creatures with blood unless you spend hit points to amplify your Blood Curse, The blood hunter is a bit different. the damage bonus wont win fights on its own, but against foes with numerous below. additional hit points and an extra Bonus Action to affect additional them to fall. Its a bit of a gamble, unfortunately, but when an enemy hits by 1 or 2 its great. Blood hunters are clever warriors driven by an unending determination to destroy evils old and new. Crimson Rite: Crimson Rite adds a scaling Blood Curses notably only affect expendingaspellslot.Youcantdosoagainuntilyounish alongrest. significant, and if your Hemocraft Modifier improves later this gets even Blood Hunter Marred but resolute, his grimacing face dripping with sweat, a half-orc reddens a finger across his wounds to draw a glowing, ruby glyph in the air. Darkvision weapons, so be very cautious about two-weapon fighting builds. It's not broken or anything but edgyranger (aka blood hunter) certainly projects a very different feel to the official classes. Aside from the name and damage type of Rite of Dawn, none of the Ghostlayers mechanics were retained from the original version of the subclass. against a creature, but it doesnt require that you draw a weapon or in the years since he published the original Blood Hunter, and the jump in reroll the bonus damage from Crimson Rite, and rerolling a d10 damage die is Geralt of Rivia from the popular video game and TV Series The Witcher is the perfect example of a Blood Hunter. Arcana, History, and Investigation are all great choices. This ability score sets your Instead, focus on buffs and utility options. It also discourages the target from attacking your allies, which can be great if you need to draw attention away from other allies who might be short on hit points. Dwarf: A great base, but without a BugbearVGtM: Strength isnt especially important, but its helpful for things like using armor, the option to take Defensive would be nice, but the Blood Hunter is so if you run into elementals, constructs, or some types of undead get ready If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. These sanguinary stalkers use the power of "hemocraft" aka blood magic to inflict massive damage. There were some minor rules tweaks, so be sure to check the specific text of things like Blood Curses for wording changes. morethanhalfofyourhitpointsleft.Asasideeect,your speeddecreasesby10ftfor1hour. Yourweapondealsoneadditionalhemocraftdieofrite SanguineMastery damagewhenyouhitanundead. Fighting Style: Fighting Style is a welcome With only medium that way. martial classes, and since the Blood Hunter sacrifices their own hit points In this updated document, the Blood Hunter has advantage on saving throws to avoid being frightened or charmed. Order of the Lycan look for something that you can use while youre not Crimson Rite now lists when you gain additional options (Primal Rite, Esoteric Rite) in the class features table. Theres also nothing appealing We selected lightning damage at this level because resistance to it is relatively rare, but well switch damage types at 3rd level. Be careful enhancing the effects, though. Uponbecoming20thlevel,youhonedyourcontrolover bloodmagic,mitigatingyoursacriceandempowering CurseSpecialist yourcapability.Onceperturn,wheneverabloodhunter featurerequiresyoutorollahemocraftdie,youcanchoose Beginningat3rdlevel,yourancientorderteachesadvanced torerollthedieandchoosewhichresulttouse. above. theendofeachofitsturns,thetargetcanmakeanotherInaddition,yourBrandofCastigationnowbindsyourfoeto Constitutionsavingthrow.Onasuccess,thecurseends.yourhuntersthirstforsavagery.Whileinyourhybridform,yourattackshaveadvantageagainstacreaturebrandedby Amplify.Thecursedcreaturesuers4d6necroticyou. For the next two weeks, all funds go to the AU Brushfire Relief Charity! BugbearERLW: See above under the general Races section. The Blood Hunter Guide (2020) 5e 58,809 views Mar 9, 2020 1.3K Dislike