa. Te Whatanui of Ngati-Raukawa and the Ngati-Tuwharetoa were then living on the island of Roto-a-Tara Lake, it is known as Te Awarua-o-Porirua, and it was also a fortified place. Parearohi went and slept at nights only with her Maori husband, whose name was Heiraura. 15. Ka mea e koro, ka unga mai i ahau, Ko nga kupu na Te Hati Pakaroa, na Heni Turei i tohutohu; ko te rangi i waiatatia e Te Hati ki roto ki te mihini hopu korero, kei te Dominion Museum i Poneke e takoto ana. He matihe ia nei, e hoki mai ki te ihu, e? Moerangi.A hill on the south side of the road from Rotorua to Wairoa at Tarawera, which is now planted in trees by the State. T. Turi p. 41.Te Tawhitawhi. Tautenga.Ka u mai nga ika ki uta, ka inohi, ka tuaki i nga puku, ka ina, ka tao; ka penatia hoki te tangata hinga i te parekura. The war-parties met at Kahotea, where Te Momo was killed by Peketahi of Ngapuhi. 5 He hanga hua noa te roimata i aku kamo; Ka u te mea makere atu ki reira, ka kainga e Taho, he tipuna no Ngatipuai, e noho ana i te taha tonga o te ngutuawa. 11. That side is the place occupied by the hosts. E takoto ake ana, He hononga ki te iwi kua whakangaro Tenei taku toto te whakapunia nei, e; 11. 58. He waiata reka tenei, kei nga wahi katoa e waiatatia aan. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified "First published collection of Mori waiata and legends"--BIM. Whaiputuputu, Tokatu, Waiora, Moetonga, Puaiti, Taironui-a-Papango, Hinerakei (f) = Taihaukapa (m), Tumamao (m) = Te Hei (f), Ngarowiwi, Urukino, Koangi, Te Pararaha, Te Marino, Kukupa, Te Pa = Ngamotu (f), Poroa, Te Marino (f), Te Ruakuru, Rihi, Te Puhipi, Patana, Mitikakau, Te Morenga, Timoti, Rapihana, Te Koiuru, Riapo, Herepete, Wiremu Tana, Hone Tana Papahia. Ko te whiti tuarua tera e taia ki te wahanga toru. Konuku te ra.Kua titaha rawa te ra. p. 64). Presently.Ahua, in the Maori text, has the sense of hasten, and the sentence might better be translated as: hasten to rest. Ko Maketu te kainga o Te Ngahuru; a ko Ngati-Pukenga o Tauranga te hapu i noho tahi ai ratau i Maketu. Te mokai puku nei nana rawa i tekateka, Kara topuni.He kohatu pakeke. 2. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Ko te Hone Rongomaitu ano tenei, nana te waiata tangi mo Te Whetukamokamo, kua taia nei kei te Waiata nama 21. An account is given hereunder to supplement that given above. Te ao ka takawe Kaore i roa i muri mai ka mate a Te Momo ki Kahotea. 5. Sometime later 'Wheta and his people went to the home of Uenuku, with the intention of beguiling him, but Rongouaroa had warned Uenuku and the intended treachery was discovered. 15 To kiri rauwhero ka whara kei muri. It marked the spot where the entrance was to the subterranean burial place of the honoured dead of the Kawhia people of former times. 4. 5. Ka tangi te whaitiri, ka rapa te uira, Honuhonu.A village on the beach beyond Ahipara. The genealogy is given in the Maori text. With the fall of eventide I lay me down to sleep. Piki takina mai ra Te Kawau i Muriwhenua. Ka tangi a ia ki te moumou o ona tamariki. 1. Ko tahau pararaha Waka taurua.He waka hoehoe kaharoa ki te hi ika. Ki etahi, te aroha. E ki ana a Te Peehi Te Kaiapera, (he tangata no Tuhoe). Tenei e whai ake nei nga korero hei tapiri ki enei i runga ake nei. Pihanga.He maunga kei Tokaanu, Taupo, e kiia ana i tautohetia e nga maunga nunui e Taranaki, e Tongariro, a riro ana i Tongariro. He kiri aute, I a ia i mate ai i te huka i runga o Tongariro, ka karangatia ki ona tuahine kia haria mai te ahi tipua i Hawaiki; koia nga puia. Pipiri.He marama Maori te tahi o Pipiri, he hotoke. 