The relationship will have have many qualities that the Juno person needs, but it will not fulfill the desires of the Lilith person at a subconscious level. As a registered user, you can select the "Relationship reports" box in the Reports page to reveal the synastry aspects readings between any person in your birth data list. You each will make a lasting and very memorable impression on each other even if the relationship doesnt work out. Occasionally, mental illness dominates the relationship, or the relationship is emotionally cold. JUNO conj JUPITER in synastry: this is a . I hope I explained that right anyway you would need to see what his Juno is doing first. Synastry Contacts To The MC: Romance or Ambition? Regardless, the Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is always beneficial in any relationship as it creates an aura of beauty and love. Its definitely different in a way that works for both people. Will you get married? If youre in a Neptune trine Juno relationship, be careful not to idealize the partner. Example: An ex of mines Aquarius Ascendant at 2942 was exactly conjunct my Aquarius Midheaven at 2946. Juno in Virgo: Your partner will be hard-working, health-conscious, and critical. Its possible to feel an instant connection or feel like you recognize the person even if you havent met before. Your love traits: commitment, trust, forgiving, marriage, traditionality, faithfulness. The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. Juno Conjunct Ascendant & Juno Opposition Descendant Synastry. The Lilith person might want more freedom as time goes on. The Ascendant person finds the Venus person very attractive, and the Ascendant person presents themselves in a way that the Venus person appreciates. Will probably think about marriage with this person. There can be a lot of aggression in this relationship in the form of hot-tempered arguments. Think of Juno as the Eve of Astrology. Whether thats positive or challenging depends on how you deal with that status, and how they deal with their Saturn. If its used in the best way possible, both people will come out on the other side transformed. Her Juno in Libra conjuncts his Sun and Mercury. The Irresistible Power of Scorpios. He cheated on her, yet she still stayed with him, and fulfilled her traditional duties. Juno in synastry If you have your (potential) partner's exact time of birth, you can find out if you two have any significant Juno aspects in your synastry chart. If you have the Neptune square Juno aspect in synastry, one partner might feel sorry for the other or want to rescue them. Order a synastry report and find out now! Example: Say a person has a stellium in Virgo and Pisces. Another aspect Ive had with an ex - a double whammy, too. Juno sextile North Node indicates an opportunity to grow through marriage and for the North Node person to learn their lessons through the relationship. Includes the planets in the composite houses, Your chart placements analyzed according to life topics. How can you tell if he will lie or cheat? Sun person may also play an important role in helping Juno person succeed in an artistic or expressive path, bringing out the best of Juno person's potential and personal strength. There must a willingness from both parties to resolve these differences. It shows how you manage and deal with relationships, whether you dominate, are submissive, or work together. --who sees the other as the ideal mate? Juno in Gemini: Your partner will be talkative, curious, and intelligent. If you have sun conjunct Juno or sun trine Juno in a synastry chart, pursue that relationship for sure! Many astrologers have gone as far as to say Juno represents our true love or marriage partner. Alma (390)- Alma means soul in Spanish. This is a very deep, intimate connection. Sun conjunct asteroid Alma (390) is a major soulmate aspect! At the very least, Juno person knows right away that Ascendant person will play an instrumental role in their life. There is also an opportunity for the partners to develop something stable and mature. With the Mercury conjunct Juno synastry aspect, the Mercury person has great mental capacity and thinks/communicates in a way that fits perfectly with the kind of relationship the Juno person needs. This is because both people want opposite things from a relationship and from their partner. Juno in Leo: Your partner will be creative, egotistical, energetic, and full of life. Juno trine Juno in synastry means that you value similar qualities in a relationship and in marriage. This is probably a large karmic wound. If their Saturn forms a trine from your 2nd House of personal resources, the financial/emotional stability they offer helps you focus on work. No one in the world has a perfect chart. You may be attracted to people who dont have husband or wife qualities. May find it difficult at times to understand the way the other person expresses their love. Alternatively, one person may start to feel confined in this relationship. Once you understand who he is then look at your chart. The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think theyre perfect for each other. The moon person may be up and down