Box 239, Lagos. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Chairman Ikoyi Club. On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. Our primary objective is to encourage horsemanship and the game of polo for our members. In the subsequent years, the European Club merged with the Lagos Golf Club. We are proud to showcase a list of tournament winners over the years. Copyright 2020 Clubs World | Proudly designed by Iso-Black Concept Ltd. Clubsworld is the online platform for all social and sporting clubs in Nigeria. Join our 5000+ Club. On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. 6 Ikoyi club 1938 road,P.O. There is also a One-Year Temporary Membership at HK$45,600 with monthly fees of HK$1,950. Get in touch . 5.1 Certificate of Bachelorhood and Spinsterhood. On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. Services Ikoyi Club Lagos Play Squash Lagos Nigeria, Ikoyi Club Holds Inaugural Kitty Tomorrowsee Full Details House Styles Ikoyi Outdoor Decor, Dooney S Ikoyi Club Sandwich Dooney S Kitchen Cooking And Baking Club Sandwich Nigerian Recipes. It is a members only app with features such as member ranking, events listing and member profile management. Such a meeting generally takes place every second Tuesday of the month. The club is sprawled out on more than 455 acres of land. 5.2 Second Step - "THE REQUIREMENTS". Your IP: Subscribe. 25 Sep, 2022, Continue Box 239 Ikoyi, Lagos,,,, 7737457. Contact us, Members of the club of not less than two (2) years standing, Know the candidate personally for five (5) years or more. GQ Game Days. According to the official homepage, there are six steps you will need to follow in order to be accepted. The quorum of this Sub- Committee shall be 3 (three) at any of its meetings, To examine all policies and procedures extant in regard to the purchase and pricing of all, To examine the rationale behind current levels of stocks of drinks kept at the central and other, Initiation and authorization of Local Purchases Orders, To ensure economic disposal of empty containers, To ensure that breakages and wastages are kept within reasonable tolerance with proper controls, To examine the procedures established for stock-taking and concern itself with matters of, From time to time, to liaise with an appropriate staff of the Club- particularly the General, In liaison with the General Manager and the Industrial Relationship Sub-Committee, to ensure, To encourage a high level of cleanliness and hygiene amongst bar and related staff as well as in, To evaluate the float given to Barmen to provide change with actual need and to advise, It is directed that the quorum of the Sub-Committee at all its meetings shall be 3 (three) i.e, To examine all policies and procedures extant in regard to the purchase and pricing of all food, To examine the rationale behind current levels of stocks of food kept at the central and other, Initiation and authorization of Local Purchase Orders, From time to time, to liaise with appropriate staff of the Club particularly the General, In liaison with the General Manager and the Industrial Relations Sub-Committee, to ensure that, To encourage a high level of cleanliness and hygiene amongst the kitchen and related staff as, It is directed that the quorum of the Sub-Committee at all its meetings shall be 3 (three). To recommend modalities for the funding of staff medical expenses. We constantly engage ourselves in a few engaging and entertaining events and also healthy but highly competitive tournament all year round. 7.6. All members should, therefore, be at the top of their profession. On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. A famous cocktail amongst Nigerians and other drink lovers is called the Chapman. The Ikoyi Club 1938 has metamorphosed from its European only membership into one of the best examples of multiracial clubs in the world with membership drawn worldwide. Ikeja Golf Club. Today, the club has grown from its exclusively European membership to modern day membership of diverse nationalities. Ikoyi Club 1938 is a private member family Club and it occupies an enviable area of approximately 456 acres of land and provides first class facilities for about 10, 000 members. The Section runs training programmes for the children from 2 6.15pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and graduate them from the pre-squad to advanced squad that represents the Section at Local, National, and International Swimming Competitions. The club is found in Ikoyi, an affluent island suburb that surrounds half of the eastern part of Lagos Island in Nigeria and lies at the border of the Lagos Lagoon. On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. Ikoyi Club 1938 is a private member family Club and it occupies an enviable area of approximately 456 acres of land and provides first class facilities for about 10, 000 members. Long after the amalgamation of the European Club and the Lagos Golf Club, the Ikoyi Club 1938 remained essentially an expatriates club run by top European Civil Servants and members of the business communities. On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. 