Gold Rock Investment celebrities injecting children's blood Dr Malone is one of the world's most credentialed vaccine experts. Yes, it appears celebrities are absolutely obsessed with removing vital fluids from their bodies and putting them into products. He discusses his own unpublished work of injecting human young blood into mice. Elements of real science are merged into factually incoherent frames, resulting in troves of documentation, hard to find in the mainstream search engines. Built by. Neil Patrick Harris can literally do no wrong except for aging. 20 December 2018. The effectiveness -- and advisability -- of even that small Ambrosia trial has been challenged by those who maintain it holds the potential to do more harm than good: Irina and Michael Conboy, two University of California at Berkeley researchers who've published research on young blood transfusions in mice, called Ambrosia's plans "dangerous.". 5. Ambrosias trial initially intended to enroll 600 patients, but in the end only included 81 individuals. Conboy said. Michelle Obama turned 59 on January 17 and celebrated with her love Barack Obama. By commenting on these posts, believers spread the adrenochrome hashtag to new eyes while harassing their targets. FREE Shipping Available! While US plasma donation sites normally offer a stipend of $20-50 (16-39), they emphasise the life-saving treatments that donations can support, using patient testimonies. (Source.). Celebrities are loved for their talent, their generosity, and their larger-than-life personalities, but it's the celebrities who are ageless that really turn up the world's obsession. No, how is this possible? I just don't even understand how this happens. Late in 2020, we reported that a dangerous conspiracy theory was being spread by supporters of the far-right wing .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}group QAnon around a drug called adrenochrome. The natural world has other models of transformation. Once the talk of conspiracy theorists the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity is now a reality and an actual business in the US. YourNewsWire previously ran a similarly false story about singer Katy Perry's supposedly having expressed a preference for cannibalism. Like it or not, there are signs the group's influence is growing. To them, adrenochrome became a psychotropic, akin to mescaline. Rob has asked directors not to give him roles because of his Pinoy heritage, but because of his talent and good acting. The revelations that are coming out of Hollywood now, Im telling you, they are just the tip of the iceberg, Keanu Reeves said in Milan, Italy, where he unveiled three motorbikes that he designed for a company that he co-founded in 2007. Oh hey, Jamie Foxx. I'm not sure who that is because there's no way in h*ll that's Usher, 13 years later. in washington, and forced to take part in similar sex rituals and orgies in washington d.c. as a purported victim of the franklin child Nine years goes by in a flash when you look like Reese Witherspoon. Stahl, Stephanie. Jesse Karmazin, 32, a Stanford-trained scientist who founded the US clinic, told The Sunday Times that the initial results from his patients had been encouraging. Biologists didnt find much of interest. Stay the Course! Blending academic research and open-source intelligence techniques, Friedberg is an investigative ethnographer, focusing on the impacts that alternative media, anonymous communities, and unpopular cultures have on political communication and organization. This scourge persists becauseit is allowed to exist by the complicit authorities. This channel is different from many channels in Turkey, because it has stuck to a news only base and has not implemented any tabloid type shows. . Adl-Tabatabai, Sean. They drink blood of young kids. Submit an op-ed A similar claim was made by journalist Jeff Bercovici last year, after he conducted several interviews with Silicon Valley aristocrats including Peter Thiel, and learned about this transfusion procedure called "parabiosis," where the blood of young people is used to prevent aging. Elizabeth Malone, 29, pleaded guilty to child abuse on Wednesday after surveillance cameras in a Virginia hospital captured her using a syringe to inject blood into her sick son's nose and mouth. The 54-year-old singer had been married four times to Danny Keough, Michael Jackson, Nicolas Cage and Michael Lockwood. We have revealed that this practice has its roots in the Occult, with Satanic Ritualistic Abuse. It is only in the past few hundred years that the practice of cannibalism among royals has not been publicized. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Queen Bey obviously. It is their favorite drug., Other QAnon conspiracy theorists, which again we are not going to promote by linking to here, use adrenochrome to explain why there are so many missing children worldwide. TGRT Haber, part of the Ihlas Media Group, is the name of the Turkish television station based out of Istanbul, and they claim that they have modeled their programming around the format of American news cable channel Fox News. OK, cool. The theory suggests that liberal politicians and Hollywood "elites" are harvesting the blood of children to extract adrenochrome for its psychedelic and life-extending benefits. So the conspiracy theories just get crazier and crazier.. Pizzagate illustrated that, adds Houston, referencing a man shooting, and thank God not killing anyone, inside a Washington, D.C., pizzeria because he believed there was a child sex ring operating there. But it's no longer an experiment with just mice. That's why the next thing to be exposed will be all the pedophilia that is going to come out of Hollywood and come out of Washington, D.C. "Theres just no clinical evidence [that the treatment will be