while the Juno person is looking for emotional stability, or vice-versa. The moon conjunct Juno aspect in a synastry chart shows that the Juno person is in perfect aligned with the emotions of the moon person. There can be a push and pull feeling in these relationships, possibly leaving one or both parties feeling unfulfilled if not addressed. They complete you when it comes to focusing your resources/talents towards your future. Both people will grow and learn through this marriage and it happens for a reason. Alternatively, it could be a karmic relationship that already exists, but there is not a possibility to heal the relationship fully in this lifetime (althoughsome work can be done). Juno in Taurus: Your partner will be stubborn, stable, and physically attractive. Mercury Trine Juno Synastry Communication will be easy and natural between the couple with the Mercury trine Juno synastry aspect. Very lovely. The Saturn trine Juno synastry aspect indicates a stable marriage. Venus (sextile/trine/conjunct) Juno - The Venus person will view the Juno person as their ideal partner, and the Juno person views the Venus person as marriage material. Its no accident that major transits/progressions to the 10th House can take place when you get married. Venus opposite Venus feel strongly drawn to each other, and they might be surprised by this. Moon - North Node aspects will have a deep emotionally bonded connection. The partners may be very committed because the energy feels intense. Maybe it is karmic that is good too just keep in Mind when the karma is done you move on. He cheated on her, yet she still stayed with him, and fulfilled her traditional duties. These connections show significant attraction and compatibility between the two people, which can easily last a lifetime. North Node conjunct IC - Sense of comfort, familiarity, and recognition when they meet. The social, artistic and diplomatic abilities of the first person will help advance the professional abilities of the second person. Soul recognition and instant familiarity. My first rule as I have learned is to look at his chart and understand what the planets are saying. By itself, this contact does not indicate love, affection or attraction. This indicates a karmic relationship in which both of you need to work out past-life issues that is preventing your soul growth. There is a lot of energy and passion with the Mars trine Juno aspect. Both people may nurture the other through difficult childhood issues that come up. Couples therapy can help a lot with the Mercury opposition Juno aspect because it will teach partners how to communicate in a way that the other understands. It shows the true purpose of a person, his deepest desires, guided by which, he chooses a profession. Even if the couple separates, they will remember each other for the rest of their lives, due to the depth of passion they shared. Juno sextile South Node is almost karmic in nature; both people will learn to grow through this marriage or relationship. If you believe the person is a soulmate you should be able to read yourself like a book in his chart and vice versa. This means that youre using both of your charts and looking at the aspectsbetween them. Yet both Junos are conjunct at about 14 Scorpio. Juno person helps Ascendant person live up to their higher potential and fulfill their mission. This is for fun. When a partners planets aspect your MC, they influence your social position. In the end, the Lilith person is more likely to feel unfulfilled. With Venus + Venus conjunction in a synastry chart, we have two people with Venus in the same sign. The moon conjunct Juno relationship shows that the Juno person is perfectly aligned with the emotions of the moon person. Hey guys! Who has it? With Saturn conjunct Juno in synastry, the relationship is karmic. Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations . This is a harmonious relationship in these areas and the Juno person will not be off-put by the past life values that the South Node person shows. The Juno individual doesnt not know how to comfort the moon person and may either turn away or become a sort of surrogate parent by being over-involved in the moon persons emotions. They focus your attention on your external status. There is a tremendous attraction between the couple, as well as a feeling of going somewhere with each other. When one persons Juno is contacted by another persons planet or point in synastry, a strong attachment is indicated. There is an opportunity to further develop this relationship and for it to be successful with sun sextile Juno in synastry. Ascendant person may see Juno person as the committed source of love and acceptance that will help them succeed. These aspects happen when two planets are situated 90 degrees apart and in the same mood type, such as fixed, mutable, or cardinal. These people were meant to meet. This is a spiritual, intense relationship. If this Pluto square Juno aspect can be transmuted and used for good, then there will be a lot of passion and intensity in this relationship. The 10 planets from Sun to Pluto plus the North Node in detail. The planet person represents what the Juno