2015 2016: MAJ. GEN. MUFU BALOGUN (Rtd), To assure members of the Club that budgets, reports, and accounting systems are working, To ensure the Clubs policies and procedures are followed, The external and internal auditors may be invited to meetings to present their detailed findings, The Audit Committee shall meet every (3) Three-Months and as may be necessary and report to the, The Audit Committee may invite the Chairman, the Honorary Treasurer of the General Committee of. Also on the campus, there is a new squash complex, badminton courts, weights room, a sauna room and massage options for members. No matter which membership type you choose, the private country club lifestyle at Polo will captivate you. To monitor the prices at which goods, items, and services are offered to the Club, in general, To negotiate prices of items, goods, and services approved for purchase by the Chairman of the, To constantly check market prices in order to be able to carry out items 1&2 above, To ensure that the buying procedure is adhered to, To furnish the Chairman of the Club with recommended purchase prices in order to obtain the said, Nigerian Bottling Company Plc and such other suppliers of Alcoholic and Non Alcoholic beverages, The quorum of the Sub-Committee at all its meetings shall be 3 (three), Bearing in mind the purpose of Ikoyi Club 1938, its philosophy, namely, Global Harmony Through, To advise on the adequacy, appropriateness, and effectiveness of the existing, To advise on subjects for policy formulation by the General Committee in the, To advise, as and when necessary, on how to keep open the channels of communication, To advise and give recommendations on the proper links between the Staff Policy of, To advise on issues relating to the working environment, To look into and advise on all matters of Industrial Relations, To look into matters assigned to it by the General Committee within the ambitof these terms of, Subject to any directives of the General Committee, it is not contemplated in these terms of, To study the organization of the Clubs maintenance department, and to make recommendations for, To establish proper vetting procedures for all maintenance work, contracted out as well as for, To institute a program of preventive maintenance on a cost-saving basis, and to ensure adequacy, To establish a rigid separation between capital and revenue projects, in line with usual, To carry out the foregoing and to act upon specific assignments given to it from time to time by, The Chairman of this Sub-Committee shall be co-opted a member of the Clubs Main Committee and, To foster better interaction among Members on Club activities. In the subsequent years the European Club merged with the Lagos Golf Club. To take charge of all kinds of entertainments organized by the Club. Today however the establishment exists as a truly multi-racial club with a membership of around 10000. 2. To limit the incidence of trespass, impersonation, and abuse to the barest minimum by: enforcing the rules of Ikoyi Club (1938) in as much as they pertain to members and guests. Celebrations of Thank God its Friday to keep our members / Spouses homely. The club includes a diverse and select membership ranging from diplomatic corps to top business executives, from politicians and top military brass to professionals. Couple of quick updates before I dive into the review. Ibadan Recreation Club hosts second edition of Ajelewa Trade Fair. Mr. Ademola Lawal Mumuney. As well, many clubs reduce initiation fees for "young" new members (i.e. P.O. Members pay a deposit in order to be able to use the library. This competition is for our children between the ages of 9 14years, sponsored by notable corporate organizations that take interests in the nurturing of the youth to better citizen and future leaders in their bids to fulfill corporate social responsibilities to their immediate environment. 23401 Nigeria, Tel: (01) 291 9507 23401 Nigeria, Tel: (01) 291 9507 Please enter your account credentials below, Forgot your password? The course opens for play . There are two galleries around the pools from where spectators could watch events and at the same time enjoy their meal and drink. - Shadowed the production department and voiced a commercial. The Club occupies approximately 456 acres in Ikoyi, Lagos. These include: The major amenities of the club included: The cocktails and club sandwiches are rumoured to be among the best in the world. Since inception the Club has grown considerably and it is now the most famous polo club in Nigeria in terms of membership and quality of polo. The Ikoyi Club was established as a European club in 1938 in Ikoyi Lagos. The club had earlier released a notice of Mr Alakijas suspension from December 1 2021 to November 30 2022. To provide members with a forum to acquaint themselves with the skills, services and products of, To midwife the birth of a quarterly or bi-annual publication that reports Ikoyi Club 1938 to, To serve as an editorial board that sets the professional and production standards for the, To ensure that such publications are presented to the General Committee for approval before, The quorum of the Sub-Committee at all its meeting shall be three. IkoyiClub Docs Very ideal for a luxury Estate. -Classico Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce -Classico Four Cheese Alfredo - Class. Box 239 Ikoyi, Lagos,,,, 7737457. . 6 Nigerian to non-Nigerian/ non-Nigerian to non-Nigerian. 6 Ikoyi Club 1938 Road, Ikoyi Ikoyi Club 1938 was established on September 29, 1938, through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. To examine medical bills and recommend payment thereof. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. IkoyiClub Docs This golf club has 1 golf course, 18 holes and an average rating of 7.6 based on 2 reviews. Country Club Knitted Style Home Storage. Ideologically a Nigerian nationalist, he was a member of the . We have a lot of teenagers and young adults that are constantly developing in the game of polo. Lagos Country Club is a private family country club devoted to the social well- being of its members. "The above-named member of the Club is hereby placed on a one year suspension . Tel: (01) 291 9508 (Note that 07083709076 is for whatsapp only) This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Location: The Town Club: Floor 48-49, Two Exchange Square, Central. Our handystorage boxes are a must-have for placing around the home to keep . . . The Incorporation was entrusted to three nominated trustees Tel: (01) 291 9508 (Note that 07083709076 is for whatsapp only) The Ikoyi Club was established as a European club in 1938 in Ikoyi, Lagos. Corporation Drive, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. Ikoyi Club 1938 is a private member family Club and it occupies an enviable area of approximately 456 acres of land and provides first class facilities for about 10, 000 members. According to one member on this forum thread, he stated the annual fees are about $1,350. We placed 2nd overall in the year 2008. Trained Life Savers are also available at all times. . Email:, Home On September 29, 1938, Ikoyi Club 1938 officially came into being through the merger of the European Club and Lagos Golf Club. 23401 Nigeria, Tel: (01) 291 9507 That Ikoyi Club 1938 is the foremost sports and family club in Nigeria today cannot be again said. One of the [] With every tournament comes a winner. On behalf of the entire members of the Club Library of Ikoyi Club 1938, I welcome you to the website of Ikoyi Club 1938. 