5 Au ana ki te rangi. Ko Te Karewa, e huaina nei i roto i te waiata, ko te ingoa o te moutere i waho o nga moana o Aotea me Kawhia; e hara i te motu i waho o Tauranga i whakaarotia ai e Apirana i tana tuhinga i Nga Moteatea. Ko nga whakamarama i runga ake nei na Pei Te Hurinui. Manu tu.Ki te W.D. Ki ta Pihopa Wiremu, Kia ware Raukawa e., 36. 11. Mare.E ki ana a Tuta Ngarimu he ingoa iti tenei no Te Kotiri. Te Rangitautini.He rangatira ano no Tuhourangi, i mate ki Mokoia. I waho o te Ihiwa, kei te whaonga o te maara na Tangaroa 43. (Ref. Kia ora to tatou ngakau, me te kakara kakara o to pai, kia tuwhera ki te whakawhirinaki me te ripeneta. The day when they should meet was decided on, and Poroa accordingly left for Wharo where they were to meet; Te Houhou came from Muriwhenua. 11. 20. Whioroa was the dual wife. It is recorded in J. He pani au, e hika ma, kia kawea ki te wai ope ai, e; Hoki mai e roto ki te puia nui ki Toknu, Whakatirohia iho ra Uru mahora.Ki etahi whakahua uru mawhai. E kiia ana he uru mahora nga uri a Te Momo. 15 I pungaia te tangata ki te one i Takawhiti, Te Titaha = Te Rakahurumai = Turiwhewhe, Hine-mataereaiterangi, Tuterangiwhaitiriao = Rawinia = Renata, Kuia-Panoko = Hone Numinumi, Irihia Numinumi. Ko te rite i taku kiri ka ura mai te rangi. Ko Te Titaha te wahine matua a Te Rakahurumai, no muri ka moe i a Turiwhewhe. House of Mourning.In previous records this is given as Te Whareporutu. However, it is not the name of a person but is a similar expression to house of death, or house of mourning, and is now correctly written as Te Whare-po-rutu. Taiawhio.Also of Tuhourangi, and killed on Mokoia Island. No te takiwa ki Ngamotu nga iwi o Te Wharepouri. Pukainga pakeke.He hinganga rangatira. Iri mai, e pa, i runga te turuturu! Bishop Williams' version has it Tawhaiparara.. A last farewell.In the Maori text the term used is, 14. They for ever lure men to death., The proverbs relating to this destruction of mankind are:. 1. Scattered upon the strand.In song 16 is a somewhat similar expression: whakarauiri, and translated by Sir Apirana Ngata as In happy calm., 2. Hence these mountains quarrelled and separated, and dispersed to divers parts of the land. It is said the first man who died there of leprosy was put away in this cave. Takinga-o-Rehua.A gourd calabash of big dimensions, which is well known among the people of Turanga (Poverty Bay) to Wairoa. Te Koreke.He toka kei waho o Whangaipotiki (kei te taha tai o Whareponga) he rerenga taruke. Ki ta Ngati-Porou korero ko te tangata tenei o runga i a Horouta, nana i tapatapa haere etahi ingoa ki te takutai o te tai rawhiti. 5. 1. Best states in B. 10. O Te Wharekaponga, e, Ko tetahi i kitea iho i roto i te pukapuka tuhituhi a Pihopa Wiremu, engari he maha nga wahi taupatupatu o tera. Kei raro nei nga kupu o taua waiata. Marumarupo.An ancestor. Te tikanga o te ingoa Karam. After singing her song, she pointed to the sea and asked the people to look, at the same time calling out, There it goes!There it goes! The people all looked to the sea, and when their gaze returned that woman had disappeared, she had gone back to her fairy folk. 8. The text was supplied by Te Hati Pakaroa, and Heni Turei gave the explanatory material; the song itself was recorded on gramophone by Te Hati, and this has now been placed in the Dominion Museum in Wellington for safe-keeping. In Sir Apirana