God wants you to be rich, and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you." I can make that introduction to God and nothing will happen inside of you until, as Paul says, the Holy Spirit gives you a strength to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. 2 Peter 1:12-15, Denomination: Now, if you are in a prison cell by yourself, separated from your family, your friends, and everyone, and you can write a letter back to the church, what are you going to write about? It comes out of Philippians 4 and various other passages. That's the miracle that Paul is praying for here. The NFLPA Will Investigate Just Why Tua Tagovailoa Was Allowed to Play, The NFL Has Given Yet Another Accused Sexual Harasser Their Usual Slap on the Wrist, Tired of Your Friends Overusing LOLs? Paul was in a prison cell and was fine. And so I pray this for youthat you would understand the love of God; that you would love God more than you love your sin. His most popular book, Crazy Love, was released in 2008. It was a dream I couldn't make sense of. This peace comes from faith, trust, and learning the secret of contentment. One girl named Rachel lived with us a long time, and so we tried to marry her off. Chan began his sermon by sharing, God has taught me so much in the last month or two. Explain that to me. It's an important message given the economic status of our country. Paul is saying, "Look, I could be in a prison or whatever, and I've learned the secret. I've always heard that phrase used in the context of people who are way out there, but this week I was speaking to this author, and he was using it in the context of the American church. I've been pastoring here for 15 years. This is a compilation of messages given by Francis Chan from 2000 to the present, all of which are available elsewhere online. I hope you follow the Holy Spirit, wherever he leads you, even if it doesn't make sense to other people. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. And we couldn't make anyone fall in love with her! So that you might be rooted and grounded in love. Self. I visited them in their house in Ohio. This man is well respected and he has a . The heart needs to be changedlike how the people in Ezekiel had a heart of stone and needed a heart of flesh. Do you understand who it is that loves you and how much he loves you? I think I get the love of Christ. I'm happy. If were lucky, we have hobbies, people we we love in close vicinity, goals within reach, but more often than not, they are rooted from a decisiveness about the things we prioritize. People hear that and say, "I don't know if you should give that all away. I like the way you're going to be rewarded. I think he loves me. Your spouse has done something awful to you, and yet you found joy, even in the midst of that. The goal is clear, right? Voltaire once said, "God created man in his own image, and now man is returning the favor." Proverbs 11:25 says, "Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered." Last weekend a sermon by Evangelical pastor Francis Chan went viral, as in the sermon Chan shared about Communion and his discovery of the scriptural and historical basis for transubstantiation - that the bread and the wine become the literal Body and Blood of Christ. As I think about this, I see that our problem is one of not understanding how good God is. Marcel Taillon, Understanding 7 Deadly Sins/ Dave Durand, 5 Ways to Encourage Others, http://relevantradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/PM-Francis-Chan.mp3. They're just flying around; they're not saving.". Try to imagine that. 14203 Minuteman Drive #200 Man, how can you be content living in that condition? Francis Chan Sermons Play Newest Follow Francis Chan is an american pastor inspired with the word of God to lighten up his generation Episodes Popular Podcasts See All Advertise With Us For You Ive seen this happen countless times. Sermons Contributors Interview with Francis Chan Michael Duduit 00:00 00:00 About The Author Michael Duduit Michael Duduit is the founding publisher and editor of Preaching magazine. Francis Chan is an American Protestant author, teacher, and preacher. A Prayer for Everlasting Peace - Your Daily Prayer - December 30. You just lost everything, you should be stressed out, you should be angry." Francis is the founder of Cornerstone Community Church which he was head pastor of from 1994 until he left in 2010 for a calling from God. The apostle Paul says, "All that stuff doesn't matter. read more, Scripture: I was fine without you guys, but thanks for the gift. But then he wore it again for Lennox Lewis, right? Which cannot be used with your hearers, but they suggest illustrations that could work with your hearers? Paul prays, "according to the riches of his glory that he may grant you to be strengthened ." He says, "I've learned to be content whatever the circumstances. We can take a verse like Philippians 4:13 and use it to say God wants us to be rich, but Paul is saying the opposite there. Watch the . He says, "You'd never find that in the Bible." Learn everything about our top-notch financial expert reviews belowLearn More. So who do I trust and say, "This person is for real"? If I'm in southern California, if I'm in Ohio, if I'm in Indonesia, if I'm in jail somewhere, it's not about that. Francis Chan Nov 24, 2015 More by this author. And then his Son rises from the grave after being buried for three days. Jesse's got this yellow backpack thing, and he's getting ready to jump out, and he throws one to me. One of the times it was made famous was when Evander Holyfield had it on his robe as he was going to go fight Mike Tyson. Some of you will respond by saying, "Hmmm that's nice." Here is a list of 10 movies about the Bible. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events It's our catch-all verse for "Whatever I feel like doing, God's going to give me the power to do it. We kept giving and giving, and people kept disagreeing, saying, "I don't think you should do that. The word grant is such a key word here. Why Is Everyone Playing Pickleball All of a Sudden? You really are. But how many people have you met with that attitude? You harvest as much as you sow, and never more. In the meantime, we get really good at doing the same thing every day. If you have an "if I could only have this one thing," the truth is you're not going to find contentment. Copyright 2021 / 2022 Relevant Radio - All Rights Reserved, The Patrick Madrid Show: January 18, 2023 Hour 2, The Patrick Madrid Show: January 18, 2023 Hour 1, The Patrick Madrid Show: January 18, 2023 Hour 3, Fr. Most of us are on autopilot: maybe we land a job after we graduate, were on the grind eight hours a day for, how many years? But Carol said, "Oh, it's okay. Patrick pointed out, Hes teaching them about not only the Holy Eucharist, hes also teaching them about the Mass. Webster defines a coward as a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Scripture on the other hand takes that to a new level and shows us numerous examples of spiritual courage both for the Church and the individual. Credit: Do you plan to use the content of this sermon to a degree that obligates you to give credit? Absolutely, the Bible says we are to provide for our families, and if we don't provide for them, we're worse than an unbeliever. In fact, don't even worry about what you're going to eat tomorrow; I'll take care of that. All your favorite music, podcasts, and radio stations available for free. My name is Jessica Wei and I am a fanatic about inspirational quotes that help people become better. That's biblical Christianity: you bet it all in this life, and then you start seeing God be faithful when he says, "Whatever you sacrifice, I'll give you a hundred times that, in this life and the life to come." Why don't you give more? It's going to be fine. And you can then say, "How he loves us! You need prayer for yourself, and I invite you to come ask for it. I start to panic, and Jesse jumps out of the plane and starts tumbling backwards. Production, box office & more at IMDbPro. That's what Jesus taught. Another topic that Chan discussed was the division that is found in the Church, and how historically there was one Church, whereas today there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations that are not united to each other. I want them to understand.". You're in class, you didn't study, but you say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; I'm going to ace this test." That's why John 15:9 is a difficult passage for some of us to embrace. We want to idolize our kids, so we create a Jesus who agrees with this, rather than having the perspective of what Christ taught us when he said, "If you're going to follow me, you have to be willing to hate your father, mother, wife, kids." She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, where she studied journalism, and she has worked in Catholic radio for 12 years. God's going to supply all of our needs; we just have to stay faithful. Paul is chained as a prisoner in jail, and he's writing this letter about joy. I like Top Ramen. They have contentment wherever they are. It'd be a pretty perfect love, right? That's why you start fighting and arguingit's because of that emptiness that you want the other person to fill. As a pastor, it was so easy to try so hard to craft the perfect sermon or get a point acrossto work in my own strength. Mike and Carol Jones (names have been changed for security purposes) used to attend our church. He quotes someone as saying, "We need to live lives that demand an explanation." Francis Chan's Sermons & Illustrations | Preaching Today Preachers Home > Preachers > Francis Chan Francis Chan Francis Chan is an American Protestant author, teacher, and preacher. In this weeks episode, we go back to a classic sermon from Francis Chan as he unfolds what courage (and cowardice) looks like according to God and the Bible. The same is going to be true of these kids if they continue to live this way. More Sermon Videos. Scripture: 2 Peter 1:12-15 Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational Holy Spirit Power Part 2 Here I am in a jail cell with nothing, and I'm okay." But some of you struggle like I do in believing that verse and say, "No way. They're wondering, How am I going to get by? You realize that there has never beennever in the history of this eartha Spirit-filled couple that has divorced? They came from southern California. Because that's what we want. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 Topic: Life of the Mind; This message appears as a chapter in Thinking. So that you can know the love of Christ. Some of you look at the 7-year-old girl and say, "She doesn't understand the value of 450 bucks, so her parents should make her keep the money. "That scares me because I know I've prayed that while being angry at other people. Loving. And not only that, but God's going to supply all of your needs because you're caring for me while I'm in prison. Francis Chan - THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON I COULD EVER TEACH. You haven't been filled with that love. And some guys thought she was nice, and she thought some of the guys were nice and fine, but the truth is, we couldn't make her fall in love with anyone, right? I think, man, you're in for a life of excitement. I don't pray this enough: God, empower me, strengthen me so that I can understand your love for me. Mike was someone he could always depend on, and he and Carol gave generously, too. 133 likes. I'm sure you have seen some of that pattern in my life, and no doubt you see it in your own life as well. God's going to take care of your needs. ', You dont see much of that nowadays, do you? If so, when and how will you do it? Have you learned that? A. Sunday, December 18, 2022-Luke 1:26-38 Christma. I want you to understand that. Scripture: Then we started taking a little money from the church, like a thousand dollars a month, and people said, "You should take more." I've never done that. And I know people in poverty who are happy. I'm in this prison, and you guys are taking care of me, and I'm glad for that. I know how to be brought low, I know how to abound. Because God hates sin, He has to punish those guilty of sin. We've created a middle class Jesus who says it's okay to make your nuclear family your idolwhere it's a good thing to put your family up there on a pedestal where it's about you and your kids. When I'm sick, I find ways of dealing with it. ; So, this is a beautiful thing to behold.. But he was saying: I'm okay. All Episodes Devotionals. It all goes back to that core issue. So the issue is not about his needs or her needs or love languages or this or that. Because when you live a life of giving, not only is there the eternal reward, but you will be fine now. Mike Schmitz). The issue is that somehow, as individuals, you have not understood the love of Jesus. I don't know if you guys have been to Ohio. ", I know this is what some of you are thinking, because some of you have disagreed with me for years about finances. This is important, because I have heard people use this verse to say, "God wants us all to be rich. _____________________________, Skill growth: What did this sermon teach you about how to preach? He said, "Who is my mother? It's a sad way to live, and God has so much more for his children. They need to get the love of Jesus. Please be aware that when people lock on to what the early Christians said and believed, their eyes are opened. I got another one this week about a 7-year-old. I remember as a kid I had all these ideals, but now that I'm old, let me tell you something I've never seen. This letter is about contentment. National Headquarters Mailing Address But all apologetics all the time is a real drag. Even right now my tendency is to fix everything with a sermon, and what I learned from this passage in Ephesians is that I can't do that. Giving indicates spiritual growth and participation in the gospel. But we need to believe. But that's the way the body of Christ works. ", Yes, absolutely, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I thought, "No, God always works things out and it will be okay." "I can do all things," and then he got beaten up. In this passage, Paul ends with those words, "so that you may be filled," so everything he says points towards this end goal. This passage is very much about the Holy Spirit and his power and the power he can give you. Can't I buy sleeping bags for these people?". Text:Numbers 13:25-33, 14:26-38; Joshua 14:7-12. Sometimes in our lives we feel empty and we look at other people's lives and think, Wow, she really gets it. Two years later a local family of four, the Wagners, are arrested and charged with the crimes. Paul says that he bowed his knees to pray. This means that if you're here and you don't love Jesus Christ, and you don't understand that Jesus Christ really loves you, I can't talk you into that right now. Shouldn't the verse read, "Just as the Father has loved me, cut that in half, or a third, and that's how much he loves you." Here's the thing I love about Mike and Carol: their reputation is that they're givers; they're generous with other people. Does It Matter Where Your Clothes Come From? When you get it, when you understand who Jesus is, you're content wherever you are. Or endure dangerous or unpleasant things how will you do it, 14:26-38 ; 14:7-12! How much he loves you and how much he loves us beaten up,... This eartha Spirit-filled couple that has divorced time, and God has taught me so I. Wherever you are this person is for real '' this sermon to a degree that obligates you to give?... Wherever he leads you, and jesse jumps out of the Mind ; this message as! 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