beneficial], and youre basically abusing peoples trust and the public excitement around this, Stanford University neuroscientist Tony Wyss-Coray, who conducted a 2014 study of young blood plasma in mice, told Science magazine last summer, as reported by Vanity Fair. She is getting younger by the minute and I'm ready to call it Halle Berry is actually Benjamin Button. In an anti-Semitic 4chan /pol/ thread an anonymous poster linked a restricted, unsearchable video named Jew Ritual BLOOD LIBEL Sacrifice is #ADRENOCHROME Harvesting. Within these same online communities, Pizzagate formalized and grew in 20152016 before spreading to more mainstream social media. IHA enables TGRT Haber to have live breaking coverage from all of the worlds hotspots. Paypal founder Peter Thiel has a gruesome plan to achieve eternal life by injecting the blood of teenagers. Within a data void, search algorithms surface what's available rather than well-curated local, timely, and relevant content. That's right, folks. In fact, if you tell me that you've never looked at your favorite celebrity's Twitter account or flipped through a celeb-centric magazine, I will not believe you. Adl-Tabatabai, Sean. Its prevalent on TikTok, Youtube, and Instagram. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. Rob Schneider is one of the best comedians in Hollywood, and he takes pride in his heritage. We respect your email privacy Actress Debra Messing allegedly uses . TGRT Haber feels that it is their job to provide news and inform people. Here we meet the real Silicon Valley biohackers the men who want to be immortal. 25 September 2018. in sworn court testimony, paul bonacci, a teen resident of nebraska's famed boys town home for homeless and troubled children described being abducted, flown from omaha's offutt air force base to andrews a.f.b. Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it. Sellers of such "young blood" plasma transfusions have claimed that they can "treat" normal aging, memory loss, dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, or post . World leaders and elite businessmen are ingesting the blood of young children in order to achieve eternal youth, a CBS report warns. But before you go out and start injecting yourself with children's blood so you can out-perform mice at memory tasks, take note: the finding is still a long way from being applied to humans . The startup company by Jesse Karmazin, Ambrosia, is doing this with humans, and the rich are lining up to get the blood of the young. However, methamphetamine levels were in the vial were very high for the human body to cope with, so the researchers suggest that Villeda wanted to see the effect on their brains. It promotes growth in children and diminishes with age. The procedure, popular in Hollywood celebrity circles, injects cells from a baby's foreskin - specifically a South Korean baby's foreskin - into the face. It is TGRT Habers goal to become the largest news channel in turkey and to grow more each day. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. But show me one of these 17 obviously ageless celebrities and I'm in absolute awe. On Friday, July 31, conspiracy theorists plan to hold the first Child Lives Matter protest in Hollywood to expose child trafficking, advertising the event with references to #adrenochrome. The picture on the right? "Controversial Treatment Transfuses Patients with Young Blood from Teenagers to Reverse Aging Process." Frazer Harrison/Getty . The question transfixed the writers Aldous Huxley and Hunter S. Thompson, who were obsessed with mind-altering substances. The problem of inaccurate information being spewed so quickly and at such a high volume these days led the World Health Organization to declare in early 2020 that we're in the middle of an "infodemic." Yes, 16. HEALTH Human body. He is part Filipino through his mother (who was half Filipino) and part Jewish through his father. I swear, these two pictures of Rob Lowe look like they were taken seconds apart, not ten years. FREE Shipping Available! The best way for platforms to fight back is to take early action when something begins to go viral in hidden spaces. by Brian Shilhavy The most sought-after talent want ultimate flexibility. This creates a data void, a vacuum of trustworthy information unpopulated by authoritative sources. In the heart, brain, muscles and almost every other tissue examined, the blood of young mice seems to bring new life to ageing organs, making old mice stronger, smarter and healthier." Trying to use only transfusions would require a stupendous amount of blood, perhaps daily transfusions, and would require perfect screening of a multitude of donors. (This video is no longer available on YouTube, so here is a copy from our Bitchute Channel.). Somebody get Doc Brown in here, because I ain't even mad at her, I just want to know how she's constantly slaying. Nearly a century ago a notable Russian physician, philosopher, sci-fi writer and early Bolshevik activist named Alexander Bogdanov conducted blood transfusion experiments using university students' blood on himself and even Vladimir Lenin's sister with reported positive results. Order here! Do bright colors make her immortal? As Vanity Fair reports,Ambrosia, which buys its blood from blood banks, now has about 100 paying customers. Yes, really. It was suggested in the report that aging elites are using the blood of young people as a type of youth serum. This story was completely fabricated by YourNewsWire, a fake news site that peddles in shamelessly fictional clickbait. "CBS: Elites Are Lining up to Ingest the Blood of Children." GESCO is a security company operating in various fields and basing on the principle of physical protection. It turns out you dont need to kidnap children and drain their blood. Order here! Ugh, my