Ngata's "Nga Moteatea," Part 1, p. 66, is an explanation by Te Taite Te Tomo that this song was composed by Kahukore of Ngati-Maniapoto. Kiharoa.Ko Kiharoa, he rangatira, he toa no Ngati-Raukawa, no te wa i a Hongi Hika, i a Te Rauparaha. Kuhukuhu.He rangatira ano no te Aitanga-a-Hauiti. It was sung at Orangitauira, in the valley of Tapuaeroa, one of the branches of the Waiapu River. I tawaitia iho Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ke ana nga kupu, Tikapa o te hau., 12. Dogskin cloak.The war mantle of a chief, worn as a cloak. 3. O friends.In the text in S.L. Te Tone o Houku.Ko tetahi ano o nga tihi o Hikurangi, he kohatu. Te ai he mahara, ka noho mai i uta; Aku tangi m koutou His body was taken to Tongariro for interment. 11. I te mate i whanga, ka eke mai kai runga, e. Taku nohoanga whakateka i te tau. 2. Ko te toroa tai naku i kapu mai Tireni.Ki ta Hoani Nahe e penei ana Tirangi., 4. The people of the Ringatu (Upraised Hand) Church know of Hamiora Aparoa, he lived at Ohiwa. Roto-a-Tara.He roto kei Heretaunga. 1850s Taku Rakau E - lonely widow of Tuhoe warrior 1864 E Pa To Hau - a lament for stolen land. 9. Ko te marama o Akuhata he mea hou mo nga kaiwhaiwhai o te raupapa Game of Thrones (he Game of Thrones ranei) i runga i te HBO Max. Mo te toa o nga tamariki a Nohomaiterangi tenei whakatauki, he toa tuku iho i a Te Whatuiapiti, tuku iho ki a Pareihe; tena kei nga whakamarama o nga oriori, o nga kaioraora, o nga tangi mo Pareihe. Maketu.This is the last resting-place of Te Arawa canoe. 4. He Tamahine a Te Rohu na Te Heuheu Tukino, na tera wahine na Nohopapa. Waaka, o Tuhourangi. 9. It is now completely devoid of vegetation, but at one time, it is said, it was tree-covered and a popular playground of the Kawhia people. Kopainga.He pakitara whare o te taha maui ina tomo atu ki te whare. 10 Ko te toroa uta naku i tautara I kohua ai a Parua. Houhora.He kainga kei waenganui o Mangonui o Muriwhenua. E kiia ana hoki i kohua te upoko o Parua ki roto i taua taha. 4. I te Pukeronaki te uru ki te whenua; It was in the year 1846 that a landslide killed Te Heuheu together with his people; Te Heuheu's body was later taken to a burial cave at Tongariro. In the context it would appear Karika was a leader of an ill-fated war expedition. Te rokohanga te taranga i a taua. Ina tona korero mo te tangata paea ki te ngutuawa o Waiapu. 144, T. Turi 36.). She indulged in a love affair with Te Toko, otherwise Te Mahutu, a chief of Waikato and Ngati-Maniapoto. Kei te J. Ko Hinekaukia te tipuna o Rapata Wahawaha. 7. Te puke o Te Karaka, Ngaro noa te puhipuhi, 39. Bestir yourself betimes.Expressing the wish that his son might grow up to vigorous manhood and become a warrior. I haria hoki ki Tongariro tanu ai. On arrival at the home of the seer he asked which of the two, he or Poroa, would survive (the battle). I whanau ona tamariki i roto i nga ra i a Te Whatuiapiti. 1. Torona e au te tau o Tireni; On the wanton urging of Mokonuiarangi.. Te RangitautiniAlso a chief of Tuhourangi who was killed on Mokoia Island. 6. 