23401 Nigeria, Tel: (01) 291 9507 6 Ikoyi Club 1938 Road Ikoyi PO. Email:, Home Spouse member is spouse of an ordinary member over 21 years old can be a spouse member. To proffer solutions to curb unusual escalating costs. Membership The Ikoyi Club is the result of the European Club and The Lagos Golf Club merging on September 29, 1938. The club had earlier released a notice of Mr Alakija's suspension from December 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022. Ifedayo Andrew-Ogunbayo holds a B.Tech (Hons) 2007 degree in Estate Management from Federal University of Technology, Minna Niger State. 6 Ikoyi Club 1938 Road Ikoyi PO. All info about Ikoyi Club 1938 in Nigeria . About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Copyright 2022 | Proudly affiliated with the T2 Web Network, LLC The information contained on this website is intended as an educational aid only and is not intended as medical and/or legal advice. A member is entitled to borrow a maximum of two books at a time. 20 May, 2022. Buy now pay later opt. Gallery It provides first class facilities for over 15,000 members. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Contact us. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. To offer an arbitration forum to all members seeking adjudication over matters of a tort, To deliberate over all cases of indiscipline or any other infraction referred to it either, To ensure that all its rulings and recommendations are based upon the tenets of the rules of. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The President, Ikoyi Club 1938, Mr Babatunde Akinleye, has said the country must learn from the values, friendship, and respect for the rule of law that has sustained the club for 80 years.. In addition, enjoy benefits across participating hotels of Marriott International in the Asia Pacific region. However, this fee can be higher or lower if family members are added or more activities are added to the membership. Lagos, Lagos. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Conclusion The Ikoyi Club 1938s central facility is its clubhouse called the Rotunda which consists of a health club with gym a Jacuzzi and sauna a ballroom a. The club said Mr Alakija, 72, will remain suspended till November 30, 2022. Consent. Founded on 3rd August 1949 and incorporated under the Land Perpetual. The Swimming pool complex has two standard pools, a children pool, a fountain pool, gallery bar, cold room bar with a gallery, a kitchen, Sun Lounger beds/chairs and tables around the pools, two cloakrooms for ladies and gents and turns stargate at the entrance. The golf course is considered as the busiest golf course in Africa. Megalectrics Ltd (Operators of Classic FM 97.3, The Beat 99.9FM & Naija Fm 102.7. The quorum for the Sub-Committee at all its meetings shall be three (3), Main House Election 4th Thursday in February, King Sunday Night 2nd Friday in December, New Members Night 2nd Tuesday of the Month. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The Library is opened every day from 8 am to 9 pm. What kind of service is included for the membership? You are welcome to one of the 2 pioneer Sections of the Club at the Club merger in 1938. Honorary Conferred to members who have excelled in various endeavors and have contributed to the club. 23401 Nigeria, Tel: (01) 291 9507 Services Membership Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Ikoyi Club 1938 is a private member family Club and it occupies an enviable area of approximately 456 acres of land and provides first class facilities for about 10, 000 members. Write Review. The membership sub-committee shall thereafter screen the candidate through an interview of the candidate and his proposer. There is also an Administrative Office which is manned by the Administrative Manager Mr. Ikoyi Club Tennis 17+ tennis court slots booking app Afamefuna Nnaji Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Ikoyi Club Tennis app allows members of the club to view and book open slots for available courts. The Incorporation was entrusted to three nominated trustees namely, Sir Donald Kingdom, Henry Stewart, and David Duncan Gibb. The European Club was first located on the site of what was later known as the Ikoyi Hotel which was then Ikoyi Government Guest House, also known as the Catering Rest House.The Lagos Golf Club moved from 18, Race Course Road to the present location in 1927, and at one time occupied the land on which the old Federal Secretariat Ikoyi now stands. The Ikoyi Club 1938 has metamorphosed from its European only membership into one of the best examples of multiracial clubs in the world with membership drawn worldwide. It was originally converted from a prison to a rest house. more. About Ikoyi Club 1938. Male and Female Changing Rooms directly located under the Gallery close to the Swimming Pool entrance. Came into being through the merger of the information to provide customized ads Swimming Pool.! Marriott International in the Asia Pacific region by ikoyi club membership fee cookie Consent plugin to... Need to follow in order to be able to use the library is opened every day from 8 am 9... 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