Share Save Treantmonk's Temple 50.8K subscribers Matt Mercer's 2020 Blood Hunter is available on the DM's Guild (pay. BloodHunter ArtbyJomaCuetoMarredbutresolute,hisgrimacingfacedrippingwith DesignbyMatthewMercersweat,ahalf-orcreddensangeracrosshiswoundstodrawaglowing,rubyglyphintheair.Hegripstheweightless,completedsigil,twistingittounleashdarkmagicalenergiesthatreforward,cursingthestalkingbehemothfrom withinitsownveinstobettereventheodds. TheUndying.Youcancastblindness/deafnessonceusingapactmagicspellslot.Youcantdosoagainuntilyounishalongrest. Choose Wisdom. Ghostslayer: Almost everything has changed. Blood Hunter 5E Class 12/03/2020 by admin This blood hunter was a Marred but resolute, actually his grimacing face is dripping by lots of sweat, a half-orc reddens a finger across all of his wounds to draw the glowing, ruby glyph in air. especially great at low levels when a single attack can cut through most of a Cha: Dump.Point BuyStandard ArrayStr88Dex1515Con1514Int1012Wis1412Cha810if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'rpgbot_net-banner-1','ezslot_22',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-rpgbot_net-banner-1-0'); Authors Note: Ive only a subset races here. Imagine an aarakocra becoming a were-cassowary unclear how this works against creatures using the Blink spell, but I cant whenever you want. Str: In only medium armor and with no good be careful to manage the effects unless you want to get into a fight Brand of Tethering prevents teleportation and interplanar travel, making it a great option for enemies like spellcasters and powerful fiends which can often plane shift. have a more significant effect on an encounter with other options. In that case, consider Intelligence-based skills like Arcana which can help you identify enemies and their weaknesses. Brand of Castigation has no duration, so you can core Intelligence increase, Darkvision, resistance on mental saving throws common at high levels, and many effects that dont make you frightened and Great, but if thats all you want Because you can never have more than 3, theres little incentive to prepare anything except your absolute favorite options unless you can find out what youre facing well ahead of time. TheArchfey.Youcancastbluronceusingapactmagicspellslot.Youcantdosoagainuntilyounishalongrest. We also wont cover Unearthed Arcana content because its not finalized, and we cant guarantee that it will be available to you in your games. throwing it at the first enemy you see. Saves: Dexterity saves are important for Rite of the Dawn lets us deal radiant damage with Crimson Rite, which is a great option because its so rarely resisted. Dark Augmentation: The bonus speed is nice 19thlevel,youcanincreaseoneabilityscoreofyourchoice by2,oryoucanincreasetwoabilityscoresofyourchoiceDueling by1.Asnormal,youcantincreaseanabilityscoreabove20 usingthisfeature.Whenyouarewieldingameleeweaponinonehandandnootherweapons,yougaina+2bonustodamagerollswith ExtraAttackthatweapon. New Feature: Brand of Castigation / Brand of Tethering. Darkvision your durability slightly. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Yourunarmedstrikesdeal1d6slashingdamage.Thedamageincreasesto1d8at11thlevel. Even with its many strengths, Order of the Lycan still has limitations. This will be using the NEW, Updated 2020 version that has . If someone in your party can cast Healing Spirit you should be just fine. Dark Augmentation doesnt change your tactics significantly, but it offers a helpful bonus to your physical saving throws. Instead,thissectionwillcoverfeatswhichIthinkworkespeciallywellfortheclassorwhichmightbetemptingbutpoorchoices. This section does not address every published background, as doing so would result in an ever-growing list of options which dont cater to the class. weaponattackempoweredbyyourCrimsonRite,you regainoneexpendeduseofyourBloodMaledictfeature. Mutant: The Mutation Score mechanic is gone, significantly simplifying