1. I hokia mai e Pareihe, e Nukupewapewa i Nukutaurua, ko Te Wera ratau ko tana ope o Ngapuhi nga kai-awhina. Hei kawe i a koe, Ki ta Te Peehi i whakauru he rarangi ki mua atu o tenei, e penei ana ona kupu, Tomokia atu te whare i a Uenuku., 11. Te Wairongo; He then left his wife and went to live with a woman of Te Aowera people at Te Awarua, or thereabouts: by her he had Te Herewini Waitatari. This is amply shown in the lullabies, the cursing songs, and the laments for Pareihe. Hema, who composed this song, was of that section of Ngati Maniapoto living in the Kawhia district. ki te p. Honipaka is a peninsula, now called by Europeans, Albatross Point, and it lies to the south of the entrance to Kawhia Harbour. Ka mwai tnu te whenua is used. E hoa ma, e, he aha tenei hanga? Koia ano tera e whakahuatia ra i te patere a Hineiturama:. Ka ea te mate Kia mate i te matua e ora mai ana koe ra, No Tauranga-a-kumu ka tukua e Tukorehu kia oma a Te Hapuku. Ko te Roto-a-Tara tena, ko te Aratipi, ko Maungawharau, ko Te Kaupapa, ko Te Pakake. 13. Paratene Ngata gives the following explanation: A spirit of yearning, hope, or great love. Another version was recorded by Bishop Williams, but there are many discrepancies in it. Taku ngakau, i rikiriki, taku ngakau i whatiwhati: 363. 13. Pua re-wi.Ko tona tikanga he pua wi, ko te taru nui tera kei nga whenua pungapunga o Taupo e tipu ana. : M. 82, S.L. 20 E kimia mai nei e te tane atua, I tae a Te Toroa ki a Tuhoe, ki Ruatahuna, ki te mau i tona atua; kaore a Tuhoe i pai, ka tukua atu ki a Ngati-Kahungunu i Te Wairoa. 6. 16. No te taenga atu o nga tamariki a Uenuku ki te kainga o Wheta, ka patua, ko Rongouaroa te morehu. Tnei mtou kei runga kei te toka ki Taup, 3/172, W.M. 4. 35 Kia noho koutou 15 I moea ki te po, he tamaiti wairua Hei matakitaki ma te nui 'Ati-Maru, ka puta ra ra! Ka titiro whakatemoana te iwi ra; hoki rawa mai te titiro kua ngaro te wahine nei, kua hoki ki tona iwi patupaiarehe. Ngati-Waiora.Ko te hapu o Te Houhou. Takawhiti.He roto kei runga o Hikurangi, kei te maara a Kahukrapo. Pea.He kupu pakeha pair: ara ka taurite raua. Topuni.He kakahu whawhai no te rangatira, hei kopaki. Ahumai figures in the account of the battle of Orakau. On the, 3. 1. I mate ki te Pourewa. Na tama, na Rua, nana i korero Tuwhenuaroa, Tumutumu, Rawheao, Tauwhenua, Puaiti, Takangaroa (f) = Te Hau (m), Mawete, Takakuru = Whakarongouru (m), Rua, Rikihana, Erana, Wiremu Rikihana, Ngakuru Pene Haare (Te kai-korero), Paparewa, Poutu, MOEANA (f) = Tutenganahau (m), TE HOUHOU (m), Kahukore (f) = Waiata (m), TAOHO (m), Family Tree. Te taupaki o Kupe, E whanatu ana koe ki a te Rewarewa ra, At the battle of Te Pakake some of the chiefs of Ngati-Kahungunu were taken prisoners. Waaka of Tuhourangi tribe. 1. Ko Taranaki i ahu ki te tai hauauru a e tu mai rano i reira. E muri ahiahi takoto ki te moenga, e, I moe ia i tetehi Pakeha, ko Peneta (Spencer), te ingoa, he tangata arahi i tetehi o nga kaipuke o Ngati Maniapoto whakawhiti atu i Kawhia ki Port Jackson (Poihakena ki nga Maori). 5. 4. 12. Na raua a Peta Waititi. 3. Mo te kino i taku tinana, ka tueketia nei. 3. Whiu.Ki Nga Moteatea me ta S.L. Ko Hikitanga, ara Pare-Raukawa, no Ngati-te-Rangiita, no Ngati-Pare, no Ngati-Kikopiri o Taupo. The foremost trees were taken.A figure of speech in reference to the act of Te Tomo in taking the child and leaving the mother. 3/205.). 10 Te rau o te amokura, (Since the foregoing note was published by Sir Apirana Ngata the differences commented on have been resolvedsee head note and genealogy. Te Hanawai.An ancestor of Ngati-Whatua, who was said to have been the repository of the leprosy disease. Ka riro aku taonga i a Te Hanamai, Kia ui atu au, ko wai to ingoa? Whekenui.A place name at the mouth of the Waiapu River. Kei muri ka haere mai a Wheta me tona iwi ki te kainga o Uenuku, he whakaware i a Uenuku; na Rongouaroa ka mohiotia taua whakaware. A contemporary of Hongi Hika and Te Rauparaha. He then prevailed upon Te Mutukuri, and it was he who did the killing. I te Ra-kungia, Kai raro aku mea e aroha nei au, e. p. 235. Ko Miriama te koka o Hamiora Aparoa ma. Makatea.He ingoa kainga ranei? 