person is looking for in a relationship. Intense desire. There isnt much possibility of these people even wanting to get together unless other placements in the chart do the work for them, at least initially. JUNO and PLANETS In SYNASTRY. Hard aspects between one persons Saturn and another persons important planet or point are both challenging as well as binding. The relationship may not be similar to what the South Node person is used to, but it will be important for his/her growth. Sun opposition Juno in synastry creates a draw. They arent smoothly supportive, but if youre passively floating through life, their challenges could be exactly what you need. When one persons Venus contacts another persons Venus, your love styles are similar. Might feel like youre experiencing deja vu when you first meet. The Ascendant person looks and projects herself how the Juno person envisions their marriage partner. With Juno opposition North Node, you have a karmic bond from a past life that you are paying off. He will be philosophical, honest, and may be interested in higher learning. Ascendant person will automatically understand Juno person's need for commitment and security. True Lunar Node trine, sextile or semi-sextile Juno in the synastry chart. Juno Opposition Ascendant & Juno Conjunct Descendant Synastry, Juno opposition ascendant (which is the same as Juno conjunct descendant) in synastry is the ideal relationship.. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 The Sagittarius Juno person prefers "duty to derive from outside authority" while the Cancer Juno person prefers "duty to the family". Lets say your partners Saturn (rules and authority) conjuncts your MC. It isnt something that happens naturally, but the opportunity is there. JUNO conjunct MARS: Increased chances of great sex in a committed relationship. With Venus square Juno in synastry, the kind of person you will be attracted to does not have qualities that will create a lasting relationship. 30. You may both feel that the other is selfish in the relationship and will need to work through ego issues. The Mars trine Juno synastry aspect creates very sexual relationship in a good way. Both parties will need to learn how the other thinks and operates in a logical sense. While Venus and Mars represent our ideal mate, Juno represents loyalty and attachment. There can be a mysterious magnetism between these two partners, but they need to also become grounded in the relationship and figure out whats real. The Venus opposition Juno synastry aspect means that the kind of individual the Juno person will be attracted to has the opposite qualities of those that they need for their long term relationship. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. Are you both looking for the same kind of thing ? Sun-Moon contacts: Soul Mates generally have strong Sun-Moon connections in the synastry chart. Addictive tendencies, anger and anxiety issues, grief and loss handling, self-sabotage. According to the myth, Juno was Jupiter's wife. Only you know if the hard aspects in your synastry chart indicate a serious problem that means you need to leave the relationship, or an opportunity to grow and learn. A square aspect in a synastry is often seen as an astrological red flag. In Astrology, Juno represents the "good wife". You prefer people with big dreams and the gumption to go for them. If your natal Uranus (liberation) conjuncts your MC, youre going to blaze your own unique path towards the future. The Venus person likes to touch the Ascendant person often. In a different context, this aspect can indicate an employer/employee relationship. The Pluto person could be very invested in the Moon person, to the point of being obsessive. Juno person may feel that Ascendant person is too focused on their own ambition and emotionally absent from the relationship. Dont give up! When another persons planets or points conjunct any of these angles, the two of you are heading in the same direction in life. Both partners need to learn how to cope with reality and let go of delusions. This is a combination of love + marriage synastry observations and soulmate indicators. With Chiron sextile Juno in synastry, there is an opportunity to work through the Chironic wounds by being in the relationship. They could have met in past lives. Juno trine ascendant in synastry indicates an immediate attraction, probably from knowing each other in a past life. Would he cheat ( bilk) or lie ect Or would he be devoted Vesta ect Also look at his house and your house for one of you it is 10th house Career, how the world sees you. The AC/DC is a relationship axis, while the IC/MC axis represents your private and public lives. How much this impacts you will depend on how important your relationship is for your growth. It is Free, of course. They feel at home with each other. The planet person may not take direct action to influence your career, but the way they express their energy enables your future goals. After all, marriage is a public declaration of your changed status. Juno-Mars: The Juno person is attracted to the sexual charisma and assertiveness of the Mars person. Nothing will be the same, but its all for the best of both people. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying practical astrological analysis to the real world. Typically, the Pluto person has some control over the Juno person, but not always (the roles are sometimes reversed depending on the sign Juno is in). An opposition is a matter for another article, because that would place their planet on your 4th House cusp (IC) which is a whole different story. Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus contacts: Sun-Venus contacts are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! According to the myth, Juno was Jupiters wife. Saturn opposition Juno in synastry means that the responsibilities that the Saturn person has or imposes on the Juno person are the opposite of what the Juno person needs in a relationship. A case in point is a few hundred threads ago I realized my father's Pluto was exactly conjunct my Psyche, and along comes C with his "Lust," a seemingly minor asteroid, exactly conjunct my Psyche, (along with many other aspects to my Psyche in this synastry) and boom, all these old father-daughter issues have been rearing up all year. Venus - Mars can create lots of sexual tension and lust. Juno in Capricorn: Your spouse will be a corporate type. or through control. : oracle de g signification association; wreckfest jouer avec un ami xbox one; juno conjunct ascendant synastry.juno conjunct ascendant synastry.Sun conjunct Venus 3. Posts: 2007From: ColoradoRegistered: May 2009. I find that the sun opposition Juno aspect can create a lot of attraction but also a bit of tension when the personalities arent compatible with what the partners need out of a marriage. The partners can easily support each other when theyre feeling wounded. Sun person is automatically drawn to Juno person because Juno person's faithfulness and loyalty are apparent to Sun person from the first encounter. When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. On buying any PDF report, you will receive a 30% discount coupon for another report of your choice. If your partners Jupiter (optimism and expansion) conjuncts your MC, they make you look good. 10 planets from Sun to Pluto and the North Node in detail. Every composite aspect reading showing the essence of your relationship. The Juno trine Midheaven relationship will aid the Midheaven person in their career. When touched by transit or progressions, fated events are likely to occur. The conjunction and opposition are the strongest connections, while the trine and sextile are less potent, yet still effective. Juno person can be committed and devoted to Sun person and may help Sun person accomplish important personal goals. By registering with email or connecting with the social icons you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy, All rights reserved 2022 Apogeeks Pte. In essence, he is elevating her, in the eyes of society. Both can easily help each other thrive and express their unique talents. This one seems widely known but I want to reiterate it anyway . Mutual feeling of trust. One person may be a martyr for the other. The sexual passion might refuel both partners when there is tension in other areas of the relationship. Mercury conjunct Juno in synastry is a great aspect, especially for couples who really value communication and intelligence. Little major placement resonant power. This is a new age relationship. The Sun person feels like the Jupiter person expands their perspective on life. The Jupiter person senses that the higher you aim in your career, the higher they can fly with you. Conjunctions are felt most directly, but other aspects to the MC have an impact as well. And theres the rub; does external success have any place in romance? Juno in Libra: Your partner will be attractive, loving, sociable, and well-mannered. Conjunctions to the IC indicate a nurturing, protective bond, and the two people desire to have a home and family together; Conjunctions to the MC show mutual admiration and appreciation for each others goals. With Chiron conjunct Juno in synastry, the relationship will be directly tied to the Chiron persons wound. Its alright if some of them dont resonate :). Juno in Scorpio: Your partner will be sexual, mysterious, and perhaps jealous. Sun and Juno conjunct in the synastry chart You both may have known right away that you have important work to do as a couple. Venus opposition Juno in synastry is a tough aspect to have, but if both partners can work to develop the positive Juno qualities that they need, it can work over time. Is indicated shows that the Venus person appreciates public declaration of your changed status feeling wounded of people! The Venus person appreciates issues, grief and loss handling, self-sabotage your partner be... Chiron sextile Juno in Capricorn: your partner will be creative, egotistical, energetic, and may help person. Contacts: soul Mates generally have strong sun-moon connections in the same direction life. Sexual passion might refuel both partners when there is tension in other areas the... A public declaration of your relationship is emotionally cold have a karmic from! 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