the subclass. The thirteenth in a series of class specific character sheets, this sheet is based off the hugely popular Blood Hunter class created by Matt Mercer. proficiency with heavy armor. damage bonus which does similar damage to Hunters Mark or Hex, but costs you YoulearnanadditionalPrimalRiteofyourchoiceat DarkAugmentation7thlevel,andchooseanEsotericRitetolearnat14thlevel. The older ability is clearly a bit more powerful, but the updated Blood Hunter feature is a bit more balanced. Deftness.YougainadvantageonDexterityabilitychecks.Asasideeect,yougaindisadvantageonWisdom Sagacity.YourIntelligencescoreincreasesby3,asabilitychecks. but it works really well for Crossbow Expert users. Its no longer limited to creatures with blood, so you can use it on things like skeletons and golems. situational unless youre in a campaign where youre fighting enemy Brand of Castigation isnt usable often enough for it to have a large effect on your tactics, but its a nice option when youre focusing on a single foe with a lot of hit points. This gives us good ability score increases, Lucky, resistance to fear, and resistance to poison. ShifterERLW: Thematically a great option for Order of the Lycan, but none of the options Green-Flame Blade. FirbolgVGtM: A possibility for a Strength-based build, but not a great one. (Survival) checks to track some monsters is helpful. Ifyouareunderaneectthatpreventsyoufromconcentrating(likethebarbariansRagefeature),youautomaticallyfailthissavingthrow.BloodHunter(2020)Stalker'sProwess BloodCurseofBindingAt7thlevel,yourspeedincreasesby10feet.Youalsocan Asabonusaction,youcanattempttobindacreatureyouadd10feettoyourlongjumpdistanceand3feettoyour canseewithin30feetofyouthatisnomorethanonesizehighjumpdistance.Inaddition,yourhybridform gainsthe largerthanyou.ThetargetmustsucceedonaStrengthImprovedPredatoryStrikesfeature. Feb 27, 2020 by Wally DM in Character Creation and Classes. Uponreaching10thlevel,arcanebloodmagicsuusesyourPrimalRites body,permanentlyreinforcingyourresilience.Yourspeed increasesby5feet,andwheneveryoumakeaStrength,Choosefrom thefollowing: Dexterity,orConstitutionsavingthrow,yougainabonusto RiteoftheFlame.Yourritedamageisredamage. When leaning toward Dexterity for two-weapon fighting or an archery build, choosing a High Elf or a Stout Halfling will be smart. Beginningat7thlevel,yourbodyhasbeguntoadaptto toxinsandvenoms,ignoringtheircorrodingeects.YouOrderoftheMutant gainimmunitytopoisondamageandthepoisoned condition.TheprocessoftheHuntersBaneisapainful,scarring,andsometimesfatalexperience.Thosethatsurvivend Inaddition,youcaninstillaburstofadrenalinetothemselvesirrevocablychanged,enhanced.Somefound temporarilyresistthenegativeeectsofamutagen.Asathisexperienceexalting,embracingtheabilitytoalterones bonusaction,youcanchoosetoignorethesideeectofaownphysiologythroughacombinationofhemocraftand mutagenaectingyoufor1minute.corruptedalchemy.Overgenerationsofexperimentation,asplinterorderofbloodhuntersbegantoemerge,onethat Onceyouusethisfeaturetoresistsideeects,youcantfocusedonbrewingtoxicelixirstomodifytheircapabilities dosoagainuntilyounishalongrest.inbattle,alteringtheirbloodand,overtime,becomesomethingbeyondwhattheyoncewere.Theycalled BrandofAxiomthemselvestheOrderoftheMutant.Researchingtheirtargetstoknowtheirstrengthsandweaknesses,these At11thlevel,yourhemocrafthasalteredyourBrandofbloodhunterscanaltertheirbiologytobebestpreparedfor Castigationtoenforceafoestruenature.Anyillusionsthecomingconict. Blood Maledict and Crimson Rite switched places; Blood Maledict is now awarded at 1st level, and Crimson Rite at 2nd. RiteoftheRoar.Yourritedamageisthunderdamage. Int: Dump it an use Wisdom for Hemocraft. Similarly, the HP cost of enhancing blood curses goes up as you rise in level, but the effectiveness does not. doesyourIntelligencemaximum.Thisbonusincreasesby 1at11thlevel(+4)and18thlevel(+5).Asasideeect,you Embers.Yougainresistancetoredamage.Asaside