5 mo te manu-aute (kite) tenei kupu. In the early morning that Turehu woman would leave, and at night would return to their house. Tikapa o te rangi.Kua tu tonu te ra. With the fall of eventide, etc.In other versions this line and the next read as follows:. Tuki ana i te whenua, Traditional karakia, and Christianity Different cultures' ways towards an experience of our oneness with all things. 5 I te tai ki te tonga, e, kia Te Toritori ra. I taia tenei waiata ki Nga Moteatea, p. 16, kei reira e kiia ana, he tangi na Te Ngahuru, te rangatira o Ngati-Whakaue mo tona waka. Ko Tuturu he iramutu no Ahumai, na tana tungane na Hone Teri, i mate nei ki Orakau:. Mo kona te kupu, Ko te para i a Taho, kaore e hoki ki te hukinga.. 5 Naku i moumou, na Pawa i whakaerere, e; With the morning light.This was a custom of the Turehu folk; with the first signs of dawn, they would return to their homes in the mists, which cling to the mountain ranges. Kua mahue te whenua o Ngati Kahuhunu ki Heretaunga, me Wairarapa i taua wa; kua heke nga iwi ki Nukutaurua. Ma te Whare Atiawa 7. Te Momo was related to Rewi on his Raukawa and Maniapoto side. Ka hoki a Te Hapuku ki tona kainga noho ai. Unceasingly the north wind comes hither to the uplands. 4. (No muri nei ka whakatikatikaina nga waahi taupatupatu e korero nei a Apirana, na Pei Te Hurinui.). When published in the first edition the author of this song was not known. There is some mention of Kiore in the Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. E taka ki te raro homai koia ra te aroha. He was a seer, and had the power to communicate leprosy. Page 433 and 434: Rangi whaka ewa Pari ko au Kapa Rua. 235, the word whiu (fling or toss) in the Maori text is given as kawe (carry or transport). Toea mai ra te ata i Houhora! p. 64). 21. Kei te ngaru whakateo e tere i Taupo. At Tauranga-a-kumu, Tukorehu allowed Te Hapuku to escape. HE W AI AT A AROHA [nga moteatea 68. Ngatoroirangi.The high priest of the Arawa canoe. This line suggests that Te Houhou showed no fear. 15. E noho ana a Te Whatanui, a Ngati Raukawa, a Ngati-Tuwharetoa i te motu i Te Roto-a-Tara, e kiia nei ko Te Awarua-o-Porirua, i reira hoki te pa. Ka tutaki nga taua ki Kahotea; ka mate ki reira a Te Momo, na Peketahi o Ngapuhi i patu. He pakinga ratahi, 13. 14. Homai he mata kia haehae au, e, Totara.He pa kei runga ake o te Kawakawa (Te Araroa); ko tera ano e whakahuatia ra i te tangi mo Te Whetukamokamo, waiata nama 21. This is a lullaby, with aspects of a lament, by Nohomaiterangi for his sons Te Hauapu and Pani-taongakore. Taoro.Ki a W.L.W. Kohua.Ki ta Pihopa Wiremu, kuhua. Ko ta Hone tenei i tuhia nei. Katahi nei te hore o te hanga punarua; 9. Kei te mata ngira tonu te ngotonga ki roto ra. It is said that the disease was communicated to her by a man of Ngati-Whatua, Te Whetu, who touched her. E takoto ana, me he kumukumu From the heights of Wairaka, as I backward gaze, I taia ano te waiata nei i te tau 1856 e Shortland ki tana pukapuka: Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. Te tangi o Rikiriki tena kei te raro, e. Marumarupo.He tipuna, nana te tinana o Pahoe i kite i roto i te pokiki, i te tawhaowhao. he tahoro. E ki ana a Te Taite ko te taoro te kupu tika. Users who like Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Users who reposted Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Playlists containing Kaore te . Body of mine.In Nga Moteatea (Grey) this is recorded as taku moenga (my sleeping-place). When this Maori woman was missing, Ruarangi set out to search for her. When Uenuku punished his wife, Takarita, because of her adultery, her brother Tawheta was deeply offended. In other versions it is given as Beyond is you, dear one., 18. The story of the bodies cast ashore at the mouth of the Waiapu River is as follows:, Whenever a body was cast ashore there, it was eaten by Taho, an ancestor of Ngatipuai, who lived on the south side of the river mouth. The husband again said it is still dark. The woman then knew that her husband wanted to see her likeness and that he was deceiving her. Awhero.Ki runga ki ona whakaaro i hua ai. Shells.The shells, in the Maori text, are. Hei konei tonu au kairangi atu ai 19. Kei te J. Koia te whakatauki mo te mea kite: He kura pae na Mahina kaore e hoki atu to taonga ki a koe.. 10. Ko te tikanga mo nga papa o Pahoe, na Whatuma i ta ki te moko. She then fixed her husband's long feather plume on her head. Ka mate ka rohaina ki runga i te huapapapa, ka haehaetia i reira. 10 Haere ki raro ra, ki Hauraki ra ia, Tua.Mo te Roto-a-ira, i reira hoki te nohanga o nga tungaane o Te Rohu, na reira i ki mai he rongoa pai te papa koura mo tona mate, me waruwaru. 11. Koa noa mai ra te wahine 'Ati-Puhi! 15. It is situated off the eastern coast in the district of Whangamata and Tairua. He tamahine a Ahumai na Karangi. 10 No 'Mania i te uru, ka pea taua. This song has a fine air to it, and it is sung throughout the land. Hoturoa.The commander of the Tainui canoe. The pedigree appears with the Maori text. (Ref. 9/166, kei te Wars p. 314, e ki ana a Percy Smith he tohunga a Te Toroa no Waikato, ko tona atua ko Wheawheau, he mahi hauhau. Ka rangona atu e nga tungane kei te pera to ratau tuahine ki taua rangatira, ka tikina atu, ka whakahokia mai ki tona whenua tipu. Puhau.No explanation of this name. Ki ta Hoani Nahe e penei ana Puawe.. With Te Toritori.In T. Turi p. 41, With Te Tawhitawhi and in M. 116, With Te Hurinui., 7. Ko Te Rangiwaitatae tetahi i patua ki reira. Stream Troy & Tangihaere - Kaore Te Aroha by Aotearoasmosttalented on desktop and mobile. Me nga whakamarama nana ano. Kei te J. 11. E taututetute ana, kia puta ia ki waho re e i, This song is recorded in Best's Tuhoe, p. 869. 13. Houhora.A village between Mangonui and Muriwhenua. This song is not in Nga Moteatea (Grey) but it is in McGregor's Maori Songs, pp. Mokonuiarangi.Ko te matua tenei o Te Kuru-o-te-marama. Te Wera.Ko Te Wera Hauraki, he toa no Nga-Puhi, i noho ki Nukutaurua i te Mahia. 3. Seine-fishing vessels.Canoes, called. 10 Ko he anuhe tawatawa. 15. 4. This proverb is a tribute to the bravery of the sons of Nohomaiterangi, which they inherited from Te Whatuiapiti, and which descended to Pareihe. 58. 4. Ka haere ai ra i te tira o Karika, e. Te Whare po rutu.Ki nga tuhinga o mua atu i tenei e penei ana: Te Whareporutu. Ko tona tikanga ia e hara i te ingoa tangata, engari he pera ano i enei whakahua, he whare mate, he whare taua ranei. Mokai te ngakau te whakatau iho, 15 Whakarewaia ra ki runga o Motutawa, Ka roa, ka huakina e te tangata nei te tatau o te whare; kua rewa ke te ra ki runga, ka kite te tangata nei i te atahua o tona wahine. E mahara iho ana he puna-tau-tokorua, E kiia ana ko taua mate na tetahi tangata o Ngati-Whatua, na Whetu i whakapa. 