heart. As a result of the relative unimportance of adrenochrome, it doesnt get written about much by scientists, journalists, or academics. Vampire facials require extracting a person's blood, separating it in a centrifuge, and injecting the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) back into the face to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. Its sold on the black market. Tyra Banks. If you have not read this article yet and watched the embedded videos, I encourage you to do so, so you can understand that these Satanic Occult practices are very real. However, a report from the Vice health news outlet "Tonic" has pointed out far more sinister applications for this knowledge. Early detection requires knowledge of where conspiracy theories originate online and reliable measurements of how they scale, and it needs to be followed by active promotion of authoritative content that can inoculate against the disinformation. Of course, we all heard about Rick Perry's stem cell shots ( see here for example) and about the famous celebrities who've gotten stem cell offerings from clinics including in particular aging former sports stars, some near and dear to people's hearts. The most effective conspiracy theories are built around kernels of truth. (Yes, really.). The best way for platforms to fight back is to take early action when something begins to go viral in hidden spaces. Celebrity. But the lack of real science didnt stop adrenochrome from sounding cool enough to make it into drug lit classics like Aldous Huxleys The Doors of Perception and Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange. It's been more than 20 years since Matt LeBlanc said his first words as our favorite pizza-eating soap-actor, but he has been immortalized in re-runs forever. They drink blood of young kids. But the bloodsucking appears to have become a whole lot more literal. Along with Charles II, eminent users or prescribers included Francis I, Elizabeth I's surgeon John Banister, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent, Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis, William III, and Queen Mary," he added. But those barbs havent stopped Ambrosias founder, Jesse Karmazin, from being bullish on the (unpublished) results of the trial, which he announced for the first time at the Recode technology conference last May. It has, however, resurrected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Its the drug of the elites. '. Michael Conboy said part of the problem is simply the fact that there's too much old blood for the young blood to have a substantial effect on its own. On 19 November 2017, the web site YourNewsWire published an article reporting that actor Keanu Reeves had proclaimed "Hollywood elites engage in the ritual abuse of children and the practice of drinking their blood": Hollywood elites use the blood of babies to get high according to Keanu Reeves, who warns that these people believe the more innocent the child, and the more it suffered before it died, the better the high.. Whats weird is that these kinds of right-wing conspiracy theories more typically arise when a Democrat is in the White Houseas in, for example, the militia movement of the 1990s, which faded in influence once George W Bush was elected, says Mark Fenster, professor of law at UF and author of Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture. 14. Thats it. This is a fact. Maybe the Olsen twins won't join the cast of Fuller House because they're scared Uncle Jesse will use their souls and smiles and twin power to keep himself preserved forever. They also claim that Hillary Clinton and former aide Huma Abedin were caught on tape ripping off a childs face, wearing it as a mask, and drinking the childs blood to obtain adrenochrome. Is collagen available on the grocery store shelves in Hollywood? Adrenachrome is a substance associated with adrenaline that may trigger psychotic episodes, by the way. There's no evidence at all that this gory procedure works, and only the babiest starting evidence that injecting platelets into the skin works at all against the appearance of aging. As interest in adrenochrome was first spiking in March, people were upset that celebrities and athletes seemed to have access to testing that others did not. The treated mice's performance was compared to young, 3-month-old mice, as well as old mice who had not received injections. (Full Article.). KYW-TV. A Drug to Treat Aging May Not Be a Pipe Dream. ), The drug that is allegedly produced from this adrenalized blood from infants that are murdered, is called Adrenochrome.. To their Yin of affordable housing, secure jobs and actual pensions, we seem to have the Yang of six-figure car garages for homes, gigs for jobs, and a retirement age that like a mirage on the horizon, seems to get further away the closer you get to it. Has anyone else considered this? Transformersdata models based on neural networkswill radically change how machines interact with us. (Watch his testimony here. Covid-19 is accelerating human transformation, Upgrade your work game with our Gear teams. According to Reeves, the number of Hollywood elites who engage in the ritual abuse of children and the practice of drinking their blood is not insignificant. Ed. For her husband, 69, it's testosterone. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Furthermore, Ihlas Holdings CEO Ahmet Mucahid Oren, worked on coordinating this project for almost a year. The COVID-19 vaccines can trigger fundamental changes to their child's immune system and can cause permanent damage in children's critical organs, including . According to Timothy Caulfield, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy at the University of Alberta, who studies misinformation, we're in a "golden age" of the stuff right now. Why Is Adrenochrome Having a Moment and What Can Be Done? We may earn a commission through links on our site. The conspiracy theory holds that this drug offers a psychedelic experience and even holds the promise of immortality for those who take it. This probably explains the presence of metabolized heroin (6-monoacetylmorphine) in the vial - one of the earlier users may have been consuming heroin. "Some of these guys carry around. "The hot and spirituous blood of the young man will pour into the old one as if it were from a fountain of youth, and all of his weakness will be dispelled," he claimed, in an account told in the. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994. Since its airing, many Turkish independent publishers began researching and covering this also, and there are still many of these videos on YouTube, such as this one which has no English translation, but pieces together known information about pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and the rich and famous people associated with him from U.S. corporate media sources. TGRT Habers motto is News And Nothing But News. TGRT News is available live 24 hours a day on both local cable and on the Digiturk platform. Was she a vampire slayer to keep the world safe or because there can only be one immortal soul-sucker in the world and she's the queen? Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Of the approximate 22 million people who watch news each day in Turkey 10 million watch TGRT Haber. In most modern cultures, mass murder and human sacrifice still takes place out in the open under the cover of warfare, while many argue that cannibalism also still takes place but behind closed doors. Close suggestions Search Search. This takes them to obscure, debunked publications or reports, as well as carefully curated collections of PDFs. In this recounting of the events around Innocent's blood consumption, the association of a Jewish physician with draining blood from Christians suggests that this entire procedure might have been a farce. I lived in Turkey for several years in the 1980s as a student of the Turkish language, and later as a Turkish translator for American NGO groups sending in medical support teams to the Kurdish refugee camps in northern Iraq from Turkey after the Gulf War in the early 1990s. The adrenochrome obsession shows just how hard it is to combat data voids. First of all, The 40-Year-Old Virgin was released 11 years ago. If they are doing something for you psychologically, you often need more and more of that to get your fix. These are all the aspects of ageing that have a common cause. That has to be it, right? A month later, adrenochrome documentaries began to emerge on YouTube, followed by many smaller copycat productions, helping form a searchable foundation for the current day conspiracy. The practice, known as parabiosis, is not as impossible as it seems - in 2016, a start up firm called Ambrosia started offering transfusions of "young plasma" for 6,000 a time. In 10 years, the only difference is that he's even more adorable without the ultra blonde highlights plus a scruffy beard. The world is obsessed with celebrities and it's OK to admit it. It's . Job hunting for neurodivergent people: 'AI recruitment means Ive got zero chance', Stacey Dooley investigates: 'After my third husband died, they strapped a suicide bomb to me', 'Why did my boyfriend die in a homeless hostel? Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. No, seriously, Will Smith. The important points here are that 1) Nobody involved in any such studies (which are still largely confined to rodents) is "ingesting" the blood of children -- the few research efforts using humans to date involved subjects' receiving infusions/transfusions of blood plasma, not drinking blood, and 2) Even the controversial Ambrosia trial used blood plasma donated by young adults, not "young children." How to Save Your Smartphones Battery Life, Spy Cams Reveal the Grim Reality of Slaughterhouse Gas Chambers. Obviously I know actors are people, that they aren't their actual characters, and that they age just like the rest of us, but it's seriously weird to see someone you watch every night before bed look utterly different. These are foundations of sustaining the hidden virality of otherwise baseless ideas. The theory suggests that liberal politicians and Hollywood "elites" are harvesting the blood of children to extract adrenochrome for its psychedelic and life-extending benefits. As the press review of this new Netflix drama reveals, this is NOT science fiction. New approaches to the biology of senescence can make lives longer and healthier. Lets explain what adrenochrome is, what QAnon wants you to believe it is, but is definitely not, and whats the harm in believing in such misinformation. (He initially conducted the trial with a physician who runs a private intravenous therapy center in Monterey, California, but later moved to sites in San Francisco and Tampa after a falling out between them.) Now: $14.99 "One thing we are rarely taught at school yet is evidenced in literary and historic texts of the time is this: James I refused corpse medicine; Charles II made his own corpse medicine; and Charles I was made into corpse medicine. Smize it up, Tyra Banks. View this post on. Site that peddles in shamelessly fictional clickbait reading and publishing site it was suggested the! Transformersdata models based on neural networkswill radically change how machines interact with us drain blood! To the biology of senescence can make lives longer and healthier mainstream social media akin mescaline! Of teenagers relative unimportance of adrenochrome, it & # x27 ; s right, folks of! Upgrade your work game with our Gear teams are Lining up to Ingest blood... 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