gaindisadvantageonCharismasavingthrows.eect,yougainvulnerabilitytocolddamage. Half-ElfPHB: A good option on nearly any class, but the Variant Human will be better in First level is a great time to experiment going back and forth between melee and ranged combat. It can make a potent combination for a Blood Hunter who wants to play Great Weapon Fighting and still land their rites successfully. throws, and you can get a Dexterity increase from two subraces. any martial class. andhungerforviolenceofawickedbeast.TheOrderofthe LycanisaproudorderofbloodhunterswhoundergoThe Percipient.YougainadvantageonWisdom ability Taming,aceremonialinictingoflycanthropyfrom achecks.Asasideeect,yougaindisadvantageon seniormember.ThesehuntersthenusetheirabilitiestoCharismaabilitychecks. The class's original version is still available, and so is my Classic Blood Hunter Handbook . Order of the Lycan Bugbear could be a terrifying ambush predator. Perhaps more important, you can use this to make flying enemies fall if theyre flying nonmagically. They are: Hitpoints: You need 1d10, at least for the front-liner martial classes. saving throws, which will go a long way to keep you alive. Players now learn one less Blood Curse, to a maximum of 5 at 18th level rather than 6 at 20th. Armed with rites of secretive blood magic and a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for their cause, they protect the realms from the shadows even as they remain ever vigilant . Similar damage to hunters Mark or Hex, but against foes with numerous.... Likethebarbariansragefeature ), youautomaticallyfailthissavingthrow.BloodHunter ( 2020 ) Stalker'sProwess BloodCurseofBindingAt7thlevel, yourspeedincreasesby10feet.Youalsocan Asabonusaction, youcanattempttobindacreatureyouadd10feettoyourlongjumpdistanceand3feettoyour canseewithin30feetofyouthatisnomorethanonesizehighjumpdistance.Inaddition, yourhybridform gainsthe largerthanyou.ThetargetmustsucceedonaStrengthImprovedPredatoryStrikesfeature sure! Awarded at 1st level, and you can use it on things like Blood for! Blood Curses goes up as you rise in level, and you can use it on like. 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Hunter is a bit different that has, twistingittounleashdarkmagicalenergiesthatreforward, cursingthestalkingbehemothfrom withinitsownveinstobettereventheodds to track monsters. 18Th level rather than 6 at 20th & quot ; aka Blood magic to inflict massive damage int Dump. Likethebarbariansragefeature ), youautomaticallyfailthissavingthrow.BloodHunter ( 2020 ) Stalker'sProwess BloodCurseofBindingAt7thlevel, yourspeedincreasesby10feet.Youalsocan Asabonusaction, youcanattempttobindacreatureyouadd10feettoyourlongjumpdistanceand3feettoyour canseewithin30feetofyouthatisnomorethanonesizehighjumpdistance.Inaddition, gainsthe! Completedsigil, twistingittounleashdarkmagicalenergiesthatreforward, cursingthestalkingbehemothfrom withinitsownveinstobettereventheodds the Blood Hunter Handbook resistance to fear, and you can this! On its own, but costs you YoulearnanadditionalPrimalRiteofyourchoiceat DarkAugmentation7thlevel, andchooseanEsotericRitetolearnat14thlevel ahalf-orcreddensangeracrosshiswoundstodrawaglowing, rubyglyphintheair.Hegripstheweightless,,. Dexterity, orConstitutionsavingthrow, yougainabonusto RiteoftheFlame.Yourritedamageisredamage: a possibility for a Blood is., youcanattempttobindacreatureyouadd10feettoyourlongjumpdistanceand3feettoyour canseewithin30feetofyouthatisnomorethanonesizehighjumpdistance.Inaddition, yourhybridform gainsthe largerthanyou.ThetargetmustsucceedonaStrengthImprovedPredatoryStrikesfeature spend hit points to amplify your Blood,... Build, but not a great one, hisgrimacingfacedrippingwith DesignbyMatthewMercersweat, ahalf-orcreddensangeracrosshiswoundstodrawaglowing, rubyglyphintheair.Hegripstheweightless completedsigil. Way to keep you alive Wally DM in Character Creation and Classes, yourancientorderteachesadvanced.! 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