3/112; B. 6. Te Ra-torua.The name given to the murder of the children of Uenuku. 17. Hikitanga, otherwise Pare-Raukawa, was of the sub-tribes; Ngati-Te Rangiita, Ngati Pare, and Ngati-Kikopiri of Taupo. Ka haere iho a Parearohi, ka moea i nga po tana tane Maori, ko te Heiraura te ingoa. Mauwehi rawa i taku tinana. I waiatatia mai te waiata nei i Te Wera, Hauhungaroa, i te taha hauauru o Taupo. Te Rangipouri, of the Turehu people prevailed upon his daughter Parearohi, to go forth and take unto herself a Maori husband, with the object of forming a link between his Turehu people and the Maori, because he realised that the power of this land had been taken over by the Maori. Page 429 and 430: (Book 1A)(33) NA NEPIA TENEI WHAKAP. Tenei ano ra te ngakau whanatu. Te Titaha gave birth to Tuterangiwhaitiriao; and at that time Turiwhewhe was childless. 9. Na Te Toma i patu a Te Momo. Ko Te Toma pea tetehi o nga ingoa o Peketahi. Ko tetahi taha o Te Tomo no Ngati-Raukawa, ka whanaunga ki tera Ngati Raukawa i Otaki ra. 12. Kaore te aroha, e awhea mai nei, na roto ana mai : 404. 16. He tangi tenei nana ki tona tamaiti ki a Taneuarangi, i hinga ki Tapuaeroa, kei uta o Waiapu. This song is recorded in Grey's Nga Moteatea, p. 116, and it is there described as a soliloquy for his canoe by Te Ngahuru, the chief of Ngati Whakaue. He taupatupatu tena kei roto i te whanau kotahi. Moerangi.He hiwi kei te taha tonga o te huarahi atu i Rotorua ki te Wairoa, Tarawera, e tipuria mai na e nga rakau whakato a te Kawanatanga. She composed this song on the death of Te Momo at Kahotea, near Roto-a-Tara, in Hawkes Bay. He later supplemented the notes with the following statement:, This is the explanation for this lullaby. He kupu ranei, mo te tuiri mo te awangawanga. Hoki para kore ana, e! Ko tau rakau 13. 17. Kei te Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. Tauramatua.He ingoa no Te Rakahurumai. Ma wai au e whiu te hiwi ki Otaki? ), (Tonga Awhikau and Nganeko, who were of Ngati Ruanui and Ngaruahine tribes, were the informants when Sir Apirana Ngata wrote his Nga Moteatea Part I. 154. 20 Ka tete mai o niho, i whakataua Whakatakataka ana mai kai roto riro. Pawa returned to Ohiwa, but the canoe had passed by out at sea. Te Kawau i Muriwhenua.I te tainga ki Nga Moteatea Part 1 e Apirana i penei: Te kawa i Muriwhenua, a kaore hoki i whakamaramatia. Kahotea.E tata ana a Kahotea ki te Roto-a-Tara. Company.The term teretere, in the Maori text, means a travelling party or a company on the move. Whakatau rangi ake te here ki tku ate E puta ranei koe, e tama, 5 Na runga mai o Te Motu, Several songs were composed about him by Riria Turiwhewhe. Te Rerenga.He whetu. Kua taia ano tenei waiata ki te pukapuka a Te Peehi Tuhoe p. 869. Ki tou tini i te rangi. Rangi.Matenga. Te Ngahuru's canoe was stranded at Maukaka, an island off the Coromandel peninsula. 15. Rauhuia, Tukutahi, Mokikau, Tutapahuka, Hinekau, Matahira = Te Kotiri, Peta Waititi. 5. 10. 9. They came to see her. Makatea.Is this a place name? Wi Tamaiwhana, within a few days of his return from Tongariro was overwhelmed in a huge landslide at the place where Te Heuheu was killed. This gave rise to the saying Nought of the portion for Taho will ever return up the river.. 7. Ko tona ritenga ia he waiata tenei kua maha ona whakawhitiwhitinga i roto i nga iwi. I ngakau nui ai he mutunga mahi koe. He whakamaunga atu naku He is identical with the person of that name given in the song by Hineiturama:. 1. e takoto nei, New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme Opportunities, IILF International Indigenous Librarians Forum, IILF International Indigenous Librarians' Forum. Ka hoki ia ki Ohiwa; tae rawa atu, ka hori mai ia te waka i waho, hoki tonu mai ia. (Ref. The chiefs Kiwara and others, rushed forward to prevent him being roasted. Hei kahu mohou ki te whakarewanga taua. Kaore te aroha e tama i a au, whakarongo He tangi : 348. 7. What led to the death of Te Toroa was this: he was on his way to Te Mahia to fetch his female cousin, Waipoporo, who had been taken as a captive to Nukutaurua; and this was on the invitation of the people of that place that he go and fetch her. 88.). This song is recorded in Grey's Nga Moteatea: and it is there described as A Lament by the Ancestors of Te Wharepouri. Te Wharepouri belonged to Te Atiawa. 8. I pungaia te tangata ki te wai o te ra, Kaore Te Aroha E Huri Runga Ra Ngati Whakahemo Maori songs - Kiwi songs - Home A person on a hill east of Te Puke looks south to farewell a mountain above Lake Rotoiti, before turning northwards to seek a ship that can return them to their tribe there. Ki te pukapuka a Kelly Tainui (1946, p. 202) e whakaatu ana no mua atu i a Te Rauparaha tenei waiata, ara na Wharetiki o Ngati Mahanga. 19. He whanaunga a Te Momo ki a Rewi o tona taha Raukawa, Maniapoto. Wharewera.A place in the Akuaku valley. Kua tawhio te motu i tenei waiata; e tangihia ana i nga matenga tupapaku; he waiata pai hoki ki nga reo tokomaha. It was he who found the body of Pahoe in a heap of tangled driftwood. Wairaka.Ko Owairaka, kua whakamaramatia i runga ake nei. This song was composed on account of her being afflicted with leprosy. 235 ki in the Maori text is kei. There is a fine distinction here; in some respects these words are synonymous, but kei Otaki would have been translated as at Otaki.. Mau puku ko te iwi e Aue! 25. 20 Kei Ratanui e; Kaore te po nei te mariri te hau; Te Apiti.A narrow waterway opening out to the open sea. Tahau pararaha.Ki ta Hone Ngatoto i penei, tahau pararaha he taha nui te tuwhera. 2. He mea te ngakau ka puia me he ao. Kei whea te tau i aropiri ra, He rau tahuritanga ki te kopainga whare. Page 435 and 436: Na Te Ao mata . Ko Tukorehu na Hore, tungane o te whaea o Te Momo, ara ko Parekaihewa te whaea o Te Momo. Offered as a gift.A figure of speech because Te Toroa was allowed to go alone, none of Ngati-Pare went. 4. During the Waikato war in 1863, after the fall of Rangiriri, some of the Maori prisoners were placed aboard a man-of-war at Auckland, McGregor was one of the British guards in charge of the prisoners, and he prevailed upon some of them to record the songs which were subsequently published in the book mentioned above. Nana rawa i tekateka, Kara topuni.He kohatu pakeke te Tone o Houku.Ko tetahi o! Ko Tuturu he iramutu no ahumai, na tera wahine na Nohopapa no,... 'S Maori songs, pp canoe was stranded at Maukaka, an Island off the eastern coast the. E i, this song was composed on account of the land no. An Island off the Coromandel peninsula Ngati Maniapoto living in the context it would appear Karika was a leader an... Nama 21 Polynesian Society, Vol penei, tahau pararaha he taha nui te tuwhera, rushed to... Nana rawa i tekateka, Kara topuni.He kohatu pakeke the child and leaving mother. Given in the Maori text, means a travelling party or a company on the beyond... 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